Spinning Nick

By Lee McDougal

Published on Jun 4, 2003


Disclaimer: I don't know Nick Carter or any of the members of Backstreet Boys. I also don't know Daniel Bedingfield or anyone else in this story. This story is a work of fiction.

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Spinning Nick Chapter Eleven

The three guys were well pleased with the visit to the house, and were looking forward to spending more time there. Nick and Colin both had lovely thoughts of breaking in the new bedroom. The three walked back to the car, and drove the short distance back to Nick's house. AJ and Howie arrived 30 minutes later, and they all set down to eat the take out food that Nick had ordered when they first arrived back home.

"Howie and AJ, this is my boyfriend Colin and his friend James." Nick introduced them as the boys shook hands.

"It's really nice to finally meet you." AJ told them.

"Yeah, Nick has said nothing but good things about you." Howie confirmed.

"I hope I can live up to the things he's told you then." Colin said blushing.

The guys were both very friendly to the two of them, and were all talking like friends soon enough. AJ really got into talking about the music James and Colin were now working on, and Howie was curious about the song they were recording.

"Deja vu - I just told this story to Brian a few days ago." Colin replied to them.

"Really, I haven't heard it yet." Nick confessed.

All three guys listened carefully as Colin told about his high school crush that had inspired "Hold Me," and how he never actually dated anyone till after high school. That story was told a lot among his friends, because it was the start of his musical career and his personal coming out. Howie and AJ really appreciated hearing this very personal story.

"That's cool I guess, but it must have been hard to fall for someone that could never feel the same way." AJ commented.

"It really is. Next time you listen to the song, you will understand it more. It has a definite tone of sadness to it." Colin told them.

"I was like crying the first time I was trying to compose music to go with the words - I was the first person Colin told about his sexuality." James told them.

"Um, so are you gay, James?" AJ asked a question that even Nick wanted to ask.

"I'm actually bisexual. I don't usually talk about it though. I have dated mostly women in the past, and it's just not that big a deal to me." James told them.

"You guys have both shared a lot with us this evening, and we really appreciate it." Howie stated. Nods were shared around the room, and a few smiles broke out too. Nothing like life stories or confessions to bring people together. This of course left the stage wide open for the pop singers open for sharing their skeletons in their tour bus closet.

"I don't have anything to match your stories, but there was this one time that I got really drunk - and I swear I get so horny when I'm drunk. Well, I won't give you the gross details, but the next morning I had like five different girls in my bed. I was like `What the hell!' I'm really glad I quit drinking." AJ told them.

Laughs were shared and then an evil gleam came from Nick's eyes. "Hey Howie, tell them about your fist time." Nick said.

"You are beyond evil Nick. I can't tell them that story!" Howie protested.

Howie's first time was like straight out of an American Pie movie. His face turned several shades of red as he referred to his failed attempts at sex. He had prematurely ejaculated twice, before he finally got it right. But lucky for her, his third try was a charm!

The guys really enjoyed hanging out, and friendships were starting to build between them. Nick was very pleased to see that all the guys have gotten along with Colin thus far. Only one person was left to meet Colin - Kevin. They would be meeting him and Brian at the mall in a couple hours. Nick could only guess how Kevin might react, but he was sure he'd be the tough cookie. Kevin had given Nick a hard time when he was dating Brian, and was afraid the same might happen again.

AJ and Howie left about an hour before the other guys were meeting them at the mall. James and Colin decided to do a little work on a song, and Nick was happy to help them by being an audience. Nick's smile during the process of going over their new song, "Love Songs," was very inspiring, and it had James playing better knowing that Colin's voice was more upbeat than usual.

Love is so much more than anyone can ever know Love is so much more than anyone can ever show Love is an adventure that could never be sold Love is a river that could never go dry

Chorus: Love is not something that you can fit in a song. Love is something so much more than you can own. So why does so many people try to trap it by their words? No, it can't be told in some silly love song.

Love is a prayer that changes a life Love is a child and his first smile Love is an angel crying for the lost Love is a castle too mighty to fall

Repeat chorus

Love is living when hope is gone Love is believing that life is so much more Love is a hope that survives when you're gone Love is believing that the heart lives on

Repeat chorus

Don't sing to me silly love songs. Don't break my heart with your lies. Just hold me near tonight my love. Don't let me live alone on love songs.

The song ended and Nick could feel the hurt that Colin was going through. He could only imagine what that last chorus had been about. But he went to Colin and held him near.

Colin didn't tell him what the song was written about, and the truth is he wasn't sure himself. Perhaps in some way he had channeled every disappointment in his life into emotions, and that's what came out. Or perhaps it was just the hearts natural fear of being broken.

Nick comforted him, and their love seemed to grow more that day. The more Nick learned about Colin's heart the more he was sure they were the perfect match. Colin was having much the same thoughts about Nick. Nick seemed to know just how to hold him when he needed it, and to kiss him just when he wanted it - which was just that moment actually. The two shared a nice loving kiss.

"So we agree that this song is a keeper?" James asked.

"I like it, and it seems to have an emotional attachment with it." Nick commented

"Yeah, I think I must have channeled a broken heart when I wrote that song." Colin told them.

"Well, since you have such emotions running through you when you sing it, it really adds to the vocals. I wish we could have recorded it." Nick stated.

"Actually we did record it. I had a tape recorder right beside me. It's not as good as recording studio, but it will help to remember the flow of things." James said.

James played the song back, and Nick and Colin just held each other. Without the emotional attachment it was almost romantic. There were certainly a few points that still made Colin let out a single tear or two. Nick was also getting into the emotions of it all.

It wasn't too long after that Colin and the rest had to meet the guys at the mall. Colin was looking forward to seeing Brian again, and was glad that after meeting Kevin that he would have officially met all the Backstreet Boys.

The boys pulled into the mall and spotted Brian's car. They pulled in and parked beside him. Kevin and Brian exited the car when they recognized the other car for Nick's. The guys all shook hands as introductions were made once more.

"Hello, I'm Kevin. It's nice to meet you." Kevin offered to James.

"Nice to meet you as well, I'm James." James replied.

"And you must Colin?" Kevin asked, offering his hand.

"Yes, it's nice to meet you, Kevin." Colin shook his hand.

Colin wasn't sure but there seemed to be a little aggression in Kevin's hand shake. And the smile on Kevin's face was more than a little fake looking. Nick gave Colin a rub on the shoulder, as if he sensed something was in the air as well. But for now they were off to shop.

Nick had dyed his hair a dark brown, and was wearing very casual clothing-old jeans and a baggy tee-shirt. No one would pick him out to be Nick Carter at all. At most, someone might think he's a look alike, so Colin and Nick felt free to hold hands there in the mall. They kept it low profile by keeping in the middle of the other guys - so someone would have to squint and stare hard to see their hands together.

Kevin seemed to not notice them holding hands - or if he did, he didn't mind. Brian, however, noticed and smiled at them. James was walking on the other side of Brian, and was chatting with Kevin about everyone's common interest of music. They all decided to go into a clothing store first. Nick and Colin separated hands whenever going into a store - due to larger crowd, it was just not as safe there. They would, however, stay pretty close, so they could help each other pick out outfits.

After a productive clothes shopping trip the boys moved on to a furniture store. Nick wanted to pick out a house warming gift for Colin, even though the house wasn't officially theirs yet. Colin thought it was sweet, so he wasn't going to argue with him.

Kevin and Brian went to look at beds, stating that Kevin wanted something more comfortable to sleep in when he stayed at Brian's house. Nick and Colin were just starting to look at dinning room tables, when someone spotted them. A very handsome man strolled up and grabbed Colin up and hugged him.

"Hello, Colin. I didn't think I'd see you here." Daniel Bedingfield stated.

"Um, hello Daniel. I could say the same about you. What are you doing in Orlando?" Colin asked.

"I am doing a show here. I'm glad you're in town. I really wanted to see you again." Daniel said as he went in for a kiss.

Daniel's lips had barely touched his before Colin was drug into Nick's arms. "Um, slow down tiger. Colin is already taken." Nick told him.

"Nick Carter, is that you?" Daniel asked.

"Yes, and you were just kissing my boyfriend. But I know that Colin wasn't able to tell you about me, so I'll overlook it this one time." Nick said trying to be nice, but certainly warning him to.

"Ah, well I'm sorry. I knew you were gay, Colin, because of the song and everything - and I thought you were still single because you never mentioned anyone. I'm really embarrassed." Daniel said blushing.

"It's okay man! But you really should think about exposure for yourself, kissing in a mall isn't exactly good for your fan base." Colin joked.

"I guess your right, but I just felt drawn to you I guess. Well, let me make this up to you both. I'll take you guys out to dinner tonight? If it's okay with you Nick." Daniel asked.

"That'd be great. Colin had told me you guys were friends, and if he considers you a friend, then I want you to be my friend too - just as long as you keep your lips away from him." Nick joked.

"I'll be on my best behavior." Daniel promised.

Daniel excused himself shortly after that, and Nick and Colin picked out a bed. They were walking up to purchase the bed when Kevin ran up to them.

Little did they know, Kevin had seen the whole scene with Daniel, but from his point of view it appeared as though Daniel and Colin had kissed, then Nick just pulled Colin in for an embrace-as if they were all comfortable with the situation.

"I saw you kissing that guy, Colin, and then you Nick taking him in your arms. What kind of sick relationship do you have going on?" Kevin asked.

"Our relationship is none of your damn business, Kevin, and I will not listen to you yelling at me or my lover." Nick said taking Colin's hand and practically dragging him out of the store. It was a good thing Nick was not looking like himself, because he managed to drag him past quite a few people.

Colin and Nick wandered around till they met James where he had told them he was going to meet them. Colin told him the short version of Kevin starting a fight with them, and they wanted to go. Nick called Brian on his cell phone to inform him that he was going home early. Brian knew something was up, but Nick couldn't tell him yet. They agreed to talk about it later.

Colin was upset, but Nick did his best to comfort him. And Colin soon did the same for Nick. They both were in a fix with Kevin, and they both wanted to settle it as soon as possible. Talking to him now wouldn't do any good though, because they were both still fresh with anger. Kevin didn't know what he was talking about. That kiss didn't mean anything to Colin, and Nick had every right to hold Colin.

That night Brian called Nick.

"Hello." Nick answered.

"So what happened today at the mall?" Brian asked.

"Well, it's a long story, but the short of it is Kevin walked over to where we were looking at beds at a very bad time." Nick said.

"Oh my gosh! You two weren't trying out the merchandise were you?" Brian teased.

"No, but it was almost as bad. Remember me telling you about Daniel Bedingfield buying one of Colin's songs?" Nick asked.

"Yes, but what does he have to do with anything?" Brian inquired.

"You see, Colin and he had spent some time together talking about the song, and doing his radio show. They became friends. And since Colin isn't able to tell people about us, Daniel didn't know we were together." Nick said.

"Hmmm. This isn't sounding too good." Brian commented.

"I know! And low and behold, Daniel is gay. And Colin being the stud that he is had Daniel to come onto him right in front of me - and apparently Kevin. Well, when I saw what happened I pulled Colin away from him, and told him what's what." Nick told him.

"Wow that had to have sucked. You don't think Colin likes him do you?" Nick asked.

"No, I'm sure Colin doesn't like Daniel that way. Colin was like floored by the situation. He actually cried when he got home this evening, because he was afraid he hurt me." Nick told him.

"Colin is too good to be true, man! I really do like the guy. So, how did Kevin take it?" Brian asked.

"He was furious, he apparently thinks we are all three getting down and dirty together. I'm so angry with the way he yelled at us, that I don't think I can talk to him now." Nick stated.

"I can totally understand that. Would you like me to talk to him?" Brian asked.

"If you think it will help." Nick answered.

So it was settled that Brian would try to calm Kevin down, but Colin was almost sure that things with Kevin were going to be rocky for a time to come. Colin really did cry about the Daniel thing once it had time to sink in. He felt bad like he had cheated on Nick in some way, and that he had somehow unconsciously led Daniel on. But Nick was an amazing boyfriend that evening, telling him everything was fine. Nick knew that Colin would never intentionally hurt him, because Nick's heart and Colin's beat at the same rate at that moment. The two breathed in and out at the same pace. They were becoming one, and Nick and Colin both were happy to be together.

To be Continued

Well, I'm glad to see you made it through another chapter of my story. Seems like there's going to be a little drama with Kevin, but Nick and Colin seem to have everything in perspective at least. Will Daniel give up on Colin so easily?

Once again thanks to Randy for editing my story.

Notes: And for anyone who reads this and X-sync both, I would like to formally state that I am no longer involved in that project. The author has already done things with my character that I don't approve of, and most likely will continue on with that. I don't want to cause trouble, so I will let him use Bluestreak to whatever ends he sees fit. But the Lee in that story, is most certainly not me!

Next: Chapter 12

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