Spinning Nick

By Lee McDougal

Published on May 18, 2003


Disclaimer: I don't really know Nick Carter, or any other celebrities that might want to jump in this tale. Though, some of the names are of actual people, the personalities and situations are all made up.

Thanks for coming back for chapter 4. This starts a new portion of the plot, and if you made it this far...you might as well keep going!!! Please send your thoughts to leo1980@pride.com

Spinning Nick Chapter Four DJ, what do you want? DJ, what do you need? DJ, who will it be? DJ, the time is near...

Tuesday was when Colin really started to realize what had happened in the last few days. He held Nick's email address in his hand as he wondered if Nick really would come back to town someday. Or if he'd even get any emails Colin wrote him. He didn't have much time to worry over this, because he had a show to do.

"All right everyone, I'm glad you could all tune in today. I'm happy to report that our last mystery guest went over so well, that we will be having another mystery guest on next Monday's show. Just like last time, we can't reveal who, but we hope you'll tune in to find out. We will also be giving away the Nick Carter CD to the lucky 10th caller. So start dialing those digits!" Colin said before he hit the button for the music to start playing.

After informing the other 9 callers they were close, and encouraging them to try again. Colin was glad to answer the 10th call. "Hello you're on WLAM" Colin said as he came back from the end of the song.

"What caller am I?" An excited boy asked.

"Your caller 10, you just won Nick Carter's cd. Congratulations." Colin told him.

"Wow, thanks man!" The boy screamed.

"Hold on and we'll get your information, and have your cd out to you today." Colin informed him. With, a push of a couple buttons the caller was transferred to the business department.

"Well, as I've been saying all along, even guys like Nick Carter...So let's all get into our next song." Colin said before starting "Help Me" to start playing. Colin was very glad to find out that Jive had sent him an official letter stating that he had permission to premiere Nick's new single that Friday. It was the first exclusive WLAM was offered in a while. Apparently the interview went better than Colin had thought. Nick's album sales were up, and his single was rising as well. Colin hoped that the trend would carry on to the other cities soon.

Next weeks guest was not as famous as Nick, but Colin was sure it would be a good show all the same. Daniel Bedingfield was the artist that had done Colin's favorite song (of the moment anyway) "Gotta Get Thru This". He was going to be in town doing some promotion work, and as it turns out his people had heard the Nick interview. They had thought Colin's style would be a great match for what they had going that week.

Mr. Smith was informed and he was pleased, and gave Colin a keep up the good work pat on the back. Colin was glad of this, but the bonus he got when he received his check was a lot sweeter.

That night Colin emailed Nick. He wasn't sure what would come of it, but he knew it was worth a shot. The worst thing that could happen is he would get a robotic sounding response, or that the address wasn't even good.

Hey Nick,

I hope you're having fun on your tour. I really enjoyed meeting you, and the interview was fun. My show got the most ratings for that time slot, than, well...ever! I got a big bonus, and I really need to give thanks to Bruce and Wayne too. If they hadn't built up the suspense it wouldn't have gone over as well.

But it was you that kept them there. The fans really loved your concert, and they keep calling in to say so. But I'm sure you get that all the time. I guess what I really want to say is, thanks! It was a really great weekend, and for once Monday was even good!

I'm going to hold you to your word; if you come back to town I want you to call me. My number is 907-555-3848. And you can always reach me this way too.

Good luck with your travels,


Colin made sure to include his number, just in case Nick had not kept his number. With that sent it was now up to Nick on whether they would be communicating back and fourth. Chances are Nick would be too busy to write back anyway, so Colin didn't get his hopes up. Or at least he tried not to get his hopes up...After all how many times does a guy get an offer of friendship from someone they really admire?

Now, Colin had to attend to another issue. Namely, he had to call David. He wasn't sure what to expect, but he knew the sooner the better.

The phone rang, and David answered after the fourth ring. "Hello." David said.

"Hey Dave, how's it going man?" Colin said.

"Pretty good, I missed your call yesterday." David said sounding calm.

"Yes, I sort of forgot to tell you I had plans last night." Colin answered.

"Oh I see. Well, it's not like we have a written contract that we have to talk every day!" David said being a little too cheery.

"I guess your right. Aren't you going to ask me where I was?" Colin was hoping to push the conversation along.

"Not really. I actually think it best I not know." David said.

"What do you mean?" Colin said confused

"It's pretty obvious to me that you are not ever going to move forward with our relationship, and I'm not going to waste another year on following you around like a lost puppy." David informed him.

"What do you mean by that? Waste a year? I've never asked you to not see other people. I thought we were having fun hanging out together." Colin answered.

"It was fun, too much fun really. I love you Colin, and you don't love me. Last night when you didn't call, or return my calls...I knew it. I can't be with you, and I never will be able to." David was crying on the other end of the phone. And Colin soon was too.

"I'm sorry David. I never meant to hurt you." Colin told him honestly.

"I know, but it doesn't make it any easier. I think...I think we shouldn't hang out anymore, at least for a while." Even David could not believe what was stated.

After many tears fell on both sides of the line, the phone call ended. Colin was very upset. He had hurt the guy that he cared most about in the world. Lovers are great, but best friends are something you can't replace. All this over one missed phone call...Colin wished he could change things. He wanted so badly in that moment to love David the way he wanted and deserved to be loved. But as they say...One cannot chose whom they love.

Soon after that Colin made himself walk to the computer. He thought maybe doing some work would take his mind off of David. He began to research Daniel and come up with some angles to use in the interview. After working on that for an hour or so he decided to check his email.

He had one email from the address he had emailed Nick at. Colin's heart raced as he clicked on the subject. He read it and almost cried...this was what he had feared most. It was a very generic robotic reply. There was no chance that Nick had actually written it. It didn't even have Colin's name in it.

"Great, I lost my best friend for someone that can't even answer his own emails." Colin cursed Nick and himself.

Feeling the disgust of the world Colin saved his work, and headed towards his bed. He lay in bed and tossed and turned. He couldn't find any comfort that night. He thought about David and the sounds of his cries. He thought of meeting Nick, and that email he had received. He could not find any peace tonight. Colin only prayed tomorrow would bring something better.

Colin's day was better than his night, but that wasn't hard to top after all. He managed to get through the show with out showing his depressed state of mind. Colin pulled off a happy go lucky guy, and thought he should have gotten an actors fee for that day. Colin gave Mr. Smith a copy of his notes for the interview, and Mr. Smith was very pleased with it.

After work Colin drove home hoping to have gotten a call from David...hoping maybe David had changed his mind, and realized their friendship is more important than a lover. But he realized if he was in the opposite situation, he might feel the same way.

There were no messages from David, and the phone would not ring that night. But when David went to check his email...He came across two very interesting things.

The first was an email from an old friend in Nashville. James was someone Colin had gone to high school with. They had been pretty close, and had shared a passion for music. Colin would spend many hours listening to James play his guitar, and sometimes he'd even make up words to the music. At one point they decided to write some songs, and see if they could make it big. They moved to Nashville since it was the closet music city, and did what they could. Colin eventually had to give up on that dream, and moved back to his home town. But James was still there. The email went like this.

Hey Colin,

You'll never believe this man, but after all this time one of our songs are about to be bought. A big record label is bargaining with my manager, but we can't go forward with the deal till you come out here. I know your working at the radio station, but maybe you could come down this weekend. We really need to get this deal worked out. With any luck, we could both be very wealthy someday soon.

Hope to hear from you soon,


Colin was really happy to hear from his old friend, and was shocked to hear one of his songs was about to be bought. He wondered what song it was. He typed up a quick reply asking for more information, and stating that he'd be down that weekend.

The other email was from Nick...this time the real Nick. Colin was very happy to see this, and started to think maybe things were looking up.

Hey Colin,

I hope you didn't think I was blowing you off with that generic email. I have an automatic system that I turn on when I can't answer my emails. I try to check them as often as I can, but sometimes I get behind. I am glad you wrote me, and that you enjoyed hanging out with me. I'm sure we will get a chance to do so again. Feel free to send me another email sometime soon, but I might not be able to answer till Friday night. I have a full week. Maybe I'll call you then, if you don't mind. It's just much better to be able to talk that way, so you don't have to wait so long for a response.

Congratulations on the show, I was happy to help, and it helped me too. I will definitely use your station again in the future, especially if you are still working there. It was probably one of the more enjoyable interviews I've ever done.

Keep in touch,


Colin read the email at least five times to make sure he had read it right. Nick Carter might be calling him this weekend. He wrote a quick response stating he'd be available Friday to talk on the phone, and that he'd send a longer email later. He would have to forward his calls to his cell phone though, since he'd be driving to Nashville.

Colin's rotten week was finally starting to look up, and that night he found his bed much more agreeable. He was soon wrapped in the comforting arms of sleep. He had nothing but good dreams that night.

Where would life take Colin Next? He could only guess at the many things to come.

To be Continued

A little drama there...but a little never hurt anyone. Surprises are showing up too, and I think there will be more to come. Anyone figured out a pattern with this story? If you can find it...email me at leo1980@pride.com Let me know what you think of the story so far.

Next: Chapter 5

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