Spinning Nick

By Lee McDougal

Published on May 22, 2003


Disclaimer: I do not know Nick Carter or Daniel Bedingfield. I don't know anyone famous that may appear in this story, but for the fun of it... celebrity names have been used for a couple of the characters. Nick Carter may be gay in this story, but in real life he's probably straight. If anyone's slept with Nick, you can email me to confirm his sexuality. LOL!

Thanks for coming back for this installment of my story. Lot's of cool things are just around the corner, so don't stop reading now. Comments and questions are welcome at leo1980@pride.com

Spinning Nick Chapter 5

DJ, can we still be friends? DJ, will you remember me? DJ, I know you meant well. DJ, this is how it goes...

Colin's weekend was a blast. He got to spend Sunday celebrating with Nick and James. They went shopping and bought some new outfits, and a few cds. It was funny to see that all three had similar musical tastes.

Nick and Colin had talked a lot since their first kiss, and both wanted to be more than friends...but they weren't sure how it could work out right now. After a while they both agreed that they wanted to try, but realistically they couldn't promise much. But Colin was happy with it all the same. For the first time in a long time, he was totally attracted to someone again. Nick was so sexy, and his personality was just the right mixture of playful and serious. And the boy could kiss too! Colin had to watch himself before he fell too fast. Colin had to wait and see if they could come up with a solution to the many challenges that lied ahead.

Nick would be heading off to another city that evening, and Colin would have to head back home. Colin after much persuasion from Nick and James both...had agreed to pursue the music career. He had obligations though, and James was fine with him staying at the station till a replacement was found.

Colin felt strange that as soon as his job had started to improve both money wise, and with respect from his boss...that he'd have to leave it soon. His boss was not happy with this, but he was still very supportive. Mr. Smith was especially happy that Colin would stay till a replacement was found. Colin's head was swimming, but he knew he had to pull it together for the interview that was about to take place.

"Hello everyone today's surprise guest is non-other than Daniel Bedingfield." Colin made the announcement.

"Hello America!" Daniel yelled with his accent.

"It's great to have you here Daniel. What is it like to have a number one single here in the states?" Colin asked him.

"It's crazy! When I first heard the remix of `Gotta Get Through This' I knew it was going to be a dance favorite, but I never knew it would be this big." Daniel stated.

"Well it certainly is a success story. I have listened to your album and I must say this song is unique from the rest of the songs." Colin stated.

"That's true, there was a lot of speeding up my voice on the remix, and the rest of the album is a lot more raw." Daniel responded.

"Right, and I noticed a lot of your songs deal with love. In many cases unrequited love, is there are a story there?" Colin asked.

"Not really. I mean everyone gets their heart broke at least once. Most of my songs are written about someone I've just seen on the street, and start thinking about what could be. I guess I'm a romantic." Daniel said.

"That's great, there aren't enough romantics these days. So what song will be coming out next?" Colin asked.

"My next single is `If you're not the One'. It's a lot slower than the previous song, but it's really gone over well at shows. We just shot the video, and it looks great." Daniel answered.

"Awesome, that was one of my favorite songs. I also really love James Dean. Do you think this might be a single?" Colin asked.

"I hope so, it's a bloody fun song to do, and it would be in a similar vain to `Gotta Get Through This'." Daniel stated.

"I'm sure it would be a hit." Colin responded. "Thanks for your time Daniel, and we hope you will come back to WLAM next time your in town."

"I'll make sure to do that. And for all the fans that were at my show last night, thanks for your support!" Daniel stated as they went to break.

"Thanks a lot Daniel; it was really nice meeting you." Colin said.

"Your welcome, I've heard nothing but good things about your interview with Nick Carter...So I really wanted to check you out. I am pleased." He said smiling.

"Well, I'm sure anyone could have asked the same things." Colin replied.

"Not everyone, you'd be surprised how many people that didn't even realize my cd was out already. They thought I only had one song, the way they talked." Daniel told him.

"That's terrible; your work is very good. I'm sure you'll do well." Colin said as he saw Daniel smile.

"Thanks, I really appreciate that from someone that's been making such a buzz in the music business." Daniel shot back.

"What are you talking about?" Colin asked shocked.

"Jive isn't the only company looking at your work. Actually, everyone in the business is talking about this new gold mine of songs. And many of them are very upset that Jive found you first." Daniel said.

"This is too much...I wrote those songs years ago." Colin said disbelieving the situation again.

"Believe it or not, but I've already got my manager going after one of your songs in particular, that Jive didn't buy-`Blue Eyes'." Daniel spoke those two last words and Colin's hands hit his face.

Colin hadn't thought about that song in so long...he had written it about a week before he had left Nashville with his boyfriend Peter. Colin had met Peter while attending a gay church there in Nashville. The song was about Peter, his now dead lover.

"What's wrong?" Daniel asked feeling worried.

"Nothing, it's just...That song was written about my boyfriend. He died a couple years ago." Colin replied.

"I'm so sorry...I didn't know it was such a personal song. I just knew it was a lovely ballad." Daniel told him.

"It's okay. I'm glad you like it. I just, well, I haven't thought of that song since before he died." Colin confessed.

"Well, if you don't want me to record it...I'll tell my manager to back off." Daniel offered.

"No...actually I think your voice would be perfect for that song, and I want it to be recorded for Peter. It's the last thing I can see done for his memory." Colin said firmly.

"I will be honored to do it. Now that I know some more about the song, I think I like it even better than before." Daniel said with yet another smile. Colin was really started to get used to those smiles. He knew Daniel must have been quite the ladies man.

"Thanks, I will get in touch with my manager to set up an appointment for as soon as we are both available." Colin agreed.

"No rush, after all it's still a while before I officially start work on my new album, but I appreciate your promptness, because after all I don't want the song going to a boy band." Daniel joked.

"No, we wouldn't want that." Colin said as Daniel gave him a small hug before leaving the studio.

Colin wasn't sure how he got through the rest of the show, but he made it somehow. Knowing that the only mutual friend in town of his and Peter's was actually David...Colin threw caution to the wind and called him after the show was over. He only got the answering machine.

"David, I know you probably don't want to hear from me, but you're my best friend...and I don't have anyone else here to share this with. So much has happened since we last talked. I went to Nashville this weekend, and James and I have sold some of our songs. And get this; Daniel Bedingfield wants to use `Blue Eyes' on his next album. That was Peter's song. I just need to talk to you again James." David said hanging up.

David was in fact home, and had heard every word said. He stared dumbly at the phone not knowing what to do. He had news to tell Colin as well, but he wasn't sure if he could trust himself around David again so soon.

"Hello?" Colin answered a ringing phone an hour later.

"Hi Colin, this is David." A familiar voice told him.

"David, I'm so glad you called." Colin stated happily.

"Listen, I know you must be going through a lot...so I thought I owed you that much. I'm very happy that your music has been discovered after all this time." David said.

"Thank you, I really appreciate that." Colin said cautiously sensing the other foot was about to drop.

"But, I'm not ready to be your friend again. I just need some time to get over all this mess. I truly hope you do well, and if you move off to Nashville or whatever make sure to send me a postcard. No matter what I want you to stay in touch. Okay?" David asked.

"Of course, I would never leave without letting you know where I was going." Colin told him.

"Thanks, and there's one other thing I have to tell you. I'm dating someone." David told him.

"Really, that's great! Anyone I know?" Colin asked.

"Yes, I'm dating Eric." David said. Eric was a mutual friend of theirs that had always seemed to have a crush on David. But David had never really paid him any real attention back. Colin smiled at the fact that David had someone there for him the whole time.

"That's cool I always knew that Eric liked you." Colin confessed.

"Yes, I guess I did too, but I was too busy chasing you to let it sink in. But I'm really happy now, and I hope you will be too." David told him honestly.

"If you're happy, I'm sure I will be too." Colin fought the urge to tell David about Nick. He thought it might be too early to talk about. He didn't know for sure what mental state David was in.

That night after the phone called finished, Colin lay on the couch waiting for Nick's call. He knew it would be late, since Nick had a show that night...but he really needed to talk to him. He had left a message on Nick's cell phone, and Nick had promised to check it at least once a day...it was one of the things they promised each other in the forming of their relationship.

"Hello Nick." Colin answered the phone.

"Hello sexy...So what's all this about Daniel Bedingfield recording your song?" Nick asked.

"Apparently Jive's purchasing of the songs has caused a lot of attention from the other labels, and some of them are trying to buy some songs. Daniel really liked my song `Blue Eyes' and when I told him the story behind it...He really wanted to record it." Colin told him.

"So what is the story?" Nick asked as his curiosity was rising.

"It was written about Peter...Peter was my boyfriend that died two years ago." Colin told him.

"I'm sorry to hear that. It must be a good song?" Nick asked.

"I think so, and it meant a lot to Peter and me." Colin said...then after Nick begged enough Colin sang the song for him.

Something started the moment I saw you, and I hope it never ends.

My heart raced when you smiled my way, and I moved your way.

I could just tell that whatever the past my life was about to begin.

I knew you were the one I needed, and so I gladly say...

Your blue eyes...are calling me.

Making my heart bleed...

Saying you're my fantasy.

Baby blue eyes are calling me.

Turned my brain into a whirl of emotional bliss...

I couldn't believe the way your hand fit mine.

The look on your face when we shared our first kiss...

I knew you were the one I needed, and that's just fine...

Your blue eyes...are calling me.

Making my heart bleed...

Saying you're my fantasy.

Baby blue eyes are calling me.

Such a love could never be,

Such a life I could never live.

Such a love could never be...

Such a life I long to live!

Your blue eyes...are calling me.

Making my heart cease to bleed...

You're my loving fantasy.

Baby blue eyes are healing me...

Baby your blue eyes are calling me.

"That was so beautiful." Nick told Colin who was now crying on the other end of the line. Nick felt the need to be there for him so heavy on his heart.

"Thank you and I'm glad I could share it with you." Colin told him.

"I only wish I would have heard it first, now Daniel will be the lucky guy to sing it." Nick said.

"Maybe someday I'll write a song especially for you." Colin offered as his tears subsided.

"I would be honored. I think I need to be with you Colin...No I know I do." Nick confessed.

"I know...but how. Don't you have shows the rest of the week?" Colin asked.

"Damn it." Nick said as he was looking through his schedule. "My next off day isn't till Thursday."

"We can wait that long. Where will you be then?" Colin asked.

"With you, Nick replied." He never told Colin what city he would be in the day before, but he was glad Nick would be coming.

The two both really needed some time to make this relationship work...And finding it would certainly be a challenge.

To Be Continued

Well that was certainly interesting. Will Nick and Colin find a way to make this work? Will Daniel Bedingfield record Colin's song? Will there be a Chapter seven to this story? Only time will tell...but the "To be Continued" always gives me hope there is more to come. Email me at leo1980@pride.com

Next: Chapter 7

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