Splash in the Pool

Published on Aug 7, 2006




Jack Scribe

Warning:  The following story contains graphic descriptions of sex between consenting adult males. If you are underage or do not wish to read such materials, or if reading this sort of material is illegal in your jurisdiction, then read no further. This multipart story is entirely fictional, and any resemblances to actual persons are completely coincidental.

Special acknowledgements to Brad from Denver for providing diligent proofing and editing of the story, and to Carey for being a patient teacher.

If you have any comments or suggestions for the author, feel free to write me at jack.scribe@gmail.com. I love feedback. Support Nifty!


From Part 6,

Yes, I thought, there could be something special he could do. However, I replied, "Dave, just to let you know, I usually come out here just before closing and after the kids are gone to do some lap swimming for daily exercise." Feeling my cock stirring in my khaki pants, I did a brief wave, smiled and immediately turned away to walk back to the clubhouse before my body signaled my feelings of interest in this hunky lifeguard. Thank God that baggy, pleated Navy officer's pants are the regulation.

'Slow down, Mike,' I thought to myself as I left the pool and walked through the patio that would be serving lunch to around 100 officers, wives and their guests in about an hour. 'Thinking that way about an enlisted man, no matter how hot, could get me into serious shit!'



The rest of the morning progressed fairly normally. The Admiral's Chief Steward, a distinguished African American with short, snow-white hair, had indeed called about the ten cases of Far Niente Chardonnay from California. I arranged for the Club Officer at the North Island Naval Air Station in San Diego/Coronado to buy the wine directly from the winery. On a scheduled Naval Air Reserve flight between the two bases, the Admiral's wine would find its way into the cargo hold on the plane. Once in Memphis, NAS Ops would transport the wine to the Club Storeroom. Seemed like a long way going around the horn to save $500.00. 'What was I, a commissioned bootlegger?' I chuckled about the petty larceny. 'Is this how Leona Helmsley started out?'

I checked with Jimmy, the storeroom clerk. The wine, indeed, had come in yesterday on a Reserve training flight. With that knowledge, I asked Marge to relay the information to Chief Williams at the Admiral's quarters. Speaking of the two-star, there was a message from Mrs. Clifton, the Admiral's wife, to call her about some upcoming social event with which she was involved. Since she wore three-stars unofficially, I called the residence after running through the weekend sales and payroll reports that Marge had finished.

Chief Williams answered the phone. "Admiral Clifton's residence, Williams speaking," he said in a soft distinguished voice that projected quiet authority.

"Good morning, Chief, this is Ensign Cole. I'm returning Mrs. Clifton's call. Is she available?"

"Yes, Sir. I'll connect you immediately. By the way, thanks for the speedy delivery of the California cargo," he said in a conspiratorial tone. We both knew better than to plain-speak our involvement in the alcohol contraband. "I'll send Juan up with a truck tomorrow." Juan was one of three house Stewards assigned to the residence.

"My pleasure, Chief." Waiting for Mrs. Clifton, I thought about the various levels of political manipulation that were involved in this job. From the Admiral and staff, his wife, the base C.O., the key department heads and their dependents, and the uniformed junior staff. This was a pretty heady experience for a guy one year out of college.

I also thought about the new lifeguard. 'What a fucking prime grade AAA man!  Dave was really...'

"Mike, thanks for calling me back so soon," Mrs. Clifton said as she picked up the phone, "I was just about ready to go to Memphis for a lunch with Mrs. Crumpt at the Crescent Club." The Crumpts were one of the leading Memphis social families.

She continued, "Louise Crumpt is chairman of the Carnival Memphis next month. She has a problem that I think you can help solve."

"Mrs. Clifton, let me know how I can help," I replied, knowing that this was going to be big on the favor payback hit list.

"Louise doesn't have enough single gentlemen to escort the Carnival Memphis Princess's Court to all the festivities at the end of the month. She needs five more men to fill this role. Do you think you could help her?"

"Including myself, if I'm not too presumptuous, I can find four others. What exactly will the duties be?" I asked, knowing full well that this was three days of alcohol-marinated debauchery with the cream of young Memphis society.

"Well, I'm told the parties start at a breakfast Friday morning and run though Sunday noon. You will be on the lead parade float Saturday morning. I'll make sure that Joe gets you off any weekend detail," she said in her admiral's wife cadence. Joe was her husband. "On the parade float and at the parties, you're requested to be in your dress whites. A little PR for the Navy," she chuckled.

"Mrs. Clifton, you can count on me. I will round up the men. I know what will represent the Navy best." 'Hot looking guys, M'am,' I thought with a smile.

"Mike, thank you so much. I'll see you at the Wives Tea on Wednesday?" she asked.

"Yes, Mrs. Clifton, and by that time, I'll give you the names of the officers who will be part of the Carnival Memphis Court. See you Wednesday?" With that, the line went dead. Mission accomplished.

I immediately called Doug Di Marco and asked him if he could meet me at the "O" Club for lunch, my treat. He said that the price was right and he would meet me around 1300.

"What's up?"

"No biggie, I'll tell you when you get here." We hung up after the routine "byes."

At lunchtime, the usual crowd gathered on the patio. It was always difficult scheduling the service staff due to weather "snafus". Although most of the patio was covered with a low-slung awning, sometimes the wind played tricks on dining "al fresco." The weather in Memphis could change on a dime. However, today was postcard perfect.

As I was going through the patio, speaking with the various officers and wives lunching, Doug arrived just before the appointed hour. I waved and gestured for him to take a seat at a vacant table. After making the rounds in the dining area and going back to the kitchen to make sure the hot and cold stations were in sync with the orders, I returned to the patio and joined Doug, who was drinking an iced tea.

"Hey, Mike," he said as I joined him. A server immediately came over to our table.

"Julie, I'll have an iced tea and a Club Sandwich on Whole Wheat. Doug, are you ready to order?"

Doug replied, "How about that Chopped Cobb Salad with Bleu Cheese Dressing mixed together?" Julie repeated the order and went about to place the order on the touch screen POS.

"So, what do you need?" Doug queried.

"I've been assigned a mission from the queen bee. She will not be disappointed," I replied with a superior grin. "You are invited to join a very select crowd to a weekend of drinking and partying at the end of the month." We both knew who the queen bee was.

Doug, who had been in Memphis for over two years, slowly broke out in a big grin. "Are you telling me what I think you're telling me? Are you getting a crew together to be part of the Court for Carnival Memphis?"

"The very same," I retorted. "I figure that besides you and me, we can twist the arms of three other guys to be part of this group."  We discussed the inventory of available bachelor officers that might be up to the challenge for a weekend party fest with some of the finest Southern beauties. Roughly, 25 private clubs would be honoring the Princess and Court.  The "Royal" group would call on all of the top private clubs in Memphis.

Doug and I discussed who would fill the bill and do honor to the Navy. This was a very tradition-bound city whose city fathers were big Navy supporters. The Memphis Navy League threw the largest party of the year, taking over the entire Club in the fall. We couldn't afford a fuck up due to the preponderance of cocktails and ladies offering their favors.

We decided on asking three other NAS junior officers who lived in the BOQ to join us. "The Admiral will make sure that we get off for this expanded weekend," I concluded. That out of the way, the lunch arrived and we wolfed it down. I signed the tab and left a cash tip.

Doug asked about the new lifeguard who had been assigned to the pool. "I've only spoken with him once, but I got a feeling that he will be a good addition to my staff and make both of us look good." We left the patio table and walked over to the pool.

The new lifeguard was helping two young girls to improve their swimming strokes as we approached. "Hi, Dave," Doug called out from the perimeter of the pool. Dave Swenson looked up and grinned as he saw Doug and me. Making sure the two girls were following his swimming instructions, he walked over to us.

"Hello, Mr. Di Marco and Mr. Cole," Dave uttered with a big Cheshire cat grin. "Thanks for the job. I think I'm really going to enjoy this," he added as he looked at me in an enthusiastic questioning fashion.

Doug didn't read any inference, but I picked up on the unspoken vibes. "Lt. Di Marco and I just wanted to make sure that everything was going well on your first day, Dave," I replied. "It looks like you've got everything under control."

"This is going to be a great summer."

Standing slightly behind Doug, I smiled and quickly winked at the lifeguard. "I'm sure it will."

With that, Doug and I nodded and left the pool area. I returned to the office, waving goodbye to my BOQ neighbor.

The rest of the afternoon was pretty routine. Once Doug and I had decided on the other three escort officers to be part of the court, he would contact them. I saw three liquor salesmen and spoke with the entertainment agent who booked our music for the club. With Marge, we reviewed the function sheets that detailed all the party plans for each event for next week. Tomorrow, the staff to handle these private functions would be scheduled by me.

As it approached 1700, I looked out at the pool. Dave was straightening up the furniture and putting down the umbrellas. 'Ready to rumble,' I thought, remembering that line from George Lucas' "American Graffiti." I got out of my chair and proceeded out to the pool, feeling a tingling sense of excitement through my body.

I waved at Dave before entering the locker room. Locker #21 was mine. Twirling the combination, I thought about this young man out in the pool area. Changing into a dark racing green Speedo, I grabbed my goggles and earplugs, and secured the locker. Entering the pool area, I stepped under the outside shower and did a brief rinse. I was aware that the moistened acrylic swimsuit would accent my cock silhouette.  I slowly walked to the edge of the pool and paused. Looking at Dave, who was watching me intently, I dove in, making a splash in the pool.

Surfacing, I immediately set out to swim 25 laps using a flip turn at the end of each length. When I paused after 10 laps, I looked up to see Dave by the edge. "You've got good form, Mr. Cole," he said. "If you don't mind a suggestion, I would ask you to follow-through your arm stroke better. You'll see the world of difference."

I rinsed out my goggles and smiled with a thumbs up. Pushing off, I set out to compete my goal of 25 laps. 'Dave was right,' I thought. 'Modifying my stroke arc did give me more speed.' Once finished, I exited the empty pool and entered the locker room. I noticed that it was minutes shy of 1730 on the clock on the wall. Going to my locker, I stripped off my Speedo and started to walk to the shower with my towel I hand. At that point, Dave entered the locker room. I stopped and said, "Thanks for the stroke suggestion. It really worked." I was aware that I was standing before him butt naked.

"Glad to have helped," Dave shot back. "You're a good swimmer. Did you swim in school?"

He was taking a visual inventory of me, not quite as discretely as a straight man would. I brought my eyes down to his crotch area and back to his eyes as I replied, "Nah, I only use it for exercise. I was never fast enough to make the team." 'Uh oh, I thought, 'I'd better get into the showers before my dick comes to a salute,' "I'll be just a minute in the shower so that you can lock up," I said as I immediately walked away.

After taking a quick shower, I dried myself off and walked to the locker room. This time, I did wrap the damp towel around my waist. As I turned the corner, there was Dave stripped down to his jock strap. He was sitting on a bench in front of his locker, filling out his daily report form. I came up to my locker ten feet away. Seeing this beauty caused me to quietly gasp.

He slowly looked up to me - very slowly - and smiled, staring intently. He then turned back to his report. I noticed his crotch expanding in the jock pouch. Hell, I was getting hard beneath the towel just seeing his manhood grow. 'Showtime,' I mused, not thinking of the big step I would be taking. As I removed the towel to release my raging hard-on, I said in a quiet, lustful voice, "If I'm misreading this situation, sailor, let me know and I'll back down right now."


I slowly looked up at his cock, moistened by a tiny flow of pre-cum, and replied, "No Sir, you're reading this spot on." Placing down my clipboard, I stood up and lowered my jock down and kicked it aside. I saw that the excitement of his body matched mine. I was larger by an inch or so. Ensign Cole's cock curved slightly while mine pointed straight up.

Without a moment to waste, I knelt in front of Mike and tongued the officer's dickhead while cupping a hand around his heavy balls. I used my other hand to jerk myself. I slowly moved my lips around Mr. Cole's hard missile and brought my nose into the trimmed pubic area as I engulfed the throbbing dick in my mouth, inhaling deeply.

As I moved my moist mouth back and forth slowly, this tall officer let out a low growl. He brought his large hands to my head and lightly caressed my closely cropped hair, temples and cheeks. Holding my head more firmly, Ensign Cole started moving his hips back and forth, fucking my mouth starting in a gentle tempo. After speeding up and slamming his dick into me, Mike's heavy balls started to tighten. He took his hands, placed them under my perspiring armpits, and released his swollen cock from the mouth, lifting me up to his arms. Gently, our lips met. He snaked his probing tongue past my lips and rotated the tongue around the mouth. I welcomed the invasion.

He pulled out of my mouth and offered firm, passionate kisses that I returned aggressively. "Any regrets, Dave?" the officer asked as he withdrew and looked into my eyes.

"No Sir! Neither does Davey," I said looking down at my dick. He smiled. "I've been thinking about this since we first met," I replied as I brought my face down to his pecs and started playfully chewing on his firm nipples.


"Dave, I think it's a little too late for military formality," as I stroked the back and shoulders of my randy, young partner. "I think that you better call me Mike when we are together alone." At that point, I gently pushed Dave down to the bolted bench and had him straddle the bench and lie down on his back, placing a folded towel for his head to rest. I sat in front of this beautiful sailor body and slowly brought my mouth down to Dave's lightly hair-dusted balls and started sucking them one at the time. I then, leaning lower, pulled Dave's legs up to my shoulders and trailed my tongue from the now wet scrotum lower to Dave's wrinkly rosebud. Dave held on to the bench for balance. I probed the other orifice with a tongue now pointed and started darting in and out past a relaxed sphincter muscle.

While I was tongue-fucking the Airman, I brought my hand up to Dave's rock hard, pre-cum slicked cock and started a jacking motion that was in sync with the tongue action Speeding up the motion, I was bringing Dave to climax, groaning along the way. Sensing that my conquest was about to cum, I brought my head from the butt and replaced the stroking hand with my mouth.

Moments later, Dave's body tensed and he uttered in a desperate manner, "Oh shit, I'm going to cum!" With that, he put his hand behind my head and fucked my mouth as he shot his fresh load.

"Ummm," was all that I could utter, tasting and swallowing the six spasmodic eruptions. I slowly removed my mouth and sat up. I moved in and placed my cum-laced lips on his. He eagerly accepted my saliva and his spunk. Taking some of the cum stored in my mouth in my fingers, I lubricated my still-hard cock and slowly started jacking as I looked into Dave's eyes. Dave started to reach for my jerked dick, but I gently nudged him back down. "Dave, today I just want to jack off and cover your beautiful body with me," I said standing up, straddling the bench. Slowly speeding up the motions over my hot, red-veined hard cock, clear pre-cum steamed out. I mixed that with the other natural lubricants.


As the jacking motions increased in speed, I looked with wonder at this tall, gorgeous, young officer sharing with me the most intimate of moments. By the facial expressions I was watching as intently as the hand jacking, I knew that Mike was coming close to an orgasm. This vision before me was one of the most erotic moments of my young life.

"Ahhh, Uggh...oh Christ....fu..." He was starring at me with a dream-like trance and a determined, loving smile.

And so, a "blast off" occurred as Mike shot a strong stream of white, translucent cock juice that landed on my face, nose and lips. Several less dramatic shots flew out and sprayed my abdomen. I took my tongue and cleaned the cum from my lips and tasted the sweet, slightly salty flavor of Mike, very similar to my own that I had tasted in the privacy of my room.

Mike sat down on the bench and pulled me up to his eye-level.  Leaning in, he licked my face of the moist deposits before passionately kissing me and sharing his cum. "Dave, I want to explore my feelings for you, if you want to?" Mike asked quietly after he pulled away.

"I haven't felt this way for anyone in a long time," I replied as I raised to a sitting position. "I know that this is definitely against rules and regulations," staring intently into this young officer's eyes. "But, I know what I feel." 'Feel? Shit, I haven't felt this way since Russ,' I thought. 'At 6'3", this was hardly the 'Russ type.' I didn't know what to say. This was a great fucking moment. I knew that this was the start of something special. "Mike, Just don't lead me on. I feel that I've just met someone very important in my life."

"Me too. I've haven't felt this way before...with anyone." He leaned down and lightly kissed me.

"Ummm," was all I could utter. I also wanted his hard dick in me. Soon.

Reading my mind, he said, "Next time we're going to do this right. I'm going to have some protection and lube and we're going to find a firm bed."

"Aye aye, Sir." I leaned in for one more kiss. Mike put his hand behind my head and playfully darted his tongue around my mouth. We both had shit-eating grins when separating.

"Come on, guy, we both need showers," Mike said in an upbeat manner as he grabbed my hand, raising me. Walking to the shower hand-in-hand, he said, "We need to talk." He gently kissed me under the showerhead. "You go to your barracks and change into some dressy civvies. I'll meet you at the bus stop by the main entrance with my car and we can go to Memphis and have a bit to eat. How about meeting up at seven-thirty?" he said not bothering with military time.

"Sounds great," I replied as he turned on the shower.

Next: Chapter 27

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