Spring Break Cruise

By Mike Wilson

Published on Jan 11, 2004


Spring Break Cruise (5)


My Mom woke me early Wednesday morning.

"Andy," she said. "Andy, wake up. Travis is on the phone for you."

"Hello," I mumbled half asleep into the phone.

"Andy," he said. "Sorry for waking you. I just wanted to catch you before breakfast. Can I see you this morning. Alone. I need to talk."

"Umm sure," I said, still trying to wake up. "Is everything OK?"

"Yeah. Don't worry, I'm fine," he said. "How about fifteen minutes? Up on the overlook where we talk, OK?"

"OK," I said. "I'll be there."

"Thanks Andy," he said.

I put the phone back on the receiver.

"What was that about dear?" my Mom asked nosily.

"Umm," I said trying to come up with a quick story. "Nothing. I just left something at Travis' room and he wants me to come get it before breakfast. I'll meet you guys up there, OK?"

"Sure honey," said Mom. "Andy, this may not be my place, but are things OK with Travis and his parents? I mean, I just never see them together. And a few things he said last night made it seem as if he was unhappy about something."

"Well," I said not sure how much to say. "I think you're right. They are kind of going through a rough patch or something right now. But he hasn't really told me much about it."

"That's a shame," she said. "He's such a nice boy. I hope you'll let him know that he's always welcome with us. Both your father and I are quite taken with him."

"That's great Mom," I said smiling. "I'll tell him that.

"Oh and Mom?"

"Yes dear?" she replied.

I got up and gave her a hug.

"I'm really glad we're on this cruise." I said. "I'm having a great time."

"Oh honey," she smiled. "That's so sweet. I'm so happy you're having fun."

I changed my clothes and headed upstairs. Travis was already waiting for me at the railing. He had a big smile on his face.

"Here," he said. He stuck his hand out and was holding one glorious tropical flower.

"Ah, thanks," I said a bit bewildered. "What's this for?"

"For last night," he said. "And I'm not referring to your frisky hands."

I giggled. Travis continued.

"After you left last night, I kept thinking about what you said and I realized you were right. I mean, I still hate the thought of this trip ending and I can't even think about not seeing you every day. But you made me realize that not everything has to go back to the way it was. That maybe we will stay in touch, that . . ."

"What do you mean maybe?" I interrupted.

"Yeah," he said smiling. "We WILL stay in touch, and maybe it is time for me to be more honest with some of my friends at home. You . . . God this sounds corny, but, well, you gave me hope, Andy. And I needed to thank you for that before anything else happened today."

"Wow," I said. "You didn't have to do this Travis. I mean, this was really sweet. I appreciate it. If there weren't five thousand adults behind us, I'd put my frisky hands to work again right now."

We both laughed.

"Did you eat breakfast yet?" I asked.

"No," he said. "I was too excited. All I've done is think about you."

"Well come on then," I said. "Mom and Dad are practically ready to adopt you anyway, I'm sure they'll be happy to see you at breakfast."

We headed downstairs to the Topsider. Mom and Dad and Ruthie were all at a table by themselves.

"Morning," I said. "Do you guys mind if Travis joins us for breakfast?"

"Of course not," said Mom. "Good morning Travis"

"Good morning Travis," Dad said. He turned to me. "What's with the flower? Is it for someone special?"

He just didn't give up.

I looked down at the flower in my hand and looked up at Travis.

"It's ah, part of a scavenger hunt," he said quickly. "It's one of the activities at The Stack. We have to get a hold of one tropical flower and we found this one on our way over here."

"Well, it's lovely," said my mother. "I hope they let you keep it.

"By the way, thank you for keeping track of Andy's belongings, Travis. Sometimes I think he would leave his head behind if it weren't attached. I can't tell you how many late afternoon trips I've made to school to pick up a textbook or a gym bag or something else that was forgotten."

Travis looked completely confused.

"Yeah," I jumped in. "Sorry for leaving my sweatshirt at your room, Travis." I kicked him under the table.

Travis smirked.

"No problem," he said.

We finished up breakfast and headed off to meet Susan and Kristin at the Excursion Desk. Today we were at St. Thomas. Susan was already waiting by the time Travis and I showed up.

"Hi boys," she said grinning. "We missed you guys last night. What did you do?"

Travis smiled. I was sure I was turning beet red.

"We hung out with Andy's Dad and Uncle up at the Sports Deck," said Travis. "Ya know, guy stuff." Bad Travis.

I couldn't look directly at Susan as the thought of exactly what kind of "guy stuff" we had been up to kept running through my head.

"Hi guys," Kristin said just arriving-just in time. "I hope you don't mind, but I took the liberty of asking Ryan to join us today. Is that OK?"

Standing next to Kristin was one of the guys we had met Sunday at The Stack. Ryan was 17 and really good looking. Not that I noticed. Much. Kristin made introductions and we headed off into town.

St. Thomas was a lot nice than St. Maarten. It was also a lot more touristy. There must have been three other huge cruise ships in the harbor along with our own. As soon as you get off the ship you're in the middle of a huge shopping district. With, once again, lots of liquor and jewelry. Like the day before, we spent some time wandering in and out of the shops but not really buying anything. Susan saw a watch she wanted but decided her Dad would get upset if she spent $200 without asking. Go figure.

We found a pizza place for lunch (just like going to the mall at home, huh?) and discussed what we wanted to do in the afternoon.

"Megan's beach is supposed to be fantastic," said Kristin.

"That sounds like fun," replied Susan.

"I dunno," whined Travis. "We went to the beach yesterday and Friday in the Bahamas is all about the beach, too. Is anybody interested in hiking or going to the old fort?"

"I'd be up for a hike," I said. "Ryan, what do you want to do?"

"I'm kind of interested in the beach," he replied. "But I don't really care too much."

I giggled to myself when I realized that Ryan had about as much interest in going to the beach as I had in going to the old fort. Namely: none. But I wanted to be with Travis and Ryan wanted to be with Kristin. I guess we were both in the same boat.

"Well," Kristin said. "We could split up. I mean if you guys really want to go to the fort or something you could do that and the three of us could go to the beach?"

"I suppose that might be best," I said, trying to hide my enthusiasm for Kristin's mega-super-fantastic idea. "Travis, is that OK with you?"

"Yeah sure," he said. "I guess so. But we'll all get together tonight, right?"

"Of course," said Susan. "In fact, they're doing karaoke in The Stack again tonight and we're all expecting something wonderful from our star performer."

We all looked at Travis.

"That's why I remembered you!" said Ryan excitedly. "I've been trying to figure it out all morning. You're the singer! You sang that Mermaid song! Man you're awesome."

"Thanks," said Travis blushing a bit.

"No I mean it," said Ryan looking at Travis with a huge smile. "I have never heard anybody sing like you did. And it took guts to sing that song, man. Way cool."

"Well," said Travis clearly enjoying the attention, "I don't know about that."

"Let's go," said Kristin a little abruptly. "We need to grab a bus over to the beach and it's already one o'clock. I want to spend as much time there as possible."

The three of them got their things together and waved at us as they left. Travis and I sat at the table.

"So," I said smiling. "What's our plan?"

"Well," he said. "I would be up for a hike. Or we can just stroll around here for a while longer. It really doesn't matter to me."

"Let's go then," I said.

"Where?" Travis said, getting up.

"I dunno," I said smiling. "I'll tell you when we get there."

We stopped by the little tourist information booth and a very friendly woman explained that there were several roads we could walk up to get a cool view of the bay. We bought a couple of bottles of water and started off into the island.

The hike felt great even though it really was pretty hot with the sun beating down on us. After about an hour or so we found a pretty remarkable overlook. We could see the entire town below plus the harbor with all the cruise ships in port. Travis walked off the road bit, down to a shaded spot behind some bushes. He sat down. I sat next to him and we stared out at the ocean.

"I'm gonna tell my parents," he said quietly. "When I get home, I'm gonna come out to them."

"Wow," I said. The idea of telling my parents about what Travis and I had been up to hadn't even crossed my mind.

"How do you think they'll react?" I asked.

"Badly," Travis replied. "This will just be another in a long list of disappointments that I always seem to cause them. My Dad will freak, I'm sure. He already hates the fact that I sing rather than play baseball. He's definitely not going to like having a gay son."

Travis pulled his knees up and rested his head on his arms.

"So if you think it will upset them so much, why tell them?" I said. "I mean maybe it would just be easier not saying anything."

"I can't do that any more Andy," he said. "I told you. I'm through pretending. I'm tired of trying to be something for them that I'm not. And besides, it's not like our relationship can get much worse. I mean, I sure haven't been very successful at getting them to love me by pretending."

"Travis," I said putting my arm around his back. "I'm sure your parents love you. Maybe they just don't know how to express it very well or something."

Travis sneered.

"Yeah," he said. "I'm sure that's it."

We sat in silence for quite a while.

"What about you?" Travis asked.

"What about me?" I said.

"Well," he said. "Are you going to tell your parents about us?"

"Ah . . . " I said. "I haven't thought about it. I don't think so. I mean, I'm not really sure I'm gay."

Travis laughed.

"I'm sorry for laughing man," he said. "But who do you think you're kidding? I mean correct me if I'm wrong, but you've never wanted to date girls, right?

"Well . . ." I said.

"And you've always noticed guys, like at the beach yesterday, right?"

"I guess," I said.

"And this week you had the opportunity to choose between Susan and me, right?"

"Yeah," I replied.

"And last night you seemed pretty excited about our little time together, correct?"

"Yeah," I said giggling.

"So?" he said. "Andy, where's the confusion? What am I missing?"

"I know," I said. "It's just, I mean every time people talk about gay people it's like they assume they're wearing women's dresses and sleeping around and doing drugs and stuff. And that's not me. I don't want to be a girl. I don't want to make my parents angry or any of that stuff. And besides, you're the only guy I've been with. I mean, maybe if I was with a girl I'd like that too, right?"

Travis looked at me.

"Andy," he said. "I've told you all along all I want from you is the truth, right?"

"Right," I said.

"Now be honest," he said. "Do you really think that's going to happen? If Mr. Happy Pants didn't make an appearance when you had your hands on Susan's naked back, what makes you think he'll magically show up with some other girl?"

I tried to laugh at Travis' comment, but it didn't feel very funny to me. I knew he was right, but it still didn't feel right.

"But Travis," I said. "It's just . . . I'm not . . . I don't . . . I don't want to be gay. I don't want people to hate me. I don't want my parents to hate me. I just want a normal life in a normal house."

"In Denver," said Travis with a smile.

"Yup," I laughed.

"With no pets," he continued.

"Uh-huh," I said.

"And the guy you love," he finished.

"Yeah," I said softly. "I guess that makes me kinda queer doesn't it?"

"I'm afraid so," said Travis, putting his arm around me. "Welcome to the club."

We sat in silence for another few minutes.

Travis looked at me.

"I didn't push you too far, did I?" he asked.

"Of course not," I said smiling. "I would have told you if I felt uncomfortable.

"It just takes some getting used to," I said. "I mean, it's not like it's any huge surprise or anything. Umm, I did rather like getting my hand around your . . . your . . . "

"My what," Travis said smiling.

"Your long, beautiful . . ." I said seductively.

"Yeah, my long beautiful . . ." he said quietly.

"Getting my hand around your long beautiful flower that you gave me this morning." I said cracking myself up.

Travis punched me on the arm.

"You little shit," he said laughing. "Hey speaking of long beautiful, um , flowers. If you're interested, we might have time to go back to the ship and, ah, continue where we left off last night. If you want."

"I suppose that's an idea," I said smiling. "Let's go."

When we arrived back in town, Travis wandered over to one of the street vendors.

"I want to get something," he said.

"All right," I replied following him over to the lady's stand. Travis was looking at anklets.

"What do you think?" he said holding up a leather cord.

"Cool," I said

"Would you wear it?" he asked.

"Me?" I said. "I thought you were looking for you."

"I'm looking for both of us," he said with a gleam in his eye. "I think we should have matching ones. Whaddya think?"

"Awesome!" I said.

Travis paid the woman behind the table and took the two leather straps.

"Here," he said handing me one of the anklets.

"Thanks. Does this mean we're engaged?" I asked laughing.

"You wish you could be so lucky, Mitchell," he replied. "C'mon. Let's get back to the ship. Hey, what time is it?"

"Umm," I said looking at my watch. "Jeez, it's four thirty already."

"Drat," he said. "I don't think we're going to have time to um, make any flower arrangements."

I burst into laughter.

"That's the funniest thing you've said all week," I said. "But you're right. Our folks could be back any time. But could you come by my cabin real quick, I need to give you something."

"Sure," Travis said smiling.

We got to our cabin and again, lucked out since Mom and Dad weren't there yet. As soon as we got inside I put my arms around Travis.

"This," I said bring my lips to his "is for my flower." I kissed him briefly.

"This," I said, "is for an incredible hike and talk." I kissed him a little longer this time.

"And this," I said, "is for my new anklet. Which I don't intend to take off for a long, long time." Travis wrapped his arms around me and we kissed more passionately than we had all day.

After a few minutes, Travis pulled away.

"I should go," he said.

"I know," I said whining. "I'll see you after dinner, right?"

"Right," he said. "Call my cabin once you're free."

"OK," I said as he headed toward the door. "Hey, by the way, what are you singing tonight?"

"You'll see," Travis said as he winked at me and closed the door.

I flopped down on my bed with a huge smile and dozed off for a few minutes before my parents and Ruthie came barging through the door. We got ready for dinner and ate with Aunt Sarah, Uncle Michael and the twins this time. Everyone seemed to really enjoy St. Thomas and we all had some fun stories to share.

As soon as dinner was over I gave Travis a call and then headed down to his cabin.

I knocked on the door and he immediately let me in.

"I missed you," he said offering me a kiss.

"I missed you, too," I said. "How was dinner?"

"Fine," he said. "My folks were in a good mood after St. Thomas so we actually got along pretty well tonight. They're all excited about some deck party or something tonight. I'm all excited to finally show you how amazing you were last night."

And with that he started unbuttoning my shirt. I smiled and reached for his as well. Once again our shirts wound up immediately in a heap on the ground. Travis pushed my shoulders against the wall and immediately started kissing me as I rubbed my hands up and down his strong, warm back. His kisses were full and deep, I couldn't believe that as much as we had kissed one another in the last few days it still felt so amazing, so intimate and incredible. Almost immediately I could feel my cock rising.

Travis stuck his tongue out as he gently made his way down my neck and down my chest. He maneuvered himself onto his knees and reached up with his hands to pinch my nipples. His tongue darted in and out of my belly button and slowly he slid his hands down my sides and rested them at my waistband. He took his right hand and gently started massaging my dick through my shorts. I was completely hard as he moved up and down with long, firm strokes. He looked up at me and smiled.

"Well," he said. "I think I'm finally ready to say hello to Mr. Happy Pants."

I laughed.

Travis unbuckled my belt and pulled down my shorts. My dick strained against my boxer-briefs.

"Jesus Andy" Travis said quietly. I think it was a little bigger than he expected.

He rubbed it a few times with his hand and then he moved his face forward. He started sucking and chewing on my dick through my underwear. I closed my eyes as I felt his lips working their way along the underside of me. He moved up and down my dick, over and over until my underwear was moist from his spit. I felt his hands grip at the waistband. In one swift move, he pulled them off and my dick sprang free.

Travis grabbed it with his right hand and started stroking again. His rhythm was getting faster, more and more intense. I looked down and him as he looked up at the same time.

"God Andy," he said, "I love your cock. I wanna taste it. I want to take all of you in me."

He immediately opened his lips and swallowed the head of my dick . He pushed further and further, trying to get all of it in his mouth. His tongue instantly went to work massaging the underside. The feeling was so intense. The head of my dick was rubbing up against the roof of his mouth while the underside was being assaulted by his tongue.

"Travis," I said groaning. "I can't believe this. I can't go on much longer."

With my cock still in his mouth he looked up at me. Then he let it fall out of his mouth and started licking up and down my shaft. He used his lips and his tongue over the entire length of it. He stuck his tongue out and made one long pass across the underside. That was it. I could feel myself letting go.

"Oh Travis, I'm coming," I said panting.

He immediately opened his mouth in front of my dick and I saw the first streams of my come land right across his cheek and open lips. The rest of my load shot out onto his chest. It was the most intense orgasm I had ever had. It felt like I was never going to stop.

Travis looked up at me with my come covering his face. He was grinning and panting.

"Holy shit," he said giggling. "That was a huge load, dude."

"Sorry," I said, sliding down the wall so I could sit across from him. "Come here, let me help you clean up."

I put my hands on the back of his head and pulled his face forward. As he had done for me, I licked his face clean of come. Travis stopped me and pulled me in for a huge kiss. His tongue reached out to take the come from my mouth.

My head rolled back against the wall.

"Let's move over to the bed," Travis whispered to me.

We got up and Travis gave me a towel and I pulled my underwear back on. We laid down next to one another on the bed. Travis reached for my hand.

"Look," I said softly, pointing down to our matching anklets.

"Cool," said Travis.

I rolled on my side and pulled Travis close to me, our legs rubbing against one another. He stayed on his back and I nuzzled my head next to his ear, my hand resting on his stomach.

"You are amazing Travis Larson," I whispered. "You're kind and honest and sexy and what you did for me tonight was beyond wonderful. I don't know what to say."

Travis was silent for a moment and then he rolled over on his side and faced me.

"Ya know what's weird?" he asked.

"What?" I said a little unsure of where he was headed with this.

"Well," he continued. "In the last few days I feel like we've given each other a lot. I mean we've shared a lot of stuff and laughed and, because I'm such a nut case, we even cried together last night. And normally when I do any of those things, it's like really draining, ya know. Like if I have to be really nice to someone all day or if I have to get to know someone, it's exhausting work.

"But it's the total opposite with you, Andy. Every time I do something for you I totally feel like I want to give you more. It doesn't tire me out, it feeds me. Like a second ago, when you were so sweet to me saying how nice this was, my first thought was: wait till next time! Then I'll really rock your world!"

I laughed.

"You're right," I said. "I felt the same way last night."

"Maybe," Travis said softly. "Maybe this is what happens when . . . when people fall in love."

I pulled him close to me and we kissed again. We stayed together on the bed for quite a while, talking and dozing. Finally the time came when we had to leave.

"Karaoke starts in twenty minutes," I said.

"I know," said Travis. "Are you going to sing tonight?"

"Hah!" I said. "There's only one person in this room who can sing and it sure isn't me."

"What if we did a song together?" he asked. "Please? I totally want to sing something with you. You'd make me so happy."

"Well," I said looking at his sweet gorgeous eyes. "Maybe one song. But not like a duet duet. Let's just sing a song together-both singing the same thing so that nobody will hear how much I suck."

"Deal," said Travis. "You're going to love this!"

"Yeah," I said sarcastically, putting on my shirt. "I can't wait."

We headed up to the Stack and Travis immediately went over to talk to Brad about the song he had chosen. I joined Susan, Kristin and Ryan at our table.

"So did Travis tell you what he's gonna sing tonight?" asked Ryan.

"Nah," I said. "I don't know what he's gonna do."

"I'm sure it will be awesome," said Ryan.

Travis joined us at the table.

"Ok," he said. "We're all set. Travis and I are gonna do a song together but it's like a sing along, OK? So when we go up there you guys totally have to get everybody to sing, all right?"

"Sure," said Susan. "Help me choose a song, Travis. I don't know if I should do 'Wide Open Spaces' or 'True Colors'."

"Definitely 'Wide Open Spaces'," said Travis. "I can't wait to hear your country side. Besides, your voice is perfect for that. You'll be awesome."

Brad kicked things off with a couple of girls. They were giggling so much on stage they barely were able to complete their song, but everybody applauded anyway. Eventually it was our turn.

"All right everyone," said Brad. "I'm sure you'll remember Travis from Monday night. He and his buddy Andy are going to do the next song and I'm told you're supposed to join in if you know it. Here we go."

We ran up to the stage and I still wasn't exactly sure what we were going to sing. Travis grabbed the microphone and started moving around the stage like he owned the place. He pointed out the words to me and the music started. I didn't really recognize the introduction but as soon as we got going, I totally remembered hearing this song.

Sunlight fall down on the fields

Sunlight fall down over me

Work all day, be all that I can be yeah-heh

I was standing sort of behind Travis, singing softly. He grabbed my arm and pulled me up next to him.

Say I can say words only simple

Say I can say words only clear

But, oh, I can feel your heart is beating near. Yeah-heh

Haunted love is all that I feel, when you're passing by

Haunted love is all that I see, it's there in your eyes

And I say

No, no, no, don't pass me over

No, no, no, don't pass me by

See I can see good things for you and I

Yeah, good things for you

I realized as we were singing the chorus that this was pretty easy, not too high and not too low. I could sing this. And the fact that Travis was standing next to me made it totally fun. I started singing louder. Occasionally looking over at him.

Give I can give love and attention

Give I can give all time away

Only to one heart I can give today.

Be I can be man full of color

Be I can be man black or white

But only to one heart I can be tonight

Haunted love is all that I feel, when you're passing by

Haunted love is all that I see, it's there in your eyes

And I say

No, no, no, don't pass me over

No, no, no, don't pass me by

See I can see good things for you and I

Yeah, good things for you

People had started joining in on the chorus. Travis was singing above us all, going into some awesome improv harmony of his own. He started clapping and everyone joined in. I saw Susan, Kristin and Ryan stand up at our table, singing with us

Haunted love is all that I see, it's there in your eyes

And I say

No, no, no, don't pass me over

No, no, no, don't pass me by

See I can see good things for you and I

Yeah, good things for you

At the end of the song Travis put his arm around my shoulder and everyone in The Stack was applauding for us. It was such a rush.

Kristin gave us both hugs as we came back to the table. They were all so excited for us.

"Wow!" said Susan. "That was so much fun. And Andy! You sounded great. You shouldn't have said you can't sing, you can sing just fine."

"Well," I said. "I think you were hearing mostly Travis' voice, but thanks. It wasn't quite as terrifying as I expected it to be." I slid my hand under the table and rested on Travis' thigh.

"That's not true," said Travis looking at me joyfully. "You did a great job. You sing a lot better than you give yourself credit for." He had taken his own hand and put it on top of mine.

Just then Brad called Susan to the stage and she did her Dixie Chicks song which, once again was really strong. Travis and I sat holding hands under the table during her entire performance. I thought I had died and gone to heaven.

We all stood for Susan when she finished, which she deserved. If Travis wasn't in the room, there was no doubt that she would have been the star performer. A few more groups and individuals went up to sing, most laughing and enjoying themselves but not a whole lot who could sing very well. Finally Brad said we were ready for our last performance.

"I think we've got one more singer," he said. "Actually, we've already heard him once tonight, but I don't think anybody will mind if we hear from him again. Travis?"

I looked over at Travis a little startled and he gave me a quick wink as he got up and started heading back to the stage.

Not surprisingly, I didn't recognize the song as it started, it was slow and sounded kinda old. I sat back in my seat and stared up at Travis. His eyes were closed as he started singing. Once again, Kristin helped me out.

"This is a classic!" she whispered to me. "Travis knows his music."

At last

my love has come along

my lonely days over

and life is like a song

Ooh At last

the skies above are blue

well my heart was wrapped up in clover

the night I looked at you

I found a dream

that I could speak to

a dream that I could call my own

I found a thrill

to press my cheek to

a thrill that I have never known

You smile

you smile

oh and then the spell was cast

and here we are in heaven

for you are mine at last

I found a dream

that I could speak to

a dream that I

could call my own

I found a thrill

to press my cheek to

a thrill that I have never known

You smile

you smile

oh and then the spell was cast

and here we are in heaven

for you are mine at last

I couldn't believe how sensual Travis looked and sounded when he sang this song. It was amazing how his voice could become so sexy. And sitting their listening to the song, I knew he was singing only to me.

Once again the place erupted when he finished. I beamed at Travis as he waved quickly and headed off stage.

Of course everyone at our table was gushing over Travis and his incredible voice. I was pretty much speechless, a little too overcome to say anything remotely close to a complete sentence.

Pretty soon we all got up from the table and started heading out. Susan said she was wiped out and was going to head downstairs. Kristin and Ryan said they were going for a walk. The fact that they were holding hands made it pretty clear that they probably wanted some time alone.

Travis and I started walking. Without saying anything we both knew we were headed to our spot on the overlook.

"What a day," I said smiling at him.

"Yeah," he said. "You made me really happy tonight, Andy."

"I made YOU happy?" I asked incredulous. "It was you who made this an incredible day what with my beautiful flower and our walk and our new anklets and your own frisky hands on me this evening. Not to mention yet another awesome song. It was you all the way today."

"Well, maybe it was both of us," he said putting his hand on top of mine on the railing. "I really enjoyed singing with you. I hope we can do that again."

We looked out over the back of the ship for quite a while.

"You ready to turn in?" Travis said looking me.

"I suppose," I said glumly. "I just really don't want today to end, ya know. It was . . . perfect."

"Yeah, it was," he said softly.

Travis walked me all the way to my cabin. Where, after glancing up and down the hallway, he gave me a fast goodnight kiss.

"I love you," he whispered.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPRING BREAK CRUISE January 2004

This is a story in eight parts, which are all complete and will be posted in the next few weeks in accordance with Nifty's schedule. Part eight includes more information about the songs/lyrics used in this story.

This is a work of fiction. I hope you enjoy it! Comments and critiques are welcome at: billynkyle@yahoo.com .

I have one other story posted on Nifty and if you liked this one you might check that one out. There's definitely a lot of similarities between the two stories. Unfortunately, I never posted the end to that one. (Hence, the defined time frame of this.) Anyway, it's at: http://nifty.photozero.com/nifty/gay/highschool/summer-at-the-lake/ I do have a few more chapters of that somewhere (but still no ending!) and perhaps I'll get them posted. Let me know if you'd like to see them.

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