Spring Break Cruise

By Mike Wilson

Published on Jan 13, 2004


Spring Break Cruise (7)


Friday was our last full day on the cruise. Some time in the middle of the night we had arrived at Disney's private island called Castaway Cay in the Bahamas. We were scheduled to spend all day here and then Saturday we'd be back at Port Canaveral. I was trying really hard not to think about that as I got ready to meet up with everyone for the day.

There was a group of about 15 of us who participated in the excursion for teens, which was supposed to include hiking, biking and kayaking. We met on the ship as Brad and Mark were going to be our leaders. The ship was able to dock right next to the island, so we pretty much stepped off onto a pier in the middle of the most gorgeous, white sand beach I think I had ever seen in my life. Mark told us we could drop our beach things in one of the pavilions so we didn't have to lug that around with us all morning. Then we set out on our hike to another side of the island.

We picked up our kayaks from a little equipment pavilion that was set up. Travis and I decided to share a two-person kayak and that turned out to be a bit of a mistake. We both totally sucked at it! I don't how many times we capsized but it seemed like we spent more time in the water than in our kayak. There was just something about the whole balance thing that we couldn't get right. Luckily, we both found this absolutely hysterical. We screamed and laughed every time we started tipping over. That of course only made it more difficult for us to get back into our little boat. Kristin, Susan and Ryan made fun of us the entire time until we just swam over and tipped their kayaks as well.

Our group was the last one to arrive at the end of the little kayak route. In fact, Brad was the only one left waiting for us when we arrived and he got us set up with bikes. Since we were so far behind everyone else, he rode with us for the rest of the trip. We headed toward the interior of the island and found an old plane runway that had been deserted for several years. Brad explained to us that before Disney bought the island, it had actually served, among other things, as a hideaway for drug traders, in part because of the runway. I don't think that was in the official Disney storybook, but it was cool to hear what he had learned about the real history of the place.

Finally we arrived at Teen Beach which was set apart from the adult and family beaches. There was a barbeque set up and music playing and it felt like a big party. The five of us had lunch and laughed about our mishaps in the kayaks. It was a blast.

After lunch we grabbed some beach chairs and relaxed in the sun. Soon the girls headed over to play a little beach volleyball while Ryan, Travis and I played Frisbee. I don't know when I've had such a relaxing, fun day with so many cool people.

At some point Travis asked me if I wanted to go for a hike. I grabbed my backpack and we headed out. There were a lot of paved paths that meandered across the island. Eventually, we wandered a few feet off the path and were able to sit down behind some rocks overlooking a section of empty beach. It was an incredible view.

Travis leaned over immediately and kissed me.

"God I've been waiting all day to do that," he said smiling.

"I know what you mean," I said laughing. "I wasn't sure we'd ever find some time to ourselves here."

"Well I'm glad we finally did," he said once again bringing his face to mine. I put my hand on his cheek as we gently tugged on one another's lips. I felt Travis' hand slide under my shirt. I pulled back a bit.

"Wait, wait," I said.

"What?" said Travis. "Did I do something wrong?"

"No, of course not. I just want to talk to you for a while."

"Oh," he said leaning his head against my chest. "I always like talking to you."

"Good," I said laughing. "Cause otherwise all we'd have is a physical relationship."

"Yeah and that would suck," said Travis giggling as his hand slipped under my shirt and gently rubbed my stomach.

"Shut up," I said laughing. "Ya know, we may not have much more time together alone today."

"I know," he said softly.

"So, I want to make sure we're clear or whatever," I said.

"Clear about what?" he said.

"About us," I said. "We can't keep ignoring it any more. We have to figure out what happens next."

"OK. What do you suggest?"

"Well," I said. "I've been thinking a lot about this. And I've decided that the best plan is for us to steal one of the kayaks. Then we just have to get across the ocean to Miami. From there, we just need to get a flight to Denver and then we can buy a house and live happily ever after. The end."

Travis laughed. "I'd like that a lot. Umm, I am just not sure our kayaking skills will get us to Miami. So maybe we should have a back up plan. Ya know, in case we wind up going back home with our parents."

"Yeah," I said laughing. "You're probably right. OK. I'll go first. We'll email one another, right?"

"Of course, and we'll IM when we can as well, right?"

"Definitely. But, well, my parents probably won't let me call that often."

"That's OK," he said. "We'll call when we can. Like once a week?"

"We'll alternate," I said. "So our parents don't freak out about the phone bill."

"Good idea. And, um . . . if anyone asks, I mean if it makes sense, we can tell them we're boyfriends, right?"

"Right," I said smiling. "What about . . . like seeing other people?"

Travis looked at me. I am sure he was remembering my jealousy from yesterday.

"We have to have lives, right?" he started slowly. "So I mean, we should obviously still go out with our friends and stuff. And, ya know if you want to go to a dance, like with a group or something, I don't think I'd be too jealous. What do you think?"

"You're right," I said trying to sound calm. "We're not going home to live in a monastery or anything. But no . . . no dating other people. OK?"

"OK," said Travis confidently. "And no sucking any one else's dick, OK?"

"Deal," I was laughing. "Same goes for you hot stuff." I took his hand in mine. "I have something for you," I said softly.

I opened my backpack and pulled out the notebook.

"What is it?" asked Travis.

"Travis," I said. "This is for you."

"Andy," he said softly. "You didn't have to give me anything."

"I know I didn't HAVE to. But I wanted to. All week I've been trying to figure out what I could give you in return for your music. I wanted to at least try to make you feel a little bit like I feel when you sing. So I made this for you."

I handed him the book. It was actually a cheesy kids autograph book from one of the souvenir stores on the ship. Travis looked at it and smiled.

He opened the cover and immediately saw the picture of us with Mickey Mouse. It was perfect. We were both tan and smiling; Travis was wearing my shirt.

"How'd you get this so fast?!" he was so excited. "I didn't think these would be ready until tonight!"

"My Dad got it for me. I asked him to see if he could get it ahead of time when we were baby sitting last night. It turned out great dontcha think?"

"Yeah!" said Travis.

He turned the page. I had written in large capital letters: 86 THINGS I LOVE ABOUT TRAVIS LARSON. He looked up at me grinning. He turned the page. On each page in the book I had listed one thing, one memory, one reminder of why Travis was so important to me.

  1. You make me smile

  2. Denver

  3. Your hand on mine

  4. My shirt on you

  5. Your shirt on me

  6. Your chest stubble

  7. Our anklet

"Umm," I said softly. "Some of them are a little, well, R-rated. I guess maybe, ah, actually X-rated."

"I see that," Travis said giggling as he went through the book, slowly reading each item, page by page.

  1. You make my sister smile

  2. Hearing you sing when no one else is around

  3. Your dick

  4. Your fingers on my back

  5. Your goofy smile

  6. The sound of you breathing.

"Andy . . . I" Travis was trying to say something as he kept reading. "I . . ."

  1. Part of your world

  2. Your fuzzy stomach

  3. Honesty

  4. Your mouth on my dick

  5. Your crazy Hawaiian shirts

  6. The hair on your legs

  7. You like my family

He turned each page carefully, reading them one by one.

  1. Your come on my cheek

  2. Your face, smiling in the sun

  3. Watching you on stage

  4. Standing next to you

  5. Mopeds

  6. You give me confidence

  7. Make up sex

  8. You're warm

  9. Everything

There were tears in Travis' eyes when he closed the book.

"I don't know what to say Andy," he sniffled. "I've never gotten anything like this before in my life. No one has ever made me feel like this."

He was crying gently and smiling at the same time.

"Come here," I said opening my arms. He leaned over to me and started blubbering. I rolled back and we lay together in the sandy soil, holding one another.

I started crying with him. It wasn't about the book or about his music. It was about our last day together. It was about not seeing each other again for . . . well, for a while at least.

"God," Travis finally said sniffling. "Look at us. We're a freakin' mess. A coupla basket cases."

I laughed as I was trying to finish crying.

"Yeah," I said. "I guess so. Do you think we should start thinking about getting back to the beach?"

"Yeah," he said wiping his eyes. "But . . . Andy. I can't believe you did this for me. I don't have anything for you."

"Travis," I said softly, wiping his cheeks. "You already gave me your music and your honesty and your bravery. This . . . this was just my attempt to show you what that felt like."

He smiled at me. Our heads moved forward and we kissed softly.

"Come on," I said. "This has been a great day. Let's not wallow around and be all depressed. OK? Let's make this the best day of the trip."

"Yeah. Only in order for that to really happen, Andy. I think I'm gonna have to spend some time with you when you aren't um, dressed."

"Don't you worry, Mr. Hot-N-Horny," I was giggling. "There's still plenty of time left in this day for a little hootchie kootchie."

"Hootchie kootchie?" Travis was laughing at me as we got back on the path.

It was a little before four o'clock when we arrived back on the beach. The girls and Ryan were laying out and they seemed happy to see us. We all ran into the ocean one final time and then we had to gather our things and start heading back to the ship. Kristin told us that there was a going away party or dance happening in The Stack tonight. We all agreed that we'd meet up there later. I told Travis I'd come to his cabin immediately after dinner.

It was another formal night and everyone looked great--all dressed up and tan. My entire family seemed to be in a really good mood. We all enjoyed a terrific day in the Bahamas and felt completely relaxed. My uncles and aunts still were talking about how nice it was that Travis and I took care of the cousins last night. I told them we had a really good time and felt a little guilty for getting so many brownie points for Travis' idea.

In the middle of dinner I told my folks I was going to be at The Stack tonight for a dance party. They were, as usual, totally cool about letting me do my own thing. I told Dad that it might go really late. He just smiled and told me I could stay out all night if I wanted to but not to forget that we had to be up early the following morning in order to get off the ship and to the airport in time.

As soon as I could, I left the table and went down to Travis' cabin. He opened the door slowly and I saw that he still had his suit on from dinner as well. I walked into the room and he just stared at me, smiling. Neither of us said a word.

I walked over to him and ran my hands up along the front of his navy suit jacket, up across his chest to his shoulders. It was actually kind of cool that both of us were still dressed up. I wrapped my arms around his back and hugged him tightly. Our cheeks rubbed against each other, our chests pressed together.

Travis pulled back slightly and moved his hands to my neck. Slowly, without making any sound, he started untying my tie. He folded it up carefully and put it gently down on the desk. He put his hands on my chest, under my jacket and gently slid the suit coat off my shoulders. This, too, was folded neatly and put aside. Then, one by one, he undid the buttons of my shirt moving slowly down from my neck. He pulled the shirt out of my pants carefully, finished unbuttoning it and slid it off my shoulders. He stared at me as my hands reached over for his tie. We gazed at one another as I followed his lead, gently removing his tie, his jacket and his shirt.

Travis leaned in to me and we started kissing one another. His hands rubbed down the back of my white t-shirt and then came to rest on my ass. He pulled me close. I put my own hands in the small of his back and brought us together even tighter. Almost immediately, I could feel our cocks pressing against each other. Travis kept kissing me, more and more aggressively. His tongue seemed to move deeper and deeper down my throat. His teeth occasionally making gentle nibbles against my lips. He started clenching his hands against my ass cheeks, as if he were trying to take a handful of me with him. I ground my cock into his.

We stopped kissing and rested our heads side my side, my lips gently pressed against his neck. I took my right hand and slid it around his ass to the front of his thigh. I pressed my hand between us. Travis inhaled deeply as my hand finally took hold of his cock through his suit pants. My eyes were closed, our clothes were on, but his hard dick felt so familiar, so right in my hand. I knew exactly what to expect as I rubbed him firmly. My hand had already become accustomed to this. I knew exactly how long and wide his dick was, how fast to move, how firm to press. The only sound in the room was from the two of us breathing, taking deep full breaths of each other.

Travis took his hands off my ass. He pulled us apart and gently sat me down onto the edge of the bed. He knelt down in front of me and started unlacing my dress shoes. He took each one off carefully and rubbed my feet for a few moments before removing my socks. He slid his hands up under my pant legs, rubbing against the hairs on my calves.

He stood up and gently pulled me up from the bed. His hands started undoing my belt buckle. He pulled my belt out slowly and placed it with the rest of my clothes. His hands went to my waistband. He knelt down in front of me and rubbed my cock through my suit pants. Then he slowly lowered my zipper. He put his hand through the opening and continued stroking me through my underwear. Carefully, he began maneuvering my dick through the fly in my boxer-briefs and then through my pants. I looked down and saw my dick sticking straight out from my black pants. Travis looked up at me with a smile on his face as he opened wide and began moving back and forth across my dick. I closed my eyes as my head rolled back. I felt Travis' mouth sliding over more and more of my dick. Each time he had taken me in his mouth he seemed to be able to get more of me down his throat. I put my hands on the back of his head and pulled his head back and forth.

He stayed on my cock for a long time, both of us just lost in our own world of passion. My eyes were closed and all I could feel was the rhythm of Travis' mouth moving over my dick. I was pushing his head more and more aggressively, getting closer and closer. Before I could even say anything I felt my orgasm build inside me. I tried to push Travis' mouth away, but he never let his mouth off my cock. I groaned as the first wave of my come shot into his mouth. He jerked back slightly, but still didn't release me. I could feel the hot semen mixing with his spit on my cock as I kept shooting my entire load. After three or four blasts, I was pretty much finished, the rest of my come slowly oozing out of me onto his tongue.

I opened my eyes and looked down at Travis. He looked up at me and very slowly pulled his mouth off my dick which glistened from the coating of spit and semen. Travis licked his lips and smiled at me as he carefully stood up. I pulled his face toward me and kissed him. I could taste my own come in his mouth.

Travis pulled away from me and darted in to the bathroom where I heard him get a drink of water. I pulled off my t-shirt, and took off my pants.

"Sorry," he said rushing back to me.

"Shhhh." I smiled at him as I pulled him close. I kissed him again, his mouth cool and wet. I pulled his t-shirt up slowly from the back. He raised his arms and I tossed it to the ground. I looked in him with total awe. He was so gorgeous. In his eyes I saw everything we had been through this week. Our rocky start, our laughing, our touching. Simply by looking at his eyse, I could feel everything I loved about Travis.

I pulled him close and gently started kissing his neck. His head rolled to one side and I began working my way down into the center of his chest. Even though I had done this before, it now felt completely different. While in the past I had been scared and nervous and unsure of what to do or what to feel, now I was completely comfortable. I knew exactly what his chest felt like. I knew exactly where to put my hands, where to touch, where to kiss him. All I had to think about was making Travis happy.

I took his hands and led him to the bed. He kicked off his shoes and took off his pants. We both crawled into the bed and held one another, our arms wrapped around our backs, our legs intertwined, our hard cocks pressing into one another through our underwear. I released him and slid down the side of his body. I started licking the line of hairs that came up from his boxers and faded into nothingness above his belly button. My hand was rubbing his dick. I pulled it through his fly and gently started licking it with slow, long strokes. I kissed it and took it into my mouth. I closed my eyes, stretched my mouth as wide as I could and pressed all of him into me. I didn't pull back at first, but rather let my tongue massage the underside of his perfect cock. Soon I started moving in rhythm, his beautiful shaft sliding across my lips and into my mouth.

I could hear Travis' breathing increase, I could feel his dick tensing up. But instead of finishing I felt him pull far back and out of my mouth. He sat up and smiled at me. I looked up as he started coming toward me. He lay down on his side, his hands reaching out for my underwear. It took me a second, but then I figured out what he wanted to try. I slid up on the bed and aligned my face directly across from his boxers. He quickly reached down and pulled them off. I did the same with my boxer briefs.

We were both naked, lying across from one another. Of course, as he had all week, it was Travis who went first. He grabbed my cock and moved it confidently into his mouth. As much as I wanted to simply sit back and enjoy the amazing feeling of him once again sucking me, I looked straight ahead at the most beautiful penis I had ever seen in my life and opened wide.

It was unlike anything I had felt before. Not only was I feeling my mouth engulf Travis' cock, but he was also devouring me at the same time. His tongue was now torturing the top my head; his chin brushed against my pubes. We moved almost in unison, faster together, then slower together. We become totally in tune with one another, as if we had become one person. As soon as I felt my own cock tense up, I could also feel Travis' dick growing even harder. We came together. I shot my second, much smaller, load into him. Travis shot into the back of my mouth. I did my best to swallow everything he had. Soon I pulled off his dick and gently licked the head as he continued to ooze dribbles of come.

We were both completely spent. Exhausted due to our own ecstasy. Travis rolled himself around and we pulled our heads up to the pillows. He nuzzled his cheek against mind and pulled me close. We held one another for a long, long time.

"Wow," I whispered.

"Yeah," Travis said. "That was incredible Andy."

"I think we did it," I said.

"Did what?"

"I think we figured this whole thing out on our own pretty well. Don't you?" I asked.

Travis pulled his head back and looked at me smiling.

"Yeah. I think we did."

He stared at me a long time, his smile slowly falling into seriousness.

"Andy," he said. "I don't know how to say this but, I don't want to see you tomorrow. Because if I see you, if we run into one another, I'll lose it. I . . . I won't be able to control myself I just know it. If I saw you tomorrow, all I'd think about was the fact that it was the last time for a while."

"I know. I know." I pulled him close to me.

"So, um," he started again. "I mean . . . is this . . . how are we going to . . . going to say goodbye?"

I thought about what he said, looking into his beautiful eyes.

"Travis," I said slowly. "I don't think I can say goodbye. I don't think I want to. I just want to be with you a while longer. And tomorrow . . . well, tomorrow we should start getting used to a new way of being together even though we're a thousand miles apart."

"I like that," he said smiling. "We'll still be together even though we're apart."


Travis pulled himself close to me and then rolled us over. His chest was pressed against mine, our faces were once again side by side. Everything about it felt right. Feeling Travis on my chest. Allowing my hand to explore his body. We stayed in bed for at least an hour. Occasionally we kissed, but mostly we spent the time holding, touching, loving one another.

"Do you want to go up to the dance?" I asked. "I mean, we may not be able to see Kristin and Susan again."

"I know. I was starting to think about that. I think we should go, don't you?" Travis winked at me.

"Well, I don't really want to leave, but, yeah. We should see those guys tonight."

It took us a long time to get out of bed and dressed. It seemed as though we had to stop every few moments to touch one another with a kiss or a hug. Travis changed directly into shorts and one of his zillion tropic shirts for the dance. We had to stop by my cabin so that I could swap my suit for something more appropriate. Of course, as soon as I started taking my suit off Travis once again pulled himself close to me. Finally, we made our way to The Stack at about midnight.

It didn't take us long to find Susan, Kristin and Ryan hanging out when we arrived.

"Where the hell have you been?" asked Kristin with a huge grin. "We've been here since ten!"

"Oh ya know," said Travis barely even trying to make up a story. "We've been around. So are guys having fun on our last night?"

"Definitely," said Susan. "Brad's actually a really good DJ. He's played some great tunes. Come on! Let's go dance again."

We all headed into the middle of the dance floor and started it dancing. It was just like a dance at school. Except for the fact that this was actually fun. We all danced together as a group, occasionally one of the guys would dance with one of the girls, it didn't matter, we were just enjoying ourselves. Turns out Susan was right: Brad was a good DJ. He'd play some stuff we all knew and then throw in some Caribbean music which was great to dance to. Every once in a while Travis and I would find ourselves just smiling at one another. Without saying a word we told each other how much fun the week had been.

We took a break for a while to get some water. The next song Brad put on was slow. A few couples started nervously heading out on to the dance floor. I watched as Kristin took Ryan's hand and they went to dance. I got up and stood in front of Travis. He looked up at me a little startled and then smiled. I reached down for his hand and we headed to the dance floor. I wrapped my arms around him. I could see some of the other kids snickering and pointing at us. But I honestly didn't care. I put my head on his shoulders and closed my eyes as the singing started.

It's late in the evening

She's wondering what clothes to wear

She puts on her make up

And brushes her long blonde hair

And then she asks me

Do I look alright

And I say yes, you look wonderful tonight

"People are watching us," Travis whispered in my ear.

"I know," I said. "And I don't care. Remember? We're honest all week."

We go a party

And everyone turns to see

This beautiful lady

That's walking around with me

And then she asks me

Do you feel alright

And I say yes, I feel wonderful tonight

"You don't think I'm a beautiful lady with long blonde hair do you?"

"Shut up," I giggled. "I think I feel wonderful tonight."

"Oh," he said pulling me close. "Now I understand."

I feel wonderful

Because I see the love light in your eyes

And the wonder of it all

Is that you just don't realize

How much I love you

It's time to go home now

And I've got an aching head

So I give her the car keys

She helps me to bed

And then I tell her

As I turn out the light

I say my darling, you were wonderful tonight

Oh my darling, you were wonderful tonight

The song kept playing and I put my head up. I saw Kristin and Ryan looking at us. Ryan's eyes were buggin out; Kristin was smiling. The song ended and the two of them came over to us as Travis and I slowly pulled apart.

"Well," said Kristin grinning. "I guess we finally figured out where you two have been all evening!"

Susan practically ran on to the dance floor to hug both Travis and me. She whispered something about how happy she was for us in my ear. Brad totally shifted gears into some awesome Caribbean dance music. For the next twenty minutes we all once again danced together and celebrated our fun week. Eventually, even Ryan seemed to recover a bit from our little display of affection.

As the dance ended and the lights came up a bit, we all exchanged email addresses. The girls had tears in their eyes and gave everyone hugs. (Ryan was more comfortable with handshakes.) It was kind of sad actually, but I think we were all in such a fun mode from the dance that we didn't really feel depressed.

We all headed out and Travis and I knew, again, where we were going. It had to be after to two in the morning by now. Our overlook was completely empty. We had the entire deck, the entire view to ourselves. We walked up to the railing and Travis put his hand on mine. We stared out at the ocean for a long time. I shivered a bit in the breeze and Travis wrapped his arm around my side, pulling him close to me. I put my head on his shoulder.

"So," I said. "I guess this is it for a while, huh?"

"Yeah," he said softly.

"Will you sing for me again?"

"I don't' know if I can without crying," Travis said.

"Would you try? For me?"

Come away with me in the night

Come away with me

And I will write you a song

Come away with me on a bus

Come away where they can't tempt us

With their lies

I want to walk with you

On a cloudy day

In fields where the yellow grass grows knee-high

So won't you try to come

Come away with me and we'll kiss

On a mountaintop

Come away with me

And I'll never stop loving you

And I want to wake up with the rain

Falling on a tin roof

While I'm safe there in your arms

So all I ask is for you

To come away with me in the night

Come away with me

His voice cracked a few times and he was practically whispering at the end. Somehow he managed to get through. We were both kind of sniffling when he finished.

Travis came behind me and wrapped his arms around me. We held onto one another.

"I don't want to go," I said.

"I know."

"But we have to."

"I know," he said.

Slowly I turned around and looked at Travis. I gave him a soft kiss and took his hand. We started walking toward the elevator. We went downstairs and Travis walked me to my cabin.

I turned and faced him.

"Travis, I don't know what to say" I started. "This week . . . "

"Don't," he interrupted. "I know. I know."

I hugged him tightly.

"I love you," I said starting to cry.

"I love you too," he whispered, choking back tears.

I turned around and opened the door.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPRING BREAK CRUISE January 2004

Well, that's about it! YES, there is one more (very short) part to come, but we're nearing the end now.

Thanks for all the kind emails and comments. I have enjoyed hearing your feedback and enthusiasm. I hope you're still enjoying the story. Comments and critiques are welcome at: billynkyle@yahoo.com or you can try me on MSN Messenger at: billynkyle@yahoo.com.

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To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd-nc/1.0/ or send a letter to:

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Next: Chapter 8

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