Spring Break Cruise

By Mike Wilson

Published on Jan 14, 2004


Spring Break Cruise (8)


I didn't see Travis on Saturday. And I guess, like he said, that was probably a good thing. Of course I was totally crabby and depressed the entire trip home. I knew I shouldn't take this out on my family, but I was in a really bad mood and I was completely rude every time anybody said anything to me. I'm sure my parents were ready to send me to see the school counselor or something.

As soon as we got home I went to my room to email Travis. It turns out he had sent me an e-postcard already from the ship some time on Friday and that was waiting for me. As soon as I saw his name in my email box I got excited. His note was completely cheesy but still, it was the first time I had smiled all day. I sent him an email and waited for his response, checking every five minutes to see if he had gotten home yet. Finally around 9 o'clock or so, I got his reply and we were able to IM one another. We stayed up til midnight chatting online. It made me feel a lot better but I still went to bed feeling pretty lonely that night.

We started getting into the habit of chatting online pretty much every night after that. We sent each other pictures from the trip and talked about what was going on at school. It was great, but I still missed him like crazy.

After we had been back about two weeks or so, Travis told me he was going to come out to his parents, just like he had said. The following day he sent me an email:

-----Original Message-----

From: Travis Larson [mailto:tplarson87@yahoo.com]

Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2003 3:56 PM

To: anmitchell@comcast.net

Subject: last night


wazzup! how are u? my audition for the musical

yesterday went great! call-backs are tomorrow

and so keep your fingers crossed for me k? how'd your

chem test go? i'm sure you aced it (if you ever got

off the computer and started studying ha ha!)

you probably want to know how things went last night

with my parents. after we finished our chat i went

right down stairs and just sort of blurted it out. i

was totally babbling to them even though i had

completely rehearsed what i was going to say before

hand. it was pretty bad. mom started crying right

away and dad was angry--like i knew he would be. they

both said i was too young to know, that i just needed

to go out wiht girls and stuff. i told them it didn't

work like that but i'm not sure they really

understood. we talked for a long time and eventually

they sort of calmed down a bit. i tried to go

back to my room and study, but i could hear them arguing.

dad was all 'this is your fault' to my mom

which really made me angry. i guess the good news

is that they both came to talk to me afterward. mom

was still crying but she said she loved me and that all

she wants is for me to be happy. i didn't realize

until she said it how much i needed to hear that. dad

mumbled something about how he didn't approve of any

of this-no shit-but i was still his son and he even managed

to say he loved me as well. one step at a time huh?

god Andy, it really sucked. i never want to do that

again. but its weird cause i'm still glad i did.

things are still pretty tense around here, and even

though i've kind of made their lives suck for a while,

i finally feel like i've made my life better. that

probably doesnt make any sense, but i just know

that i feel like a huge weight has finally come off my


i know we say this every email but i miss u so

much!!! after my parents left the only thing I wanted was

to feel your arms around me.

we'll chat again tonite. i'm enclosing a little pic i

took for you (don't get excited--its rated G!!)

love, t

I opened the picture and smiled as I saw a close up of his foot--sporting our anklet. I reread what Travis had written. I looked down at my own foot and the matching anklet I was wearing. I headed downstairs to find my parents in the living room.

"Mom, Dad," I said. "There's something I need to tell you."


I've been genuinely shocked at how many people have written about this story. Thank you for your kind words of encouragement. As usual, your comments are always welcome! Please do feel free to write to me at: billynkyle@yahoo.com or you can try me on MSN Messenger at: billynkyle@yahoo.com. I'm toying with a sequel . . . so let me know if you'd be interested!

I didn't originally intend for this to become a musical, but as it went along I found myself sort of intrigued with the idea of a story with a soundtrack. Hence the number of song lyrics in this story. Hope that didn't feel too forced or silly.

If you're curious, here's the song list in its entirety. I actually burned them on a disc and it didn't turn out to be that bad a mix. Ya know, in a cheesy, love song kinda way.

"Part of Your World"

Performed by Jodi Benson

Song by Howard Ashman and Alan Menken

From the Original Motion Picture Soundtrack to "The Little Mermaid"

"Part of Your World (reprise)

Performed by Jodi Benson

Song by Howard Ashman and Alan Menken

From the Original Motion Picture Soundtrack to "The Little Mermaid

"Time After Time"

Performed by Tuck & Patti

Song by Cyndi Lauper

From "The Best of Tuck & Patti"

"Under The Boardwalk"

Performed by Bette Midler

Song by Arthur Resnick and Kenny Young

From the Original Motion Picture Recording of "Beaches"

"The Luckiest"

Performed by Ben Folds

Song by Ben Folds

From "Rockin' the Suburbs"

"Good Things"

Performed by the BoDeans

Song by the BoDeans

Live version from "Joe Dirt Car"

"At Last"

Performed by Etta James

"Song for the Asking"

Performed by Simon and Garfunkel

Song by Paul Simon

Live Version from "The Essential Simon and Garfunkel" (?)

"Wonderful Tonight"

Performed by Eric Clapton

Song by Eric Clapton

Live Version from "24 Nights"

"Come Away With Me"

Performed by Norah Jones

Song by Norah Jones

From "Come Away With Me"

And I added this one for pure over-the-top corniness (ya know, the whole book-end thing):

"Happy Ending"

Performed by the Disney Chorus

Song by Alan Menken

From the Original Motion Picture Soundtrack to "The Little Mermaid"

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPRING BREAK CRUISE January 2004

Comments and critiques are welcome at: billynkyle@yahoo.com or you can try me on MSN Messenger at: billynkyle@yahoo.com.

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Next: Chapter 9

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