Spring Break Sock Fetish

By moc.loa@skcoscexe

Published on Aug 25, 2020



Spring Break, the time of year that every college student loves...and longs for... ...and since Brian and his dorm roommate, Peter, had known each other for the last two years at that point, the two young college boys had decided to spend their Spring Break together, in Orlando Florida, Brian's home state. He had told his college buddy that they would be able to stay at his parent's house, seeing as they were away, and that they would be able to party like crazy while they were gone. Now, as Brian drove the rental car he had acquired at the airport, Peter, in the passenger seat, asked, "Are you sure it's gonna be okay staying at your folks' house? I mean, we could have stayed in a hotel and partied just as much... "Are you kidding, bud of mine?" Brian asked in reply, not taking his eyes off the road as he drove. "Staying at my parent's house while they're away will save us on hotel expenses, plus all my friends in the area know we're coming...and I heard they're even bringing some single ladies..." "As long as it's okay I guess I'm game," Peter said. "And the fact that your parents have a beach house makes it all the more to look forward to." "Sure as hell bud of mine, we'll get the partying started tonight with a barbecue and beer, lots and lots of fucking beer...even a beer keg..." Brain said, grinning from ear to ear as he drove. "We should be there in another ten to fifteen minutes..." "Sounds good man," Peter said. Fifteen minutes later, Brian pulled up in front of a majestic looking and most impressively beautiful l beach house. "WOW, look at this place," Peter exclaimed. "You never told me what your parents do that they can afford a house like this..." As he turned off the car's ignition the blond haired, blue eyed, twenty year old Brian said, "My dad is an attorney with a huge firm and my mother is a vice president for a bank. And this beach house is actually our summer home, which is why they're not here during College Spring Break. They actually live in Manhattan, in New York City." "SUH-WEET," Peter, brown eyed, brown haired, fairly muscular and also twenty years old said. The two young men alighted from the car, stepped to the trunk to get their luggage and then headed to the front door of the luxurious beach house. Once inside, the two college students each set their luggage down by the door and Brian said, "We'll take those up to our rooms in a bit. Let's head to the kitchen and get a nice cold beer each. My dad always keeps the refrigerator stocked with fresh stuff, including beer." "Sounds like a plan," Peter said and followed Brian through the spacious house toward the kitchen." It was, as they were passing a beautifully decorated living room when Peter halted, looked into the living room, and whispered, "Hey, Brian, who's the dude sleeping in the recliner?" Stepping next to his college buddy, Brian looked to where Peter had indicated, and he saw the handsome young man who was asleep in the recliner, he softly said, "Oh, that's Elliot, he's my sister Caroline's boyfriend. I didn't know she was here. She must be out at the moment." "Want me to wake him and let him and let him know we're here?" Peter asked, staring intently at the handsome as hell young man in the recliner. "Yeah, I guess that's a good idea, wouldn't want him to wake up and be startled to find us here. But good luck getting him to wake up, he's sleeps real deep. This isn't the first time he's fallen asleep in the recliner and I had to wake him up. But hey, while you do that, I'll go get the beers. Tell Elliot I'll bring one for him too...if you manage to wake him that is..." "Sure thing," Peter said... ...and as he stepped into the living room and approached the sleeping young man, Brian headed to the kitchen... ...and it was, as Peter got closer to the sleeping young man in the recliner that he took notice, REAL notice, of... "His feet, DAMN, look at those light brown socked feet of his..." Peter found himself thinking. "Fuck, Brian's sister's boyfriend has beautifully shaped feet...socked feet...' As the college student stepped closer to the recliner he suddenly smelled a funky scent and found himself deeply sniffing the air... "DAMN, I can smell them, I can smell the guy's feet, I can smell his socked feet..." Peter was then saying to himself. What a jazzy aroma..." Peter, seconds later, was standing directly in front of the recliner... ...and directly over the footrest of the recliner... ...as he heartily sniffed the air... "FUCKING fucks, his socked feet smell so good..." Peter said to himself next. "So damned good..." Without thinking about it, Peter found himself sinking and then kneeling in front of the sleeping young man's socked feet... ...and as he sniffed the air some more and inhaled the funky sock sent, the college student felt his cock growing hard in his pants... "Amazing, just fucking amazing," Peter whispered as he moved his face close to the sleeping young man's feet, and sniffed even harder at that point... ...and then sniffed up and down the bottom of the young man's feet alternately... "MMMMM..." was the sound the young man in the recliner made then... ...and as his heart raced in his chest, Peter looked up... ...and saw he was still asleep... "Whew," Peter quietly said, thanked God that Brian was right, that his sister's boyfriend slept really deeply... ...and as gently as possible, pressed the tip of his nose against the bottom of the sleeping young man's right socked foot... Tears of joy filled Peter's eyes and a feeling of ecstasy that he had never known before consumed him... As he then sniffed the area of the sleeping young man's right socked foot under his toes, Peter, as delicately as possible, stuck out his tongue and touched the tip of it to the young man's socked foot... Suddenly, from the corner of his eye, Peter saw someone standing over him... He quickly looked up (with a look in his eyes akin to that of a cat caught with the canary) and saw Brian looming over him, his college buddy holding three bottles of ice cold beer in his hands... "What, what in all fucks are you doing man?" Brian whispered. "What the fuck are you sniffing Elliot's feet for???" Looking up at Brian, Peter whispered, "His socked feet man, I'm sniffing his socked feet." With a look of total disbelief and shock mixed in on his face, Brian whispered in response, "Alright, his socked feet. Why in all fucks are you sniffing my sister's boyfriend's socked feet?" "Can't you smell it in the air? Can't you smell his feet and sock odor?" Peter asked and gently licked the bottoms of Elliot's feet one time each. "It's fucking intoxicating..." The young man stirred slightly in his sleep, but went on snoozing, much to the relief of Brian and Peter... "Shit," Brian whispered, gently placing the bottles of beer down on the nearby coffee table. "You just licked his socks...shit. But yeah, I can smell his feet and sock odor in the air. It's kind of pungent...spicy somehow..." Without looking up this time, Peter again sniffed at Elliot's socked feet and whispered, "Exactly...fuck, tell me it's not somehow driving you wild..." Like Peter earlier, Brian, without thinking, lowered himself to his knees next to his college buddy... ...and while Peter now sniffed and stole delicate licks and kisses on Elliot's right socked foot, Brian was doing the same thing to the handsome young man's left foot... "Fuck, his socks taste and smell amazing," Brian whispered. "I'll bet my sister doesn't appreciate this about him." As the two college students went on sniffing, gently licking and delicately kissing Elliot's socked feet he again stirred a bit in his sleep... Brian and Peter looked at each other, held their breath, and when Elliot didn't wake they resumed their task at hand, or, to be more precise, their task at feet... "What if he does wake up?" Peter said softly. "He won't," Brian replied in a whisper. "Like I told you, he's a deep sleeper...but, when he does wake up, let's be in the kitchen drinking beers..." Peter grinned devilishly, sniffed Elliot's socked foot and quietly said, "Sounds like a plan to me, but I sure wish I could have these socks of his. I would put them in a plastic zip lock bag and keep them forever..." "Yeah, keep dreaming," Brian whispered and also went on sniffing. "Just count yourself lucky you got to do this...Jeez...sniffing another dude's socked feet, never in all my life bud of mine..." The two college students chuckled softly and continued their socked feet work... ...until Elliot more than stirred in his sleep and began to wake up. Brian and Peter bolted to their feet, grabbed the bottles of beer and made their way quickly from the living room to the kitchen... A few short minutes later, as Brian and Peter were sipping a bottle of beer each while sitting at the kitchen table, Elliot stepped in and said, "Hey Brian, who's your friend?" "Oh hey Elliot, how's it going dude?" Brian quickly responded, trying to sound as innocent as possible. "This is uh, my college dorm roommate, Peter. Peter, this is Elliot, my sister's boyfriend." "Nice to meet you, Peter," Elliot said and held out his hand to shake... ...and as he held out his hand, his light brown socks were dangling in it. "Uh, nice to meet you too...uh, Elliot," Peter stammered and hesitated before holding out his hand. "It's all good dude," Elliot said to Peter. "You can have my smelly socks, your wish came true. Brian, get a zip lock bag for your buddy here..." With that, Peter took the socks in hand and sniffed them. Grinning, Elliot said, "I'll see you sock sniffers in a bit. I so want a beer. But right now I need to go to my luggage in Caroline's room and get a fresh pair of socks...you two can sniff them tomorrow...after I've cooked them with my feet sweat..." and the two college dudes watched as he exited the kitchen...

/ The End? /

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