St Thomas

Published on Jul 20, 2021


St. Thomas' Cathedral for the Prosperous and Wealthy.

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have comments send them to

The real name of the church was St. Thomas's Cathedral, but being prosperous and wealthy was the defining characteristic of the cathedral. The Bishop, the Right Reverend Milton Dulaney, was fully aware of this characteristic. He made sure that if you wished to be a member of the congregation, you would be generous to worthy causes. This included nursery schools for needy families, several emergency funds for the needy and college tuition for the gifted.

I am Doug Douglas, the Director of Choirs, and the leader of the men's choir. Elizabeth Howard directs the women's choir. This arrangement was from 19th Century, so a choir always had a week off between services. Today we had joint services with some regularity. The choirs were popular, and we were able to perform works that had originally been intended for male or female voices.

We also had a children's choir, directed by a male and female leader. This illuminated the possibility of inappropriate sexual contact. While choirs and choir directors are often sexually suspect, we were careful about that. I am gay but am married to a wonderful woman and we have two beautiful daughters. My wife has other sexual interests, but we are compatible, and she wanted children with a man who could be a good father. Our arrangement has worked well.

My choir members were serious amateurs. They were all interested in music, and most were quite knowledgeable. There were between fifteen and twenty members, but there were others who could help as needed. A good portion of the choir was unmarried, but that could be due either to their sexual preferences or due to their eccentric personalities.

We had another group called the Sextet that sang for the summer vacation period. They were older men who sang in the bass, bass-baritones, and baritone range. Gregorian chants were their strong suit, but the leader of the group, Tony, had a skill at writing comic Christmas songs for the annual pageant. They were also my emergency fill in group for soloist who didn't show up, or for bad weather services. They didn't mind being inconvenienced.

My connection with them was mostly calling Tony and telling him we needed five minutes of music, uplifting if possible. They would show up, do a superb five minutes of uplifting music, and sit down.

The bishop's helper, the Rev. Delmont Willis thought I should check up on them. The Rev. Delmont was not a bad man. He was excellent in hospital visits to dying parishioners. He was a well-meaning pain-in- the-neck the rest of the time. The concept of leaving well enough alone was totally foreign to him.

I called Tony and asked if I could attend one of their rehearsals. I was afraid I might offend him.

"Delmont is on the loose?" he asked. I said yes. Tony was good about it.

They met on Wednesday evenings. That was a good time for me. My wife took our daughters to have dinner with her parents. I never got along with them. They thought I didn't make enough money to support my family in the manner they expected. I always had the night free. I arrived at Tony's house at 7:30 and met with the sextet. Bill, the oldest member with the deepest voice looked at me and said, "Delmont?" I nodded. He almost said shit, but he held back. Charles, Washington, and Jerry arrived soon after. Walt was the last man to arrive. While they had perfectly matched voices, it looked as if there was one of each physical type in the group.

Tony was a bearded, bear like man. Bill was a clean shaven, tall scare crow. Charles was a chubby five-foot-six man with every hair in place. Washington was a small Chinese man. Jerry was a scrawny redneck with a Fu Manchu, Walt was an older man who looked like a thin Santa. Without choir robes they weren't an impressive group.

They had coffee and began singing. Washington was a professor of music at the local university, and he composed and arranged music for the group. They were working on one of his compositions. It was beautiful and would be perfect for a funeral service.

I had to take a leak. The small powder room toilet was broken, so I went to the master bedroom bath. The bath was the size of a bedroom with a walk-in shower. Jerry also needed to piss, so he waited. The room was mostly mirrored.

As I left Jerry said, "Damn you have a nice one. I hadn't guessed." I must have looked shocked.

"Sorry if I offended you. Some of my pals tell me I should think before I talk," he said.

I laughed. "Looking on the bright side, it is better than telling me that you didn't know cocks came that small," I said.

"Is that a copyrighted comment? If it isn't, I might add it to my list of snappy come backs," he said.

"You are free to use it, I don't get the opportunity to use it often," I said.

Jerry got closer. "Does it taste as good as it looks?" he whispered.

"No one had ever complained," I replied. Why I said that I do not know. I am always discrete about my sexual preferences.

"We have a little after the rehearsal lay back and relax session," Jerry said. "It's naked and the guys are really friendly."

"I couldn't do that," I said.

"I am pretty sure you can," he replied.

To say I had been in a long sexual dry spell understates the case. Eight months earlier I had run into a high school friend while visiting my parents. Tommy had fucked me with great enthusiasm. He was the third guy to fuck me and at the time he had the biggest cock I had ever taken in high school. He was on the high side of average now, but I felt a wave of nostalgia as he fucked me. He was the first guy to shoot off in me and when he shot off this time, it was beautiful.

Somehow, I was naked and hard with the sextet an hour later. Tony came over to me. "It's nice to have you here. We are a nice group of guys. I guess you could say membership has been static for a while. It's nice to have a visitor," he said.

"It's a surprise but it's nice to be here for me too," I said.

"What's your poison? We like to please our guest," he asked.

"If I told you I like to get fucked, is that too much for you to know?" I asked.

"We have been short on bottoms for years. Are six men too much for you?" he asked.

"I have no idea at all," I said. "I'm not opposed to new experiences. I don't think I want that advertised."

"I won't say a word," Tony said. It may sound strange, but the members of the sextet were perfect gentlemen. I admit they were sex obsessed gentlemen, but polite and courteous. I had been in a threesome once it was not a success.

The men were attractive but not so attractive as to make you feel inferior. I wouldn't say there were more attractive naked than dressed, but they were definatly more interesting. My college roommate was openly gay, and he described men as "having potential."

Tony was hairy and had a baseball bat hanging from his groin. Bill has a long probe. Charles' cock was wider than it was long. Washington's cock was average. Jerry's cock was meaty. Walt was covered in white hair and had a compact cock, and balls.

I wouldn't have thought that a homosexual orgy was an ideal way to get acquainted, but it worked. The members of the Sextet were old friends, and they knew me. A post-rehearsal orgy was normal for them.

While Jerry fucked me, he explained the situation. They were all gay men and the had been searching for safe, discrete playmates. The rehearsal orgy provided a safe way to let off steam with men they knew were safe. Jerry told me he didn't think the parties would work, but he was wrong. The men tended to be imaginative, and sometimes brought a friend to provide variety.

"I get horny, but it's okay to call a member and have a one-on-one relief session," Jerry said. "Knowing that is an option is a relief. It calms me down even if I don't make the call. We are a bit top-heavy. If you join us, it would be a help."

Jerry's cock just happened to find a special place in my ass, and I stopped listening to him for a while. I remembered him squirting sperm. I closed my eyes briefly and the next time I focused; Tony's cock had filled my ass. I think he had some experience fitting his oversized cock into tight places. Jerry's sperm seemed to be a good lubricant.

I thought back to my High School friend, Tommy. It hadn't been easy to take his cock, but his cock was friendly. I knew he would eventually shoot off and I wondered if he would know when I shot off. I shot off and triggered his orgasm. It was beautiful for him and me.

As I thought of Tommy, Tony's pubic hair was touching my asshole. He was in. It was huge, and somehow it felt right. His cock was made for my ass. I had never found dildos satisfactory.

Jerry was with Washington. Charles was with Bill. No one was watching but I heard Jerry moan every time Washington went deep. Charles and Bill were in the sixty-nine position as Walt try to help them to co-ordinate their orgasms.

When Tony pulled out of me, Walt came over to lick my ass as Jerry and Tony's cum dripped from it. "The boys shot off their best loads in you," he said. "You must be a turn on."

After that it was getting late, and I went home. I worried that the men might think I was a slut or lose respect for me as Choir director. I felt a little like the actor who claimed he could never respect a person who respected him. Apparently, he thought they were slumming. I thought I would not join in the Sextet's party again.

When I woke the next morning, the sun was shining, and the birds were chirping. All was well. At St. Thomas's no one could tell that anyone had been in my ass, not to mention who might have been there.

Two days later I was at hardware, builder supply store and ran into Tony. The was a PA system announcement that Mr. Frederickson was needed at the main office. "Sorry, I am needed, he said as he went to the office. I hate to be dense, but I had bought what I needed, and as I drove away, the Hardware store was named Frederickson's. It was a big operation. Antony Frederickson was a well-known man. I hadn't put one and one together. I also knew I would be at the Sextet's next rehearsal.

When I got back to the Cathedral, I got news that a pilar of the church had died and there was a funeral to plan. The deceased, William Hobbs, was quiet and very generous. The funeral was in two days. His daughter, Carlotta, was going to Europe and didn't want to change her schedule. Carlotta was not quiet and not generous, but she made of for that by being demanding.

The Sextet was to sing. I called Tony and that was fine. They would be there. It was a simple service as Hobbs had wanted. The bishop attended which was rare for funerals. Only close friends attended. Two of Carlotta's three former husbands were there with his grandchildren. Her current husband was a tennis player and was at a tournament.

The cathedral is a large building, but it was the perfect acoustical setting for the Sextet. They could fill the half empty room. Remarkably, Carlotta did not cause a scene. She went to Europe and the cathedral had a thank you note from her with a check for a hundred thousand.

I called Tony to thank him. The music was perfect for the occasion. He told me they were having another rehearsal on Saturday after noon. The funeral was in their usual rehearsal day. He asked if I could come to lunch. He wanted to talk with me. I said that was fine. Saturday was my wife and daughters' tennis lessons day.

On Saturday lunch was good. He told me the men enjoyed having me there. I said I enjoyed it too.

"I have one problem. We all enjoyed you, but it seemed like a one-sided enjoyment," he said. "I don't know if it was good for you?"

"I must have a better poker face than I guessed." I said. "I enjoyed it greatly. It had been a long time since my ass received a visitor."

"Most men have a problem with mine," Tony said. "I get turned on when I go deep. Did it reach any new places?"

"I think so, but it was hard to think in that position," I said. "I do know that I felt you squirting, and it was exciting."

"I have a confession. Once and a while my cock falls in love," Tony said, "That happened when my cock pushed through your sphincter. I had the best orgasm in years when I shot off in you," he said.

I smiled. "It was good for me too. I'm not sure it was love," I said, smiling.

"Well, I wasn't exactly proposing. It was the sort of love you feel when you are getting close to an orgasm," he said.

"I admit when I feel sperm squirting into my ass, I feel something too. Maybe it was love-lite?" I said. Tony laughed. "I would like to meet with your group again but I'm not only a bottom."

"You don't want to have six men's cum in your ass?" he asked smiling.

"A few times would be fine, but not as a regular thing. Maybe for birthdays or major holidays," I replied.

"Would you mind if I was last in line?" he asked.

"You would like that?" I asked.

"I might lick your ass after," he said. "It would be a sperm buffet."

"I hate to admit this, but we think alike," I replied.

The doorbell rang, and Tony went to open it. It was Randy, Walt, and Bill. Five minutes later Washington, and Charles arrived. They were glad to see me.

They were working on a comic routine for a family night dinner. The plan was to sing songs about animals and then turn into imitations of the animals. It was done in the form of a Gregorian Chant, and the contrast between the chant and the animal sounds was funny. It was clever and as they worked on the routine, it got better and funnier.

After a half hour, Tony announced, "It's time to party. Douglas is back with us, and my nephew, Leo, is on the way. I think you remember him from his visit last year. Leo appeared ten minutes later, he saw we were naked, and he stripped as he came over to us. I guessed he was in his late twenties or early thirties. He was built like Tony but was more muscular and just as hairy. The men greeted him enthusiastically.

I was in the sixty-nine position with Walt. Leo said hello and we disentangled. My mouth was at Leo's cock height. Leo had an artist's model type cock. It was perfect, almost photogenic. I leaned over and sucked it.

"My Uncle didn't mention you were a mind reader!" Leo said laughing. He soon got down on the floor and sucked Walt and me. He knew how to make friends. Walt had bushy white hair, it its bushiest at his beard and bush. Leo seemed to like exploring the cock in the forest.

Leo moved on and Bill took his place. Bill was nicknamed Hoover due to his sucking technique. Bill also had a direct and no-frills fucking technique with a concentration on deep strokes followed by a forceful and extended orgasm. Some men have stealth orgasms. They can shoot of without you knowing they ejaculated. You could count the ejaculations Bill was shooting.

Moments later, Leo was back with me. "Do you get worn out? he asked.

"That might happen, but it hasn't happened yet," I said. "Is it your turn?" I asked.

"Would it bother you if it was?" he asked.

"I am forty-five-years-old. it hasn't bothered me yet," I replied.

Leo laughed and said, "Uncle Tony said you had good attitude." He paused. "I'm not experienced, and fucking hasn't been that good. I wondered if I am doing it right."

"Has Tony given you some pointers?" I asked.

"That would be uncomfortable," he said. "Tony's my favorite uncle."

"If I told you that some trial-and-error experimentation in my ass would not be a problem. Would you be okay with that?" I asked.

Leo smiled. "Are you a mind reader?" he asked.

"It is a well-established fact that you can easily sense the intentions of a young guy with an erection," I said.

Leo laughed again as Walt handed him the lubricant. Leo wasn't timid, but he was careful. Walt told him he didn't want Bill's seamen to be bruised by his cock. "Think of sperm as homemade ball bearings easing the way into the ass," he explained.

"Did you get in that deep?" Leo asked.

"Shit no, but a guy can dream," Walt replied.

All was well. It was good for me and for Leo. I told him to slow down and smell the roses. There was no need to rush. He could take his time and work up to the climax. I used my anus and sphincter to massage his cock. He discovered the slow rhythm of thrusting was much more pleasurable. The final ejaculations were more intense and more pleasurable. When he pulled out, his uncle, Tony sucked my cock to completion to show Leo how to eat my load. I am not sure Leo had taken a load in the mouth.

I was surprised that when Tony stood, he spread my legs and slipped his cock into my recently vacated ass. Leo's freshly deposited sperm was a prefect lubricant. Fucking is always intimate, but this was intimate for Tony and for me. Tony shot off after ten minutes of gentle thrusting.

When he pulled out, Randy was there to eat the cum drooling from my ass. Bill came by and shared the cleanup duties. Bill had a long tongue, and he coaxed the man seed from my ass.

My image of an orgies was of Barbarians raping Roman women. This was certainly an orgy, but it was a calm, restrained event. It was also intensely pleasurable. The sex was incredible, it seemed that the suckers, the men they sucked, the tops, and the bottoms enjoyed it equally. Sperm flowed freely from everyone's cocks.

Leo later told me it was intensely pleasurable. His previous efforts had been merely okay. Watching his uncle fuck me had been a turn on. He had a feeling I might run into him again.

Next: Chapter 2

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