St Thomas

Published on Jul 22, 2021


St. Thomas' Cathedral for the Prosperous and Wealthy. 2 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have comments send them to

A week after I met Leo, his parents were killed in horrible accident. A truck tire blew on the interstate and the truck hit their car head-on before it burst into flame. It occurred near a traffic cam and was caught on video.

The bodies were severely burned and had to be identified by DNA testing. The only good news was that the medical examiner said they were killed instantly. Things are bad when the good news is instant death. This DNA test delayed the funeral for two weeks, and left Leo in limbo.

He stayed with Tony, but Leo had many friends as did his parents. Apparently, Tony was the black sheep of the family. He had been disinherited. Tony was the only self-made man in the family. He only owned a chain of Hardware and Building Supply stores worth upwards of thirty-forty million. Leo's father had big bucks. He inherited the family fortune and grew it into bigger fortune.

Tony and his brother got along well. Tony's brother had a long, loving, and apparently good relations with his wife. The Right Reverend Milton Dulaney referred to the wife as being prickly and difficult. For the Bishop, prickly and difficult was only slightly less negative than being a mass murderer.

The bishop was not into finance at all, but one of the Diocesan financial people was in the know and he noticed the corporate people running the company after the accident were making some unwise and unorthodox financial choices. The bishop called Tony and the situation was resolved. The persons involved lost their jobs and left town unexpectedly.

Leo moved in with Tony until he got settled. Leo was twenty-five and had no interest in his father's businesses. He decided to sell them and put the cash into something that interested him. The rehearsals continued, but the post rehearsal get togethers stopped.

I was surprised that I missed the get togethers. I knew I enjoyed them, but I thought they were incidental to my life. When they stopped, I discovered that I depended on them as a sexual release. With them my life had become more enjoyable. They had become an important part of my life.

Two months after the accident I was in the Cathedral cemetery with Leo watching his parents' tomb stone being erected. Somehow, I had been put in charge of tombstones. I wanted them to be modest, simple, and attractive. There was no problem with Leo's choice of monument.

As we left the cemetery, Leo asked if the post rehearsal events would begin again. I said I didn't know, but I sure missed them. I was talking as a man, not as the choir director. I was afraid I offended him.

"I feel the same way. I wasn't true love, but it sure was fun," Leo said. "I know the ideal for a woman is to treat sex is the climax of true love. Do you think that's true for men?"

"I sure hope it's not!" I said. That also was not diplomatic.

Leo burst out laughing. "I was hoping it wasn't a requirement too."

"I don't believe you should use another man just for sex. I think it should be mutual," I said. "That may not be required but it would be nice. I think the post rehearsal parties are a special case in some ways," I said. "They weren't a Sunday School picnic. We were there for sex, to suck cock and fuck. There might be some love, but it was mostly lust."

"Is that so bad?" he asked.

"I has not been bad for me," I replied.

Several major events occurred in my family's life. My mother-in-law had a major heart attack and was now partially crippled. My daughters won admission to the Governor's Advanced Science Academy. It was commonly called the genius school. The school was a two-hour drive away from our house. It was three blocks from my in-laws' house.

My daughters and I were similar in many ways. I was obsessive about music, especially about music theory. They were the same about science. Elizabeth loved chemistry and physics. Elaine loved medicine and biology. By the time they were in Junior High, we knew we were the same sort of persons, but our obsessions did not match.

There was an obvious solution. My wife and daughters moved in with their grandparents. This solved both the grandparents and my daughters' problems. They still came to every major church event, so there were no obvious problems with the cathedral congregation. We remained a happy family.

After they moved, the rehearsals complete with the play period resumed. I think Tony missed the opportunity for sexual release as much as I did. Leo was regularly in attendance. He seemed more relaxed too. I assumed he would like younger men, but he seemed to be okay with the older guys. I knew Leo got along with his father. I met him. He was pleasant and polite, but conventional. I had a feeling he accepted what his father had told him a half century earlier. He didn't have a closed mind. He just never considered opening it. That wasn't helpful for a gay son.

The members of the sextet had greatly varied life and sexual experiences. They knew what worked best. Jerry had tried it all and had some bad experiences along with the good. All the men wanted Leo to have good experiences with them.

When we resumed the parties, I immediately noticed the sex was more intense. There was a slight eat, drink and be merry aspect to this. This took the form of increased anal sex, and increased interest in orgasms.

This was pronounced with Tony. He seemed to share his sperm more widely and to accept liquid gifts from the men. Tony was a forceful fucker, but as soon as sperm began to spurt, he was tender. It was friendly and beautiful. I wouldn't say he became loving, but he expressed affection with ejaculations. I was pleased when this huge man shot his cream into my ass. It was a gift, not just a deposit. Tony told me I was the most receptive man he knew, and he enjoyed me.

I had a suspicion that some might confuse the words receptive and slut. Some tasks which are onerous to some are easy and enjoyable to others. Some might be confused by this. The men in the sextet all seemed to enjoy me. I became particularly close to Jerry, Leo, and Walt.

The Sextet performed the Gregorian Chant with associated animal noises at a church night dinner. It was intended for children, but the adults loved it too. It was clever and unexpected. In the last part the animal noises unexpectedly melded in a beautiful harmony. One of news anchors of the local television stations was there, and he was most impressed.

I had one bad character weakness. I was willing to be helpful. A good portion of the Cathedral staff were set in their ways. That was due to a previous bishop. He hired staff because they were related to important parishioners, and/or had problems keeping a job. Once they were working for the cathedral, the reasons they had problems keeping jobs became obvious. The reasons for losing jobs were mixed, except they were all incapable of getting to the job or an appointment on time. Our current Bishop was slowly cleaning house, but it was slow going.

As a result, I was given many non-musical tasks. We had a fire in the education building largely due to our building manager. When he got a report saying the wiring in the building was marginal and some situations could cause a fire, the manager filed the report. It was filed in a fireproof cabinet. The report was four years old.

We were self-insured, so it was all our responsibility. I was put in charge of the repairs. I suggested that Tony would have been a good choice, but Rev. Delmont Willis insisted that a full time Cathedral employee be in charge.

I talked with Tony, and he was pleased to advise. With a building supply store, he knew everyone in the building trades as well as architects and engineers. He let me know who was professional, skilled, and which firms was would only do a good job on a good day. The architects and engineers did complete analysis of the building. They concluded it was a fine but neglected building.

I selected Tony's recommendation for contracting firm. They were skilled and sensitive. The superintendent, Jack, was a leader of men. While his workers were not to the manor born, they were polite and did not offend the congregation.

Jack explained to the bishop that work usually started early in the summer to avoid the late afternoon heat, but he could adjust the schedule for the bishop's needs. Jack also said he needed early warning about funerals. The bishop said he didn't mind getting up early, and he would provide warning of any major event. The construction crew and the congregation got along well.

I met with the architect's man Stanford, the contractor's project manager, Lucky, and Jack once a week. Jack was there every day and Lucky was there two or three times a week. Stanford lived nearby and came by most days on the way to or from work. Given that it was a complicated project, there were few major complications. The bishop made one important decision. He and I oversaw the project. The Rev. Delmont Willis was not involved. Tony told the bishop that Delmont might add thousands to the cost of the project.

Stanford was Leo's good friend. Lucky was an older guy who grew up with Tony. I had some slight suspicions of their sexual preferences, but never acted on them. We were all careful, but nature took its course.

On a Friday we had a weather forecast of heavy rains, and high winds. That proved the be a bit of an understatement. Jack sent the men home early. He and Lucky secured the site. Jack went home. Lucky was preparing to leave when one of the huge oaks that were on the edge of the property fell on his truck. More correctly it fell over his truck. The truck was between two big branches. The truck was okay, but it would take tree specialist to get the truck out without damaging it. I was the last person in the building, so I took him home as tornado warnings were broadcast. His house was in an evacuation zone.

I lived nearby but it was a difficult drive. Walking from the street into the house left us soaked and cold. The house had electricity, so we went to shower and warm up. We stripped and raced to warm up before we lost lights. The lights went out after we had time to dry off.

Lucky was three inches taller than me, so nothing I had fit him. I wrapped myself in a bath robe. Lucky had a towel around his waist. The only light was from the windows and the rain made it look like it was dusk.

His towel slipped off. "Sorry about that," he said.

"No problem, the view is nice," I said without thinking. He was hairy like a baboon, but his long white cock could be seen even in the dim light. I thought he might not have noticed the comment.

He smiled and said, "We all get the hand we're delt." Complimenting a guy on his cock is rarely a problem.

"It looks like you got a royal flush," I said.

"Do you like to play poker?" he asked.

"I don't play cards often," I said. "I like to play."

"What sort of games?" Lucky asked. I answered that question by dropping to my knees and sucking his uncut cock into my mouth. I worked my tongue into the skin and licked he knob and the slit.

Lucky stood still for a little while and then moaned, "Oh baby!" A little later he added, "I've got a short fuse."

I looked up at him and said, "Relax, I know how cocks work." Maybe a minute or two later, Lucky let loose what could only be called a gully washer. I discovered that I had underestimated my sperm swallowing skills. I took it all.

We broke apart. "I need to sit down, I'm dizzy," Lucky said. "Are you okay?"

"It was good. "Don't worry, I'll just skip desert tonight, so I won't gain weight," I said. Lucky burst into laughter. We talked for a while. He and Tony had been friends in high school and had done a little sucking. Tony was good in school, better in college and great since then. They grew apart.

Lucky told me he made some bad choices compounded by bad luck. When he was in his thirties, he got control of his life and ran into Tony. Tony helped getting him a decent job. He did well and was making good money now.

"No one had ever eaten my cock scum before," he said. "Was it okay?"

"I think of it as the food of the gods," I replied. "Would you be surprised if I said that you aren't the first man I've blown?"

"In the construction business it's important to be able to tell the difference between a skilled craftsman and a guy who is just feeding you a line," Lucky said. "I would put you into the master craftsman category."

The phone rang. It was an emergency warning. Tornadoes were spotted on radar. The location was five miles from us and heading away from us. We relaxed some. I happened to notice that Lucky's cock was not relaxing.

"Are you interested in some more sucking?" I asked.

"Do I need to suck you too?" he asked.

"That is not required, but a little thank you suck is always welcome," I said as I leaned over to suck him.

He told me he hadn't sucked anyone in years, but it was soon clear he remembered how to do it with considerable enthusiasm. He was rock hard and oozing.

"Do I need to take your load?" he asked when we had a break to catch a breath.

"That is up to you," I said. "It tastes better if you are into it. If not, it is a bit bitter." We resumed our sucking. When he shot off, I began to shoot, and I doubt Lucky tasted any bitter sperm.

The storm passed by an hour later. Lucky called into his office. The owner was forming teams to go into damaged areas. I took Lucky into this office and joined one of the teams. Part of the office roof was missing, but all the heavy equipment was untouched.

I was on a truck taking lights to the damaged areas. These were generator operated and the truck came with extra fuel. My job was the aim the lights. It was an easy job, but it freed up an experienced man to do the more heavy work.

I was surprised when my wife and daughters arrived at midnight in a fire department van loaded with water, coffee, and food for the workers. It was totally accidental. I was looking the worse for ware, but that impressed the girls. They didn't know I could do anything but conduct choirs. The adrenal rush had faded for me, but my daughters had enough energy for four people. The group I was with moved on to another area, but my wife and girls stay to help the dazed residents. They went back to the grandparent's house that night since electricity had not been restored to my house.

The Cathedral had minor damage, and the bishop had unexpected common sense and organizational skills. He, and a portion of the sextet, got on the roof and spread tarps over damaged areas. Elizabeth Howard, the director of the woman's choir was born to handle emergencies. She and members of her choir arrived and did whatever was necessary.

The Rev. Delmont Willis did not cover himself in glory. He thought they should call someone to do emergency repairs. While the cathedral received minor damage, some neighborhoods were all but wiped out. The parish hall was untouched. The bishop wanted to open it as a shelter. Delmont thought it would be too messy.

Our church was well supplied with persons who could help. One call to the Women's Club or the Retired Men's Club could provide all the staffing that was necessary. Elizabeth made the call, and the Parish Hall became a shelter. Delmont was transferred to a rural church in another county the next day.

Lucky and I went back to my house after noon, we had been up for way too long. The hot water was heated by gas. The refrigerator and freezer were not completely defrosted, and the gas stove worked. We showered and went to bed. I woke at eight in the evening when the lights turned on. We had a dinner of defrosted meat. Lucky called his boss and was told to be at work the next day at 7:00 AM. His boss didn't want tired workers on the job. At 11:00 I drove Lucky to his apartment. It had lost its roof and the back four apartments. His apartment survived, but his bedroom was partially open air.

A cop was posted there, and he told Lucky to call the police station to get a time to retrieve what he could. He was nice about it, but firm. We went back to my house, showered again, and went to bed.

He was up at six and came in my room. "I was thinking I might like to taste your cock scum again. I was thinking it tasted good and I wanted to make sure," he said.

I told him that would be fine if I got to take his too. Unsurprisingly, that was fine for him. While we were relaxed, the sex seemed more exciting and pleasurable. In some ways it's odd to be excited when the man you are sucking shoots off in your mouth. You know he's going to shoot off, but it always seems to surprise you. Sperm has a taste, but it seemed to be flavored by his passion. It is the ultimate male physical expression, but he seems vulnerable while shooting. While is entire being is concentrated on the orgasm, he is defenseless.

You are letting another man participate in your most personal bodily function. Lucky again flooded my mouth with his semen. He took mine and then treated my cock like a child with a lollypop. Pure lust had become pure enjoyment.

We dressed, ate something, and then I took him to work. I went to the Cathedral. The tree was still draped over Lucky's car. I went to the parish hall and found Elizabeth in control. The bishop was with the minister of the African Methodist Church making scrambled eggs for the people who spent the night there. The bishop had proclaimed everyone had to have a full breakfast before the went out for the day.

That had been a spontaneous gesture on his part, but someone took pictures and a video. They were on national news along with pictures of Lucky's uninjured truck draped by a fallen tree. "Bishop Feeds the Needy" headlines were everywhere. It also turned out he had been cooking for four hours. I am afraid Americans were shocked that it was not just a photo-op.

A tree removal company arrived and disassembled the tree and saved Lucky's truck. They did it with great skill and for free. The owner, a big loud man named Rufus, did everything that next week for free. The local TV stations covered it live. I think Rufus was a generous man, but he knew he would never need to advertize again.

Lucky was back at my house that evening with his truck and three boxes which contained all his possessions. I told him he could stay at my house. That night, after we showered, Lucky nudged his cock into my ass. His knob caressed my sphincter, played with my prostate, and then went deeper into me than ever before. I counted twelve major ejaculations before I dozed off.

Next: Chapter 3

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