St Thomas

Published on Aug 16, 2021


St. Thomas' Cathedral 5 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have comments send them to

Tony came to see me. He was worried our post-rehearsal get togethers were getting too large and might get unwelcome attention. We agreed that if the events attracted attention, it would be embarrassing to us and to the cathedral. I mentioned the problem to other choir members, and we all agreed it was a problem. There didn't seem to be an immediate solution.

I was hoping to find a safe place for our parties. I was useless in some ways since most of my connections were with people at the cathedral and other religious groups. I am not good at identifying other gay men. While I am out going professionally, I am shy with respect to my personal life.

Everybody knew Tony. He was outgoing, personable, and helpful. Everyone in the building trades knew him. Since he knew his customers, he knew who could be trusted and who was unreliable. He had a chat with Roscoe Denver who owned a large construction company. Denver also dabbled in property development. I didn't know him, but I knew of him. He was known for buying derelict properties and holding them for the right time for rehabilitation. The word on the street was that Roscoe had a nose for the next big thing.

Roscoe owned most of an old industrial-warehouse area on the south side of the city that went out of use between 1950 and 1980. This included the Leaky Faucet. The Leaky Faucet began its life in 1924 as the Do-Drop-In Bar & Grill. It occupied a 30-foot-wide lot between the Never Leak Fixture Company, a manufacturer of plumbing fixtures and the ACME Supply Co, a wholesaler plumbing fixtures, pipe, and plumbing accessories. These were well established companies and supplied most of the Do Drop's clientele. The Do-Drop became commonly known as the Leaky Faucet due to its plumbing customers.

Between 1950 and 1979, the area became mostly vacant. Unexpectedly the area revived as housing for arty and gay people. This was not an elite area. There was a notable tendency for persons with alternate lifestyles to locate in the area. The area was a little exotic and became trendy. There had a crime problem there until the Butch and Bear gay community made the area their home. Shortly after they arrived the area became all but crime free.

Roscoe Denver and his partner, Noel thought The Leaky Faucet was a good, out of the way location for a gay bar, restaurant, or club. He wanted a place for partnered gay men to have sex with other monogamous men. That might seem to be odd and a contradiction in terms. While Roscoe was deeply attached to his partner Noel. He said that every once and a while he and Noel felt an urge to wander.

Roscoe's idea to make a place for monogamous men to have a non-monogamous interlude was odd. Odd ideas may be strange, but still have considerable appeal. Since Roscoe ran a construction company, he fixed up the Leaky Faucet to be a club for gay men during slow periods. It was a private club so Roscoe could be picky. He was a long-time resident of the area and knew who would be suitable. Noel was a psychiatrist, and he understood the difference between eccentric and stark raving mad. A few doctors and medical people were interested, and they insisted on testing.

Tony and I went to see it. The Leaky Faucet had off street parking to the rear, not visible from the street. It was an ideal get away. The Leaky Fauset was nice, but not luxurious or fancy. It was sanitary, there was no smoking or drugs. Roscoe knew that excited naked men drip, so he had the place mopped and cleaned daily. It had a few nooks and quiet corners, but most of the activity was open and public. That was fine with us. The Rec Room was the naked part of the club.

The Leaky Faucet had rules. Ask first, no means no, yes means yes, and clean up whatever drips on the floor were the basics. Roscoe thought dripping and spurting men were the reason for the club. The club was open on Fridays and the weekends. It was available on Wednesdays.

I didn't understand the relationship between Tony and Roscoe. When Roscoe started his business, he had some serious ups and downs. Tony helped him through the bad times with interest free loans and by allowing late payments. Roscoe was wealthy now, but Tony had helped because he was a good man, and for no other reason. We had the Leaky Faucet without charge.

The Leaky Faucet was closer to us than I realized and all but invisible unless you were looking for it. It was ideal for us. The front of the building was the café-burger part of the facility. We were in the Rec-game room. It was next to the restroom room. There the toilets backed up the showers open into the Rec room. The floor sloped to the tile wall. Apparently, no one who visited the Rec Room was shy or modest.

I was uneasy about the overtness of the Leaky Faucet's Rec Room. I was wrong about that: the men loved it. After hiding their sexual orientation for their entire lives, no one wanted to play the shy church mouse anymore. The Sextet, Roosevelt, Darwin, Coach, Leander, John Miller and Toby regularly attended.

Roscoe and Noel were there to make sure things were as they should be. Roscoe was not overtly sexual, but I knew he would not avoid a chance encounter. Roscoe seemed to have men who were just around. They were paid and seemed to be happy, but I had no idea what the nature of their relationship with Roscoe.

The club's accountant Georgy was there with his partner, Bruiser. Bruiser was the doorman and quality control supervisor i.e., the Bouncer. Georgy was a muscle free, hairy chimp, with an oversized cock. Bruiser is a muscle-bound, hairy jock. Sexually Georgy and Bruiser got along well with our men. Georgy and Bruiser were lovers. Georgy told me his cock was a joy for Bruiser to suck but did not fit his ass. It was too big. Georgy had fucked him, but neither he, nor his partner enjoyed it. Buster needed a long, thin cock to ring his anal chimes.

I got hard watching Bruiser taking Roscoe's anal probe. It rang Bruiser's chimes. Men lined up to play with Bruiser. He was more of a gorilla than a bear, and that attracted men.

After the first few months of the club gatherings at the Leaky Faucet, things were running well. By that time no one was shy anymore. Sucking a cock or squirming on a cock in your ass was a normal activity.

Bruiser was an interesting man. His day job was a guard at a museum. He was an intelligent, but non-academic man. He came from rural Pennsylvania, and by the time he was ten he was marked as a football player and his education was neglected. He was hurt in his senior year and the football career vanished. He eventually got a job at the museum, and he loved it. His massive bulk had a calming effect on troublemakers. He didn't like violence, but he could hulk over man who was acting up and that man would usually leave.

The museum staff called him the Tank. The guards, guides and staff called for him if there was a potential problem. If there was a real problem, he could pick the offender up and take him away. He had an instinct for potential trouble, so he could nip things in the bud. That was ideal for the Leaky Faucet.

Bruiser bonded with Coach Wally. They were both hung and athletic. Bruiser like anyone with the Coach title. In some ways Bruiser was Wally's greatest fear. Wally might train a fine athlete, but an injury would put an end to that. Wally made sure his men had a back up plan. Bruiser was not that lucky. They got along well.

Coach Wally got to suck a player's cock and Bruiser got to suck a coach's cock. Bruiser took Wally's load first. He had to swallow twice. Fifteen minutes later, Wally took Bruiser's load. Some men dump their loads in a second or two. Bruiser had a slow-motion orgasm with well-spaced ejaculations. That surprised Coach Wally, but he adapted quickly.

I was surprised at the men's reaction to the Leaky Faucet. I thought it was impersonal. The men thought it was liberating. Most of the men were in the closet or kept their sexual interests quiet. Living room or rec rooms were in typical, conventional houses was they normal site for sex. These places had all the baggage associated with being conventional.

The Rec Room in the Leaky Faucet had no conventional associations. There was no trace of home in the place. The meetings were not refined tea parties. Roscoe was an outgoing host. He was a funny and natural guide to the place. He told them that he like to avoid sticky floors, and recommended shooting in a mouth or ass. He recommended shooting in the shower or his own ass, saying his dream was to get it filled to overflowing.

I went to the showers as soon as I got there. Darwin and Toby were at other shower heads. The showers were open to room. There were two sets of handicapped handrails at different heights. The lower rail was to provide easy access to the ass. There were nonslip footprints on the floor to give stability and spread your ass.

I tried the arrangement. I knew my asshole was on display. Seconds later Darwin's cock was probing my hole.

"I hope that your open hole was an invitation," Darwin said.

"I wasn't thinking of it as an invitation, but it is a nice surprise," I said.

"I forgot your ass is so tight," Darwin said as he pushed deep.

"Damn, you look like the guys in the dirty bookstore I visited," Toby said.

"Was that where you got your interest in photography?" I asked.

"Looking back, that might be true. I was the first time I sucked a grown man's cock," he replied.

"Was that a success?" Dwight asked.

"100% a success. Hal was a classic dirty old man. He was 68-years-old bear and he thought he had won the lottery. He loved it up the ass and any time I called him he was ready willing and able," Toby said.

"I don't want to shoot off until later. Would you like to tale my place?" Dwight asked. Seconds later Toby was in my hole.

I didn't expect to see Tony in the showers. He washed off and watched Toby massaging my ass. He looked at grab bar and assumed the position.

Rudolph had just arrived and stripped. He went to Tony.

"Are you waiting for someone?" Rudolph asked.

"It seems I was waiting for you," Tony replied.

"Hot Damn," Rudolph exclaimed. "I would love to give you a long ride. I don't know if I can hold back."

"A man has got to do what a man has to do," Rudolph replied. As Rudolph's cock slid into Tony's ass, Toby shot off and left my ass unoccupied. Jerry saw my ass was empty and came over to me. As always, his cock was a perfect fit.

There was a third, unoccupied shower. Leo saw it was open and joined us. Roscoe saw him and in a second, Roscoe became a dirty old man looking at a hot stud. Leo was a handsome young man. Roscoe was stocky and shaped like a brick. He was hairy everywhere except for his eyeballs and tongue. I was thinking this might not turn out well. While everyone is made in God's image, some people barely make the cut.

Luckily, Leo's dream date was Big Foot. Roscoe was pure sex for Leo. For Roscoe, Leo was a dream date. Leo wanted a cock in his mouth and ass, but most of all he wanted to feel Roscoe shoot off.

Roosevelt joined Tony and Rudolph. The three men switched positions. Everyone was open, hard, an eager to trade sperm. It turned out Rudolph had never been fucked by a horse hung Black man or by Tony. He told me later it broadened his horizons. I had no idea what he was talking about. There was sperm dripping down his leg from his ass. They all had a good time.

Activity was almost frantic, but sexually excited men eventually shoot off and things calm down. There was a lot of talking, some foundling and licking up dripping cum.

The visit to the Leaky Fauset was a success. Jerry told me it was nice to let your hair down once and a while. Jerry was one of the least shy men I had ever met. For most men it would have been described as crazy and wild.

Two days later, the bishop's father had a major heart attack. He was 82 years old. At that age, I assumed any heart attack was major. His father lived 200 miles away. He was agitated and disoriented. As soon as the bishop arrived his father calmed down. I noticed the bishop had a calming effect on most situations. Elizabeth reported that the prognosis was poor, but his father was calm and coherent when his son was present. His father's brother and sisters were dead, as were his wife and a daughter. We knew the bishop would need to stay there for whatever time his father had left.

As the senior employee I was the man who took care of the day-to-day problems. We had three priests of nearby churches who could help. I arranged it so the priest's congregations could worship with us on the Sunday their priest officiated. We sent buses to get them to the cathedral. The buses had food and drink, so they were popular, and our congregation was welcoming. Our hospitality committee was always ready to bake.

One of the visiting priests, Jonathan D. Saunders III was difficult. He thought he should have been the bishop. The others were fine. The Reverend John Tillman was mellow. He had four kids and spending most of a day away from them was a vacation for him. The Reverend Aubrey Dillard was a little older than me. His wife died in a car accident three years earlier. His two children were in college, and on scholarships. He was unphased by events and problems. He gave fine sermons about accepting reality and moving on. We exchanged the secret handshake, and I knew he was a member of the fraternity.

Aubrey came to my house after the main Sunday service. He was going to dinner with friends at 6:00. If he drove home and back it only give him an hour before he had to drive back. He explained his relationship to his late wife. She wanted a family and traditional family life. He needed the same. He suspected she had a secret life, as did she. They were best friends and mutually supportive. Her death was a blow to him, but his daughters were now doing well in college and had many friends.

"What are you looking for now?" I asked.

"I guess I would say I want friendship and a little sex," Aubrey said, "What about you?"

"I'm afraid I would like the same, with a lot of sex," I said.

"How has that worked out for you?" he asked laughing.

"Surprisingly well," I said. "I have some likeminded friends. You could say I have a music and church life at the cathedral, and a sex-based life with pals."

"Really?" he exclaimed. "How did that happen?"

"I don't want it to sound crude, but there are only so many times you can suck a guy's cock and drain his balls with out becoming friends," I said.

"That's not the usual way to make friends," Aubrey murmured. He paused briefly. "You aren't putting me on. Are you?"

"Nope," I said. "I didn't plan it, but it works." Aubrey only had minimal sexual experience, but he was over ripe for deeper experiences. The experiences were deeper emotionally, but also involved cocks going deeper down his throat and much deeper up his ass.

We got naked. He was in good shape and had a hairy chest and a treasure trail to his cock. He was rock hard. I surprised him by sitting on his cock and massaging his cock until he had his first ass breeding orgasm.

When I got off his cock, he leaned over and sucked my cock. He was a bit tentative at first, but quickly became more excited. I warned him I was getting close. He continued sucking. A little later Aubrey discovered a new food group. It was his first-time taking cum.

We took a shower. Aubrey was still hard. I sucked him for a while and played with his ass. He seemed to like that. We dried off and returned to my bed.

"Should I sit on it?" he asked.

"That gives you the most control," I said.

"Will you tell me when you're going to shoot?" he asked.

"I will try, but you know a cock can surprise you. Sometimes it has a mind of its own," I replied.

Aubrey straddled me after he lubricated my cock and his ass. He was careful. A storm had come up and there was a huge clap of thunder. He lost his concentration, and his ass was being tickled by my bush.

Oh shit, I thought. This is a disaster. I hadn't realized that his prostate was lodged next to the thickest part of my cock. Aubrey was floating in prostate heaven. He moaned, wiggled, and bounced until I shot off and he coaxed every drop of cum from my balls. When he got off my cock he collapsed.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"I didn't know it could be that good," he whispered. "Was it okay for you?"

"Aubrey, you do know that for a guy and orgasm is the ultimate pleasure. Solo is okay, with another guy is great," I said. "It's spectacular with the right guy."

"Am I the right guy?" he asked.

"We need some more practice before we will know. Head over heels love tends to burn out. It's better when you like a guy and let the relationship grow and mature," I said. "Sometimes there is only a single man, other times you have a group of men who help and support one another."

"Do you have a group?" Aubrey asked.

"I do, and before you ask the next question, we combine friendship and sex. It's a mutual aid society." I explained. Aubrey leaned over to suck my cock. I knew he was thinking about what I described, but he knew enough to continue sucking. I thought that was a good sign.

Next: Chapter 6

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