St Thomas

Published on Aug 22, 2021


St. Thomas' Cathedral for the Prosperous and Wealthy. 6 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have comments send them to

Life is full of unexpected events. When the bishop was taking care of his father after his heart attack, the bishop had a heart attack. It was a major heart event, but not fatal. The bishop needed a combination of by-passes and an artificial heart valve. He would be out of commission for six months. Our temporary guest priests became semi-permanent.

The good news was that Jonathan D. Saunders III was unable to continue. He said his congregation suffered without his daily presence. Aubrey's church was temporally assigned to a seminarian, and a retired Bishop came to St. Thomas to administer the sacraments. Aubrey's church was happy with the seminarian. He was very energetic and coached the summer baseball youth team.

Aubrey moved in with me temporarily. The cathedral wanted to make sure the congregation saw this as a temporary arrangement. A retired bishop, Merrill Thomas did the things only a bishop could do. He was nearing eighty and we kept his workload limited. We were afraid of another heart attack.

Aubrey was popular. He admitted he wasn't bishop material. He had no desire to be the bishop's replacement. That was good for the congregation and for him. Tony described Aubrey as a bottomless pit of good advice and kindness.

Merrill was mellow and easy going. He took care of the technical nuts and bolts of the bishop's duties. Aubrey tool care of the day to duties including funerals and weddings.

The television station asked if they could video tape our Choir. Toby had been attending our services. They offered to tape the entire service for shut-ins, and for persons who couldn't attend. The station wanted to focus on the musical parts, but the entire service was available online.

Toby and Aubrey got to know each other. Aubrey assumed Toby knew me because of television programs. Neither man knew they shared a sexual connection with me. Toby came to my house for some fun and was surprised when he ran into Aubrey. He didn't know he was living with me.

Both men were preceptive and they were both worried their relationship with me might become known. There was a brief period of strained conversation.

"Toby is here to combine some stress relief and fun. You are both nice men, would it offend anyone if I suggested taking a shower together and have some fun on my bed?" I asked.

"The three of us?" Aubrey asked. "I've never done that." I noticed that "I've never done that" is not a no.

"I'm willing. I need to warn you that I've never been a centerfold. What you see is what you get," Toby said. Toby was heavy set and was embarrassed by his weight. There was fur poking out at Toby's neck. His improved sexual life gave him a reason to get in shape. He was now losing weight.

"I am a bit timid," Aubrey said. "I might stay still like a log in bed," he said.

"It's been a hot and muggy day. Let's shower and play it by ear," I said. I could tell that Aubrey was interested in Toby. I assumed they would take baby steps towards sex.

I knew that naked men have a hard time hiding their sexual interests. Cocks are totally incapable of being coy. Cocks can do double duty serving as a conduit for urine, or sperm. The combination of hot water and naked men worked it magic.

"Am I butting into an intimate relationship?" Aubrey asked.

"Sex is a nice way to let off steam and relax," I said. "Is that the way you see it Toby?"

"That's right. It lots of fun too. It does get intimate, but that is when sperm is flowing. It is short term, high intensity intimacy" Toby explained.

"It vanishes after the orgasm?" Toby asked.

"Mostly, but there is a nice afterglow," I said. By then we were on the bed and all erect, our cocks took control. I was pleased the Aubrey was sucking Toby with considerable enthusiasm. It wasn't an "I guess I should suck you," connection. Aubrey was into it as was Toby. I was sucking Aubrey and Toby was sucking me.

A little later I was on my back as Toby fucked me. Aubrey fed me his cock and leaned over to suck my cock. This gave him an up-close view of Toby's cock in action. He had a chance to taste my cock's reaction to Toby's thrusts. I was tasting Aubrey's reaction to what he was watching and tasting. Precum doesn't lie. Aubrey was into it.

Toby shot off in my ass, my cock shot off in Aubrey's mouth. Seconds later Aubrey unloaded in my mouth. We were all shooting off simultaneously. That was a first for me and for the other men. Toby had work to do at the TV station, so he left. I heard him whisper to Aubrey that he would like to get together again.

Later that night Aubrey asked me if that was what I had called friendly sex.

I said yes. "We are friends and sometime sexual playmates. We aren't exactly lovers, but we are more than casual acquaintances," I explained.

"He shot off in your ass?" he asked.

"He sure did, I could feel him squirting," I said. "I took your load. Were you offended?"

"I'm embarrassed," he said. "I liked it. I liked it a lot."

"I was relieved when you shot off," I said. "We're men and are uneasy expressing emotion. There is nothing more intense or emotional than having an orgasm and sharing sperm."

"Toby fucked and seeded me. He hit some places I didn't expect," Aubrey said. "I didn't expect to feel what I felt."

"It's hard to tell why it is special. It might be because there is a cock in your ass. It might be because it was Toby's cock. It might be because he lost control and injected his cum into you," I said.

"You've taken his cock?" he asked.

"Oh yes," I replied. "We've been together many times."

"Did it bother you when he fucked me?"

"No, Toby is a good man. I enjoyed your reaction to him," I said.

"You didn't think I reacted too much," Aubrey said.

"I was sucking your cock as it began to twitch and feed me you load!" I replied. "That is a clue you liked it."

He looked at me and then burst out laughing. "There was that!" he said. We both laughed.

I had a large house with four bedrooms. It was in an old neighborhood when I bought it. The area was in a decline, and I got it for a good price. The neighborhood has since revived and was now stylish. With my extra bedrooms I housed guests to the cathedral. Each room had a private bathroom. It was built for a wealthy widow with three children who didn't get along. Sharing a bathroom was too much for them.

After the tornado, I housed three families: a schoolteacher and his wife, a Latino family with three kids, and a single cop. The Latino family was in one room since the children were afraid to sleep alone after the tornado. Everyone was good and seemed to get along well. The cop was busy with the aftermath of the storm. The schoolteacher's wife, Sally, was pregnant, but got along well with Maria the mother of the children. Maria told Sally helpful hints about childbirth and infants, Both women were good about cleaning.

They all found permanent temporary housing within four weeks. The toilet in the cop's room broke two days after he left. I turned off the water. That solved the short-term problem. When Aubrey moved in his tub stopped working.

I called Roscoe who came over to see the problem. The plumbing had last been updated in the 1930s except for the master bedroom. He said he had a man who would make the necessary repairs. Roscoe told me I would like his guy. I didn't ask him exactly what he meant, but I has suspicions. His man, Lawrence, was neat and fast. Those aren't always characteristics of plumbers.

Rehearsals were scheduled for the evenings. On those days I went to work at 10:00 AM, otherwise I would have a 14 to16 hour workday. Aubrey went to work at 8:00. He liked an early quiet time to get work done in the morning.

One morning Lawrence found a clogged pipe. It sprayed him with dirty water. I told him to take a shower and said he could use my shower to clean-up. He stripped and I took his clothes to the washing machine.

When I returned, he was in the shower. "Come on in. There is room for two," he called. He was semi-erect. I stripped and joined him.

"What is your plan?" I asked.

"Roscoe told me you have a tight ass, and you don't mind entertaining in it," Lawrence said. "Forgive me for being direct."

He was fully erect by now. "You have a big one," I said.

"Is that a problem?" he asked.

"It has never been a problem before," I said.

He laughed. "I should tell you I have a long fuse. Roscoe says I'm best at marathons, not sprints," he replied.

Lawrence was as advertised. He had a bull's cock and the stamina of a bull. He fucked me doggy style, and on my back. I assume he oozed buckets of precum. He didn't need to relubricate me. He was a jolly, carefree fucker. He didn't smile much otherwise. After he shot off in me, he reverted into his plumber character. When I shot off, he took my load. It was an intense and enjoyable interlude for both of us.

A few days later Roscoe came with Lawrence to inspect the plumbing, before the building inspector's final visit. Aubrey was with me, and I was surprised he got along so well with Roscoe. One of my friends described Roscoe as being a bit rustic.

There was only one problem. There was no water to the shower. Lawrence said, "Oh shit," and vanished. It was a walk-in shower, and we were standing in it fiddling with the faucet controls. Suddenly the water came on and drenched us. Seconds later Lawrence returned.

"I forgot to turn on the main water valve," he said.

There was dead silence. Roscoe burst into laughter and said, "Well, this is the wettest, but cheapest solution to what I thought might be a major problem. Let's give the shower a trial run!" He began to strip, I followed suit as did Lawrence. Aubrey was the last to join us. The shower was six by five feet, so we all fit, but it was close. A few accidental bumps developed into more than a bump.

Aubrey was always a fastidious man. Every hair was in place and his clothes were perfectly pressed. Roscoe was a hairy gorilla. Something about Roscoe struck a chord in Aubrey. Roscoe was not crude or mean, but he was direct and what consultants call goal directed. Roscoe's cock achieved every goal in Aubrey's body.

When it was too much, Roscoe pulled out and turned Aubrey over to me. Aubrey got a grip on his emotions as I gently massaged his ass. After ten minutes Roscoe asked Aubrey if he was ready. He nodded. I pulled out as Roscoe slipped into Aubrey's ass.

I might have felt disappointed if Lawrence's cock hadn't been at my hole. I relaxed a little bit and Lawrence went in deep. I knew Roscoe and Lawrence were pals and I suspected they had a routine. Roscoe had an extended and vocal orgasm in Aubrey's ass and then immediately switched positions and took Aubrey's load.

Lawrence fucked me to a climax, and then I took his load. I was surprised when Lawrence kissed me, and we shared his sperm. Roscoe joined in on the group hug with semen exchange. By then Aubrey was almost asleep.

I had thrown the wet clothes into the dryer. They were now dry so the men dressed and went home.

"Are you okay?" I asked Aubrey when he woke up.

He hesitated and then said, "Yes, it was better than I thought it would be."

"You liked Roscoe?" I asked.

"It was odd. I didn't know him one minute and a little later his cock was in my ass and shooting off," he said.

"Aubrey, I have a question for you. Are you complaining, or are you embarrassed you enjoyed it so much?" I asked.

He looked at me and said, "You know the answer, don't you?"

"Roscoe loves to top, but he only likes willing bottoms," I explained. "He knew you were ready for the deluxe treatment. He also shot off in you. I watched your expression as he ejaculated. Roscoe knew you would be disappointed if he didn't breed you."

"I'm so embarrassed," Aubrey whispered.

"Don't be. I would have loved to be in your position," I said. "He loved it. You loved it. All is well."

"Lawrence shot off in you?" he asked.

"He's a good man and a great top," I said.

"It was long a really thick. Did it hurt?" he asked.

"It's a tight fit, but well worth it," I said. "Are you wondering what it would feel like in your ass?"

He nodded and added, "That's not a very Christian way to think about a man."

"You may not have noticed that the Bible is not a sex manual," I said. "It is not particularly good about gay sex. There are a few verses, but the Bible is much more detailed about what you should eat, or wear. I don't think that is accidental. Sex between man wasn't a problem."

Aubrey smiled. "I need to check Leviticus on that," he said.

"Leviticus is not a problem for me. No one has made a top-of-the-charts oratorio out of that book. I'm a lot better with the Psalms," I said. Aubrey laughed and went to his bedroom. He had some thinking to do.

The next day I had a call from Roscoe. He wanted to know if Aubrey was okay. I told him it had been too good. Aubrey was embarrassed he enjoyed it.

Roscoe laughed. "I have a tacky and perhaps vulgar problem that I was hoping you could help me with. I have an old pal, Whit Brown. He runs a construction company in North Carolina. I met him when we were in the army together. We had some good times. He just got through with a nasty divorce, and he trying to get his bearings again.

"Are you going to take him to the Leaky Faucet?" I asked.

"I think the Leaky Faucet is too heavy duty for him. I told him you were a nice guy," he explained. He's at my house. I was hoping you might drop by tonight and we could see what happens."

I wasn't interested, but somehow, I was knocking on Roscoe's door that evening. Roscoe had been good to me, and I owed him. Whit was six-five and a bit harrier than Roscoe. I told him about our bathroom adventures.

He laughed and said screw ups just before the building inspector arrives was a part of being a contractor. Everything that could go wrong does go wrong. We chatted. They had been in the army after Vietnam and before 9-11, so it had been a low stress period. We had a few beers. Whit wasn't quite handsome, but he made up for that but being imposing.

A beer or two later, Roscoe told his pal, that he had told me about their play. "I didn't tell him that you like to top. He's a bottom," Roscoe said. "Whit had a big one and has a hard time finding someone who can take it."

"My fucking wife said it is too big to enjoy!" Whit said. "Somehow we made three kids."

"I promise not to get pregnant," I said. Whit looked at me oddly, and then began to laugh.

"You know Roscoe never got pregnant either," Whit said as he continued to laugh. When he stopped, he asked me if I thought I could take it. I told him I didn't know, but I would like to try.

Whit was a conventional straight arrow who happened to like sex with men. He had survived twenty years with a beautiful, difficult, and nasty woman. He was a hard worker. She was a driven spender. He could never make enough to satisfy her. They had three boys who were not up to her standards.

If you were gay and into muscle and cock, he was a dream come true. I was into cock, and I was willing to accept the muscles. I felt like the 96-pound weakling. He wasn't that sexually experienced. While I don't like to admit it, I had enough sexual experience for ten men.

We went to Roscoe's bedroom and stripped. His cock was ten inches soft. Displaying my restrained, sophisticated ways, I went for his cock like a man dying of thirst encountering water. The cock was as advertised.

Whit was sucking Roscoe with enthusiasm. A minute later his cock was oozing precum. I wondered if Roscoe or I inspired the flow. The flow was generous, and I decided we both contributed. I felt an urge to sit on his tool.

Whit had never considered that. I coated his cock in lube and slowly impaled myself. He had a huge knob that tested the limits of my sphincter's flexibility. Roscoe relocated so he could watch. He was soon licking Whit's cock as it vanished into my ass. Once it was passed my sphincter, it was easier. I began to bounce.

A few minutes later, Whit shot off. I had a sensation his sperm shot through my body and I could taste his sperm in my mouth. The second Whit's cock was out of my ass, Roscoe's tongue was in my dilated hole, licking the sperm that drooled out.

"Did I make a mess?" Whit asked.

"Hell no, I just ate desert," Roscoe answered.

I soon discovered that Whit did not suffer from a post-orgasm crash. At first, I thought he had a short recharge time. I later wondered if it just took several orgasms to drain his huge balls. Over the next few hours Whit fucked me three times and Rosco screwed me twice. When I returned home, I thought I was approaching my limit.

Both men were affable and concerned about me. They didn't want to hurt or demean me. My tolerance of anal sex was a pleasant surprise for them. I wasn't a cum dump. I was a marvel with incredible stamina and was still able to grab and massage the cock whoever was fucking my ass. I was an anal athlete.

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