Stanford Park Glory Hole

By Brandon Walden

Published on Oct 12, 2023


(Andy's story)

Stanford Park. For the last few years, ever since his best friend's parents decided to move away and rip Wyatt from his life, the men's bathroom at the park had been the only place where Andy McCall could forget how much his life sucked, at least for a little while.

Now, though, it had turned against him. Instead of release and pleasure, it was bringing him humiliation and fear.

The humiliation was coming from a lowlife reject who had taken pictures of him in the park and was using them to blackmail him. He now had videos of Andy sucking both him and his cousin and the real kicker was that the cousin in question, Bill Markley, was one of his little brother Abe's friends.

As if that wasn't bad enough, Abe himself had been a silent witness to it all, which made Andy feel a hundred times more humiliated, even after Abe shocked the hell out of him by coming out as gay.

The fear he was feeling wasn't just because of the blackmail. No, there was something entirely different to be afraid of. Ever since he'd found out that Abe had started visiting the Stanford Park men's room the week before, Andy had been worried that he'd crossed a line without realizing it.

He'd gone to the park one afternoon the prior week after getting to his crappy job waiting tables and realizing that he'd written his shift down wrong. There was still time to kill before he was on the schedule.

The park had been the obvious solution, especially after a long day at school and a particularly horny final class where his desk faced Jake Fulbright's desk across the room at just the right angle to give him an eyeful of the stud's massive bulge, on display in his gray sweatpants. That bulge was legendary in the junior class and beyond, and Andy had literally had dreams about running into Fulbright at the glory hole and stretching his mouth around it.

Andy knew he'd have to get lucky and find someone in the bathroom fairly quickly so he could make it back to work in time for his shift to start. He'd liked his odds when he walked in, though. There was a 40-something Daddy type using a urinal and someone was in the stall closest to the urinals.

Andy, who'd often had luck with married Daddy types at Stanford Park, gave the man a meaningful look as he made his way to a stall. He wasted no time, quickly getting his dick out and stroked to full mast.

The Daddy at the urinals departed right away, but the guy in the stall started making it very obvious that he was stroking his cock.

Andy ran his finger around the inside of the glory hole and a very nice cock made its appearance. Andy had sucked it into his mouth, feeling that thrill he always got when he did so. It was so elicit, so intimate, having a man in his mouth. It always took him back to the first time he and Wyatt had sucked each other off, the day that had changed his life.

The guy had shot fairly quickly and Andy had gladly swallowed, despite the bitter tang. Andy loved cum. It rarely tasted all that good, if he was being honest, but there was just something so hot about swallowing a load fresh from another man's balls.

The guy had gestured for Andy to stick his own cock through the glory hole. The blowjob that followed was enthusiastic but inexperienced, strengthening the belief that had been building in Andy's mind that the guy in the other stall was young and fairly new to all of this.

Andy had been 15 the first time he'd used the glory hole in Stanford Park, and at 17 was now a seasoned veteran. He'd smiled to himself at the memory of that first encounter and, after feeding the newbie his load, had made a quick exit and headed back to work, happy with the idea of having played a part in the kid's gay awakening.

The encounter had stayed on his mind all through work that night and school the next day. He'd headed to the park again the next afternoon, breaking his own rule of only going once a week at most. He'd made this rule after his first few months of going to the park, when he'd realized he was there almost every day and his grades were starting to slip from lack of attention to his homework.

This time, he'd started being sucked by the same inexperienced but eager mouth, he was sure of it. It made sense, since if the kid was new to this, he'd probably be there as much as he possibly could, just like Andy had been a few years earlier.

Andy quickly realized there were two guys in the stall, though, and the second guy was a true pro who gave fantastic head. Andy hoped he was teaching the newbie some tricks, because it was hands down the best head he'd had in a long time.

They'd been interrupted, though, and Andy had moved from the urinals to a stall, where he ended up sucking off one of the guys through the glory hole. Based on the fact that he had a bigger cock and sweeter tasting cum, Andy was sure it was the second guy, which meant it was the newbie who had stroked him off under the stall at the same time.

Andy had felt pretty good about it all, until the blackmailer had sent the photo of him leaving the park and made it clear he knew what Andy had been doing in the bathroom.

When he'd seen Markley with his blackmailing cousin, he'd been sure that Abe's friend was the newbie. Even when he'd started sucking him, the cock had seemed similar enough in length and girth to be the newbie's. Afterward, though, Bill had confessed to him that this was the first blowjob he'd ever received, and Andy had believed him.

Later that night, Abe had come out to him and he'd realized his brother had been to Stanford Park. This made Andy feel like his stomach had just dropped into his shoes. Everything about it seemed to fit in with the newbie and Andy had been momentarily certain that he and his brother had traded blowjobs.

When Abe told him about sucking off a jogger and fucking a guy under the stall, Andy had been stunned by his brother's quick progress- Andy hadn't experienced anal at Stanford Park until he'd been going there almost a year, even though he'd done it with Wyatt many times- but also relieved.

The more he thought about it, the more he wondered if one of Andy's friends, all of whom had learned the glory hole existed that day from Markley, had been the newbie. Not Bill, but what about Zeke Barlow? Andy had sometimes picked up a vibe from Zeke that left him fairly certain that Abe's friend was into guys to some extent.

Could it be Nick Weller? Or Chris Benner? He knew Benner had a girlfriend, but Andy had sucked enough married cock at Stanford Park to know that a girlfriend didn't make a guy unwilling to play around.

Still, there was a niggling doubt in the back of his mind about the newbie, a fear that it could have been Abe. The only part that didn't quite make sense to him was the second day, when there had been someone in the stall with the Newbie. It could have been Abe and a random guy, of course, but it had taken Andy a really long time to actually go into another stall with a guy, rather than being completely anonymous through the glory hole. He couldn't see Abe doing that yet, but then who would he have been with in there? So maybe it hadn't been him.

Either way, Andy now had to worry about running into his brother at the glory hole and had reluctantly agreed to the plan that they'd text each other to stay away if they were headed that way.

Which, unfortunately, Andy was now doing. Not by choice, though. He'd received a text from that blackmailing prick, ordering him to repot to his 'office'.

After letting Abe know where he was going - Andy had caught him just as he was getting on his bike to go to the park himself- Andy had jumped in his car and headed across town.

Stanford Park was fairly quiet today, Andy noticed. A jogger was on the trails- was he the one Abe had sucked off?- and there were a few female dog walkers scattered around.

The bathroom was equally quiet, completely empty in fact. Thirty seconds after he walked in, his phone pinged with a text.

"Good bitch. Wait for me." Ryan lived across from the street from the park. He'd obviously been watching and waiting.

Andy leaned against the sink, his arms crossed, thinking about what Abe had told him before he left the house about how illegal all of this was.

Ryan strutted in a few minutes later, looking pleased with himself. "Hey cocksuker! Miss me?" Andy rolled his eyes as Ryan grabbed his own junk and shook it around in his shorts.

"What do you want?"

"Temper, temper, bitch. You need to treat me sweet if you don't want some videos showing up online "

"About that. You realize that I'm 17, right? Which technically makes any pictures and videos you have of me highly illegal. Not to mention that blackmail is illegal, revenge porn is illegal, and so is dealing drugs. So, maybe you need to keep me sweet."

Ryan seemed at a loss for words for a moment, then sneered. "You call the cops, you out yourself."

"Funny, I came out to my brother the other night. Felt pretty good. Might be time to just be an out and proud queer. Gotta happen sometime."

"You're bluffing."

"Which of us has more to lose here, Ryan?"

The two stared at each other. Ryan broke first. "Fuck! I had a lot of plans for you. My dumb twat of a cousin already deleted the videos and pictures from the cloud this afternoon, though. I figured we'd just make some more today. I guess you win."

Andy felt a rush of gratitude toward Markley. He definitely owed that guy another blowjob.

"Hey, you know how you said I didn't have to blackmail you to get you to suck my cock, because you liked doing it? You wanna? No video, you can hold my phone," Ryan gestured toward the stalls.

"You're twisted. Leave the guys here alone, or there is going to be an anonymous tip to the cops about your little drug business."

"Whatever." Ryan slouched out of the men's room.

"Fuck yeah!" Andy celebrated with his reflection in the mirror. Abetard had sort of saved the day, bringing up all those points about how illegal everything Ryan did was. Andy had been too caught up in fear and humiliation to think of that.

As he stared at himself in the mirror with a relieved grin on his face, the jogger he'd seen earlier came in and made eye contact with him, giving him a nod of greeting. He looked to be in his mid 20's, well built and good looking.

Andy waited a few moments and then walked up to the urinal next to the one the jogger was stranding in front of. After a blatant glance down at what the man was holding in his hand, Andy pulled his own out and started to slowly stroke it.

The jogger reached over and pushed Andy's hand away, replacing it with his own. As he stroked, Andy reached over and squeezed his ass, causing him to groan loudly.

Andy took this as permission and slipped a few fingers down the back of his running shorts, touching his hot little hole.

The jogger moaned and let go of Andy's dick. He turned and walked into the stall, gesturing for Andy to follow.

When Andy slipped inside the tight quarters of the stall, the jogger was already leaning against the wall, his shorts pushed down below his ass, which was arched invitingly toward him.

No words needed to be spoken. Both men knew exactly what they wanted. Andy stepped up behind the older man, spread his cheeks and spit on his hole a few times, then slipped his cock inside. The jogger's hot, tight asshole squeezed his dick like a vice. The two grunted and groaned quietly in the empty bathroom, which echoed with the sound of Andy's body pounding against the jogger's.

Only four words were spoken during the encounter. The first three were by the jogger: "Cum inside me!" The last, a few minutes later, was by Andy, who said "Thanks!" as he slapped the jogger's bare ass after pulling out of it.

On his way home, Andy decided it was time to talk to Abe, be a better big brother. He needed to thank him for his help. He could also try and answer some of his questions about being gay. He wasn't really much of a talker, though.

To be honest, Andy was mad at the world most of the time for taking Wyatt away, and mad at Wyatt, whose Instagram was full of pictures of him and his new buddy, a ridiculously attractive guy named Parker.

Andy was certain they were more than friends and it hurt like hell and drove him crazy with jealousy, not that he'd really expected Wyatt to become celibate once they were forced apart by fate. Wyatt had found a new someone, though, while he'd just found Stanford Park.

Still, he'd beat Ryan and had some really great sex, so he was feeling good at the moment. Andy pulled into the driveway and slipped inside the house, going into the downstairs bathroom first to do a bit of cleanup. No point in trying to talk to Abe while smelling of the Jogger's hole.

Once he'd soaped up and dried off, Andy headed upstairs. He was in such high spirits that he forgot to knock, walking right in and then freezing at the sight of his brother lying on top of another guy. There was a dick in Abe's mouth, the other guy was clearly fingering his brother's hole, and he'd caught them both right at climax.

Abe's eyes were locked on his, his throat was working as he swallowed cum. Andy's first thought was that his little brother looked incredibly fucking hot with a dick in his mouth, followed by instant horror and self loathing for having thought that.

Andy backed out of the room slowly, feeling his good mood and the rare feeling of openness draining away as the fears about lines being crossed came rushing back.

(end of Andy's story)

Andy's eyes widened and his mouth dropped open. I stared back at my brother, like a deer caught in headlights, as I swallowed Benner's bitter tasting load and finished delivering my own. I was all too aware that my friend's finger was still pressing against my asshole.

After what felt like an eternity, Andy seemed to snap out of his daze. He silently raised his hands in an apologetic manner and backed out of my room, closing the door without making a sound.

Chris was still sucking me, so I knew my friend had no clue we'd been caught. I slowly rolled off of him and sat up. Benner did the same, swinging his legs over the side of my bed and pulling his underwear up with his back to me.

"You definitely improved by the end," I said, trying to break the sudden tension I felt in the room.

"Like I want to be good at that! It was just a one time thing. I'm not gay. We're not fags. Right?"

Benner stood up and looked in my direction without meeting my eyes. I sighed and shook my head. "Benner, I can't speak for you. Only you know what you feel and why you just sucked me off-"

"I was just curious! It didn't mean anything. I have a girlfriend-"

"- but I know why I sucked your dick, and why I was at Stanford Park. I'm gay. And if you call me a fag, I will kick your ass."

Chris stared at me, his face flushing. Part of me couldn't believe I'd just come out to Benner, of all people, but since we'd just engaged in a sixty nine, it couldn't be that much of a shock to him.

"I'm hetero," he insisted.

"Okay," I shrugged.

"If you tell anyone about this-"

"I won't."

"Good. Let's forget this ever happened."

I nodded. "You want to play some more?" I gestured to the game.

"No. Gotta get home."

"Sure," I stood up, my dick still half hard as I pulled my clothes back on and opened my bedroom door. On our way down, we met Andy coming up the stairs.

"Hey Andy, 'sup?" Benner's voice sounded extremely nervous.

"Not much," Andy muttered as he continued on his way.

I followed Chris down to the front door, where he turned around and glanced up the stairs. "Fuck, how long do you think he's been here? Do you think he heard anything?"

"We're good, Chris. We weren't all that loud and I'm sure he just walked in. See you at school tomorrow, yeah?"

Benner nodded and made his exit. I closed the door and leaned back against it with my eyes closed. I'd just hooked up with another one of my friends, had my asshole touched for the first time, came out, and had my brother see me sucking cock and swallowing cum.

It was a lot to process.

I headed into the downstairs bathroom for some clean up, used some mouthwash, and then went up and knocked on Andy's door.

"Come in."

Andy was sitting at his desk, homework in front of him, not looking at me.


"Hey. Sorry about that. Should have knocked."

"It's okay. Guess we're kinda even?"

Andy nodded. "Benner, huh? Thought it would be Zeke after your little whisper session at the car today."

I smiled. "Well, Zeke and I have been... uh... messing around. Benner was unexpected."

Andy looked up at me finally and raised his eyebrows. "You're hooking up with both of them?"

"Sort of. Benner is so deep in the closet, he freaked out as soon as we finished. Doubt I'll be fooling around with him again. But Zeke... turns out he's bi, and we... yeah. It's all new."

Andy nodded and looked away again, like he was ashamed to even look me in the face. "Was it the park? Did you run into each other there? After Markley told you about it?"

Shit. I'd left that part of the story out for a reason, but now that I'd told him about Zeke and I hooking up, I guess it didn't matter. "Actually, yeah. Totally crazy. That guy I fucked under the stall? Well, I was in one stall fucking him and Zeke was on the other side, getting sucked by him."

"Wow. Two virgins stumbling into a jackpot. Beginners luck," Andy said, still staring at the homework on his desk. His voice sounded a bit strange.

"Not really, Zeke has a lot of experience from band camp. Honestly, he sucks dick like... damn. I can't even describe how good it is." It felt really cool, opening up like this with Andy. Maybe it was the beginning of us bonding.

"Good. Now you can stay away from Stanford Park. Unless you guys decide to go together again."

That hit a little too close to a truth I didn't want Andy discovering, so I jumped at the chance to change the subject. "What happened there this afternoon? Are you okay?" I asked.

"All good. I need to study." It was a clear dismissal.

"But, you came to my room. What were you going to tell me?"

Andy shook his head. "Nothing."

"But what about Ryan? Did you-"

"Out, Abetard! I need to study."

God, he was so infuriating! Why couldn't he just talk to me?! I slammed his door behind me and went back to my room.

Later that night, I was texting back and forth with Zeke. I'd ascertained that Andy was working tomorrow right after school, so we could have the house to ourselves. After some inner debate, I decided to fill Zeke in on Benner, since he was already aware of the glory hole encounters.

"No way! You and Benner 69'd?" Zeke texted.

"Yep 69'd, swallowed each others jizz, then he freaked and told me he was hetero and I'd better not tell anyone"

"He checked all the classic closet case cliches, except 'boy was I drunk last night'' Zeke texted back, with a bunch of laughing emojis.

I sent back a few choice emojis of my own. Then, Zeke texted, "Tomorrow after school, I want you to top me. But only if you promise I can top you next time."

My dick was instantly rock hard, and I pulled down my pants and snapped a quick picture of it. Texting it to Zeke, I added the words "Clearly, I'm up for that!"

Zeke quickly texted back a picture of his own delicious looking hard dick, with the words "me too!" under it. It was quickly followed by another text that said "Don't touch yourself, McCall, save it for tomorrow afternoon.' I groaned, then shot him a thumbs up emoji, followed by an eggplant emoji, and then 'See you at school'.

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