Star Struck

By V.V Vidal

Published on May 26, 1999


Daniella stepped out of her car and looked at the large white house before her. She couldn't believe someone actually lived there. The place was so big. It looked like a house out of a fairy tale. The house was trimmed in a bluish color with blue roof tops. It had a big black gate surrounding the front. Definitely to keep people out. The lawn was neatly trimmed with yellow and red roses outlining it. She was so excited to be here.

Leana Jackson, Daniella thought to herself. She was going to be working for a famous superstar over the summer. This was her dream come true. Leana was not only the best singer in the world, but the most elegant one too. Daniella couldn't wait to gloat to her friends when summer was over that she was working for Miss Leana Jackson. She didn't know exactly what Leana was going to have her do, but Daniella didn't care. Just to be near her was enough. Daniella pressed the button on the gate. It made a buzzing sound as she pushed it.

"Hello?" a soft voice came over the intercom.

Daniella couldn't believe how good her voice sounded over that intercom. Like honey. She was star struck. She didn't know what to say.

"Hello," the voice said again.

"Umm-mm--Hi, it's me Daniella Rogers," Daniella said nervously.

"Oh yes, hold on hun."

Stupid Daniella, she thought, she must have sounded so dumb.

A second later the gates opened. Daniella walked up to the house. She stepped on the porch steps. They creaked under her feet as she stepped on them. Daniella smoothed back her short black hair and smoothed her short black skirt out. She took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

A second later, the door opened. A tall woman stood in the doorway staring down at Daniella.

Daniella's mouth nearly dropped open. Leana was more beautiful in person than she ever dreamed of. She was wearing a golden sheer nite gown that framed her slender body. Her dark almond shaped eyes sparked looking at Daniella. Her black curly hair fell to her shoulders. Daniella observed every part of Leana's body. To her neatly gold painted toe nails to the way her brown skin just seemed to glow in the sunlight. Daniella couldn't help but notice dark brown nipples through her nite gown.

There's no way this girl can be 38, Daniella thought.

"Well don't stand there gawking at me hun, come on in," Leana said offering her hand.

Daniella grabbed Leana's hand gently. Leana led her into her big parlor.

"Sit," Leana said softly.

Daniella sat on a big black sofa.

"Sorry, I'm not dressed properly. I had just taken a shower. Give me a minute," Leana said leaving Daniella in the room by herself.

Daniella looked around the room. It was filled with flowers and pictures of Leana. Daniella got up and touched one of the picture frames of Leana. She picked up another picture. It was a picture of Leana and another lady. They seemed to embraced in a passionate way. Daniella didn't think much of it.

She's so beautiful, Daniella thought. The door opened and Leana appeared again. Daniella quickly put down the picture she was holding.

"It's okay child, you can look at my pictures," Leana said.

Daniella could see that Leana put a robe on over her gown and pinned her hair back. Daniella sat down again.

"You have such a beautiful house Miss Jackson," Daniella said.

"Oh call me Leana, you make me sound old calling me Miss Jackson hun."

"Oh sorry Miss--I mean Leana. You're not old."

"Oh child I'm old enough. Sometimes I get tired of it all. Ya' know the singin' and gettin' on stage. It's all a hassle."

"I think your great," Daniella said. She immediately regretted that. She didn't want to sound like some dumb fan.

"Oh thank you child," Leana said touching Daniella's face, "You know you look just like your mother. Me and your mother go back. We were friends in high school."

"Oh I know. My mom told me all about you," Daniella said.

"How old are you again?" Leana asked.


"My gosh the years go by so fast. Ya' know your mom was the prettiest girl in high school. All the guys wanted her."

"I'm sure you had a lot of boyfriends in high school too."

"Oh no, I actually didn't any boyfriends at all in high school."

"Well you have every guy chasing after you now," Daniella said.

Leana chuckled, "Sometimes I just get tired of men all together."

There was a long pause in the room.

"What exactly am I going to be doing here?" Daniella asked.

Leana sat down next to Daniella.

"Well just some things around the house. Like filing some papers for me. Answering the phone, those kinda things."

"Oh," Daniella said. Daniella could smell the sweet perfume coming from Leana.

"Well I don't want to keep you here too long, so let's get started," Leana said getting up quickly and leading Daniella into another room.

The room was bigger than the parlor, it was like an office. It had a little computer on a wooden desk and books every where. There were also lots of file cabinets.

"Well here is where you can work. I'm sorry about the mess. I haven't got around to cleaning. Today I just want you to get comfortable and sort through some of these names and addresses and have them stored in the computer. You think you can handle that?" Leana asked putting her hand on her hip.

"Sure no problem." Daniella said.

"Alright I'll be upstairs if you need me. Just use that intercom if you need me," Leana said leaving Daniella alone in the room and closing the door.

Daniella sat at the wooden desk. She moved the papers out of the way and turned on the computer.

"Where's the list of names and addresses?" Daniella said aloud.

She moved some papers on the desk, but didn't have any luck finding them.

Hmmmm, maybe they're in here, Daniella thought opening up a desk drawer.

Daniella gasped as she saw the pictures. She took them out of the desk drawer and examined them closer.

They were pictures of naked women. All of them had their legs spread wide open and another girl licking their pussy. They didn't look like your regular porn pictures, mostly because all the pictures were on Kodak film, they looked like real people, in a house somewhere.

Daniella wondered why Leana would keep pictures like these in this drawer. Maybe they weren't hers. As Daniella put the pictures back in the box, she noticed a list where the pictures had been.

This must be the list of names and addresses Leana was talking about, Daniella thought, Weird what were they doing in there? It wasn't until later Daniella knew the answer to that question.

Over next few months that past, Daniella was given odd jobs to do, like water the plants, take memos, help Leana find clothes to wear, and even brushing Leana's hair. Daniella didn't mind doing these jobs because in return she was given free passes to Leana's shows, and she was like a personal assistant to Leana, so she went everywhere Leana went. Everyone thought her and Leana were related because they looked so much a like. But today was going to be Daniella's most memorable day ever with Leana.

"Daniella hun, could you come here for a sec, I need a little help with something," Leana called from upstairs.

Daniella walked up the marble stairs to Leana's bedroom and knocked.

"Come in child," Leana said.

Daniella opened the door slowly and walked in. She looked around the room, but couldn't see Leana.

"Leana?" Daniella called.

"In here hun, " Leana called from the bathroom.

Daniella walked to the bathroom slowly. The door was open. She could see Leana sitting in a big bathtub that looked like it could be a spa. The bathtub was filled with bubbles and Leana was covered in them. Her curly hair was pinned back in a bun.

"Hun can you get that towel for me?" Leana asked softly.

Daniella grabbed the towel hanging from the rack and handed it to Leana.

"Oh, would you put it on for me. I'm all soapy and covered in bubbles."

"Sure," Daniella said a little nervously.

Leana stood up gracefully in the bathtub and splashed some of the water on her to get the bubbles off.

Daniella just stood there holding the towel. Never had she seen someone so beautiful in her life. Leana had a great body. Daniella could see her round, brown breasts, that still held high on her. Daniella guessed they had to be at least a C' cup. Or bigger. Her dark nipples were erect and soapy. Daniella moved her eyes to Leana's hips which were curved perfectly, and then to her pussy, which was shaved neatly, with only a patch of black hairs on the tip of her pussy.

Leana turned her back to Daniella so she could put the towel on her. But Daniella never moved, she had her eyes glued on Leana's beautiful ass. It was shaped nicely. Round and smooth and high on her. Daniella began to feel a tingling sensation throughout her body. Her pussy began to get real wet. Never had she felt this way about anyone, yet a woman.

"Daniella, girl I'm gettin' cold out here, and what are you staring at?" Leana said turning around to face Daniella again.

"Oh, I'm-I'm-sorr-sorry," Daniella sputtered feeling embarrassed. She began to wrap the towel around Leana. Daniella grabbed Leana's hand and helped her out of the tub. Daniella followed Leana out of the bathroom and into her bedroom.

"Thank you hun," Leana said touching Daniella's hair, "You got pretty hair."

Daniella smiled.

"Were you staring at me?" Leana asked still touching Daniella's hair.

"Yes," Daniella said shyly. She began to feel that tingling sensation again as Leana was touching her hair.

"You're very pretty Daniella. Very," Leana said moving her hand from Daniella's hair to her chin.

Daniella didn't know what to do or say. She was so enchanted by Leana's touch. She didn't want it to stop.

Suddenly Leana bent down and kissed Daniella on the cheek. Daniella's heart began to race. Her lips were soft and warm on Daniella's cheek. Leana's lips then brushed Daniella's lips. Leana then grabbed the back of Daniella's head and gave her a hard long kiss. Her tongue probed in and out of Daniella's mouth. Daniella felt her knees buckle. She wanted more of Leana. Daniella kissed Leana back clashing their tongues together.

Leana broke the kiss and gave Daniella a sly smile. She unbuttoned Daniella's blouse to reveal her blue lacy bra. She slowly took off Daniella's blouse and set it on the bed.

"What beautiful tits you have," Leana said giving them a squeeze.

Leana kissed Daniella's breasts through her bra, giving each one a peck. She slowly planted a line of kisses down Daniella's belly and stopped at her skirt. Leana placed her hands on Daniella's shoulders and guided her back on the bed.

Leana then took off her towel to reveal herself naked again.

"Mmmmm, don't stop Leana," Daniella whispered.

"I won't honey," Leana said unzipping Daniella's skirt and taking it off slowly. Then Leana took off the dark stockings with Daniella's underwear. Leana licked her lips when she saw Daniella's brown pussy covered with a little patch of black hair. She could see the juices coming out from Daniella's pussy, just longing to be touched. Leana inhaled deeply the sweet scent of Daniella. Leana spread Daniella's legs a little more and kissed the top of Daniella's clit. Daniella let out a moan and began to move her hips in a circular motion. Leana then flicked her tongue rapidly over Daniella's clit.

"Ohhh--yess, don't stop!" Daniella cried hooking her leg around Leana's neck. Daniella began to grind Leana'a head into her wet pussy.

Leana stuck her tongue into Daniella's pussy tasting all the sweet juices that flowed onto her tongue. She began to probe her tongue in and out of Daniella.

Daniella humped Leana's head with each flick of her tongue on her pussy.

"Mmmmm--Oooo!" Daniella cried.

Leana could feel Daniella's legs start to tighten. She gently began to suck on Daniella's clit flicking it with her tongue inside her mouth.

"Ohhhh--fuck me, suck my pussy," Daniella cried bucking faster.

That was just too much for Daniella as she clasped her legs around Leana's head and began to orgasm in Leana's mouth.

Her sweet juices filled Leana's mouth with each throb of Daniella's pussy. Leana licked it up hungrily. Her face was full of girl-cum. Leana gave Daniella's pussy a kiss and got on top of her.

Daniella kissed Leana's cum filled mouth. She could taste her juices in Leana's mouth.

"I wanna do you," Daniella whispered softly in Leana's ear.

Leana nodded and laid on her back on the bed.

Daniella crawled on top of Leana and began to suck tenderly on Leana's hard nipples.

"Ohhhh, yes," Leana barely whispered.

Daniella put her leg between Leana's legs. Daniella could feel the bristles of Leana's tiny hairs on her leg. Leana began to rub her pussy on Daniella's leg.

Daniella kissed Leana's belly and then kissed her thighs. Leana loved to be kissed on her thighs and moved her hips around. Daniella touched Leana's clit and rubbed around in a circular motion. Leana cried out with pleasure and started to moving her hips faster.

"Eat me child! Suck my pussy!" Leana cried desperately.

Daniella spread Leana's pussy lips apart, like the girls in those pictures Daniella saw a while ago and began to suck on her clit slowly.

"Ohhhh gosh," Leana cried.

Daniella stuck a finger in Leana's pussy lips and began to fuck Leana with her fingers. Daniella took her fingers out and licked all the cum off her fingers. Then she stuck her fingers in Leana again and began to finger her more.

"Harder! Faster!" Leana cried out bucking on the bed.

Daniella probed her fingers in and out faster and licked Leana's clit while she was fingering her.

"Ohhhh yesss! Fuck me!" Leana screamed.

Daniella crawled back on top of Leana so that she was between Leana's legs. Daniella could feel her the wetness from Leana's pussy on her pussy. Daniella began to grind her pussy into Leana's quickly.

"Ahhhh--uhhhh---ahhhhh!!" Leana cried tightening her legs around Daniella and gushed cum onto Daniella's pussy.

Daniella gave Leana a long kiss.

They both lay together naked on the bed arm in arm. Their legs wrapped around each other. Daniella didn't feel star struck over Leana any more, because she was just like Daniella, someone they both longed for.


Copyright 1999 Vanessa inc. All rights reserved

Next: Chapter 2

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