Star Struck

By V.V Vidal

Published on Aug 20, 1999


Authors note: Please do not change story content or author of this story. Charecter(s) and subjects in this story are fictional. Any real life people or places pertaining to this story is purely coincidental. And please do not sell this story, and if you would like to put this story on another site please email me first. Email comments, questions, or suggestions to


"Be caller twenty and you will win two tickets to see Miss Leana Jackson live in concert tomorrow. This is your last chance to get front row seats and backstage passes to see the Diva live, so be caller twenty when you hear Leana's song!!!" the radio announcer said quickly on Tina's radio.

Tina's heart beat faster as she heard the announcer on the radio. She was such a fan of Leana Jackson, and would do anything to just be near her. She loved Lean's sexy soul voice. She was the most gorgeous singer she had ever seen. Tina wanted, if her summer was to be complete, to see Leana and just talk to her for one second. She hated going back to school and not being able to tell her friends what she did this summer, while they were out going on vacations, and meeting new people.

"Angela!!! Did you hear that," Tina said excitedly to her best friend who was sitting on Tina's bed skimming through a magazine.

"Yea' I heard, and?" Angela said cocking her cute heart-shaped face to the side.

"Angela this is my chance to meet my idol," Tina cried out flopping on the bed with Angela.

"You better, because I sure am tired of hearing about her. Leana this, Leana that. If I see Leana, I'm gonna tell her what a bug you have been to my life. All I hear from Tina is, Leana is so great. She's the best singer in the whole world," Angela said giggling.

"Oh Angela, everyone loves her. She is all that and more!" Tina said getting up and pinning her long black hair into a bun. Her hazel eyes, seemed a little bit off, with her dark skin. That was always the thing people noticed about her was her hazel almond shaped eyes. Tina knew she looked good. She was tall, not really skinny, but kind of plum in a cute bubbly sort of way, and 38 B breasts, not too big or small, soft plump lips, and a killer ass. A few people said she looked like the model Naomi Campbell, but she never saw it. She wanted more to look like Leana Jackson.

"It says here, she's 39, not married, and has no kids?" Angela said raising her dark eye brows.

"So," Tina said, "Maybe she's looking for the right one."

"Or maybe she's a lesbian?" Angela said laughing.

Shut up she is not, just because she's not married, and doesn't have kids, that doesn't mean anything," Tina said turning to face her friend.

"Oh really, so who's this chick, she always be with?" Angela said tossing the magazine to Tina.

Tina looked at the picture of Leana and standing next to her was dark haired girl, with a sexy smile, that looked around Tina's age, and was very pretty.

"That's Daniella," Tina said tossing the magazine back to Angela.

"Who's she?" Angela asked.

"That's her personal assistant or something," Tina said.

"You sure do know a lot about Leana, you're so obsessed with her," Angela said.

Angela was right, but Tina couldn't help it. She loved everything about Leana.

"Oh please like you wouldn't go crazy if---" Tina started to say, but then stopped when she heard Leana's song on the radio.

Tina jumped up off the bed and ran downstairs. She could hear Angela's cries in the background. Tina fumbled for the phone and dialed the radio station.

"Tina, what the hell--" Angela yelled as she ran down the stairs after Tina.

Tina raised her hands up to hush Angela. Angela came up close to Tina tried to listen in.

Tina felt her heart sink when she got a busy tone.

"Well try again girl," Angela cried.

Tina hit redial.

Again the phone line was busy.

"Oh come on!!" Tina cried out in anger.

Tina hit redial again.

Tina almost jumped when she heard the ringing tone on the other end.

"I got through!!" Tina screamed. They both held the phone to their ear.

"Hello! This is the Jammin' Jeff, and you're on the air," a voice said through the other end.

Tina and Angela both screamed out loud.

"Hey J.J. what caller am I?" Tina said, barely able to control herself.

"Do you really want to know?" the announcer said.

"Yeah?" Tina said crossing her fingers.

"You are caller------"

There was a pause.

"20!!!!!" the radio announcer said.

Tina and Angela both screamed into the phone. Tina dropped the phone and ran around the house screaming. She felt like she was in a daze. Everything was coming true for her.

"I can't believe it I won!!!!!!!!" she ran outside screaming. Tina ran back inside.

"Yeah, okay, bye," Angela said hanging up the phone, "We have to go pick up the tickets and the backstage passes right now."

"Angela I won!!!" Tina screamed hugging her best friend, "Leana Jackson here we come!!!!"

Tina and Angela waited outside the long line in front of a big stadium, where the concert was taking place.

"Does my hair and make up look alright?" Tina asked Angela.

"It's fine Tina for the 100th, damn!!" Angela said.

Tina wore a tight sexy, black skirt with a blue sheer blouse, revealing her bra, just a bit. Tina glanced at Angela who was wearing tight jeans, and a tight spaghetti strapped shirt. Angela wore cute little butterfly pins in her short-cropped hairstyle. Her dark brown eyes always looked as if she was examining something. She didn't really dress up, but she wasn't nearly as thrilled as Tina was.

"You got the tickets right?" Tina asked.

"Yes, and the passes. Calm down," Angela said.

"I can't Ang, I'm so excited I can barely breathe."

They handed their tickets to a man inside a booth, they walked through a metal detector, and finally they were inside the huge stadium. Tina grabbed Angela as she hurried her way through the crowd of people up towards the front. Tina didn't want to miss anything, she wanted to be as close to Leana as she could get.

"Tina slow down, she's not even on stage yet," Angela cried out.

"She will be," Tina said loudly through the cheers and the crowds of people.

Another band was on playing on stage opening for Leana. There were bright lights everywhere and posters, t-shirts, and screaming people everywhere.

Tina couldn't wait to meet Leana. This was going to definitely be a memorable experience.

Daniella watched Leana undress through the mirror in Leana's dressing room.

Leana always looked good, Daniella thought.

Leana's mass of black curls on her head framed her long face perfectly. Leana was a tall, slender, brown eyed, ebony beauty. Even at 39 her body was of a 21 year old and her large breasts still stood out firm and perfect. Her hips were curved beautifully and her round ass, was high on her. Her most treasured part of her smooth, honey voice, with a hint of a southern accent.

Daniella loved every inch of Leana. She loved working for Leana also. She started working for Leana about a year ago. Mostly being a personal assistant to Leana. Leana was her idol, and she was a big fan of hers. But now since she was around Leana a lot, it just seemed like she and Leana were old friends. Leana knew Daniella's mother so that was partly how she obtained the job. She liked it. She got to meet people in the music industry and travel with Leana.

Daniella smoothed back her shoulder length black hair. Her brown eyes gazed at Leana's wonderful naked body.

The best part of Daniella's job, probably was fucking Leana's brains out. Leana was always in the mood for that, and Daniella enjoyed the burying her face into Leana's sweet koochie.

Daniella turned around to face Leana.

"You look great," Daniella said.

"Well thank you hon," Leana said in her smooth honey voice, "But I ain't even dressed yet."

Leana let out a giggle.

Leana sat down on a small couch in the room.

"Why don't you come over here an' sit next to me?" Leana said softly patting down on the couch with her hand.

Daniella sat down next to Leana.

"What would you do if I just quit and gave it all up, the singin' an' all?" Leana said looking at her.

Daniella tried to focus her eyes on Leana's face, but it was hard to do when Leana sat there naked.

"I'd be out of a job," Daniella said.

Leana let out a high pitched laugh.

Daniella laughed a little, not finding what she said funny, because she figured it was true.

"You just crack me up Daniella," Leana said kissing Daniella on her lips.

Daniella let her tongue slip into Leana's mouth. Leana's tongue met Daniella's and they both began to kiss and probe into each other's mouth. Daniella fondled Leana's soft breasts with her hands. Leana's dark nipples were hard. Daniella broke the kiss and began sucking on Leana's beautiful breasts. She sucked and licked Leana's nipples, squeezing them in her mouth. Leana ran her fingers through Daniella's hair as Daniella sucked on her nipples. Daniella then got off the couch and on to the floor on her knees right under Leana's legs. Daniella spread Leana's legs apart and began to suck and kiss on Leana's inner thighs right near her neatly shaven bush.

Leana let out soft moans and gasps as Daniella flicked her tongue right near her pussy. Leana's pussy was always wet and Daniella loved tasting it.

Daniella reached up and touched Leana's clit, moving it around in circles. Leana moved her hips up and down on Daniella's fingers. Daniella flicked her tongue over Leana's clit and began to suck on it. She squeezed Leana's clit in her mouth with her lips, which drove Leana crazy, bucking her hips up and down on Daniella's face. Daniella licked Leana's clit rapidly in small circles. Leana grabbed the ends of the small couch and began wildly bucking her hips up in the air, rubbing against Daniella's face.

Daniella climbed back on the couch and hungrily kissed Leana. Leana helped Daniella disrobe, until Daniella was in her satin panties. They both fell on the floor in a frantic rush. Leana straddled Daniella's leg and began grinding hard on it, feeling the friction of Danilla's satin panties which drove her mad.

There was a loud pounding on the door.

"What!!" Leana said yelling breathlessly.

"Leana hurry up, you're on in three minutes!!" the concert producer yelled from the other side of the door.

"Okay, I'm comin'!!" Leana yelled back, giving Daniella a wink.

She kissed Daniella hard on the mouth, while they both rubbed on each others legs. Leana felt the rhythm go faster and faster until she exploded into an orgasm. She cried out only for a second, then relaxed on top of Daniella.

Daniella was used to this rushed sex. It was like this before every concert.

Leana gave Daniella a quick kiss and quickly got up and got dressed.

Daniella got up and helped her get her bra on while she put on her make up and fixed her hair. Daniella was always surprised at how fast Leana was, even after they fucked each other.

Leana blew Daniella a goodbye kiss and left the dressing room quickly.

Tina could not contain herself. Leana would be coming out any minute.

The lights dimmed, the band played a soft melody in the background. One spotlight appeared on the curtain that was slowly raising. A silhouette of Leana's form appeared. Her smooth voice filled the air. The music picked up the tempo and began going into a more funky beat. The crowd cheered and roared as Leana appeared on stage with a sparkling gown, with no straps.

Tina cheered and screamed. She was right in front and could see Leana clearly and she never before looked so elegant.

Tina was sure that Leana looked straight at her.

"She looked at me Angela!!!" Tina screamed.

"She looked at me too," Angela said, "Told you she was a lesbian."

Tina gave her friend a look, and went back to cheering and screaming.

The concert ended a few hours later and everyone was rushing backstage.

Angela took out the backstage passes and held them so security guards could see them.

"Excuse me!!! Coming through!!! V.I.P." Angela said making it a point for everyone to see their passes.

The security guard led them through the crowd of people around the backstage.

"Ya'll should have got backstage passes!" Angela said laughing.

Tina laughed at Angela.

The security guard took them to Leana's dressing room.

Tina read the name on the door, Miss Leana Jackson.

I can't believe I'm actually here! Tina thought, What will I say? What will I do?

"Well knock!!" Angela said.

Tina's hand shook as she knocked rapidly on the door. Her heart was pounding.

The door opened and Leana appeared. She still had on her sparkling gown. Tina could have died right there from just looking at her.

Leana smiled.

"You must be Tina," she said looking down at her.

"Uhh-yeah," Tina stuttered.

"Oh please, both of you come on in," she said.

Tina and Angela walked in the dressing room. To Tina's surprise it was bigger than she thought.

"Please sit," Leana said.

Tina and Angela sat down on a small couch.

"How'd you know my name?" Tina blurted out.

Leana laughed a little.

"The radio station said you would be comin' by," she said softly.

Leana sat in front of a mirror and began to untie her hair.

"This is Angela," Tina said.

Angela smiled and gave a little wave.

"Oh hi Angela," Leana said smiling through the mirror, "So you're a big fan too?"

"Well actually I just came--" Angela started to say.

"She's a big fan also," Tina interrupted and looked at Angela signaling a "don't go there" look.

"Oh," Leana said smiling.

"I'm such a big fan of yours Leana, I can't believe I'm here. I love your music and you are---" Tina started to say, but was interrupted by another voice.

"Leana, would you like me to tell Roger--" a girl said coming out from another room, but she stopped when she saw Tina and Angela, "Oh, I didn't know you had company."

The girl wrapped her bathrobe around her tighter and smiled at Tina and Angela.

"Oh you guys, this is Daniella, my assistant," Leana said.

"Hi," she said softly.

Tina and Angela waved.

So that's Daniella, Tina thought. Daniella looked a lot prettier in person.

Angela nudged Tina with her elbow, giving her a "that's Daniella" look.

"What was that you were sayin' Danny?" Leana said.

"Nothin'. I'll tell you later," Daniella said staring at Tina.

For the first time Tina was speechless. She had practiced this moment in her head over and over again, but she couldn't find the words to tell Leana how she felt.

Leana took out two pictures of herself and quickly scrawled something on both of them. She handed one each to Tina and Angela.

To a beautiful girl, Tina, love Leana, Tina read on the picture.

"Th-thank you," Tina said. Tina could still feel Daniella's eyes burn through her.

What was she staring at? Tina wondered.

"Tina I hope I ain't being too forward with you, but I was wonderin' if you would like to do me," Leana said.

"Huh?" Tina said.

"A favor."

"Oh," Tina said.

Daniella smirked in the background.

"You see, I was wonderin' if you would like to come down to my place an' work for me. I could use the extra help, since I will be goin' on tour often, and Daniella could use the company," Leana said smiling.

"Me?" Tina said, "Why me?"

"Well I get a good vibe from you an' I think you would be perfect for the job. You can say no, I would understand. 'Course you could bring Angela along too," Leana said.

"Oh wow, never did I think this would happen. I always used to dream about this, but never did I think--," Tina stopped when she realized she was babbling.

Daniella rolled her eyes.

"Uhh--Sure," Tina said.

"Great!!" Leana said getting up and hugging Tina. She took out a piece of paper from a drawer and scribbled her address on it.

"Come by my place tomorrow, 'round 5 p.m." Leana said handing the note to her.

Oh wow, Tina thought holding the paper.

She nodded to Leana.

Things were really looking up for Tina, but she had no idea what she was really in for.

Tina checked her hair, and smoothed out her short light-blue dress. It had real thin straps on her shoulder and hung just a little bit of cleavage.

"Are you really sure you wanna go?" Angela said on the phone to Tina.

"Yes, Ang. This is a chance of a life time," Tina said.

"But, what about that girl, Daniella?" Angela said, "Did you see her yesterday, she was definitely giving you some "die bitch" looks. And did you see how she was dressed? Comin' out there in just her robe, and didn't have the nerve to go change. I'm telling you they were fucking in that room. I smelled sex."

Tina laughed at Angela. Sometimes she could be really ridiculous.

"You did not smell sex Angela. Stop being dumb," Tina said laughing.

"It's the truth, I know what sex smells like," Angela said.

"Ang, you're stupid. Hey I gotta go, I'll tell you how it went when I come back okay?"

"Alright girl, bye."

Tina hung up the phone. She was really excited about going to Leana's house.

But what was more exciting was thought of Leana and Daniella having sex which immediately sent tingles all over Tina.

Tina paid the cab driver stepped out the car. She was in front of Leana Jackson's house, which looked more like a mansion.

A huge black gate surrounded the property. Tina took a step closer to look at the white house, that was trimmed in blue. A path led right up to the house and was out lined with flowers of all different colors.

Tina had never seen anything so beautiful. She stepped up to the gate and pushed a little intercom button.

"Uhh--hi it's me Tina," she said into the intercom.

The gates opened a few minutes later. Tina walked up to the front door of the huge house and rang the door bell.

A few seconds later, the door opened and Daniella appeared in the doorway.

Tina was half disappointed that it hadn't been Leana, but smiled anyway.

"Hi, Daniella."

"Hi," she said flatly, "Come on in."

Tina walked into Leana's house and it was amazing. Everything was covered in white marble. Her stairs were marble, even chairs were marble. There were lots of paintings on the wall and gold platinum albums and awards.

Daniella led Tina upstairs to a tiny office.

"Is Leana here?" Tina asked as she looked around the office.

"No," she said quickly.

"Oh," Tina said.

Daniella sat down at a desk and began typing something on a computer.

"So how old are you?" Tina asked.

"Why?" Daniella said harshly looking at Tina.

"Cause, I wanna know," Tina said.

"Well if you must, I am 19, and what about you?"

"I'm 17."

She gave Tina a look like "you're just a kid."

Tina glanced at a little table in the corner. She walked over to it, and saw a bunch of pictures lying there. She picked them up and took a closer look at them.

They were pictures of naked ladies licking each other's pussy. They didn't look like they were out of a magazine. They looked like they were taken by some one. In a house.

"Oh," Tina said quickly putting the pictures back on the desk.

"You shouldn't be looking at those," Daniella said appearing close behind Tina.

"Oh sorry," Tina said turning around quickly, "They were just lying there. Why are there naked ladies in the pictures?"

"None of your business!" Daniella snapped.

A door slammed.

Tina heard footsteps on the marble stairs coming closer. A few seconds later Leana appeared.

"There you girls are," she said smiling.

"Hi Leana," Daniella said.

"Hello, oh and there's Tina," Leana coming up and hugging Tina, "Where's your little friend?"

"Oh, Angela, she's busy," Tina said.

"Oh too bad," Leana said grabbing Tina's hand, "Follow me I must show you something."

Leana led her down a hall into another bedroom with a bid bed.

Tina guessed it was Leana's bedroom.

Tina sat on Leana's bed.

Leana poured her something to drink and handed it to Tina, as she sat down next to her.

Tina took a sip. It tasted like wine.

"Thanks," Tina said.

There was a long silence between them.

"You know I wanna thank you for comin' out here," Leana said.

"Oh sure, no problem," Tina said taking another sip of the wine.

"No really, I really adore my fans, honestly," Leana said placing her hand on Tina's thigh.

Tina felt an electric surge hit her body through that touch. Leana leaned over and kissed Tina's cheek.

"Just relax," Leana whispered into Tina's ear.

Tina felt Leana's hand travel farther up on Tina's thigh. Leana's hand touched Tina's pussy through her underwear. Leana kissed Tina again this time on the mouth forcing her tongue inside Tina's mouth. Tina could feel Leana's tongue swirl around her inside her mouth. Tina pressed Leana's head hard against her mouth kissing her. Leana took off Tina's dress and smiled when she found out Tina didn't have a bra on. She dove straight for Tina's tits and began feverishly sucking on them. Leana sucked hard on Tina's nipples, squeezing them with her hand. Leana ran her other hand down Tina's underwear and felt her soft pussy hair. Leana licked and kissed her way down Tina's stomach. Leana removed Tina's underwear. Leana laid Tina back on the bed and spread her legs apart. Leana kissed the top of Tina's pussy and gave one long lick on her slit.

Tina let out a moan.

Leana spread Tina's pussy lips apart and lapped up Tina's wetness. Tina moved her hips in tiny circles to Leana's touch. Leana sucked on Tina's clit rolling it around in her mouth with her tongue. Tina jerked her hips up in response to the stimulation she was receiving. Leana frenched Tina's pussy, burying her face deep into Tina's hairy bush. Tina cried out as she bucked on Leana's face. Leana took her finger and stuck it inside Tina's pussy and began to finger fuck her probing her in and out. Tina bucked wildly as she began to ride her finger wanting more. Leana flicked her tongue rapidly over Tina's clit as she fingered Tina. Tina grabbed Leana's head and pressed it hard on her snatch. Tina couldn't take it any longer as she let a cry and orgasmed on Leana. Leana licked Tina's cum as she came in her mouth.

Tina relaxed, breathing hard a little bit. She looked down and still saw Leana still lapping away at her pussy.

"My turn Leana," Tina said.

Leana rolled on her back and Tina got on top of her and unbuttoned her blouse. Tina wasn't quite sure how to do this, because she had never had sex with a girl before, but she would quickly learn how.

She removed Leana's blouse and tossed it to the ground. Leana wasn't wearing a bra either. She touched Leana's breasts with her hand, rubbing Leana's hard nipples. Tina then began to suck on each nipple, flicking her tongue back and forth on them. Tina moved down further on Leana and removed Leana's skirt and her underwear. Tina could see that Leana was real wet.

Tina inhaled Leana, smelling the strong smell of her sex. Tina kissed the Leana's pussy and nibbled at her pussy lips. Leana giggled as Tina licked and nibbled on her pussy. Tina stuck her tongue inside of Leana, tasting all of her hot juices. Leana let out a soft cry and began to move her hips up and down on Tina's face. Tina then rubbed her tongue softly on Leana's clit, moving it around in little figure eights. Leana thrusted her hips in the air and cried aloud. Tina sucked on Leana's clit as Leana humped on her face, faster and faster. Tina moved up on Leana and kissed her on the mouth. Tina positioned herself so that she was in between Leana's legs and she began to grind her pussy on Leana's pussy. Leana tightened her legs around Leana's waist and began to moan louder and louder as their bodies rolled on one another. Tina kissed Leana and sucked on her tongue. Tina was becoming wet again the feeling was just too great for her. Leana let out a loud cry and came hard on Tina's pussy. Tina came hard, a second later on top of Leana. Tina rolled off of Leana. She never felt anything like that before and she loved it. She smiled at Leana before she fell asleep.

The next thing Tina remembered was waking up in Leana's bed. Tina glanced at a clock on the desk. Eight p.m. She looked around the room. Leana wasn't there. Tina got dressed quickly and walked out of the room and down the hallway. She opened the door to the tiny office where Daniella was earlier.

"Hello?" Tina called. The door slammed behind her. Tina turned around quickly and saw Daniella by the door.

"Where's Leana," Tina asked.

"Downstairs," Daniella said moving slowly towards Tina.

Tina backed up a bit.

"I feel so sorry for you Tina," Daniella said.

"Excuse me?" Tina said still backing up, as Daniella approached her faster.

"I heard you two upstairs earlier," Daniella said.

Tina ran into a desk. She leaned against it. Daniella stopped a few inches from her.

"You think you're so special. Well you're not Tina. You aren't the only girl she's fucked," Daniella said.

"What do you mean?" Tina asked.

"I used to be like you, an adoring fan, who wanted to be around Leana Jackson. I came here to work for her and guess what we ended up in bed together," Daniella said.

Tina stared at Daniella.

"Those pictures, those are of other woman that she has been with. You aren't the only one," she said laughing.

Tina thought about the pictures she saw earlier.

"I bet she even licked your pussy dry," Daniella said pressing her fingers up Tina's skirt and in between her legs.

Tina grabbed Daniella's wrist roughly.

"Let's get this straight. There's gonna be some changes around here, and one of them includes you. I don't want you here any more. I want you to leave. I will be Leana's personal assistant from now on," Tina said still holding on to Daniella's wrist.

"You got to be kidding?" Daniella said laughing.

"No, I'm very serious. If you don't leave. I will expose your relationship with Leana to everyone. It will hurt you more than it will hurt me," Tina said.

"Oh, please you fucked her too," Daniella said pulling away from Tina.

"I'll deny it, she has you on film, not me," Tina said cooly.

"She does not!"

"She does."

Even though Tina knew it wasn't true, she decided she could bluff Daniella.

"You would do that to Leana? Why would you do that to your idol?" Daniella said.

H"No, you would be doing it, by not taking my offer," Tina said.

"You bitch!" Daniella said storming out the office.

Tina smiled. Tina walked downstairs and found Leana in the parlor sitting in a chair. Tina walked over to Leana and kissed her passionately on the lips.

"What's up with Daniella? I just saw her storming out of here just a second a go?" Leana asked.

"Oh nothing," Tina said smiling, kissing Leana again. From now on, it was going to be just her and Leana

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