Starr Boy

By Ryan White

Published on Mar 2, 2023




Ryan here, with another story that he had thought out, out of sheer boredom as he is nearing the end of his vacation! I do love a coffee shop as some of you do know...nothing better than typing your heart out while having a Cuppachino and piece of carrot cake!

Please enjoy my latest offering...I vertainly had fun in writing it xx

Peace and love! Ryan


"This is Caplin, come in. Over."

"Caplin, is this Mentoor. There are reports of a disturbance over all the Oakdale Road next to Tygervalley side. East end of town. Go check it out, and report back! Over."

"Yes, Sir."

Justin rolled his eyes and quickly made a classic U-turn in the fast lane, as he stormed off in the opposite direction where he was going. This was the one bad thing about being a rookie police always were handed the crap shifts and the even more crapper things to do on the fucking job.

At twenty-five, this was not where he had seen his life go. He wanted to be something more, something better, than what he had to settle for right now...but then again, the South African job seekers system didn't push the pounds of cocaine up his nose a few years back. No kidding...he fucking did that all to himself.

Speeding off in the direction of the reported incident happening, he cursed himself as he nearly ran over a red stop sign...FUCK! That was nearly a damn good waste of R500...This was so not his week, or day...or even month of fuckin year for that matter.

To top it all off, he was hungry as shit, as he had totally overslept that same afternoon before he had to be at the station and on time for his shift...he didn't even have time to cook himself a blasted egg, never mind actually having a decent meal. That would mean, that the last thing he actually ate, was a fucking mini packet of crisps bought when he got off from night duty at the police station's vending machine.

The joys.

Smelling the well-known aromas of the KFC and the Spur Steak Ranch restaurant as he drove past both of them in quick succession did nothing to stop his insane hunger, and for that matter, neither did anything for the growing temper inside his chest and heart.

This wasn't where he was supposed to end up, was it? God damnit, this wasn't gonna be his life for ever, was it? Shit. Again, he had no one and nothing to blame except himself.

Who was going to give him a chance or even a sniff at a fucking semi decent job except the rehabilitation program at the local police academy?

After he had gotten rid of every fucking need and craving that he had to snuff that white powder that he had loved up much up his nose pipe, THIS was where the facility had referred him to. Both of his parents had totally given up on him by then...both too disappointed and too fucking embarrassed and humiliated to have anything to do with him.

His father just HAD to be a preacher...from ALL the fucking careers he could have chosen. Son of a preacher abuses drugs and alcohol...nearly fucking overdosing on the bloody lot at the tender age of couldn't fucking write that shit, even if you tried.

Justin reached down and grabbed the CB radio that he was using to communicate to the team back at the station, before he cleared his throat.

"Caplin here, I'm almost at the site of the disturbance, am I gonna need any sort of back up? Over."

The line was wheezy for a few seconds, before the voice of his superior came over the frequent, crisp and crystal clear at that.

"Mentoor here. Negative, none needed. Report back once everything is clear, we have had numerous calls about those faggots hanging around there. Male prostitutes. I don't have to tell you who they are after. Over."


Jesus Fucking Christ.

Justin swallowed and pursed his lips. He hated that word. He hated everything about it AND absolutely everything that it stood for, as he did the people who actually used it.

He knew Mentoor was a steadfast, solid law-abiding citizen and a family man, but was it necessary for him to use those words? Really? It was 2023 for God's sake!

He increased the speed of the cop car to 120 miles per minute. The sooner he got there, the better.

Especially know that he knew just who in fact required his help.


"Okay, break it up, BREAK IT UP! What the hell is going on around here?"

Justin got out of the car, his service pistol at the ready, his uniform brisk and sharp as it has ever been, before he shot a warning salvo up in to the air, getting rid of all the passers-by who was not even doing an inch to help the poor dude who was by now laying in total and utter pain on the grassy area just outside the wealthy and majestic Tygervalley shopping centre in the west part of Bellville, Cape Town.

The two men who had been attacked the young man...who genuinely looked to be in their fifties by the looks of things, stood back at once, when they saw that it was a cop in uniform approaching them, but like two peas in a pod, they shot out their arms like they were actual twins in a mime act, and started speaking over each other in their total and utter defiance of what they were doing...

"He started it..."

"That faggot boy tried to seduce and steal from me!"

"We were just giving him what he asked for..."

"You're a cop, you can't be taking us in, or blaming us for teaching the fucker a lesson..."

Justin's eyes narrowed.

His hunger reached fever pitch.

If not for these...these homophobic bastards, he could have been chowing on a fucking huge ass gatsby right now...complete with fries and onion rings just like the Spaza shops always made them around here...complete with salt and fucking vinegar to top things off....

...and instead, he had to leave all of that, because these old timers were busy "teaching a lesson" to a young guy who seriously could have been young enough to be their grandson.

Justin held his service pistol right before his person, whilst adjusting the CB on his chest, and by so doing, he reassured Mentoor back at the station that everything was under control. He then marched up to the two men, both of whom still had heaving chests and bawled up fists...and the one furthest away from Justin actually had the nerve to gargle some of his fucking saliva and SPAT it onto the man still wriggling in pain and blood on the ground.

"Tell me...your names please? COME ON, I DON'T HAVE ALL BLOODY NIGHT!"

The two men were suddenly if they just ASSUMED that a person in uniform would be on their side in all of this. As if they thought that a cop would simply look the other way in a case such as this.

Justin held his pistol at the just never knew with these small-minded straight Caucasian idiots who honestly some of them, still believed and thought they were, and WANTED to live in the height of the apartheid era in this fucking country.

"Why do you need OUR names, Officer? We didn't do anything wrong! We told you what happened? This little faggot..."

Justin raised his pistol just a tad...and both of the old men's eyes widened at the sight of the cold, hard metal. It was seemingly then they had realised, that they were going to get no favours this this particular copper.

Justin smirked and cleared his throat.

"No, because I'm just curious as hell. You say he stole from you and...and I find this hard to believe, but that he also SEDUCED you? Care to tell me how that actually happened?"

The elder of the two men stepped forward, and with a look of total distain on his face, turned towards the young man on the ground, and snorted with pent up anger.

"Me and my brother here, we were on our way"

Justin's eyes narrowed...before he saw the silent brother's eyes wander nervously over to the popular dance club called Teazers, which was situated just outside of the Tygervalley mall. He smiled a little, thinking now that he actually had them...they were fucking guilty as sin, and even more so when he smirked as he saw both of the brothers were wearing wedding rings on their fingers.

"You were on your way to Teazers. I got it. What happened next?" he asked, his voice firm and full of authority, well, at least as much as he hoped that it sounded to him personally.

The younger brother grabbed the sleeve of his sibling's shirt, before he shook his head and signalled at the latter to leave all of this, and he whispered to him, so softly, that Justin almost couldn't hear him, that they should just go...but of course he was. And so he should be.

Both of them idiots clearly had families...wives and children most probably...they would be terrified if it came out where they were on their way to.

Justin smiled and placed his pistol back in his holster, before he stood upright and crossed his arms. There was no more danger here. These two were idiots, but they were harmless.

"I think we're done here, gentleman. And in the future...think twice before you beat up a man young enough to be your grandson? I know it must make you feel more manly and virile, especially at your advanced ages, but still...I'm letting you off with a warning. Now fucking get out of here!"

The older brother looked as if he wanted to throttle Justin right then and there, regardless if the latter had a service pistol in his arsenal or not, but it was the younger of the two that actually saw sense, and literally had to pull his sibling way from Justin, and back to where their BMW was still parked.

He rolled his eyes and had to bite his tongue as he heard the elder brother say something totally inconspicuous about how much rights these "faggots" had nowadays.

Only then, he heard a groan and sigh coming from beneath him.

Justin knelt down and stared quietly at the young man that was clearly still in pain here before old was this kid? Nineteen? Twenty at the most?

He sighed and shook his head. There was a big, bloody gash on the side of the kid's face, complete with a reddish right eye that was definitely going to have a severe shiner the following day. But other than that, he seemed okay, for the most part.

"Here kid, let me help you up here," Justin said quietly, before he reached out his arm towards the latter.

The young man hesitated at first, looking at Justin as if he was now only seeing him properly for the first time, before he slowly reached out towards him, small groans and gasps coming from his throat every few seconds.

Their hands touched.

Justin shuddered as he felt how warm the kid's palm was. Not sweaty at all, as he could have obviously thought, this being the middle of the South African summer. Something deep inside him broke as he realised...staring into the hurt and sore eyes of the young guy...

He, oh man, he was fucking beautiful.


Slowly, but surely Justin stood upwards and pulled the kid along with him, still holding his hand in the process, until both men were totally and utterly were supported by their own two feet on solid ground.

The young kid finally let go of the solid grip that Justin had on his hand, before he nervously looked around and it seemed, only then realised that he was in fact bleeding, as several drops of blood now seemed to stream from the wound next to his eye all the way down his smooth, handsome face and straight onto his upper arm.

"Shit...fuck...SHIT!" he whispered in complete agony, before he looked around him and then finally his eyes widened, as he appeared to see someone that he actually seemed to know.

Justin turned around at the same time he noticed the kid's movements, his right-hand making contact with his pistol, which was still situated tightly inside its holster, before he saw someone running towards them as quick as if they were actually being chased by the devil himself.

"What the fuck are you doing this side of the area? I told you to stay the hell away, it's dangerous around here! These people will hurt you!" the older guy shrieked as he finally reached the two, complete with hugging the young kid towards him, before turning around and staring at Justin as if he was something rotten and stinky at the bottom of his shoe.

"Is there a problem here, Officer?" he asked, or more like demanded, as sarcastically as he possibly could.

Justin's eyes caught that of the young dude...only now it was realising they were coral blue...shiny blue even, just as the purest, most deepest pools of water that he had ever seen in his entire life...

Justin cleared his throat and stared the new arrival dead in his eye.

"Actually, there is. This young man here has been accused of stealing and...seducing two older men. It was they who attacked him. And whilst we are on the subject, since you clearly seem to know and care for him, where the HELL were YOU, when all of this happened?"

The new guy clicked his tongue before he protectively placed his arm around the younger kid, and signalled towards him to let them get the fuck out of there.

"Sorry..." the kid whispered, more a afterthought than anything else, before he placed both of his hands deep inside his pockets, and before Justin knew what was happened, both of them had deeply disappeared completely into the night.


He shook his head. wasn't as if the kid went with the other man kicking and screaming, did he? And he obviously knew him. As far as Justin was concerned, his job was done.

He reported back to Mentoor that he had sorted out the disturbance, and satisfied that everything was cool and calm in the Tygervalley surrounding areas, he finally got into his car and sped off to the nearest MacDonalds that he could find.

The taste of the Big Mac hit his senses the moment that he had placed the burger into his mouth. Fucking hell...that god damn hit the spot each and every time.

When he was finished eating, he parked in a secure location next to the shopping mall, where he could easily be spotted, so that the night shoppers and movie goers could at least see that there was police protection of some sort around the area. He sat back, with his pistol armed and ready next to him on the passenger seat.

Justin closed his eyes for only a few seconds.

Once more, he saw that...that incredibly sexy young man before clear fucking Ultra HD definition, as if he was right here beside him.

A yearning started to develop inside his chest, as it always did when he was confronted with someone that he was genuinely attracted to. He grimaced as he thought of Callum. Callum Reed. The same guy who had gotten him hooked on drugs in the first place, all those years ago.

Callum Reed, the first and only guy he ever had developed any feelings for, and for a while, he thought that they would be together for the rest of their lives. Long story short...that wasn't the case.

Callum was only using him for his parents' money...because as long as he could keep Justin happy in the sack, Callum knew that Justin would supply the finances for their drug use.

The day that Justin realised what and who Callum really was...a dirty...thieving, cocaine loving son of a bitch...that was the day that he overdosed. That was the day that nothing and no one even mattered to him anymore.

Somehow...he managed to carry on.

He picked himself up, checked himself into rehab and with the grace of whoever was watching over him, he got out safely to the other side. His job didn't pay millions, but at least he wasn't out on the streets or even homeless. At least, he didn't have to do with that young kid had to, even if it was just to fucking survive.

Another call on the CB car radio came squawking through, to which Justin immediately replied, before he turned on the car's engine...the red and blue lights flashing, cascading majestically over the entire parking lot of the Tygervalley mall.

"I wonder if he's going to be okay...just please let him be alright..." he sent up a quick thought to whoever cared enough to hear it, before he sped off in the direction of the next assignment.

Man...that kid...whoever he was...

...he sure was beautiful...


"Well, thanks for everything. I'll call you and perhaps we can do this again, sometime?"

Justin faked a smile as best he could, before he stuck out a hand to shake that of the worst fucking blind date he has had in recent weeks.

"Yeah, sure...I've got your number, I'll definitely make sure to call you."

Yeah...when fucking hell freezes over.

The guy winked at Justin, which almost made him vomit out whatever small pieces of food he had managed to actually get into his mouth earlier that evening. He had a sudden urge to give himself a fucking good trashing. Fuck Grindr! Jesus!

On the dating app itself, the guy looked and seemed like a fucking dreamboat. Of course, he would. Brown caramel eyes...the most beautiful dimples that you could ever wished to see in a dude...his smile infectious and that miraculously wicked look of mischief hidden in the depts of his soul...

...only to discover that the guy was actually a pig. No, he was actually...a genuine pig in human form.

He treated their waiter like complete and utter crap all night, ordering the poor guy around like he was his personal slave, meanwhile making numerous comments on how "the blacks" got all the jobs these days whilst "whites" was being tossed aside. There was some truth into that, at least in South Africa, but geez...not something you wanted to hear of constantly when you're trying to get to know someone.

The cherry on the cake was when he actually didn't even tip said waiter, at the end of the evening. By then, Justin was so fed up, that he actually asked him why he didn' which the idiot replied that waiters were getting paid to do their job, so why should he give them any more money...seriously?

Not a chance in hell...Justin thought as he took out his phone and popped over to his contacts, where the fucker had INSISTED, he give him his number, and swiftly blocked it.

There you go. How do you like them apples now?


Walking to his car, a feeling of dread came over him. It was Friday night after all, the first evening he had gotten off in a long while, and to be perfectly far as looks went, he was totally looking forward to having some sex later on with Grindr guy...only his luck the dude would turn out to be the complete and utter opposite of what he really wanted.

The man was attractive as hell, but knowing what he stood for and what he believed in...fuck that shit. Not gonna happen.

He tried not to take notice of the several couples...straight, lesbian and gay that he was seeing all over the popular Edward Street in the middle of the popular Bellville suburb...all of them intent on enjoying the shit out of this weekend...getting smashed, getting wasted...getting it on with whoever they wanted.

And here he was...on his way home because he had nothing and no one.


On days and nights like this, he was seriously willing to just go to the pub on the opposite side of the police station back in town and just drown his sorrows away. But then again, he knew that his brain and his conscious just wouldn't allow that to happen. He didn't even have as much as coffee these days. Not since getting out of rehab, per say. It would be so easy to just...fall back on the dangers of getting snot fucking high on that precious white powdery substance...


Speeding down the street on his way home, which was totally a way better option, even if it didn't seem so...the way he was feeling by now...he stopped at a local superette shop, knowing that his airtime for his cell phone was low as fuck, and knowing that anything could happen in the night, any sort of emergency...he didn't have a landline, so it was better than he topped up his talk time.

Parking, getting out.

Paying for about R180 for his airtime, and getting back to his car good and proper. Punching the digits on the slip into his phone. Having talk time if he needed to use his phone.

That was the deal. Until he had gotten into said car, and someone appeared next to his open window as suddenly as a ghost in the night.

"Hey there, handsome..."

Justin looked up...and recognised him immediately.

At first, he didn't say anything...he literally couldn't get any words had been several weeks...must have been five or six at least...he had literally forgotten all about this guy in all the time that had passed...and here he was before him...he could TOUCH him if he wanted to.

The kid frowned, but still kept his flirty persona going...

"You deaf or something? Hello? Anyone home? Fucking hell...looks but no brains..." the kid mumbled before he ran his fingers through his jet-black hair, allowing the surprisingly clean strands to simply and beautiful fall across his super attractive face. His eyes were even more blue than they were that night, if that was at all possible.

Finally, after what seemed like hours, when in sheer reality it was only a couple of seconds, Justin finally swallowed, slowly at that, and seemed to regain all control over his vocal cords...

"Uhm...I don't...I'm not"

The kid rolled his eyes once more.

"You're straight? Ahhh fucking hell, all you sexy guys always fucking are...but hey, I can still blow your mind as well as your don't need to be gay for that..."

Before Justin could give an answer, a tall black man, wearing a security uniform came rushing over towards them, complete with what looked like shock baton inside his hands.

Jesus, this was not good.

"Hey you! What the hell are you still doing here! I told you last week, you faggots aren't welcome here! You want me to arrest you? Get the hell out of here!" he screamed at the top of his voice, swinging around the electric weapon he had possessed in his hand as if it was nothing but a mere toy.

Justin cleared his throat and got out of his car, completely dwarfing the security guard in terms of size and muscle, before he crossed his arms and stared down at him.

"Back down, man. He's with me. You got a problem with that?" he asked indebtedly, his voice as cold as ice.

The guard stepped back, with complete and utter shock bedridden all over his face...and Justin almost cracked a genuine smile as he realised just how this must have seemed to him.

A twenty-five-year-old muscled guy, protecting a younger kid, the guard obviously knowing that said kid was a prostitute...and him telling him he was WITH him...Jesus Christ.

The guard back down, whilst murmuring something in his native Xhosa, before he was finally gone, and Justin turned back towards the kid.

"Look man, here's the fucking deal. I'm not gonna sleep with you..."

The kid placed both hands on his hips.

"Really? I actually know guys who would pay good money..."

"I'm not one of them. But what I am gonna do is, I'm gonna take you to a shelter that I know of, where you will be safe for the night. No fucking arguments! Get in!"

Even Justin didn't know where the fuck that idea had come from.

All that he knew for certain, was there was no way, if he had anything to do with all of the situation, that this...this handsome young kid would be spending tonight on the streets begging for drunk and desperate men to pay him to fuck his ass. For some reason, that was way more than what Justin was willing to stomach.

Not on his fucking watch.

The kid seemed to stare at Justin as he was someone who had a mental problem, before he shook his head and smiled wry fully.

"Dude, do you have any fucking really, any at all how much money I usually make on a weekend? Especially on a Friday night? And you want me to go with you to a fucking shelter? To do what? Are you crazy or just fucking insane? This body ain't for free! If you want me to go with you, you're gonna pay me, homie!"

Justin closed his eyes and counted to ten. Why the fuck was he even bothered what happened to this dude? He should get into his fucking car and go home...where he would be far away from all his god damn temptations around him...

...but try telling that to his heart.

He sighed and got out his wallet out of the pockets of his jeans. At the same time, he saw the young boy actually lick his lips as he caught the mere sight of the numerous money bills that was stashed inside. He only managed to withdraw a couple of bucks from the ATM that morning, knowing that he was going on that blasted blind date.

If the kid wanted more than he had...there was no way he was going to risk going to an ATM alone with him. No matter how sorry he felt for him. And not without his service pistol.

When the kid mentioned an amount, Justin nearly choked on his own spit.

Luckily, he had a little more than said amount inside his wallet and he thus reluctantly gave it to him. After counting the money, each bill more carefully than the next, he nodded happily, before he sped around to the passenger side of Justin's car, and without any amount or shame, or any far whatsoever, he swiftly got into the car.

Justin sighed.

It would help if the fucker wasn't as handsome as he was.

It would help a fucking lot.


"'re really just...dropping me off at this hell hole?"

Justin stopped the engine after he parked the car in front of the shelter that the station always helped with missing persons and to which they gave monthly donations to. He knew for a fact that the kid would be safely taken care of inside, even at least for one night. He sighed and turned his entire body towards his passenger.

"What the hell did you think I meant, dude? I told you I just want you to be safe!"

The kid laughed out loud and sat back into his seat.

"You made a funny. Oh wow. I had a good laugh. Can I fucking see your dick now?"

His hand was on Justin's dick faster than you could say "BUSTED"...

Justin bit his lip and tried his best not to actually go insane right then and there. He desperately...really...JESUS he wanted to have sex with this kid more than he wanted to have sex with anyone before in his life...

...but not here. Not like this.

He still had a bit of decency left in him, for God's sake.

Carefully, as to not hurt the kid, he reached down and took said kid's hand, and lifted it gently from his ever-growing cock, and placed it back onto the boy's stomach.

"Dude...I told you I'm gonna make sure than you're safe and okay. That's all. And even if I was gay...I wouldn't..."

The dude's eyes lit up like Justin had never seen them before...and it surely wasn't because of any form of happiness...

"You wouldn't what? Allow a faggot to suck your dick? Fuck you, man! I don't fucking need this, I'm outta here...and take your fucking blood money with you!" he shrieked emphatically, taking the money that Justin had handed him earlier and throwing it into his face, that for a moment, all that the latter could see was bills, never mind stars.

The passenger door was still locked, so the dude totally couldn't get out, and after he seemed to realise that, he turned towards Justin once more, fire building in his eyes second, after second.

"LET ME GO! YOU FUCKING FREAK!" he yelled as loud as he possibly could.

Justin had enough. Way more than enough.

He grabbed the young dude, and held him tightly at his shoulders.

"SHUT UP! Just...just shut...the fuck...up!" he whispered, his eyes never leaving that of the kid's.

The latter took a deep breath, and hung his head down, but he swallowed and sat back inside the passenger seat.

A few seconds passed, before he turned his head tiredly towards Justin.

"If you're gonna kidnap or kill me, you might as well do it now..." he said, his voice as hoarse and as depressing as Justin had ever heard one.

Shocked more than anything, Justin softly punched the boy's arm, careful not to hurt him.

" don't even recognise me, do you? Remember a few weeks ago? Those two white old men who attacked you? You remember that a cop then arrived and saved your lazy ass? Helped you up and everything? Ring any bells?"

More silence.

And then suddenly, it was like a light had switched on inside the kid's brain...his eyes widened just a tad, and his mouth opened slightly, as if he wanted to say something, but he just didn't know WHAT to.

Justin smiled and chuckled.

"Sorry I don't have the uniform on tonight. Or have my gun with me."

The kid nervously fidgeted with his fingers, before he finally spoke, his eyes still not meeting those of Justin.

"I thought you looked hella familiar but I just...I couldn't figure out how. I see and fuck so many guys, I really didn't...sorry. You probs don't wanna hear any of that. Especially if you are straight."

Justin smiled slightly...his chest was on fucking fire. The kid was totally under the impression that he was straight as the classic "Justin doesn't look gay" mantra. It was true though...if you didn't know Justin Caplin inside out, you would never have guessed that he was into dudes, and not women.

The young guy was...Jesus Christ, he really shouldn't say it, but he had never seen a more...beautiful his entire life and THAT thought alone was enough to scare the living shit out of him.

He gently patted the boy on his shoulder once more, before he decided to finally speak his peace...

"What's your name, kid?" he asked with bated breath.

Eyes flashed towards him in total anger yet again.

"I ain't no kid! I turn twenty-one this year!" he said, before he slumped back inside his seat.

So...four years younger than me...Justin thought. He was silent for a few more seconds.

"You still haven't told me your name and why...I mean..."

The kid smiled and rolled his eyes in the now familiar way that Justin had come to know and adore so well.

"You wanna know if my dad or some uncle in my past abused me...even perhaps raped me or some shit and that's why I'm a human fucking mattress for any guy with enough money to pay me?"

Justin actually winced at the sheer and RAW emotion and with the velocity of which those words were uttered.

But the kid wasn't done.

"I suppose you paid for my time...and since you don't want me to fucking satisfy you...which is a total loss by the way because you're fucking hot as hell, Officer..."


Holy fucking shit.

Thank God for the darkness surrounding them at this time for night, because Justin's dick was literally rock hard within seconds of hearing all of THAT...

The kid sighed.

"My real name is Dylan...but everyone who knows me calls me Starr. And I don't want you to call me Dylan either. I hate that name. I fucking HATE it! It's Starr. Okay?"

Justin nodded. He wondered if Dylan aka Starr could see him actually do it...but then the latter continued...

"Long story short, my folks died when I was sixteen. No family left by then, and all my so-called fucking friends had disappeared a long time before...when I came out two years before. When I say I came wasn't a whole song and dance over Facebook was so sure...I was sure as hell that this new guy in school was gay as well as I was. Dude...there was literally so many signs that he was into me and before I knew it...I kissed him. I was that convinced. Only for him to punch my lights out and tell everyone in school who and what I fucking was..."

Justin's heart nearly broke into a million fucking pieces as he saw Starr reach upwards and angrily wipe away a few tears that must have broken through his several built up barriers, relieving all of this right now...a part of him wanted to stop Starr from going on...wanted to spare him the humiliation of ever asking him what was up...

...and a part of him wanted to desperately know everything he possibly could about this beautiful dude sitting beside him.

Starr sniffed a couple of times, before he finally looked Justin right in the eyes.

"It's not your fault, or your problem. That's twice you've fucking saved me now. The other week, and tonight with that idiot security guard. Between you and me...that idiot really likes the lady whores so I don't know what the hell is his problem with me..."

Justin swallowed, before clearing his throat...God knows he didn't wanna leave right now. He didn't wanna be looking at his watch...but he had an early shift tomorrow and he REALLY needed to get some sleep.

"Are you gonna be okay?" he asked softly, his heart beating furiously inside the pit of his chest.

Starr snickered and this time it was his turn to give Justin a friendly pat on his shoulder.

"I've lasted this long, my dude. I'll be okay. And're obviously one of the good ones, I get it. So even though I really should be insulted as hell, for saying no to all of this...I get it. I understand. I won't forget this...I'll see you around."

Justin reluctantly...with a ball of pent-up emotion the size of fucking Table Mountain lodged inside his throat...unlocked the passenger's door and allowed Starr to get out into the cold night air.

"Fucking freezing but I like it! It means winter is coming. Lots of guys needs a warm ass like mine by then."

Justin gasped for sudden laughter, as the two young men shared a tender moment before Starr slammed the car door shut, and Justin quickly trimmed down the car window in the process.

The smile on Starr's face was evident to see, even in the dimming lights of the shelter building before them.

"Next time...wear that copper outfit...I have this...this thing for a man in uniform..."

Justin shook his head, smiles all around, before he was suddenly serious.

"At least take my least them you can call me if anything like this happens again..."

Starr rolled his eyes. Typical.

"From what imaginary ass phone you want me to make that phone call, Officer?"

Ouch. The dude didn't own a cell phone.

"Okay then...geez. Tell you what...if you ever need anything, just ask for Officer Justin Caplin at the Bellville Police Station, okay? Even if I'm not there, just leave a message., just promise me you'll do it, okay?"

Starr's smile widened even more, before he leaned into the car window, so that his face was literally centimetres away from Justin's...

"You sure you don't want that blowjob?" he whispered.

It took literally EVERY ounce of strength that Justin had to stay strong...sadly...sadly, this boy had a severe history with a lot of men...and sadly he could...COULD have all kinds of diseases running through his beautiful body.

Jesus. MAN!

Starr winked at Justin, before he finally got out of the car, and walked towards the front of the shelter, before taking a quick look see around, spotting the doorbell, and giving it a slight ring.

He turned around towards Justin yet again, and gave him a slight wave.

Justin turned on the engine, as fast as he could, and before his car had even sufficiently warm enough, he sped outta there like a maniac, determined to get as much distance between himself and the most handsomest person he had ever seen...hands fucking down.

Just let him be okay...just let him be alright...he once more sent up a quick prayer who whoever was listening.

"You take care out there, Starr Boy..." he whispered to himself, before quickening the car's pace, suddenly hastily wanting to get home.



Will Justin meet up with Starr again? And if so, in what circumstances?

AND...if you wanna read more, or if you wanna send me ANY kind of feedback, feel free to do so xx

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