Started at Thirteen

By Mike James

Published on Feb 28, 2005


I got out of school on the Wednesday and walked down the road towards St Jude's Church. It was only about 5 minutes from my school gate and there were lots of the boys walking home that way. Some of them spoke to me and asked why I was going a different way home. The railways stations were in the opposite direction. I said I had to pick something up for my mum from a shop. I got to the church but couldn't see Frank anywhere. I like hung around for ten minutes and then decided to go home. I turned the corner back towards my school and then the railway station and walked into him. "Where you off to Tim, not running out on me are you nipper? I would hate to let my mate down" "No Frank no, honest" "Good, let's go then" He grabbed my right arm and turned me round and we walked off down a side road and then down a few more smaller roads. The roads had big Victorian houses down each side, tall, narrow three story buildings with steps leading up, to the front doors. They all looked the same to me, some had numbers, some had names and some had neither. I didn't realise for a while that Frank had let go and I was walking by his side. I could have run away, but I didn't At last Frank steered me by the arm towards some steps and we went up them. We reached a door like all the other doors in the road. He opened the door and he pushed me in. We went along a narrow dark hall with brown walls and paint and up some wooden stairs. We went up tow levels and then he knocked on a door at the end of a corridor. The door was opened and he pushed me in and closed it behind me and him. Then I noticed the man I guessed lived there. He was the man who had been in the railway van near my home that day. He looked older than Frank (he was 64 and had to retire from the railway the next month I found out later). He was taller than Frank too, maybe over 6 foot; certainly a lot taller than me. He had a belly but it was not as fat as Frank's, and he looked mean and unpleasant. The room was dark. There was a curtain over the window that filtered the light. The curtain was light brown like the walls and the coloured the whole room with pale brown light. I guessed we were at the back of the building as the window was small and square whereas the windows at the front were big and in a curved shape. There was a wardrobe by the side of the window with a big mirror in the door. There was also a bed: it looked old, sort of like my grandmother's bed with wooden top and bottom piece. It was covered with a cover made from lots of different pieces of coloured material. On the wall by the door was a dressing table thing like my mum had, but much older style. It had a big mirror on it. Over the bed was another mirror angled down. The other wall had a fireplace and over that was a fourth mirror. The mirror bounced the pale brown light around the room. There was a feeling of like despair in the room. "You all ready then Ken?" Frank asked. "I bin ready for weeks now, ever since I saw him that day we was in the van" "You can see the change in his face can't you" "What you talking about Frank, see the change?" "That change when boy start sucking cocks and swallowing spunk. You know what I mean. I know it's a very faint change, and only men who like getting sucked can see it, but you must notice it in his face" "Oh yeah, that, yeah that's real obvious to those who know the signs to look. I could see that soon as he walked in the door. He got the look of a cock sucker already. Now let's get on with it and make it more obvious for other men like us" [I guess you must think I was stupid but I didn't know if what they were saying was true or not. I had never heard about it but the boys at school reckoned you could tell from the eyes if you had had a wank the night before. I believed what they said was true. My face had changed some way and men could now tell I had sucked a man's dick just by looking at me!] "This time we see the goods unwrapped. Tim get your uniform off" "What!" "You heard me, get all your uniform off" I very slowly took off my blazer, tie and shirt. Then I took off my shoes and socks." "Either you get a move on nipper or I will rip them off you and you'll have nothing to wear home when and if I let you go" Ken sort of snarled as he said this and I knew he was meaning it. I dropped my trousers. "Oh sweet, now those tight little pants of yours: they look a bit small for a boy your age". They were small. Mum had kept saying she would get me some new ones that fitted me but she hadn't done it so I had to wear the ones I had. Even the boys at school made fun of me when we changed for PE and Games. I slid my pants down and turned away from them to hide my cock so they couldn't see it. I never thought, but that gave them a clear view of my bum. I heard somebody suck in their breath. "Oh sweet. That is so sweet and so small; it's going to be better than I dreamed it would be" That was Ken's voice but I had no idea what he was talking about. "Leave it out Ken, not this time. We agreed with George that he could do that. Upset him and he will cut us out of the group" "Yeah. Ok, just let's get on with it. I want that sweet little mouth wrapped round my dick; it's been a long time since lips that young have caressed me to orgasm. I got a huge load and I need a throat to pump it down" "You are horny Ken, ok you get the stuff and I'll get started" Frank walked towards me and put his arms round my naked shoulders. I was trembling with both cold and fear. "You cold, or you scared Tim? Here let me warm you up." Frank lifted me and stood me on the bed. He took off his jacket and shirt and a dirty grey/white vest. He had a hairy chest and big floppy breasts. The hair was a mixture of grey and dark brown as best as I could see in the gloom. He lowered his face towards my limp cock and at the same time he lifted my cock with his hand. He slid and sucked it into his mouth. I felt the warmth and refused to look down at what he was doing to me. I felt him sucking my cock in and out of his mouth and I felt myself getting hard. I hated it and I hated the fact that it felt good. I refused to look but couldn't help it. No matter where I looked I could see my reflection in a mirror. I closed my eyes so I couldn't see. "Frank he is loving it, he has closed his eyes it feels so good. I bet he is as hard as iron" It DID feel good; it felt fantastic. Why was I enjoying this rape? It was wrong, I KNEW it was wrong but it felt great and I loved it. Frank had dropped his trousers and dirty pants by then and was playing with his cock. Ken was also naked and playing with his cock. It looked bigger than Frank's but he was across the room so I couldn't be sure. The Franks started to run his fingers up and down between my legs from my balls to near my bum. That made me feel even better. He just about touched the skin as he ran his finger over my bum hole. I gasped as I had never felt anything like that. "Hear that Frank, he's ready" Frank lifted his face off my cock and lifted me off the bed and down on to the floor. As he did he spoke to me. "I want you to keep playing with yourself Tim. It will feel good and you will enjoy it. Just keep wanking that sweet little dick of yours nipper" He pushed me on the shoulders and I guessed it was that time. I dropped on to my knees and faced his cock with my mouth part opened. "Jesus Frank he's gagging for it, look at him" It wasn't true, I hated it but I knew what was going to happen and I knew there was nothing I could do about it so best get it over quick. Frank slid his hard fat cock towards my mouth and I just let it slip in without resisting. His fat belly cutting out the light as it rested on my head and forehead. "Suck me nipper, suck me good, and keep playing with yourself at the same time. Go no, like you did the last two times. Make me spunk; make me spunk in your mouth. Use one hand on my cock and one on your cock, yeah that's it, great, jesus christ your good, a natural. Oh my god yeah" I did what he asked. I held his cock with my left hand and sucked it, getting as much in to my mouth as I could. I wanked myself with my right hand. It actually felt good. I loved what I was doing to me and I felt good that a grown up man was happy with what I was doing and praising me for it. Suddenly there was a flash to my right. I glanced that way. I would have turned but Frank held my head on his cock. He was really into it now, fucking my throat as hard as he could. I could see Ken with a camera in his hand. He had taken a picture of me sucking Frank. I stopped playing with myself. I was having problem breathing now as Frank kept pushing his cock deep down my throat. Each time he pulled back I gasped for air. He was pumping faster and faster, I knew he had to be close. He screamed and I felt the head of his cock so far down my throat it seemed to be in my chest. I felt it throb and I knew he had squirted his cum actually in my throat. Suddenly he yanked his cock out of my mouth and started wanking himself like crazy. The he shot again over my face, again and again and again he shot, five maybe six times. It went in my eyes, my hair and all down my face. It was running down and dripping on to my chest. Finally he stopped and collapsed, sitting on to the bed. I went to move. "Stay where you are kid, Ken snapped" "I want to clean myself up please" "No you stay where you are as you are and start wanking again, if you know what is good for you" Ken sounded mean and he scared me so I did what he told me to. At first nothing happened but when Ken leant over my shoulder and started rubbing and pinching my tits I started to get hard despite my fear and disgust. Soon I was really hard and enjoying the feelings I was giving myself and also the ones Ken was giving me, even if they did hurt too. There was another flash as Ken took a second picture. "That should do the trick I think. Two pictures of a boy; one sucking a man and wanking off as he does it and another one of him wanking with spunk running down his face and body. They should prove to anyone that he was loving every minute of it don't you think Frank?" Ken smirking voice cut through to my reality. He was right, nobody would believe that I hated what was going on if they saw those two pictures, and anyway I WAS hard and wanking myself and that DID feel good. "OK kid, my turn now" Ken moved towards me and I could see his cock was longer and thick that Frank's. The head was not as fat though. There was no preparation; he just shoved it at my open mouth and into my throat. I gagged, he laughed. "If you having trouble with that then you gonna have trouble with the rest" He just kept pushing and his cock slid into my throat, then further and down in to I could only guess. I couldn't breath and I started to panic. I fought with him to get some air but he held me. He rocked back and forwards in my throat but wouldn't let me breathe. I felt faint and dizzy and thought I was doing to pass out. His belly was rubbing Frank's spunk all over my face. Then he withdrew until just the head was in my mouth and I gasped for air and filled my lungs. That was how it went on for the next fifteen minutes. Seven times I almost passed out and five times he almost shot inside me. Then he pushed so hard it felt like the head of his cock was in my stomach. He roared like a wild animal and I felt his cock throb and jerk. I felt his cum bursting in to me. Choking me and flooding down into my stomach. It seemed to go on and on and on, but it couldn't have cos no man can cum more than four or five bursts. Then he very very slowly withdrew, keeping me from breathing for as long as he could. At last I could breathe and I gasped for air. As a result I also gasped some of his cum down into my lungs and I started coughing and spluttering. They both laughed at me. "Now you got my spunk in your lungs kid your breath will smell of spunk for weeks. You will look and smell like the cock sucker you are and everyone will know you suck cock and enjoy it" Ken snarled this at me with a sense of disgust and victory. I collapsed in a heap on the floor and started to cry. Frank picked me up and stood me on the bed facing the head end. He sat in front of me and took my cock in his mouth. He started to suck me. Despite my tears, despite the way I felt dirty and used, despite the way I hated myself and both of them; I started to get hard. I started to enjoy the sensation. Having been wanking myself I was soon very close. Then I felt someone behind me, it had to be Ken. He grabbed my bum. "Fuck his arse is so small I can cover it with one hand. He got no flesh on it at all. I never seen such a small flat arse on a kid" He pulled the cheeks apart and I was terrified. I thought of al the things he could be going to do to me. Fear ripped through my body and brain at the same time as all the feelings of pleasure Frank was causing. I felt something warm and wet against my bum hole, something small and probing. At the same time I felt the bristled of a chin against my bum. I had to know: I had to look: I turned sideways and looked in the mirror. What a sight. Frank had his face buried in my crotch with my cock down his throat, and Ken had his face buried in my bum. It had to be his tongue in my bum. It was so exciting to look at, so erotic, so horny. I heard a voice screaming "Yes jezz yes, oh my good yes yes yes" I arched my back to get my little cock further into Frank then arched back to get more tongue in my bum then I heard another faint scream and I shot. Over and over and over again I shot in to Frank's mouth, and he swallowed it all. I had never felt anything like it ever before. None of my wanks felt like this. I could hardly breath, my legs went to jelly and I collapsed on to the bed. I sort of came out of a sleep like state. That screaming had been me! I had enjoyed everything they had done to make me shoot. I had never shot like that before. I was confused, scared, exhausted, satisfied, angry, abused, feeing dirty. I was a mess of emotions. Frank and Ken were dressed when I looked. "Get dressed nipper it's time for you to leave" Frank said. Funny, I felt really dirty getting dressed as they both watched and leered at me. "Next time will be here to, but another friend of ours will be here" Frank said "Don't forget I got two pics of you enjoying yourself kid" snarled Ken "And you did enjoy when you spunked off now didn't you", said Frank. I said nothing. I was trapped in a mixture of blackmail and fear coupled with the fact that I HAD enjoyed the ending and wanted to have that experience again. I knew I wasn't gay, but that feeling, of god that feeling was wonderful. "You know where to look for messages, they will be in the toilet at Fratton, or maybe behind Woolworth's or on the Common by Kent Road, just look for the message and do what it says. Course, if there is any men there who want sucking you really should do it. Now you look and smell like a cock sucker they will know so they won't want you to refuse. Just look for my message and do what it says or we will let your parents have a copy of the pictures Ken took, they probably like family pictures for the album". "Can I wash my face and get this ... stuff off me please?" "No, just get out" I dropped my head and left. I found a toilet nearby and washed my face and hair as best I could. A man came in and looked at me for a long time. Could he tell what I had just done? Did it really show? Did my breath smell like they said it did? I got out as quick as I could, drying my face and hair in my hanky. I walked to the station almost in a daze. Why was I half hard again thinking about when I shot into Frank's mouth!!!!!!

Next: Chapter 4

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