Stately Servitude

By moc.loa@284kcirreD

Published on Apr 14, 2023


Stately Servitude


The tears ran down Aden's cheeks. The first strike of the leather strap had been harder than the doctor had intended. Even his two son's were surprised at the ferocity with which he had laid the first blow across the boys buttocks. The two boys watched as Aden eventually stopped writhing and now hung still, arms stretching at the rope above his head in anticipation of the next stroke.

Two thick red welts had quickly appeared on the boys naked flesh. Dr Vernon realised that the initial blow had been too fierce. Such swift pain would not have the desired effect on his trainee servant. Now exercising more restraint he drew the leather strap back. He aimed low, the strap landed again, just below the welts. The young body jerked upwards it's full weight taken by the taught rope. The blows were kept at the same strength, enough to hurt but not cause extreme pain. Whimpering could be heard from the gagged mouth as the blows now slow and deliberate landed across the young shoulders whipping at the last second causing the tip of the strap to lick and sting the boys tender flesh. The doctor picked his shots now, the nape of the neck, the cute boy bum cheeks, down the slender back, back up again. Time after time the black serpent seeking out a new piece of flesh to inflict its bite.

The whimpers were spaced out now unable to keep pace with each successive blow, Aden's body stretching forward now, arching, trying to draw away from each blow in anticipation. The strap stopped almost as suddenly as it had started. The doctor wrapped the strap around the boys now even more drawn out slender waist, tying it off once leaving the two ends hanging down his left hip. Waiting for the whimpers to subside (there were no tears now) he reached up and untied the leather gag that had muffled them. The boy could smell the leather on the fingers as they freed his mouth of the rubber block.

The boys head slumped forward as if relieved. Perspiration now streaking his body. He felt a tremendous warmth over his body as the welts down his back and across his now tender tight boy arse began to smart, the pain subsiding.

He felt the doctors naked chest press against his back watching the hands that had reached around from behind him. The course material of the riding breeches brushing against his tender arse cheeks. The hands began to play over his abdomen the warm breath on his neck the odour of the man's perspiration all mingled with this strange warmth that now coursed through his young body. The sight of the two boys in front of him, their pleasure obvious from the heaving of their also sweat covered chests and bulges at the front of their black riding breeches.

Aden gasped as the finger pressed its way again into the button hole in his abdomen, pressing now harder and harder forcing his buttocks back against the rough cloth of the breeches and the doctors groin. The other hand now caressed his naked torso up to his throat forcing him to raise his head, the dark hazel eyes reflecting the light. The hand moved down brushing over first one nipple then the other then back lingering momentarily on one then again to the other. A gasp emitted from the boy as the hand cupped his left breast forcing the small orb and nipple out. Index finger and thumb then capturing the pointed nipple exerting slight pressure on it at the tender tip. Harder and harder until his face contorted slightly, releasing it, the fingers now moved to the other breast the other hand still trying to force its way into his belly the right nipple now receiving the same treatment. For a while the hands lingered, playing with the delicate parts of the boy's body.

The hands moved down now, all the way down to his hips moving slowly back and forth, the fingers moving ever nearer to the base of his cock as they moved back and forth down now to either side of his semi erect shaft, down each side, each hand pushing down into his parted groin pushing and kneading the wrinkled ball sack up between them encircling the base of the young cock.

Slowly now the two hands glided up to the pits of the stretched arms, up to the fettered wrists, back down now slowly down the sides of the young torso again to the slender hips. Aden could now feel a sensation in his groin his mind swirling with so many sensations. His cock was now semi erect the loose skin still covering the head. The freshly shaven naked area of his groin totally devoid of all hair showing off the freshly filled bare ball sack hanging down between slender parted legs, hanging free swinging gently as his body pulsed.

The hanging body convulsed as the two hands closed around the base of the young cock cupping the balls at the same time, slowly squeezing, pushing, drawing the skin of the sack tighter and tighter as if trying to squeeze the two jewels out of their bag, drawing the skin thinner and thinner until it was almost transparent. Aden now swallowed hard as the grip grew stronger. The fingers of the left hand returned to probing at the belly button. Only the index finger and thumb of the doctors right hand now encircled the boys ball sack drawing down, stretching the skin, forcing the contents down now with such force as to pull the boys body down pulling the skin tighter and tighter forcing the slender torso to stretch, the skin now fully drawn back from the head of the ever more rigid cock now exposing the tender pink skin under the glands and along its shaft. A drop of clear fluid now started to ooze from the tiny pink eye at the tip of the shiny, now exposed fully swollen bulb.

Suddenly the hands released the body. All that had been stretched slowly relaxed. The now fully erect young cock jutting out from the hairless crotch.

Marcus was now unable to contain his excitement. Knowing what the next stage was to be he went to the open desk. The doctor reaching down to each of Aden's ankles pulled them apart in turn until both feet were touching the base of the pillars at either side, securing them tight up to the wood, this in turn drew the boys legs wide apart, displaying his rigid uncovered cock and balls to the full.

Marcus and Tom now stood to the rear of the hanging target. Aden had not seen the thin coils of leather that Mrcus had taken from the desk. The coils unrolled from the hands of the boys. Like long thin two stranded whips. The sting caused the body to convulse as the thin coils cracked around each thigh, wrapping themselves around each one, the thin wisps at the tips stinging on contact. Again and again the thin leather tongues struck, raising red welts. Now biting at the tender flesh of the inner thighs as the two brothers aimed each of their shots deliberately, gradually covering the full length of each leg concentrating on the most tender areas. Light yells and slight high pitched screams now emitted from Aden's mouth with each stinging blow his helpless body writhing and jerking but there was no avoiding them. The thin welts now numbered in their hundreds, criss crossing red and raw now brighter in contrast to the thicker welts on his back which were loosing their glow.

Despite this torture the captive could not rid the feelings coursing through his groin thrusting the still erect young cock forward. The doctor had now stopped the boys activity. They stood back admiring their work the flushed faces showing their enjoyment the thin, pain inflicting leather strips hanging down by their sides.

Aden's head was bowed the young chin resting against his chest not knowing how much more of this punishment he could take before he would scream. He had not noticed the doctor reach down and retrieve the black serpent that had a short while ago been around his waist. Then it came, rising from the pit of his belly coursing its way up to escape his pain racked body out from between the soft lips his body reaching upward. The two boys covered their ears as the chilling scream filled the room. The time that lapsed from the instant the black Serpent had coiled itself around the tender flesh of Aden's rigid cock to the excruciating pain that registered in his brain would have been immeasurable.

The young body still jerked and screamed, sobbing and crying. The serpent was now back at work, now caressing the until now unblemished front of the hanging torso. Over the left shoulder to kiss the tender nipple doing the same instantly to the other. The boy now screamed begging the doctor to stop. Again the strap landed coiling around the slim waist the tip cracking against the skin, the pain was unbearable the doctor now placed carefully aimed blows to each inner thigh again now up and down the whole of the stomach the tip flicking into the stretched pert button hole down six times it struck at the area that was once covered by a young black pubic bush. To the back now a dozen strokes whipped up the red welts again across the glowing taught buttocks. Taking good measure the doctor drew the strap down to hang down at his leg. As if in slow motion the black pain giver whipped up between the widely spread legs it's tip slapped against the tender sack causing the boy to almost black out. Again it struck, once again hitting the hanging naked orbs. The whole of the boys body was now covered in raised red welts with the exception of one area. Moving now towards the two boys he gestured to them to hand him the black whips of leather. Placing them with the serpent he returned them to the open desk.

Without turning the doctor instructed his son's to leave the chamber. Not questioning their fathers instruction but reluctantly they left anticipating the pleasurable destruction? of the young erections straining inside their tight riding breeches.

Turning now, the doctor walked over to stand in front and to one side of the still sobbing broken young body. Still in the throws of pain Aden didn't see the eighteen inch plastic rule as it was raised to his own eye level. He may have just heard it as it moved at lightning speed upward and then swiftly down to make contact with base of the already tender half erect cock. This jolted him back to full consciousness. The wet, sore eyes looking pleadingly now at the doctor's. Again the rule struck at the shaft again and again with a slight slap one after the other up and down it along its whole length teasing it to full erectness twitching in response to each contact. The young pole getting redder and redder, twitching involuntarily. A thread of the boys pre-cum fell from the open slit at its tip. No strength was left in his lungs to scream as heavy blow after heavy blow rained down on its tenderness, unmeasurable pain coursed his body. Darkness came to his rescue........................

In part 6:

Aden's First enema, Butt plugs, Stretching. Will he touch himself? Would you.......? Also when Aden is introduced to ?????????? you'll have to wait. Sorry!

Next: Chapter 6

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