Stately Servitude

By moc.loa@284kcirreD

Published on Apr 16, 2023


Stately Servitude


Aden had not felt the doctors arms wrapped around him as they lowered his welt covered body to the floor. How long he had slept he did not know. Only the cold that his hot body had drawn from the floor had brought him out of the deep sleep that he had drifted into.

He felt sore. His whole body burning. Still stinging from the punishment it had barely endured. Not recollecting the rule flashing down and hitting his stiff rod because he had not seen it. Only the pain that had coursed through his young body in that final split second came straight to mind.

Reaching down between his now untethered legs, not caring about the 'Not allowed to touch" rule, His hands comforted and caressed the tender flesh of the full sack and now limp raw and bruised shaft. Just as he had not felt the doctor's arms around him neither had he felt the oils moisture as it had been sprayed on his hands. At first, the sensation was warm, followed by hot then by the fire! (the chilli oil had started to do it's work) He rolled around, the sawdust coating his wet body he tried to stifle his yells but, such was the fire in his groin he could not.

Screaming now in agony he managed to get to the bidet. Forcing his burning groin into it he turned the taps on to wash away the searing pain. Taking hold of the tiny scrap of soap he began to scrub at his balls his burning young shaft. Every naked inch of it was burning.

The door to the room opened. The doctor entered carrying a steel bowl. Seeing the distraught boy astride the bidet he knew what had happened. The servant in training had disobeyed him. Had touched his own body when he had been strictly forbidden to do so.

Aden only became aware that he was not alone when the ringing sound of metal on stone filled his ears. The food that it once contained flying in all directions. The doctor took the boy by his biceps, dragging him backwards off of the bidet. The slim body falling almost limp as if in shock. His immediate thought was that he had touched his body the thought so strong in his mind that his stinging flesh was no longer of consequence.

Taking hold of the wrist cuffs the doctor dragged the naked youth to a wide bench stretching his upper body over its width he clipped the cuff rings to anchor points along its edge so that the hands were spread apart. Now stretched across the wide table his sore groin rubbed along the roughened edge his toes reaching down to find support for his weight. There was no support, his body stretched out as only his slender stretched arms took his whole weight. Once again his tight naked boy arse was vulnerable.

Going to the still open desk, the boy watched as the doctor produced a leather slave collar and a length of steel half inch chain from it. After hooking the chain onto the collar he buckled it around his young captors neck. The surplus length of chain he tossed under the bench. The doctor sighed at the sight of the young tight arse as he bent and reached to gather up the surplus chain. As if one movement the boys head was drawn down tight to the bench top as the doctor reached around the slim waist. Again Aden felt the coarse material as the doctors groin pressed against him. One hand curled around the base of his cock and balls. The metal links were cool as he felt them make contact with his tender skin. Twice the links were passed around his naked ball sack again drawing the contents down so tight he let out a yelp. He realised that any movement would only cause the chain to pull tighter.

He could not see now as the doctor again returned to the open desk. He selected the implements that he would use to punish the boy for his blatant disobedience. Placing them on another bench behind him he selected a half inch three foot bamboo cane. He slowly walked around the room. Aden listened as his tormentor explained that he was to be punished for disobeying his master. How he! his master had brought his food to him! only to find that he had been disobeyed. The boy could make out the sound of the tapping of the cane against the leather boot.

The first blow landed square across the tight bum cheeks. The initial pain causing his head to jerk up the chain pulled against the captive orbs the pain almost unbearable. Another blow cut into his tender flesh each causing his head to jerk and again the pain between his legs. The two final blows were deliberate, landing at delayed intervals each placed in turn striking at the tender soft flesh just below each taught buttock. Aden screamed now like a trapped animal his tormentor allowed himself a pleasurable grin as the sobs spilled out of the writhing body.

It was only ten minutes but to Aden it seemed like an eternity. Thick red welts had now risen across the small arse. The doctor now took a firm grip on the intricately plaited short stock of the whip. A mass of thin leather tongues protruded from it. A definite whoosh like tiny voices emitted from them as the practice strokes cut the air.

Standing now at the boys head between each of the parted shackled hands. The doctor raised the implement to inflict the first blow. About to strike he stopped, and lowered the whip to his side. The boys eyes, once closed in anticipation of more pain were now open. Someone had entered the chamber. The two men were estate workers. They were being rewarded by the doctor for their hard work. They were probably in their forties, average build, very fit. By the look on their faces at the sight of the naked youth stretched out before them they were going to be more than willing to assist the doctor with his task. They wore dark green two piece denim work suits. The doctor instructed them to remove all but their trousers. While they prepared he took from the desk two pairs of work gloves which (when they were ready) he gave to the two men. The gloves were heavier than usual. Probably due to the amount of metal studs that encrusted the palms and fingers each one with a dull point at its tip. The doctor indicated for them to stand either side of the boys hips facing inward to each other. Aden felt the rough cloth of the men's trousers against his naked hips.

The chain around his tight sack tightened as his small body tensed with the sting of the many thin tongues. The first across the middle of his slender back, down each side now in turn, the tips licking to try and penetrate the gap between his body and the bench top. Redder and redder became the tender skin. Up now, trying to reach under him to whip at his nipples, across the slender shoulders, the neck onward under each armpit up and down each arm his upper body now a mass of red and white welts the defenceless body twitching and releasing a light grunt with each application of the whip. The men unable to contain their excitement at what they were witnessing now displayed obvious bulges in the front of their trousers. Gentlemen, please help to soothe the boys soreness the doctor said, indicating downward to the boy with an open palm. With that and no hesitation the men lay their gloved hands on the boys naked flesh. Slowly they ran the studded palms up and down the length of his naked torso following everywhere that the whip had left its mark. Both pairs of hands eagerly forcing themselves under the upper body to find the hidden nipples of the young chest. Having found their quarry the boy let out screams as the studs began to rub them, pinching, squeezing the tender buds between studded fingers and thumbs. Each of the men let one hand continue to play with their finds while the other coursed up and down and across the remainder of the body the studs now leaving their own marks, filling in the colour where the whip had missed. The doctor, now happy with the result of this continued punishment indicated for the men to stop. Returning to stand again at the boys head the doctor indicated for the men to stand back.

Aden let out a chilling scream as the first blow of the whip landed on his right bum cheek and again as the left one suffered the same. Alternating now blow after stinging blow being lengthened slightly, creeping down each buttock the thin whip heads making contact with the lower tender buttock flesh. Screams and sobs now emitted from the boys lips. His ever stretching ball sack being pulled at by the chain with every blow. The doctor was pleased with his work.

The men had obviously worked with the doctor before. When he had ceased with the whip they started toward the boy. He held up both hands indicating for them to stop and then to evade speaking held up five fingers (indicating a 5 minute pause in proceedings).

As the minutes passed the three men stood looking down admiring their work. The screams had stopped instantly. The sobbing slowly subsided as the men had watched with interest as the body jerked and jumped slightly with each one.

The five minutes had passed. The doctor now indicated for the two men to continue with what they had been about to do before he had interrupted them. The doctor again took up his usual position. Now positioned again at either side of the boy the doctor indicated to them to proceed. In unison each man reached down with one hand to take hold around the back of the boys knees. Lifting together each leg was raised and parted, bent at the knee like a frog ready to jump, both legs spread wide now hooked around each man, The body sliding forward as the chain pulled again to stretch the tender ball sack. The first blow of the whip struck at the base of the spine just at the top of the valley which nestled between the boys small firm bum cheeks. No sound came from the boy. Again it attacked each buttock in turn. Five blows were applied to each when the strokes stopped. Again the feel of the studded gloves caused deep sighs as they pressed down hard into his flesh once again caressing him. The doctor indicated with eye movement now to the two men who gave one another and approving look. Slowly, very slowly the hands slid down the body allowing the subject of their treatment to feel them trace down now coming to rest on each buttock. The gloved finger tips of four hands pushed slowly, gently into the valley carefully drawing the cheeks of the small bum apart revealing the jewel hidden in its depth.

All manner of thoughts raced through Aden's mind as he felt the fingers pulling, gripping, trying to maintain a grip on each of his sweat covered buttocks the studs pinching his flesh. The pink jewel was drawn slightly open as the men maintained their grips. Looking to the two men as if for their approval. The tips of the whip again landed at the entrance to the little valley and again as before lengthened with each stroke. Not now down each buttock. But slowly deliberately now slowly it began its journey down the gorge. Held firmly by the two men the boy could not move his body contorted, sobbing, screaming out now as the next blow found the pink jewel some of the little tongues whipped at the gloved fingers as they pulled the opening of the jewel open to allow the tips of the whip to venture inside moving on now they coursed down to between the parted legs now assaulting the stretched skin of the boys ball sack crashing against the chain links Pressing them into the skin. So caught up in the events unfolding before them one of the men reached between the boys legs cupping the balls in the gloved palm so that they could be whipped. The tongues again worked back up the valley raining blows on the open stretched jewel trying to gain entry. Aden had stopped screaming now. The tender nerves felt nothing now and the whipping stopped.

Wrists unfastened from the bench Aden was assisted to his feet by the two workers (now gloveless) who made the most of handling his naked body enjoying the feel of the young soft boy flesh, their eyes able to drink in the features. The cute face and lips, tender nipples the slender waist and hips and the semi erect cock sticking out from his groin the skin still drawn back from rubbing along the bench top. The small tight whipped buttocks. They had to support the boy to prevent him falling until he was able to stand alone giving them reason to touch every part of the boy that they could. The doctor meanwhile had been arranging the three wide black rubber slings adjacent to the shower cubicle. Still weak the boy was walked by the two men over to the area. The length of heavy chain causing the boys balls to be stretched, constantly now under the weight of the chain as only his balls were supporting it as he walked.

Aden was placed with his back to the centre sling, the ropes supporting it were passed beneath his arms so that the wide rubber band was at the base of his back. Leaning him backwards the middle sling took his weight another sling was passed under his upper back with his arms dropping down behind him, the edge of the sling bit into his armpits. His legs were then lifted, parted and fixed by the ankle cuffs to the base of each rope. As the two men now looked on they took in every move the doctor made they had been here before. Producing a small D shackle he brought the boys wrists up and fixed the cuffs together on his chest. His new servant now hanging secured in the slings he set about the next task. He walked over to the array of taps on the wall where the shower controls were. The sound of running water could be heard. As the doctor adjusted the soap flow level his eyes raised, looking above where the two men stood and the boy lay suspended. A large clear plastic tank mounted in the ceiling beams was slowly filling with the soapy mixture. The doctor had wasted no expense in ensuring he had the right pressure tank. The six gallon tank filled quickly with the warm solution. Looking up at the tank above him which seemed to be commanding such interest the suspended and helpless boy had no idea what was happening, had never heard of an enema but things began to register as he saw the doctor reach up and withdraw a thick red nozzle attached to a plastic tube which ran out on an auto wined system from the base of the tank. Along its length a smaller pressure cable. Small taps and valves gathered just below the base of the nozzle. The doctor indicated to the two men who now moved to take hold of the boys legs and draw them even further apart. The boys body arched upwards as, without a second thought (or lubrication) he pushed the nozzle into the tight bum hole. One inch, two inches the boy screamed and writhed as another four inches were pushed into him. Then the sound of rushing air followed by the gurgle as the descending tube filled with liquid, the valves under the doctors control. As the tap was turned and the flow started Aden could feel the trickle of warm liquid inside of him, his insides feeling hot as the flow intensified. Discomfort now began to set in as more and more liquid filled him, half a gallon now the doctor increased the pressure now as gravity tried to force the water down and out of the boys body. One gallon. He stopped the flow of the liquid but allowed the air pressure to continue to cause the liquid inside the boy to bubble. Turning the air off he slowly withdrew the nozzle. The fluid rushed from Aden's body jettisoned by the force of air. Again the doctor inserted the nozzle into the boys hole again he screamed and writhed as the unlubricated invader forced its way into him. Again the liquid started to fill him up. One gallon. More liquid, more pressure. Air fought with gravity as it forced another gallon into the boy. All systems now shut off the nozzle was released from the tube, plugged to retain the contents inside the boy. The doctor pulled the harness rope to raise the boys upper body. Causing his stomach to expand as the liquid flowed downward. How much more could he take his wretched young body subjected to so much physical pain. He was removed from the slings. The agony of the water pressure becoming unbearable. The six inches of nozzle moving in his arse as he was made to walk and step into the shower cubicle. The blast was painful and sudden as the jets of cold water hit his hot welt covered sore body his hands almost clutching at it, wanting to protect it. To remove the plug in his arse to stop the pain from his stretched insides. Without warning his softened and weak anal muscles relaxed. The nozzle fell from him followed by the torrent of soapy water. The water felt good as he managed to turn from his tormentors and steal a drink.

As suddenly as it had started the water stopped. The doctor had instructed his willing assistants to collect up the spilled food and replace it in the steel bowl. It was then tipped in the bidet. The boy was ordered to sit astride the bidet. Now piss! ordered the doctor. He obeyed. The food was now being soaked in his own body fluid. Now with his bladder emptied he was made to scoop the food back into the bowl which was placed on the floor.

The doctor now took the chain drawing it tight causing the boy to gasp as he was drawn up almost onto his toes. The sawhorse had been placed in the centre of the floor its crossbar adjusted to be level with the boys waist. Taking the length of chain he draped it over the bar drawing the swollen bruised testicles to it wrapping the surplus chain around it to fasten the boy in place. He bent the boy over the bar and fastened the cuffs to the bottom rail. When would the whipping stop he could take no more but he had no say in anything. One of the men fastened each ankle to the lower spar leaving the legs spread really wide apart showing off the now stretched ball sack and semi-erect cock hanging down between them swinging with the weight of the chain.

The doctor had again visited the desk from which he had produced a green eight inch square velvet box. Passing it to one of his aids he opened it. Reached in and lifted out the contents. He told the boy that his anal muscles were in need of strengthening. Do you agree? he said giving the boys protruding buttocks a slap. The boy spluttered out his agreement finishing automatically with a hesitant Sir...The doctor now held in his hands a white butt plug. The white rubber concealed the solid surgical steel form. The plug itself was of normal shape except that the shaft end was two inches wide with only a slight waist between it and the protruding mass which weighed four ounces. The anal muscles would be constantly at work to hold it in.

The doctor stood now with his legs astride the boys bent over upper body. He kissed the end of the butt plug. Aden again felt fingers pulling his arse cheeks apart the two men again more willing than ever. The fingers of the doctors left hand pushed and prised at the prized jewel opening it slightly and trying the two inch wide shaft. A slight twist and the bulbous tip entered ugh.....ugh......could be heard from below him as inch by inch the four inch shaft vanished into the tight hole. Letting go the doctor stood back and watched as gravity took over and the shaft very slowly began to slide out. Waiting for the tip to appear he caught it and instantly rammed the full length back into the boys bum hole giving it a twist for good measure. That will be the last time you allow that plug to remove itself snapped the doctor. Aden's muscles gripped the shaft. He was now drawn upright by the two aids as the shackles had been removed. Even the ankle and wrist cuffs were taken off.

Struggling to retain the newly introduced muscle exerciser in his bum hole he was again led by the chain to an upright pillar. He felt relief as the doctor unlocked the chain around his ball sack. In an instant it was tightened up two more links and locked back in place. The other end was locked into the base of the pillar.

All action had now stopped. The doctor and his two helpers were now putting away the equipment that had been used on his sore aching body. Aden had realised that if he knelt down and back on his heels the butt plug would be supported a little. He adopted that position with his head now down on his chin. He now heard the doctor thanking the two men for their help assuring them that he would invite them again should they be required.

The three men were out of sight. Aden caught a glimpse of the doctors black riding breeches as he walked toward the door. Opening the door to leave the room he turned to the men. Enjoy your Reward! and don't forget the food before you leave. The door closed.

Bare muscular legs appeared at the corner of each of his eyes. His eyes filled with terror as he looked in turn at the two naked men. One holding a cane in his hand the other wearing the studded gloves both now displaying half erect, thick, seven and eight inch cocks each surrounded by a mass of black pubic hair. Hanging from them were the sacks that had been filing during every minute that they had been present at his punishment in the room.

The first one approached and standing in front of the boy slipped a finger into a ring of the slave collar and drew the boy up onto his knees. He wore the gloves and placed one on the boys head, massaging it, running it through the long hair on the top, down and around the shorter hair below, gently over the soft face and lips. Reaching down he pulled the boys hands up to his groin and wrapped the slender fingers around his shaft holding them there while he worked his erection to the full. The boys eyes watching as the skin drew back and forth revealing the bulb at the end that was coated in pre cum from the previous excitement. The sting was slight now as he felt the cane across his back. The sting of the cane and the sight before him brought that warm feeling again to his groin. The bearer of the cane was now also fully erect a dribble of pre cum dripping from the slit at the tip of his cock. They both noticed that the boy was aroused and unable to conceal his fast growing erection from them. The totally nude and hairless lad was theirs only for a short while and limits had been set. With this in mind the gloved hand drew the boys head from behind, pushing the soft pouting lips to his erect cock. He ordered the boy to like. Slowly the boy's tongue liked at the soft skin at the tip, tasting the clear fluid, running his tongue up and down the full length of the shaft, unable to hold back, the other joined in licking and sucking now the boy was overcome by his own excitement. His saliva soaking both of the (to him) huge organs licking around the bases of the two heads in turn tonguing the glands pumping each one with his weak and aching hands. He took the gloved man into his mouth now. His young mouth stretching to take in inch by inch the wide cock, its length appearing and disappearing with each thrust of the man's hips. The studded gloves caressing his head pulling this face into his groin the full length now in and down his throat causing him to gag. He only noticed the occasional sting of the cane across his back and buttocks. The smell of perspiration mingled with the pubic hair now forced into his mouth, chewing on them as he tried to suck in much needed air. He felt the body convulse and jerk back and forth the hot man fluid in the back of his throat. As he pulled his head away the man was still spurting. The white fluid spurting onto his face, running down over his lips as he endeavoured to lick up every drop. The body in front of him now moved aside. Another huge cock was now offered. His mouth now easily swallowed it. He followed the same process pulling the skin back tight from the shining cum soaked head. It's whole length now down his throat, again chewing at the huge pubic bush. The other man, now spent knelt behind Aden. The gloved hands now pressing into his skin, caressing it covering every inch of it pressing his sweat laden body against the boys bare back as he now reached around to caress the boys nipples his erection rubbing against the boys bum cheeks. The hands moved down over the flat stomach, the button hole drawing the boy back into him. Aden jerked as the studded glove encircled his own now full erection, drawing the skin back pulling at the sore and tender skin down to squeeze the tight balls causing the pain to shoot through every fibre of his body. Aden's pain racked body was now swallowing more man juice his face was being held in place until every last drop had run down his throat and into his body. Both men now drank in his youthful nakedness as the gloved hands pushed him back on his heels to thrust his pelvis forward and thrust out the erection now being pumped by the gloved hand. The other man massaged the young sore balls. Globules of pre boy cum oozed from the slit his body straightened as he was about to release his load. Both pairs of hands released him at that vital split second. They watched intently as the boys cock twitched and bobbed around in mid air the stream of pre cum being flicked around like a whip. He had not cum. He had been taken to the point of no return. The men had timed it perfectly. The boy would now be tortured with the need to cum. They were satisfied. They dressed as Aden's pleas for sexual relief fell on deaf ears.

Dressed and ready to leave. One of the men produced a piece of meat from his pocket. Crouching, he tempted Aden to reach forward for it. Working his way forward to get the juicy morsel to quell his hunger the chain pulled at his cum filled balls. Still out of reach he lay flat on his belly his tender foreskin grinding in the sawdust. Reaching out as far as he could stretch the meat was at his finger tips being held just out of reach. His stretched out hand fell to the floor. The piece of meat was placed there. Four inches from the fingers. As was the tipped out contents of the bowl. The door closed with a loud click and clang as the bolt was slid across.

Will Aden's need to eat override the pain as he streeeeetchs? Who will he meet next?

Next: Chapter 7

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