Ste Hay Down and Dirty

By Adz Sampson

Published on May 10, 2012


Disclaimer: This story is purely fictional and the mind of a undersexed young man. This did not happen, and says nothing at all about the characters featured in the story or the actor's who portray them. I do not own Hollyoaks because if I did, Ste Hay would be shagging every man with a pulse. And I'm not even sorry.


Riley Costello had nothing to be embarresed about. He was a wonderous hunk of a man, with muscles most 20 year old men could only dream off. He had women (literally) fighting for his attention and this did nothing to him, except cause his ego to perhaps a bit. Okay, perhaps quite alot. Riley knew he was gifted in his looks and body. But it didn't come easy. He worked damn hard to get his body in perfect shape. Hours upon hours of nothing but hard work in the gym to get his muscles bulging. The gym was probably the only good thing in Riley's life at moment, with the exception of his wonderful son Bobby.

You see, despite Riley being built like a greek God and generally being a really nice guy. He couldn't find Mrs Right. And when he thought he had found said woman, she only went and hurt his heart and smashed it into a million pieces. Mercedes McQueen. She was fucking stunning, and amazing in the bedroom. He always knew he had perhaps tapped way above his league when he scored a date with Mercedes, and it was something he thanked God for everyday- getting Mercedes into the sack was perhaps one of the single greatest achievements of his 20 years on this earth. And yes, he was aware that Mercedes would probably never be the type to settle down with one guy, and that actually made their relationship all that more fun. But fucking his father? Yeah, that was a step too far.

Riley had heard the rumours. "She's a slag Riley, she's only going to break your heart", "you deserve better Riley", "I wouldn't trust her as far as I could throw her" were just some of the humdingers he recieved from the local people of Hollyoaks as to why he should not enter a relationship with Mercedes. But the rumours didn't bother him. Mercedes intrigued him in a way that any other woman never could. And so, when he proposed to her, he was fucking thrilled when she accepted. Maybe it was possible for Mercedes to change, we all deserve 2nd chances right?

Riley had fallen for her hook, line and sinker. Madly in love with Mercedes he was. And he crushed his heart like she had stood on a puppy. There's some things you can forgive someone for, and cheating is perhaps one of them. But there's a line you do not cross, and when she decided it was a great idea to fuck his father, she had ended the relationship without realising it.

He had punched his father in the nose. Three times. But it didn't make the situation any better. Yes, it made him feel better for all of 5 minutes, but the thought that Mercedes was shagging his father. His own flesh and blood, the whole time, made his blood boil. And he had never, ever laid a hand on woman before in his life. But he wanted to hurt Mercedes, make her life just a little bit as misrable as his life is right now.

But right now, he just wanted to get laid. He wanted to forget about the Hollyoaks bike that is Mercedes and he just wants to get himself some fucking sex. And he made a bet to himself, that the next person to walk through the bar, he is going to take back to his flat and fuck them senseless.

Ste Hay's day was going from bad to worse. His ex fianceé and mother to his 2 kids Amy had taken the kids away for the week to see their father Mike in Manchester, leaving him alone and bored. He was also single following his latest split from the Irish psycho that was Brendan Brady. Brendan had punched him in the ribs, and Ste was seriously considering reporting the bastard to the police once and for all. But he couldn't do that. Not only did he fear for his life, but he also loved the arsehole.

Ste Hay was in love with a gangster.

Coming out as gay was something that Ste never would have anticipated would happen to him. Before he met Brendan, it was all about girls for him. He got Amy pregnant after a one night stand, but he soon realised he loved her and they got engaged. But things took a torrid turn when Ste's emotions began playing with him, and he took all his anger out on the one person who had shown him compassion and love. He used to beat Amy reguarlay and it was something he could never, ever forgive himself for. Sure, Amy has forgiven him for it, and now they are the best of friends, but Ste himself coiuld never bring himself to forget or forgive. Which is why Brendan hurting him, punching him, beating him- no matter how awful it was, no matter how much Ste wanted it to stop because damn he loved Brendan so much that it hurt worse the beatings, no matter how much he hated crying in pain when he went home- he knew that it was God paying him back for the months of abuse he done to Amy. Karma was a bitch.

He seriously couildn't stay in the flat tonight. He needed to get out, these four walls were fucking depressing him. He needed beer. He got his wallet from his jeans and looked inside. £10. 10 fucking pounds. That wasn't enough to even make him feel tipsy, let alone getting bladdered. And God knows, Ste needed to get shitfaced.

Fuck it, He'll go out anyway. A pint of beer and a kebab, and then home to these four walls. Ste never realised, until this moment, how pitiful his life was. And he was fucking thankful for Amy for being his friend, because damn, he didn't have many friends. Not many at all.

Walking into the Dog in the Pond, he caught the eye of resident musclebound god Riley Costello who was looking at him strangely.

Ste Hay.

Ste Hay was the next person to walk into the bar.

Riley had no problems with man love. He was down with the whole gay shit. He had no problems with gay people, and Eminem was seriously a God of rap music. He would totally suck Eminem's dick if he got the chance.

But Ste Hay?

He was skinny. He had 2 kids and it was a well known secret that he was fucking gangster Brendan Brady. But he had to do it. He made a bet to himself that he would fuck the next person to walk in, and that person just happened to be Ste.

He'd fucked a dude before. He was 18 and it had been a friend from the gym. A night on the town to pull some 'pussy' had ended up with them back at his friend's place after being kicked out of the club for being too drunk. They continued to drink into small hours, and the friend confessed, drunkingly, to having a crush on Riley. Riley, being drunk, had kissed him and the night had ended with a bang- literally- with his friend being pounded into his sofa. The next morning was a bit of a disaster though. It was toiugh explaining to the missus who had walked in the next morning why he was in bed with Riley, with a lovebite on his neck and dry cum all over his chest.

He'd not been there since. He loved women too much. Sure, he'd notice a guy and think yeah, he's a bit goodlooking, but he'd never been tempted to fuck another dude again. But yeah, he'd had 5 pints and his cock was begging for servicing. So what was a guy to do?

Ste walked over to the bar and ordeded a foster's. Riley joined him and told Jack, the barman, that he'd pay for it. Ste thanked him, with a look of utter confusion on his face.

"Hi" Riley said, lamely.

"You alright Riley?" Ste asked "Actually, that was a shit answer. Of course your not alright, I heard what happened at the wedding.. and for what it's worth, I'm sorry".

Riley shrugged. "It's her loss"

Ste laughed and Riley got up and walked over to the seat he was at before. Ste thought for a moment before joining him.

"I'm serious. I'm sorry.. " Ste lamely said as he sat opposite Riley.

"Your alright Ste, seriously" he thought for a moment and for a second was going to not ask the question he was about to, but he thought fuck it and went for it anyway "Look, can I ask you a qeustion? You can decline to answer, hell, you can even punch me if you want..?"

Ste looked at Riley puzzingly. And just muttered "Go ahead?"

"Is Brendan Brady fucking you?" he asked and took a sip of his beer, his gaze never leaving Ste's.

"No, his not" Ste smiled "I'm sat in the pub with a man the size of Hulk".

Riley laughed. "That's not what I meant and you know it".

"I know" Ste shrugged. He didn't really like talking about it, but something inside of him was telling him to just talk. So talk he did. "What makes you think Brendan Brady is the one fucking me, anyway? Is it really out of the equation that I, Ste Hay, could actually be the one fucking Brendan Brady?"

Riley gasped. "No way!"

Ste laughed. "But don't tell I told you, Christ, I already fear for my life as it is".

That saddened Riley somewhat. No-one deserved to be scared of someone they loved. And Riley might have brawn, but he also had a brain. And he knew that Ste loved Brendan. He downed his beer. "Look, I don't usually do this and you can tell me where to go and it would be totally okay, but your cute.. "

"I am not cute. Cute is what you call your new puppy, or your new Xbox console. Cute is what you call a little baby. I'm offended by the fact you called me cute" Ste arguged, not even realising until after that HOLY SHIT, Riley Costello called me CUTE? And he immediatly blushed after that.

"Your hot then?" Riley asked, although it was definetely more of a question then a statement. "But seriously, you are, like totally hot, and I'm just going to put it out there- do you have any plans tonight?"

"No" Ste answered fastly. Perhaps too fastly. Actually, scrap that. WAY TOO FASTLY. Way to let on taht you have no plans other then to go home, watch EastEnders and perhaps scratch your balls for a while.

"Good" Riley smiled "And do you think I'm hot?"

"Er, like, do bears shit in the woods?" Ste laughed as he finished his pint of beer.

Riley smiled again at that. "So how about, me and you ditch this place. Go back to my place, open a bottle of wine and I dunno, perhaps fuck a little?"

It was forward. Way forward. But Riley wasn't in the mood for playing games tonight.

Ste thought for a moment, looked into his beer and smiled. "Again, do bears shit in the woods?"

They never opened the bottle of wine. As soon as Riley opened the door, Ste pounced. He pushed Riley up against the wall, marking his neck with his tounge. Hell, Ste was probably dreaming right about now and he wanted this dream to be a fucking awesome dream. Riley managed to somehow kick the door shut whilst being attacked by Ste's very wet, very rough and very awesome mouth. Their mouths were soon crashing against each other, pent up sexual frustation causing both of them to groan as their counges collided against each other, before finding their way insde the other's mouth.

There was nothing better then a good kiss. And damn, Ste sure knew how to kiss. His tounge had a stunning affect on Riley, who was hard in seconds. He hadn't been hard from just a snog since he was like 15.

Ste seized the kissing and looking at Riley with nothing but lust. "Your wearing too many clothes".

Riley took the hint and pulled his t-shirt off his head. Ste was momentially transfixed by Riley's amazing chest. It was hard, rock hard. With hair at the top, but no hair passed his nipples. Ste was literally drooling at the site, and realising that he was doing nothing but state caused Ste to break out of his trance, and attack Riley's chest. His tounge worked Riley's nipple, making it hard in his mouth. Riley let out a loud gasp, signalling that Ste was doing a very grand job indeed. Riley looked down at the twink who was sucking on his nipple and realised that before tonight, he had probably never even said a full sentence to Ste before, and he was was about to give Ste the fucking of his life.

Ste worked his tounge over the nipple, before abandinding it and licking all down Riley's rock, hard chest. He tounged Riley's abs, tracing his tounge alone it, making Riley gasp again. It felt good to have a tounge run all over his body. Damn, he knew there was a reason why he worked out. When his tounge reached Riley's belly button, he slid the tip of the tounge into hole, making Riley both gasp and giggle at the weird feeling. Who knew his bully button of all things were sensitive?

Ste undone the button's on Riley's jeans and pulled them down a little bit. He became intriged by Riley's thighs, he rubbed his hands over them. Riley soon pulled the jeans down further and kicked them too one side. He was in just his Calvin Klien boxers, white. "You like what you see?" Riley spoke and it was the most filthy way of speaking that left Ste getting even harder in his pants. Ste grabbed Riley's cock from the material of the boxers, and let out a grin of approval.

"Oh, I like what I see" he said, as he began slowly wanking Riley's dick through the boxers. "But I like touching even more". The boxers were soon discarded until Riley was wearing nothing but his birthday suit and a pair of socks. Ste was impressed at both the length and girth of Riley's dick, he wasn't no size queen but guessed that Riley was about 8 inches. And his dick was uncut, which was a new experience to him. Both of his previous lovers dicks had been cut. His own was cut, so he hadn't had much experience with foreskin. He grabbed Riley's dick, playing with the foreskin. Riley closed his eyes. Oh God it felt good to have a hand on his dick that wasn't his own. Ste stuck out tounge and slowly teased the head of Riley's dick, causing him to groan with pleausre. He was harder then he could ever remember being. "Shit, Ste, your good".

Ste shrugged. "You ain't seen nothing yet!"

He took Riley's head into his mouth, leaving Riley gasping for breath. Slowly but surely he took the whole dick into his mouth. Riley was a incorrent mess and felt like he was gonna cum immediatly. Damn, had it really been that long since he'd last had a hummer? Mercedes didn't like giving head, and only did it when she wanted something in return. So it felt so good having a mouth on his dick that wanted to be there. So good to have a mouth on his dick that liked the taste of Riley's member. So good to have a male mouth on his dick. Ste had soon swallowed Riley'e whole cock. Riley grabbed onto Ste's head and pushed him further down his dick. And to his credit, Ste didn't gag which was impressive in itself.

"Oh ff-u-c-k i'm gonna blow" Riley stated lamely as Ste took his balls into his mouth aswell. God, he was talented. He had both of Riley's globes and all of Riley's 8 incher in his mouth. "Gonna ccc-u-mmm" Riley groaned as Ste let the balls drop out of his mouth. He didnt stop sucking on Riley's dick, which only made Riley even more aroused. Then Ste did something that Riley didn't see coming. A single finger pushed into Riley's naked hole, which left Riley unable to speak, only cum. And cum hard he did. "FFFFFFFFFuck" Riley groaned as he emptied his sack into Ste's willing and waiting mouth.

A second cumshot, which Ste was not expecting, landed in Ste's face causing him to both groan and swear. "Shit!".

It took a while for Riley to recover from such an amazing blowjob.

Just then Riley's phone rang. Usually, he'd ignore it. But something was telling him in his brain to answer it.

He returned a few moments later. "Ste, your gonna hate me, but I have to go. Lynsey is looking after Bobby and he's been sick all over Cheryl's sofa and she is freaking out.."

To say Ste was disappointed would be an understatement. "But, tomorrow night, Bobby is going to be out of town with my mother. So come back, yeah, and we can finish this off".

Ste didn't even need to get dressed. He was still fully clothed.He left Riley's flat, but not before saying. "Oh and because you've totally blown me out, after I've blown you, your gonna be one to get fucked tomorrow, alright?". He didn't wait for a response.

Ste was disappointed that he didn't get no fucking. But Ste had no idea that he would be getting that fuck tonight, and as he left Riley's flat and began walking.. Someone appraoched him....

SORRY FOR THE CLIFFHANGER! :) So who do you want the mystery guy to be? I have a few ideas but I'd like to see what you guys think! The next update will see still getting some action from 'mystery guy' and also Part 2 of Riley.

Any comments/feedback/suggestions always welcome. :)

Next: Chapter 2

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