Stealth Sucker

By Joseph Farrin

Published on Feb 15, 2005





Anton Koenig Auerbach, of German decent, had been appropriately named because his initials were AKA and he possessed numerous AKA's. As well as many names he possessed many passports, some genuine, some forged and for each name he had a birth certificate, a Social Security number, high school and college diplomas, a valid address, deeds to properties and a bank account. He is a highly educated man of many talents and holds many degrees. He is a licensed physician in the State of California.

His wealth is beyond belief, beyond spending in the span of one human life, with bank accounts in Switzerland, the Caymans and all the major American cities.

I know him as well as anyone because I am his male companion along with a 13-year-old boy he met at a Denny's restaurant in Hollywood. A boy named Bernie who Anton sometimes calls Bee because of his cute, little stinger.

Many people know Anton only by reputation and refer to him as the Stealth.

He picked me up in a bar in Kingston, Jamaica, where I lived. He took me to his hotel suite and took me several times, both orally and anal wise. He liked me because I had a huge cock that loved being sucked, especially by a white man that enjoyed and was skilled at sucking large boners. I fancied white cocksuckers making love to my cock because they made me feel as if they were finally giving black men their long overdue respect.

My name is Christian Summers; my father is a government official in Jamaica. Anton also liked my British accent, which all Jamaicans have. My mother was a native black. Three days after we met, Anton handed me a forged, U S passport, in my name, stamped by Jamaican Customs indicating I had passed through customs on the same day as Anton. I flew back to the states with him and his two bodyguards in his private Leer jet to Reno and then by his helicopter to a private heliport in a remote mountain region, roughly in the area of Lake Tahoe, California.

During the flight from Kingston to Reno, Anton twice nursed my cock to arousal, hardness and finally ejaculation. The first time we were flying over the Caribbean, the second time was somewhere between Miami and Reno. I haven't seen my parents since I left the island with Anton.

Anton, above everything else, is a cocksucker, an insatiable cocksucker.

However, occasionally, he did fuck Bernie or me. I am getting ahead of my story, but since I did, I'll proceed with what I started to tell you. I have occasionally seen Bernie, a beautiful, young, skinny blond with a thin, four- inch, uncut penis sit, motionless on Anton's lap, facing him, with his arms wrapped around him and Anton's hard, seven-inch cock fully engulfed and embraced within his boy hole while Anton sucked one of the ten men he kept prisoner in his secluded, secure hideaway in the Sierras.

Having his cock encased deep in the warm, loving, caressing circle of Bernie's tight little, teen, boy pussy seemed to help bring him climax when he sucked one of the ten prisoner's cocks. I think it might even had been the key to his being able to reach orgasm when he'd been away, was tired from his travels, yet coveted a hard, cum filled cock to ejaculate in his mouth. I know that before Bernie arrived, Anton sometimes had me masturbate him while he was sucking cock or he'd hold my erected monster as he sucked. When Anton climaxed with his cock in Bernie's ass both he and Bernie screamed with delight at their sexual gratification and always left, afterwards, for Anton's bedroom where the two of them always slept together.

As I said, he was insatiable. It was not however due to his lack of trying.


Anton is, I estimate, 45 with light brown hair and blue eyes, tall, fair skinned, in top physical condition and incredibly handsome in a masculine sort of way with his square jaw and his cleft chin. As a younger man he had worked within the CIA, not as an agent but as a trainer. Anton was a sharp shooter and still practiced in his soundproof shooting gallery in the basement with the guards on his staff. He is lean with defined, well-developed muscles and demands those whom he keeps as guards and those whom he selects as prisoners to be likewise. The CIA also used him to teach tracking in outdoor environments and tailing persons on foot in urban areas.

I think those years are when he became known as The Stealth.

His walk is as silent as though he could move without putting one foot in front of another. He moves effortlessly and stealth like. Sometimes when he approaches me from behind he so surprises me that he literally scares me out of my wits.

In short, he was as capable as any man to kill. But he had never killed a man. He had no desire to kill. He wanted only to suck cock.

The hideaway consists of a basement and two stories, a concrete structure with an exterior veneer of native stone to match other mansions hidden in the Sierras and owned by the wealthy. It varies from other mansions chiefly in that it has irregularly angled protrusions from the central structure. The architect knew that regular, geometric shapes are not found in nature. All of the zigzag forms were woven between tall pine trees and some roof levels were of a custom green, metal roofing that matched the trees and others were earth brown. It was as invisible from the air as it was possible to achieve.

In the basement are the shooting gallery, as previously mentioned, various storage areas; a communication and security center that probably surpasses any other existing facility, even in the White House. It also is the location of a high-tech printing room wherein Anton's forgers produce passports and other documents as Anton might require. It is rumored that he once caught a forger in the process of making plates to print counterfeit money. Anton was fair with him; he had him taken to a small village, well over a thousand miles from the Atlantic, on the backwaters of the Amazon River.

The ground level floor houses a gymnasium with a walled and wooded, exterior, exercise area and a medical facility along with apartments for the staff, including guards, the domestic help and the helicopter pilots. The jet pilots live in Reno. Of course, there are many other employees scattered throughout the world.

The second floor is smaller than the ground level floor and, houses, in completely separated areas, the private apartment where Anton, Bernie and I live and the prisoners rooms – notice I did not refer to them as cells. In the prisoner portion of the floor are also a lounge and a library. The rooms are cheerfully painted and furnished with a single bed, a lounge chair, and a TV monitor that accesses channels selected by Anton. Each prisoner receives, every day, clean clothing and his hometown paper. Food is ordered from menus offering a wide variety of gourmet dishes. A librarian attends the library, books can be checked out. The lounge has a bartender. However, each prisoner is allowed but one friend in the lounge, another prisoner from another city. Two prisoners from the same city never meet nor ever see one another.

All employees are carefully screened and scrutinized. Some guards are ex prisoners; some are wanted by various police departments around the country. Loyalty develops rapidly. Anton pays his employees such enormous salaries that they soon become richer than they ever dreamed they would be. And, all employees are annually given a two-week, all expenses paid vacation to any location of their choosing.

The basement has an elevator to an underground level even with the helicopter and vehicle storage area in an underground shelter at the edge of the property where the ground levels off and where a clearing in the forest is used for a heliport. Golf carts are used between the lower elevator lobby and the helicopter/vehicle storage area. The construction, security consultant wisely recommended that the same elevator not connect all levels of the structure for security purposes. The woods are saturated with alarms that react to movement and sound, sometimes set off by deer, other animals and sometimes by the wind. All must be investigated unless the cause of the alarm is verifiable by surveillance cameras.

All windows have metal, vertical shutter that are open and closed on signal from an electric eye so that no lights are visible from the exterior at night.

The gravel road past the property climbs higher up the mountain to a farm house with barn and other accessory buildings before it ends; the farm buildings are unoccupied, painted white with red roofs to serve as a visual distraction from the hideaway, especially from the air at night when the house is well lighted and has yard lights, too.. The road is blocked from access a mile down the road from the hideaway. There is a call button by the blockade. If pushed, armed guards and guard dogs appear and send the person away, saying the property is vacant except for guards.


I called your attention to the fact that the prisoners were quartered in rooms, not cells. Likewise, you could not accurately call them prisoners. They were more like detainees, never more than ten at one time and never detained for longer than three months.

When an existing detainee was ready to be released, Anton and myself, accompanied by the bodyguards, selected a replacement in Portland Oregon, Phoenix, San Diego, Long Beach, Hollywood or San Francisco; identified in bars and picked up by our guards later on when they left the bars. Occasionally they were male escorts that Anton had arranged to come to the hotel. Very rarely they were just plucked from the streets at night, but it occurred twice in San Francisco.

Once Anton saw and fancied a security guard in a Target store where he'd gone with Bernie to buy some video game. It was too close to our home base to be comfortable with the snatch. But, the guard made the mistake of smiling at Anton and Anton had to have him.

All detainees had one thing in common; none of them were aware that they had ever seen Anton and associated him with their abduction.

The cities for pick-ups were chosen because Anton owned private airfields in or near each of them for the use of private plane owners. They were called Executive Airports and provided lodging and restaurants as well as car rentals. It made abductions quite easy. Anton 's selection would be lightly sedated, taken from the point of pick-up to Anton's private hanger at the Executive Airport. Every detail was planned. Flight plans were proper filed at the airport or from the cockpit by the pilot. If the two guards were seen boarding the jet with a wobbly legged man hanging onto their shoulders it could be easily explained that he had too much to drink. Anton always conducted some legitimate business during the trip to justify his being in a particular city at a specified time.

Once inside the hideaway, Dr. Auerbach tested the new man for AIDS. If he was infected, he was returned and another abduction was made during the same trip.

Overall good looks and sexual appeal to Anton, never cock size, were the determining factors in selection. If a detainee turned out to be married, his wife received, monthly, six $1,000 postal money orders, by registered mail for somewhere in the country but never from the same place twice and the envelope always had a fictitious return address. Anton did this in the event the wife was dependent upon her husband's income.

Upon his release, each detainee was given $25,000 in cash, even the married ones whose wives had already received monthly payments. This was part of the rumor mill and verified by the guards early in the game and helped diminish resistance to abduction. Returning detainees was much more difficult than abducting them and will be described later.


Why ten detainees?

Anton was an insatiable cocksucker. The number of cocks he sucked an evening depended on his mood, what he and Bernie, or he and I, had done during the day, how much he'd had to drink and probably other factors of which I am not aware. At a minimum he required four and I have seen him suck all ten in one evening, taking only one break for a scotch, a cigarette, occasionally a joint.

The sucking room, as I call it, could be entered from the corridor in the prisoners' area as well as from the private apartment. When Anton and I, or the two of us accompanied by Bernie, entered the prisoners had already been prepared for sucking, which always started at 9:30 PM. By that time they'd been fed, liquored up, showered, genitals shaved if necessary and strapped, naked, to a comfortable, padded gurney similar to a hospital gurney except the portion that supported the legs could be lowered then separated and spread apart to provide comfortable access to the occupant's genitals. The bottom, lower part of the gurney was rolled under a one-way glass divider into the sucking arena while the upper part remained in an area behind the glass where overhead videos played both straight and gay movies.

Except for the light from the videos, there were no other lights in the two areas of the room.

Each prisoner was identified with a number from 1 to 10, which both Anton and the guards used to identify the prisoner. It was also the number of the room they occupied.

After each person's number Anton added a code that identified cock size, ball size, climaxing characteristics and his overall rating on a scale of 1 to 10. Each evening instructions were given the guards as to which prisoners to prepare, usually five men initially. Anton didn't want to drain each man's balls every night.

Anton and I, Bernie if included, always entered naked. For that reason the room was kept at high temperature and the floor and walls were carpeted to prevent reduction of normal body temperature. The lowered ends of the gurneys were in a row with five feet between each. Anton sat in an office chair on rollers, rolled it back and forth, pausing before each man to look at and fondle his genitals, sometime rising from his chair to engage in frottage with one of the men's cock, and then he'd begin sucking cock.

I found it sexually arousing to the extreme just to watch Anton orally rob the prisoners of their man juices. He conducted the process with such genuine talent and with such an obvious love for cock that I never tired of witnessing his evening ritual. Sometimes, before Anton had finished all the prisoners, Bernie and I became so aroused we'd end up masturbating or sucking each other.

Anton was generous. He often let Bernie or me select a cock and suck it. Bernie was an amazing cocksucker for his age.

Some of the guards were gay, some were straight but liked to fuck ass. They were allowed into the room occasionally to suck a cock or fuck a prisoner that had made it know he liked to get fucked. A prisoner was fucked in the same position as if he were to be sucked, except he was tied to the gurney stomach down and his ass hole accessible. Of course Anton and myself watched while we sucked a cock in an adjacent sucking station.

If Anton found he obtained special pleasure from sucking a particular prisoner because of some feature of the prisoner's cock or balls or his reaction to being sucked, he would have the prisoner prepped and delivered to the sucking room by himself at any time of day or night that Anton felt his cock becoming sexually aroused because of thinking about the man.

The security guard from Target was one of those persons. He was of Italian decent, of average height with black hair worn in a crew cut on his arrival (all of the men needed a haircut at the end of their three-month detainment). The Target guard had the complexion usually associated with young Italians, average height and husky in build. He had a whopper of a penis and a hefty pair of cum filled knockers. He became No. 7. Anton loved his cock and loved sucking it. I knew the act aroused the Target Guard, too, as I could see his cock grow bigger and harder the longer it was sucked. Anton could climax while sucking the Italian without ever having touching himself.

Luckily, the man was blessed with a male organ that lusted for sex and frequently ached for relief. I mean luckily for Anton as he sucked the guy a minimum of twice a day, sometimes in the wee hours of the morning. To enhance his and the prisoner's pleasure he sometimes reached under the one-way glass barrier and held a bottle of poppers to the Italian's nostrils.

Anton liked to bring him close to climax, which he could perceive happening because the urinary track along the underside of the penis would enlarge and any cocksucker working on the cock would be aware of it. When this phenomenon reached eminent climax status, Anton would remove his mouth from No. 7's cock and watch his body yank against its restraints and his cock throb and jerk as it propelled his semen into the air to land wherever it might fall.

When his cock calmed, Anton would lick his semen off his body, even the carpet if some ha landed there.


Some men were difficult for the guards to handle and became real troublemakers that needed disciplining, which Anton always administered. The offender would be taken to the basement shooting range and shackled, naked, to the rear wall where the targets would normally be placed. His arms would be extended horizontally, his legs spread wide apart, his head immobilized and fitted with ear protectors that blocked out the shooting, which in an enclosed room could cause deafness.

Before shooting, Anton would remove the ear protectors and ask, "Are you a Catholic and if not, have you ever seen a Catholic make the sign of the cross and do you know what he says, or at least thinks when so doing." If the prisoner were unaware, Anon would make the sign of the cross on his own body, saying as a finger touched his forehead, "In the name of the Father" and as his finger touched his breast, "and of the Son", then while touching first his left and then his right shoulder, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen."

Then, to the problem prisoner, he would say, "I am now going to walk back to the shooting end of the gallery and make the sign of the cross upon your body with bullets."

Speaking into a microphone that transmitted sound into the prisoner's ear protectors, Anton would say "In the name of the Father." The bullet would enter the bullet- absorbing, sound- deadening material at the prisoner's end of the range, two inches above the prisoner's head, "and of the Son". The second bullet would enter between his legs, two inches below his genitals. Anton never had to use the bullets intended for the Holy Spirit, so he would just say "Amen" and return his pistol to its holster. The second shot was always when the men sagged from fright, physically unharmed, and succumbed to unconsciousness. When they re-entered a conscious state, they seemed to have gone through a personality change. They no longer used profane, abusive language when addressing the guards; they were always polite and obedient. So, it was a lesson learned. No harm done. It was as if they had been born again.

However, to make certain that the men connected their punishment to their bad behavior, Anton had them taken, upon regaining consciousness, to the sucking room where he blew their nuts. After ejaculation, he would say, aloud, "End of today's lesson."


Another prisoner that Anton enjoyed was the first one picked up right off the street in San Francisco. What a perfect match the two of them turned out to be. He enjoyed having his cock sucked as much as Anton relished sucking it. He turned out to be gay and getting sucked off once or twice a day was not enough for the young guy. Until abduction he had been a habitual patron of porno arcades and had acquired the need to climax four or five times a day. Usually Anton sucked him, but sometimes arranged for Bernie or me to service him. His cock was on the long side but thin for its length. He let it be known one day that he thought we should have a glory hole; he really liked to get sucked through a glory hole. So, adjacent to one of the glassed in sucking areas we added a glory hole. The kid from San Francisco could be placed in the room and he would stay for hours without restraint, reading porno mags that had been placed in the room, waiting for one of us to stick a finger through the glory hole signaling for him to stick his cock in the hole and get a blowjob.


On return day, the prisoner was mildly sedated, taken by delivery van to Reno, where the vehicle entered the private hanger where the jet was housed. On arrival at his home destination he was retained in a private, guarded, room in a trailer adjacent to the hanger. One of the guards, using one of our numerous vehicles, checked into one of the cheaper, chain motels, like Motel 6, requesting a room at the back to avoid street noise, which usually meant it was out of sight of the office, also, and paid for two nights with cash. Once in the room, he would read a magazine or watch TV to kill an hour, being careful to immediately remove any items he'd touched and then return to Executive Airport.

The private hanger had the machine and blanks necessary to make duplicate keys.

In the wee hours of the morning, the returnee would again be sedated sufficiently to make him sleep all-night and taken to the motel, put to bed and we would leave locking the door with the duplicate key. The returned prisoner would wake in the morning, see the clothing he was wearing when abducted hanging up, dry-cleaned or washed and pressed. His shoes cleaned and if the weather were cold, a new jacket would also be there. An opened brief case would contain his $25,000 stud fee. Beside the briefcase would be the real, tagged, room key, a receipt for the room rental, in his name, along with a note reading. "Thank you. Please be aware that you were abducted once. If you involve the police upon return home, you will be abducted again. All our best wishes for your success in life from now on."

It was always amazing how little the kidnapping of an adult male of no renown was printed in newspapers, of which the victim was aware, having received his hometown newspapers daily in his room. Likewise on how little effort the police expended in looking for him.

Once back at the Executive Airport, Anton chose, out of a hat containing the names of the cities were we made abductions. The city where the return had just been made was not in the hat. This kept the pattern random, one of the many small precautions made in the name of secrecy.


Next: Chapter 2

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