Steel Men

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Apr 29, 2017




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


Gregg was staggering as he walked out of the steel factory's big metal gates. Behind him was a Dante's nightmare of metallic shapes, glowing here and there with a reddish-yellowish glow straight from the bowels of Hell. "Man, that was a hell of a first day on the job!" He griped. He wiped his brow with one muscular arm, then swore as the effort got him wetter rather than drier. He was dirty as any steel-mill worker is at the end of a work day, but had taken his cue from his fellow workers and washed his face and hands from the water faucet on the factory floor before leaving. His clothes were dirty, very dirty, but his face and hands were clean, an incongruous appearance. Where his co-workers were dark-skinned, with a tan of sorts gained from the heat of the molten metal they moved like so much pancake batter onto the skillets of their forms, Gregg was pale beneath what a red patina that was forming into an incipient sunburn on his skin. Skin damage looks much the same regardless of its source. Gregg didn't mind, it made him look more like a steel man and a steel man was what he wanted to be.

Catching up to him was Joab, a hulking behemoth of a steel worker that was everything Gregg aspired to become. Large, powerful, a deep brown shade, he had been Gregg's teacher in the art of shaping liquid metal before it could become solid again. Where Gregg was black-haired, Joab was brown-haired, where Gregg was slender-faced, Joab was solid and squarely built. Gregg held about three inches of height over Joab, but Joab was by far the larger man overall. Gregg took advantage of the man's presence to venture the opening sally of a conversation. "Damn, that was the hardest first day on a job I've ever had."

"You did fine, kid." Joab replied. "You'll get used to it."

"I know, but right now I'm so fucking tired, I could lay down and never get up right here." Gregg went on. "I wish I lived in company housing like you, my boarding house is on the other side of town!" And it was already getting dark. "It'll be time for bed as soon as I get home, not that I plan to go anywhere else right now."

Joab turned and looked at him with that. "The bus won't run for another half hour. Why not come home with me and have a beer while you wait?"

"Hey, thanks!" Gregg was more than eager for a cold beer. It sounded better than sleep or bath right now!

"My home's over here." Joab turned a corner at the first side street and in less than a block, they were walking in his front door. The virtue of a company house, your commute on foot was less than five minutes! Small, neat and clean, steelworkers were in high demand in this year of 1862 and the free house the company gave its permanent workers (Gregg would qualify for one of his own, if one was available, on his sixth month of employment) was but one of the perks. The company store sold only to its employees, and the contents, contrary to many such company stores, was both high-quality and inexpensive. They only sold their products for the company scrip, and Gregg looked forward to obtaining some of that scrip for his own use at the store.

The beer was a case in point, rather than common rotgut, it was bottles of a Philadelphia lager. Gregg quaffed a hearty quantity of the bottle and burped his contentment. "Ahh, man, that really hits the spot!"

"Yeah, it does."

"You got a real nice home here." Gregg looked around. It bore the indefinable marks of a bachelor. "You live here by yourself?"

"Yep." Joab was sitting in the one couch the living room boasted. Too small to be for two full sized men (it was what Gregg's mother had always called a "cuddling couch"), Joab was lounging across the couch and looking like a lion at rest. Gregg was sitting in a wooden sitting chair that was more than enough for his work-weary frame. "Ever since my wife left me last September."

"Really? Man, that's rough."

"Yep." Joab made the word sound like "We're not talking about that subject any more." To prove it, he went on, "The company wants me to give it up for a couple. A married couple. I told them I'm still married. And I am."

"Yeah." Gregg hesitated and then dove for the opportunity. "Maybe if you took in another worker as a roommate, maybe?"

"Maybe." Joab said. "Or maybe I could get me a woman in here."

Gregg was startled by that, fretted at losing his chance to get into a company house so quickly, so easily. "Why would you want a woman in here?" he blurted out.

"Why do you think?" Joab cocked an eye at him. "Gets lonesome in this house all by myself. You get used to having it whenever you want, not getting it's a hardship, you know."

Gregg had to think fast. The smell of Joab's body wafted to him. Both of them were stinking, ripe from the endless stream of their sweat that had poured from their skin all day long. They'd drunk water and taken tablets of salt to keep from fainting, but now that they were done, their bodies were making known to their nostrils the heavy, heady aroma of man-sweat. "Take a pretty special woman to want to put up with the way you smell right now."

Joab had his beer to his lips and he sputtered, laughing around the beer's lip, the beer seeped out onto his hand. "You ain't no fucking rose yourself!" he replied.

"That's why I'd make a better roommate than a woman." Gregg plunged on. "I wouldn't care about how you smell when you get home. 'Cause I smell just as bad as you do."

"Maybe worse. But a good woman would love me even when I smelled nasty like this." Joab pointed out. He was sitting on the couch, one arm thrown over the back, his shirt opened on the front so that his undershirt, a sleeveless model, was visible, and Gregg could see Joab's armpit from this position, a ripe, sweat-laden thatch of hair lurking in the den of his arm. "A good woman could take me just like I am." There he sat, the living embodiment of a man, not just any man, but a man's man, the sort of man that every male child dreams of becoming.

Gregg found himself on his knees on the floor before Joab, his face perched close to Joab's body. He didn't dare approach closer without permission. "I could take you just like you are." he said softly.

Joab looked at him with an unreadable face for the space of several heartbeats, then said, as softly, "Go ahead."

Gregg dove for that cavern of male musk of his armpits. The deep, dank hairs were heavy with liquid, man-flavored sweat, he was able to suck enough of the male musky fluid to gulp it down like a swallow of beer. Then he sucked the hairs until they were dry as a bone and began to lap at the skin beneath and around that patch of man-fur.

Joab groaned, "Yeah, lick that juice off me, you ugly motherfucker! Lick me fucking clean if you want to stay here with me! That's your fucking job, man, you live here, you're going to lick me dry every fucking evening!"

"Oh, oh, oh!" Gregg groaned. His hand came up and fumbled for Joab's crotch. He found it, to discover that Joab had managed to unfasten his fly and fish out his cock with his free hand while Gregg had been busy pit-diving. Instead of fondling Joab's crotch, then, he grabbed the big man's dong and began to work it while he continued to feast on the hot man-sweat. Pumping the huge rod up and down while he licked, licked, licked.

Joab moaned, pushed Gregg away and moved quickly, tearing off his shirt and t-shirt with two rapid motions. Gregg, kneeling before the now bare-chested man, reached for Joab's fly and grabbed the soft, loose jeans the man was wearing and yanked them down to the man's ankles. This revealed a pair of briefs that went from Joab's waist to nearly his knees, they required more earnest finagling before they joined the pants at Joab's feet. Now the big body was bare for his taking, he returned to the task of licking that massive, hairy chest, finding more sweat trapped by those hairs and he feasted on the bounty they held, drinking more of Joab's manly musk from his form. His hand returned to its job of working the man-tool between Joab's legs, so that it was now a throbbing, hard shaft begging for release.

Joab felt it, too, he moaned and his big broad arms came up and scooped Gregg into them and he wrestled the younger man onto the floor and with Gregg prostrate beneath him, he nearly tore the clothes from Gregg's body and wrested his own feet free of the bounds of cloth his pants and shorts created and then the boots and socks could come off more easily.

Now Joab straddled Gregg's body at the waist, pinning the smaller man, and grinned down at the questioning face. "You've fed enough from me for a time." He told Gregg. "I'll take care of things for a while."

Gregg did not understand, until Joab leaned over and, his dong pressed tight against Gregg's stomach, he began to wriggle his hips back and forth. Sliding his pud over the sleek skin of Gregg's sweat-coated form, Joab grunted sharp animal sounds of male lust, his cock pulsed on Gregg's stomach like a live animal trapped between them.

Gregg understood, then, Joab intended to mate with him not by plunging into his body through his mouth or his anus, but by rubbing upon him as he was now. He was being made love to by frottage, his body would not be rended asunder by the hard tool.

Joab shifted, moved his body down Gregg's and now their crotches were meshed together, Gregg's cock pushed into Joab's butt crevice. He wondered if Joab intended to let Gregg invade his own body, but Joab grunted when Gregg's cock jerked at the thought, and he reached back, lifted up, and stuffed Gregg's cock underneath, alongside his own. Now when Joab resumed his sliding back and forth, Gregg gasped, for his own cock was stroked back and forth by Joab's motion. The two men's dongs, side by side, were pleasured with the single motion and the pressure of the two bodies.

"Oh, damn, man, come on, rub me harder, faster!" Gregg grunted. "Oh, shit, this is so fucking hot!"

"You're fucking hot!" Joab groaned himself. "If you hadn't made your move, I would have had to jump you where you sat in that chair! I never told you why my wife left, it was because I had no taste for her or anyone like her."

Gregg gasped, and then admitted for himself, "And I crave the men who work the steel, who fight the fires of the molten metal and force it into its molds as you and I do, I crave their bodies covered with the sweat of their labors and the muscles of their exertions."

"Then we are two of a kind and you must come live with me!" Joab grunted and he sped up his hips, driving his pud back and forth across Gregg's abdomen, his cock so close to Gregg's that he felt its pulsing in its eager desire to flow with the molten liquid seed from within.

Gregg had a sudden flash of how it would be, that hard dong spurting its white steel onto his body, and his own prick took that flash to itself and ignited. "Oh, oh, God, I'm coming, I'm coming!"

"I can feel your heat!" Joab assured him. "You're as hot as that metal as it flows into the mold!"

"I can't hold back any longer!" Gregg gasped.

"Give it to me, release your hold and pour it out!" Joab purred.

"Ah-ah, ah, GAH-AHH-AHH-GUHHH, HHHHUUUUUUUHHHHH!" Gregg's cock shot its wads between the two lusty men, solid distinct jets of boiling-hot jizz that further lubricated the two prongs as they bobbed back and forth between the men's bodies.

"Ah, you're scalding my tool with your seed!" Joab groaned. "I must add my own now, here it comes, ah-HAHHH-AHH-UHHH-UHH-GUHHHHHH!" And as he promised, his own organ ejaculated a hot thick load of jizz and the two men's cocks were swimming in a white ocean of spunk that still seethed from both their rods.

Gregg fell back, exhausted as his own climax released him, and soon after, Joab collapsed on top of him. Again, Gregg's nostrils were flooded with the hot smell of man sweat and he took the opportunity of having Joab's shoulder up against his chin to raise his head and lick more of that liquid man-juice. Joab moaned and he returned the action, nibbling on Gregg's shoulder in his own turn.

"You'll stay the night here with me." Joab said after a time. "Day after tomorrow is Sunday, we'll both go to your place and gather your things then. I have some clothes you can wear."

Gregg yawned mightily, for his day's labor caught up to him now that his body's passion had been slaked. "I'm for food and a bath, and then to bed, and once I'm there, I'm for sleeping."

"If you'll draw us water for the bath, I'll fix us the food." Joab agreed. "And as for the bed, I warn you, I'll be enjoying your body tonight whether you want me to or not."

Gregg gave a semi-shrug of his shoulders. "I don't figure I'll mind. Asleep or awake."

Joab raised up, and the spunk between them squelched as their bodies separated and he padded naked towards his kitchen. Gregg put his fingers in the mixture of man-juices and then lifted some to his lips and tasted. No, he wouldn't mind at all. It took a steel man to handle a steel man, after all.


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


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