Steppin Out

By Lila Mosher

Published on Aug 11, 2008



This is a series of works of gay erotic fiction. If you are offended by such material or if you are not allowed access to it under the laws where you live, please exit now.

This work is copyrighted by the author and LBL Services Canada. 1990-2008

and may not be copied or distributed in any form without the written permission of the author, who may be contacted at:

Any and all celebrities mentioned in this story have no affiliation to this piece of writing and I make no claim to their person as my own. All Mentioned places and people are factious and any bearing resemblance to anyone person or place is purley coincidental


Steppin' Out (Book 2) Josh and Dante's Dream Copyright 1995-2008 By Lila Mosher Full series already E-published on line, if you wish to read it all in it's entiriety please Mail Lila and ask for the link thanks.

Two wonderful people are brought together through the ties of another who's struggled with acceptance of his own. These two fine hearts learn not only to share their feelings and love with each other but they extend themselves to include another lost and abused soul into their lives, this is book 2 & the continuing story to Steppin' Out. Please enjoy and feel free to e-mail me your comments I love getting feed back from fans :) thanks

Thanks to ALL who have mailed me already due to book 1's listing, the responses are amazing, I can't believe some have already ready all THREE books! (on line) The books main web site has hit an all time high of 45-50000 page hits respectivilly each month and it's mainly due to the listing here in Nifty, thanks Also note if you read the books on line there IS a forum for fans to post comments in :D So please by all means use it to have your say about what you read or mail me :D either way is great.

Please enjoy book 2 ...Books 1, 2 and 3 are published in full on line. Mail me to ask for thesite link or keep watching here for the next chaprters to be posted, ALL will be listed here in due time, thanks again everyone!!!

PS: YES I am a lady! LOL This is one question I get frequently. How I can write for the guys is beyond me. Why is because I love to write (and I have an uncle who loves my stuff, LOL) ********************************

Chapter 10 *********

Their bellies full and all contented Josh and Dante retired to Dante's room. Josh paused and looked at Dante.

"Are you sure your mom won't freak with me here. I'm not the quietest person."

Dante laughed. "It's ok hun stop worrying so much." He hugged him ran his hands through Josh's hair and kissed him. Josh melted in Dante's arms sighing under his lips he let him take him away to that wonderful spot.

Dante pulled his shirt edges out of his pants and then pulled Josh's shirt over his head. He ran his hands down Josh's chest kissing him at the same time. Josh moaned his pleasure and reached for Dante's head and ran his fingers through his now lengthening hair. Dante made his way down Josh's belly and to his belt. He flicked his belt off and pulled it slowly from each pant loop looking up at Josh's eyes; which were full of lust and want. Dante needed to be with him as much as he needed to breath. He unzipped his jeans and ran his hands to the back of Josh's ass and slowly ran his hands down the inside of his jeans tugging down a the same time. Josh's smooth ass cheeks were cool to the touch and Dante was never more turned on. He gave Josh's bottom a squeeze before continuing to undress him. His boxers gone next, Josh was left standing in all his glory, like an angelic god. Dante looked at him and admired his beautiful body.

"God your fucking gorgeous." He groaned his hungry approval as he shed his own clothing. Josh left kisses over his own body as he had done for him. They managed to stumble to the bed in their hurried and aroused state. Josh lay down as Dante nibbled his way down to Josh's very stiff member. Dante gave butterfly kisses making Josh gasp and giggle, he reached for his shoulders as Dante took him into his mouth. Josh sucked through his teeth as he arched once he felt the wet warmth envelope his shaft. Dante chuckled with his mouth full and Josh looked at him with ecstasy written all over his face and want in his touch. Dante fondled his sack as he sucked on Josh making him squirm and whimper. The more he did that the hotter Josh got, he was breathing very hard and quite quickly by now.

"Oh god Dante!" He rasped out gripping the sheets with one hand and the back of Dante's head with the other. He effectually produced the response he was trying to create with his actions when Josh bucked and gripped his shoulders and thrusted uncontrollably in his mouth as he peaked. He let out a resounding and rapturous shout and shot off his load; which was quickly consumed by a very ecstatic Dante. Panting Josh was still twitching from his orgasm and running his fingers through Dante's hair. Dante kissed his way back to Josh's lips. Josh could taste himself, salty but sweet. He smiled as Dante stroked his head and kissed his neck. Josh looked at Dante and whispered in his ear.

"Discover channel me sexy." He grinned and winked as Dante chuckled at the inside joke. Dante knew Josh enjoyed the receiving end of their love making, doggie style seemed to be a favorite of his and more so if there was music. He had told Dante to him it was like dancing. He reached to the side of the bed and clicked on the radio and grabbed a condom and some lube. Josh was already flipped over and was waiting with his eager bottom wiggling. Dante was encouraged. He kissed either side of Josh's cool ass cheeks and fondled his sack as he put on the condom and lubed up. Josh twitched and sucked in a deep breath as Dante positioned himself making gentle contact with Josh's opening. He whimpered with want.

"Dante please, I can't hold back anymore."

"Please what." Dante said holding onto Josh's hips and taunting him with his shaft slipping past his bud making him jump and whimper more.

Josh panted. "Please, Love me."

Dante pushed forward as Josh whined and then face planted into the pillow screaming his joy as Dante made his way home burying himself in Josh all the way. Josh whimpered more and begged.

"Oh baby!" Dante started his rhythm Josh begged again.

"Faster! Faster!"

Dante sped up as he did so he leaned in and forward and reached around Josh gripping Josh's hard on and stroked him as he made love to him. Josh bounced and thrusted back and forth in time to the song that was playing on the radio, he was being doubly pleased from both ends. Panting. In, out, back forth, stroke, stroke.

"Ahh! Oh god!"

Dante let go of Josh's shaft and gripped his hips, going faster and harder as he started to reach his peak. Josh squealed into the pillow he was biting, gripping the sheet around him he shot off at the same time he felt Dante Squeeze his hips and shoot off his own load. Dante slammed into him harder. He kept going till Josh collapsed. Dante slid from his lover. Spent. He rolled Josh over and kissed him deeply. Josh returned the kiss with as much emotion as Dante gave out.

"I love you." Dante told him. "Always."

Again he ran his hand through Josh's hair. Josh looked up into those wonderful dark eyes that held all the love he was willing to admit to.

"I love you to." Josh smiled and they both slept soundly in each other's arms. Dante was Josh's protector. Josh was Dante's world. Together they could make things work.

Josh's demeanor was looking more positive each day and in the morning it was even more chipper than it had been since Chet's death. Dante was happy to see him so chipper but he also wanted him to talk about things as much as possible.

"You still up for that trip to staples?"

Dante asked Josh as he put on a shirt. Dante grabbed his jeans sat on the edge of the bed trying to get dressed. Josh scooted up behind him and kissed his neck. He was still naked as the day he was born.


Josh said through his kisses down Dante's neck. Josh ran his hands up under his shirt to his nipples. He tweaked Dante who jumped and giggled. He leaned back looking up at Josh.

"Your frisky this morning."

"I need my play time, it makes me feel better." Josh said grinning his hard on poking Dante in the back.

Dante roared with laughter, He leaned back further and found Josh's joystick. Josh gasped arched over Dante and grabbed Dante's own erection. He consumed him at the same time Dante took his own excitement into his own mouth both arched and nearly choked each other. They giggled and then kept going thrilling each other. Josh moaned, gripped Dante's ass cheeks and deep throated him, heeling up a steady pace that drove Dante wild with pleasure. Dante arched and screamed with his mouthful as he climaxed. Josh thrusted down on Dante and also climaxed, Dante greedily sucked up the warm salty juices Josh offered. Grinning as Josh flopped over panting and spent. He turned himself around and ran his fingers up Josh's now bare chest.

"Best to get dressed, I think if we showed up like this we might scare a few customers."

Josh giggled at the comment. "Ok."

Josh got dressed and they headed off to Staples to pick up the cat five cables and a few other things for Josh's computer.

Dante got their purchases in the trunk and Dante looked at Josh and asked.

"Wanna help me look for a car for us?" Josh stopped dead and his eyes went wide.

"Oh my god you serious?"

"As serious as a case of crabs" Dante chuckled;

"The insurance company is giving me a second car. I was supposed to pick it out today."

"I really should go to work thou." Josh said with a wary look on his face, he'd been working poor Jen to the bone as of late.

"I know your worried about Jen so why not call her, see if she will open and we'll go in after we get the car ok."

"Sure, good idea I just hope she's not too pissed." He called her and she agreed even told him to take his time she was more concerned about his mental health right now so not to sweat it.

They pulled into the dealership and looked over the cars available. He had twenty grand, as his limit on a car and second hand wasn't a bad thing either. Josh found the car he liked. It was a 2003 Pontiac Sunfire a sweet metallic gray blue and in excellent condition.

"Hey Dante, how about this one?"

Dante walked over to the car and looked it over. The interior was gray blue with flecks of white throughout the upholstery. He called over the dealer.

"I think this is the one we want but we need the basic info first."

The dealer told them an elderly gentleman previously owned it that it only had twenty five thousand kilometers on it in mileage and it just recently had it's MVI done two weeks prior. It was ready to roll off the lot and it would come with the special two year warranty the business was offering. The total cost was just under eighteen grand taxes included.

Josh looked at Dante and grinned.

"It's a nice looking car."

Dante ran his hand over the hood of the car and smiled.

"It is isn't it."

Dante looked at the dealer and said

"We'll take it."

He passed the forms the insurance company had asked him to fill in, the dealership had to do the rest of the grunt work from there. An hour later and a few phone calls and they had their new car. Josh drove the new Sunfire while Dante drove Sam's car. They dropped Sam's car off at home and in the new car they both continued to Josh's store for the remainder of the day.

Jen was so happy to see Josh she nearly squished him to pieces. "Ok let me breath Jen!"

Josh said chuckling as she let him go. He rubbed his arms, she was like a vice. Anya introduced herself to Josh and Josh in turn introduced Dante.

Everyone settled in getting things sorted, Anya did restocking. Jen stood at the till and taught Dante how to ring in sales and Josh proceeded to balance books and get ready for his receiving side of his last stock orders. Lunch time rolled around and Dante went to Josh's office to see if he wanted to go to the food court to eat. What he got instead was concerning. Josh was sitting at his desk holding a piece of paper his hands were shaking and there were tears in his eyes. Dante went to him immediately, turned his office chair and squatted down in front of him.

"I'm here."

He said looking at him his hands reaching for his cheeks, wiping away his tears with his thumbs. Josh hugged him and sobbed.

"Thank you for being here."

Dante pulled back and looked at him.

"I'd give you the moon if I could Josh. All I ask is for you to try your best and trust me, tell me what's making you so sad."

Josh shook his head in acknowledgement and then passed the piece of paper to Dante. It was the note from Chet that he had mailed to himself. The flag that signaled Jen to react. The last written words Chet had penned before his demented and jealous thoughts got him killed. Dante read it. He looked up at Josh and felt the fear, uncertainty and grief Josh held in his eyes.

"I'm so sorry Josh"

"If you want to tell me what happened I'll listen."

Josh nodded his head in agreement again, swallowing back his sob he spoke.

"I want to leave thou, I can't spill all the bad memories here."

Dante left long enough to see if Jen would stay and she once again agreed she was such a great person for helping so often. She checked in on Josh out of concern and saw how upset Josh was, she informed Dante to take him home and she'd open again tomorrow

"I told him before I didn't mind, I knew he was coming back too soon. I don't mind opening, take good care of him Dante ok hun, he means a lot to me to"

she smiled and shooed him off to console Josh.

Dante ushered Josh off with him and they went for a drive. Dante pulled in at Curre's local park. He walked to Josh's side of their car and opened the passenger side door. He reached for Josh's hand.

The walk relaxed Josh somewhat. But his mind kept flashing back to the two times Chet tried to hurt him or people he knew. He spoke as they sat on the ground by a river bank.

"He wasn't so bad in the beginning" "He helped out at the house and he was quiet" "I thought I was lucky to find such a quiet roommate."

Dante leaned against a tree and encouraged Josh to sit between his legs and lean against him. Dante put his knees up as he relaxed. Josh then proceeded to play with the design on Dante's pants as he continued to tell the horrors that made him feel so depressed. Dante stroked Josh's head, his way of keeping him relaxed.

"I started to notice pictures of me went missing." He shifted and continued.

"Chet started to call me hun or baby, he was starting to get a tad obsessed. I asked him to stop. I told him we weren't a couple so he shouldn't use those terms with me."

Josh stopped moving his fingers over the design on Dante's pants.

"He got really mad Dante, It scared me for the first time. He yelled asking why I hated him so much. We talked that outburst over and I ended up ignoring it since I thought we had worked through it, I just figured he had been stressed since he was still single and just reflecting on me. I even thought it was a misinterpreted thing I had said or done."

Dante waited for him to continue.

"I should have listened to my gut back the first time but I didn't. He started over again, he made many repeated advances on me and I turned them down each time, playing off each one as a joke or teasing."

"One morning I found him in my bed and I booted him out."

"He snapped screaming I had been cheating on him. I never had a relationship with him other than as a roommate."

"I was really scared then. He locked me into my own home, he cut the phone lines and for a week I had to deal with him being a pervert towards me."

"I rejected everything he threw at me but he still treated me like shit. He masturbated on me many times and wouldn't allow me to clean up."

"He never actually managed to molested me or raped me thou I fought him off each time he tried. I had more strength mentally back then I guess; which I am grateful for."

"He kept saying if I wouldn't accept him in my world, he'd bring me to his."

"Jen was the one who got Aikrii involved in a rescue."

"I had been cooped up for a week once the cops showed with Aikrii and Jen."

"I was helped because I managed to get Chet's very own cell. Jen got the call I had made to the shop, she listened to what was going on because she was concerned."

He had started to shake as he spoke of how Chet had sexually assaulted him but now he was more relaxed with Dante had leaned forward into Josh's back and had his arms firmly wrapped around him. Josh shifted again, his fingers lacing through Dante's own fingers.

"I went to get treated for HIV every month for a year straight, even thou we never had sex, I was terrified any cut I might have would lead to me getting sick. I always came back negative.

Dante looked at him and asked. "Was he positive?"

"I don't know." Josh said; "but I wanted to be safe, I didn't want my first partner getting infected because of Chet's stupidity and assault on me. I also didn't want to be the person to pass it on. Better safe than sorry."

Dante shook his head in agreement.

"I assume your first partner would have been thankful to know that you were so diligent in making sure you were safe after such a horrible ordeal."

Josh turned and looked at Dante

"I'm pretty sure you are, now that you know."

Dante's face registered utter shock and most of all surprise when he heard those words.

"I'm your first?"

Josh blushed, "Yeah you are, sorry I didn't tell you sooner."

Dante was still dumbstruck. "Oh fuck I wasn't that gentle either!"

He felt bad now but Josh turned around and kissed him.

"It's ok, I trusted you and I love you so it wasn't a bad thing at all. I'll never forget our first time together. I will always be so very special to me."

Dante was quite the emotional bag himself now.

"I'll admit now Josh your not my first but I'll get tested so you know your safe with me ok, my last tests came back negative but I think it's time I got another done."

Josh smiled.

"I didn't expect you to be a saint sweetie." He chuckled; "But thanks for the concern, I'll go with you if you want."

Dante smiled and took his hand, pulled Josh to his feet and they continued to walk hand in hand. Josh laid his head on Dante's shoulder. He did feel much better now that he got what was on his chest out in the open.

"Holy shit Josh, you ok?" Aikrii asked his best friend.

"Yeah odd thing is I am." Josh smiled while he doodled and chatted on the phone with Aikrii.

"Work is going well to, Dante is here every chance he can get. He's helping his brother remodel a shop that Sam is opening with the help of Xavier."

"Oh they got together finally?" Aikrii chuckled.

"Yep, because of Dante actually." Josh told Aikrii the SEXY note joke and they both got a good laugh out of it.

"Where's Dante now?" Aikrii asked.

"Out on the floor dressing some emo' kid, he's got the patients of a saint, I can't deal with those who are emo' they are too depressing and I'm trying to keep in an upbeat mood."

He laughed again.

"So how's the hunt down on that end Aikrii? Did you find anything yet?"

"There's a place at the mall opening in about four months or so then with renovations I think around September you could get settled if you're seriously interested."

Josh was pleased to hear this. "How long for licensing?"

"Three weeks for the license. Two weeks to get a building permit so you can renovate. It would take about three months for those to be completed then restocking and opening. It's not going to be easy but its do able and you'll have two stores then."

Josh was thrilled at the notion expansion was always a dream of his.

"I appreciate the help Aikrii." Josh said

"Josh your like a big brother I never had, I'm happy to help ok. Oh have you told Dante of your plans yet?"

"No unfourtunally he's still not aware of my plans but I will be letting him know sometimes very soon since he will have to make decisions for himself as well. It will be a nice surprise for him I think."

"Ok let me know how all goes. I want to make sure your prepared in full when you come this way."

"Thanks Aikrii." Josh was so happy to have him as a friend. "Laters bro." Aikrii said.

He hung up and then looked at the invoices from his shipped stock and flicked on his computer to add the info to the stores records. Dante poked his head in the office

"Lunch time sweet cheeks;" he said grinning as he walked in closing the door behind him.

"You the main dish?"

Josh asked as he stood up and wrapped his arms around Dante's waist and kissing him. Dante chuckled.

"Your appetite is insatiable. Don't you ever get enough?"

Josh threw back his head and laughed a very hearty laugh. He then said with much wanting in his eyes said,

"With you around baby I can never get enough."

Dante smiled again and then kissed him. Josh could feel his bristly stubble under his hand as he ran his fingers down his jaw line. Dante groaned and pushed his tongue hungrily into his mouth. He grabbed the back of his head and his bottom and ground his groin against him. Josh panted and sucked on Dante's bottom lip. They soon broke apart, panting.

"Fuck Dante, I want you so bad right now."

He said so close to Dante's lips he could feel his rapid breath. His deep mischievous chuckle made Josh shiver in anticipation.

"We shall play later sweet cheeks." Dante told him giving him a wink.

"Right now we need food."

"Come on."

He took Josh's hand and they walked down the hall of the mall to the food court. They ate together, playing with each other as well, giggling and chatting. When they were done Dante took Josh to the chocolate shop to buy him a treat. Josh had one hell of a sweet tooth and chocolate was his crutch. The girl at the front counter recognized Josh immediately. She said Hi. Josh giggled as he and Dante looked over the fun chocolate treats she had displayed. Dante took his hand and hauled him up the shops display cases. He found a treat called Mint Bliss. Milk chocolate cubes with heart designs on them with swirls. In each was a liquid caramel like center of green mint. He bought a box for Josh, who in turned hugged him as he paid the cashier.

"You two make a cute couple." The girl at the counter said. Josh grinned.

"Thanks." They said as they headed back to the shop.

Once they got back to the shop Jen spotted them and made a comment herself.

"You two look so cute together!"

"You're the second one to say that today." Josh was blushing red from the compliment.

"Frankly I'm thrilled! How many people will openly say that to an openly gay couple? Dante looked at him and smiled.

Josh thought about it and then shrugged. "Not many I guess."

Jen chuckled "Dante has a point, most would just rather whisper behind their hands and point. I think it's sweet you two are so open."

Anya walked back into the shop she noticed they were chatting so as not to disturb them she just went back to work. She was so quiet.

"Is she always like that?" Dante asked Jen.

"Yep, pretty much. She does her work, goes to lunch comes back and keeps going till closing, she rarely needs help and is self sufficient to, I like having her here. She makes for a good assistant manager, I have no clue why she's here as a sales rep."

Dante was going to say something but got distracted by a delicious moan from next to him. He looked over to Josh who was sitting on the stool next to the cash register eating his chocolates.

"Damn these are good." He said winking at Dante and licking cream filling from his fingertips.

"Good god Josh! Will you stop teasing me!"

He gave his boyfriends head a ruffle and Josh giggled mischievously. The end of the day rolled around and Anya clocked out and Jen poked her head in the office.

"Hey boss man I'm off, Dante is restocking. I'll see you on Monday."

She winked and left.

It was a good twenty minutes before Josh was finished balancing his books. He walked out to the shop floor and looked around. The front of the shop was locked up. The lights were out except for those at the rear of the shop. Dante was folding jeans up and piling them into their respective places. Josh giggled and tucked himself behind a rack of jeans. He heard Dante turn around and walk in his direction up the shop floor. He passed Josh's hiding place and Josh stood up behind him Dante stopped, he breathed deeply and Josh heard a low growl. Dante turned around and quickly planted a peck on a shocked Josh's nose. He chuckled at Josh's shock and headed back to the shops rear area where he was working. Josh decided Dante needed to be played with and tackled him knocking him to the floor. Dante was totally stunned at Josh's move and meeped his shock.

"Oh my god Josh I'm gonna have rug burns!"

"Only if I'm rough." He growled.

Dante looked up at Josh who was flushed, he could also feel the heat resonating from him. He was like a walking torch. Josh gripped Dante' hands, laced his finger through his and pinned his hands above his head. Josh whispered into Dante's ear.

"I've been wanting to have my way with you all damn day!"

He kissed his neck Dante whimpered his pleasure and wiggled against Josh who was still sitting on his hips.

Josh moved down lower on his neck and sucked on his neck.

"Oh! Dante gasped

Josh swirled his tongue tickling the new heightened and sensitive skin on Dante's neck. Josh sucked again moaning and grinding against him. Dante was panting quite heavily now, and holding onto his neck. Josh knew he was causing some thrilling sensations in his lover and continued to torture him with pleasure.

"Your corrupting me you know that right?" Dante panted out while trying to feel every inch he can under Josh's shirt. He ripped at his clothing in urgency wanting, needing to feel his skin against his own. Josh followed suit both were shirtless in minutes. They were groping each other frantically. Josh didn't hesitate to nip and lick ever where he could get his tongue. His swollen shaft was in a lot of pain, the discomfort against his jeans was not only an issue he was having thou, he could see Dante wasn't fairing any easier. Josh brought him relief as he pulled down Dante's zipper to his jeans his arousal pushed against his boxers, straining to break free. Josh helped it to escape its confines and proceeded to kiss him all over. Light feather kisses made his throbbing joy dance around Dante was so excited over the attention and wonderful sensations Josh was causing that he didn't hold back his enthusiasm. Moaning and Panting and clawing the floor he arched and gasped and shuddered at the tingling he was getting.

"Oh shit Josh!" he reached for his head.

"Why do you have to make me so fucking horny?"

He panted out pulling on Josh's hair ever so slightly. Josh giggled raising his head.

"Because watching you when your horny is a turn on. Your eyes give away everything. I know how you feel just by looking at you and right now I know your trying to control yourself, let go babe enjoy it I know I am."

With that he purred and kissed his way back to Dante's shaft. Dante gripped Josh's shoulders and let out a loud squeal.

"Ahh, Ahhh, Oh Fuck! Josh!"

Josh licked up his shaft and back down again making Dante harder than before. Josh consumed him, sucking hard. Dante screamed joyously, arching, his fingers clawing once again at the carpet on the shops floor. Josh loved how he could make Dante loose himself.

"Mmm, Mine!" Josh continued to tease Dante till he couldn't hold back anymore Josh worked himself into a frenzy just playing with him. Dante climaxed screaming quite loudly Josh was sure the security guard would have heard him. He chuckled at the thought and then kissed his way up Dante's body to his lips.

"Mmm you taste good." Josh said to Dante with a grin.

"Your bad you know that." Dante replied back running his hands down Josh's bare back

"So when do I get my turn?"

He asked Josh pulling him down to his lips kissing him. Josh laughed as the kiss broke.

"and you say I'm bad!" Dante teased.

"Shhh, I hear something." Josh said.

They both froze and listened. The security guard had heard Dante and was looking around. Dante and Josh both giggled and both scurried for the changing rooms in the back of the shop as a flashlight beam cut through the darkness of the shop, sweeping past the very spot they had been lying at. Dante had pushed Josh up against him trying to stifle their laughter as the listened to the security guard call out


Josh started to shake with laughter he was going to crack. Dante smothered him with an earth shattering kiss his laughter was consumed by Dante and it was released as a moan. He pulled back holding Josh's cheeks.

"I sure hope that thrilled you as much as me, we'll have to find some other form of excitement now to out do this one."

Josh chuckled, kissed his cheek and piped up.

"I have the tape if you ever need to go back for pointers."

Dante turned beat red. "Oh my god! I can't believe you said that!"

Josh laughed "I wasn't joking either."

He wiggled his eyebrows and kissed him skipping off to his office. He hauled out the tape form the security cams, replaced the removed one with a new one and put the one with their play session into his briefcase.

"I'll have to copy the end of that and erase the original;" He said winking at Dante whose jaw was still nearing the floor in shock. Josh walked over to Dante put his finger under his chin and pushed up, closing his mouth. Then he kissed him and smiled again.

Chapter 11 *********

He watched as Sam ran the wires through the beams to the outlet boxes. Xavier was screwing the boxes firmly to each designated spot. Josh was gabbing away on his cell to a dealer for paint and other interior needs. Dante smiled as he laid the last few tiles to the floor. Music was blasting from Nye's Ipod station and everyone was enjoying themselves boogying to `Everybody Dance Now'

"Once you get them boxes up I have to add the wallboards and then we can do the dry walling and tomorrow we can sand and possibly paint."

Josh got of his cell and swept over to Dante, spun around like a dancer and kissed his cheek. He looked at Xavier and said as he tossed his arm over Dante's shoulder.

"Darlin' your paint is on order, the blinds are on their way and your stock will be coming on Monday morning."

Xavier nodded his approval.

"This shop is going to be hoppin' once we're done;" He commented. Sam stopped pulling the wire through the wall and looked around he grinned and looked at Xavier.

"It's because of your cute butt that we're here so soon." He said smiling.

Xavier turned redder than his hair in an instant.

"I offered to help because your prepared and a helping hand is all you needed."

Sam smiled and then chuckled and looking at Xavier's ass he said winking. "I still say it's your cute buns."

Xavier chuckled and piped up.

"It's only cause you keep staring that you can't get my buns off your mind."

Sam laughed again.

"I think our shop will defiantly be the talk of the town especially with the name Roomoorz."

Dante laughed at the pun Sam has so smoothly pulled off. Xavier had named the salon and esthetics shop Roomoorz the O's were done up as a double male and double female signs and had a rainbow background, it was done in 3D lettering of gold and black. Mani was doing the sign as they worked on the rest of the shop. Dante stood and wiped his hands off on the shammy he had and jammed it into his back pocket of his jeans. He walked over to Josh who had moved on to helping Xavier put up the rest of the electrical boxes. He gave a poke in the side and made him squeal like a girl.

"Hehe." Dante chuckled giving him a peck on the cheek "You guys want some food?"

Xavier and Sam both stopped, "Yeah sounds good." They both said.

"Where we gonna go?" Josh asked.

"I don't know, any suggestions?" Dante asked the rest.

Xavier was now standing in back of Sam. He had both arms over Sam's shoulders. He whispered something to Sam who chuckled and said.

"What about the Green Dragon Lounge?"

Mani piped up. "I have been working my cute ass off, the lounge sounds nice, I could use a cold beer." Aikrii nodded in agreement.

They all called it a day and headed off to the restaurant. The evening went really well and they enjoyed themselves. It was when Aikrii asked Josh if he got any more news about his building permits for the shop that made Josh cringe and choke on his beer. Dante looked in confusion at them both.

"What do you mean building permit? Are you expanding the shop?" Dante asked.

"Oh shit!" Aikrii said his hands flying to his mouth,

"Me and my big mouth, I thought he knew!"

"Knew what?" Dante asked his voice raising an octave as he looked between the two friends. Josh stopped sipping his drink and his blue eyes looked sadly at Dante.

"I'm not exactly expanding the shop here Dante, I'm moving, and getting a second one."

He sighed and continued "Aikrii is helping me. I was hoping to have it as a nice surprise for later."

Dante stopped dead, his eyes so very wide, anger was there, and Josh could see it. He waited to see what was going to unfold.

Very quietly he asked. "When were you planning to tell me?" Everyone around the table held their breaths as they watched the drama unfold.

"I was going to tell you this week once I knew if I could sell the house."

Josh said as a tear escaped from his eye. He could feel Dante's anger and disappointment but he had hoped Dante would understand. He hung his head waiting for the worse. Dante then spoke, barely above a whisper. Everyone was expecting something else but they just weren't too sure what it was going to be, they all held their breaths as he spoke.

"You're selling the house?"


"Why? Is it because of what happened there?"

"Partly yes," Josh answered; "understand Dante I can't stay there anymore it's just too much, the memories haunt me, I want a fresh start away from the past."

"I need this change, this plan is it."

Dante nodded, he understood the need to make things right. He hoped the plans Josh had would mean he'd be part of them but he still hadn't said anything to give him a clue to that fact so he asked.

"Am I part of your plans? I need to know."

Everyone around the table seemed to breath a sigh of relief before Josh even answered.

"I wouldn't have it any other way." Josh answered looking into his eyes.

"Your as much of my present as my future, without you my present would be empty and my future pretty bleak."

Dante reached across the table for Josh's hand.

"I wish you had told me sooner. I wouldn't feel like a boob right now."

Josh looked at him still a bit sad as his heart had been hurting with wonder, he had a smile on his face thou so his mending was rapidly progressing.

"I'm sorry hun, forgive me?"

Dante twined his fingers into Josh's and brought three of his fingers to his lips. He kissed the first nipped the second and sucked on the third making Josh close his eyes and try his best to stifle a groan in public around everyone that was with them. He failed miserably. Aikrii was the one who let the chuckle off that sort of broke the arousing tension.

"I'd say that was a very good way to say yes."

Mani threw in as he watched Josh return to reality. Dante chuckled.

"I think I made my point."

Everyone around them laughed to.

"So the shop expansions and moving fill me in so I know what's going on." Dante said now smiling.

Josh got all girly on him; which he always got a hoot out of when Josh was in `design' mode. Dante love the girly side of Josh, his other persona was something that attracted Dante to him. He didn't know why it just did. He was telling of the plans and the total renovation of the shop that had been put on hold for him in the local mall in Kearney. He spoke of running one while Jen managed the other in Curre. Anya was going to be trained as day staff for now and then management and Josh had plans for two more staff members in the Curre shop and he'd be adding two to the one in Kearney. He threw in the shocker. The new shop would be opened in October, just as Aikrii had predicted.

"Where are we going to live?" Dante asked him next.

"We go apartment hunting as soon as the house sells, we don't need a house so an apartment will do or maybe a condo." Josh said his idea and plans were falling into place one by one and he was happy to see Dante smile back then his look changed suddenly.

"SHIT! I have to tell mom. She's going to be heart broken when she finds out I'm leaving."

Xavier chuckled as Sam relaxed against him also laughing.

"Baby bro, she's going to be too busy working at roomoorz to be worried about anything."

Dante looked at his twin brother, being called baby bro usually annoyed him, but this time it didn't. Sam was right, he always did know how to keep their mom busy. He was happy to know his mom would still be cared for but he still worried he knew all to well how over protective his mom was. He wondered how she would take the news. His concern must have been written all over his face because his brother threw in another bit of info.

"Mom told me yes for Xavier to move in with me, because she figured you'd be moving out anyway, that's one reason why she agreed so easily as well to the second car instead of the cash straight out for the repairs she had done."

Dante was sort of surprised.

"Why did she think I'd move first?" he asked.

"Josh has a house that's why. Just too bad that it has such bad vibes to it now. But it's good you'll be getting a new place, somewhere to start new memories." Sam grinned.

"So mom assumed I'd move?"

"Yeah she knows how hyper you are and how change is a thrill for you."

Dante laughed "It is a bit sad that the house is now going but I guess mom must have clued in by now that it's bound to happen considering everything that has happened there. I wonder how she's going to take me moving out of town."

Josh nodded at Dante's assumptions. "I think she's probably guessed by now, if not we'll tell her together."

Aikrii and Mani both stood and said they'd be back momentarily. They left the table and headed to the bar.

Josh's phone rang, the `Pride' ringtone throwing it's beat into the air as Josh flipped it opened and answered it. "Jump Street Clothing, Josh speaking. How may I help?" he said as he answered using his shops name.

"Hey Josh." He heard the lady's voice on the other end; which was upbeat and chipper.

"Hey Anya, how are you?" he said smiling to the phone.

"Jen told me I'm being trained for day staff then management?" she asked. "Is this factual, I have to ask for confirmation as I may need it for something."

"Yes darlin' you are. We're expanding Jump Street and you and Jen will run the shop in Curre while Dante and I run one in Kearney."

"Oh my god! Thanks!" She was ecstatic at the news and Josh was happy about that so the next bout of news he was about to throw on her would really make her day.

"Your advancement also allows for a pay increase to twelve bucks and hour as an assistant manger."

"Holy shit!" She gasped "This is totally unexpected." Josh could actually hear her grinning.

"Well I like to think my employees are paid well enough to stay and work hard."

"Josh you made my week hun, I hope you know that." She was gushing now and Josh giggled at the endearing info.

"How so darlin'? he asked "Because of the advancement?"

"Sort of;" she paused before going on to explain, "The advancement will allow me to get a loan now."

"A loan?" Josh was confused.

"Yes so I can buy this quaint little house that just came onto the market."

"Really?" Josh said now his curiosity was peaked.

"Yeah I always wanted my own home and with what I have saved and what I'll be making the bank will give me my loan now."

"Sweet!" Josh said happy to know he was being a help to her.

"The house is your place Josh." She said rather suddenly.

"Fuck me! No Way!" he yelled, it startled Dante who was only getting one side of the convo.

Anya laughed so hard he thought she'd stopped breathing there for a minute.

"Fuck you...I don't think I'm your type and yes way."

Josh was now giddy with glee.

"Your really gonna buy my house?"

"Yep and my kids will love it." She said

"You have kids?"

Josh was now dumbstruck, he realized he knew very little about her, maybe he should take the time to do so. She laughed at Josh's shock.

"Never figured much on saying I had kids at work, just thought I best just do my job."

Josh laughed, "Guess you got a point there."

"So have you spoken to the realtors yet?"

He was curious since no one called him yet.

"Yes I called earlier that's why I am calling you now to confirm the job advancement since the bank will be asking you this info as well." She said.

"Well this is great news. Thanks Anya. When they call I'll confirm what needs to be confirmed."

With that they said their good-byes and hung up.

Dante was sitting there with a look of absolute amazement. Mani and Aikrii had returned to the table with a pitcher of beer for the guys and pop for Aikrii along with mugs. They all sat again as Josh excitedly gushed about the impending sale of the house. Dante was still shocked at that part.

"My god we have to tell mom!"

Josh laughed "Yes dear, we do."

They celebrated for another hour enjoying the chat about roomoorz and the house. They all separated in a great mood.

Josh and Dante met Anya at his house and walked her through explaining that the furniture would be moved as soon as he could get it gone. Her kids ran around all excited.

"Mommy! The big room has a fireplace!"

"Holy crap mom, the den has more books than the old library down the road." The oldest looked like a kid in a candy store when she had entered this room.

Josh saw her admiration of the books he though for a spell. He then told Anya's oldest daughter Monica.

"If you promise to take good care of my books they can stay ok."

He ruffled her head when she gave him a tackling hug thanking him. Dante chuckled.

"You certainly have a way with kids." He said

"Just like my grandmother" Josh said grinning.

"Anya, When do you want to move in? I want to get the closing done on your time table so things are easier on you."

Josh asked her this as he was holding on to her youngest daughter hands swinging her. Lindsay was chuckling with delight at the motion, like any five year old would. Josh picked her up as he walked over to Anya who was looking out the living room window.

"Well its mid June now, I want my kids in school for September. I think August first should be good." She turned and looked at Josh

"Is six weeks too soon for you?" she asked reaching for Lindsay who scrambled to her mom's arms. Josh looked at Dante.

"Think we can muster in six weeks?" he asked.

Dante looked around and thought. Sectional couch, book cases, knickknacks, four beds and tons more.

"We're going to need the organizational skills you only seem to have and about six to ten people, three or four will have to be big guys for large items and a big moving truck. He looked back at Josh

"I think we can muster."

Josh beamed and hugged Dante and ruffled Monica's hair as she came up to him with one of the books from the den.

"Thanks Josh, mom's really excited and we like your house."

Josh squatted down in front of her.

"It's your house now hun, your mom is buying it from me."

"Won't you miss it?" She asked, Josh chuckled. It was a great question coming from a smart ten year old.

"No and the house will be happier with kids in it anyway just like it use to."

Monica smiled "Good I'm glad it will be happy."

"Well we should get going. The realtor will want to get the closing started and I'll need to make arrangements to get a new place in Kearney.

Chapter 12 *********

The hunt for an apartment in Kearney wasn't an easy task at all. They showed at Kearney airport about two weeks later after the realtor signed the closing papers. It only left them four weeks to move. Josh was staring to get a tad bit worried. Fifteen virtual tours on line for apartments had turned up nothing either liked. Josh looked around the airport and chuckled. He remembered his first time here. He reached for Dante's hand and dragged his suitcase and carry on behind him. Dante did the same.

"We need a car and a hotel hun, so lets try to find a car now while we got the chance."

They headed out and realized even trying to find accommodations during the holidays never seemed to be a good thing. The car rental was easy enough, the hotel was harder to find. Canada day festivities were in full swing and that evening there was suppose to be a fireworks display for the city.

"Cooper Street dear, we can try to get a place at the Remada, that's what the last place said." Josh informed him as he got back in the car and they got their rental out onto the road again. Traffic was horrendous but they managed to get to the hotel. Dante found parking and they proceeded to the main lobby.

"Man what a mess." Dante said. Josh agreed as they got to the front desk.

"We're looking for a room for a week please." Josh said to the girl at the front desk.

"Single or double?" She asked smiling.

"Single." Josh said reaching for Dante's hand hoping he made his point to her so further explanations wouldn't have to be made. He gave their names on request then she added.

"Do you wish to have cable or computer access?"

"Both please." Josh said

"Fantastic sir, we have two suites available that meet your need. Currently one is on the second floor and the other is on the twelfth floor. Do you have a preference?"

"Top floor is fine by me." Josh said taking out his credit card and handing it to the lady. She ran his card through the meter and explained more to him.

"Check outs are done on Sunday morning by eleven a.m."

"Your credit card will be charged at the end of your stay in case you decide to leave early."

"A total of Five hundred and fifty dollars will be deducted, not including food, mini bar and other things you may add."

"Free complementary breakfasts are offered every morning and free drinks with supper meals."

"The pool, sauna and exercise areas are free for guests to use."

"House keeping comes around twelve p.m. daily"

She happily passed them their key and his card back.

"Welcome to the Remada Mr. Trask and Mr. Ericson, enjoy your stay with us."

Josh and Dante were thrilled. They went back out to the car to get their luggage and headed back into the hotel to their room. Their room was quite impressive. A huge king sized bed was against one wall. The bathroom has a Jacuzzi tub in it and a shower as well. The min bar was jammed full and the T.V. hung from the wall like a painting, it was a flat screen. The computer that came with the room was locked to the desk located towards the sidewall and there was a door that led to the balcony.

Josh opened the balcony door letting in the warm city air. The view was amazing. Dante joined him. Leaning on the rail they viewed the bright bustling city below them. Josh leaned his head against Dante's shoulder. Dante lifted his arm around Josh's shoulder and kissed the side of his head.

"Happy Canada Day hun."

He said to him over the music he could hear coming from on of the local parks.

"We best get a move on before it gets too late."

"Yeah I suppose so." Josh said with a sigh. "When are we going to be back here?" He asked as they walked back to the room.

"I'm aiming for before supper time. I think I'd like to take you our to supper tonight and we can celebrate together." Dante smiled at him and tapped his cute nose.

Josh giggled. "Ok let's go, our first viewing is on Montreal Lane."

They viewed the first home and hurried off quickly the area was in a very seedy part of town. They viewed the other places getting more and more discouraged at the crappy apartments they viewed.

"Josh sweetie, I think we're running out of time, let's head back ok?" Dante's voice carried his frustrations with it.

"There's only one more dear, might as well get it out of the way now." Josh said showing him the paper with the day's itinerary on it. Dante sighed.

"Ok you drive I think my head is going to fall off trying to mull through the traffic here." Josh took over driving and followed the MapQuest directions to Rainbow Road. He giggled, "The name of the street is too cool. It suits us to!" He said smiling over at Dante. When they pulled into the address at fourteen Rainbow Road they were shocked to see a colonial styled house and not a brick apartment building as they had anticipated. Turned out that it was an extremely large old home converted into a four unit apartment complex. The area was nice, the street quite and it was only a few minutes from the mall and other amenities. Josh got out of the car and walked up the front walk way. He noticed in two windows notices of apartments for rent. The landlady was sitting in the screened enclosed porch.

"Good day sirs, is there anything I could help you with?"

"We're here about the apartment for rent."

"We currently have two, one's a two bedroom, and the other is a three. Which would ya be needin?" She asked her accent defiantly not of the local area.

"The two bedroom will be fine." Josh said

"Lower floor it is. That any trouble?" She asked getting up and ushering them into the porch.

"No Ma'ma." Josh said reaching for Dante. "We're pretty easy on the floor level."

"I let ya know cause some fokes dislike lower floors due to heating issues and those trapsin' over their heads an all." She looked back and noticed how nervous Josh was.

"I'm Joane by the way, I own the building. My girlfriend and I live in unit two. We have a couple above the unit you'll be viewing today. They have one kid and no one else is here yet."

Dante and Josh loved the place already.

"Claire does most of the repairs here so if anything comes up you can let her know." Josh chuckled. "Actually my boyfriend here is quite handy. We just finished working on building his brother's shop back home."

"Where ya'll from?" Joane asked

"Curre." Dante said smiling. They walked into the unit and were immediately impressed with how well taken cared of the place was. It was quite large to since from outside it was deceiving when one thought about four units in one building.

The entrance has a wooden door to a very large coat and laundry closet. Up the hall was an entrance to a small compact kitchen that was done in cherry wood and sandstone colored marble floors and counter tops. Stainless steel appliances, which included a fridge stove and dishwasher accompanied and complimented the layout quite well.

Walking down the hall further it split left and right. To the right were two rooms. The master room was quite large and elongated and the second room was a fair size as well thou nowhere near as large as the master room. Down further to the right and at the end of the hall was a bathroom, it to was done in sandstone marble and the tub was set in an encased glass shower stall that had a sea motif etched on it, an all in one deal there. The fixtures were chocolate brown in color. Josh was very impressed. Dante was in the living room on the left by the kitchen and he was staring hard. The casings were still the old styled originals. The floor was also real wood. The living room window bowed out to greet a well styled garden.

"I love it Josh!" he said in an excited whisper as he hugged him hard.

"I can see us living here."

Josh to loved the place and then asked Joane.

"What's the monthly rent here?"

"Six hundred and fifty monthly, you pay your own services or..."

She paused "You can do what we did with the couple upstairs.

"What's that?" Dante asked

"We sold them their unit, we planned on doing that for most who took interest here. We want good people around, and you two looks like good people."

Josh liked the good people comment but was still shocked at the offer to buy their unit. "Really?" he asked.

"Yep, one hundred and fifty grand for one unit, land taxes for the building is divided into four three times a year. Each unit is about two hundred bucks every four months."

Josh was floored that was cheap considering how much he got for his old place.

"Hold on ok, we have to talk about what we want to do." Josh said to Joane as he grabbed Dante's hand and they left the unit.

"We'll have about one hundred and fifty grand left Dante!" They were sitting in the car with a pen and pad crunching numbers.

"It's the first time I've found something where I feel I belong it won't be the same without you there to."

"I felt that place spoke to me, I really do. A place where we can make new memories."

Dante just listened and watched Josh's enthusiasm. He reached over pushed down Josh's hands holding everything, reached for his cheeks and kissed him so he'd hush. He chuckled when Josh groaned.

"Ok now that you're more relaxed;" he said pulling back "It's your money hun, it's your goal. Do what you think is best for you. I'm here to support you in what ever you choose to do ok."

Josh looked at Dante and smiled.

"Actually it's ours...the new shop it's in both our names and so will this place. I want us to be a team, I don't want to be alone anymore Dante."

Dante raised his hand to his lips holding back his shock, but his eyes registered joy at the news.

"I don't plan on going anywhere Josh, least not without you." He hugged him. "I love you, always have. Remember that ok."

"Good." Josh grinned again. "I want that unit."

They both returned to see the ladies who were selling the unit. Joane called her realtor and arrangements were made for the purchase. August twenty-ninth was their move in date and they were both thrilled at the prospects at the new home they now had.

That evening Josh and Dante took advantage of the lounge and had a wonderful late supper. Dante teased Josh over oysters and lemon wedges and white wine.

"You're going to be randier than a cat in heat." Dante said to Josh as he tipped another into Josh's mouth. Josh laughed with his mouth full.

"All the better to turn you on with my dear." Josh said grabbing Dante's hand and sucking off each of his fingers. Dante groaned and reached over the table and grabbed his shirt collar and planted a firm kiss on his salty lemon flavored lips. Two older ladies sitting at the lounge gasped at the display of affection and left in a huff. Josh laughed harder at their reaction.

"Come on lets go watch the fireworks they'll be starting soon."

Dante grabbed his hand ns pulled him to his feet.

"I much rather make out own fireworks." Josh said nuzzling his neck.

Dante laughed at Josh's gratuitous comment. "In a bit stud muffin" Dante said as they walked up to the elevator. They got on and Josh started to run kisses up Dante's neck. Dante ran his fingers through Josh's hair; which had gotten much longer in the last three months. He groaned his pleasure. Josh grinned then growled and nipped. The door to the elevator opened. Dante half staggered with Josh at his side. They made it back to their room. Dante ever so gently pried Josh off of him.

"Awww I was having fun!" He pouted.

Dante grabbed the large chair that was in the room and hauled it out onto the balcony he grabbed a few other odds and ends as well and then took Josh's hand and went out onto the balcony.

"We're going to watch the fireworks sweetie, come on."

Josh was still wound up but followed Dante who sat in the chair and then proceeded to pull Josh into his lap. Josh chuckled and figured he'd get his way. He started to nibble on Dante's ear. First one ear then the other. Dante played hard to get trying to get Josh to play attention to the sky line.

"But your more entertaining." He said now straddled over Dante's lap. He grabbed a handful of his hair and pulled his head back. Dante gasped when Josh bit his neck and sucked on it.

"You're gonna leave a mark if you keep doing that." Dante said through clenched teeth and a chuckle. Josh was over wound now and Dante could feel his arousal and his response was no surprise.

"Gotta mark what's mine." He said growing and ripping off Dante's shirt. The warm night wind was cooler then Dante was so his nipples puckered this turned on Josh even more who in turn muckled onto one making Dante squirm in the chair. Sucking air through his teeth he responded.

"Ahhh, Josh! Mmm. Yes!" He grabbed Josh's hips and pushed his own arousal against him as he arched. He was in pain and needed to be released from his confines.

"You want me now?" Josh asked being cocky and coy as he undid Dante's belt. He slid between his legs. He undid Dante's button and pulled down the zipper to his shorts. Dante was commando today, which was a pleasant surprise for Josh who in turn let out a sweet thrilling squeal of delight as he watched his lovers joy spring forth from his shorts. Dante panted in anticipation waiting to see what Josh was going to do next. Josh chuckled and winked at Dante and stood. He flipped off his tank top and danced his way out of his own shorts. Dante was so fusterated by now he started to stand only to be pushed back by Josh.

"Uh-uh baby this is my show." He scooted over Dante. His stiff rod was only centimeters away from his face. He tapped his nose with his fingers still dancing in front of Dante whose only response was a groan of frustration. He reached up grabbing Josh's ass. Josh laughed.

"Oh my you animal you!" He shook his bottom making Dante growl

"Mine!" Dante said as he muckled onto Josh's stiff member making him shout out in shock and in pleasure. Dante squeezed Josh's ass cheeks making him move forward so he could get more of him into his mouth. Josh complied enjoying the wet warmth around his shaft. He moved back and forth uncontrollably. Josh held onto the back of Dante's head as he thrusted in his warm mouth panting and moaning as Dante held onto his ass cheeks. Dante flicked his thumb across Josh's bud making him clench and gasp. Still holding onto Dante's head he squealed his delight as he thrusted forward uncontrollably and climaxed down Dante's eager throat. Dante swallowed his lover's juices and grinned. He pulled Josh onto his lap kissing him.

"Your turn" He said with a sly grin. He tweaked his muscles of his stiff member and slapped Josh's ass cheek with it; which made Josh jump and giggle. Dante pushed Josh up onto his feet and turned him around and told him to look over the rail.

"Watch the fireworks baby we're gonna make a few of our own."

He prepared himself with a condom and some lube and slid into Josh's tight little hole making him moan in delight. Dante watched him grip the rail. He kissed the back if Josh's neck and wrapped his arms around Josh's belly as he stroked against him.

"Oh god Dante! That feels so good!"

Josh's knees got weak so Dante gripped Josh's hips to keep him standing up. Dante sped up his pace making Josh grip the rail harder and he whimpered.

"Oh fuck Dante! Harder!" He pushed his eager bottom back against him. Dante went harder on demand as he did so he peaked just as the fire works started, Josh and Dante's joyous screams of ecstasy as they climaxed together were muffled by the beautiful yet loud display of color before them. They collapsed together back onto the chair. Both were spent but very satisfied. Josh kissed Dante.

"Oh my god Dante that was beautiful!" he whispered. They snuggled and watched the rest of the fireworks display together. They stayed at the hotel that week and had many beautiful nights like that together, thou not quite as colorful but still as much fun for them both. Before either of them left Kearney Dante went to the local medical center and was tested. Josh was at his side when they did the tests. They were told he could call in a four weeks to get his results. He got them back three weeks before they moved. The green light was given to him saying he was negative on all forms of STD's including HIV. Josh and he were thrilled at the news and it brought a load of relief. Thing was it would be awhile before the green light was passed through, they just had too much to do and too little time for pleasures.

MANY thanks to EVERYONE and all the e-mails Thanks for reading. The series; books 1 - 3 are now published on line If you wish to read it in it's entierity mail me and ask for the link to the series offical web page.

Book 4 is in progress along with the others Please bear with me if the pages are listed in my site it's just how I have things set up even thou sometimes they don't work. (if there's nothing showing it's not up yet) The full series will be set up in here (Nifty) in due time. Summer of 2008 is seeing me prepare for a return to college and a few life changes to boot :) All good I assure you. Please by all means keep the mails comming I love chatting to my readers.

Comments, feed back and general fan mail is ALWAYS read and answered. Flames make for great heat to roast marshmellows :)

Thanks again - Lila Mosher

Next: Chapter 11: Steppin Out II 13 15

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