Steppin Out

By Lila Mosher

Published on Sep 4, 2008


This is a series of works of gay erotic fiction. If you are offended by such material or if you are not allowed access to it under the laws where you live, please exit now.

This work is copyrighted by the author and LBL Services Canada. 1990-2008

and may not be copied or distributed in any form without the written permission of the author, who may be contacted at:

Any and all celebrities mentioned in this story have no affiliation to this piece of writing and I make no claim to their person as my own. All Mentioned places and people are factious and any bearing resemblance to anyone person or place is purley coincidental


Steppin' Out (Book 3) On the straight and Narrow - Copyright 1997-2008 By Lila Mosher Full series already E-published on line, if you wish to read it all in it's entiriety please Mail Lila and ask for the link thanks.

A love lost, a love gained, two families become closer as a third is added to the extended family tree Aikrii and Mani have created for themselves. Even through the sorrow each love thrives to florish to the best it can be. A tear jerker so be sure to have lots of tissues!

Thanks to ALL who have mailed me already due to book 1's listing, the responses are amazing, I can't believe some have already ready all THREE books! (on line) The books main web site has hit an all time high of 45-50000 page hits respectivilly each month and it's mainly due to the listing here in Nifty, thanks Also note if you read the books on line there IS a forum for fans to post comments in :D So please by all means use it to have your say about what you read or mail me :D either way is great.

Please enjoy book 3 ...keep watching here for the next chapters to be posted, ALL will be listed here in due time, thanks again everyone!!!

PS summer vacation is almost over and to those who read all my stuff on line so far, I WILL be back to writing SOON (2nd week of September) so keep your eyes out on the series main web site you'll see book 4 and 5 getting compleated :D enjoy what I have now and PLEASE post in the forums I LOVE to hear from fans, really I do! :)


Chapter 4 -- A New Beginning ************************** They had been at Nye's place for about ten minutes, not long but Nye was antsy to show her the comparison since he did find it quite amusing. He walked with her to the guest room where he was staying. Selina noticed all the stuff all over the place from the construction that was going on. She flopped onto Nye's bed once she got to his room looking at the ceiling as she listened to the steady pounding of a hammer hitting a nail.

A few minutes later Nye sat next to her with his lap top. He booted it up and looked over at Selina.

"How do you stand all the noise?" She asked looking up at him her eyebrows furrowed in a sign of distress and perturbation.

"I am getting my own mini apartment. I deal with it because I know what lays at the end of it all." He replied shrugging his shoulders.

He turned his laptop around and showed her a picture of Aikrii side by side next to an image of Stephen Gately. Selina sat straight up grabbing the laptop.

"Oh my god NO WAY!" She started to chuckle. "Holy shit! I can't get over how much they look alike! Does he know?" Selina looked at Nye and was still giggling over it all.

"Oh yes! He knows and some times he flaunts it to!" Nye chuckled. "Just you watch, mention the resemblance and see what he says, I get a friggin' howl out if the antics he pulls."

Selina mulled over the images, "Aikrii has thicker hair, his eyes are green not blue... ummm... his chin isn't as square as Stephen's and there's something else...I can't quite put my finger on."

Nye chuckled "Your picking it apart now, can't do that to poor Aikrii you'll break his heart. He loves the attention when someone

says, Hey your remind me of..."

Selina noticed the twinkle in Nye's eyes, he was enjoying the topic of Aikrii's playful nature and how he knew who he resembled.

"OH! I'm So gonna have fun with this" She said chuckling. "I think we both will." She grinned as she passed back his laptop. Mani walked passed Nye's room and then backtracked and poked his head in.

"Hey! Selina how are you?" He asked. She stood and walked over to him giving him a big hug. "I'm doing well actually, how about yourself, I see you got a whole mess going on here."

"Yep," Mani said. "Aikrii and I took Nye's old room and turned it into an apartment for Sefron and his wife Mardi." We're building Nye's place now along with taking Sefron's old room and expanding it as well into something new. Once that's all done we're gonna fix up this room to."

"Damn sounds like you have your hands full. Who's doing the work for you?"

"I don't know if you know him personally, His name is Jeff Wonders. He works for dad's company. 'Working Wonder's' He's a bit older than either of us, so you may not know who he is."

"I think I've heard of the company name, actually if my memory

serves me right I think my dad worked for that company." Selina said.

"So how far are you into getting things settled?" She asked curious on how long poor Nye would be living in the green guest room.

"Come take a look if you want." Mani suggested offering a hand for her to hold on to while he walked her through the mess that would soon be Nye's place.

She was amazed by how much had been done to the old living room. Mani had the company gut out the living room pulling it out another ten feet alone. They then built off the living Nye's new room.

She was shocked she recalled Nye saying they were building one more room since their home was getting larger with kids and all but she never imagined that they'd have so much room added.

She looked out the new side window to see how far back they pulled the property for Nye's room and was surprised to see it wasn't all that bad.

"I figured outside would be ripped to shreds trying to pour a foundation for your additions." She commented as she pulled back from the window.

"Nope, Aikrii wants quality along with preservation to the surrounding grounds. If we didn't have to rip up anything the contractors tried to avoid it at all costs. Mainly all that had to be done was a small section was dug out, a simple foundation was laid and we hauled out the rest after that."

She nodded her head looking around. She walked towards the entrance of Nye's future abode and was greeted by a startled Jeff.

"Oh shit! I wasn't expecting anyone." He said chuckling. He stuffed out his hand and offered it to Selina who laughed at the look he had on his face. She recognized him but wasn't too sure from where..

"Hello there, I'm Selina. I'm a friend of the family. Just checking out Nye's future nesting grounds." She said with a joke and a wink as he walked through the door. He blushed at the comment. Jeff chuckled.

"Well we're over half way there. Mainly adding the remainder of the walls and we'll be dry walling tomorrow and hopefully painting by Wednesday." Jeff showed her around the layout of Nye's pad.

It was quite large the old living room had been about twenty feet wide and now it was about thirty, with the addition to that for Nye's place which was another thirty feet or so added there was a substantial change but it wasn't that noticeable which was odd.

"How in the world did you manage to extend the side of this place by nearly forty feet without it actually being so noticeable?"

"We didn't" Jeff said. "It just seems to have happened on it's own, possibly due to the surroundings and the tree lines not to mention the cedar shingles on this place are easily matched up, so who knows, maybe it was the luck of the draw, we were able to add to this place and not draw too much attention to the changes we made." He smiled he was happy with the turn out.

Selina stood with Nye by the end window it was quite nice. "I like how they did this for you Nye."

He smiled at her comment but it was Jeff who responded. "Actually we didn't do this for him, he designed it himself."

Her eyebrows both raised in admiration as well as shock.

"Really?" she asked. "Impressive!"

If an architect was to stand in the surrounding area she was at they'd probably think the same thing. When she walked through the door from Mani and Aikrii's main living room to the immediate left was small bathroom and then another room which Nye said was going to be his bedroom. There was a mini living room immediately in front of her where his TV was going to be and a second door to the right, which was a private entrance. The bedroom area he showed her had two very large swing away patio doors. All in all it looked like this new addition was going to be one sweet little pad.

"So what possessed you to do this?" She asked Nye.

"Well Mani and Aikrii offered me my own space to give up my room to Mardi and Sefron so it could be converted into a mini apartment. I figured if they could have one why not my own, I don't need a huge extravagant mess but a simple spot where I can entertain a few guest is a good thing."

She was impressed. "So you have all the furnishings, or are you buying new stuff?"

"I have a bed and my dresser and desk for my computer system, I even have my TV and gaming system now to." He said with a chuckle. I think all I have to get is a sofa, I want a pull out styled one so if I get over night guests I can let them flop there."

"Sounds like you have everything all planned." She grinned, "Even for the possibilities for guests." She looked around the unfinished apartment and was quite tickled at the layout it would be a very nice place."

Nye flopped his arm over her shoulder, "Just think on Friday you can come shopping with me for the remainder of my furnishings and then help me move my crap in here."

She turned and with mock disdain on her face asked, "What makes you think I want to move your self proclaimed 'crap' in here on Friday? What if I had plans?" She said dejected still joking at the thought of having to be put to work on a weekend where she could be out having fun with Nye instead of huffing things around.

He pouted. "You wouldn't help lil' ol' me? Not even a tiny bit?" he held his fingers in front of his face making the tiny notion, looking past his hand and at her he pouted again giving her the lip. She crossed her arms with one eyebrow raised and gave him a cocky half ass ginned.

"So what's in it for me?" She asked waiting for him to stop his pouting.

He stopped all right and he stuck his finger to his lips looked at the ceiling and hummed.

"uhhh, we how about... shit naa...ahhh." He trailed off still wondering what he could say that would make her want to come back over on Friday to help him fix up his new space.

It was then that words of wisdom he read only last night from the diaries that Cleo had left behind floated to his mind.

"Remember to give a little of your own self to get results you're seeking, this can include time you would rather be using for something else, Time spent over money is usually more valued in the long run."

He walked up to her and placed a hand on either shoulder and looked her in the eyes grinning.

"How about this. You spend time with me Friday helping me get this place set up and I'll spend time with you on Saturday doing anything you want."

"Anything?" She asked giggling and raising her eyebrows again. He pondered that and thought, 'What did I get myself into' but he resolved to keep to what he asked the first time.

"Yes anything you want." He waited for her answer. When she nodded he jumped and shouted "YES!"

He gave her a big hug.

"Thanks this is so gonna go so much faster with both of us. Mani and Aikrii will be too busy to help and I can't ask Mardi and Sefron is working."

Selina chuckled at his obvious enthusiasm over her agreeing to help out. She looked around the half finished apartment. It was hard to believe that come Friday, he'd have his own place. She was off in her own world and was abruptly snapped out of it when he took her hand and gave her a tug.

"Come on I haven't had breakfast yet and I'm starved. Let's go eat."

He took her to City Park Rd which was located within the Market district of Kearney and and pulled into a simple restaurant. Selina looked up at the sign. Nickel's was what it read.

"Ok, this is a quaint looking place. We're going to be able to get breakfast here?" Selina watched as he exited the car and walked over to her door. He opened it and offered his hand. She took it as she stepped from the car.

"Don't worry so much, we'll get food here, it's a good little place to. Celine Dion was the one who started this place. I really don't know why but heck it's got good food and it's well known you'll like it here."

He tucked her hand into the crook of his arm and walked with her to the front door. Holding it opened he allowed her to walk in first and proceeded to follow her. They were greeted immediately by a friendly young lady who directed them to their table. She handed them menus, smiled and asked.

"Would you like coffee this morning?"

Nye nodded, "Yes place, decaf, no cream and can you please bring some cold water as well."

The waitress nodded and waited for Selina to place her drink order.

"I think I'll just have a tea."

The waitress who's name tag said Dianne scribbled the info down and smiled back at Selina and said

"I'll be back with your drinks momentarily meanwhile check out our morning menu and feel free to ask if you have questions about or menu selections."

She scurried off and left Selina and Nye to their own accord.

"So," Selina said trying to now break the ice that seemed to be building up in their surroundings. "I know the funeral was only the other day but how are you holding up?"

"I was hoping you weren't going to mention that. I'm trying to not think about it, I'm still feeling a bit numb." He sighed. "I got to admit thou, you were a huge help to Cleo, I can't get over the praises she sings of you."

She looked at him a bit confused but she still chuckled. "So she's still singing about me even thou she's gone?"

"Yep." He leaned back as Dianne returned to their table with their drinks, she placed Nye's coffee in front of him then Selina got her tea. He continued once she retreated giving them more time to ponder their morning meal. Nye continued to look over the menu as he spoke.

"I've been reading her diaries. There's a lot of stuff in there I never knew about. I'm finding it fascinating, but I've also learned I didn't really know her all that well. There was a lot she never told me and I wish she had. It's weird learning all this stuff after she's gone."

He looked down into his cup of coffee reminiscing. His wandering memories making him smile. He blurted out suddenly

"You know she asks me a question daily, almost like she's never left..." He titled his head and propped his arm up and leaned his hand against his chin smiling, stirring his coffee looking at Selina.

"When I first started reading it was the day after the funeral. She left a note at the beginning telling me I had to read at least one page a day and ever day there would be a question."

Selina knew what Cleo had done she had helped her come up with the programming with Aikrii's help, the program would run for one full year, every day asking a question that was programmed into it. It was triggered by him opening the program and reading the first page. Selina could reset it if she wanted to but he started to read so she would let him continue. He may not need it for the whole year. She pondered this and then though 'Time will only tell' She smiled at him as he reached over to take her hand. "I'm glad you had been there to support her Selina. You helped me to and she told me so with the words she wrote."

This was news to Selina, granted she never read what Cleo had wrote to Nye it was really none of her business she just helped with the programming aspects of what Cleo had wanted to do for Nye after she was gone.

"I wasn't aware she wrote about me in her diary Nye, but I do know about the questions, I helped program a special 'widget' into her diary program so she could ask you one a day, it'll run for a year and then stop." She smiled at his bewildered look on his face. "You can also answer back to her writings, it's not like you'll get an answer but it may make you feel good to do so."

"Wow I never knew you helped her in that aspect, I assumed it was just part of the program she wrote her diary in."

"Nope" Selina said taking a sip of her tea. "I don't tend to talk about things I can do...I much rather apply them." She said looking over her cup she watched his eyes as she took another sip.

"I think Cleo's attempts to make me feel better about her passing and putting us together get easier everyday and for some strange reason I feel guilty about it."

Just then Dianna came back and asked, "Can I take your order now?" Nye nodded "I'll have the pancake special," He paused "What do you want dear." he asked her and reached out for her hand smiling. It felt weird yes but it felt good none the less. She smiled back at him and said "I'll go with the waffles and fruit."

Dianne scribbled down their order and said, "It should be about twenty minutes ok enjoy your meal."

Once Dianne left Selina picked up their conversation from where it had been interrupted at.

"So what part about feeling better makes you feel guilty?" She wanted to know if it was the same as how she felt sometimes.

"I can't really describe it Selina. I just feel like I shouldn't be feeling what I do, I shouldn't be feeling ok, or wanting to love someone else. It's almost like I'm cheating or betraying her even thou she's stated over and over again in letters, notes and even in her diary that I should move on. It's not like I don't want to, I just don't know if I can."

She sighed. He was going through the same stuff she was. Now she figured out why Cleo put them together. Two good hearts needed to be together to support each other now what part of that didn't Nye understand. Was he blind or just so wrapped up in not ruining Cleo's memory he couldn't see what she had intended, Selina didn't know whether to spell it out for him or let him mull through on his own. She thought to herself. 'Guidance, he needs guidance. I have to talk to Mani tonight'. He was still holding her hand. She flipped her hand over in his so it was palm up. She gave his hand a squeeze.

"Two good souls placed at the mercy of an angel. Life couldn't much more confusing."

He lifted his eyebrow at her in confusion. "Ok whats with the philosophical prose? You're starting to sound like my brother."

"I was aiming for Cleo but sounding like your brother is ok to" She chuckled as he stuck out his tongue taunting her. She then got a bit more serious. "As for the philosophical stuff I was trying to give guidance without giving you a shove ok, I think I much rather let you move at your own pace. I'll still be waiting when you come to grips with the emotional baggage thats holding you down."

Nye looked at her confused more now than ever. "I have baggage?"

"Yes." She replied as she noticed Dianne walking towards them with their meal. The food smelled delicious, She dug in as soon as Dianne walked away. "Thing is," She said between bites of strawberry and waffle "The baggage you carry isn't bad, but it's not healthy either. No one caused it to be there it just is due to a loss. You'll get over that hurtle when your hearts into it ok. Don't rush." She smiled again then stuffed more waffle into her mouth whipped cream sticking to her upper lip. "I'll say it again Nye, I'll still be here when you manage to figure things out ok."

He looked at her and his heart melted. He knew he had a good soul in here he knew what Cleo had planned he still felt like shit but he also knew she wasn't coming back and Selina sat before him, a blessing in disguise. He reached over and wiped the whipped cream off her lip and licked his finger off.

He noticed she got quiet and her face had that wonderful light pink tint. What possessed him to do it was beyond him. It just felt right. He impaled another piece of his pancakes and chewed, not really tasting them at all. The only thing he was savoring was the view in front of him. 'Ok, now where was that coming from?' he wondered.

The gesture actually threw Selina off guard. Mostly because of the feeling it left in the pit of her stomach. 'Now where was that coming from?' she wondered. She took another bite of her meal. They were both quiet and yet it felt good. The last of her meal was sitting on the end of her fork as she swirled it through sinful whipped cream and cherry jam. She stuffed the remainder of her waffle into her mouth. Moaning in satisfaction as she leaned back. "Damn that was a good breakfast." she said out loud breaking the silence.

He looked over at her. The satisfying moan over the meal alone was enough to make him happy he took her out. "Glad you enjoyed it, I told you the food was good here."

She was about to comment when she spotted someone from the corner of her eye. Someone she hadn't seen all summer. She looked again and noticed there were two someone's she hadn't see since last year.

Nye noticed she wasn't focused on their conversation and looked back to where she was staring.

"You know them?" he asked as he noticed two fellas sitting about four tables back from theirs.

"Yeah, The tall fella with the brown hair is Alex McCollam, I haven't seen him since graduation and if my memory serves me correct the other fella is Cameron Gove I do believe he was in the other graduate class so I don't know him too well but I hear he was a hell of a scrapper." She remembered something just then as well. "I wonder why Alex is here, If I recall right he had mentioned a trip to Europe."

Nye looked back at the two and chuckled "He probably didn't

go because Cameron kept him too damn distracted." He pointed backwards when he looked back at her gesturing she should look again. When she did she got a shock of a life time. She definitely got an eye full.

"NO WAY!" She squawked out. Much to their embarrassment as well as her own they noticed her. She turned really red then. Nye was ready to bust a gut when he saw her face.

"Whats wrong Selina?" He chuckled. "Never see two guys make out before?"

She gave him the hairy eyeball and hissed "Not like that!" Nye chuckled again. What she had saw was the same thing Nye got and eye full of as well. Two eighteen year old guys both so randy for each other they had their hands down each others pants in a public restaurant. Nye thought it was hilarious. He looked at her again she had slid down in her chair trying to hid.

"I hope they don't recognize me"


"I made an ass out of myself...I mean I never knew Alex and Cam were together, they were so...discrete at school."

Nye chortled and then snorted trying his damnedest to hold back his mirth over the whole thing.

"You expect them to take out a banner add in the school newspaper?" He asked her. "Not everyone is as comfortable like Aikrii and Mani are with personal displays of affection and some others are so hushed you never hear till years later or not till they are dead."

"I didn't expect an ad Nye, it's just a shock thats all. I think Alex had every damn girl drool all over him since seventh grade, hell in grade nine he yelled out in gym class he was horny and dared the first two people with their hands down his pants he'd let them play with him."

Nye really chuckled now. "Ok a true blooded horny teen. Sounds about right, so when he said that were there any takers?"

Selina pondered a moment then chuckled again getting over her initial embarrassment, "Actually come to think of it, yes. Two. Sam Nicholson whom everyone thought was ugly and Cameron. I think that was the only year all of us had the same classes together." She finally relaxed over it all and waited to see if they recognized her.

They must have calmed down some as Alex apparently remembered her. He had grown over the summer and she had noticed that even Cameron had gained some substantial girth as well over the summer. Alex walked up holding Cameron's hand.

"Oh my god! Fancy banging into you here Selina. Damn it's been too long. How are you!" He reached over and gave her a hug as she stood up to meet his embrace.

"Wow Alex, you look fantastic!" She said and she meant it to, he did look great. At six feet tall his former gangly frame finally had caught up to the deep voice he had. "What happened to Europe?" she asked curious over why he apparently didn't go. His blue eyes sparkled with excitement when she had asked that question and she felt she was in for a treat.

"Well as you can obviously see...I finally came to terms with a few things and well. Cam here kept my attention here at home instead of abroad. Personally I'm rather enjoying the sights here."

Selina chuckled as she watched Cameron playfully slap Alex on the shoulder. She looked over at Cameron.

"I remember you from grade nine. In particular, gym class." She got the result she wanted as she watched the fella with the coal black hair and brown eyes turn a pretty shade of crimson.

"I can't believe you remembered that." He said. For one of a nearly identical height as his partner his voice didn't do his five foot eleven stature justice. He still had that "baby face" about him and the voice to match. Selina couldn't but help to snigger again at his mild discomfort at the old memory.

"Yep I remembered that." Nye now chuckled. He couldn't help but let it out he to after all could just picture the incident like he was there. Cameron hear Nye's chuckle and looked appalled.

"He knows to?"

"I think the whole school knew Cam." Alex said laughing. "Get use to it. Many more will say well I'll be when they see us together."

Selina laughed again, "Come on you two sit down. Fill me on on the latest gadgets you've been playing with." She knew she'd get more out of them if she encouraged them to stick around but they begged off.

"Sorry darlin' I'd love to chew the fat but well I worked late last night and I seriously need sleep." Alex said as he pulled Cameron closer. "but give me your cell I'll give you my number you can call ok. I heard you moved so I want details on what happened ok."

She nodded her head and stood again as he gave her a hug again before they left. "Be good." She whispered to him and winked as he pulled back his comment back was "I always am!" they chuckled together said their good byes and she watched them leave the restaurant.

She sat back down. Nye was smiling. "Everyone loves you, ya know that right." She blushed.

"It's true Selina, you brighten a room when your in it. Even when things look down. Your friends are lucky to have you."

She looked at him a bit confused. "But your my friend to."

"Ahh yes, I am but I'm luckier still because there's more to us." Nye reached his hand out and ran it down her cheek, she got shivers when he did that.

"We have a connection, a promise, and a future that only time will help us see." She saw it in his eyes that day. She saw hope, want, and love in his eyes. He didn't look lost or sad now and she pondered what brought it on. Either way she figured she now owed Alex and Cameron for making him seem so happy for it seemed it was their paths crossing that caused Nye to come out of that shell he had created for himself.

He took her hand and stood, they walked to the front door of the restaurant, he paid their bill and he walked out with her, his arm over her shoulder, they chatted on the way to the car things were getting slowly better. They had no plans for the rest of the day but it didn't matter so long as they got to spend time together it's all that mattered.

Their day saw them talking to each other, playing on line, chatting to Sefron and Mardi and Selina even took some quite time to ponder over a few things with Mani. When she found Nye again She didn't say a thing, she just watched him. He was standing out on the patio by his new bedrooms doors. He had his gettoblaster out on the patio with him and was listening to the music that was floating in the air. She stood by him and looked over at the beach. She loved coming here it was always so nice and peaceful at Aikrii and Mani's home. She heard him humming to the music. It was Ronan Keating from BoyZone singing. 'When you say nothing at all' floated through the air. She smiled but she didn't say anything either. It would ruin the moment. He watched her as he hummed slowly swaying as he let the beat lead his heart. He was behind her singing lightly almost a whisper in her ear. His arms wrapped around her waist as he continued to sway. They stood that way for a long time even after the song had finished.

She could feel him breathing deeply, she could feel the smile on his face even if she couldn't see it she knew it was there. She leaned her head back against his chest. She was content to just stand here in his arms and just wait.

Supper rolled around and Mani was cooking again tonight. Aikrii had come home around four and was pleased to see Selina.

"Hi darlin'" He said to her. He gave her a kiss on her forehead and gave her a hearty hug."It's nice to see you here, you're looking well."

"Thanks I'm glad to be here, Nye invited me for the day, I also get to have the pleasure of helping him move in on Friday to his new room." Aikrii was beside himself to hear that Nye had not only invited her once but twice in a week.

"Nice! I hope he treats you to a nice meal if your helping him huff stuff on Friday."

She giggled "Actually he promised I could do anything I wanted on Saturday if I helped him Friday."

Aikrii looked at Nye and chuckled. "You didn't really promise her anything did you? You know that could get you into trouble right?" He laughed as Nye got red in the face.

Sefron pipped up "Nye! Back the trolley up dude I think you're headdin' in the wrong direction!" They all laughed then when Sefron's 'One track mind' joke sunk in. Selina groaned.

"Mardi is he always such a horn dog?" Selina refered to Sefron and his bad habit of making everything sound kinky.

"Huh?" Mardi said "Corn dogs? Yeah he loves them!" She said screwing up Selina's words like he use to do to her all the time. It was everyone else turn to banter at Selina now.

Their evening went very well and the meal Mani prepared was divine. Smoked salmon with dill sauce and a penne pasta salad that was to die for. She was even allowed to have a glass of wine with her meal.

With light conversation and great company it was a wonderful evening and it's wrap up saw to her saying her good byes to Aikrii and Mani with a promise to be there on Friday. Mani asked her to bring her paint kit as he wanted to see how she worked with her water colors, it was a medium he had yet to try.

She slid into the seat of Nye's car he shut his door and started up the steel beast and rolled out of the mile long driveway to the main road.

"I hope you enjoyed yourself Selina." Nye said breaking the silence. Usually his CD player was going but tonight it was off.

"I did thanks for inviting me." She was very happy, so much so she felt light. She was beaming as well. Tonight had done her wonders. Looking over at Nye driving she noticed he was almost lit up as well.

She couldn't resist doing what she did next. She shimmied closer to him and slid her hand up the back of his neck into his deep auburn hair, she slowly massaged the back of his neck and head as he drove.

He smiled more as he peeked over at her. He was loving the attention.

Twenty minutes later she was home. The end of the wonderful evening she was having was coming to an close and regrettably she didn't want to see Nye go. He walked her to the top part of the enclosed porch of the building Josh and Dante owned a condo in. He took both her hands in his as he looked down to see her happy eyes sparkling back at him.

"To be such the masterful thief would be amazing." He said. She turned her head to the side looking at him in a questioning manner as to why he was speaking of theft.

"I think someone has gone and stolen all the stars in heaven's sky, I think that they hid them in your eyes" He murmured as he lowered his head. Their lips met, this time not in a friendly manner. This time there was more. A promise upon the lips of the man she had fallen for. A sign of healing quickly making it's way along. She sighed against his lips and smiled her arms reaching for his neck. He pulled her close.

He broke the connection and gazed at her, his smile never leaving his lips. He caressed her cheek.

"Till Friday, keep that wish in your heart ok." He released her and was gone. She watched as he left her fingers touching her lips where his had just been, They felt so bare now. She turned to go inside only to see Dante standing in the door. He was smiling. She went to him and hugged him pulling back she spoke in nearly a whisper.

"Daddy I think I'm in love, and it scares me."

Dante held his adopted daughter as they walked down the foyer steps to their condo's entrance. He knew that feeling all too well. His hubby downstairs could account for that. He figured it was time to have a heart to heart. He would need Josh to help this was going to be a bit awkward. He chuckled to himself thinking how he was going to do this.

Chapter 5 -- The start of something beautiful ***************************************

They did have a big time heart to heart, Both Josh and Dante wanted to make sure she was feeling secured, They both wanted her to do what she thought was right. She had questions too many to answer at once but they decided if she was willing to be opened with them they would help as much as they could.

"We can't promise it will be perfect Selina, sometimes love hurts." Dante said. He saw the worry in her eyes.

"You're lucky you have someone to help and to talk to, I wish I had this when I met Dante. Talk about a confusing time." Josh said smiling at his spouse.

"It wasn't that bad was it?" Dante said poking Josh and smiling

"Oh my god it was horrible my poor head had some many questions and only I was able to answer..." He chuckled "I didn't know if I was coming or going!" He reached for Dante's hand and Dante took it.

"Good thing we both knew what we wanted even if it took a bit to get there." They smiled and Selina knew that no matter what happened whether her and Nye did end up together or not they would support her if she needed it.

"Thanks you two." She reached over and hugged them both. "I count my lucky stars every day that I have been blessed to have been saved by you two."

Dante and Josh felt blessed to have been given the chance to be the parents they always wanted to be to such an amazing young lady. The evening marched forward and she figured it was time to call it an evening. I really should get some shut eye, work comes early tomorrow. She got up and headed to her room. She booted up her computer she had mails to check before she turned in for the evening. As her computer went about it's necessary starting processes she got changed for bed. Her 'I live for the weekend' nightie was her comfort jammies and she tossed those over her head. She sat at her desk and checked her e-mail. Most was junk thou she did get a mail from Charlene her mom's sister. She clicked on it and waited as it opened. From:

Subject: Visiting

Hello Selina it's been a bit since I've heard from you last. I figured it was time to drop a line. I am going to be in Kearney to visit a few friends before classes start here and I was wondering if it would be ok to visit. I did enjoy our time together when your foster parents got married, those two weeks seemed to fly away much too fast. If you're interested drop me a line back and hopefully we can arrange some family time together.

Much love Your Aunt Charlene.

Selina was surprised to hear she would be in the area. She did like her aunt. She was a lot like what sher remembered her mom being. She wrote back. From:

Subject: RE: Visiting

Hey Auntie C,

Yes it's been awhile since we spoke last & I'm sorry to have to tell you this but much has happened here. I don't know if you'd remember Cleo but she passed away, she had cancer for a long time. I miss her lots. Her funeral wasn't long ago. Nye and I took it very hard since we were both so close to her but we're healing, slowly.

So you're going to be down this way? When? I'd love to spend some quality time with you. Page me back and fill me in on details. Collage starts for me on the 5th (Which is weird since it's Friday but that the school systems for you LOL) Much love


She clicked on send then checked to see who was on line on her messenger. A few days Kolten had added her to his messenger and she was wondering if he was around since she wanted to find out what courses he was taking. He wasn't on line but Nye was. She sent him an emoted kiss.

Proud2BMe says: 'X' MusicMan: 'Hehe ...ummmm... more?'

She giggled he usually wasn't this much fun on line so she ran with it. This could be fun.

Nye wasn't one to usually play on line, let alone chat. He was in a exceptionally good mood.

It was around nine thirty when he popped on line. He was hoping to see a few friends around but not many were around, he did get paged about another gig in Curre. The thoughts of flying out there again.. alone sucked. It was when Selina popped on at ten that he started to beam. She had sent him a kiss and he thought that it was cute. He decided to play with it.

'Hehe ...ummmm... more?' He asked her... grinning on his end and chuckling, His brother heard him laughing and poked his head into his room.

"Whats up?" Mani asked him.

"Teasing Selina" Nye said pointing to the screen. Mani chuckled when he seen what Nye had printed.

Proud2BMe says: 'Ok who is this? Cause the Nye I know doesn't carry on like this.'

Nye and Mani both roared. "HAHAHAHA!"

"Oh man I could really drive her nuts." Nye said chuckling.

Mani looked down at his brother. "Don't torture her too much, you don't want to scare her away now do you?"

He chuckled leaving the room glad to see his brother in such a playful mood.

Nye decided to enjoy the attention and maybe lavish some on her without her being able to see his face. As bad as it may have seemed he felt being able to wax poetic while hiding behind a computer screen was easier. Less embarrassing. She would certainly question him later but this would make the initial part easier.

MusicMan says: 'I'm here, I'm in a good mood... :) thanks to you'

Proud2BMe says: 'Really?'

MusicMan say: 'Yes really'

Proud2BeMe says: 'Thanks for inviting me out I enjoyed myself, it's been a while since I felt so good.'

MusicMan say: 'Umm, you sure did feel good.'

Proud2BeMe says: 'Huh? You ok Nye?'

MusicMan say: 'Yes, I'm quite fine. I wish you were still here. I'd prove it to you'

Proud2BeMe says: 'Ok now you're making me blush!'

MusicMan say: 'I love it when you blush, your eyes light up. Thanks for the mental picture I shall sleep well tonight'

Proud2BeMe says: 'You're being a flirt! That's so cute!'

MusicMan says: 'Wasn't tonight's kiss enough?'

There was a long pause in that written conversion he paged her again, he was still feeling brave.

MusicMan says: 'Selina...I know you felt it to. Answer me please'

Proud2BeMe says: 'I'm here Nye, In all honesty...I'm just confused... maybe a bit scared'

Proud2BeMe says: 'I know what I felt I'm just worried about moving too fast. I don't want either of us to get hurt over expectations we may have if they don't pan out."

MusicMan says: 'High expectations only leads to disappointment. I only expect honesty & if I can't be honest with myself about how I feel about all of this then I don't deserve the wonderful blessings I've been given. It sounds like we're both on the same page thou."

Nye paused he knew what he was feeling now he had to see if he had the courage to tell her. He hoped he didn't scare her away.

MusicMan says: 'I understand that we could be chancing something here but I think if we don't at least try like our hearts are telling us to do then we'll only regret later on asking ourselves what if...I'm falling in love again Selina and well...I can't give up on that just because I lost someone else I cared about. Fast or not I have to do what I think is right. All I ask is you allow me the chance to give what I have in my heart.'

Proud2BeMe says: 'Oh my god, you're gonna make me cry!'

MusicMan says: 'Don't cry for me ok'

Proud2BeMe says: 'Dammit you had to go and do this on the computer, I can't even hug you now!'

MusicMan says: 'I know the cowards way out, I admit it, but I feel better, you can chastise me later ok.'

Proud2BeMe says: 'I wish you were here'

MusicMan says: 'Is it ok to say I love you? Or would that be too weird for you?'

Proud2BeMe says: 'No it's wouldn't be weird....I love you to.'

She said it. He knew now for sure. He leaned back in his chair he was beaming, he was over joyed!


Mani heard the thunderous noise and ran towards it, he had no idea what was going on. Aikrii met him in the hall and Sefron wasn't far. When they converged on where they thought the noise had come from they found Nye on the floor in his room. He was staring at the ceiling grinning like an idiot.

"What happened!" Mani asked his brother while Sefron lifted him to his feet

"You ok?" Nye was still a bit stunned. He looked at the computer screen again. He had to be sure, and there it was in black print. He sat back in his now righted chair.

"I'm fine, couldn't be better." he said in a detached sort of way still grinning.

Mani turned him around to look at him. "Are you drunk?" He asked he never seen his brother this weird before.

Aikrii pointed to the computer screen. "I think I know why he landed off kilter, She floored him, literally."

Mani looked over. Sefron was wondering to what had gotten into Nye. They all stopped in their tracks after reading the screen and looked at Nye. He was still grinning. He looked up at his brother and spoke

"She said it, I'm not dreaming right?"

Mani chuckled not able to hold back his mirth over the whole situation. "I think you better answer her first." He said as he heard the MSN notification announce she had written more.

Proud2BeMe says: 'Nye? You ok? Sorry if I floored you like that...'

MusicMan says: 'HAHAHA! Funny you should say floor! My brother's here... along with Sefron and Aikrii. Sefron just picked me up off the floor. I kinda fell out of my chair and scared everyone. Hold on ok.'

Proud2BMe says: 'LOL! You really fell out of your chair!? I have to get some sleep dear, how about you call me tomorrow ok?'

MusicMan says: 'Ok good night. Love you.'

Proud2BMe says: I shall end this conversion as I started it... X

She signed off. It was then that Nye looked at his brother, he spoke telling Mani and the other two about the evening that had passed and how he landed on the floor.

"I kinda took the chicken's way out and let the flood gates open, I couldn't do it any other way I just couldn't hold back but face to face scared me too much."

"I guess the thoughts of rejection really make people do awkward things eh?" Mani said chuckling as he and his baby brother walked with Aikrii and Sefron to the kitchen to get a drink.

"Your telling me. I didn't know whether to shout for joy or faint when she put that. Instead I fell out of my chair!"

The kitchen got quiet again as they all thought of their own first proclaimed loves. Each smiling over the memories.

"I guess I got lucky, I got a second chance." Nye smiled to himself.

"I think your Friday night will be an eye opener there brother dear. If you actually manage to move that is." Mani stood there and pondered a moment..."Yep you will be busy but you'll be talking about all of this I think more than you'll be moving."

Nye realized he was right. He smiled more. Mani looked at him and patted his brother on the back.

"Well he's smiling instead of frowning or panicking. I guess he's right, he got his second chance!"

Nye slept like a baby that night, so did Selina.

************************************ Friday started on an even keel. Selina went to work at Jump Street as she usually did. Meeting Jen in the employee stock room she grabbed her pricing gun and greeted her friend.

"Morning Jen!" she called out.

"Hey Selina, you doing restocking today? I have shipping to receive today and I need room back here." Jen called from behind a pile of boxes containing jeans

"Yep, I'll move the last five boxes out in about twenty minutes, when does the shipment arrive?" She asked Jen who usually moved stuff fast once it came in.

"Around ten ok." Jen pushed her way through the maze of boxes and made herself viewable. "I think I'm gonna have to talk to your dad darlin' looks like he over ordered on the Lentie series jeans and we'll be over stocked for a month to Sundays now." Jen shook her head as she went down a stocking list she had on a clip board.

Selina giggled "Dad was probably distracted" Jen rolled her eyes and chuckled as well. "Oh god I swear to god those two are worse than a bunch of randy teenagers."

The two ladies had their laughs and got down to work for their fun filled day.

******************************************* She woke up her tummy was rolling again. Groaning she rolled to her side. Sefron was awake and had been watching her sleep. He smiled at the aquamarine eyes that stared at him. He leaned forward and kissed her forehead and placed a hand lightly on her belly rubbing it. He shimmied closer tucking her in close to him. "How did you sleep?" He asked her like he did every morning.

"Ok" she said smiling. "Tummy is on a roller coaster ride again today thou. I wish this morning sickness stuff would calm down." She took a deep breath, She could smell Sefron's cologne and the fresh linen on their bed. Content to stay where she was thou knowing she had to get ready for work she poked her husband and decided to get her butt moving.

"I hope kiddo lets me be today I really hate missing anymore time from work." She sat up, Sefron still had his hand on her belly. He groaned at her moving. He just wanted her to stay there. She chuckled. "Come on baby you have work to."

They both got up and started to get ready. "What's up for tonight? Mardi called out to her hubby as she dug in one of the still unpacked boxes for something to wear. Their new place was a mini apartment now. Aikrii had Nye's old room converted to help them have their own space for when their little one was born.

"As far as I know we'll be ordering in as Selina will be here to help Nye move into his new place down stairs. That is if Jeff gives the ok." Sefron walked out of their room as he slid into his work shirt.

"Oh ok I didn't know we were eating in tonight. I figured Mani would cook again he's been doing that a lot lately." She walked over to Sefron and straightened his collar. "Yes he has been but Mani's been a bit distracted as of late and I'm not sure why, even Nye's a basket case lately."

"Oh?" Mardi said

"Yep, last night we found him laying on the floor after he fell off his chair he was grinning like an idiot to! Selina floored him literally." He chuckled at the memory of poor Nye with a dopey look on his face, sitting on the floor looking at his computer screen.

"Now how in the world did Selina manage to make him fall over if she wasn't even here?" Mardi asked a bit befuddled, the ramifications behind such a claim made the idea hard to swallow.

"She did it with words." He said watching his beautiful wife's eyes sparkle as he filled her in on the sweet details that lead to Nye's posterior plant on the floor.

"Oh that poor boy, he's got it bad, if she can make him fall that easily he has no chance now." Mardi giggled.

"Think he'll get all moonie like you were?" She asked him.

"Huh? Moonie? I wasn't moonie. Was I?" He said his eyes showing surprise.

"Oh yes you were baby, you treated me like glass. You spoiled me with attention as well." She smiled at him when he let off one of his killer grins. Reaching for his chocolate princess he did what he knew how to do best he made her melt. Mardi giggled as his kisses let up a bit.

"I think if Selina gets the same treatment from Nye like you dish out to me" He trailed kisses down her neck making her gasp.

"We'll all be watching two love struck people mooning over this house." She felt him pick her up. She was now eye to eye with him.

"Good god hunny don't you think you've gotten me into enough trouble?" She giggled as he tried to ravish her as she playfully slapped him.

"Nope I don't. Think Aikrii will mind if you're a bit late?" He let off a deep hearty chuckle as he watched her eyes widen at the prospect of being throughly loved by her man. She moaned at the thought and the fact that he was stroking her bottom while nibbling on one of her breasts through her shirt really turned her on.

"Ummm" he said as he pulled up her shirt and captured her breast in his mouth, lavishing attention on it till she felt she would slip from his grasp, her body like heated liquid. Her tummy no longer queezy. Butterflies took over making her float. Yes she would be late today. Sefron drunk in Mardi's beauty, and her tiny little 'baby bump' as he ran his tongue across her abdomen as he laid her down on their bed. She squirmed and panted. He knew he drove her wild when he did this to her. Whimpering she grabbed his head as he trailed down further and blowing his hot breath across her heated core. He focused his attention here running his tongue over her already sensitive folds, driving her to yell his name. He so loved hearing her yell his name as she climaxed. He chuckled as he slowly made his way back to her lips. "I love it when you scream my name baby" he ran his hand across her mound making her jump and squirm.

"Oh damn! Sefron!" He pushed against her heat and rotated his thumb causing her to have mini spasms of desire run from her desire to her belly. Her eyes closes as she arched climaxing yet again. It didn't take him long to get her to melt. He slid from his boxers, and stroked her excitement with his own, growling when she reached down and gripped his shaft. She guided him to her hot core of need, he needed no encouragement as they danced their dance of love, panting aching and craving to reach that ultimate plateau. Their earth shattering climax saw her wrapped around his hips as tight as a vice he collapsed exhausted but very satisfied. He trailed kisses along her jaw line and smiled. She ran her fingers along his jaw feeling the stubble under her fingers, She felt so loved when she was with him and so lonely when he wasn't within reach.

"I love you" she whispered as she leaned in and kissed him. He flipped over taking her with him trailing his hands down her arms and sides. "I love you to beautiful." he laid his hand flat against her belly and gave a rub, then he placed his hands on either side of her hips and pulled her forward and kissed her belly. "and you to baby." She giggled looking down into his handsome blue eyes. "I have to get ready for work sweetie, Aikrii is going to have my ass." He scooped her up and walked with her kissing her along the way. "My ass first baby" he said chuckling as he let her down to get dressed.

"MARDI!" They both turned to the voice yelling up the stairs. Aikrii was waiting for her with the limo. She slid her pants on quick tucking in her shirt. "Love you baby, see you tonight.." a quick kiss and she was off to work.

"Coming!" She yelled down to Aikrii who was getting ready to leave. She felt good this morning.

********************************************** She felt good this this afternoon as she finished the last of the restocking. Brushing her hands off on the ass of her jeans she stood back and took a look at the display she had just finished setting up. Her dad Josh walked up behind her laying a hand on her shoulder. "

It looks good, thanks for helping Jen get the restocking done. I hear I over ordered on the Lentie series jeans. "

She chuckled. "You were probably distracted by Papa D again."

Josh turned four shades of red at that statement. He jostled against her shoulder a rolling laugh as he said "Hey you're bad. Stop teasing your old man."

Now Selina really had to laugh, "You're six years older than me randier than most teens and call yourself an old man, now thats priceless!"

Josh was even redder now and Dante hearing the commotion of their bantering and the comment made. He roared with laughter at Josh's apparent speechless nature. "She's got us both there hun" he said through the laughter, he had to hold his gut his side hurt from laughing so hard.

Josh walked over to Dante and stared at his hubby. "I'm glad to have been a side splitting source of amusement for you sweetie." He then ginned and pipped up "Just remember now who's the randy one ok!" He ran a finger down Dante's jaw which only proved Josh's point. Dante growled hungrily and playfully snapped at Josh's finger.

"Ok you two, get a room, or at least take it to the office!" Selina joshed making them both turn red again. Dante chuckled. "You know she's right we do have a nice comfy office"

"Oh my virgin ears! DAAAD! Lalalalaaa!" She sang loudly as she covered her ears. Josh chuckled I guess that will teach her for teasing us to eh! With that they both walked off to their office, leaving Selina to her work

He walked through the doors of the shop he had flowers in his hand, three to be exact. A white one, a pink one ,and a yellow one. He loved carnations he hoped she did to. He spotted her. She was working on one of the back wall displays. He slipped up close to her and sweetly slid the flowers into her view.

"Oh my!" She gushed, "They are beautiful!"

She took them from his hand and stuffed her face into the flowers taking a sniff. "Oh thank you Nye!"

She turned around and looked at him. He had his head tilted and was smiling, his face had this cute dreamy look on it." She couldn't resist. She reached up and placed a hand on his cheek, up on to her tip toes she brought herself to his lips and kissed him. His arms wrapped around her like a warm blanket. He pulled her into his chest, her right hand resting on his chest while her left one still clutched her flowers which were now dangling over Nye's right shoulder. She sighed under his lips. This felt damn good. He moaned. Fingers caressed her scalp as he ran them through her hair. He pulled back and grinned down at her slowly running one of his thumbs against her cheek and brushing strands of her hair from her eyes with his other hand. He leaned forward and kissed her forehead. He still couldn't believe how lucky he was. A second chance. He sighed again. He pulled her into his chest again hugging her tight, his chin rested lightly on the top of her head as she snuggled against him. She could feel his heart racing under her hand.

"Uh-hum! Get a room!" He heard. He jumped. Selina tittered laughing at her dad's comment. She recalled the stories of Nye's old ways and how he had been teased for the same thing.

"I could say the same but apparently the office works wonders to." She shot back making Josh blush again.

"Oh!," He stomped his foot in mock frustration. "I can't seem to get your goat on those jokes" He winked after.

Selina let go of Nye and reached over to her dad and hugged him she saw Dante and decided to get them yet again with another bit of bantering. She comment loud enough for Dante to hear.

"I want a a baby sister, now don't you forget that ok." She kissed the tip of his nose and took Nye's hand. "Papa D take good care of him ok, I won't get my sibling if you keep working him so hard." with a giggle and a kiss on the cheek she waved good bye as she grabbed her jacket and keys. She was now off for the rest of the day which; she intended to spend with Nye. Dante and Josh both stood there by the cash register dumbfounded and yet happy to see their foster daughter was finally and truly happy again.

She was impressed at the couch he had picked out. I was a dark hunter green and had a very luscious nearly velvet feel to it. The arms and back were over stuffed with padding making it a very soft piece of comfort. She watched as the floor operator at the Kearney furniture store demonstrated how easy it was to pull out the hidden bed contained within it's cushions.

Nye nodded at the gentleman and the order was rang up and he asked for delivery. He was informed by four pm It would be at the house. Nye was satisfied and took Selina's hand as they mosey through the store looking for other furnishings for his place. He picked out a glass coffee table and a nice mat for his bedroom and some sheer curtains for his patio bedroom door. Satisfied with his shopping they headed off to Nye's place.

The got into Nye's car after they loaded his purchases into the trunk. He started the car and pulled out of the parking lot as Selina fiddled with the stereo. He reached over and brushed her fingers gently away and pushed two buttons making the front of the player drop. He adroitly watched the road as he placed a CD from his collection into the player. The machines facing pulled back and Selina heard the music float over the speakers. Whitesnake she wasn't surprised he was playing his romantic tunes. She relaxed closing her eyes, not wanting to ruin the perfect moment. 'Is this love' floated around them the songs question resonating in her head. Smiling to herself she had to agree it was. She felt his hand at the back of her neck and she let out a sigh of pleasure as he skillfully rubbed his fingers back and forth across her neck while still driving. She was still smiling when they pulled into the driveway of Mani and Aikrii's home. Neither had said a thing while coming here and they continued to mull in blissful silence, well aware the other was only within reach should they need comfort.

She put down the pack that contained the curtains. They would need to be washed so they didn't have the lines from being folded through them when they were hung up. She noticed the colors that Jeff's crew had put on the walls.

"Did you pick the color scheme or did someone else?" she asked Nye as he put the box containing the coffee table down by the bedroom door.

"I picked it I thought that the harvest wheat pine coloring would go great for the colors I wanted in here."

She had to admit she was impressed. The golden muted brown tone would be amazing with the rest of his furnishings once he got things settled in. The bathroom had been painted a subtle mint green and his bedroom was a extremely vibrant version of maroon. It was very contrasting to the black trim and the white bed linens. She was doubly impressed now.

"Did you really do all of this?" She was looking around still awe struck.

"Yes... Is that so hard to believe?" he asked as he walked over to stand behind her, one hand on her shoulder, looking around at all his hard work. He picked what he thought would suit him. He was maturing and the loud break his senses colors were no longer needed to get the attention he use to crave so much when he was younger. She looked over her shoulder back at him and saw he was happy with what he had chosen. She smiled to.

"Oh I believe you did it, I find it such a shocking contrast to the person I've been privileged to get to know the last while. It's different watching someone change so much.

I like the results." She turned and was happy to see he was grateful at her comments.

"Ok sweetness, we have a move to make and I want to get the rest down here, least the bed is already set up and the couch will be here soon enough." With that they got to work moving his belongings from the guest room and storage to his new place. Withing a few hours and a lot of talking they both learned a lot about each other and managed to set Nye's new place up. The radio was playing tunes so it seemed to go faster and they really had fun playing around while working. When they finished his place looked very sophisticated. The couch arrived just as Nye and Selina finished hanging the new sheer curtains in his room after they had been washed. The delivery personnel placed it where he directed it to be put, he tipped them as they left. Nye let out a very loud and heart sigh and flopped onto his new couch.

"Ahh! Finally, all done!" he patted the spot beside him encouraging Selina to sit and relax she had worked hard helping him out and she really could have said no but she didn't. He recalled their earlier conversations about how she enjoyed showing how much she cared about others by showing what she was able to do to then brag about it. He enjoyed that about her. He put his feet up on the coffee table and wrapped his arm around her shoulder as she sat. He kissed the side of her head and snuggled her into his side. She fit so perfectly.

"Thanks for being such a wonderful help Selina" He had his head tilted towards her own, he left leg was now pulled up his foot at the edge of the couch as he reached over and played with her fingers. She looked at her and his fingers twining around each other, his thumb stroking hers. She sighed in contentment and relaxed more, she was very happy.

The radio started a new tune. "Ahh your name sake is now making this evening seem even more perfect." He murmured as she heard the former singer Selena's song 'Dreaming of you' float along the floor. She smiled again her eyes feeling so heavy.

He didn't know when she fell asleep but he could hear her breathing had steadied. He thought he should get up and close his main door but figured he best not move too much as to disturb her. He tucked her in as close as he could and slowly slid to the side taking her with him. Laying with her in his new place felt so right. Heavenly actually He closed his eyes to and drifted off as well.

Mani peeked in on Nye when he got home. He was interested in what his brother would order for him and Selina when he made his rounds for tonights supper. He was moved at the scene before him when he found his brother, a smile on his face, and two protective arms wrapped around Selina. Mani couldn't resist and went to get Aikrii. He brought him back with their camera and snapped a picture of the cute couple.

"Remember when that happened for us?" Mani asked Aikrii who blushed at the memory and wrapped his arm around Mani's waist.

"Like it was yesterday hun." He lovingly whispered to him as he laid his head against Mani's shoulder.

"I think we're privileged to see love from this prospective." Aikrii commented absently, his heart going out to the two people he cared about, knowing both needed support and finding it in each other was a great thing as far as Aikrii was concerned.

"How so?" Mani asked him placing his arm around Aikrii's shoulder as he reached forward to quietly close Nye's room door

"I think we're getting to see the start of something beautiful, those two will make it, I can feel it here." Aikrii placed his clenched fist against his chest near his heart. "They are like how we were, looking for that one thing that would make us feel whole again. I'm sure if they trust their hearts they will be happy for a very long time."

Mani stopped and kissed Aikrii. "You have such a beautiful heart baby!" He said smiling "I'm glad your mine and I'm glad you think they will be good for each other, I worry about my baby brother a lot."

Aikrii giggled. He was always happy when Mani and he supported their family members in any way they could. It made life just seem just that bit better. Sighing they headed off to see to ordering supper while the two new hearts that sought solace, reached for each other in slumber. Fate blessed this place again and smiled upon them, all was well in the home, by the lake, on the hill nestled back a mile from the main road.

Chapter 6 -- A Spiritual connection

She didn't know when she fell asleep but she sure was aware she was dreaming. Selina looked around the vibrant colors the beautiful trees, she had no idea where she was. She could hear music she strained to hear the tune. Belinda Carlisle's song 'Heaven is a place on Earth' was what she could hear ever so faintly, it was drawing her towards it's source so she followed it. Looking as she walked she noticed everything was more defined, she felt a heightened sense of belonging. She rounded the bend on the path she had been following and there under a majestic weeping willow was a vision to behold, Cleo was standing there with the breeze playing against her form, making the white satin gown she was wearing flutter in the breeze. Her hair a chocolate river flowing from her light playing off of it making the satin sheen of her clothing seem so pale. She was the one singing the song that Selina heard and Selina ran to her.

"Cleo!" She cried when her friend warped her arms around her. Sobbing in her arms. "Oh Cleo I miss you so much!"

Cleo looked upon the girl she adored, the one who was protecting Nye's heart for her. She brushed her blond friends hair from her wet eyes and kissed her forehead.

"If you didn't miss me, then you'd have forgotten me." she said "and I know you haven't forgotten me because you're here."

Selina hugged Cleo tightly. "I could never forget you, you gave me a purpose, your friends saved me and I felt accepted because of all of you."

Cleo pulled back bringing Selina to eye level. Her hair was ebbing and swaying in the gentle breeze a Technicolor of browns, oranges and muted reds, like silky satin. Her orange eyes twinkled with knowledge and Selina held her breath waiting to hear what she had to say. Cleo pulled her towards a small pond under the beautiful tree and then down to the grass. She placed her hands into Selina's and spoke.

"You know you have a special gift Selina, the ability you were blessed with as a child, to read people without knowing them, to feel their hearts desires is something few get the chance to do." She picked up her hand and placed it against Selina's own beating heart "You have a good heart, and I was able to pick up on this just through the emotional connections your wonderful dad's have with my friends."

She ran her hand along Selina's cheek and smiled. "You're doing wonderfully with Nye by the way, I see him and he looks so much happier." She touched the water and a image filtered through the water like a television. She saw herself, curled in Nye's arms. He was smiling holding her tightly. They were both asleep on his couch.

"It's been weeks since he slept right. Tossing and turning with dreams, regrets and all his fears all thrown in his lap making him question everything he ever knew. Thank you for saving him. I knew I picked right when I choose you." Cleo lifted her head smiling with tears in her eyes. "Please keep the dreams and wishes in your heart as I asked, Please keep him close. I ask this of you as his life is only beginning."

Selina was concerned as Cleo's words seemed to hold a bit of trepidation.

Is this a warning?" Selina asked.

"In a manner of speak yes." She sighed. "I am your spiritual guide because we have a connection."

She took Selina's hands again. "Because of your need to help those you connect with you strive to do your best. The connection to me through your own heart was left unfulfilled." She wiped a tear from Selina's eye as it fell knowing her friend was remembering her passing.

"I think you still believe that you didn't do enough to help when it came to my illness. So in order to put you at ease you will help me in a more spiritual way, by protecting him, loving him and guiding him." Cleo smiled knowing the info she was passing through the spiritual plains was a special gift Selina was getting, how special depended on how Selina

used them.

"You shall succeeded in providing him with a blessed live and many happy memories. A trip for him is forecasted for him in the near future. This I request he not make. Please keep this in mind. I'm sure you will do the right thing to keep him in heaven on earth."

"I won't let you down Cleo" Selina said she squeezed her hands "Thank you for the blessings you've passed to me with him, I am learning what it feels like to be complete."

"Your welcome." Cleo stood hugged Selina and looked back down at her "You will hear from me again. Keep a wish in your heart, a dream to reach for and remember love him for me."

Selina smiled at her friend who kissed her cheek and then in a whisper on the wind, she slowly dissipated similar to smoke on a breeze. She was still standing with her hand reaching out to the fading wispy apparition who still spoke as she faded.

"Just talk to me with an honest open heart, we will always be connected." With that Cleo was gone. Selina yelled out to her, she still had questions, but she was gone. She sat and cried. It was her crying that got Nye's attention who in turn woke her up by rubbing her back and hugging her hard.

She snapped awake. Looking around wondering what had happened. "You ok?" He asked quietly "You must have been having a nightmare you were crying."

"I saw Cleo." She looked at him "She was so beautiful." her voice held an undefinable something like that of a soul mesmerized by a fleeting dream.

"It was just a dream baby, it's because you miss her so much." He hugged her tight. "I miss her to."

Selina pushed back. "It wasn't just a dream to me, she told me that there was a trip you might be taking." she sighed "She asked me to watch out for you Nye."

Nye was silently shocked. There was a trip he had planned for a gig that was requested in Curre for the former radio station he worked for. He would go off an on for promotional gigs, they paid him well. He hadn't told anyone he was considering on going, how Selina knew was beyond him. He looked down at her confused yet loving eyes and kissed her forehead. "I'm not going anywhere for a bit hun don't worry about me." He pushed her hair back from her face and chuckled when she smiled "Sides you take good care of me I think thats the best I've slept..."

"In two weeks" Selina said finishing off his sentence. "Bad dreams will do that to you sometimes." She said looking at him. He was now looking at her with shock on his face.

"How did you know that?" he asked quietly.

"Cleo told me." She replied honestly. "She said she was happy to see you sleeping so soundly it had been nearly two weeks since you slept without tossing or turning or bad dreams haunting you making you question all that you ever knew."

Nye was never one to believe in the spiritual plains but he knew Selina was good at feeling people out and he also knew she had this sense about her when it came to reading others, either way he was listening now.

"I slept good last night." he said

"Because you felt loved again." Selina said. "No questions to keep your mind wandering at night, Cleo did say she was happy to see you smile again. I was told to keep that wish in my heart."

"Which wish is that?" Nye asked he pulled her back into his arms leaning against the couch.

"The first wish I made, To see you smile again like you always use to." She sighed as she settled into his arms. "I'm sorry if I scared you." She said quietly.

"It's ok, You didn't scare me so much as I was worried." He smiled and kissed the back of her neck. She looked around his apartment and wondered what time it was.

"What time is it? I'm starved." She giggled as he gave her side a squeeze and picked her up.

"Come on lets go see if my brother got supper yet." He walked to the main living room door and noticed it was closed. Looks like his brother must have already been by. He opened the door. Everything was so quiet but he could still hear faint laugher coming from the way of the front hall

He peeked around the corner and noticed Mani in the door speaking to Jeff Wonders, Jeff was chuckling about something Mani apparently said. Both Selina and Nye over heard the next comment.

"Younger or not I gotta tell you Mani, I finally found the stubborn pig headed love of my life that I wouldn't give up for anything. Kinda weird I found all this out a country away." Jeff smiled while saying this and Mani chuckled at it all.

"It's amazing what life's little idiosyncrasies will do to one's out look on finding their soul mate. I'm just happy to hear you found what you were looking for." Mani gave his friends shoulder a slight congratulatory shake and then shook his hand.

"Well now that we have things in order how about I invite you to come eat with us, I have some Thai food being delivered for our meals and it would be nice to have you join us all."

Nye choose that moment with Selina to join them in the foyer and ask Mani when the food was coming.

"Soon I ordered about an hour ago but there will be plenty if you want to join us Jeff." Mani said again to his friend.

"Actually I have to beg off, If I don't get home and get my accounting records sorted I don't think I'll ever get them done." With that Jeff left.

Selina looked at Mani. "He seemed very happy, I suppose Aikrii gave the company a beaming recommendation for all the hard work he put in to here. I'm amazed at Nye's apartment, you wouldn't think it would be as cozy as it feels." She smiled at Nye who chuckled and took her hand.

"Jeff has finally gotten his fathers business to the level he wanted so he can take over, and yes he was here to pick up something he had left behind, his written recommendation from Aikrii so he can add it to the business wall. His dad will be proud, even if he's not going to be around much longer. He just found out not long ago his dad isn't in the best of health." Mani sighed for his friend, another streak of bad luck kicking him. Seemed to be the norm for Jeff now days, well at least Mani thought so. He shoved his hands into his pocket as they all got the dishes ready for the pending meal.

"WOW that sucks" Nye said, concern etching his fine baby face. He put the plates out on the kitchen island table while Selina added the silverware. "He's such a good guy too bad too many crappy things keep happening, but at least he's an excellent carpenter, that should get him far." Selina watched and listened to the conversation, she didn't know Jeff that well and only had met him a few times but she did hear what he said while he was here.

"Well not all things seem to be crappy." She added, "Back me up if I'm off track but he said he found someone?"

Mani smiled "Ahh, yes. The love of his life." Mani chuckled at the knowledge he had on that situation.

"Lets just say their meeting was of an odd combination and circumstance, one mainly being that he 'should' have been the one doing the rescuing in the situation he found himself in, but instead he was the one being rescued and by someone who's seven years younger than he is."

Selina and Nye both broke out in laughter at the concept that Jeff would be the one being rescued by a teenager. "Oh my god he must feel so awkward over that. Who is she?" Selina asked.

It was Mani and Nye's turn to bust a gut this time, both of them were hooting up a storm. When Nye was able to gasp out a response she realized her blunder.

"Se...lin...a, hahahah, Ai...krii snicker...." He couldn't go on Mani finished for him.

"Jeff's gay hun." He giggled harder at the look on her face.

"Holy shit!" Her hand went to her mouth, man she felt like a little idiot, then again....

Nye laughed harder, "good thing he wasn't hear for that you'd be worse off, he's quite...ummm, vocal when it comes to setting people straight on a few things, I would know I've been the butt of the same joke." Nye giggled more at his own past faux pas and kissed her cheek, "it's ok we all make booboos"

"Well I'll be damed, He don't come off like that, hell I thought he was straight." Selina giggled at her blunder thou embarrassed here at least she thought to herself Jeff wasn't around to see her stupidity.

The bell chose to sound at that moment but Mani didn't make it to the door, as Aikrii and Sefron along with Mardi managed to snag the delivery boy and wrestle up the food while on the way into the house after work.

"Mmmm, this smells simply divine." Mardi said as she held up one of the bags taking a deep whiff of the contents. "Oh I think I have the pad thai, I smell cilantro." She giggled as she place the bag on the island in the kitchen.

"I have the pineapple fried rice here" Mani said as he pulled the container out of the bag. "and the som tom as well."

I have something with meat here" Sefron said as he hauled something out of another bag that made Selina's mouth water just from the smell wafting through the air.

"Thats pad ga pow" Nye pointed out. "It's stir fried basil with meat, and to die for to." He reached for the container and then a serving spoon as he and the rest settled in to fill their faces.

Supper turned out to be a discussion of each members plans coming up for the beginning of the school and collage terms. Mardi, and Selina were both taking courses and Nye would be teaching this year thou under a TA position but he also had to consider his position with C.U.R.E 89.9 FM radio in Curre.

"I was suppose to do a promotional gig in Curre this month." Nye said between bites, Selina was scared to hear what was coming next but relaxed, "I think I'll be turning them down this month since I can't really afford to fly this time around."

"I could get you there if you need the help Nye" Aikrii said absently while stabbing a piece of papaya from the som tom he was eating.

"Thanks Aikrii but I'll have to say no to you to" He reached for Selina's hand. "I think I have other things here to consider here first." She smiled at that and felt so much better.

"So Selina have you told Nye what you want to do for Saturday, he did after all did make that promise." Mardi asked grinning. "You gonna torture him with something totally girlie?"

Selina paused and then answered while waving her fork in the air and taking through a half swallowed mouth full of shrimp. "Nope but I'm sure being dressed in drag he'd handle something like that if I threw it at him." she stabbed another shrimp and grinned as Nye spit his pop across the island when he head this, and started to sputter. How the hell did she know? Everyone busted out laughing. She answered the question in his eyes before he even asked it.

"Cleo told me about it, I have the pictures." Selina giggled as his eyes bugged out of his head.

"Oh my god! You have them!" Nye was as red as his hair now.

Selina leaned in against him and whispered into his ears, slowly. "Yes I do, see the princess rescues the prince this time around." She pulled back and watched the sheer shock and admiration as the facts sunk in. He was no longer held under the ax now when it came to teasing Josh and Dante. He grinned deviously at the notion.

She saw it register but jumped in as soon as she realized she would have to put her foot down. "Ahh but before those devious thought passes your noggin think twice, I will not let you tease the living shit out my my dads, got it?" She smirked and everyone else chuckled. They knew she could handle herself and realized these two were a good pairing, Nye could be a little off the wall yet Selina was grounded, they could compliment each other in the right circumstances.

He pouted but caved. "Oh ok hun, I'll be good."

"Better." she replied grinning as she stuffed a fork full of rice in her mouth while everyone else around them giggled or snickered quietly.

Sefron spoke up this time. "So you never did answer the question Mardi asked. Did you pick something for Saturday, inquiring minds want to know."

"You're all hoping I'm going to do something outrageous aren't you?" Selina's eyes opened wide. Aikrii blushed answering for all with that action, how ever simple it was.

Mani chuckled and nodded his head. "We're kinda use to outrageous or different around here, it seems to be the norm."

Selina laughed she knew about nothing being really 'calm' around this home when it came to Nye and his antics or the tendencies of things backfiring on him.

"Actually I have chosen what I wish to do I just haven't told Nye as of yet." She said as she finished her meal and pushed back her plate "As for if it's outrageous thats for a few to consider who I am as a person, I think my dad's would probably freak but...well it's my choice, but I still plan on calling them and asking them first, if they say ok then I'll tell him what I want." with that she smiled picked up her plate and took it to the sink rinsing it and placing it into the dishwasher.

"Aikrii can I use the phone in the spare room?"

"Sure." He said smiling he had a clue what she was planning, whether or not he had it right was another question.

She walked up the stairs and went to Sefron's old room which was now the spare bedroom. She went to the phone and dialed home. Dante picked up at the third ring.

"Hey papa D." she said when he answered.

"Hey how's your evening going so far?" he asked her.

"Good, I'm calling to let you know of my plans for the rest evening and well to let you know whats up."

"Oh, ok. Thanks for calling to letting us know." Dante chuckled "So whats up?"

She giggled then dove in on her plans "Nye asked me what I wanted to do for Saturday and..." She trailed off as she walked to the room door to close it she didn't want anyone over hearing what she had planned.

Mardi and Sefron loaded the last of the dishes while Sefron tormented poor Nye. Aikrii giggled at the antics that were going on he was quite amused.

"I bet she wants you to do a round of shopping with her." Sefron said "Maybe she'll try to get you into a new dress." He snorted as Mardi flicked him with a towel

"Hun don't tease the poor boy, You like our shopping excursions." She had her hand on her hip and grinned wickedly.

"Yeah and you don't have hairy legs either. The mental image of Nye in a dress is enough to give me nightmares for a year." He said shivering then laughing as he ducked when Nye went after him with a wet dish cloth flicking him to sting.

"You're such a goon Sefron!" They both giggle. "DAMN! Ow!" Sefron said as he rubbed his ass. Nye had made contact. "Thats what you get for being a smart ass." Nye said with a smug grin on his face.

Selina made her presents. "Well looks like I'm staying with you tonight Nye. Up for the challenge?"

The whole room would have heard a pin drop as she entered and made her announcement. Nye stopped dead in his tracks and then he hit the floor with a thud. Aikrii looked at him and started to laugh again.

"Look she floored him again!" Mani then cracked up laughing and Sefron followed suit. Selina smiled and walked over to Nye, offered her hand and helped him to his feet. "I guess I should stop doing that, you're gonna get bruises, and we can't have that now can we." She kissed his cheek making him blush.

He mumbled through his embarrassed state, "What do you mean by your staying with me tonight?"

"You said I could ask to do anything for Saturday, well I know what I want to do for Saturday. You slept the best when we crashed on the couch together, so ..." She watched his face to see his reaction or if things sunk in. "I want to stay here tonight so when you wake up you'll know I was here to comfort you if you needed it, maybe then you'll sleep better tonight." Mani's eyes bugged out of his head, he was stunned at her bold request and Selina saw his misinterpretation immediately.

"I only plan on crashing here for his comfort, not so he can get a piece of tail Mani." She crossed her arms and looked at him with half a scowl and a cocky grin on her face. "Just cause you and Aikrii are like my dad's and seem to be in rabbit mode doesn't mean I am." Mardi guffawed at that comment almost choking on her drink. Sefron started to chuckle so hard Selina thought he'd split a seam.

"Nothing perverted or kinky in any sense...So Nye" She turned to him and asked again "Up for the challenge?"

She asked him this as she knew he probably wouldn't sleep with her beside him unless he knew for sure what the terms were. She didn't want him being uncomfortable or weirded out either. He looked down at her and grinned took her hands and then got all mushy, something that was SO unlike Nye.

"If a simple gesture such as falling asleep in my arms is how you want to have a favor returned to you for all your help you've given me then I can only hug you tight and say it would be my honor to fulfill your request." He kissed her fingers and watched her turn all red, he was enjoying this.

Mani pipped up, "You actually asked your dads if you could do this?" Mani was kind of stunned he never thought in a million years either Josh or Dante would be so easy going on this matter.

"Actually I told Papa D in detail what I planned on doing and he has no issues with it, they both trust me and have no reason not to." She smiled and Aikrii walked over to her put his arm over her shoulder and gave her a squeeze and a peck on the cheek.

"Welcome to the family, I'm sure we'll see you here lots" with that the walked over to Mani who was still in a state of shock and pulled on his hand. "Come on babe, CSI is coming on." with that he hauled him into the living room to watch their favorite show.

Mardi walked over to Selina and whispered to her. "I think your request was the sweetest thing I've ever heard a young lady ask for." She giggled and gave her a hug. "I have jammies if you want to borrow a pair"

Selina laughed "Thanks I actually think I'm gonna pop home and grab a few things and come back."

with that she looked up at Nye who nodded his head. He went to get his keys to the car while she grabbed her jacket and cell. She popped in to see Aikrii and Mani curled up on the couch watching their TV program.

"We're heading off to my place for a few minutes so I can grab a change of clothes. We'll be back soon ok."

Mani nodded as Nye came into the living room. "Drive safe" he said to Nye who took Selina's hand

"I will." Nye said. With that they headed off.

The trip to and from Selina's place was fairly quick and Selina was left to her own accord thou Josh and Dante both gave Nye the third degree on treating Selina right.

"Guys, look. I loved Cleo like there was no tomorrow, yet Selina has shown me there's a future. Just give me the benefit of the doubt to prove to you I can do right by her ok." He was adamant in putting them at ease. "Trust her judgment as well, she's pretty smart and won't let either of us follow a stupid path."

Josh looked at Nye "I've know your brother's hubby for years and Aikrii is like my own brother."

Josh smiled as he continued. "I much rather think of you as part of our family as well. Selina is still young, fragile and has had a lot to deal with in the past. She's our daughter now and we'll do anything to protect her. You're now on the track to becoming very important part of her life."

Dante stepped in next to finish his own concerns, "and since

we both want you to be safe, we're asking that you make sure you think things through and come to us if you two need help or even go to Aikrii and Mani. We're only pointing this out so things are good for both of you."

Nye smiled he was being accepted in a whole new way and more direct with Dante and Josh now. It made him feel good.

"Guys rest assured I will take very good care of Selina, and I will come to talk to you if we need anything ok." He said standing as she walked out of her room.

"Come on daddy o's no third degree now, he's not whisking me off to elope or anything, we're gonna go watch some TV at his place, I'll be back sometime tomorrow. She reached over and placed a peck on each of their cheeks.

They headed off back to Nye's place. When they showed Nye entered through his private entrance and then poked his head around the corner through the open door of his brother's place. Selina took a peek as well when she heard "Awww" come from Nye.

She spotted Aikrii and Mani both yet again curled on the couch sleeping together. "It seems to be a common occurrence with those two" Nye said chuckling.

He left the door opened out of respect for Selina and to also put Mani at ease. He walked over to his new couch and hauled it out to it's bed form. Disappearing through the house Nye went to the laundry room where extra linen was stored and grabbed a few extra pillows and some bed linen for Selina's sleeping arrangement tonight.

"I hope it's as comfortable as felt when I tried it out the first time at the store." She giggled as she popped the movie triple X into the playstation two that served as Nye's DVD player. She then headed off to the half bath that was in Nye's place and changed into her 'I live for the weekends" nightie. She crawled up onto the sofa bed and curled up beside Nye l aying on her belly looking over the end of the pull out bed, her feet up behind her swinging back and forth. Mardi brought in the bag of popcorn Nye had apparently had going when she was in the bathroom and winked as she walked out "Enjoy the movie you two, be good now." She giggled as she headed out and Nye started the movie.

Nye turned a pretty shade of red. "I'm never gonna live this down you know." Selina poked him laughing. "Poor snookems" her laughter tinkling through the room as the previews went through.

He leaned to his side and kissed her. She caught her breath when he did that and melted, she returned the kiss He pulled back his eyes held appreciation for her presents. "I don't mind so long as I'm spending time with you." She sighed a very happy sigh of contentment and snuggled in closer to his side. They watched the movie and enjoyed the action packed flick. Vin Diesel was one of Nye and Selina's favorite actors. When it was all over Nye got up and went to return the popcorn bowl.

Selina brushed her teeth, went to the stereo and turned it on, she had a habit of falling asleep with music on. She crawled back up onto the pull out couch. She propped up a few pillows and hauled out the book she was reading. When Nye came back into the room he seemed a bit frazzled.

"Whats wrong?" she asked him.

He stammered. "Ummm..I...I don't know, I guess I kinda feel out of place right now." His cheeks turned red.

"What, your embarrassed? What ever for?" She was wondering what had him on edge now.

"I don't want to mess up, thats all" he said sheepishly as he scratched the back of his head. "Say something stupid. You know, my typical me mode."

Selina chuckled. "Hun if it's typical then I won't take what you say wrong, and you're just going to curl up and sleep. I'll be beside you because I requested to be here so you will sleep better, I'm here to be someone you can reach out for and lean on. Understand?" Selina was so much more mature when it came to matters of the head, she was a thinking person but had the same nurturing nature about her that let her be there to help others when they needed it the most, Nye liked that about her. Right now he was overly worried about nothing as far as she was concerned. He relaxed some when she reached out to him. "If you think you'll be more comfortable in your own bed just say so, I won't mind."

Nye grinned. "Ok but only if you follow me." She laughed and threw a pillow at him. "What the beautiful couch isn't as comfy as it was at the store now eh?"

"Nope." he said "It's not that. I just much rather be able to snooze with you beside me and my patio window opened letting in the smells off the lake."

She smiled, he did so have such a sentimental and romantic heart.

She helped him fold up the couch. She turned off the stereo while he brought out his gettoblaster and turned it on in his room. He opened the patio doors and slid the hidden screen in place to keep out insects. She turned down his bed sheets while he got changed into a pair or plaid boxers and a plain white T. They both crawled into his bed and curled up against each other and listened to the music coming softly from his radio. She then asked

"Are you really not going to Curre for the gig you were asked to attend?" She could feel his breath fanning across the top of her head as he gave her a squeeze. She could feel his heart beating under her hand on his chest. He was content.

"Wild horses couldn't draw me away from you." He said as he kissed the top of her head. Just as he said those words the Toto song Africa started on Nye's radio. He smiled on top of her head. He pretty much felt like the words 'It's gonna take a lot to drag me from you.... there's nothing more that a hundred men or more could do..' He was happy were he was at that moment. Selina was content to be where she was. Both let the words of the song they were listening lull them to sleep.

In the morning Mani silently popped into Nye's place to see them still contently sleeping. The sight was a sweet one. Nye was propped up on a ton of pillows dressed in his boxers and a t-shirt he had his arms tightly wrapped around Selina like she was a china doll; while Selina was curled up sideways against him. Her head was on his chest, her arm was flopped over his belly and one leg crossed over both of his. He had her wrapped in a dark green blanket most likely to ward off the chill that would have crept in with the patio window opened all night. Mani was happy his brother slept last night, he knew it had been a long time, he use to hear him at night wandering around. Mani smiled and closed over Nye's bedroom door. He knew there was nothing to worry about. He slipped from Nye's place and went to start the coffee perk, today was going to be a fun day he could feel it in his bones.

I hope you really enjoyed the new twist and suspence I added to this book this part of the series is a bit diffrent from the norm but still here for everyone to enjoy. I know there's not much "guy" stuff but hey give it time, I can't neglect the others in my story it eouldn't be a series if I did that LOL :D

Please comment if you wish and if you want mail me and ask for the link if you wish to read the whole series in it's entiriety.

Next: Chapter 16: Steppin Out III 7 9

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