Steppin Out

By Lila Mosher

Published on Oct 27, 2008


This is a series of works of gay erotic fiction. If you are offended by such material or if you are not allowed access to it under the laws where you live, please exit now.

This work is copyrighted by the author and LBL Services Canada. 1990-2008

and may not be copied or distributed in any form without the written permission of the author, who may be contacted at:

Any and all celebrities mentioned in this story have no affiliation to this piece of writing and I make no claim to their person as my own. All Mentioned places and people are factious and any bearing resemblance to anyone person or place is purley coincidental


Steppin' Out (Book 3) On the straight and Narrow - Copyright 1997-2008 By Lila Mosher Full series already E-published on line, if you wish to read it all in it's entiriety please Mail Lila and ask for the link thanks.

A love lost, a love gained, two families become closer as a third is added to the extended family tree Aikrii and Mani have created for themselves. Even through the sorrow each love thrives to florish to the best it can be. A tear jerker so be sure to have lots of tissues!

NEWS: Summer vacation is over and to those who read all my stuff on line so far, I am writing again but I also now have a job outside of my home in the evenings and I have been kept SUPER busy, so I appologise for the delays. I AM working on book 4 now but writers block has had me procrastinating on how I really want my 4th book to go. I hope to surpass this problem soon enough but I do have an inkling where I want things to go, so keep an eye out on the site and enjoy what I post. Those who are on my mailing list will be notified of when I have added the 2nd chapter to book 4.


Chapter 7 -- Lost and Found

September rolled around in Kearney in an odd manner usually there's never snow till late November or mid December but this year had been chillier. Selina was standing at her bus stop when she noticed the first flakes falling.

'Ok,' She thought to herself 'This is definitely turning out to be an odd September' She had referenced that due to a few things. Her friend Kolten was acting weirder, Mani and Aikrii had both been a bit off in a dreamy state and no one could quite put their finger on why. Mardi seemed to still be fighting with her pregnancy as it kept her feeling ill. Selina mused 'yep, odd September' as the bus pulled up to her. She stepped in the compartment of the already over stuffed bus and watched as the road moved along towards it's destination.

She looked at her watch. Nye would be meeting her at the University and helping her with the orientation that started at ten since neither one was familiar with it. Nye had said he and Mani had gone to St. Stephen's back in Curre so he was use to that one, he had only gotten one year there. This one he had no inkling on and was hoping they could navigate it together. She realized they had nearly two hours to kill.

She got off her stop as the buss pulled into the depot. Nye was leaning against the back wall talking to a few of his new found DJ friends. When he saw her his face lit up and he pushed off the wall and started to walk towards her. His friends all watching him in envy as he approached her.

"Hi baby." he said as he kissed her cheek. Selina blushed, she wasn't use to public displays of affection.

She giggled as he walked with her back towards the fray of young men Nye had been talking to.

Nye made his introductions of all the fellas. Some had weird names as far as Selina could tell and she'd be lucky to remember half and said so with a giggle.

"Ahh don't sweat it there sweets" one tall gangly dark haired fella who's name was Duke, said in a deep smooth as chocolate voice.

She even mused to herself again 'Definitely a radio voice' she smiled as he continued.

"We don't expect everyone to remember our names or faces, just our wonderful smooth voice and mixing abilities.

The fellas in the crew all nodded. One red headed fella with a voice Selina did recognize started to speak. "I already know Nye" he said and as he was getting ready to continue Selina butted in "And you can get the Curre right here..." She said imitating his voice and everyone giggled as she did his monologue for the C.U.R.E. FM radio station. "I recognized your voice" she then said

"SWEET!" He yelled, "See this is what we all mean by we only expect to be recognized for our voices."

"So this means you're famous because one Kearney resident recognizes you from an old track Nye has at home?

Nye laughed as 'Bustin' Bboi' as he was affectionately known as through Curre asked "You still have a track of my stuff?"

"Yep! Bain I do" Nye said "remember the day we did the feed for Josh and Dante when Dante surprised Josh at Jump Street, you were on live that day and we stole your thunder?"

"Oh shit yeah man! I remember. You kept that?"

"Sure did, I wanted it for a few reasons, mainly so I can do the 'This is your life' thingy for Josh and Dante when they are together a year and the new shop has been going good.

'KuputO' The 3rd DJ in the fray finally spoke "They are still together? What about your brother he still with that millionaire computer dude?"

Selina pipped up then. "Josh and Dante are my dads and yep they are still together. They got married in January."

KuputO's eyes raised. "Really? Your Josh's daughter?"

Selina chuckled "Yes I was officially adopted by both of them on January fourteenth of this year."

He looked at his friends and they all started hooting and saying congrats to KuputO and Selina had no idea what the hell was going on. Nye chuckled and walked to her and placed his arm over her shoulder.

"I was wondering when this would come about. Selina, meet your cousin Kevin Otis Trask."

Selina again was shocked. "I thought Josh had no immediate family?"

"Oh but he does," Kevin put in. "His dad is such a son-of-a-bitch that he kept his other life pretty much away from everyone. Josh has two half brothers who are older than him and an older sister as well."

Selina was more than stunned now "How come no one told him or tries to tell him...and you Nye? You knew?" She felt a bit hurt but thought she had to ask.

Nye stopped her there. "It's still all speculation Selina, there's still an investigation going on. Don't get mad yet ok." He chuckled.

"Oh." She said. "So fill me in on details then and how you assume one of my dads is a relative of yours." She wanted info. She wasn't getting any bad vibes from this person but she was still leery since she realized that some people have negative intentions when finding long lost family members.

As they all wandered the halls of Kearney University Kevin and his friends along with Nye listened to the story of Josh's dad and how he had come about having two families and how come Josh's dad ended in Curre and not in Kearney with his first family.

"Your dad's father's name is Cole Trask, he has a twin brother named Clayton They were both born in June of 1951" Kevin stopped and sat at a long table in the cafeteria they had managed to wander to. "You might want to talk notes your dad may want to know this to, I'm also paying for the investigation as well since dad passed and mom's gone I'm trying to find out all I can for both Sadonie and I"

Selina looked at the young man "You're parents are both gone?"

Kevin nodded his head yes, but my uncle is out there and I know I have other family, we're not hurting for anything dad saved for use quite well. I just need to know I have ties out there, roots. Family means a lot to both my sister and I."

Selina looked at him then to Nye. "We'll help right?"

"Indeed." Nye said with a smile "Didn't I tell you she'd be ok with this." He said to Kevin who was still beaming.

Selina looked at her watch and noticed the time had flown there was only an hour left before orientation started. "How about this give me what you know on Josh's dad now and we'll get the rest filled in during break. Orientation isn't mandatory but well I can't miss it or I'll be lost."

"We're all going" Kevin Said "But I know my way around here fairly well. This is my last year, had to take time off when mom and dad passed in late 2006, I was gone the full year but I'm back now and looking forward to finishing things here so Sadonie and I can move on."

Turns out Josh's dad Cole Trask seemed to have a very reserved but muttled life way back in the early seventies. Kevin filled her in on the info he had gotten through investigations and a lot of digging on his own through family records and internet searches.

Back in 1973 he married in a duel ceremony one of the two twin ladies he and and his twin brother Clayton had been dating in high school. Cole's wife was Celia, her maiden name was Fulton and yes that was the same daughter to the hotel chain in Kearney now. Clayton Married Celia's twin sister Celeste the same day. Continuing on with Cole's end Kevin divulged info on births of other children that she was sure Josh never knew of, brothers and a sister he still wasn't aware of. David who had been born in January of 1978. Darren who was born in March of 1979 and a sister named Deidra born in August of 1982. Cole apparently for unknown reasons divorced Celia in 1983 when he was 32 years old. He took nothing when he left thou the lawyers still left a small settlement to him, but for what reason was also unknown but it was rumored that Celia may have cheated on him and in order to keep it out of the press due to her family's reputation they paid him off to keep quiet. After that Kevin informed her it got a bit on a rocky road since the investigators lost Josh when he was 13. Selina informed him that was when Josh had moved in with his Grand mom on his mom's side of the family after Josh's dad had thrown him out for being gay. Far as Kevin knew in 1985 Cole met Josh's mom and they married two years later Josh was born. From what Kevin could see Cole never lived in any extravagance thou the monies that Celia had left him would have allowed it. Kevin also knew of Josh's mothers death due to cancer. Kevin was impressed at the bit of info he had been missing and didn't realize that Josh's mom had family back in Curre at the time that bit of info had been a bump they hadn't been able to over come till just then. Kevin excused himself quickly to make a call to his investigator so that he would know so any new and old stuff could be fixed or looked in to.

Selina was happy to see that maybe Josh would have family after all.

Nye took her hand after Kevin thanked her for her help and they all walked in for the orientation presentation. It was fast and informal thou it did hold a lot of info they all needed including some staff changes it seemed that Bain wasn't too happy with. When they all left at eleven and ready to stuff their faces with lunch Kevin offered for them to come to his place which was only across the street from the University.

Everyone was happy to head over to Kevin's place for grub and chat. Selina's jaw dropped when she saw their home. It was monstrous.

"Oh my! It's huge!" She stood in the foyer and looked down the long hall and could see two swinging doors at the end. To her right was an arched door that lead into a sitting room which was wide open and very long. The whole room save for the space that the fireplace took up was all windows with an assortment of plants taking over the sunny windows. To her left was a very long staircase that lead to the upper floor.

Kevin smiled and chuckled. "Yeah, Sadonie's mom apparently liked big, my mom thought it was a bit much but she got use to it." He lead them all down the long hall to the dual doors and pushed them opened. The next room held a very large dining room with two more doors off to the one long wall immediately ahead of them and one more smaller door to the left. Kevin pointed to the doors, and told her where each lead, the small single door goes out to the sun room where I liked to go sit and chat thats where we will go in a minute, these two doors lead to our fully staffed kitchen. He pushed one door and everyone followed when he motioned for them to do so. Selina couldn't believe the kitchen it was the size of a tennis court. There were more stoves and fridges than she could shake a stick at and staff where bustling about like it was a restaurant. A young man with a tall white hat approached them and asked Kevin with a heavy accent "Your crew will eat in the sun room no?"

"Yes Francis, we shall. Make it light ok and bring some ice tea please and thank you." He shook the young mans hand and smiled as he rushed off to do as Kevin asked.

Kevin showed them the second door. "We have a rule the first one is to go in the second one is to go out so no one bangs into each other. Makes for less mess."

He moved them along to the sun room, Selina was once again amazed at the sheer size of things in this magnificent home. The sun room was about sixty feet long and about thirty feet wide and the whole thing was all glass like a greenhouse but it did have a wood bottom section for the

main wall about three and a half feet up, the rest was smooth pale blue, green and yellow glass. Kevin informed Selina that the whole house had it's glass hand made when it was installed and it was tinted this way as Sadonie's mom had a thing for colors. He thought it made for a beautiful touch to the room and it was one of his favorite rooms.

"Take a seat everyone, sorry about the long showing but well Selina and Nye haven't been here before."

"Well I have been here." Nye said "Just not for this kind of tour." He chuckled. "I think I got as far as the front door when your butler thought I was some trailer trash and tried to boot me out."

"Ahh, Marco can be a bit of a stuffed shirt but I assure you he's been corrected on his actions towards you. Sadonie made sure of it." Kevin stifled a giggle just as his half sister walked in the door. Selina was again bowled over, these people aired the regal sense of royalty and looking at Sadonie, Selina was sure she had a clue what her mother must have looked like if the young lady before her resembled her mother in any way. She was very tall nearly six feet and had a somewhat blue white hued platinum head of wavy hair that reached nearly to the back of her knees, it was sleek and shiny like liquid diamonds. Her face was that of a light olive complexion, Her eyes

were very bright blue like the oceans of Hawaii. She in fact looked like the female version of Josh really. Selina was still staring when Sadonie looked down at her she let off the smile she recognized as the Trask family trait immediately. Selina gasped her hands going to her face as she blushed.

"Oh my you smile like my dad!" Sadonie was a bit confused and looked at Kevin, who in turn spoke to Selina. "Introduce yourself to her Selina."

"Oh, Oh my, I'm sorry." Selina stood. She offered her hand to the lady. "Hi I'm Selina Marie Ericson-Trask" Sadonie's eyes got wide and she turned to her brother.

"Family? Or dare I ask?"

Kevin grinned, "Quite possibly, she's the adopted daughter of Josh's and his partner Dante"

Sadonie looked at her and smiled again, "We're been trying to track down family for ages. You said I smile like your dad?"

"Oh my do you ever...she ran over to her kit bag and grabbed her purse. She looked over at Nye who was happy to see Selina so over joyed at meeting people who might be part of Josh's family. Selina hauled out the picture she had of her, Dante and Josh. She passed it to Sadonie and watched the young lady beam with happiness.

"Kevin, you have to see this, if he's not part of our family, god is paying a cruel trick on us." She showed the image to Kevin who asked Selina if he could copy it for his investigator. Selina gave the go ahead. Sadonie nearly crushed Selina all happy and was chatting a mile a minute, the royal persona was lost in the happy girlie chatter.

Two young ladies showed while they all chatted about family, and school and plans for the future. The ladies set down trays of iced tea and many ham and cheese sandwiches which were made with real ham and real hard block cheese. Nothing processed. It was odd for Selina to get use to. Kevin gave Selina back her picture and they all continued to speak. Kevin then filled her in on his side of the family and their history.

Kevin and Sadonie both helped in this part. Selina learned that Josh's uncle who's name was Clayton Andrew Trask was the twin brother to his dad and he to had married in a dual ceremony the second twin sister of the Fulton fortune Celeste. In the spring of April of 1973. In 1974 they had a son named Kirk who died in 1979 when he drowned in one of the hotels pools. There had been a big news uproar over it as there was speculation on whether the lifeguard who was suppose to be caring for him was under the influence of drugs at the time. On October 1st, 1982 Sadonie was born but She never got to know her mom that well as a year later her mother passed from complications due to breast cancer. She was three when her dad remarried Dominique who was a gem to be around and raised her like she was her very own. On May 14th, 1987 Kevin was born and Sadonie was beside herself as she had a baby brother.

"We spoiled him ya know." She giggled at her baby brother as he blushed. "I thought he was a living doll, I was after all only 4 at the time he was born. Selina ginned at the playful banter.

"You know Kevin, you have my dad's middle name and his birthday is the exact same day." Selina smiled again as he nodded.

"Yes I'm aware of that. I remember my dad telling me I had a cousin who's birthday was the same day as mine. I remember all the stories he told me of the family I never got to know."

"It's a shame really that Josh's dad was such and ass." Selina looked at Kevin, I take it they were twins of polar opposites then huh?

"Looks like it." Sadonie said. "Our dad was out going, loved everyone and well he was a joy to be around. He tolerated a lot and had a long fuse."

"From what Josh said to me about his dad, he was a total son-of-a-bitch big time. Use to beat Josh to." Selina frowned. It's a shame he won't accept who his son is I think family is important. I am grateful to have Josh and Dante in my life. They are the only one's I have left from all I know except my aunt Charlene."

"Well" Nye said "I think Josh will be happy to know he has family out there. He's never really felt he belonged anywhere I've known him for years and still yet have to see him talk about anyone other than his grand mom who took him in when he was thirteen."

"The rest of the investigation should go along smoothly now that we have a bit more info" Kevin said "When I find out more info I'll let you know, but I would love to be able to meet him."

Selina could see him mulling over something in his head, this young fella she hardly knew was Josh's family and she wanted to know more about him. She felt light and happy being here. She watched as Kevin pondered a few things, he took Nye and left the room for a minute while they continued to feast on the sandwiches and ice tea. Sadonie looked at Selina who was still staring at the door that Nye and Kevin had disappeared into.

"It's ok Selina he's probably trying to plan a family meeting without scaring the shit out of your dad."

Selina giggled. "From what I can see you both know my dads are gay and it seems it doesn't fizz Kevin at all so far, then dad will be thrilled to meet family who will accept him for who he is not his life choices."

Sadonie looked at Selina "It's been tough for Josh, getting acceptance from his dad... hasn't it?"

"Yeah" Selina hated talking about this part of Josh's life but she also remembered how Dante supported him when she had asked him about his family. "But I think dad is learning not everyone is judgmental now days, more and more tolerance is out there and it should make him feel more at ease, well at least I hope so anyway."

Sadonie tittered thrilled at Selina's open and honest nature. "Don't you worry I think once this is all over and we know for sure there's ties then it will even put Kevin at ease as well, If he's anything like his cousin he to feels lost without a family connection."

Nye and Kevin walked back in at that moment laughing. "We both want to see your Dad to connect with his family so Selina, Nye has agreed to keep his ears opened and we're going to let you know what happens when the investigator gets back to me in a few days ok. Once thats done there will be a big too-do here and your all invited ok."

Selina smiled "Dad is so gonna be beside himself when he finds out he has family. I can't wait till we tell him!"

"Just hold off for a bit ok." Kevin smiled "Believe me I've been itching to meet him along with getting the rest of the family hooked up with him as well. I know David, Darren and Deidra will go nuts when they finally get to meet their half brother, and he's so gonna love his step-mom she's freaking amazing."

"You met the rest of the family I take it?" Nye asked

"Yes we have. Let me tell you it's really weird seeing the face I've seen for so many years in pictures and paintings look back at me and breathing." Sadonie was very somber then, remembering the stories about the mother she never got to really know. "I adore my aunt, it's like having back the mom I never had. She's quite taken with us as well which; we love." Kevin chuckled.

"Yes a get together as soon as possible, I'll let you know whats going on soon ok."

"Sure." Selina said she was very exited now.

The lunch day ended on a positive note and plans were made to all meet for classes tomorrow They all filed out of Kevin's place to head back to campus still chattering away. "Have you ever banged into or tracked down Cole?" Selina asked Kevin as she and Nye walked hand in hand up the universities walk.

"Yes back in 2006 after my own dad died. I had to go see him, I wanted him to know his brother had passed. He didn't even know who I was and his words were "That old life is over. Thanks but I won't be attending." Kevin seemed perturbed at that memory "It was so sad to see. He didn't even want to acknowledge that someone who looked just like him, someone who was family was his brother, had died. I don't know if he was just being heartless but it sure stunk."

"How did it feel to face someone who looked like your dad.?" She asked.

"I knew it wasn't him. He was cold and unfeeling. He may have looked like him but he didn't have the same personality as my dad did."

Selina nodded understanding how Kevin felt. They made to to the main lobby area and had to go their separate ways. Selina and Nye were both in a great mood now.

"Thanks for the great lunch Kevin I am happy to finally meet a family member of my dad's I wish you all the luck you need to get your goal completed. If there's anything you need call me ok." She passed him her and Nye's numbers and gave him a hug. Nye high fived him and the rest of his crew and they all separated heading off to their professors main rooms. She and Nye walked hand in hand to their first classes. He kissed her cheek by her home room door, then he headed up to the second floor to his own class..

**************************************** At quarter to five she stepped off the bus and noticed that the car was missing. Either Josh or Dante hadn't come home yet or they had gone back out. Either way both were usually home by four on Tuesdays since Dante worked noon to four at the arobieplex teaching. She looked at her watch and confirmed the time again. She trudged to the door and unlocked it. She flipped off her shoes and placed them on the shoe stand. Grabbing her bag she headed to her room. She has stuff to go over from her first set of classes. She flopped her kit bag on to her bed and then the phone rang. Walking over she picked it up.

"Hello" she said cheerfully.

"Hey, Selina?" She could hear her dad papa D on the phone. "Can you go outside for me please?" he asked. Selina was a bit confused and said. "Suuuuree." She said looking at the phone like it was Dante himself.

"Now?" she asked

"Ummm, it would be a good idea." He said chuckling, she could hear Josh in the background laughing.

"Oh ok, hold on." She hung up the phone, there was no use in trying to look out her bedroom window since it was under the porch and she couldn't see much through there. She walked up the hall and slipped her shoes back on and headed outside. She stopped dead in her tracks when she she saw why her dad's had asked for her to come out. There in the driveway was a 2000 VW Beetle car in a wicked silver blue color. On top of it was a huge red bow.

"Surprise!" They both yelled at her. She was stunned then she squealed. She didn't think she even touched the stairs as she ran to them.

"Oh my god! A new car!"

"Happy Anniversary." Dante said. She looked at him and was confused... "Anniversary?"

"Yes" Josh said chuckling "One year ago today you came to us to get help and moved in here. We love you very much and are thrilled you're our daughter and we figured this was a good way to surprise you." Josh gave her a hug and Dante stepped in and joined them.

"I had forgotten what today was." Selina said "So much has happened today. Thank you, you two this is awesome!"

"Take it for a spin." Dante passed her the keys "It's all filled up and everything is all taken cared of so you need not worry about anything. She beamed as she sat in her car and turned the engine over.

"Oh my it's so quiet!" Dante leaned in her window and kissed her forehead. "Be careful ok enjoy baby." with that he backed off and put his arm around Josh's waist as she pulled out of the driveway.

The drive was awesome and she was thrilled with it and zipped past a few spots she knew her friends hung out at and waved at them when she drove by. She stopped about twenty minutes later, she needed to grab a drink so pulled into the local quick way. To her surprise she banged into Kolten who was just walking out of the store.

"Hey!" She said smiling as she met him outside of the store. She reached over and gave him a hug and he blushed.

"Hi Selina, how are you?" He said as he pulled back. He seemed distracted to her but she was too excited to really be concerned about it.

"I'm great actually." She said to him "My dads got me a car!" She pointed to the silver beauty and Kolten's eye got wide.

"Oh sweet!" He said "When did you get that?"

"Today" She beamed "Josh and Dante got it for me for my one year anniversary of being with them as a part of their family."

"Oh, that was so nice of them!" Kolten looked off towards the parking lot and gave the one minute sign.

"Oh I'm sorry Kolt, is someone here waiting for you?" Selina looked around.

"I have a friend who is waiting yes, so I should go. Look for me on line tonight ok, we'll talk."

With that he gave her a quick one armed hug and bustled off towards a large green truck.

Selina popped into the store and grabbed a pop and then flipped open her phone and called her dad's

"She works like a dream!" she said when Dante answered with "Hey how's the car working?"

He chuckled. "I'm at the store papa D, do we need anything before I leave?"

She waited as he asked Josh. He came back with "Your darlin' Papa J says for you to pick him up a loaf of bread and a bag of hickory sticks if it's not too much trouble, he's batting his eyes like a six year old here as well."

Selina laughed right along with her dad and replied. "Tell him if he's a good boy I'll bring him back his treat."

She listened as Dante relayed the message only to get a perverted comeback in which they all laughed to as she rang in her purchases.

"Tell him I'll be there in a few minutes ok. I'm leaving the store now."

With that she hung up. She hopped back into her car and headed back home. Today was turning out to be an odd day and she still had the feeling that this month was still going to be odder yet.

Chapter 8 -- Scared ***************** Friday found Aikrii sitting in the living room area of his new home office, It was located to the far southern wall in the living room on the opposite side of the china hutch which was in the kitchen. He had purchased office equipment so that he could work from home as often as he could when there wasn't much going on directly at the Nessix office. Troy being a very easy going boss and letting him have as much free time as he needed within reason. Aikrii had informed Troy of future plans that were in the process of starting a family for he and his partner and he also asked for it to be kept on the down low as he didn't want every single woman trying to bang down his door trying to get a 'free ride' as Mani tended to call it. People could be greedy and selfish and would and Aikrii also knows that some have actually done some nasty stuff just to get rich quick.

He was just finishing off a IM with Troy as well as a working with one of his IT friends Dylan who was helping him manage the actual physical prototype for Nessix's newest portable aid product. In the last year and a half he'd been working with Nessix he had created well over eighteen new portable aid products, and forty-five software programs that helped special needs children and adults alike. He stretched as he let Dylan go and placed his pencil on the desk and leaned in his office chair. He was startled by the phone ringing, it was so quiet in the house today so the shattering ring scared him out of his skin. Fumbling, he reached for the receiver and answered.


"Yes, Hi I'm Janice from C.U.R.E. Fm Radio. I'm calling for Nye Tskii, is he in?"

"Not that the moment, but I can take a message." Aikrii said as he picked up his pencil again.

"Let him know his flight for the promotional gig he's doing tonight and tomorrow is booked. I'll give you the info hold on." She put Aikrii on hold for a moment then returned "His fight leaves at six tonight and lands in Curre at seven pm. Can you inform him his tickets for flight 297 Curre will be waiting at ticket wicket 34 all he has to do is pick them up."

Aikrii wrote things down and repeated them back to her and then thanked her and hung up.

He took the piece of paper and stuck it to Nye's room door. He looked at his watch and realized the time. He picked up the phone made his call and then exited their home. His driver waiting with the door opened as he locked up. He would meet Mani at work and take him out to supper tonight. They did need some quite time to themselves.

He walked in after unlocking the main house door, it was dead silent. Nye looked around and was shocked to not see Aikrii working like he usually found him now days. He went to his place and noticed the note. He pulled it off and looked at it. He was shocked to see someone had called him about the gig he was suppose to do but he had called last week and told Diane he wasn't coming. He guessed that someone messed up, but that wasn't his problem. He grabbed his phone to call when it rang in his hand scaring the shit out of him. He nearly dropped it. He fumbled before answering it.

"Yo! Nye here" He said

"Hey NYE! He could hear Bain on the other end and was surprised to hear his voice.

"Hey Bain, what's rockin'!" He asked his DJ pal. "Me if I don't get a replacement, I need you for a gig tonight, pays 800, interested?"

"Shit! Sweet! Sure, where and when?" Nye asked his prior task and note forgotten as he got preliminaries on the event that lead to Bain calling him.

Nye hung up his phone and put it into his pocket and smiled this was going to be a rocking night. He walked into his room and fetched his computer and his mixing board and other DJ equipment he'd need. Bain told him that the sound system the people he was hosting for was top of the line so he wouldn't have to stop at Bain's to get his. He locked up his private entrance, exited through the main living room door, he set the house alarm and then went to his car, plopping his gear into the trunk. He then headed off to Elgin St in down town Kearney to his evening gig at Hoppers, not knowing what time it would be over. He smiled and thumped his foot to the tunes he had playing on his CD player, his cell inadvertently fell out of his pocket, silently falling between his seat and his console.

******************************** Josh shooed her out the shop door telling her to go home, he knew she had studying to do and he wanted to get the shop closed down quickly.

"Look thirty more minutes, I'll meet you at the house ok, just go. I know you have stuff to do so move your ass, I won't be here forever." She sighed and leaned over and whispered to him.

"Sure it's only going to be thirty minutes?" She giggled as she watched him blush.

"Aggg! Will you get out! ... Go! Go! Go!" He did actually push her out of the store while she was laughing the whole way.

"Bye dad, don't be too long now!" She waved as she walked up the hall of the mall. Grabbing her cell from her pocket she dialed Nye's number and let it ring only to get his answering service. She head part of the song Santa Monica, by Savage Garden play 'On the telephone line I am anyone, I am anything I wanna be....beep, beep' then Nye's voice 'Yep, I know you think I'd be more original since I'm a DJ, but I'm too busy to consider it other wise I'd have answered your call, so leave a message I'll get back to you!"

She giggled at his message he always had something unique on his phone each time she called.

"Hey hun call me when you get the chance ok, love you."

She hung up and headed home. When she got in she started supper and had the TV going in the background listening to the TV show that was on. Six thirty rolled around and right on the nose Dante and Josh walked in.

"Told ya I'd only be thirty minutes." He grinned as he pecked his daughter's cheek while lifting the lid on the pot to the stew she was making. "Mmmm, that smells wonderful Selina." She could just see Josh drooling. Dante sucked in a deep breath as well savoring the wonderful scents coming from the stew she was making.

"Oh!" Dante said looking down at his tummy which was making some god awful noises in protest at not being fed right then and there. "Ok looks like I'm slightly starving. I'm gonna go jump in the shower before we eat ok." He headed out and Josh wasn't too far behind him.

Selina called out "twenty minutes ok and it'll be ready."

She looked at the clock, usually Nye called by now so she called the house directly. Mardi answered the phone.

"Hey Mardi, Nye wouldn't happen to be there is he?"

She asked Selina to hold on while she checked. She came back to say no. "It looks like he had a gig tonight there's a note on his table in his place. Do you want me to get Aikrii to call you back about it, it's in his hand writing so I assume he knows whats going on."

"Thats ok Mardi I'll just call his cell when I have a chance ok, thanks." She let Mardi go and then continued on with getting supper done.

Around 7:40 pm everyone had been served supper and they were just finishing stuffing their faces when the local news came on, they were covering a major breaking story that was occurring in Curre at the time. Without paying much attention to the action on the screen she reached over and grabbed both Josh and Dante's plates and walked them to the kitchen sink, she rinsed them off and placed them into the dishwasher. Drying her hands she grabbed the house phone and called Aikrii's cell.

"Hey Josh" Aikrii said when he answered.

Selina chuckled "Wrong one, but close enough."

"Oh Selina hey! Sorry about that, it's usually your dad calling, habit I guess, I see bro's number and I think it's him. What can I do for you?"

"Was just wondering what's up with Nye, Mardi said something about a gig, I was looking for him and I can't get through to his cell."

"Oh, ok yeah someone from C.U.R.E. Fm called today and left a message for him about his flight time and where he could pick up his tickets. I thought you knew."

Selina had wandered out to the living room by then and sat heavily on the couch at the news he had given her. The news just then flashed apparently for the second time footage of the current breaking story in Curre.

Selina held her breath panic setting in. "Did you say fight to Curre?" She stared at the screen as she a large flaming section of a road on fire.

"Yes" Aikrii said "Is there something wrong Selina?"

"I don't know, you don't happen to know which flight number it was?" Her voice held panic and he could hear it.

"Selina what's wrong?" He asked.

"Aikrii" She asked more forcefully. "Do you remember the flight number?"

"No." He answered, "Call home and ask someone there to check ok. Whats going on?"

"I don't know yet." She replied and she abruptly hung up as she watched the news on TV unfold.

******************************* "Yes John the scene here at Curre's MacDonald's Airport is that of chaos and panic, loved ones are said to already be calling in trying to find news on their family members who may have been involved in this very tragic accident."

"Katie, what if any is the unofficial death toll so far?"

"John right now there's only speculation on flight 297, there were a total of 219 passengers and nine crew members. Right now they are saying only fifteen survivors have been pulled from the wreckage. So right now, anyones guess is just that."

The news played out before Mardi's eyes, the paper in her hand stating the flight number Nye was on. She had Selina on the phone one minute the next she was on the floor sobbing with Sefron's arms around her and she was screaming to turn on the TV. Selina on the other end wailed in agony with the news that the flight number was the same one Nye was booked on. Josh and Dante were stunned to say the least, it was Dante who got clarification from Sefron on just what the hell was going on. Josh freaked. He hung up from Sefron and dialed Aikrii's cell number.

"Hey Selina." Aikrii answered.

"Umm it's me bro." Josh said

"Oh I though it was Selina calling back what's up?" Aikrii had cheer in his voice, it was soon replaced with shock when Josh relayed to him that the flight info that he had taken earlier was the same flight number that crashed in Curre only a half hour earlier. Aikrii passed this info onto Mani who also freaked. He took Aikrii's phone and told Josh they were on their way home to meet them at the house.

Josh hung up and looked at Selina. "We have no news for certain that Nye is on that flight, we're all going over to Mani and Aikrii's placed ok."

"She told me to make sure he didn't go on this flight, she warned me." Selina said to no one in particular, still stunned at the news.

"Who told you baby? Who told you not to let him go?" Josh asked as he helped her to her feet.

"Cleo" She said staring almost threw him her eyes somewhat glazed over in shock.

They all rushed off to Aikrii and Mani's place pretty much meeting up in the driveway nearly at the same time.

Mardi was a total wreck and Sefron had a hell of a time consoling her. Mani started to make calls to the airport to ask questions but got nowhere fast. Aikrii had an idea and called Troy. Their television was still on covering the news. In about ten minutes the news was interrupted with new information.

"Katie I hear you have more news about some of the passengers?"

"Yes I just recently learned that Curre's youngest Millionaire who works for Nessix's Computer industry, the creator of the portable translator is claiming his brother in law may have been booked on this flight but he's getting no more info than other family members and he's finding that the airports handing of this crises is appalling."

"How was this info brought to your attention Katie, is it true that Troy MacKinnon actually called you directly?"

"Yes John as a matter of fact I still have him on the line now as we speak he's informed me he's watching our coverage in his vehicle as he heads over to the possible victims home to see his family members whom he's friends with."

"Well we all hope that they get the news they are seeking and may I say from all of us here at SeaTV we send out condolences out to all the families of the victims of this tragic accident, and wishes for a speedy recovery to the fifteen victims who were rescued"

Aikrii walked to the main front door and opened it hoping to catch Troy as he pulled in. He was surprised to see News vehicles pulling into his driveway along with Troy who managed to walk out of his limo and to the door before being mauled by the media. Aikrii shut the door quickly. Troy gave him a hug and said sorry about the bad news. They then heard the news hounds converge on to the front walk way like many starving hounds looking for a morsel to eat.

"Shit!" they rushed back to the living room "Look out guys it's gonna get messy, the media are crawling everywhere and now they are here."

The news on TV flashed a number for family members to call to confirm whether one of the fifteen who were pulled from the wreckage was one of their family members. It was then confirmed that all other remaining 204 victims are counted as perished. Selina was overwhelmed and through her sobbing she called the number and gave Nye's name. The lady on the other end said that out of the fifteen that were rescued none had the name she had given, she then apologized and informed her in order to identify his body from the remaining accident victims she'd have to bring a toothbrush or a hairbrush.

Selina wailed as she hung up the phone. Troy was by her side as he watched Selina collapse with grief.

She fainted. Troy picked her up.

"Poor darlin is over come. Where shall I put her?" He asked

Josh and Mani directed him to Nye's apartment. He placed Selina on Nye's bed and covered her. It was then that they heard more commotion in the living room. Mardi was having issues and being pregnant the stress was overwhelming concerned Sefron called for an ambulance. The ambulance pushed through the mess of media hounds and made it to the front door, When Sefron answered they all pushed asking questions. Sefron looked at them all and yelled.

"This is private property, if you all do not clear off I will be calling the cops and having each and everyone of you charged now get the hell out of the way my wife needs help!"

The ambulance crew made it to Mardi who was strapped in and they moved out. "Sef hun, Clear these assess off and come see me ok. I love you." Mardi kissed his fingers as they loaded her into the back of the ambulance. He glared at the few who dared to remain on Aikrii's property, He decided his job was time to be enforced.

"Last warning! I am the hired security here! If anyone isn't off this property in thirty seconds I will be forced to use the necessary force to remove you myself! Have I made myself clear?"

Two guys standing by the end of the walk way picked up their cameras and even to the protesting of the journalist who was trying to get the scoop walked away saying it wasn't wroth loosing a three thousand dollar camera to a pissed security guard who's wife was just rushed away in an ambulance.

Only one remained. She looked at Sefron and spoke. "Before you toss me, ask Dante If I can speak to him he knows who I am and so does Aikrii, I did go to school with them both after all."

Sue watched as Sefron begrudgingly walked back into the house and got Aikrii and Dante's attention.

He informed them that a journalist out side the only one who still didn't leave even after being threatened forceful removal wished to speak to them claiming she went to school with them both.

Dante chuckled he knew who it was Aikrii knew to and both of them together said "Sue!"

Sefron was surprised to see they both looked happy about knowing she was around.

Aikrii walked out to the door and peeked outside. He spotted Sue. "Hey woman get in here NOW!"

She ran for the door quickly. He camera man right behind her. They both slipped in and he closed the door.

"Oh my god you're a sight for sore eyes!" Sue said to her former school pal. "How are you guys all holding up?"

"We're trying to get info from what we know Nye wasn't one of the fifteen who were rescued after the crash." Mani had joined them at the foyer.

"Do you mind me being here Aikrii? I won't record anything if you don't want me to but I am doing my job I just want to think of my friends first this time around. I'm worried for you all, I seen your bodyguards wife leave in an ambulance. Everyone must be stressed beyond their limits."

Aikrii gave Sue a very strong hug. He pulled back and looked at her and spoke with trust "Sue you have a job and so do I thou I will allow you to record, it's all to be edited here and yes I have the equipment. I don't want us looking like idiots on TV if one of us breaks down. I hope you understand."

Sue smiled "Hun I understand. Man it's good to see you again, it's just a shame it's on such horrific terms. Come on lets go sit, I'm sure you could use the chance to relax."

Aikrii took her to the living room the other following and Sefron leaving to go see his wife, the others agreeing to show when they could. ***************************


She was drifting, the sky was all around. She panicked trying to find something to grab onto but there was nothing. Looking around she noticed the light it was small and fleeting and it grew as it drew her forward into it. 'Was she dead?' She wondered. Selina watched the light grow until she noticed she was flying down to a garden, it looked familiar, she watched as the scene before her grew, she then realized it was the one she had visited before. She landed gingerly as she came closer to the weeping willow tree.

She looked around, Cleo wasn't in sight and the tree had many more leaves but they were different colors now. She called out. "Cleo, I need you!"

"I'm here."

Selina looked towards the voice and walked in that direction. She spotted Cleo sitting at the edge of the pool. She sat beside her and looked down at the images she was watching. She saw Mardi in the hospital with Sefron sitting beside her and a doctor. She saw Aikrii talking to a lady with a man in the back and a camera. She saw Mani, Dante and Josh all sitting around Aikrii looking quite sad.

"I failed Cleo, he's gone." She cried into her hands her sobs wracked her body.

"You didn't fail my dear." Cleo said calmly

She waved her hand. Selina through the tears saw Nye he was smiling and there was music all around him. She could hear the song 1000 miles by Vanessa Carlton.

She looked at Cleo, "How didn't I fail, he was booked on that flight."

"He never went." Cleo said. "He's working at a gig your red haired friend booked him on."

"Bain?" She was shocked. "Where is he? We can't get a hold of him."

"Where the music hops and never stops you will find the love of your life safe and sound." Cleo touched her cheek kissed her head and shoved her hard. She felt like she was flying but screamed as she went back into the air.

*************************************** He head her scream and he bolted leaving everyone on the couch. Josh made it to Selina's side in less than three seconds, everyone else followed.

He looked at her as she reached for him tears in her eyes. He hugged her close, "It's ok baby we're here." He could only imagine how bad her heart was aching now that she lost two friends.

"Answer this" She said against his shirt. "Where the music hops and never stops you will find the love of your life safe and sound. What place would fit that?" She asked as she pulled back.

Mani looked at her like she was a bit nuts but Sue was the one who answered that question.

"That's part of the slogan to Hoppers, it's a dance club over on Elgin St. Why?"

"Nye wasn't on that flight" Selina said. She was so calm. Everyone thought she had lost her marbles.

She looked at her dad, "Do you trust me?"

"With every fiber of my soul." He answered "Your my baby girl, both your dad and I trust you."

"Then listen to me when I say, Nye wasn't on that flight. He's at Hoppers. Bain got him a gig. He took it."

"How do you know this?" Sue asked.

Selina backed up and looked at the lady and asked for her hand, Sue did as she was requested. Selina took her hand and looked hard at her. She didn't usually do this but this lady made her want to.

"I know this the same way I know you went to school with Aikrii and my dad Dante."

Sue chuckled, "Ok they spoke about me but that doesn't mean they told you about your friend."

"Nye is my soul, my heart and the air I breath." Selina said to the lady making sure she understood that Nye was more than a friend.

Dante interjected on the comment Sue had made. "Umm actually Sue, she's never been told about you."

Sue looked at Dante. "Ok so how did she know?"

"Do you believe in Spiritual connections? Do you believe people have the ability to read others?"

Selina asked her.

"I do, and there are days I wished I had that ability, then I would know a worth while interview when I seen one and I could weed out the liars." She smiled at Selina. "You read people then?" She asked not seemingly too thrown off by Selina's question.

"I do, I also have a spiritual connection that links me to Nye through a friend who passed not long ago."

"Fascinating" she said looking at the girl with awe and amazement "Do you mind if I record this, I want to see the outcome."

Selina nodded. Aikrii tried to protest but Selina looked at him and said "I'm right ok. Don't worry I won't make you look like an ass, there won't be any need to edit the footage either." With that she got up and looked at her dad Josh. "Take me to Hoppers please." Selina and Josh piled into the car along with Dante. Mani and Aikrii with Troy followed in their car and Sue and her camera man followed in their own van.

It took twenty minutes to get to Hoppers. Selina waited as they parked and then proceeded to the door. The bouncer stopped her.

"ID" He said.

Troy walked up to him and spoke to him privately, the bouncer walked into the bar and brought out a small fella who had bright blue hair.

"You're looking for Nye?" he yelled over the beat pounding through the open door.

"Yes, we're family, there was an accident and we thought he was on the flight that crashed in Curre, he was suppose to be on it." Mani said to the young man. "I just want to see if my baby brother is ok."

"Why does she want in then?" He asked pointing to Selina.

"That's his future wife!" Mani said to him close to his ear so he could hear over the music playing.

"Oh shit, sure then if you're only going in to check then by all means go ahead, he's on the second floor." The blue haired man let them in and they all followed Selina. She spotted him and ran.

He felt her presents and he turned in time to see her flying toward him, a look of relief on her face, why was beyond him but he was glad she was there. He grabbed her and hugged her tightly as she crushed him sobbing and smiling and talking a mile a minute.

"Oh my god I thought you were dead, we all did." she kissed his cheeks and ran her hands through his hair.

Sue was recording it and was so impressed. She walked up to Nye and asked him if he had heard about the plane crash in Curre tonight. He hadn't and was stunned to learn it was the very flight he was suppose to be on.

"Damn, Selina you were right!" He took her cheeks and smiled down at her, "You saved my life"

"We really thought we lost you" she said "I thought I failed on my promise to protect you."

She hugged him again.

"Oh sweetie you could never fail me." Nye's eyes held his love it was visually apparent and anyone who saw that tender moment would know it was there. Sue's camera man caught it all.

Things settled down after about an hour. Selina was insistent that she stay by his side but the blue hair guy who's name was Tuck wanted nothing of it. Nye told him what had happened and how he wouldn't have been even there if it wasn't for her and Bain. He said he couldn't allow it due to regulations, she was under age.

"Can you give me an hour break then? I'll be back as soon as I can ok." Nye waited to see what he'd say to make sure he got a yes he added "I can set up and hours worth the tracks you won't loose a single beat ok. I just want the booth locked I don't need my stuff pinched."

"Ok." Tuck said "An hour anymore and I'm docking your pay!"

Nye gave Tuck a slap on the back and grabbed Selina's hand took her in the booth set up an hours tracks in about two minuets and left with his friends and family along with the lady with the camera.

"She found you because of a dream, how does that make you feel?" Sue asked Nye.

"You guys get to have a happy ending you know that right?" Mani said he was so happy to see his baby brother alive and kicking, "I was scared shit less when I thought you had been killed on that flight"

Sue looked at Mani "A happy ending out of a tragedy is always a good thing, so Nye got an answer for my question?"

Always Sue, forever the journalist.

"Selina and I have the same connection I use to have with another person that I loved dearly, the only difference now is she has that connection with her now and it's a spiritual one. I'm grateful to have two guardian angels looking over my shoulder and watching out for me, at least I know I'm loved."

He hugged Selina and kissed her forehead. Smiling down at her.

The interview that Sue was putting together was going to be amazing, a love story, a positive outcome from a tragic situation. She tied up her interview and then spoke to Aikrii.

Nye took Selina aside and kissed her so soundly she was left breathless and weak in the knees.

"I love you!" he said to her "Thank you." He shuddered as he hugged her tightly the shudder was of fear the thought of loosing the ability to hold her in his arms.

She hugged him back just as fiercely She sighed in his arms knowing just how he was feeling, she could read the fear in his heart at not being able to hold her, She knew in her heart that wouldn't happen for a very long time. She looked up at him and ran her hands through his dark auburn hair and pulled his head down and kissed him again. Neither noticed the camera trained on them.

Next Morning: News paper headlines

A tragedy with a happy ending for one lucky couple

Out of a tragic situation this one reporter was able to find a happy ending for one family. Aikrii Oratii, computer genius and one of my former school friends though his family was made smaller by one with the possible tragic loss of his young brother-in-law Nye Tskii.

Nye is the baby brother of Mani Tskii, Aikrii's life partner and owner of Pic it Prints and Tskii's Ti-kwon-do in Kearney.

The situation leading up to the possible loss was due to a gig Nye was suppose to attend in Curre. Family thought he had gone to do a gig for the local radio station C.U.R.E. Fm. Speaking to Nye's girlfriend Selina Ericson-Trask I got this from her.

"I was so scared, watching the news and knowing it was the same flight he was booked on." I could see the fear in her eyes and wanted to reach out to her. "I thought I had lost him forever and after just loosing a good friend it was too much for me to handle. I apparently fainted." She looked very upset at the whole ordeal, her family thou was there to help her along.

She did faint and was laying resting in Nye's private abode which is connected to his brothers home when I had the privilege to meet this wondrous young lady who told me who I was without ever meeting me before. Not only was I witness to her ability to 'read' me but she informed everyone that Nye hadn't been on the flight and lead everyone directly to where he was working that evening much to my surprise but to the great relief to his family. He was alive and well and thankful that his girlfriend was watching out for him. He stated when I asked him.

"She found you because of a dream she claimed to have, how does that make you feel?

In turn he replied like it was nothing new

"Selina and I have the same connection I use to have with another person that I loved dearly, the only difference now is she has that connection with her now and it's a spiritual one. I'm grateful to have two guardian angels looking over my shoulder and watching out for me, at least I know I'm loved."

He then in turn hugged her and kissed her forehead. The love was so strong between these two it made my heart go out to them both, they were luck enough to have a happy ending. I for one am pleased to know that a friend and his family are still together only because a destined flight that would have, could have lead to one young mans untimely demise was forgone and left to see this couple to continue their future together, it really makes this reporter think that if angels don't exist then there's something definitely out there protecting these two.

Sue Swain Sea News/TV

Catch this story and many others at 6 pm on our sister station SeaTV

Nye folded the paper and passed it across to Mani who was smiling. "I'm just happy your still here with us bro." Selina leaned into her boyfriend. She had crashed that evening at his place, after last nights drama she wasn't leaving his side. She planned on staying with him tonight as well. He draped his arm around her shoulder, "Well have to watch the news tonight to see how the video version to that story turned out." Nye gave a hearty chuckle as she smiled and sighed she was too content to have herself right where she was, parked by his side.

Sefron walked through the door with Mardi, Sefron knew of the evenings events but Mardi wasn't aware he was back and when she seen him she boogied her big belly right to him and for a tiny lady she squashed the living shit out of him.

"Oh my god your ok!" she kissed his cheeks and ran her fingers through his hair. "Yep, I'm not dreaming he feels real enough" everyone giggled everything would return to normal soon enough.

Selina took Nye's hand reached over and hugged Mardi "Welcome back home"

Chapter 9 -- Family ties ********************

After all the drama from the plane crash was over and things settled, Selina and Nye spent a lot more time together. Every Friday she would pick him up after class and they'd head to his place for the weekend.

Mardi was doing much better since that stressful day. She also found out what she was having that evening to and the only one who knew was Selina who gave her a water color painting for her baby's room and whispered, I won't let anyone know so have 'faith' that the secret is safe. She giggled as she also used the name Mardi had picked for the beautiful baby girl she was expecting. Mardi was always impressed on how Selina had a way with doing what it was she did.

Halloween was fast approaching and plans for a visit with her aunt Charlene were fast approaching as well. She sat at Nye's computer and re-read the e-mail her aunt had sent her


Subject: Visiting arrangements

Hello Selina thanks for your last letter. I'll be down that way for my rescheduled break. I know I said I'd be down before classes started back in September but due to a new employee change and some shuffling on the board down here I was delayed. I had to waylay my vacation time so have decided to wait till it was more convenient for you so that I can visit with you and your family. Mail me back and let me know if Josh and Dante are ok with my dropping by. I'll be staying at the Ramada inn and I'll be arriving on the 10th. My flight lands around 7 pm. Can't wait to see you.

Much love

Your Aunt Charlene

Selina was happy her aunt was coming but it was a bugger it was falling on a Friday, As usual a weekend which she usually spent with Nye.

"Oh bugger!" she said sighing.

Nye reached over her shoulders and gave her a hug leaning down looking at the screen. "What's wrong?" He asked her.

"My aunt Charlene, I don't know her all that well but I like her, she's the only family I really have thats blood related. She's from my mom's side of the family and well I want to see her but she's coming next Friday for her vacation that had to be rearranged and well is messes up my time with you. She's staying at the Ramada Inn."

Nye chuckled "Hold on a min ok babe." He kissed the side of her head and walked out of his place.

She watched him disappear through the door that went into his brother's place. It was a good twenty minutes before he returned and it was with his brother.

"Nye has told me your aunt is coming from Curre for a visit?" He said

"Yeah and it's on my weekend here, I don't want to loose out on time with her but I don't want to leave Nye out of it either, I like my routine." She blushed at her statement but at least she was honest.

"Well how about this, since you're here on the weekends why not invite her to stay here, we have the room and you can spend quality time with her as well as Nye. No one looses this way."

Mani smiled hoping she liked the idea which Nye had suggested.

"Oh wow I can tell her she can stay here, it'll save her from having to stay at the Ramada, are you sure it's ok?"

Mani chuckled "Selina I wouldn't have offered if it was going to be any trouble, besides we have a huge house!"

She grinned and when Mani left the room she stood walked to Nye and kissed him soundly making him feel like he was melting, he arms snaked around her waist. His throat growl let her know her form of thanks was well accepted. She chuckled as she ran her hands through his hair. "Thanks for asking Mani if she could stay here. I don't think I would be able to bare time away on my weekends here."

He smiled down at her. "Anytime sweets." He kissed her again and then said "Mail her back and invite her, if she declines let Aikrii and Mani know and they will most likely pay for her stay at the Ramada instead. Either way she will save money."

She giggled and then went back to Nye's computer to return her aunt's mail.

To: Subject: RE: Visiting arrangements

Hey Auntie CC!!! HUGS!

I was speaking to my boyfriend earlier and informed him of your impending visit which I am greatly looking forward to. On Fridays Nye and I usually spend the weekends together so he thought what a better way then to get us all together and so you can see and meet all whom I call family now days then by staying in Mani and Aikrii's home as Nye's guest. (Mani is Nye's big brother by the way) So we're all officially inviting you to stay at the Oratii-Tskii home for your duration of your vacation. Please do not decline the invite we're most looking forward to your stay and there is plenty of room and it's more homey compared to a hotel. Please write back and let us know if you will accept this invite. Also to let you know Nye and I will be at the airport to pick you up. We'll meet you at the gate so you do not have to huff your luggage. Much love to you


She hit send and sat back in his office chair. Nye approached and leaned over her looking down over her head and pecked her on the nose.

"Come on I'm starved, lets go eat."

Saturday morning at Nye's started in a very odd way, for one when Selina woke up Nye wasn't beside her. She thought 'Oh no, more bad dreams.' She figured that they had stopped by now and she didn't find him as depressed now days but it had been over a month since Cleo had passed. It then dawned on her that Cleo's would have been birthday was approaching. Sighing she thought to herself again 'He's probably mulling again.' She stretched and yawned and threw her legs over the side of the bed. She didn't even get to touch the floor when Nye walked in seeing her awake he decided to be silly and galloped to the bed and flopped on it bouncing her. He was holding the house phone and put it back to his head and spoke.

"Yep she's awake, want to tell her or shall I?" He smiled and then passed her the phone.

"Hey sleepy head." the voice on the other end said. "Ever hear of the saying you're your own father's mother's daughter?"

"Huh? Who's this and what's with the riddles this early in the morning?" She was still half asleep and the confusion pouring from the mouth piece of the phone wasn't something she wanted to deal with.

"The investigator called, I have some amazing news for you." Kevin said chuckling.

"Oh! Hi Kev, sorry still sleepy." She said yawning for emphasis. He chuckled at the sound and said

"Thats quite ok I'll give you time to wake your brain you'll have to have it functioning when I fill you in on the info I have." He took a breath and continued, "Oh and call your dads both over to I'll see you all at lunch time, I'm so excited on what I have to tell you!"

"Why do my dads have to be here?" She asked.

"Don't ask just do ok, Nye knows a little I explained but he's not gonna spill either, so don't go getting any ideas." Kevin chuckled as he heard her groan at the knowledge he had an idea what she was thinking.

"I'll see you soon ok." Kevin hung up. Selina held the phone in her hand looking at the receiver like it had just burped in her hand.

"Ok that is odd, Nye...whats going on?" She looked at him with one eyebrow cocked up while the other was furrowed.

"OH no! You'll get nothing from me, call your dads and get their happy asses here."

She did as she was told and when lunch time rolled around both her dads were there and they were just as confused as she was. Mani and Aikrii were also interested on what was going on as well.

Selina yelled out from the foyer that their guests were pulling in and everyone marched to the front door to see Kevin pull up in his limo. His driver exited from his seat and opened the passenger door. Kevin slid smoothly from the back seat and reached in and took his sister's hand and helped her to delicately remove herself from the seat, her long legs always seemed to be too long for any of the cars.

Josh laid his eyes on the beauty before him and had to admit for a woman she was stunning and yet oddly familiar. Another body slid from the back seat as well this one was a dark man of extreme stature. When he stood he towered over nearly everyone and was still two inches taller than even Sefron what was six foot eight. They could look at each other eye to eye. Sefron reached out and shook the mans hand and welcomed everyone to Aikrii and Mani's home and introduced himself as Aikrii's security, He learned the towering tree of a man was named Wilks. He then started to introduce everyone coming up to Selina and his wife last.

"Ahh," Wilks said looking at Selina, "the lady in question. The pleasure is all mine." He reached down to shake her hand, hers dwarfed by his ham of a hand.

Selina looked up at the looming black man, shaking his hand,she felt so small. Mardi at Sefron's side felt even smaller since she was quite tiny already. "Wow amazing" She whispered.

Kevin chuckled as everyone gawked and wondered what was going on. He spoke up getting everyones attention.

"Aikrii can we use your living room and kitchen I think it's time we get things sorted so that Selina knows what is going on and So does Josh."

"Me?" Josh said bewildered.

"Yes, my good sir, you" Wilks said. He smiled his teeth white as pearls against his chocolate skin. Josh smiled back and chuckled "Well ok"

Everyone filed into Aikrii and Mani's home and as they did so Kevin chattered about what had been going on pertaining to the investigation he had been having done. Josh listened intently and wondered how any of this info pertained to him.

When everyone settled Wilks got down to work and started to haul out info, some were files one had Josh's name on it, one had Selina's dad's name on it and a few other people she had no idea who they were.

He looked at Josh and spoke. "Your father is Cole Andrew Trask is it not? Born June 2nd 1951?"

Josh looked at him and with a perturbed look on his face said "Yes, but what the hell does that man have anything to do with whats going on here, he's no longer my family by his actions, this was his choice."

"Bear with me Mr. Trask, I'll explain the details soon enough I'm just getting clarifications here."

He shuffled through papers and Josh noticed a bunch he recognized as copies of birth certificates, thing was thou the ones Josh noticed didn't have his or his dad's name on them. He picked up one and read the name.

'David Matthew Trask, DOB: January 3rd 1978.'

Josh looked up at Wilks and asked "Who is this?"

"Your brother." Wilks replied to which Josh got up and walked out of the room looking more pissed then hades himself.

Selina looked at her fathers retreating back and then reached over to Dante. "Papa D, PLEASE get him, he needs to know whats going on, he has family who want to meet him!"

Dante nodded. She was right and he knew Josh had felt left out for years. He went to go retrieve him.

It was about ten minutes before Josh returned he was still a bit miffed and reluctant but he sat and looked at Wilks, apologized and then let him continue on with the info he was trying to relay.

Kevin and Wilks together filled in everyone the info Selina and Nye already knew about Josh's dad's family. Josh was more stunned to learn that Sadonie and Kevin were direct cousins of his. Dante was dumbfounded to say the least.

The mind blower of it all thou was Selina's part in it all. She was related to Kevin and Josh by blood after all and thats where it got so very confusing.

Wilks tried to explain it and showed a family tree diagram.

"Charles Douglas Fulton was born on May 14th, 1910 and died August 15th, 1988. He was married to Patricia Celeste Simmons who was born Dec 25th, 1912 and died Dec 29th, 1998." He pointed this out on the charts he had then went on.

"They in turn had two children, twin girls, born on April 3rd, 1950 Celia Louise Fulton and Celeste Patricia Fulton." He pointed again and continued.

"These two ladies then married in a dual wedding on April 8th, 1973 the twin Trask brothers. Celia to Cole Andrew Trask and Celeste to Clayton Darren Trask, Born June 2nd, 1951."

He flipped a page from his investigation files and read off the info it contained.

"It was learned that through the genealogical family tree that there had been an affair on Charles Douglas Fulton's part and it had lasted ten years from 1960 to 1970 with an Isabelle Dianne Walker."

Selina perked up at this news she knew who that was her aunt Charlene has told her and shown her old pictures of her grandmother when she had stayed with her when Josh and Dante went on their honeymoon.

"Thats my grand mom" She said

"Yes it is." Wilks said smiling down at the girl. He then flipped over another paper and it had pictures and birth certificates and signed documents and some very old canceled cheques.

"Charles and Isabelle's affair was left to prosper for ten years before it abruptly stopped, why is still not known but she was well cared for even after it was all over. They had two girls together. Dianne Selina Walker and Charlene Leeanne Walker."

It didn't take long for Selina to click in the missing pieces of the puzzle.

"Oh my god!" She gasped "My grandfather was Charles Douglas Fulton!"

Everyone was stunned. "Oh shit wait till aunt Charlene learns this!" Then she stopped and pondered another minute. "Hey dad, guess what, we're a redneck family."

Josh stopped thinking about everything he just learned and went "HUH?" confused at her statement.

"My daddy is me cousin." She said like a country bumpkin with the nastiest accent she could muster. Everyone started laughing.

"Hunny she's got you there." Dante said roaring and slapping him on the back.

"This might explain the reason why I was so drawn to you when we first met." Selina said looking at her now bewildered relative and adoptive father.

Kevin looked at his cousin and asked him "Would you like to meet your brothers and sister?"

Josh was still so stunned at all the info he was getting and he started to cry. Selina watched his reaction and the first thing she did was hug him and say "It's weird not feeling like you belonged and once you learn you do have a place it's hard to accept, I know I've been there. Come on dad we can do this together ok." She hugged him tighter as Dante joined in and then others as well. When he was let out of the hugging huddle he looked over at Sadonie. He stood and walked over to her and spoke.

"You look like the old pictures of our grandmother. I can see the Trask and Simmons traits in in you. I'm happy to have finally found family. Thanks I guess are in order." He looked at Kevin who had joined them and hugged him and Sadonie at the same time.

Aikrii then spoke up. "You know what Mani, I think this occasion calls for a celebration for my brother Josh and his family." Everyone looked over at Aikrii. "How about this, Kevin you contact Josh's other siblings and see if you can't get them to meet us somewhere, I assume you know them?"

Kevin nodded and confirmed he had actually met them all including their mom Celia who was still alive and well.

"Fantastic, since Selina's aunt Charlene is showing next Friday how about we set this up for on the 10th then?" everyone murmured their agreement on the date. "8:30 in the evening sound too late?" No one protested.

With the date and time set and the excitement still in the air Josh took to talking to Sadonie and Kevin while everyone else wandered off to do chat. Wilks then spoke to Selina one on one.

"The reason why your of interest to me is this." He handed Selina a paper. It had her mother and her aunts name on it, It was a form from the Bank of Montreal for a savings account, across the top it had the banks name and the former account holder, her granddad Charles Douglas Fulton. The account number and the date it was opened. Charlene and Dianne Walker were placed as the next of kin on the account. There was instructions with the account from her grandfather that the contents was to be split 50/50 between both named beneficiaries or their next of kin if necessary. The account had a total of 200,000 deposited in it back in 1960. Selina looked at Wilks and asked.

"So what does this mean?"

"This means you and your aunt are the beneficiaries of your grandfathers account that was left for your mother and your aunt."

"Oh." She said "So I have another 100 grand to add to the nearly 600 grand I have now. Thats nice." She smiled at the news.

Wilks let of a very hearty chuckle after that and called for Kevin. "When you said to tell her I never expected the innocents behind this young ladies heart."

Kevin looked at Wilks confused "Why are you saying that?"

"She was told there's an account from 1960 with 200 grand in it and she gets to split it with her aunt and she says Oh, good I can add it to the 600 grand I have now." He ruffled her hair and Selina ducked back and looked at him confused as well.

"Whats so odd about that?" She asked him while Kevin chuckled.

"Selina don't you know about compounded interest?"

"No, should I?" Josh had joined her by now wondering what was going on.

Wilks chuckled again. Kevin was a bit surprised as well then tried to explain to her the fundamentals behind compound interest. When he was done she was still confused but kinda got the gist of what he was saying.

"So if granddad has an account with a one lump sum in it and it's left to gain interest each month it makes money?"

"Yes" Kevin said "and if you compound what the rate is for the year you can get a basic amount your total savings account will earn. If it's left untouched you make more and more money"

Selina was kinda getting it. "So this account has more that 200 grand?"

Wilks looked at Kevin and said "I think she's got it sir."

"Selina, think about it if you have an average of point three eight percent each month and you compound that total then your looking at an earning of nearly ten grand that year and it keeps growing each time."

Wilks looked at Selina and passed her a piece of paper that was folded. "I suggest you sit before opening it, I haven't been able to actually check the rates and stuff or how much your account actually holds but if I am remotely close on the estimate then your looking at a nice sum."

Selina sat on the stool and with her dad at her side she opened the piece of paper and looked at the total he had written down. 10,250,125.40 total.

Her jaw dropped. Josh was stunned and let out a squawk of amazement which got Dante's attention.

"You're shittin' me!" She said

Wilks again laughed "Nope ma'am, I don't shit any one."

Selina was absolutely stunned and mystified. She was the granddaughter to the Fulton's one of the largest hotel families in Kearney that even surpassed a few other hotel industries in the local area.

Wilks then spoke again, "Each and every grandchild was allotted a certain amount from the families fortune. So this means Josh when you meet your kin you'll be entitled to your share as well. They will pass it on to you to with no issues since the investigation has been quite extensive. I think you will find Celia Trask-Fulton to be quite the intriguing woman."

Josh looked at Kevin and Wilks and smiled "I'm looking forward more to meeting my brothers and sister, I've never had siblings before."

Selina hugged her dad "Aw, Papa J you look like your gonna cry." She kissed his forehead and hugged him again. "It's feeling more and more amazing knowing you belong now don't it."

He shook his head and hugged her back, thankful more so now to have her in his life, not because of their wealth but because he really and truly had a biological link to his daughter. He had family again. He thought for a minute and then spoke, "I wonder if all of this will change my dad's outlook on who I am?"

"Does it matter?" Selina asked him as Dante joined them

"No, I have you and Dante. I think this is great, even if he can't accept me for who I am, but I bet you anything he will poke his head in when he finds out he'll try to accept me again, but mainly for what I got."

Dante kissed him, hugged him and with his hand still slowly running through Josh's hair as if to reassure him, he said the words that made Josh's day. "I'm your family, your husband. Selina is your family, our daughter. We will always be here no matter what because we love you. We both hope we're enough family for you because without each other there are just holes, but together we're whole."

Josh smiled again squashed both Dante and Selina in a bear hug. He was loving the feelings that were racing through him. It felt so good to belong again.

************************************ The plane landed and taxied to it's designation. Charlene was happy to get off the flight and stretch her long legs. She looked ahead as she walked down the terminal hall still mulling over her stroke of luck today when boarding. Her ticket had been bumped to first class and she was still wondering where she was staying since Selina didn't really give details on the invite she had received. She exited out of the unloading ramp only to see a very tall man with silver hair holding a board with her name on it standing to the exits immediate left. She walked up to him and said to him, "I'm the person who's name you have on your board. Whats this all about?"

Sefron looked at the lady, she was nearly as tall as he was and she looked a lot like Sadonie Josh's cousin.

"Your Charlene Walker? Your Niece is Selina Ericson-Trask?" He asked just to clarify not that he needed it thou.

"Yes." She looked at him still confused.

"Follow me please." He picked up her carry on bag and proceeded to walk away."

"Hey! Thats my bag!" She reached for it

"I know ma'am, I'm instructed to carry your belongings till we are able to get the rest of your belongings."

She followed dumbfounded, 'Just what the hell was going on?' she wondered as she followed the lithe giant with the silver hair.

She saw Selina as soon they reached the luggage belt. She was standing beside a very handsome young man Charlene could only assume was Nye.

"CC!" Selina ran towards her aunt giving her a big hug. "Oh my gosh, I missed you, it's so good to see you again."

"Hey sweetie, you are looking amazing! I assume this is Nye you're always talking about?"

He blushed as she gave him a hug to and mumbled "Yep that be me."

Selina then introduced Sefron to Charlene. Who in turn winked and chuckled as he reached down and scooped up two bags of the luggage belt that matched her carry on. He was happy to meet someone else from Selina's family. "I'll get your luggage out to the limo, if your wondering why I'm here it's I'm the "beef" behind My Oratii and Tskii, I'm here to keep you and your niece safe."

"Oh your a security guard?" She asked "Why would we be needing a security guard?"

Selina chuckled. "Aunt CC, Nye is the little brother of Mani Tskii, do you know who he is?"

"No should I?" She said a bit confused.

"Does the name Aikrii Oratii ring a bell ma'am" Sefron asked as he lifted her bags into the trunk of the limo they found waiting outside the airports doors.

"Yes, That's a name I recognize, he's some whiz kid that works for Nessix isn't he?"

"He's my brother in law" Nye said. "I think you met them at Josh and Dante's wedding but never really got to know either of them."

"No I don't suppose I got to know many people that day." Charlene said. "So your brother is Mani and correct me if I'm wrong but he's married to Aikrii Oratii?"

"Correct." Selina said. "Now you know why we need the security measures?"

"I think I get the gist of how important it would seem. I guess anyone could come along and scoop up young Nye here and demand a ransom." She looked at Nye and chuckled I think more ladies would want to steal him thou, Selina you have nice taste when it comes to picking out guys."

He turned beat red at the older ladies comment. Selina giggled as well.

"Well we should really get to the house I know everyone is looking forward to you meeting them and we have dinner reservations at 8:30 tonight at the Four Sails Restaurant."

"Wow you've really gone out for this visit Selina, this isn't really necessary." Charlene wasn't use to being spoiled like this thou it was very nice.

Selina chuckled. "Don't think anything of it. Your family and family take care of each other. You showed up when Social services looked for you, and you've been kind to me and let me make my own choices. Your my family and well I like to show my appreciation to those who treat me with respect.

She smiled and got into the limo, Her aunt slipped in after her sitting across from her in the wide back seats. Nye settled himself down after getting in. Sefron slipped in and sat beside Charlene. He pushed the button on the arm rest and spoke into the air. "Claude, home please."

There was a slight crackle and then they all heard. "Yes, Sir." and the vehicle lurched forward on to it's mystery home destination that Charlene hadn't seen yet.

"Will it take long to get to where we're going?" She asked.

"No twenty five minutes tops is all it ever takes." Nye said smiling. He offered her a drink.

'No thanks, I had a spirit on the plane." She watched the scenery whiz by and spoke about non important things. She also spoke about her work on the board of education and how things were shot and ticking her off and if she could manage it better things would change, but at the rate things were going she figured she'd be better off back teaching again.

"Well hopefully with tonights excursions you'll be able to relieve some stresses, now and later as well." Nye said winking at Selina who again giggled. Charlene was curious on what was up.

They pulled into the house twenty-five minutes later and Sefron helped Charlene by grabbing her bags and taking them to the door where they were all greeted by everyone. Mani shook her hand and welcomed her to their home, Mardi showed her her room and Aikrii gave her the five cent tour.

"Oh my your house is absolutely fabulous Aikrii, simply fabulous. " Charlene said gushing at the sheer beauty she saw in the home she now stood in.

"Thanks." Aikrii said as Mani walked over to him putting his arm around his waist. "We were very lucky to find this home. I think Mani fell in love with it before I did, and we did a lot of renovation recently."

"Well now that I've had the tour, Selina said there's a supper planned at a restaurant, I would much liked to freshen up before we head out if this is ok."

"Oh! Sure Aunt CC, come on lets get you settled in the Green room." Selina ushered her along while Sefron helped with her luggage. They deposited her items in the green guest room and let her be to get ready for tonights excursions.

"We'll leave in about twenty minutes, Charlene" Sefron said as he walked out of her room. "I'll knock before we're ready to head out if I don't see you in the foyer ok." with that Selina gave her a hug and let her be.

Mardi was in the living room rubbing her now growing belly. "My god I'm feeling pretty funky tonight, I hope baby face here doesn't keep me from enjoying tonights excitement."

Selina got up and poured Mardi a ginger ale drink and passed it to her. "Here sip this. Hopefully this will calm her some."

Mardi thanked her and then asked "You looking forward to seeing how Charlene reacts to the family news?"

Selina giggled "Oh I can't wait to see her reaction she's so gonna freak, I can see it now."

"Freak about what?" Charlene asked as she walked into the living room now dressed in silver blue dress that seemingly matched her hair and crystal blue eyes.

Selina and Mardi both jumped and then both giggled "Oh nothing" they both said in unison "You ready to go?" Selina asked her

"Yes" Charlene smiled "Do I need anything?"

"Nope" Mardi said as Selina walked through the hall with both ladies to the steps. "I'll be right back" Selina said as she scurried up the stairs to get Aikrii and Mani and to make a quick call to her dad's to let them know they were on their way.

They all piled into the limo when it pulled up all excited for Charlene's visit and Nye took Selina's hand and gave it a squeeze. He was excited for her and hoped tonight was a fun time for everyone. They all pulled up to the Four Sails Restaurant and got out of the Limo, Aikrii leading the pack looked at the waitress and said "Reservation for Oratii please."

"Oh! Yes sir, right this way we have the full balcony floor reserved for you and your guests, we hope you enjoy your meal with us." The waitress was excited and apparently knew who he was and with much enthusiasm brought Aikrii's family and guest to their table. Charlene was stunned to see so many people.

"Oh my, there's a lot of people" She said chuckling "I'll need a note pad to keep track of everyone."

"Well to make things easy Aunt CC, I'd like you to meet your cousins, You already know my adopted dad Josh." Josh smiled and Charlene stared confused and puzzled.

"And these fine people who found everyone are Kevin and Sadonie Trask. The others they will explain to you as I have no idea who's who as of yet."

She watched as Kevin and Sadonie shook her hand and giggled as she looked at Selina and said "Ok, I knew to expect something big but not this, care to explain?"

"Actually I'll explain everything you all need to know." Wilks was there to and he had his folders and a fray of other items as well. Tonight was going to be one hell of a night and Selina was excited to find out more. She smiled at Nye kissed his cheek and said thanks.

I hope you really enjoyed the twists and suspence I added to this book this part of the series is a bit diffrent from the norm but still here for everyone to enjoy. I know there's not much "guy" stuff but hey give it time, I can't neglect the others in my story it wouldn't be a series if I did that LOL :D

Please comment if you wish and if you want mail me and ask for the link if you wish to read the whole series in it's entiriety on line in the main web site.

Much love to all out there Lila

Next: Chapter 17: Steppin Out III 10 12

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