Steppin Out

By Lila Mosher

Published on Oct 31, 2008


This is a series of works of gay erotic fiction. If you are offended by such material or if you are not allowed access to it under the laws where you live, please exit now.

This work is copyrighted by the author and LBL Services Canada. 1990-2008

and may not be copied or distributed in any form without the written permission of the author, who may be contacted at:

Any and all celebrities mentioned in this story have no affiliation to this piece of writing and I make no claim to their person as my own. All Mentioned places and people are factious and any bearing resemblance to anyone person or place is purley coincidental


Steppin' Out (Book 3) On the straight and Narrow - Copyright 1997-2008 By Lila Mosher Full series already E-published on line, if you wish to read it all in it's entiriety please Mail Lila and ask for the link thanks.

A love lost, a love gained, two families become closer as a third is added to the extended family tree Aikrii and Mani have created for themselves. Even through the sorrow each love thrives to florish to the best it can be. A tear jerker so be sure to have lots of tissues!

NEWS: Summer vacation is over and to those who read all my stuff on line so far, I am writing again but I also now have a job outside of my home in the evenings and I have been kept SUPER busy, so I appologise for the delays. I AM working on book 4 now but writers block has had me procrastinating on how I really want my 4th book to go. I hope to surpass this problem soon enough but I do have an inkling where I want things to go, so keep an eye out on the site and enjoy what I post. Those who are on my mailing list will be notified of when I have added the 2nd chapter to book 4.


Chapter 10 -- Family, Friends and Feuds

Josh, Selina and Charlene got to meet the rest of the family that Josh never knew, half brothers named David, Darren and his half sister Deidra and Celia who insisted that Josh call her mom.

"Hell if Cole had stuck around and worked things out, who knows." She chuckled as she waved her hand in the air as if to say, 'you could have been a part of the family after all.' Josh didn't know what to think but he was impressed. He found Celia's personality very infectiously fun and he enjoyed being around her. Selina and Charlene loved her immediately.

David was the quiet yet serious one who seemed to love the fact that he had another brother who was business orientated. Darren was the eager one who asked all the questions and his exuberance made the whole meeting so much fun, he was so much like his mother. Selina could see and read all of them and was impressed at how close everyone was. She smiled as she watched her fathers interact with everyone around them and the wonderful thing was that they were accepted as they were. The subject of Mani and Aikrii's orientation is what started the subject along the lines of how they coped considering how opened they both were with their marriage being televised and all.

"People can take us or leave us. The wonderful things we do for those around us is phenomenal and those who accept us for who we are, are they are privileged to see all we do so unselfishly." Aikrii said as he sipped his glass of water. Mani added his own words "Others who do judge still know what we do and some even benefit from what we do charity wise and yet we still help out. I do not for one judge one because they are poor and we still donate to those who need it, but I've still been judged for being gay by a poor man."

"Wow," Celia said "You think that with how things are changing now days more tolerance would be taught to people."

"It's not always the case thou" Selina said, "Hell look at Aikrii's dad, his dad was intolerant and yet he learned that people are still people regardless of orientation." She was looking over the menu as she continued speaking while thinking, "Tolerance can be taught and acceptance can be learned, just as much as intolerance it just depends on the society we're raised in along with cultural influences, they all go hand in hand. I for one am glad I'm an open minded person, I learn more this way." She looked up and saw everyone was mazed at her statements.

"What?" She asked.

"Your a very perceptive person aren't you Selina?" David said.

"You could say that." She said looking at David.

"The gift granddad had." David said staring at her.

Selina's eyes widened. "Oh, you know?"

"Indeed, Darren and I are both blessed with the ability to 'read' people. You're the first female we've had the chance to meet who has it as well, I guess you get it honestly."

She smiled at least she knew they knew for sure she wasn't a hoax.

Charlene was still trying to grip the info Wilks had been feeding her. She found out she was quite wealthy and damn nearly fainted. Wilks enjoyed this lady's company and found her intriguing she caught onto the legalities behind her inheritance and she was quick to note that there would be a need of having a financial planner. He listened to her as well as the goings ons around him. He thrived on this kind of atmosphere it was charged, fun, entertaining and he adored Kevin's family so being here was also a great feeling. He looked around as he listened to Charlene ask about which banks she'd have to deal with. He answered her as he noticed the waitress walking to their table. He motioned to Charlene to not speak about business around the young lady that was coming to take their orders.

"It's good protocol, In public keep finances to a dull roar. It keeps the leaches away." He said smiling as he watched the waitress make her rounds.

"Well what about Aikrii and Mani, people know how much he's worth." Charlene said hoping she was making a point.

"Yes true, but he's got two things on his side you don't have yet." Wilks said to her his dark eyes twinkling.

"Whats that?" She asked wondering what the apparent joke was going to be.

"He's got Mani who won't allow anyone try to walk all over him or use him and he has Sefron who will kick the ass of anyone who tries anything to harm him." Wilks looked over at the tall man with the silver hair whom Wilks had done a extensive investigation on.

"How do you know about them so well?" Charlene asked.

"It's my job to know who my clients are going to be around." He said chuckling softly as he watched the waitress get closer to them she was taking everyones orders. "Sefron is trained in the martial arts and has been since he was 4. His sister was as well but she passed about a year ago. No one other than Mani himself has beaten Sefron and many don't know it but Sefron has trained in many other forms of self defense, he keeps a low profile thou he tends to be noticed due to his singing and his height he's pretty much a 'family man' as we investigators like to peg guys like him."

He smiled to the lady to his left and she curiously asked him "So what do you know about me?"

"I was wondering when you'd ask that question." He chuckled and filled her in on details on what he learned about her over the last 6 months. **************************************

David, Darren and Kevin were quite animated while telling Josh and Dante about a few of their 'stupid' days in collage and other stunts they pulled as kids. Nye and Selina were loving it and Josh was soaking up the info like a sponge. They spoke of their jobs and when David and Darren were asked about their family lives Josh learned that David was married to a very job orientated lady named Hilary Grant and that his wife was away on course. She was an engineer for the Canadian military. Josh was impressed. He learned that Darren was still single, he claimed he never found what he wanted. Selina knew better thou and the look that David gave his brother spoke volumes. Deidra was also married and her hubby was out to sea as he to was in the forces. He was a pilot and was working with Nato at the time.

"Doesn't it get lonely?" Josh asked her "I think I'd go out of my mind if Dante was away for long periods of time."

Deidra answered him as honestly as she could "I miss him so much some days I cry till I can't cry anymore. There are days I am proud he's serving our country and then when he's home driving me bonkers I keep wondering when he's leaving next." She chuckled at the end part. "Either way it's ok, I know he's doing something he loves and I knew this when I married him. So to answer your question yes it does get lonely but I manage."

Selina looked at her and said "Well now you've got another female in the family." She winked at her cousin "If ya get lonely call me we can go shopping." they both giggled at the thought of how much trouble the could get into with a credit card and both of them loose in Kearney mall. Nye just groaned and the boys chuckled at his exaggerated discomfort.

"So Josh, How's it feel to have "big" brothers?" Dante asked him smiling as the waitress passed by him heading to Charlene to take her order.

"It's frigging amazing!" Everyone around the table chuckled.

"We'll have to have you out to mom's so you can see our 'toys' and so we can all play" Darren said with a seriously mischievous glint in his eye. *****************************************

Sixteen people, Sixteen orders. The chef knew who he was cooking for and went all out. The restaurant knew who they were serving and provided the top most service not wanting to disappoint. Michaela the waitress serving them was swift and made sure everyone's glasses never emptied and she paid close attention to them as they consumed their meal. Aikrii was on the ball along with Wilks and Dante and Celia, nothing escaping their attention, all four enjoyed this for their own reasons.

"Wow that was amazing." Aikrii said as he laid his fork down and wiped his lips. He had ordered the Fettuccine Alfredo and it was done with chicken. A simple meal made fancy. Michaela immediately removed his plate and refilled his water glass.

One by one each member of their party finished their meal and exclaimed their satisfaction of the meal they had ordered.

"My compliments to the chef" Aikrii said to Michaela and everyone agreed. She nodded and informed him she'd let him know that he enjoyed the food. With all their glasses topped off she went out back to pass on the compliments that Aikrii had stated for the lovely meal.

Wilks informed Michaela that they would motion for her to return to their table when they were ready but that there was business being discussed soon and he'd like some privacy to speak to the party members present. She nodded and made herself scarce.

Aikrii was impressed that this man could be so focused yet relaxed as well. He watched as Wilks spoke of the impending wealth that pertained to Josh, Selina and Charlene.

"Each of you will be receiving a legal notification in a moment that you will have to sign. This is just to clarify that information you've released and the info we received through the investigation to be true. That info related to your wealth has been released to you and you're aware of whats going on and that making a false claim of who your person is can lead to your incarceration. We're sure we do not have to worry about this factor but it's still good to cover all bases. Wilks then passed out the legal documentation along with pens and showed the three members where they had to sign in order to have their trust funds released to them.

Josh shook while he signed his, Selina beamed she knew she was going to make sure she invested some of the money wisely. Charlene was thinking of how she could use some of her money to improve the appalling mess the education board she worked on was in, they needed funds to make improvements she might as well be the one to do it, the government sure the hell wasn't helping any. Once the documentation was signed Selina and Charlene were instructed on how to deal with the bank that handled their assets and were both informed that the bank was aware of the trust and how it as to be divided up, all they had to do was make themselves present and sign the banks many needed documents and they could take their money and keep it where it was or move it to their own bank. Charlene would be moving hers to her own bank back home and asked Wilks how she'd go about doing that. Selina told him she'd leave hers where it was. She asked about a finical planner, Josh looked at Dante and asked Wilks how he could go about getting a joint account so he and Dante could access the funds anytime the needed to. Aikrii smiled when he heard Josh say this. He watched his best friend the one person he considered his brother give so freely of himself and of what he owned. He was glad to have Josh as a family member. Dante was beaming at the fact that Josh trusted him so much, most married heterosexual couples wouldn't even consider taking a step like what Josh was considering. Josh must have known what Dante was thinking as he reached over and gave his hand a squeeze and mouthed 'I love you' to him making Dante blush. With all the legalities over Celia stood and picked up her wine glass and made a toast.

"To family found, Friends abound and ties that hopefully will never be broken, I feel so blessed to be welcoming three new family members to our clan. Cheers!" Everyone said cheers and glasses clinked and they drank to their new found family and friends. Wilks then waved to Michaela to get her attention and asked that the bill be presented. She informed him it wasn't necessary as it was already paid for. Wilks was shocked to hear this. "How is this so? No one knew what was being ordered."

Mr. Oratii is part of Nessix sir, there's a standing account here for all employees of his standing. Everything is automatically taken cared of." Wilks was again impressed, he learned something new to.

"Very well then thanks." he said to her as he shook her hand and palmed her a hundred bill as a tip. She bowed and spoke her thanks as she backed away as he stood. Everyone else started to get up to go as well. Aikrii walked over to the young lady and slipped her another hundred and asked to speak to the chef in person. She took him directly to him. He spoke briefly to him and gave him his business card and asked him to call him as certain celebrations were coming up and there would be massive amounts of food needed to feed his happy family. Peter as Aikrii learned his name was assured him he'd hear from him by next week.

"Good day then and thanks for the fine meal." They shook hands again and Aikrii was off to see his crew to their respective vehicles and to head home.

***************************************** She flopped out on the bed Selina chattering a mile a minute to her as she helped her unpack her clothing and place them into the dresser that was in the room.

"Don't you find this so over whelming?" Charlene asked Selina.

"No should I?" Selina found it confusing why her aunt found having an extended family was over whelming.

"I guess I've been alone too long. Once your mom died and Charles decided to move for like the tenth time as to prevent me from seeing you I kinda drifted. I was alone. I stayed that way to. For nearly five years." She watched her niece bounce around and sat up on her bed and reached for Selina. Selina looked down at her. Charlene pulled her down to her on the bed and hugged the girl tightly as Charlene cried.

"I missed you so much, I don't get to see you often enough and dammit I miss my sister!" Selina hugged her aunt back.

"I miss you to, I'm just glad I found family it's neat having others find me." Selina pulled back from her aunts embrace.

"Thing is Selina I missed you growing up. You look so much like your mother every time I see you smile it's like your her living clone and I miss her more and more each time. I just wished your dad hadn't gotten hurt, that mom hadn't died and well your mom was still around. Sure things are looking up but I don't feel whole yet."

"Wow you sound like Josh." Selina looked at her aunt and then pondered something,

"CC, when was the last time you dated anyone?"

"What does that have anything to do with my not feeling whole?" She asked her niece.

"It doesn't but what better way to fill that empty feeling than with love, heck it's abundant and I'm sure you got loads to spare." Charlene looked at her niece warily "I haven't dated since Christ was a cowboy Selina, what makes you think I'd be able to attract anyone who's not out to take me for a ride and clean me out now."

Selina giggled again. "I guess you haven't been dating in a long time otherwise you'd have picked up the vibes that were being thrown around during supper tonight."

"Huh?" Charlene said "From who?"

"Wilks." Selina said "and I can tell you this he won't be around to take you for a ride and rob you blind, he's one of the few good guys."

Charlene was shocked to hear this then chuckled "You know what in all honesty, I never pictured myself dating a black man."

"Why not?" Selina asked.

"I have no idea but the concept now is kinda appealing" Charlene smirked then thought out loud. "Wonder what he's doing tomorrow."

Selina roared with laughter. "I'm sure I can ask Kevin for you and get his number."

Both ladies giggled and talked about personal things and Charlene asked Selina if her and Nye had gotten closer and if she was prepared if 'that time came' Selina said she needed to get info on birth control as she didn't think Josh and Dante would be too happy if she ended up pregnant at her age. Charlene told her she'd help her out with the info she needed and take her to the family planning clinic.

Nye came to Charlene's room to steal Selina away around eleven and kissed Charlene's cheek good night as she gave him a hug.

"Sleep well cuz." He said as she let him slip from her grasp and welcome to the family. *************************************************

Charlene's visit that week went quite well and she did make a few outings with Wilks who in turn informed her he'd make the effort to go to Curre to visit her when he was off on his own vacation. She was smitten and Selina could see it the night before she was to leave to go back home.

"So hows that empty feeling now?" she asked her aunt as she packed.

"Not so empty Selina, thanks." She smiled as she placed her sweater into her bag. "Who would have thought it, if someone had told me, 'yeah your gonna become a millionaire and meet a wonderful man while on vacation a week ago I'd have laughed in their face"

"Life is full of surprises and there's one thing my friend Cleo believed in and that was fate, Aikrii believes to. Fate is a mysterious force that drives us to our destination whether we want to or not, sometimes it's good sometimes it's not so good but there's always a reason for why things happen and well I like the mystery of it all, good or bad."

Charlene love this girl like the children she wished she had now, She would miss her while she was gone and vowed to visit often now that she could. She hugged her niece and said "You're a treasure there Selina and I wish I had been around when you were little but since I couldn't be I'll be around as much as I can now ok. Thanks for making this visit so wonderful."

"No problem Auntie CC, I will miss you while you're gone but I'll come visit soon ok."

"I'll do the same" she said.

The next morning Charlene was taken to the airport by Wilks who was quite visibly disappointed in seeing her go. Everyone said their good-byes and watched her pull out. Mani and Aikrii just stood together arms around each others waist, standing shoulder to shoulder watching Nye and Selina wave good bye to the retreating limo.

School took up the rest of the month and Selina had a few tests she was impressed she did so well on. Work took up the rest of her time and then she learned that Josh was opening a third store outside of the mall.

"Oh my god! No freaking way!" She said excited for him.

"Yeah we are doing so damn well I figured why not and I'm going to see if I can't open a second in Curre as well but not for another two years yet I want to see how well two do here in Kearney where I am close and so I can watch whats going on."

"Sweet. So who's going to manage that one?" She asked the obvious question almost immediately and thats when she noticed both Josh and Dante smile at each other before passing her a small box.

"Whats this?" She asked

"Open it and find out." Dante said.

She did and inside was a gold pin that had her name on it and under it was the words MANAGER she screamed with joy and glomped her dads in a crushing hug.

"Which shop?" She asked after her excitement ebbed. "JS2" Dante said

"Huh?" Selina was confused.

"Each shop will be nick named based on when they were opened the first one is in Curre so it's JS1, the one here is JS2 and the third one which is being opened in the mall located in Trenton just outside of Kearney is going to be called JS3 and Jen will manage that one on her own."

"Oh cool, ummm do you two really think I can handle this job?" She was a bit hesitant now thinking of her classes and other obligations.

"Yes, you're the manager now, you can hire people to help you. Just remember hire only those you need and remember profits matter and the number one thing, if in doubt ask us for help."

Josh smiled as he hugged his daughter. Dante snuck in there to and gave her a hug as well, "Congratulations baby, I know you'll do well." She smiled and felt so amazed that she had worked herself up so high. She thought that her real dad would never have given her the credit to manage this kind of challenge. She pushed her past behind her and then looked forward to her soon to be exciting and energized future as she called Nye to tell him of her good news.

********************************************* Halloween came a few days later and Selina looked at her costume, she never thought she'd manage to find the perfect outfit but she did and it was mainly because Nye had picked a neat costume while they had been browsing around for one. Aikrii had invited everyone to join in on the Nessix costume party that was being held at Hoppers. He had told them that it was an open party which meant not only Nessix employees would be there but everyone who worked there would be there to celebrate and get chances at winning a few prizes. She pulled back the plastic that covered the skirt and shirt. She'd have to find large hooped earrings now since a gypsy costume just didn't look good without them. She also realized she should get her hair done as well. While Nye messed with his costume knights she went to go find Mardi who was putting on her costume, she was being a pregnant version of Juliet while Sefron was being Romeo.

"You busy?" She asked Mardi who was already dressed in her costume. "Nope." Mardi said smiling as she admired how the soft flowing velvet fabric flowed over her belly, it felt so soft to her.

"What's up?" Mardi asked her.

"I need help getting my hair curled care to give me a hand I suck at it."

Mardi giggled. "Sure I'll lend you a hand." They went off to get her ready.


"Oh my god! This thing is riding up my ass so bad I'll be lucky to move" Mani roared as he watched Aikrii walk into the room with an over sized diaper on his butt. Eros wasn't an easy character to be apparently as the costume was giving Aikrii a pain in the ass, literally.

Aikrii pouted as the diaper rode up again. Mani went to him and kissed him and purred in his ear.

"Hey you could always go naked." He giggled then as he watched Aikrii's eyes widened.

"Oh Sure! Just what we need my ass flashing across a bar called 'Hoppers' none the less." He crossed his arms still pouting, it seemed to be a state he had been in for a few days. Mani laughed harder and took him in his arms to hug him. Aikrii wasn't too happy to be laughed at and Mani could see it so he did the one thing he knew would make Aikrii forget about everything around him, he turned him on. A quick flick of the tongue across one of his exposed nipples made Aikrii gasp and immediately grab for Mani's head.

"Oh you bugger!" Aikrii said smiling as he urged him on "No fair! You're playing dirty." He groaned with joy as Mani continued his unfair advantage on Aikrii's body.

"I like playing dirty and I much rather see your ass in private thanks." with that while still paying attention to Aikrii's upper torso laying kisses all over Mani grabbed the pin that was holding the diaper in place and pulled it off leaving the costumes diaper on a puddle on their bedroom floor.

The attention that Mani had been lavishing on Aikrii prior to the 'debriefing' left his body in quite a attentive state and this pleased Mani to no end. Aikrii gasped as Mani proceeded to grasp his attention in more ways than one. Picking him up Mani took him over to their bed and laid his darling hubby down and lavished his body with much needed attention.

Aikrii only got cranky or pouty when stressed and he assumed their attempts at finding a child to adopt was one of the biggest issues that had been on both their minds as of recently.

He kissed lightly up Aikrii's neck nibbling and nipping till he reached his ear. He took his lob between his lips and caressed the edge with his tongue making Aikrii squirm and moan, he had Mani's head in his hands, his fingers gripping his auburn hair. He arched encouraging Mani to continue his attention on the now sensitive skin at his throat. Mani ran his tongue down his neck and then bit him lightly and sucked by his collar bone.

Aikrii's response was a vocal "Ahhh, oh God! Yes!"

Aikrii was getting heated up now. Mani wanted his begging so continued down towards the southern. He chuckled as he thought of the male joke and the coldest region being two below, He'd make sure Aikrii was melting by the time he was done.

He nipped on Aikrii's belly making him jump and squeal. "Oh fuck Mani! Ahh... yes...god dammit yes.."

He was quite vocal now and Mani was getting more demanding. He engulfed Aikrii making him nearly hit the ceiling he was super sensitive now and the warmth of his mouth sent him to heaven.

"Ah..ah...ah...ah god!...ooh."

Mani looked up from his position to his love and watched the lust roll across Aikrii's beautiful emerald eyes. He knew Aikrii was close to ready so he stopped his pleasure over load on Aikrii's shaft and aimed his goal to their end table drawer. He kissed Aikrii hard on his way back making Aikrii growl in turn. Mani chuckled under his lips as he ground himself against him. He knew he was ready, when Aikrii got heated up he got demanding and was more dominate.

Mani decided to help him get what he wanted. He lubed himself up and then aimed some towards Aikrii's own opening and then leaned over him and then kissed him again.

Aikrii whimpered he felt him near his opening and wanted him there. He knew the sensations he'd get and anticipated the pleasure.

He begged Mani. "Oh baby, Please!" He said panting as Mani stroked him. Aikrii growled and

pulled on Mani's hips. "Now!" he said looking into his violet eyes.

Mani obliged happily. Pushing forward only stopping long enough for Aikrii to get use to the intrusion before they continued on with their dance of love. Aikrii going higher and higher as he felt wave after wave of electricity flow over his body just from his partner stroking that magic spot in his body. He loved being in love with Mani. He loved making love with him to. Aikrii held on to Mani's hips as he rocked with his tempo panting and whimpering as they reached the top. Mani grasped Aikrii's own joy and the motions brought them both to the top fairly quickly.

"Oh god! Mani! I'm gonna go!" He could feel Aikrii tighten, he let out a yell "Ahh, oh god! YES! YES! Ahh..ahhh...SHIT YES!"

Aikrii arched hard as he climaxed and Mani wasn't too far behind after that wonderful display his hubby put on. Just watching Aikrii climax was one of Mani's biggest turn ons. He sped up his pace as he let off his own load and then collapsed spent. He kissed Aikrii's neck while still holding him while they caught their breaths. Mani's body slid from his partners leaving a void but both were still feeling pretty good.

"There baby, feel better now?" Mani asked as he shimmed sideways and ran his fingers through Aikrii's now spiky hair.

"Um huh" he said smiling snuggling against him.

"Good." Mani gave him a kiss on the side of his eye and then poked him with a finger and said "Ok lover boy move your ass we gotta get you back into your diaper." With that Aikrii chuckled.

"I think I need to clean up first hun." He looked down at his belly which was a sticky mess.

"We both do here." He tossed him a warm facecloth and they both cleaned up before working on getting ready for the Halloween party. Aikrii got into his Cupid costume and Mani donned his costume which was the constellation Aquarius, or better known as Ganymede through Greek mythology as the male lover of Zeus."

Aikrii chuckled at Mani's costume. It was dark blue body suit with two 'stars' across his waist and faint red lines that joined these stars which were in fact lights to make him 'glow'. There were two more stars right at his hips one a little higher than the other, two more ran down his left leg, one at his knee and the other closer to his ankle. On his right side there was one more closer to his ankle the rest of the stars ran up the right side of his body crossed his torso at his chest and ran up his arm. The image of Ganymede was faintly imprinted on the costume as well depicting the godly character, but it didn't follow the set stars, it was just roughly added as an after effect, still it was nice and Mani rather enjoyed it. He found it suited him for not only the fact that he was an Aquarian but for the other fact that he felt he was the lover of a godly entity and he said so to Aikrii who in turn blushed as red as Mani's hair.

"You should have been my Zeus." Mani said chuckling as they got everything finally adjusted and in place.

"Well I guess if I was I could have blasted you with lightening and made you tingle to eh?" Aikrii chuckled at his cheeky joke as they walked out of their room at see if the others were ready. *********************************

"I think my dads are the only ones we have to go meet. Other than that we're ready Selina said as she helped an unsteady Nye get use to his knights costume. It was light but awkward. He pushed up the noisy contraption. "Doesn't look like we'll be dancing much tonight baby, sorry." He bent slightly towards her and kissed her cheek as random curl tickled his nose. Mardi had done a good job on her hair to, she looked like a real gypsy.

Sefron walked with Mardi as she grabbed her purse and the keys and her cell. They all headed off to Hoppers looking forward to an evening of fun.

Josh and Dante got a few stares as they entered the establishment. They were greeted by Troy who directed them to the Nessix crew.

"I just got a call from Aikrii he said they are on their way." Troy passed Josh and Dante two chits and told him that these were for free drinks and all night Nessix party members could win more from karaoke, best costume awards and other games the party planners had set up.

"Thanks." Josh said as he passed Dante his chits. Dante went to the bar to order their drinks neither one of them usually drank much but tonight it would be a celebration so they had a drive home and planned on having some fun.

Selina helped Nye as they got out of the limo and then she realized that she would probably would have to go home, it was a bar and she wouldn't be allowed in. Troy thou had it covered. When Selina joined the crew He put a bright florescent pink band around her wrist.

"Whats this?" She asked him.

"It means your a designated driver and you get all the pop you want for free an no alcohol. This will also prevent you from being ejected from here since I have you listed as a personal guest and driver."

"Oh thanks!" She gave Troy a hug.

"You're very welcomed Selina, now go enjoy yourself, be good and have fun ok." He ruffled her hair as he got ready to go off and check the others.

She was stunned when she seen her dads costume and started to laugh her ass off when she realized what it represented. She tapped Nye's armor and pointed out her dads.

"Look!" She said giggling. Nye looked and started to roar as well. When Mani and Aikrii saw Aikrii said "I bet you anything it was Josh's idea." They all giggled as the plug and socket walked up to join them. Selina had to hug Dante from the side since his prongs for the plug part of his costume stuck out too far for a frontal hug. Josh was tormented on his costume idea by Aikrii who thought it was funny beyond no end.

"I figured it had to be you who though of this bro, I mean how much more original can one get." Aikrii chuckled as he poked into one of the sockets inlets.

"Hey! Don't play with my hole, play with your own!" He giggled as Aikrii laughed at the innuendo.

Troy popped over to the crew and asked Mardi, Sefron and Aikrii to help start off the karaoke part of the evening. Mardi picked the Eurythmics to start things off which got a good crowd on the floor dancing, Sefron picked evil woman as his tune Aikrii accompanied him and

everyone was eating it up. Hoppers was definitely hopping. Aikrii's pick was the song Somebody's watching me and he got Mardi to accompany him. The crew from Nessix was really enjoying themselves. Things were going great for the first hour. Dante and Josh had a blast getting comments about their costume and Aikrii won quite a few chits from karaoke but he passed them to everyone else since he wasn't permitted to drink yet.

Aikrii watched the room and was pleased, 'His office's Halloween party was going well' he though to himself then there was a commotion from the fall end of the dance floor and he wondered what was going on. He guessed it was only too good to be true in having a drama free evening. He got up and tapped Sefron who followed him towards the raised voices. When they made it to the end of the dance floor they found Josh on the floor with some drunken ass trying to hit him but Dante was holding him back.

"Whats going on here!" Sefron bellowed.

"Trying to keep this idiot from hitting Josh, help Sefron please, I think he's a tad pickled." Dante shoved at the guy still trying to hit Josh. Sefron reached down and grabbed the man by the scruff of his neck and lifted him to his feet and listened to the gay bashing fouled mouth the man had. Josh stood and brushed himself off.

"What sparked this?" Sefron asked the man he had in his grasp.

"Fucking fagot should be kicked out, we don't serve his kind here!" He screamed and tried to wiggled from Sefron's grip

"Since when did you become the owner of this establishment?" He asked the disgruntled patron.

"I ain't but I know that fag, kick him the fuck out I don't want him near me, little bastard."

Sefron's eyebrow raised. "Do you happen to know this man Josh?"

"Do I have a choice whether to acknowledge him or not?" He asked before giving his answer.

"Oh indeed, if you know him you can say if not you can say you don't know him either way it's not really important."

"It's the man who claims to be my father." He turned away from the man Sefron had squirming in his hand and leaned against Dante who comforted him. Tonight was suppose to be fun and Cole had to go ruin it by showing up here.

"Ahh, the infamous Cole Trask." Sefron said. "I think it's time you left."

He took him and quickly removed the offending man from the bar and sent him hastily on his way via a cab.

"Don't let him out till your at least a good twenty minutes from this bar ok. It would be better if you actually got him home thou ok. I just don't need him coming back here." Sefron paid the driver a hundred bucks gave Cole's home address and sent Cole on his way. Sefron returned to the bar to help with the rest of the evening; which eventfully enough it was more pleasant and Josh was none the worse for the wear.

When the evening came to a close Mardi had already headed home a few hours prior, Aikrii was getting cabs to pick up his somewhat intoxicated co-workers and getting them home. He and Troy watched as the last of the stragglers headed off.

"Thanks for helping out Aikrii it's appreciated.

"Anytime boss man." He said smirking as Troy cringed yet chuckled at the endearing nickname he had given Troy.

"Ugh" I don't think I'll ever get use to hearing that. He said chuckling. Sefron calls me it sometimes so I know the feeling thats why I passed it on. Aikrii chuckled again as Troy gave Sefron the hairy eyeball.

"So it's you I have to thank for this eh?"

"Yes sir it is." Sefron said grinning.

"Cocky ain't he?" Troy said pointing to Sefron.

"Yes he is thats why we keep him, no one messes with him." Aikrii giggled as Sefron started being silly and doing the boxing mans dance and rubbing his fingers across his nose making a snorting sound.

Mani had come back in after putting the last patron in a cab and was laughing at Sefron's dance.

"Want to tango boy?" Mani asked him Sefron stopped dead in his tracks and looked at Mani who was in a dance pose. He slapped his forehead and groaned as the others roared with laughter.

"Good god Mani what's with the dry humor tonight?" Mani looked dejected as he lowered his arms and frowned. "Aw your no fun!" He then looked at Aikrii and wiggled his eyebrows.

"Uh-oh, I'm in trouble now." Aikrii squeaked and ran for the front door, laughing and calling out as they left, "Sefron see you at the Limo, hurry before he has his way with me!!"

"I'm sure you'll cope" Sefron said as he shook Troy's hand and said his good byes and headed out to the limo, his main goal, prevent Mani from molesting poor Aikrii long enough for them to get home. He frankly didn't want a side show while driving home. He chuckled to himself as he made it to the limo he could hear Aikrii already squealing at Mani to stop tickling him.

"I swear to god you two are like two horny teenagers." Sefron said as he slipped into the interior of the limo.

"And thats a bad thing?" Mani asked his friend as he continued to tickle the living shit out of Aikrii for making a wise crack at him.

"Nope I guess not, but please, I don't want a live show, this isn't Broadway ok." Sefron rubbed his eyes, he was tired but they still had to get home first. He so wanted to curl up against his tiny little princess.

Chapter 11- Treasured Love *********************** The alarm went off and she rolled over to flick it off. Yawning she stretched and blinked her eyes. 'Ugh' 5:00 am. She may stay with Nye on the week ends but she still went swimming with her dad and helped him a lot of the time since may of his former students had moved on or progressed in their training levels. The only one who was still there was Matt who was nearly thirteen now and still as tiny as a minute. She looked over at Nye who hadn't moved. His read hair in a total disarrayed mess. She smiled as she kissed the side of his head then slipped from his bed. He was such a doll, not once has he ever tried to 'hit a home run' and he respected Selina enough to wait for her to let him know when she was ready. She loved crashing at his place, it was always nice to wake up beside someone who kept you warm at night. She went to the washroom to freshen up and then got dressed. Scribbling a note she put it on his door and headed out to meet her dad Dante at the Arobieplex to swim. She met him at the door Josh wasn't with him this morning.

"Where's paps J?" She asked him looking back at the car confused to not see him as he swiped his pass key through the holder.

"He's got a bit of a cold, remember Thursday evening he left the shop early, he wasn't feeling good then." Dante worried when Josh got sick just as much as Josh worried when Dante got sick. Selina worried period. She also did recall he left the shop around three it was immediately after she walked in the door. She also recalled he didn't eat that night when she made supper to.

"I hope he's ok" She said as she walked up the hall with her dad towards the changing rooms to the pool.

"He will be he just needs some rest thats all. I think he's been over doing it lately anyway with the plans for the new shop in Trenton. You know you're taking over the shop here come April right?"

"Yep Papa J explained everything that was going to happen when you two gave me my managers badge." She giggled remembering that day she nearly bowled them both over when they had done that for her.

"Jen will be moving out that way since her and Collin are buying a house in Trenton so it's more convenient for her to be there than coming out this way." He smiled knowing both Josh and his dreams were falling together, a happy family and a stable life and knowing that their adopted daughter was also grounded and stable also helped.

She entered the changing room and got ready for her swim, there were 6 other younger kids there now that were dropped off by parents and she told them all to hurry. She then headed off to the pool to warm up. Stepping out into the main pool deck she was welcomed by one of her favorite scents, chlorine. She breathed deep the smell of the pool made her feel light. She walked over to the starting blocks and stretched out before stepping on one. She positioned herself and then shot off. She hit the water with a clean break and did a few laps before she noticed others had joined her. Dante was beside her a few minutes later flagging her to slow down so he could get the class started.

The now growing class not including Matt now had six girls and eight boys and Dante always had his hands full while training. Since today was Saturday it was a free swim for those who wanted to use it as that but most used common sense and used it for training time. Matt was really into class today and Selina and Dante both noticed this.

When Dante decided to do time laps for his crew he pitted a few of the girls against Selina to see how they'd fair out. Two nearly beat her which impressed Selina since she was a strong and competent swimmer. She giggled as she watched Matt bouncing around wanting to have his go, when Dante asked him who he wanted to swim against he ran to Selina hugging her waist.

"I want her she can swim with me." He said bouncing and looking at her with that puppy dog pleading looks kids always seem to master. "Please." He said

"Oh ok, but your suppose to swim against the boys silly." Selina ruffled his hair.

"None of them can keep up with me" he said in a whisper looking over at the crew of ten to twelve year olds.

Selina got on track and Dante watched as they took off. Matt's form was amazing for one so young. He seemed to take to the water like Dante did when he was younger.

He watched the stop watch he had and was impressed as Matt pulled ahead of Selina and hit the wall. He flipped and continued to go back. This pool was 50 meters one way so at the rate Matt was going he would be doing one hundred meters and in a record time if he didn't get tired to quick. The near minute mark was fast approaching and Matt hit the wall at 56.14 seconds. Dante had to check his stopwatch again. Selina hit the wall as well not long behind him and went down to see them.

Dante crouched down and looked at them both, "Selina he beat you."

Dante smiled at Matt who whooped. "I knew I could." He giggled and got out of the pool.

"Want to know your time?" Dante asked him.

Matt shook his head yes and when Dante told him his jaw dropped. "I beat my old record!"

Dante chuckled "Actually you beat a few records and I want to make a few calls and see if I can't get you in to competitive meet. I'm sure your schools swim coach would like to see how well you're doing as well. Ok."

Matt was beaming now. "Sure, and thanks for being my coach to." Dante ruffled his head and said "Anytime kiddo anytime." ******************************

She made it back to Nye's place at seven and he was just stumbling from his room to the bathroom when she walked in. She chuckled. "Hey sleepy head" She said as kissed his cheek and watched as he jumped, "Damn woman your nose is freezing" She giggled. "It's cold out this morning. Winter will be here soon enough."

"Oh god don't remind me." he groaned as he shut the bathroom door. "All I can think of is struggling through winter traffic, stuck in snow and shoveling the car out." His words echoed through the tiny bathroom. She heard the water run after he flushed. He opened the door still drying his hands. "Oh and not to mention the power outages."

Selina walked over to him and wrapped her arms around his waist and smiled at him. "I can think of two great things about this time of the year."

"Yeah whats that?" he asked as he looked down at her touching the tip of her nose making her wrinkle it up while she smiled.

"Well for one I think your eighteenth birthday is a pretty special moment that needs to be celebrated. The other is spending Christmas with you this year." She watched him smile at the thought of spending Christmas with her. "Wow, now what do I buy a young lady who can buy anything she could possibly want?"

"Nothing, what I want you can't buy." She giggled as he raised his eyebrow questioning without words on what it was. "You'll find out soon enough" She said giggling.

"So whats on the agenda for today?" He asked her "Nothing much but I think it's a good idea we both take a look at what we plan on getting our friends for Christmas and possibly shop now before it gets out of hand." She waited to see what he said. She really hated shopping but Nye seemed to thrive on it so if getting him out early to shop for Christmas items she was not looking forward to fighting crowds for later was a good way to kill a day together then thats what they would do. It would also give her an idea on what to get him as well.

He smiled and said sure he thought the idea of shopping for Christmas gifts now was a great idea. They headed out to the kitchen to get some breakfast both content with their plans for the day.

The week passed and few by faster than Selina could imagine and the 21st of November rolled around. It was the evening she had his party planned. She spent a lot of time home over the last week as she had been painting a lot. She was going to give Nye one of her own water colors she had painted and framed especially for his place. Aikrii was musing over where he would take Nye for supper to get him out of the house.

"I have no idea Aikrii, you know he's going to ask you where I am if I am not there with him."

"Yeah I know, which is only going to make it harder on all of us in keeping him distracted."

"Well we have to come up with something." Selina said I think I might have an idea but I'll need my aunt to help."

"Well you figure out your part I need to get things here organized ok. Good luck."

Selina made a few calls and got her part of the plan into action and called Aikrii back to let him know he could take his brother in law out without her there easily enough since Charlene is going to call Nye sobbing in his ear looking for Selina, Selina will tell him to go ahead she'd meet him there.

"It should work easily enough." She said giggling.

As a matter of fact it worked like a charm. Nye was getting his jacket on as Aikrii knocked on his door to let him know that he and Mani were ready for them when the phone rang. Selina had just walked into the bathroom and called out "Hun get that." He picked up the phone to hear a sobbing female on the other end. "Hello?" he was confused on who it was.

"Is Selina there?" the voice wailed. He looked at the receiver as she passed the phone to Selina as she exited the bathroom.

"Who is it?" she asked

"I have no idea but she's crying" He said looking distressed.

"Hello?" Selina answered the phone with her face turned away from Nye and she smiled as she listened to Charlene say "Dammit girl I hope this works for you I felt like an idiot wailing like that." She laughed and Selina had to try her hardest not to giggle back.

"Auntie C, what's wrong?" She put on her best 'oh shit' face and looked at Nye and mouthed 'it's Charlene' when she knew he got that part she spoke to Charlene again. "Hun can you hold one second Nye's just on his way out the door, once I see him off I'll talk more...No no no... I'm not going to let you go, just hold on ok." She kept playing her part to a tee.

"Baby go without me, if I don't take too long I'll meet you there ok." She kissed his cheek and he smiled

"Ever the healer you are." he kissed her forehead and then murmured towards the phone "Take care Char she'll listen to what ails you."

She had his hand as he walked out the door and watched it slip from her hand as he walked off with Aikrii and Mani. Once they were outside Selina giggled into the phone "Damn that was close, now I have a party to get set up thanks Char love you!"

"Love you to girlie have fun!" With that Charlene hung up and Selina did the same. She peeked out the door of Nye's place making sure he had indeed left in the limo.

"He's gone." Mardi said who had been keeping watch. She smiled as she picked up the phone in her hand "Yes the birdie has flown the coop, time to bring in the big guns." She hung up and then walked over to Aikrii and Mani's room with Selina who pushed out a box that was loaded with decorating items for Nye's surprise party.

The bell rang and Mardi walked down to let the crew in and she and Selina and the others all got to work to get the party set up. They had about an hour and a half at best.

******************************************** It didn't feel right being there without Selina and she didn't even acknowledge that she knew that the whole dinner was suppose to be a gift of time from his brother for his birthday. He was a bit bummed out but the food was good too bad Charlene had to call all depressed over god knows what when she did. Conversation during the meal wasn't too much to worry over and it was a bit embarrassing when the waitress came over after their meal with a cake with candles on it singing happy birthday to him.

Mani passed his brother a small envelope and told him happy birthday he hoped he enjoyed the gift.

When Nye opened the envelope it was a note.

'Happy Birthday baby, I'm sorry I had to dupe you but I needed you to go so I could get your present ready. I love you just remember that ok. This is part of your present so you have to play along. This is a special birthday treasure hunt. Each spot has a gift and a new clue, when you find them all you will know and you will end up at the one spot I am located. Good luck sweetie, Aikrii and Mani will help in anyway they can. Love you bunches'


Nye looked at Mani while still holding the note looking a bit bewildered "You knew about this?"

"Yep" He said chuckling. "Charlene is a good actress don't ya think?" Aikrii chuckled to as Nye gave his brother the hairy eyeball.

"Come on Nye humor her she's been working all week at getting this set up." Mani could see Nye wasn't too impressed at being duped but he also didn't want him so ticked that he didn't participate in the hunt.

"Oh I'll do the hunt don't worry about that. I know she had to have gone all out if she got her aunt involved and she's not even here to join in on the fun."

"So where is this first clue?" When he asked that Mani motioned for the waitress to come to their table the bill was passed to Nye.

He took it and passed it to Aikrii who was paying for the meal. Aikrii looked at his brother in law and said "Read it."

"Umm, ok." Nye flipped it over and sure enough there was a clue right on the front of the bill.

"Sa jac!" is all it said. Nye was really confused now. Mani chuckled and said "Think about it Nye. Ready, Go!" It dawned on him then, Sa jac was the martial arts word for start or go during their competitions. He looked at his brother "So there's a gift for me at the Do jong?" He asked

"Yes" Mani said smiling finally seeing Nye was getting with the game. "Along with the next clue."

"Ok lets go then" He said as he stood with Aikrii and Mani. They left the restaurant and headed to Mani's studio.

He got there and sitting on the counter was a package it had a note on the front that said "Hey baby thanks for going on, enjoy the gift. Inside the pack was a new cell phone with a fully paid for 2 year contract." Nye was beaming at that, he still hadn't found his old cell from when he was at Hoppers doing the gig Bain had hired him for that scared the shit out of everyone who thought he had gone to Curre. He found the second clue under the cell pack.

"Where our customers are always treated like winners" It was the next clue and Nye was nearly lost till Aikrii chuckled at his puzzled look on his face. "Come on think, we did the promo for it."

"Oh! Jump Street!...Ummm isn't the mall closed right now?" He asked a bit frustrated that this one would be harder to get to.

"We can get in don't worry about it." Aikrii dangled a key in front of his face and beamed as Nye's eyes bugged out.

"How the hell did you manage to do that?" Nye was ultimately impressed now.

"We all have our ways." Aikrii and Mani and Nye jumped into the limo and went to Kearney mall. They swung around the back and Mani used the key in the door, when he entered he punched a number into the key pad to the right of the door then flicked on the lights.

"Where are we?" Nye asked as his eyes adjusted to the florescent lights

"Jump Street." He answered "We just used the delivery doors thats all so we're in the stock room."

"Oh sweet I was wondering how we were going to able to get in here." Nye then headed to the store front and looked out the door to see if he could find what he was looking for. He spotted the package sitting in the arms of one of the manikins. He chuckled as he extracted the gift from the plastic fingers of the blond girl that was done up to look like Selina. He opened the package and found a new pair of jeans that came from Jump Street and a new shirt as well and another 100 dollars in gift certificates so he could pick some of his own stuff. He found the next clue and read it.

"Across the univer-city is a friend who's family." Nye caught that one immediately. He picked up his gift and headed back to the stock room.

"We have to go to Kevin's next." He showed Mani the note and they headed out. Aikrii was last to enter the limo as he had to reset the alarm and lock up.

Ten minutes later they showed at Kevin's and he greeted them at the door. "Hey you're just the person I was expecting." He passed the next box to Nye who proceeded to open it till Kevin stopped him.

"I'm on my way out Nye, can you open this in the limo?" Kev smiled as he slid into his jacket.

"Sure, see ya round." He took his next gift and walked to the limo and opened it in the back. In the bottom of this large box was a painting it was done by Selina and he fell immediately in love with it.

It had the bridge off to the left like they were under it and it went over them at an angle the jutt was there at the bottom of the image and on the rock of the jutt were to people leaning into each other while they watched a meteor shower. The plaque on the painting said 'wish upon a star, and smile' He assumed thats what it's name was. He was so happy with this gift as he knew it came straight from Selina's heart. He found the next clue and he read it.

"It's where your heart is." He smiled he knew the answer to this one to. He looked at Mani and Aikrii.

"She's home so lets go." Aikrii instructed the driver they were heading home now and they were there within ten minutes. Now you think that with a large party going on there would be a ton of cars in the driveway but Selina had that covered as well. The 2nd limo driver she had on this night was helping valets chauffeur party goers from the parking block she had set up about a block from the house so that one he'd have no clue who was there and two to keep down the traffic and parking issues to a dull roar.

He was floored when he walked through the door, the place was all decorated to the nines and Selina was standing at the door dressed up very nicely. The baby blue gown she was wearing made her eyes stand right out. Her hair was swept up off of her neck and done in a bun with tendrils flowing out here and there. She had a small tiara on that went with the outfit as she did so much look like a princess right then and there. He walked over to her his heart was going a million miles a minute when he touched her. He breathed deep her scent intoxicating him.

"Are you my present?" He grinned as she blushed. "I love the painting hunny thanks."

He kissed her and they both melted. Aikrii cleared his throat to get their attention. Selina giggled.

"Happy birthday baby, I love you." She took his hand and lead him through the small hall pass to the living room and when he walked in there was every conceivable person he knew or had known from both Curre and in Kearney as well. They all yelled SURPRISE! as he entered. He nearly had a heart attack. His mom and dad walked up and hugged him, it had been a while since he had seen them. Alice was thrilled to see her boys again and Dan was enjoying the excitement of setting this party up with Selina to surprise his boy.

"Happy birthday Son!" Dan said to Nye as he gave him a crushing hug. "Been a bit since we seen each other last."

"Yeah it feels like forever." Nye was over joyed. He took Selina's hand and gave it a squeeze as he looked at her. Damn he felt so proud to have her in his life. His mom reached over and kissed his cheek and she gave Selina a big hug and thanked her for including them in this festivities it was fun planning it.

Many came to greet Nye. Former classmates from St. Stephen's. Friends from C.U.R.E. Fm Radio. Sam and Xavier were there as well which he was thrilled to see them both. "Damn Sam, you got to move out this way! It's weird not having all the crew together!"

"Can't pal, mom wouldn't move if you paid her." he chuckled at the notion. "That's not all thou," Sam added "Our shop is so damn busy now days people have to make reservations just to come get their hair cut."

"WOW! Impressive!" Nye was happy to hear they were taking off. Roomoorz was destine to be a hit anyway so hearing that it was actually falling into place was nice to know.

Sam, Xavier, Dante, Josh, Selina, Mani, Aikrii, Kevin, Sadonie, David, Darren, Deidra, Celia, Sefron, Mardi, Wilks, Alice, Danny, Bain and Duke were just a few of the main crew that were there. Nye was over whelmed at who just showed to his party. Someone had managed to wrangle them all into a huge pile out in the foyer where the lighting was good and where they could use the stair to take a picture from. Nye got a kick out of Sefron who had set up his band in the area near the porch doors, They all knew how warm it would get in there as soon as he started to play. Selina and Mardi both went to the mic and got everyones attention. Selina had been practicing with Mardi's help all week to sing the song she had picked. Now Selina wasn't a bad singer she just wasn't strong so the work she put into doing this meant a lot to her. She had picked Paulina Rubio's song called 'The one you love' and started it so she would have Nye's undivided attention. Mardi helped with backup vocals as well. He watched her intently as she sang, he could see she was trying very hard and Nye loved her more and more for all the effort and thought she put into setting this party up. Her voice was amazing to his ears. When she was done she was nervous but very happy. Nye walked over to her and swept her off her feet by dipping her and then he kissed her, making everyone chuckle or clap.

When he stood her up she was hot, and dizzy and giggling like crazy.

"So I take it you like the song?" She said huskily, raw hunger was exuding from her and Nye could read her loud and clear.

"Um-hum" He said grinning he ran his finger along her lip and watched her shiver. He kissed her again lightly and took her hand as he lead her to the kitchen. He needed a drink so he could cool down.

His birthday party was beyond his wildest dreams and the whole thing was masterfully planned by his wonderful girlfriend, his brother and his brother in law. He received many nice things and his guests were really enjoying themselves. Selina had the crowd hopping when she got her computer out and had a set of tracks running for those who wanted to dance. She had her camera going pretty much non stop and Nye's brother Mani surprised him with a new car.

"Aikrii and I decided you needed a better one than the jalopy you own now. You can clean up the old one and donate it if you wish."

Nye agreed that was a good idea. Alice and Dan gave him a new one year music account so he could be able to download as many tracks as he could possibly want from iTunes for work and his own personal needs. He was thrilled with this. Before the night was over thou He had a chance to steal Selina away from the crowd and thank her proper for the picture and to hang it up. He put it in the living room above the couch. He loved that painting and he told her again how much it meant. He kissed her again for the twentieth time and she giggled.

"Your gonna give me an ego with all this attention." She said as she watched his eyes, he had a dreamy look to him and she was fascinated at seeing how much love was there. She knew her last present to him tonight would be well received she just had to be patient the time would present itself for when it should be given, she had all she needed.

She looked at him and smiled again as he said "I love you thats why I lavish attention on you don't worry about the ego I'm sure I can handle it." He chuckled as she mocked hurt and poked him in the belly.

"Did I tell you look beautiful tonight?" He said as he twirled a tendril of her hair around her finger and then let it slid from it.

"No but thanks" She blushing

"Ah but you do, you remind me of a princess." He leaned in again and kissed her again. It was then that Mani popped in and spoke.

"Hey everyone is wondering where you two took off to, some of the guests are heading home."

"Thanks Mani, we'll be out in a moment." Selina said as she stared at Nye and answered absently her belly still had butterflies and she wanted to savor that feeling.

The last guest left and waved good bye as they walked out, Nye still had his arm warped around Selina's waist and he was feeling very good. Dante and Josh hugged Selina good night, they knew that she was going to stay the evening as usual.

"Be good you two." Dante said "If I don't see you tomorrow at the swim Selina I'll assume you were exhausted due to all this excitement."

She giggled and said "Ok papa D"

They watched as her dads walked off to their drive home. Closing the door Nye then reverted his attention immediately to Selina. He warped his arm around her waist and then proceeded to sweep her off of her feet.

He was holding her in his arms and looking into her eyes. She smiled and she seemed to glow Nye hugged her tight against himself he breathed deep and he could smell her perfume a cross mix of Adidas moves for her and Mary Kay's discontinued fragrance called Embrace today. He knew these scents well and seen the bottles a few times with her toiletries she brought with her when she stayed, he found the mixed smells intoxicating. He walked with her still in his arms to his place. He deftly opened the door and slid in and closed it after he got her over the threshold. He kissed her. She moaned and shivered with excitement.

He gently placed her on her feet. She looked at him wondering what he had planned but all he did was remove his jacket and toss it onto the sofa. She grinned and then walked to the bedroom. She left him to lock up. She went to his dresser and stood in front of it removing the little tiara, her bobby pins from her hair were also placed on his dresser. She ran her fingers through her hair, looking she noticed how long it was getting. She turned to see Nye walk into his room she walked over to him and turned around her back facing him.

"I need a hand here." She said referring to being unzipped. He tentatively did as he was requested. He ran his hands down her shoulders once he finished. She turned and thank him holding the front of the dress to herself. She searched his eyes and what she saw made her tingle. She stood on her tippy toes and very lightly kissed his lips His breath got faster when she did this and she felt the stirrings of those wonderful butterflies she felt before but this time it was so much stronger. It made her breath catch and her belly warm like it had heat in the center of it. She lowered herself from her tippy toes and waited, his eyes were closed and he had a smile. He tilted his head back down and then slowly opened his eyes. He smiled at her and reached up and ran a hand along her cheek.

"Are you trying to tell me something Selina?" He asked his voice was very deep and husky. His hand slipped behind her head into her hair, he urged her towards him, it didn't take much she went willingly.

She slid up against him still holding onto her dress front. His free hand slid to her shoulder tracing the collar bone and making her shiver. He laid feather light kisses down the sensitive skin at the base of her throat. She moaned and called out in a sigh of satisfaction "Oh Nye..." her hands slipping from her dress front as she pressed herself closer to him and letting her hands make it to his hair.

"Umhum" He said a tad muffled against her throat as he laid more kisses. He nibbled to making her catch her breath and grip his hair. He chuckled as he made her do this. He pulled himself back and doing so caused her dress to slip to the floor leaving her clad in only the pale baby blue slip which was quite see through. Nye's breath caught. He groaned out his satisfaction as he got to view most of her luscious body for the first time.

She got goose bumps as the cool air hit her body and he noticed it. He picked her up and brought her to their bed and set her down on it. He helped her remove her shoes and then he grasped the bottom of the slip. She was still sitting on the end of the bed and just raised her arms over he head allowing him to undress her. He lifted the slip and slid it from her body, he was reading her vibes loud and clear. He wanted to treat her like the princess she was and tried his damnedest to be slow and gentle.

He was lost in her eyes as he watched her slid out of the slip. He tossed it to the floor. Her perk breasts exposed to the air, the nipples puckering making them stand out. She stood and reached for his shirt, She unbuttoned each one as slowly as they had started this dance. He kept placing random kisses on her. She reached the bottom of his shirts buttons and exposed his chest, she laid her lips on the light patch of fuzz he had and lightly kissed him. He arched and moaned as his hands went into her hair. She flicked her tongue out and tasted him grazing across his own puckered nipple making him let out a throaty growl. He pulled her head lightly back with both his hands in her hair. He went down to her lips and consumed her and like a thirsty man needs water, he went on drinking her up. She moaned out loud and felt the ripples of heat resonate throughout her body, clutching onto Nye's neck as her knees gave out. He picked her up and then crawled onto his bed with her in his lap He continued to kiss her. She pushed his shirt of f of his shoulders running her hands down his arms as she helped him slid out of the garment. He got back up and removed his pants. All left on the floor in a pile. She was amused at the boxer briefs he was wearing black ones with kisses all over them. She smiled as he joined her back in their bed. He laid her back and continued to lavish attention on her. He made her heat up sending continuous ripples of pleasure throughout her body. She ventured to get him to go further and she reached down grazing his obvious excitement he sucked in a quick breath between clenched teeth. She got braising and ran a finger across him. He threw his head back and moaned. She reached again and he took her wrist to stop her. He looked down into her eyes smiling, he had this mild deviously looking grin to him and she chuckled. "I take it I got your attention hun?"

"I'd say you have my full attention." His smug grin was enough to confirm it but the view was even better. She chuckled. He looked back to her eyes "Are you sure you want this Selina?"

She smiled at him and said "Yes Nye I am. I love you" She watched his eyes which seemed to release this wonderful bit of hidden magic, like sparkles from the soul. He reached for her and snuggled her to him. "I love you to." He kissed her forehead again and he slid from their bed and removed his briefs and crawled into bed and slid under the sheets and lifted the edge to get her to join him. She slipped out of her last piece of undergarment and joined him.

For the first time Selina got to experience the joys of making love with someone who loved her as much as life itself. The pleasure Nye brought to her made her feel like she was flying. She wasn't experienced but he was patient and let nature just take it's course. He was also prepared. She informed him she was on the pill but he insisted on being covered since there was no such thing as being too careful.

They both fell asleep in each others arms but before doing so Selina nuzzled into his neck still wrapped around his body like a second skin while he held onto her for dear life. "Happy birthday baby, When you asked me today if I was your present I should have said yes." Nye chuckled, "Then you're the best one out of everything I got."

Chapter 12 -- To Happier Holidays

She rolled over and looked at the dark eyes staring at her. She was refreshed now and she was sure he was to. Her flight had landed late last night but he had made it to the airport to get her along with a few other guests Aikrii and Mani had invited to the big shin-ding he was holding over at his place. Today would be very exciting Christmas was almost here and she was looking forward to what lay ahead, her first where she wasn't alone in nearly five years. She reached over to him and ran her finger down his chin he smiled and grasped her hand, his dark skin contrasting against hers, which was nearly as light as milk.

"Good morning sunshine" Wilks said to his new love. He kissed her fingers and shimmied closer to her sliding his hand up her arm and across her shoulder to the back of her head, his fingers in her long hair.

He urged her closer she giggled. She knew what he wanted. She met his lips and savored him sighing under his lips.

"Good morning sugar" She said back to him.

"Oh how I love your eastern accent" He said chuckling as he brushed her hair back from her face.

Charlene chuckled again. "I think your being a big flirt baby."

"Always." He reached for her waist and pulled her up and over so she was now sitting on his belly. She settled on him and he continued to enjoy the view he had and the warmth she was radiating onto his belly. He reached up and ran his hands down her breasts lightly flicking a thumb across her very light pink nipple. She smiled as she watched herself tighten. She then growled at him grasping his wrists and pushing them up over his head and in doing so she came face to face with him. She grinned down smugly at him.

"Now what are ya gonna do?" She asked

"Beg that you be gentle." He said chuckling as he watched her blue eyes dazzle with mischievous thoughts. "Uh-oh, do I see the tell tale signs of a dirty mind wandering?"

"Hey" she said playfully slapping him "you're not suppose to do that."

"Do what?" he asked innocently

"Ruin my fun." She leaned in and kissed him, she could feel his eager member slid up against her bottom and flip itself so it was now under her heated core. She would make him squirm for sure.

Kevin awoke to hear giggling. He was happy to hear his friend Duncan Wilks had finally found someone. He slipped from his bed and slid into his robe. Pressing a button on his nightstand he waited till Marco walked in the door.

"Good morning Sir." Marco said to him bowing slightly to his boss, his friend, his confidant.

"Geesh Marco how many times have I told you to stop the bowing shit?" He waved his hands in the air in disgust. "I'm not my father..."

"Tis is protocol sir" Marco said in his traditional British accent, it annoyed the fuck out of Kevin.

"To hell with protocol, Marco stop being such a stuff fucking shirt and loosen up ok. I paged you as I want to make sure Duncan and his guest Charlene are looked after by Maria till they leave as she needs to be familiarized with the home she's been here two weeks now and I think all I ever see her do is dust or polish." He looked at his butler, his friend when he wasn't being a anal retentive smuck, and someone he adored on a more personal level.

"As you wish Sir." Marco said bowing slightly again.

Kevin growled and glared at Marco. "So help me god if I didn't care so fucking much Marco I'd have fired you long ago for being a insubordinate pompous ass." He walked over to him grabbed his hand and then pulled him towards the door, Marco grinning behind his back he went straight faced when Kevin turned.

"I'm not stupid Marco." Kevin said standing with his hip cocked and a smug look on his face. "You want to play thats fine by me but you have things to do first, Then please come back and help me get ready for the day when you've dealt with Marie ok." With that he opened his door and saw Marco out giving his hand a squeeze as he let him go. Out of view of Kevin Marco smiled again as he walked out. He adored the boy and wanted to make him happy but he also had a contractual agreement with Kevin's father he'd see to the end, in Clayton's death he could have simply walked away but his admiration for the youngest master of the Trask household is what kept him around, along with the fact that Kevin asked him to stay. He walked down to the main staff quarters and knocked on the door of Anita's room.

She answered with her daughter next to her.

"Master Trask wishes that Marie be with Mr. Wilks and his guest for the remainder of the time they are present, she needs affiliation within the household Anita and making her do menial dusting tasks isn't getting her situated." He looked at the young girl and knew Anita's daughter would fit in if she was given the chance to do what needed to be done, mistakes were expected but Anita coddled the sixteen year old girl.

"Yes Marco." Anita said "I shall send her soon." with that she closed the door. Marco turned from the Anita's door and proceeded to rouse the remainder of the staff. They had much to do in preparation for the Christmas eve festivities that were quickly approaching. With his task done he then headed back up stairs to help Kevin ready for the day. He knew what to expect it was common for him and Kevin to spend quality time together, Sadonie knew, of course of Kevin and his friendship. Marco smiled he enjoyed their time together but he also knew that Kevin had an affliction for the ladies as well as the gents, one day he'd waver till then Marco would enjoy his free time with Kevin. He slowly ascended the stairs and knocked lightly on Kevin's door and waited for his cue. He entered when he was permitted to.

Kevin was standing in his boxers and was picking through a rack of shirts in his closet. He turned and smiled at Marco. "Be a darlin and help me choose, I hate dressing but well tis the season for guests" with that he chuckled as Marco smiled his first free smile Kevin was permitted to see. He had a habit of keeping his emotions in check as to not give Kevin too much but to also not give too little as well.

Kevin on the other hand was a bright lad and knew damn well how much Marco cared.

Kevin pulled back and leaned against Marco's slender yet wide chest holding up two shirts. "Which one?"

"The white one shall look very smashing on your dark completion sir" Marco said quietly chuckling as he knew the sir part would irk the living shit out of Kevin, his comment and actions didn't go unnoticed.

"Amused much are we?" Kevin said as he turned around looking back up at Marco.

"Very much so sir." Marco said he grinned again down at the young man, who in turn smiled back tipped toed and laid a kiss on Marco's lips. Marco loosened up after that, he always did.

"Mmmm." Marco smiled again. The admiration in Kevin's eyes for him was quite visible but as he kept reminding himself one of these days he'd settle and Marco wouldn't stand in his way if he decided he wasn't who he wanted to be with.

"Ahh thats much better Marco now come on stop being so damn stuffy and help like a pal would not my damn butler ok." He giggled as he pulled him towards the closet and started tossing out clothing.

Marco stopped him and pulled him out of the closet, "Ok now that you're out of the closet I'll look for you." The innuendo was there as well as the minor joke. Kevin groaned and then chuckled. Marco found the beige cargo pants he thought looked hot on Kevin. He passed them to him and said "Ok there you go these make you look like a million bucks so try these, they are one of my many favorites to see you in."

Kevin had forgotten the cargoes they did look good on him, he admired his ass in the floor length mirror and noticed Marco was also checking him out. He turned and walked over to him wrapping his arms around his waist looking up at the older man he asked him the same thing he always asked him, hoping one of these days Marco would let reality sink in and accept what he offered.

"So when are you going to ditch this gig and move in with me?" He laid his head against his chest. He could feel and hear Marco's heart racing in his chest as he laid his arm across Kevin's shoulder.

"I am but a servant Kevin, it's my contractual duty here to serve you and your family. It would look improper for you to be with hired help, especially with me, I would be an embarrassment to you" Marco pushed him back and said the same thing he always said "Soon you will find someone to settle with, till then I am more than happy to be here by your side in private, I shall enjoy our time together and I will gracefully move on when you require me to." He sighed as much as that hurt to say, he knew he'd try his damnedest to do it to if the time ever came.

Kevin again swallowed the lump he always got in his throat after Marco put his linage down. For a well mannered in control man that he was it was always a stinging pain to Kevin to hear the man he adored put himself down when it came to his job. His job didn't define who he was but apparently Marco thought it did or at least lived like it did. Again Kevin sighed and then forced another smile. "Very well, you can not say I never offered, it's your choosing. I will ask again as always, for you know I still care Marco, I only hope one day you realize this." He reached up to him and kissed him again, the older man giving into the sensations that he was creating. He knew today would be different, how he didn't know he just knew it would be.

Marie was nervous. Her mother had warned her that working at the Trask home would be a very honored privilege she should embrace and to learn what she could when she could. Kevin and Sadonie had agreed with Anita to hire her daughter and her daughter was told to keep to herself and do her duties, when it came to the goings ons in the home her mother told her to either turn a blind eye or keep her mouth shut as Master Trask was one to frequent with both male and female partners. Anita had no idea if her daughter would find this appalling or not so just fair warned her. "He has a reputation to keep so please, do not open your mouth or comment out of turn doing so will see me personally kicking your ass if he doesn't fire us both first." She was surprised to hear her mother speak in such manner about another and to even remotely threaten her person, but she did as she was requested and in two weeks learned a bunch of things she found quite amusing. She knocked on Mr. Wilks door and waited for them to allow her to enter.

"Come in" He said

She entered to see the giant dark man standing with his back to her he was getting dressed and the lady who was with him was tying his tie. They were like night and day, she was so pale and he was so very dark.

"Master Trask says I am to be around for your needs. Is there anything you need before proceeding to the morning meal sir? Madam?" She bowed and waited

He noticed she was on edge and being in and out of Kevin's home he knew she had only recently been hired. He looked down at Charlene who had concern in her eyes.

"Well for one you can address me as Duncan and Charlene I don't think will object to being called by her given name. If Kevin has issues with this I will correct him, but I'm sure he won't" He watched the girl relax "I would like your name" He said to her as he turned as he reached for Charlene's hand.

"It is Marie Sir." She said bowing

"Duncan...remember." He corrected her

"Very well ... Duncan." She looked up and smiled "Is there anything you wish for this morning?" She again waited for his response.

"Charlene and I are hoping for the paper and a good cup of coffee, think you can help with this?" He smiled at her waiting to see if her nerves had ebbed any. She seemed eager to please she smiled and said "Right away!" and scurried off.

Charlene was in a good mood this morning, Duncan had thoroughly entertained her this morning and their morning shower was a show in itself. She smiled at the memory.

"So when is the festivities to start?" She asked as she took his hand and the headed down the stairs of Kevin's home. He had put up a few of the guests that Aikrii had invited since the guest home on their property hadn't been completed as of yet and probably wouldn't be for another five or six months.

"From what Kevin said more guests would be showing sometime today, I do believe that Celia is also putting up guests in her home as well. I have to go pick up Sam and Xavier for Josh and Dante sometime today from the airport as well, that is unless Marco and Kevin decide to do it themselves." He wanted to see Kevin get some quite time with Marco but with everything going on he would assume this would be another Christmas that Kevin would sit back and just watch what was going on around him.

"So Sam and Xavier are coming from Curre?" she asked

"Yes, along with their mom Michelle, a few of Josh's former class mates and team mates as well. Dante also invited a few people he knew and I think Aikrii said others that they knew were coming, some from as far as England." He smiled when she let her eyebrows raise in surprise.

"They know a lot of people and Josh is like Aikrii's big brother they always watch for each other so I've been told. Since Kevin and them have had a chance to get to know everyone better the family they use to know has grown quite considerably."

Duncan was happy to see Kevin's family grow and from what he had been learning Josh's partner Dante was happy to see that his own twin brother would be joining them in their festivities and not alone. It was made clear that Sam would be bringing his partner Xavier who had also invited his sister Catherine and his father Heathcliff who were coming from London England, and Dante's own mother would be joining them as well from Curre. He had been keeping tabs on all the guests. Kolten who was a friend of Selina's had been invited and would be bringing a guest he said he met while visiting back home in England as well, whether or not if the guest was from there wasn't known as of yet. Dedra's husband Jeremy would be back from his time serving over seas with Nato and David's wife Hilary would also be joining them since her own stint with the military was completed for this duration, her leave was for the next five weeks before she returned. He was still in the dark on whether David would be bringing a guest or not and as far as he knew Celia wasn't dating anyone at the moment. Aikrii and Mani had invited both Mani's parents who were coming from Curre and Aikrii's parents were currently living in Kearney as well so they wouldn't need to be picked up.

"I think I should call Aikrii and make sure they have the limo services running on their end and see if Sadonie and Kevin want theirs running as well, I frankly do not wish to forget anyone especially not with Christmas only two days away. Charlene nodded as they made it to the kitchen, "I should call Selina as well and see whom else she's invited, she had mentioned a swim pal named Matt I think."

"Good idea hun this way with both of us helping out and Aikrii and Mani and Kevin heck no one will be forgotten."

Marie passed the morning Herald paper Duncan and asked Charlene if she wanted flavored creamer in her coffee.

"Yes please, hazelnut ok." She smiled as the young girl put the hot aromatic smelling drink before her.

"Smells divine." she said taking a sip and leaning in against Duncan as he looked over the morning news. She was definitely looking forward to the holidays.

Marie was happy to see these people were easy to deal with she sure hoped Kevin would be as easy when he found out about the guest she was hiding in her room at that moment, maybe she'd talk to the lady here she seems very nice but she wanted to get more info before she said anything. This place could be good for Rebecka. She looked anxiously towards the staff door and wondered if she could slip away to check on her. She asked Charlene if she needed anything more then again to Duncan and then excused herself she hoped Becky was ok. When she showed last night it was a challenge to get her in the house without her being seen, and it was obvious the girl was quite sick. She entered her room to find Becky passed out on the bathroom floor. She shook her and she woke.

"Marie I think I need a doctor." She then slumped again out for the count. "Damn now what" she muttered, what was she going to do. Marie did what she could to make the girl comfortable and then headed back upstairs and asked to speak to Charlene in private.

Marie was scared and prayed she didn't get fired. Charlene reassured her things would be fine. She made a few calls and things got moving. The sick little ones holidays would get better, She would see to it. Kevin wasn't aware of the guest in his home, if he was he never noticed. His mind was elsewhere lately.

"We really should get going" Xavier yawned and stretched as he half sat up against their massive amounts of pillows and spoke. He kissed his dark haired lover on the cheek and smiled. "I think Dante and Josh are looking forward to seeing us and we should get out asses on the move our flight leaves in like two hours. His long yet younger counter part who was snuggled against his side smiled against his chest."

"I think I'm gonna have fun while we visit, Have you joined the mile high club yet?" Sam asked looking at his love's reddening cheeks as he to sat up. He chuckled as Xavier's eyes got wider.

"Good god Sam, you think I deprive you of such pleasures the way you go on some days" He rolled on his side and sat his head upon his hand running his finger down Sam's chest and started driving him wild. He knew what he was doing to. His hazel eyes batting like an innocent while he grinned egging him on with only a touch.

"Don't I give you enough?" He said pouting at him which was a hoot. Sam growled and smiled as he pounced on his beautiful boyfriend. Straddled over Xavier now and looking down at him he kissed his forehead and looked down at him. "You give plenty babe, It's me I'm starving all the time and I have three hollow legs." He growled again as he started to ravish his partner who knew it was coming since he did encourage the wanted assault.

"We're going to miss our fight if we don't hurry." Xavier said giggling as Sam started to head south.

"What I have in mind won't take long" he said muffled as he became encased in the bed sheets due to his downward decent.Xavier gasped as he was consumed by Sam, he arched and moaned and reached towards Sam's head. Yep, they would go, as soon as Sam had his fill of Xavier. Xavier's head swam with the joyous sensations Sam was causing. Good god he loved the holidays.

Aikrii's parents showed and were all over him smiling and chatting a mile a minute. Mani was pleased to see that Phillip was looking good and learned that he was back working again. Marie was planning on opening her restaurant soon as well and Aikrii was giving her advice on where to open and who to go about hiring remembering the chef from the last restaurant they had visited. Mani was in the kitchen when he got the call from Kevin's place. He listened intently to Charlene. "Sure I'll be right over."

He walked over to Aikrii and kissed his cheek and told him he'd be back shortly that Charlene needed him to help her with a minor issue over at Kevin's place and that he'd be back as soon as he could. With that he headed out concerned about what she had told him.

Aikrii continued on with his guests and noticed Selina and Nye had made their presents and with them they had Josh and Dante and Matt everyone was enjoying themselves so far and getting things set up for the party that would last the next three days. Selina put down the box of decorations and looked at Matt and asked him if he was ready to decorate. He was thrilled to be in such a big house and spoke a mile a minute to Aikrii and his mom and anyone else who would listen for more than thirty seconds.

"Now I know why you like him so much Selina his nature is so infectious and bubbly." Aikrii chuckled as he ruffled the little fellas head. He stooped to Matt's level and spoke "Would you like to put on some Christmas music and help Selina get the tree ready?" He nodded eagerly he watched as Sefron huffed a huge eight foot tree into the house. "Wow that things huge!" Matt's eyes got a big as saucers as he watched it being erected. "We'll have to get Wilks or Sefron to help you put on the star" Selina said giggling as she steadied the tree. "They are the only ones tall enough to reach the top without having to use a cherry picker.

"What's a cherry picker?" Matt asked confused.

"It's a machine like a crane that can reach high places." Sefron said as he tightened the stand around the base of the tree as Selina held it in place.

"Well thats done now lets get down to business." Selina and Matt got the rest of the decorations that Aikrii and his mom had hauled out and started to make the house all festive. It would be a great holiday for everyone.

She opened her eyes. She rubbed her belly it hurt. She looked around and noticed she was in a hospital bed. She sat up still dizzy. She heard a noise outside of her room door. She looked at the door and two people came in. One was a doctor and the other was a young man with had very auburn red hair and the nicest purple eyes she'd ever seen.

"Well good afternoon there Rebbeca" The doctor was pleasant in his greeting and asked her "Do you know how you got here?"

"I think my friend Marie got me sent here, I'm not feeling too well and I haven't eaten in a few days, I keep throwing up." The doctor looked at the small fourteen year old girl. Her parents had been contacted and they had released her to the care of Social services since neither one of them apparently cared about her anymore. She was thrown out of her home two weeks ago when her parents had found out she was pregnant. She didn't know who the red head man was and asked him "Who are you?"

He smiled at the pretty child. "I'm Mani and I'm here to help."

"Are you another Social worker?" She asked timidly she wasn't to fond of Social workers.

"No I'm not a social worker" He said chuckling "but I do run a Ti kwon do studio in the local area, a lot of special kids go there." He smiled at her again waiting if she'd tell him what he already knew.

In helping troubled kids in the last few years his training as a councilor went into auto drive he knew a neglected child when he seen one. One who would go just about anywhere to get the craved attention they needed, affections to feel loved or even act out in a negative way just to get some form of attention someone, anyone who would talk to them.

He felt this young lady was one of the kids who's parents had little time for them and expected them to fend for themselves and when they messed up the parents blamed the child and not themselves for the obvious neglect, the parents usually never see it saying 'We taught our child to know better' Knowing better is fine but they are still children hence why adults are around for guidance. Parents should know better.

It upset Mani to no end when he met kids like this. Charlene had called him since he was a resident in the area with the needed ties to the community to help this young girl.

"I'm here to listen to what you need Becky, you don't mind if I call you Becky right?"

"I don't mind." She hung her head. "You know don't you." she started to cry and the doctor left the room so Mani could do what he was trained to do. He walked over to her bed and sat on the edge and nodded his head. He knew why she had been thrown out of her home. He had spoken to her parents who got an ear full from him before he even met her.

"Becky it's ok, you're safe here ok. I'm here to help if you want it. So Please tell me what you need and what you would like done ok."

"I want to go home. I'll be a good girl, mom can take the baby and give it to someone else I won't get in her way no more please ask her to take me back I'm sorry I didn't mean to get this way it just happened." She wailed now, Mani's heart went out to the child. He reached out and took her hand and spoke again looking into her eyes he was eager to encourage her to do right and not abort her unborn baby which was still an option for her at this moment.

"You can have a place to live again if you want. You could still go to school and if you really want to put the little one you're carrying up for adoption I know he or she'd go to a fantastic home." Mani waited to see what she'd say.

"I'm too young to be a mom, I can't even care for myself how am I going to take care of a baby?" She hiccuped, I think I would give my baby to someone if I knew they'd be in a good home. I want something better than what I could give them."

"Do you want the help I suggested?" He asked her. He had to tread lightly he didn't want her freaking out thinking he was trying to make her give up her baby, but he would offer her a place to live and an education and a safe spot to be. She would be a perfect candidate for the adoption through the 'Young mom's 4 life' fund since she was so young.

"Who are the people who would take my baby?" She looked at him and waited seeing in his eyes concern and joy at the same time.

"Well I can't really say for sure, but I know a few people who are looking for children and are willing to provide to the mom's who help them have the kids they can't." He waited.

Then continued "I wouldn't answer just yet ok. I want you to think about it and then if you want to talk to me I will refer you to the 'Young mom's 4 life' group who will direct you with a lawyers help in starting an adoption process. They will also help you find the family who wants a child and you'd be placed in their home and cared for. There's a psychological assessment you have to go through as well as the prospective parent, it's so the prospective parents feel comfortable and so you feel safe as well offering your child up to a family who would care for him or her.

She nodded and said "I need to know now, I'll tell mom maybe she'll take me back if I promise to give up the baby."

Mani took her hand and looked at her. "Do this for YOUR future not because you want to please your mom. She should have been there to support you. You're a child and vulnerable and she kicked you out of your home. What she did wasn't a wise move on her part and she can be in trouble for endangering you and your health. Do you understand?" He waited to see what she'd say. She just nodded.

"When can I leave here?" She asked

"As soon as you get your strength up, you were dehydrated and you need to eat more." Mani reached over to the call button and paged the doctor, when he walked in he had two more guests for Becky.

Her friend Marie the young girl who worked at Kevin's home was with Charlene.

"Oh Marie! Thank you you helped me!" She hugged her friend and cried "Mommy tossed me out and I am so scared" She wailed on her friends shoulder.

"Don't worry Becky, Charlene says that Mani and his boyfriend can help you. They are good people and they know lots and lots of people who can show you what to do ok. You listen to him he's very important I've seen him on TV." She smiled and looked at Mani he was a tad red now but he was glad her friend was encouraging her to listen to what he had to say, seemed with all the peer pressure out there this was the welcomed kind as far as Mani was concerned.

Charlene took Mani to the side and said, "You think she'd be one for that program I told you about?"

Mani nodded his head yes, about two months ago he and Aikrii had put into the 'Young moms 4 life' Fund a program that was aimed at young teen moms who opted to put their children up for adoption over abortion. The program placed young girls who were emotionally stable and willing to give up their children into good loving homes that were well investigated. The girls were cared for by the potential adoptive parents if needed and the potential parents could offer what they could in support or other offerings to the girl that was placed in their care. The client was given a lawyer and encouraged to not smoke, do drugs or drink. They had full access to a private clinic and doctors when ever they needed it to. It would be perfect for this young girl if she passed the criteria. He hoped the donation that he and Aikrii helped the center to provide for many of the other girls who landed there, some choose to stay at the center's home, others could go with the potential parents that would eventually adopt their children, many adoptive parents still kept in contact with the infants biological mom encouraging a friendly bond. Sometime it was good sometimes it wasn't but it usually was a risk many were willing to take to get a child into a good home and a young teen mom from chancing never being able to have kids again or even dying from complications if she opted for an abortion.

Marie and Becky were talking a mile a minute when Charlene noticed that the doctor who's name was David Hartlin, was back and he looked at Mani and asked him "Is she being released into your care? We contacted the agency you notified me about and they said that you could take her there if you wanted to or you could wait till after the holidays but you only have an hour to get her there."

Mani looked over at the young girl who still looked weak. "Is she ok enough to travel I don't want her to get worse."

"She'll be fine. She just needs food and rest and maybe a good nights sleep in a home where she's wanted maybe?" He gave a knowing looked Mani knew this doctor was one of the caring ones and he was glad that this one took the time to notice.

"We'll take her, Do I need to sign any release forms?" He asked

"No, I'll sign her off and get her belongings." David smiled happy to know she'd be with a good crowd, he recognized Mani immediately when he had shown at the hospital and he knew of all the good Mani and his family did for the community. He returned and passed her, her clothing and wished her luck, "Remember this guy will help you out big time ok so you listen to him and you'll have all you need ok."

She nodded she kept hearing about how nice this Mani fella was and she wondered what he was or who he was, she didn't recognize him at all. She left with Mani and Charlene and Marie. He took her to the 'Young moms 4 life' center and she was filled in on a ton of details and she was given the option to either stay at the center thou the holidays she'd be alone or if she knew of someone she could stay with them till after the holidays.

She cried again and hiccuped "I don't know anyone Mr. Mani and I have nobody to be with for Christmas, I don't want to be alone."

"Tracey, can she stay with us for the holidays? She's young she should be with a people who will provide her with what she should have. Good memories of a loving family during the holidays." He placed his arm over her shoulder looking down at her and smiling. "That is if you want to." He said to her. She beamed and nodded her agreement.

"I'd have no issues with it but Mani you know your a client here and well it could very well put a kink in to you getting a child of your own. We wouldn't want a repeat session that the Proctors went through" Mani frowned then he had forgotten about the 'red tape' part of it all.

Charlene then spoke up. "Well what if I offered, we would be in Aikrii and Mani's presents is there an issue with that? My partner and I are in the area for the holidays and he is a resident here."

Tracey looked over the regulations and shook her head no "I can't see an issue there. Sure if your willing to be responsible for her we'll see you back here on the 5th of January then ok. We need info on you and your partner ok."

Charlene provided all that she could in order to help out Aikrii and Mani. She knew Selina would be thrilled to learn what she was doing for her uncles. When Tracey leaned that Charlene was dating THE Duncan Wilks she was given an auto green light to take on the responsibilities of Becky. Duncan being one of the leading investigators in the area had a well known reputation, there were even times the police forces in Kearney would hire him to help in unsolved cases in which he helped solve fifteen of in the last two years.

Becky was beaming when she left the center and held onto Mani's arm thanking him profusely and then she hugged Charlene hugging her to. "Wait till Aikrii meets you, he's going to think your absolutely adorable" Mani was happy to see her bubbly nature, he knew she'd fit in on the festivities quite well. He flipped open his cell and called Aikrii and told him he had a special guest to introduce him to. Aikrii was curious but Mani wasn't giving anything away but did ask

if he could use the house credit card to buy the new guest a few items as they would need a few things since they had nothing.

Mani hung up from an excited Aikrii and told Charlene of his plans for Becky. They jumped into the car and headed to the mall. Marie was happy her friend was being cared for now. She started to talk to her quietly in the back seat she told her what she remembered from the center and made sure Becky knew that Mani's family would be good to take her baby. Becky asked her if they were looking for a baby.

"Yes they are trying to adopt a baby. They donated a lot to the center to help other girls who find themselves in trouble and they are willing to take in another one and give her a home and an education and more if needed and they will take very good care of her little one." she looked at her and waited to see what she said. she could see the wheels in her head running.

"I think I'm going to have to think about a few things when I get back to the center on the 5th and I need to learn about lawyers. Tracey said Charlene's boyfriend is an investigator?" she looked at Charlene and then back at Becky, "Yes he is I work in the place where you'll be staying remember. I can talk to him if you need me to." She wanted her friend to do the right thing. Encouragement is what she needed and the trip to the mall opened Becky's eyes at the giving nature Mani had and then some.

I hope you really enjoyed the new twist and suspence I added to this book this part of the series is a bit diffrent from the norm but still here for everyone to enjoy. I know there's not much "guy" stuff but hey give it time, I can't neglect the others in my story it eouldn't be a series if I did that LOL :D

Please comment if you wish and if you want mail me and ask for the link if you wish to read the whole series in it's entiriety.

Next: Chapter 18: Steppin Out III 13 15

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