Steppin Out

By Lila Mosher

Published on Feb 26, 2017


Steppin' Out (Book 4) Perfect Man Copyright 1993-2017 By Lila Mosher


This is a series of works of gay erotic fiction. If you are offended by such material or if you are not allowed access to it under the laws where you live, please exit now. DO NOT GO PAST HERE! 18+ ONLY!

This work is copyrighted by the author and LBL Services Canada. 1990-2017 and may not be copied or distributed in any form without the written permission of the author, who may be contacted at: *I've had my work stolen before and I WILL contact my lawyer who will contact ANYONE who takes my material!~

Any and all celebrities mentioned in this story have no affiliation to this piece of writing and I make no claim to their person as my own. They are used to enhance the writing this is ALL. All mentioned places and people are factious and any bearing resemblance to anyone person or place is purley coincidental

To see currently see my stories in full please go to:

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******************************** OK so it's been a few years... I think a little background recap for this story is REALLY NEEDED. If you want to refresh yourself you can check the stories ALL out at the link above.

Sam is the Twin brother of Dante Ericson Sam out of the two is the more "agressive" of these two twins yet he's a hair/estetics master LOL go figure yes he loves beauty but he can be a hardass as well, this story shows more of his soft side. ;)

I hope my fans enjoy this 4th selection to my series, It's taken a LONG time to get here. Life decided to kick me while I was down and that battle was more important than writting at the time. BUT I WON! So I'm back.

Hope you enjoyed Sylvia Alice White/Lila Mosher (Pen name)

Chapter 1 - How it all started ************************

It all started in the spring of 2005. The weather had been up and down causing a lot of issues. Things had also changed at St. Stephen's University and Sam was surprised at one in particular. Mrs. Koss their cosmetology teacher who had been pregnant went into premature labour: IN class and had to be rushed to the hospital. The students were left befuddled and questioning on what would happen next. They figured the University's faculty would hire a temporary sub but were shocked to learn the next day that they had indeed hired a Teacher's Assistant otherwise known as a T.A. to take over Mrs. Koss's position, and well; Sam damn nearly died when he saw him.

Xavier York. Twenty-five years of age, Six feet tall. Hazel green eyes and the most wicked flaming red hair Sam ever had the pleasure of getting a hard on over. He was overwhelmed at his ubiquity because in no time he consumed his thoughts. He stumbled, and got into a load of trouble with him on a regular basis. Sam was truly surprised Xavier didn't flunk him. Xavier remembered the day he spotted the handsome soccer player. Sam was an arousing presence to him. He found it hard to keep his own mind on the classes at hand. Worse part was that there were two of them; since Sam had a twin brother, but Sam had a strong aura about him. He was the dominating factor of the two young men. He had piercings that turned Xavier on to no extent; especially when he thought about how many more he could have, and where they all could be hiding.

Xavier had to learn how to keep focused and teach his students but whenever he got the chance he approached Sam and called on him frequently. He noticed the young fella blushed a lot, and found it rather charming. He had to watch his ass though since being a T.A. and even remotely having rumours leaking out that a teacher and a student were fraternizing would cause quite a stir among the faculty, not that it hadn't happened before, but he didn't need to lose his job. The prospects of dating again did seem to peak his interest. Thing is he never knew Sam's orientation. Things were clarified a few weeks later when he was precariously balancing four boxes on top of each other as he tried to make it to his car.

He bumped into something, or rather someone. Xavier grunted, but was pleased as he recognized Sam's voice, that in turn said; "Hey let me help." As he carefully took two boxes off the top of the pile Xavier had in his arms.

"Thanks I needed that." Xavier said smiling at Sam. They made it over to Xavier's car and Sam put down the boxes. Unknown to Sam, Xavier was checking his ass out and realized too late that Dante watched this with amusement. His arousal would be noticeable if he was to put the box down now; so he hoped these two would wander off quickly; no matter how badly he'd want to ravish the young stud in front of him. He snapped out of his longing state when he heard Sam's voice cut through the haze.

"No problem, sir!" Sam said scratching his head; grinning like a schoolgirl with a crush. Xavier chuckled mentally and spoke.

"Oh, Good lord! Sam, don't call me Sir. Sir is my dad. Shit I'm what...only three years older than you? Don't make me feel older than I need to be OK." Xavier chuckled at Sam's facial expression, the element of surprise registered and it made Xavier think he was just too damn adorable.

"Sure ...ummm" Sam hesitated then blushed.

"Call me Xavier silly. It is my name after all" He smiled and then unlocked his trunk.

"OK! Xavier it is then." Sam said, "So you need any more help?"

"No, it's OK; I think I can manage from here, but thanks." Xavier grinned again and mentally chuckled at the obviously embarrassed state of the young man in front of him. He waited till Sam was walking away before he started to load the boxes into his trunk.

Xavier looked back as he heard the hearty chuckle Dante let out; he also saw Xavier grip Dante's arm and groaned. Sam spun around real quick, trying to hide the obvious fact that he had been ogling Xavier's assets. Now Xavier knew for certain he had a good opportunity to approach this fine young man; the thing was how to do it. This dilemma came about to Xavier two weeks later in the most amusing way.

Dante barged into the classroom panting and wired for sound. Sam wasn't far behind him. Both had shit eating grins on their faces when they walked in. Sam handed Mr. York the tardy slip and they both took their seats. Xavier had been wondering why they had been late.

Dante took out his books and papers and was doodling and Xavier noticed this but decided not to be the `bully' on the kid since their day had already started off on a rather unusual note. It was when Dante started to chuckle and snort about whatever it was he was working on that got Xavier's attention, he wasn't mad; just perturbed about the disturbance.

"Is something funny Mr. Ericson?" Xavier asked him as he stared up from his desk.

"Umm; no sir." Xavier noticed he was trying his best to hold back his mirth. His eyes were watering from the effort. He wiped them and stuck his head down to his books. Xavier continued on about chemical damage to the human scalp.

About twenty minutes after the first warning Xavier once again noticed Dante being a bit of a disturbance and saw that he had passed his brother a note, he'd have chastised him about it if it hadn't been for another student catching his attention with a question. It was Dante's snickering again and the apparent shock on Sam's face that once again got Mr. York's attention. Sam shoved the paper into his binder and glared at his brother. Xavier was wondering what was going on that seemed so amusing to one brother while the other looked like he could kill with his steely gaze.

Xavier shivered at the look and noted to himself to never piss off Sam. Chuckling mentally he decided yet again to chastise Dante in a gentle manner.

"Mr. Ericson, I suggest you pay attention this information will be on your exam next week. I'm sure you and your brother have more pressing things to worry about than giggling at the topic." Xavier didn't look angry just perturbed at Dante's antics.

Sam was the one who spoke up on Dante's behalf since Dante was so obviously amused at his silly little note.

"Sorry sir. This morning's events seem to have my brother wound tighter than a spring, I'll see to it he's better tomorrow."

"See that you do Sam." Xavier said addressing the older of the two twins with his given name instead of the formal name he continued to use with Dante. Xavier had a funny feeling that today would have an unusual twist to it and he felt it was going to be Dante who would be the cause of it. He just hoped it wouldn't involve anything negative that would hurt Sam.

Sam had been mortified at Dante's actions that almost got them both caught but he still wrote on the note that Dante gave him. He would pass it on as they left.

Xavier noticed about an hour later; just as class was leaving a piece of paper fluttering to the floor as Sam was rummaging in his kit bag while he was walking out the door. Xavier bent over and pick up the note Sam had lost. As he returned from his crouched position, he noticed from the corner of his eye; That Sam turned white as a ghost and exclaim with clenched teeth to his brother. "Oh shit! He got that damn note you wrote and MY response to it!" He whacked Dante who started to roar with laughter as he ran from the class. Now Xavier was really curious on what that note said that made Sam react so fiercely that he'd beat his brother while still in the room.

He opened it up and his face blossomed one of the biggest grin he had done in weeks. He held in his hands the `permission' he needed to approach the young man on a safe term. He just hoped Sam was smart enough to keep things on the down low. He didn't need any trouble from the faculty, and this was; after all; Sam's last year. He walked over to his student list and found the number he was looking for; wrote it down and pocketed the number as his second class filed in. He hoped today would go more smoothly.

Sam's practice session for the up and coming soccer tournament in five weeks was a much needed means to blow off steam; thing is; he had asked him mom Michelle to re-direct his calls to his cell phone he never figured in a million years that Xavier would call him. He recognized his voice immediately.

"Hello." He said as he answered.

"Sam, we need to talk." Xavier was straightforward and waited for a response.

"Umm, Hi...Xavier...I'm kinda in the middle of a practice session for our tournament that's coming up. Can't this wait?" He asked; hoping he'd let things go. He knew it had to do with that stupid note, and he wasn't quite up to facing the music on that matter just quite yet.

"I'll see you there then." Xavier said and hung up before Sam had a chance to protest.

Sam looked at his cell phone for quite a while in shock, his wallpaper returned to the screen about thirty seconds later. He heard his coach yell for him. He tossed his cell back into his kit bag and headed to the field. Today was going to be a hell of a mess he could feel it.

His mind wandered and he wasn't into the practice session. He thought What would he say to him' How did he know where his practice session was this time around?' Did he check up on him?' Would he tell him to back off?' About forty minutes later his coach Mr. Valeur noticed his absence vigour for the game. He yelled for Sam, who ran off the field. Don asked him if he was OK.

"Just a few things I have on my mind sir. Sorry about that." He mumbled as he walked along with him. His head down, he wondered what Xavier would say to him when he got there.

"Does he have anything to do with it?" Don asked his star player as he pointed over to Xavier who was now at the sidelines staring intently at Sam and smiling as well. Don knew that look ALL too well.

Sam gasped he knew this could mean trouble. His coach could cause trouble for Xavier and he didn't need to see that happen especially not when he knew Xavier only had a little over two months left before this year's contract ran out.

Don knew what was going on. He could see it, and he recognized the signs from his own past experiences. A student and a teacher dating was usually not a condoned practice within the University. He too had fallen for one of his students, and it took a lot of work, but he and his partner were still together and still both at the University. Now day though; Clay worked at the University. Don looked over at the young teacher. He recalled Xavier from seven years ago. He waved to him and was pleased to see the young man recognized him.

"I know that look anywhere, he's interested and you're scared?" He looked down at Sam who responded with "Umm, I have no idea on his interests' sir. We're not dating if you're wondering"

Sam knew his coach was gay, and everyone on the team knew Sam's orientation as well. It never seemed to bother anyone and Don's partnering seemed to be a well known' even the looming fact that Clay was a former student of his. He waited for his coach to respond.

Don looked down at the young man and chuckled. "Well even if you're not; tell me what you see when you look at him?"

They stopped walking towards the side lines and Sam looked at Xavier. "He seems to be very happy right now." Sam said

"Yes, that he does" Don said. "He also has the look of a person who's quite interested, wouldn't you say?"

"I don't know sir." Sam said wondering where this was going and getting more nervous all the time.

"Sam, go for it OK, I will not get in anyone's way. I was in your situation at one time too and well there's only five weeks left before the terms are over for the summer. Here's hoping having him make you happy; helps with your game. Just; don't screw up come game time. OK!" HE gave the young fella a shove towards Xavier and walked off yelling over his shoulder, "Sam; call it a day. I'll see you on Friday."

Sam tentatively approached Xavier, not taking his eyes off of him as Xavier passed him a water bottle and a towel. Sam took a large swig of the cooling liquid before soaking his head to cool down. He towel dried his head and peeked through the fabric to see Xavier still smiling at him. Sam was confused yet frustrated so decided to take his bad ass self and grab the situation by the balls.

"Xavier why are you here?" He asked as he put the towel around his neck, gripping onto the dangling ends he waited to see what he'd say. He stared at the older man before him. Xavier hadn't put his hair up in its normal ponytail so his hair was blowing freely in the light wind, making his hair jump and flit like fire. It was enough to make Sam wish he could play with it.

Xavier grinned he was enjoying the strong nature Sam portrayed but he knew he could make this young fella weak in a good way; he just needed time. He reached into his pocket and passed him back the note he had found on the floor. Sam's eyes got large; he knew what it was.

Their fingers brushed. Sam got goose bumps. Xavier noticed immediately this reaction and shivered inwardly. He was thrilled at the responses he could get from Sam with just a touch.

Sam stammered as he noticed the note, it felt so heavy in his hand. He didn't know what to think. "Umm...ah...Shit!" He said turning red. He looked up at Xavier. "I'm sorry Xavier. My brother started this; and..." he trailed off not knowing what else to say.

Xavier looked at him and said "Open it please and read it."

Sam looked at him wondering what kind of game Xavier was playing. "I'm well aware on what it says Xavier. Why are you doing this?"

Xavier reached over and pried his hands apart and in the process opened the note. He could feel the heat resonating from Sam; and he felt him shiver as well. Sam looked down at the note in his hand and gasped. There written in red pen were words he had wanted to see. "You won't know; if you don't ask. He might say yes." Sam looked at him with a smile and matter of clarification asked. "So now what?"

"Well it helps if you actually ask for one." Xavier said.

"Good god you're actually going to make me ask?" Sam squawked

"Yes, I think if you're serious enough your strong nature will take the lead and do what you think is best for you, so ...ask. Worse I can say is no." Xavier waited, he would tell him he had to if he was given the chance but for now he wanted to see if he'd take the lead like he was hoping he would. Being in a position of authority he couldn't lead a student. It was considered unethical.

Sam sighed; good God this guy was intense. Too many people though he always had this rough demanding nature, but the fact was; he had quite the soft side too. He just didn't show it often, he was more than willing to admit he could be a bully at times, and sometimes downright mean, but hell he did have a heart. Once again he let his 'strong nature' take the lead and looked at Xavier and did the one thing he thought most would question.

"I'm sorry Xavier I don't play games. You know where I stand right now; you also know I'm interested." He sighed wondering just what the hell he was trying to prove to himself, but he felt it was needed. "If you want to pursue this matter then you'll come to me, till then I'm done feeling like someone is squeezing my heart through a damn play-doh pumper pal." He turned around and headed to the locker room he needed to think.

When he got to the locker room Clay was there cleaning up. He stopped and looked at Clay and spoke. "When you started to date Don were you still taking classes here?" He asked out of the blue. Clay was startled at the question and looked over at Sam he knew who he was and was more surprised that he would ask about his and Don's past.

"Yes I was. Why do you ask?" He sat waiting to see if Sam would spill since he seemed to be in pain. He patted the bench beside him motioning for him to sit. Sam did so putting his head into his hands and sighing. He ran his hands though his hair as he sat back up.

"I've gone and did something stupid and fell for a teacher." He sounded so frustrated and confused, and Clay felt bad for him.

"It's not stupid, just inconvenient at the moment that's all." He waited to see what Sam was going to say and when he got nothing he asked him. "Did he tell you that you had to ask him out?"

Sam stopped and looked at Clay and shrugged, technically he said he needed to ask but not why. "But what does that have to do with anything, he knows!" Clay chuckled apparently Sam wasn't aware of the rules that protected the teachers.

"Sam he's in a position of authority, he's not allowed to ask you out, you have to."

Sam was shocked, "Why the hell didn't he say so! Sheesh! How was I supposed to know?"

"Did you give him the chance to explain why?" Clay asked quietly.

Sam mentally slapped himself, "Uhhh, I guess not."

"Thanks Clay you've been a big help no wonder why coach likes your company, you're easy to talk to." He got up from the bench and smiled walking out the door to see if he could find Xavier.

Xavier was sitting in the teachers' lounge when he spotted Sam going by. Maybe Sam was right, to him it would feel like a game but Xavier guessed that maybe he didn't understand why he had asked him to ask. He had to keep his bases covered. He walked out of the lounge and followed a distance back from Sam waiting to see where he was going. He noticed him head into his classroom; so he followed. He closed and locked the door behind him. Sam noticed him immediately.

"I'm sorry Xavier, I was in the wrong and am willing to admit it, so in order to follow some unwritten rule Clay told me I should follow I am now here to ask as you requested."

Xavier smiled approaching the young man slowly. "Are you sure you're ready for the possibility of being harassed? Are you sure you can handle the stress that may follow?" He asked giving Sam a chance to back down without feeling obligated to keep to the request at hand. He now stood in front of him, one step over his height, looking down. Sam didn't like feeling small so took one step up and came to his eye level.

"I think I can handle whatever is thrown my way, I'm a big boy and I don't ruffle that easily." the look in his eyes showed that he meant it but Xavier knew how to ruffle him and he wanted to make sure that Sam knew this. Even if Sam was a dominating force to be reckoned with Xavier never backed down from a challenge.

He walked closer to him and Sam didn't budge, Xavier raised his hand running it along his jaw and to his hair. Sam shivered at the intense feelings of lust running through his body. He groaned. Xavier loved that sound and wanted to hear it again. He slowly lowered his lips to Sam's and ever so gently kissed him, Sam groaned again and then breathed deeply as his arms reached up and entwined into Xavier's hair. It was so soft; Sam shivered again and pushed his tongue into Xavier's mouth wanting to savor more of him. The kiss deepened but it wasn't to last. The last bell for the late evening classes rang shattering the quiet moment they had been sharing. Sam pulled back somewhat shocked that he let this happen while at school.

"Umm. I think we should leave before we cause a stir that's not wanted." Sam said as he pulled himself together. Looking back at Xavier he smiled he was in one of the best moods ever now.

"Sure hold on OK." He walked down to his desk and picked up his briefcase opened the drawer and pulled out his cell and locked the desk and headed back up the stairs. He walked beside Sam as they left.

He didn't know where to go but he knew this was a step in the right direction. He looked over at Sam who seemed very comfortable sitting beside him in his car. He pulled his unique car into Jay's; one of the many local coffee shops that peppered Curre. He got out of his car and walked over to Sam's side of the car as he got out. He smiled at him as he stood.

"I hope this is good enough for now. It's the only place I could think of in such short notice without taking you home." Sam chuckled and made an off the wall remark.

"Ahh it wouldn't matter if you took me home, mom would probably feed ya and have you helping with her garden in a matter of minutes."

Xavier was inwardly chuckling at the comment. He sounded so innocent. It was when he noticed the mischievous gleam in his eyes that he knew better. What Sam didn't realize was he meant his own home. "Damn for a minute there I thought you were going to tell me you baked cookies and did dishes." Xavier winked at him as they walked towards the coffee shop.

Sam roared with laughter as they walked into the establishment. "Then I guess I'll be surprising you more when I tell you I do."

Xavier's step faltered a bit, not much but most guys wouldn't admit to being domesticated. "You're shitting' me! No way!"

"Oh I'm quite serious." He said as they approached the counter and placed their order.

"I cook, clean and can do home repairs and tons more and all because my dad taught me a lot and mom insisted I learn how to cook and sew."

Xavier was impressed. "Damn." They took a seat and looked out the window. "I think it's only fitting we get to know each other better and I just learned quite a bit about you already, I'll fill you in on a bit about me as well, it is after all only fair, but we need to set a few ground rules till classes are out. I don't want to cause any friction where it's not needed." Xavier winked after he made the last comment and chuckled again when he noticed the shocked look on Sam's face at the mildly implied innuendo.

The two young guys who finally got themselves situated comfortably and filled each other in on themselves, their likes and dislikes and much more. Sam found it hard to concentrate and many times reached for Xavier's hand. Xavier happily enjoyed the attention that Sam was so willing to lavish on him and twined his fingers into Sam's. This caused Sam to smile and in turn made Xavier want him more. He groaned. He had to let Sam know of the ground rules.

"You need to know this information OK" He said "It's to keep you from being booted out and it keeps me from being let go as well at least till I get things sorted OK."

Sam listened attentively as Xavier went over the rules at hand. For one they had to keep their interest in each other on the down low while they were both at school, this didn't mean they had to avoid each other but they did have to control themselves. Sam nodded.

He understood fully on the control aspect thou he wasn't too sure if either of them would be all that successful.

"So what do you plan on telling the administration about us?" Sam asked.

"Nothing if I don't have to; but I shall be inquiring on the legalities so that if anything crops up neither of us end up with egg on our face." Xavier was pondering other aspects of their now somewhat complicated relationship.

'What will your mom say about me?" He asked Sam as he took a sip from his drink.

"Nothing. You're no different than if I had a girlfriend instead; although she would want to know about you. She would probably fuss like mad over you since I haven't dated in a long time." He pondered the rest of the answer he should be giving. "I think mom would like to see me with someone right now. Since dad died I've pretty much devoted my time to helping her and making sure she's OK." Sam looked out the window and sighed. "I hope my approaching you doesn't cause you trouble." Sam said "It's been too long since I've had the opportunity to actually spend time on pursuing a relationship with anyone. I don't want this to be messed up by my stupidity."

"How long has it been?" Xavier asked. He was curious Sam didn't look like one to mess around and he came off as a pretty committed person when it came to being in a relationship with anyone.

"I was eighteen when I had my last relationship per say." He looked down at his coffee. "We didn't last as Jake's parents found out about us and took off with him not long after words. I learned last year he died in a car accident. His parents still blame me for his behavior."

Sam looked very hurt at the memory. Xavier reached over to him and placed his hand over his. He was impressed that Sam; who had made his interest in him obvious; had also sacrificed four years of his social life to help his mom, and had watched his dad pass. He was in University and on top of it all; had his heart broken; not by the person he had been having the relationship with but by the parents of his past interest who just didn't understand.

"You're a good guy there Sam. Don't worry about trouble. I'm sure if issues come up I can handle it." He smiled and Sam felt safe. "Come on I want to meet your mom."

Sam was thrilled at this. He got up and took his hand. They headed out to the car, Sam had to go back and pick up his own car at the school. Xavier followed Sam to his home and was looking forward to meeting Sam's family.

He walked into the house calling out and not getting a single thing back. "Ahh shit. Mom must still be at work and Dante must be at the rec center." Sam looked at Xavier. "I'm sorry they don't seem to be here."

"That's OK" Xavier said. He smiled and walked forward towards Sam who was leaning against the kitchen counter. "Now I can kiss you again."

His eyes twinkled as he leaned in towards Sam their lips met and Xavier was lost in his newly acquired interests embrace. Sam had wound his arms around his neck and was stroking his hair. Xavier purred in contentment as he felt Sam take tentative steps in making his way down his jaw line and to his neck. Xavier arched exposing the sought after smooth skin Sam seemed to be aiming for. He moaned in sheer pleasure holding onto Sam's hair. He felt his goatee brush his throat and gasped; it was not only very erotic it tickled like hell as well. Xavier ran his hands to Sam's jaw line and pulled his face towards his lips kissing him back demanding to quench his thirst for him. Sam was panting and pulling Xavier in towards himself his arousal was quite evident and Xavier was in no better condition. He chuckled under Sam's lips and reached his hand down; grazing him. Sam squealed in delight and pushed himself against his hand wanting more contact.

"Oh god Xavier!" Sam whimpered. Xavier picked him up and put him on the counter. He pushed himself closer to Sam who in turn wrapped his legs around his waist. Xavier kissed his neck and nipped at his lips both were enjoying the contact. Xavier rubbed against Sam again who again reacted strongly.

"God you feel amazing." Xavier said panting against Sam's ear. He couldn't resist him. He knew he had to feel him. He picked Sam up and carried him with direction from Sam to his room. He locked the door and Sam was lowered to his feet to the floor. Xavier didn't pick up much to the décor of Sam's room he only proceeded to unbutton Sam's shirt and kissed every exposed inch of Sam's muscled chest. Sam panted he wanted to feel him touching his body. He moaned in anticipation. He pulled on Xavier's shirt too; quickly trying to undress him. He proceeded to kiss his chest as well and the peppered red hairs across his upper torso made Sam feel like he was on fire.

He flicked out his tongue and lapped at an exposed nipple; Xavier let out a strangled scream and grabbed his head, "OH! Good God Sam!"

One of the most erotic spots on Xavier was his nipples and Sam had just hit the magic spot. He hauled Sam to his mouth and devoured him. Sam was in heaven!

The phone ringing was what brought them to their senses. They both stopped their amorous dance and Sam while trying to get his breathing in check. He answered the phone.


"Sam! Good I was hoping to catch you or your brother at home. Can you come to get me? I'm off late today and missed the last bus."

His lustful rush was swiftly dampened, but his mom came first. "Sure mama. Give me a few minutes OK I'll be there soon."

He hung up the phone and looked over at Xavier as he sighed. "Sorry, Mom missed her bus. I have to go get her."

Xavier understood and smiled, reached for his hand, and gave a squeeze. "I should get a move on too. I have an exam I have to prepare for my other classes."

"Maybe we can plan a date." He said.

"I'd like that." Sam smiled as they both walked to the front door heading to their cars. Xavier stopped short before Sam opened the door. He put his hand under Sam's chin tilting it up and softly kissed him before they stepped out of the house.

"Umm...I'm going to look forward to that date."

Next: Chapter 22: Steppin Out IV 2 4

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