Steppin Out

By Lila Mosher

Published on Apr 24, 2017


Steppin' Out (Book 4) Perfect Man Copyright 1993-2017 By Lila Mosher


This is a series of works of gay erotic fiction. If you are offended by such material or if you are not allowed access to it under the laws where you live, please exit now. DO NOT GO PAST HERE! 18+ ONLY!

This work is copyrighted by the author and LBL Services Canada. 1990-2017 and may not be copied or distributed in any form without the written permission of the author, who may be contacted at: *I've had my work stolen before and I WILL contact my lawyer who will contact ANYONE who takes my material!~

Any and all celebrities mentioned in this story have no affiliation to this piece of writing and I make no claim to their person as my own. They are used to enhance the writing this is ALL. All mentioned places and people are factious and any bearing resemblance to anyone person or place is purley coincidental

To see currently see my stories in full please go to:

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******************************** OK so it's been a few ywars... I think a little background recap for this story is REALLY NEEDED. If you want to refresh yourself you can check the stories ALL out at the link above.

Sam is the Twin brother of Dante Ericson Sam out of the two is the more "agressive" of these two twins yet he's a hair/estetics master LOL go figure yes he loves beauty but he can be a hardass as well, this story shows more of his soft side. ;)

I hope my fans enjoy this 4th selection to my series, It's taken a LONG time to get here. Life decided to kick me while I was down and that battle was more important than writting at the time. BUT I WON! So I'm back.

Hope you enjoyed Sylvia Alice White/Lila Mosher (Pen name)

Chapter 17 – Ding Dong *******************

Xavier was waiting for Sam to get into the house from work and had put on the radio as he helped out Michelle who was getting supper ready for everyone. Xavier was bopping along and grinning when Sam walked in. He kissed his with a quick wet smack to the lips and chuckled when Sam winked at him.

"Well someone is in a great mood. You've been all day." Sam said as he recalled how delightful Xavier was at work and how he spoiled him at lunch time.

"Pish posh, don't dampen my great mood there Sexy. I'm having a lovely day. Enjoy it, I am." And he made a kissy face at his boyfriend and tossed the carrots Michelle had chipped up into a pot. Sam's mom even tittered at that.

"Mom you sound like Betty Rubble from the Flintstones." Sam couldn't but help tease her some as he kissed her cheek. "Supper smells delicious!" He said as he sucked back a deep breath. Roasted chicken, one of his favorites.

He walked to the table and looked down at Devon's homework he was working on.

"What do you have there?" He asked him.

"I hae to write a poem about summat I can't write usually write a poem about." Sam chuckled at the odd assignment.

"So have you chosen something?" He was curious on what he'd choose.

"Ay. Nan said to use somefink that amuses me. I chose dust bunnies." He smirked and Sam was impressed. He'd honestly never heard of a poem about dust bunnies. He also wondered what was amusing about them.

"I'm smashing at Poems. Mum always said so. Here look." He passed Sam his homework and he read the lines that Devon had written.

Life as a dust Bunny

Whilst I sit and ponder I find it rather funny How carefree it would be if I were a dust bunny.

We'd gather en mass upon windswept floors. To be pushed and flicked about by opening and shutting doors.

A multitude of fuzz gathering under settee 's and beds for the latest buzz. & shaking lint from our heads

Only now skane my brub quite hates these critters His ranting is quite funny.

It is then that I suss I wouldn't want to be one as I watch him kill yet another dust bunny.

By: Devon York

Sam gaffed so hard it made Xavier jump and his mom respond with "Oh dear me! Sam!"

"Have you read this yet Xavier?" He bent over holding his gut as he passed it to Devon's brother and gasped in delight.

"Boy you got a way with words I tell ya! SMASHING job!" He ruffled the boy's hair and watched as Xavier smiled reading the poem and then bust a gut at it as he got to the end.

"OH this is super sweet." Xavier gave Devon back his homework. "I think your teacher is going to be thrilled with this."

"I told ya I was smashing with poems!" Devon beamed. He'd sure matured and came out of his shell the last two years and his progress in school was undoubtedly improved. Xavier watched as Devon turned to the radio as he heard the announcer talk about the upcoming concert.

Sam stopped laughing enough to listen as well. Xavier and Sam both knew the Dj on that night and listened to Bain tell them to be the seventh caller in for a chance to win tickets to the Cher concert that was going to be held in the city.

"OH! Oh! Where's the phone!?" Sam yelped as he scrambled around the house trying to find it. Ever since his mom moved from a corded phone they were always miss placing it. He loved Cher and a chance at going to her concert would be, as Devon put it `Smashing'.

Xavier spotted it and tossed it to Sam. He knew he loved these kinds of contests and won quite a few of them. Sam punched the number to the station in and listened. He got the busy signal several times, but he hit redial quickly.

"YES! It's ringing!" Xavier smiled as Sam danced around the kitchen.

"Hey you're caller seven!" Bain said as he answered the phone.

"YES!" Sam yelled in delight. "Hey Bain, its Sam. What do I gotta do to win those tickets?"

"Hey Sam! Well you're lucky all you need to do is name one of her songs." He said to his friend but give me a minute so I can get you on the air. Xavier pointed to the steps and Sam nodded. He'd go upstairs so the others could hear him on the radio and not get feedback. Xavier gave Michelle a thumbs up as he went to the living room to listen to his boyfriend win tickets to the concert that was playing tomorrow evening.

"Hey caller seven, tell us your name!" Bain was putting his trademark spin on his DJ persona and Xavier rather enjoyed it.

"Sam Ericson." Sam said. He was so stoked.

"Sam, for a chance at two front row tickets with back stage passes to the Cher concert playing tomorrow evening. I need you to name at least one song she's done. You've got ten seconds."

"I got you babe!" Sam said quickly and then laughed as Bain yelled "YES! Winner, Winner. Chicken Dinner! You my dear man are going to See Cher tomorrow evening!" Bain was pleased that Sam was getting this lovely surprise.

"So are you taking anyone special with you?" He asked knowing full well who would be there.

"Yep. My main squeeze will be at my side. Sav... I got you babe!" and he laughed.

"Congratulations Sam and have a blast tomorrow evening!" Bain signed him off air and told him that they had to pick up the tickets that evening because he wouldn't be in the office tomorrow. Sam understood and let him go.

"Sav..., hunny we have to get those tickets tonight." He said as he walked down the steps and passed his mom the phone.

"I figured as much. The concert is tomorrow after all and I know Bain doesn't work on Saturdays." Xavier said as he turned the pot of potatoes that Michelle and placed on the burner on. "It's only about a 15 minute drive. If you want to; we can drive over now and go pick them up." Xavier wiped his hands off wanted he tell and set it on the counter looked back at Sam and waited for his answer. "Sure I'm game." Sam said he didn't notice his mom winking at Xavier. "Hurry back you to supper will be waiting." Michelle said as she shooed them out the door and Devon waved. Sam chuckled and slid into his shoes. Xavier grabbed the car keys from the hook. Bounding in the stairs he pulled open the car door and waited for Sam to get in. "That's so effin cool you won those tickets. Tomorrow is going to rock! And I know how much you like Cher." Xavier beamed. "I know I'm so stoked." Sam said rubbing his hands together and smiling with glee. "I love the fact that I got backstage passes with this, can you imagine how hard it is to get those?" Sam looked at Xavier astonishment was written right across his face. "I know right?" Xavier was really happy for Sam winding through traffic they made it to the radio station in pretty much record time. "Come on babe, let's go get those tickets." Xavier said grabbing Sam's hand after they got out of the car.

The trip to and from the radio station took all of 25 minutes. By the time the guys got back home Michelle had supper sitting on the table. Devon's homework was all done and they were chattering a mile a minute about the upcoming concert.

"I can't wait to see this concert." Sam was beyond excited and Xavier was tickled at his reaction. This concert was going to be memorable, Xavier was sure of it.

"Well how about we play hookie from work tomorrow?" Xavier said leaning against him. "We can go shopping, get a nice outfit. Go eat lunch together." He smiled when Sam stopped mid scoop of potatoes to his mouth and looked at him to see if he was really serious.

"So?" Xavier looked at him with questioning curiosity and eagerness.

"I think we can afford to skip one day but we need to let the crew know so they don't freak out." Sam was forever the concerned one, even if he could be a brute some days.

Xavier was happy because the days plans were working out and he prayed the whole evening went just as well. Fingers crossed they did. He watched Michelle smile at the interaction.

"Come on! We're going to be late at this rate!"

Xavier was chuckling at Sam's inpatients. "Oh don't you worry sexy; I'm coming."

"Well I don't hear you breathing hard! Put some speed in that wiggle!" Sam was biting the bit to get going. He didn't want to be out any longer than he had to be because he wanted to be ready for this concert.

They both walked to Jump Street and looked around. The new manager who had taken over for Jen when she moved to Kearney was behind the counter. Sam could still see the banners with his brother's image splashed on them. Xavier pointed to one.

"Yeah that's Dante." The woman looked at what Xavier was pointing at then back to Sam then back to the banner. The unknowingly incorrect realization dawned on her and she smiled and waved. Sam nodded and chuckled.

`I don't think she realizes that's not me." He murmured.

"I'm sure we can correct her." He said chuckling. "We will still get the discount, if not you can always call your brother." He smiled at the woman as well. They wandered to the jeans section and Sam found a few pairs to try on. Xavier was more for kakis so he found a few pale pairs and they aimed for the dressing rooms. The young woman at the counter arrived just before they did.

"Hi. Mr. Ericson?" She said to Sam.

"Yes." He looked at her and waited to see what she was going to say.

"OK. I wasn't too sure if it was you or not but you haven't changed your looks much in the last few years." She was obviously star struck.

"Oh that picture? That's not me. That is my brother Dante. I'm his twin; Sam." And Sam stuck out his hand for her to shake.

"Oh I'm so sorry!" She said shaking his hand.

"Don't be. We get mistaken for each other often. My brother is married to the shop's owner, Josh Trask." Sam smiled and looked at the dressing room then back "I'm going to try these on I'll be out in a minute hun."

"OK. I'm going to try these on too." Xavier confirmed and then looked at the lady. "We will be right back." She stood there a tad frazzled and feeling a tiny bit silly but managed to relax till they came out a few minutes later.

"I don't like the boot cut ones. They are too tight on my hips." Sam said as he came out with one pair slung over his shoulders and two others refolded. He passed the unfolded ones to the cashier. Xavier met him out in the main area with the pairs he had and he too had picked two he liked and passed the loose ones to the cashier.

"We're going to get these...I'm sorry I didn't catch your name." Xavier said to her.

"Oh goodness. I'm full of faux pas today. I'm Shelia." She felt that awkwardness once again and turned red.

Sam chuckled out loud. "Good lord, I'm a walking faux pa some day. Don't sweat it hun!" Sam was making it obvious to Xavier he was trying to make this poor young lady relax.

"So you're the new manager eh?" He asked her, she nodded her head in confirmation.

"How long have you been here? I know Jen left a bit ago.

"Just over seven months." She replied, "It's been quite the learning experience. I met the owner not long ago but not his husband, that's why the confusion. I thought you were him."

"Ah, it's OK. I'm the next closest thing." Sam chuckled as they walked back to the cash register.

"Have you gotten to meet Aikrii yet?" Xavier was curious on that question as well now that Sam asked it.

"Yeah. I did along with a few of his friends when they were down here visiting a few weeks before Jen moved to Kearney to be with Collin." Shelia was animated with delight. "He's quite the brainy young man." She rang in their purchases and Xavier passed her his credit card to pay.

"Thanks, it was a pleasure doing business with you both." Shelia was pleased that went better than she'd anticipated. Sam waved and they headed out.

Lunch was a quick affair and Sam was delighted to stuff his face with sushi and spend some quality time with his man. It wasn't often they got to do that and tonight would be rocking since they would be meeting his idol. He smiled at Xavier who blushed because of the intent gaze.

"Oh my. You're making me so self cautious dear. Stop staring so hard." Xavier did laugh but he was feeling awkward at the same time because Sam looked like he'd rather be chewing on him and not Sushi.

"Mmmm. Well it's hard since I'd rather be dining on your than this." Xavier face palmed because his train of thought was on the same track.

"Now why did I figure as much. Come on. Finish up and we can go home and play. Mom will be at the shop and Devon is at school. We can get dressed for the show and go. Deal?" Xavier just needed him to keep him occupied till the start of the show and he was sure some good old fashion fun was in the cards and a perfectly wonderful time killer. He watched as Sam stuffed the delightful treat into his face as fast as he could. Xavier laughed as he watched this, amused that this wonderful man wanted him bad enough to almost chock himself.

"You want to choke on me dear... not fish." And he winked making Sam cough, sputter and turn red.

"Ok you got me, smartass. Let's go." Sam grabbed Xavier around the wrist, pulled him to his feet and they hurried from the mall to get home.

One of Sam's ULTIMATE fun forms of foreplay was shower time fun. Nothing beat that in his eyes. When they had gotten home he'd accosted poor Xavier and pretty much stripped him in the living room while kissing him till he could hardly breathe. Xavier wasn't complaining he loved it and encouraged the delicious wantonness of his lover. It wasn't often Sam got demandingly rough but when he did Xavier was actually turned on more.

"Hey big boy, you gonna toss me over your shoulder and grunt?" He laughed when Sam wiggled his eyebrows and did JUST that.

"Oh God! Sam let me down." Xavier playfully swatted his ass and Sam just grunted.

They got to the steps and he did let him down but Xavier bounded up the stairs and waited for Sam to join him. Sam did only to scoop him up again and toss him in their bed and kiss him till both their hearts raced so hard they were breathing like they'd been in a marathon.

"Come on babe. We're not going to go anywhere if we don't get cleaned up." Xavier was successfully keeping him occupied till concert time but they wouldn't make it if they decided to screw all night. He chuckled under his lips and moaned in delight immediately after as he was fondled. He broke free.

"Hunny... let's get into the shower, please. We don't want to miss this concert and we can kill two to speak." Sam snorted and yanked him to his feet and slapped his ass as he headed to the shower.

The water was turned on and the steam filled the room in a few minutes. The rest of the heat came from the two bodies dancing against each other. Sam was intensely focused on Xavier and his excitement was well known. He grinded himself against Xavier's leg as he grabbed his ass and lifted him up. He pushed his against the shower wall and kissed him hard. Xavier got happily lost in the steamy delights his boyfriend was dishing out. He was soon being assaulted with Sam's tongue traveling in a southern inclination and he couldn't keep from shaking as he was consumed buy a very eager mouth. He gripped the shower stalls shelves and knocked down some of the shampoos in the process. Sam didn't care as it would be easier to lube up with that close at hand.

Xavier felt the rhythmic dance and heat his lover was creating and arched back as the tempo quickened. The shout for joy was followed by a slow and steady uncontrolled convulsion that left Xavier weak and unsteady on his feet. Sam soon rectified that by turning him around and holding him up, by his waist.

Xavier leaned into the shower wall and braced his hands on the lower built in soap dish and still trying to recover from the tremendous climax he'd just had. Sam grasped his lover's sensitive rod and started his slow and sensational strokes. This had Xavier wanting even more. He hit that magic spot on the nose every time in this position. Xavier felt himself grow in Sam's hand. The husky rasp that Sam heard from Xavier as he peaked for the second time as all he needed to step up the pace. Xavier tightened up as he shot off and Sam was right there with him as he let out a blissful moan. Both were spent but extremely satisfied. It took a bit of coaxing from each of them to get moving again after such an awesome love making session but they managed to get cleaned up and out of the shower. Xavier wanted to sleep but he knew there was an important event that needed to be attended.

"Pass." The security guard asked for his pass as he wandered backstage. He flashed it and kept going. He'd intentionally lost Sam in the crowd but it wouldn't be for long. He had to see Dante whom he knew was here somewhere.

"Hey Xavier. Over here!" Dante waved and Xavier was relieved. He trotted up to him. "We ready?" He asked.

"As we'll ever be." Dante said. "Come on follow me." He started to walk behind the stage and saw Selina and Josh.

"I NEVER in a million years thought I'd be backstage at this concert! How the hell did Aikrii pull this off?" Selina was still stunned over it all.

"Well he didn't. He just paid for all our tickets. Sam still isn't aware of that." Xavier was waiting to see Aikrii and thank him for all of it. This would be a night Sam would never forget.

Aikrii popped back with the others and looked at Xavier and gave him a huge hug. "All the Bristol board has been passed out. All we need to wait for now is our cue."

The concert started and Sam had NO idea where Xavier had gotten too. He was pretty disappointed he wasn't there by his side but he knew he'd find him soon enough they both had tickets and the seats were clearly marked. He spoke to a security guard and asked if there was any chance to track him down and he said he'd see if he could get it announced. This relieved Sam a great deal and he waited.

Cher came on stage and started singing I found someone' and he bopped to the song. He relaxed and enjoyed the music. The next song made everyone stand and jump around. Strong enough' was one of his favorite songs. He was really enjoying it and once the song petered out he was surprised the show slowed to almost no music at all. A security guard walked on stage and Cher listened to what he had to say he passed her a piece of paper and left the stage. She walked forward and looked down at the front row and spoke as she scanned.

"I hear there's a CURRE FM winner in the crowd, named..." She trailed off as she looked at the paper. "Sam Ericson." Sam's eyes bugged out of his head. His idol was looking for him! He raised his hand and she pointed to him.

"Come on up hunny." She said and the whole crowd went nuts screaming. Sam thought he was going to wet his drawers.

Sam got on the stage and she walked over to him and set her arm over his shoulder. "So Sam I hear you're here with your partner but lost him in the crowd?" She put the mic under his face and he nodded without speaking. She laughed.

"He's a man of few words." Everyone in the crowd whistled and cheered.

"Sam, what's your partner's name?"

"Xavier York" He replied.

"Well now isn't that amusing. Sam Ericson and Xavier York... S.E.X.Y. They're a perfect match. Don't you think? Sam watched the whole center go nuts. He blushed about seven shades of red.

"Xavier, if you're out here you need to come and see this sexy beast before he melts in my arms." She chuckled before continuing. "So while we wait. What's your favorite song?" She waited for his answer and he relied with enthusiasm.

"I got you babe." He beamed and she left her arm over his shoulder as she sang the song he had suggested. Just at the end security came to the stage again and spoke to Cher again and she slowed the tunes.

"I've been told Xavier has been located!" She turned Sam around and Xavier walked on to the stage. Sam was exploding with excitement; this was a night he wouldn't ever forget. He ran to him and grabbed him in a bear hug and swung him around. Xavier laughed and Cher was enjoying the display of affection.

"Sam there's just one thing though... Xavier wasn't lost hun." Sam stopped and looked at her like she was stunned. She raised her hand to the crowd and spoke... "He had to get this sorted before he came back, see he had a surprise for you." She lowered her hand and Sam watched thousands of white cards litter the crowd. Slowly it dawned on him that they were spelling out something and then his eyes got HUGE! Over ten thousand people in the place and several hundred spelled out in huge letters.


He screamed and turned around and there was Xavier on his knee with the ring in front of him and Sam screamed again.

"Oh My GOD! YES!" He was bowled over and tackled Xavier. This would be a night he'd NEVER forget!

Cher let out a whoop and announced. "He said yes!" The whole crowd lost it with cheering. Sam didn't hear a thing as he was lost in Xavier's lips for a good five minutes.

Chapter 18. – In an instant **********************

Sam's reaction played again as Aikrii adjusted the video of the proposal that Xavier had asked for help planning. Once Dante called Aikrii in on it things took off like a grass fire. Aikrii had found out Cher was playing in Curre and bought out all the VIP seats that were left so that Sam and Xavier could have front row seating.

They had called Bain and set up the fake "win tickets" contest for Sam to win just to get him to the show without him knowing the tickets were purchased. Dante had taken 1700 pieces of Bristol board and printed out on ten by ten grids the proposal. He had to be at the civic center to ensure all the seats had the right numbers and where to set things. Each card had a note on it to explain why it was there. It didn't take the audience too long to catch onto what was going on when the show started but the set up, it took three days alone just to do that.

Convincing Cher to go along with the proposal wasn't too hard because Aikrii offered to put forth a substantial donation in Sam's and Xavier's name to any of her charities she was involved in and letting her PR rep know this only ended up with him speaking to her directly. She told him it wasn't necessary, she loved things like that and it would make people excited. Aikrii still sent in the donation anyway.

Mani walked into the room. "How's it going?" He kissed Aikrii's cheek, his whiskers tickled as he did so. Chuckling he smiled and reached up cradling his face.

"Pretty good. I bet Sam is still in shock. Did you see his face when he realized what was happening?" Mani chuckled.

"Sure did. I think Xavier out did all of us for proposals." Mani was watching him edit the rest of the video when Zack walked in.

"Papa, can we play ball?" Mani turned and smiled his boy was getting so big. Zack went to him and slid onto his lap. He looked at what his dad was doing on the computer.

"What's Daddy doing?" He noticed his uncle but he looked different. `And why is uncle D on the video?" Mani chuckled.

"That's not Uncle D munchkin. That's his brother, your Uncle Sam. You might not remember him too well since you were pretty little the last time he was here."

"Oh. So why is he in the video?" Zack was curious.

"His boyfriend proposed to him at the Cher concert that daddy, auntie Selina and uncle D were at the other night." Mani watched as Aikrii added some type and continued on with the editing.

"Oh cool!" Zack thought it was neat knowing his other uncle was going to get married now. He wiggled to get out of his papa's lap. "So can you play? Faith doesn't want to right now."

"Sure thing kiddo." He looked at Aikrii. "Later babe, have fun and let me know what Xavier has to say about wedding dates. I'd like to make sure we have a clear calendar for that one." He kissed his forehead once again tickling Aikrii's face with his beard. He chuckled and continued to work on the video.

The shop was a BUZZ when they walked in the door two days after Xavier's proposal. Sam had no idea why. He'd been spending as much time with Xavier as possible. He loved his crazy, creative and smart fiancé. The energy from the wild proposal Xavier had pulled off on him still had him wired. He looked around and the crew rushed him movie star style.

"Oh goodness." He said as Allie grabbed for his hand. She squealed and started to jump up and down.

"I TOLD you it was him!" She looked at Xavier. "You're an amazing beau! I'd have DIED of sheer excitement if my boyfriend did that to me!" Xavier looked at her a bit baffled.

"Your engagement proposal is on TV. Didn't you know?" She looked at them both and they shook their head.

"When did you guys see it?" Xavier wanted to know as he slid his arm around Sam's waist.

"Last night, on the news" Jean winked at them and chuckled. "You got some balls there Xavier. I don't know how you managed to get Cher to help like that but DAMN girl! You rock!" The others giggled at his comment as he snapped his fingers.

"It took days of planning!" Xavier said his eyes wide. "1700 pieces of Bristol board, a ton of my friends in on it and even his mom." He looked over at Sam who was still blushing about it all. "The look on his face was SO worth ever moment I spent trying to make it one he'd remember." He smiled at him lovingly and their crew Awed.

"Ok ya'll. Time to stop yer gushing over our nuptial plans." He was beaming like a hundred watt light bulb and shooed them to their work stations. "We must work. I want to be able to spend at least two weeks on my honeymoon so we must do as much as possible now!" With much merriment and snickering they all went about doing what they had to and enjoyed the day.

By day's end Sam was beat. He'd had more people congratulate him in one day in regards to Xavier's proposal than when they opened the store. It was exhausting. The crew left except for Darien who was closing out the store with Xavier. Sam went home first to help him mom with supper.

"So, where you two plan on going for your honeymoon?" Darien asked him as he swept the main floor up of hair and other stuff while Xavier sat at the front cash. "I haven't decided yet." Xavier said as he entered numbers into the accounting program and then scrawled them into the paper ledger they kept. "I want it to also be a surprise for Sam. I want to make all of this special for him. He's shared his life with me since the first day we met. Invited me in and never looked back. I want what I do for him, our connection to be a shared moment and my way of telling him I love him for all he's done." Xavier stopped his work and just stated off into the wild blue yonder.

"I think anything you do for him will mean the world to him. You guys are after all a perfect fit. Hell your initials together spell out SEXY damn it. What more could a couple want." He chuckled as Xavier's face reddened.

"You know, our initials is what got us hooked up, well that along with Sam's brother." He remembered that note and in fact he still had it.

"That's kinda cute in a corny way." Darien said chuckling; he dumped the dust pan and put it and the broom away. "Well boss man I'm done here. I'm bouncing. I'll see you tomorrow." With that he waved and left the shop.

Xavier rung off the till emptied the trash and tied it up and set it by the door. He made sure everything was where it needed to be and got ready to head out. Locking up the shop he wandered to the trash bin and then to his car. Pulling into the traffic he watched the chaos that was rush hour and kept his eyes opened for those who were nuts behind the wheel. He wasn't too far from home and stopped at Jay's for coffee and picked up one for Sam and hot chocolate for Devon who loved the sweet treat. Pulling back into traffic after he'd made his purchases he noticed it had cleared up but not enough for his liking. It was going pretty smoothly; he was close to home and Xavier was content with the ride till a bunch of things happened at once.

There was a HUGE ground shaking thunder crack followed by a lightning strike right in front of him that hit a power pole. This in turn caused a knee jerk reaction and he swerved to avoid the falling power pole. His drinks went flying and his car skidded sideways and hit another car. He smacked his head on the driver's side window, it shattered and the air bag deployed knocking the wind out of Xavier. He didn't realize it yet but his collision actually saved the other vehicle as his reaction pushed both their cars out of the way of the falling power pole with only an inch to spare from Xavier's own driver's side door. His mirror was now missing. The rain started to come down in large plops, slowly at first then picking up speed.

Dazed and confused he tried to shake the cob webs from his head. There were shouts and he could see bright lights and he heard buzzing noise and couldn't really distinguish where it was coming from. When he looked around he noticed he was right at the corner by the house. He should really go get Sam so they could assess the damage, He could see people around who were waving but they didn't come to the car. He couldn't understand why. He looked around more and still tried to shake the cob webs from his head. He'd get out now if he knew he wouldn't fall to the ground from being dizzy, the blow to his head must have given him a concussion he thought; so he stayed where he was. He'd go in a few minutes. His cell buzzed and he reached for it. He could feel the rain seeping into his jacket as he got wet due to the busted window.

"Hello." He said as he ran his hand through his hair, his arm hurting a bit from the movement.

"Do not get out of the car." He heard Sam say the tension in his voice very apparent.

"Sam? Huh...Wha... why?" He was perplexed with what Sam was telling him.

"Babe. I NEED you to listen. I know you're probably a bit light headed from the crash, but please. I can see you. Look on the porch." Xavier did so and he could see Sam with an officer, both of them were getting wet. Sam waved and Xavier raised his arm to wave back. His shoulder hurt when he did that.

"Oh, ow." He responded. "Why can't I get out of the car?"

"The power pole was hit. The lines are down; they are arching across the front of the car. If you exit you'll be electrocuted."

"Oh!" Xavier tried to look around the more he moved the more he hurt. "How long this is gonna take?" He asked he felt pretty tired. "Officers said someone will be here shortly and the main grid will be turned off in about 30 minutes." Sam was anxious and really wanted to run to go save Xavier. He however knew that he couldn't because he could be hurt too. Devon stood on the step beside Sam watching the whole ordeal. He was scared for his big brother. A few minutes later Xavier's mom and Francis pulled up by the crowd. Sam yelled over the noise of the rain. "Mom; don't get out of the truck!" She looked and called back, "Why?"

"Power pole got hit by lightning. Xavier and a few others swerved to miss it. Power lines are all over the ground and in front of Xavier's car. Look!" He pointed towards Xavier's car. "Oh dear lord!" Michelle said scared now that she could see what was going on. Looking over at Sam she asked, "What are they going to do?" "Trying come around the other side of the block you can come in by the backyard. You won't get hurt that way, I'll explain more to you when you're in here." She nodded and rolled back up her window and they drove off. Xavier was having a difficult time staying awake. His head really hurt. He ran his hands all over his head but did not find any blood even though he was aware his head went through the window. `Well that's good' he thought to himself. He did however pick some glass from his collar and noticed he had a few cuts on his chin from the glass. He knew head wounds bled more so a small cut on his face was minor. He took a deep breath and tried to relax but it helped very little. He was worried.

"I'm tired." He said to Sam on the phone. He could hear him talking to the officer and then someone yelling. He tried to look to where the noise was coming from but his head just swam. "Sam. When are they going to get here?" He felt like he was going to vomit but didn't his stomach was doing flip flops because he was so nervous over everything going on.

"Soon hun, soon. Don't go to sleep. The ambulance driver will be there in a bit. Hang on OK." His reassurance helped some but sadly Xavier wasn't able to stay awake as easily as he'd like. He started to doze off. Twice he heard his name yelled and twice he twitched to sitting upright and looking around confused. Both times forgetting where he was. He then felt someone at his side. He heard people talking and he could feel Sam holding his hand.

"I'm here babe. I'm right here. Hold on we're going to get you to the hospital." He smiled with his eyes closed. He was just happy Sam was there.

"I think the car is fucked." He said groggily.

"I don't care about the car hun. You stay with us OK." Sam was a mess and more worried now as he'd heard the paramedics say something about a possible hematoma after checking Xavier's eyes and how he was responding. Sam watched him get loaded into the ambulance and climbed in after him and sitting beside him. Xavier didn't feel anything after that as he drifted off to sleep.

"No! Xavier!" Sam had his hand and was slapping it to get him to wake. "Come on Savior! Wake up hun! Oh God; please wake up!" The paramedic pushed Sam back and he sat there horrified as they worked on him trying to get him stabilized.

The trip to the hospital seemed like a slow motion movie. Nothing went fast enough, and the words all mixed together. Sam was rushed along as they pulled in and got to an emergency room. He was wished outside and asked a bunch of questions. Most he didn't even remember. He sat after he was left and cried. He couldn't lose him now! He found that special someone who made life enjoyable. He couldn't see him loving anyone else. Someone passed him a box of tissues. He took a few and blew his nose and looked up. There was his mom and Francis with Devon.

"Oh God, mom!" He leaned forward as she outstretched her arms and hugged her. She pet his head as he cried.

"He'll be fine love. He's strong. You'll see." She reassured him as she took Devon into her arms as well. "You know that too right Devon?" She wanted to make sure he wasn't traumatized by all of this. She let them both go and waited to see what he'd say.

"I don't know what to think." He responded looking at both Sam and Michelle "I'm too scared too." He was honest at least. He reached to Sam who pulled him into his lap and they both held onto each other. At least he had Devon and Devon had him.

They waited in the emergency waiting room for hours. Several times Francis went and got coffee and food. Sam's mom pestered Doctors and nurses for updates but go nowhere pretty fast. Devon and Sam were both drained from the stress and passed out curled up together on one of the many sofa's that lined the hall. Michelle and Francis sat beside them talking quietly. Four hours after all the chaos a Dr walked out to them.

"Mr. Ericson?" She said to Francis. He shook his head no and Michelle piped up.

"I'll wake him. Give me a moment." She walked to the sofa and laid a hand on Sam's shoulder. He jolted awake.

"Sam. The doctor is here to see you." He sat up and looked at her intently. The questions flew before she even shook his hand.

"Is he going to be OK? Can I see him? How bad was it?" He reached out to her and took her hand that she'd offered. She smiled.

"I'm Dr. Janine Achenbach" She shook his hand and then proceeded to answer his questions. "He is OK, although sore and not without some serious head injuries. He is still sedated we had to do surgery. It was pretty serious but I can assure you we got everything under control and he should make a full recovery. I'll outline more details in a moment. Let's sit." She directed him to the couches.

"So what happened?" Sam asked her as she sat down and got comfortable.

"Xavier had a blunt force trauma that was caused by the accident. We believe his head hit the window of his car. This in turn caused a small subdural hemorrhage. Now the brain bleed was slow, but still serious enough to cause some issues for Xavier. Slurred speech, nausea, lethargy as well. So we did a combo tomography slash MRI and we found that there were indications of fluid overlying the left hemisphere and temporal fossa. We had to do surgery to relieve the pressure. Surgeons made two burr holes behind his left ear and released the clotted subdural blood." She flipped through his chart records and found the MRI printout. She showed Sam what she was talking about.

"See right here?" She pointed to the paper and Sam nodded.

"This is where the damage was, it was about the size of a toonie but enough to make him quite sick. When a second one started we had to relieve the pressure. This rectified the issue and he's now on medications for the foreseeable future to prevent seizures and a corticosteroid to reduce swelling." She looked at Sam and waited to see if he had any other questions.

"How long will he be in here?" He realized he needed to contact the crew to keep the shop opened because there was no way he could close nor was he leaving Xavier on his own.

"About two to three weeks roughly. Depending on his recovery." She replied as she flipped the papers back down on his charts and pocketed her pen.

"Can we see him?" Devon asked as he pulled on her coat to get her attention. She bent down to look him in the eyes.

"You can see him tomorrow afternoon. For now; I think you need to take Daddy home and get some sleep." She tapped his nose to make him wrinkle it and hadn't a clue she had mistaken Devon for his son. He nodded and yawned. He was tired he reached up and took Sam's hand and waited till he was done talking to the Doctor.

"Is there anything I should expect when I see him?" He needed to know.

"Well I am sorry to say the left side of his head is shaved so all his lovely long hair is now gone." Janine really did hate taking a person's hair but sometimes it was something that couldn't be avoided. This was one of those cases. "He's likely to have intubation tubes still in his mouth so he can't speak. I'm not sure if he's awake but you can go back and see him briefly; however you won't be permitted to stay tonight and for that I'm sorry but we just can't while he's under observation." Sam disliked it very much but he also understood the situation as well. They didn't want him in the way if something happened. He bent and spoke to Devon.

"I'll be right back bud. Ok? Do you want me to say anything to Sav?" He searched scared little eyes.

"Tell my brub I love em... Ay an he needs to come `ome." He hugged Sam.

"Will do little man. Wait with Nan." He nodded and stood beside her.

She reached to Sam and gave his hand a squeeze. "Tell him we hope he is OK. We're praying for him."

"I will mom. Thanks." He walked behind the Dr and followed her to Xavier's room.

The beeps, the tubes, the low lights and monitors made Sam nervous but he still let tears slip past his eyes when he saw the beautiful locks of his partner shorn away from his head and replaced with stark white skin and two angry marks with several black pieces of string in its place.

"Oh! Sav!" He said as he sat by his bed and laid his head by his shoulder. He reached for his partner's hand and gave it a squeeze. Janine patted his shoulder and spoke.

"I'll give you some time." And she left the room.

Sam's eyes burned from the tears he was trying to hold back. Some escaped but not all, at least not yet. The man who lay before him looked nothing like the vibrant man he knew. Sam felt so helpless that he couldn't fix it.

"Oh Sav!" He said again. "Please wake up. I need to know you're going to be all right." He ran his hand up and down his arm. He leaned forward and kissed the side of his head making sure to avoid the surgery sight. Seeing him like this broke Sam's heart. He had never wanted to have his partner have to go through this.

"Oh hunny. Come back to me. I love you. I miss you. I need you here." He said softly, his sob escaping with his words. He felt a squeeze, light at first but it got stronger. He looked up at Xavier and saw a smile on the prone body before him. He was delighted to feel that movement. He grabbed the nurses buzzer and pushed it.

"Sav? You awake?" He asked as he stood and looked down at him. He made some noise and moved his head. He couldn't talk but his eyes fluttered." The nurses came in to see him moving and his eyes open.

"Oh this is really good." One of them said. She walked out as the other nurse got some stuff ready on a tray. Janine returned and looked him over and flashed a light in his eyes. Xavier pulled on the tube in his mouth.

"I'm going to shut off the ventilator. If you can breathe on your own we will take out the tube. OK?" He nodded his eyes wide. She shut off the ventilator and the alarms sounded making Sam nervous. His Dr watched the bag inflate and deflate on its own.

"Good. Ok I'm going to take this out but I need you to cough REALLY hard and blow at the same time. Can you do this for me? If not it's going to hurt." He nodded and they disconnected things and he did as he was told to. The tube came out and he gagged and coughed more after it came out.

His voice was raspy but he tried to speak anyway.

"Sam. What happened? Why am I here?" Sam looked at him a bit confused. He reached over and pushed what was left of his bangs from his face.

"You were in an accident babe." Sam told him.

"What? Uh... how? Last thing I remember was speaking to Christine about my passport; although I've no idea why." Xavier looked at Sam then the Doctor and he watched Sam look at the Doctor with his eyes wide.

"What's going on?" he asked. Sam pulled the Dr to the side.

"What he's saying took place two years ago. What the hell happened?" He needed to get some answers, because if he didn't remember this would mean he'd have forgotten Devon and that his mom had passed as well. This didn't look good. It would also mean he forgot about the proposal. He frowned. A tragedy that should be forgotten, and a momentous moment that shouldn't have been forgotten. Two instances gone in one accident. Sam felt torn.

If you wish to read more check out my Fiction press at >>>>

PLEASE NOTE If you've read my earlier stuff the very frist book The Beginning Years (Aikrii and Mani's story) will be PUBLISHED in late June of 2017!!! Once I know the link for odering I will post it!

Next: Chapter 28: Steppin Out IV 19 20

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