Steppin Out

By Lila Mosher

Published on Apr 24, 2017


Steppin' Out (Book 4) Perfect Man Copyright 1993-2017 By Lila Mosher


This is a series of works of gay erotic fiction. If you are offended by such material or if you are not allowed access to it under the laws where you live, please exit now. DO NOT GO PAST HERE! 18+ ONLY!

This work is copyrighted by the author and LBL Services Canada. 1990-2017 and may not be copied or distributed in any form without the written permission of the author, who may be contacted at: *I've had my work stolen before and I WILL contact my lawyer who will contact ANYONE who takes my material!~

Any and all celebrities mentioned in this story have no affiliation to this piece of writing and I make no claim to their person as my own. They are used to enhance the writing this is ALL. All mentioned places and people are factious and any bearing resemblance to anyone person or place is purley coincidental

To see currently see my stories in full please go to:

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******************************** OK so it's been a few ywars... I think a little background recap for this story is REALLY NEEDED. If you want to refresh yourself you can check the stories ALL out at the link above.

Sam is the Twin brother of Dante Ericson Sam out of the two is the more "agressive" of these two twins yet he's a hair/estetics master LOL go figure yes he loves beauty but he can be a hardass as well, this story shows more of his soft side. ;)

I hope my fans enjoy this 4th selection to my series, It's taken a LONG time to get here. Life decided to kick me while I was down and that battle was more important than writting at the time. BUT I WON! So I'm back.

Hope you enjoyed Sylvia Alice White/Lila Mosher (Pen name)

Chapter 19 - The journey back **************************

Xavier was a bit confused with all the questions the Dr asked him. He felt fine. He reached over to Sam and held his hand. He wanted a drink but he was told he couldn't have anything just yet. His mouth was parched.

"Do you remember the date and year?" Janine asked him.

"It's August of 2008" He said, he looked at Sam who shook his head no. He was really confused. He watched Sam walk over to the Dr and talk to her quietly. She nodded her head and he looked back.

"I'll be right back." And he left the room. Dr. Achenbach took a light and flashed it into his eyes and watched to see if his eyes dilated properly. They did so. She scribbled onto his chart and he sighed as she looked him over without saying much at first.

"So you don't recall the car accident you were in Mr. York?" He shook his head, he'd already told them this.

"Do you remember where you live?" Xavier nodded and gave her the address for his and Christine's place on River Rd.

"That's not what we have on record." He was even more perplexed with that info. "I'm going to check into getting a second MRI Mr. York. I'll have to speak to your partner when he gets back with your son." She flipped his chart over and smiled.

"SON‽" He said baffled. "I don't have any children!" Xavier didn't know what kind of game was being played on his but it wasn't funny to say shit like that. He tried to sit up but his shoulder hurt way too much.

"Oh you can't go doing that either. You have a separated shoulder. Best to just rest." She raised the head of his bed, and looked at him. "It'll all come back to you I'm sure." She noticed Sam returning with the young boy she'd seen earlier. "There they are now. I'll let you be." She walked towards Sam and warned him that he didn't remember the child. She looked at the young fella she knew as Devon.

"I know your dad might not remember you but it's because of the injury he has. He will get better." She smiled at him and then looked baffled when he responded.

"He's not ma pa. He's me brub." He giggled at the Dr for the mistake she'd made.

"Oh dear me, I may have upset him. I thought this youngster was his son." Sam smiled and shook his head no.

"He's his little brother, but it's all right though; he might as well be since he's raising him. We will try to be quick." Sam said as he noticed Xavier's face screw up in confusion. He walked with Devon closer to Xavier's bed.

"That daft Doctor said you were bringing back my son. This child looks like my baby brother, only older." Xavier was beyond disconcerted now and nothing seemed to make sense.

"This is your brother Xavier. Devon lives with us now." Sam said as he lifted Devon to sit on the side of the bed. Xavier's eyes got pretty wide.

"What the hell! NO WAY!" He leaned forward and touched Devon's face which caused him to giggle.

"What brub? Ya lookin like ya never saw me face before." Xavier looked at Sam as if to say `WHAT THE HELL?' without actually speaking.

"How old are you now?" He asked Devon.

"I'm nine, be ten soon." He replied. "Did ya forget?"

"I obviously did." Xavier said as sighed with vexation. "What the hell happened; Sam? If he's almost ten now this means I'm missing over two years... right?" He was checking on his fingers to be sure he'd got the amount of time right.

"You had a pretty bad car accident." He grabbed Xavier's hand and lifted it to the surgical site so he could feel the skin under his fingers. "Be careful, let me guide you so you don't hit the sutures. They had to drill holes in your skull to help alleviate a brain bleed. I think all of this may have affected some of your memories." Sam let his hand go as he laid it back in his lap.

"So we opened the shop already?" He asked. Sam nodded. "Where do I live now?" He had to ask since the Dr said the address he gave wasn't the right one.

"You live at my place with my mom and Francis. Dante moved out. Your brother came to live with us just before the shop opened." Devon nodded in agreement. Sam didn't want to tell him about his mom but he was sure he'd ask.

"Did mom finally give you up after all the fighting Kolten and I did to get you?" He asked Devon, who shook his head no.

"Ma is gone Sav. She died." He'd done the hardest thing in the world telling Xavier this and Sam was grateful that Devon was braver than him at the moment giving such shattering news. Xavier just laid there and stared at his brother dumbfounded.

"Are you OK?" he'd asked his brother.

"Oh yes; of course. Ya take smashing care of me!" Devon said smiling at his brother. "So does Nan and Sam."

He looked at Sam "how?" He was wondering how his mother had passed. "How what? You mean how did she die?" Sam asked "or do you mean how did you get custody of him?" "Well actually both considering I am just learning all of this stuff. What the fuck happened?" Xavier was astonished by the news. He remembered fighting to take Devon when he was five, and as far as he recalled that was only a few years ago. "Well Xavier, really don't think that's something we should be talking about right now. I want you to focus on getting better. Devon and I are worried we want you back home." Sam said as he sat on the edge of the bed and reached for Xavier's hand. "Running the shop is going to be weird without you." "But I should know Sam; I have that right you know." Xavier felt exasperated frustrated and confused he was missing time and didn't even know that the time had passed while everyone else was two years ahead of him. "You will all fill you in on details when Dr. Achenbach feels that you're able to handle the stress. I have to go home and take care of Devon mom and Francis sends their love." Sam leaned over and kissed his forehead and pushed the locks on the right side of his head away from his face. He would sure miss that hair but at least he was still here. "Who the fuck is Francis?" Xavier was totally confused that name. "Oh shit, I forgot you don't know who he is." Sam smiled and scratched his head, "Ahh, he's mom's fiancé. They've been seeing each other for a while he proposed a couple of months ago." "And you proposed a few days ago" Devon piped up. "I what‽" Xavier was confused and screwed as eyes up looking at Sam `like what the hell?' "It's true, but will deal with that later. Okay? Don't you worry about it. I love you." He gave Xavier's hand a squeeze and even though he hated leaving him with so many questions he had to go. Janine stopped him on his way out and laid a hand on Sam's arm. "We're going to send him in for another MRI to double check to see if there's any other damage. We will call you if there are any changes. Sorry this is so difficult on the both of you, and for the misunderstanding regarding little Devon here. She smiled at the young fella.

"It's not a big deal I understand with the trauma to his head and yeah it sucks. My biggest concern is his missing two years. The opening of our shop, the loss of his mother, our engagement. That's a lot of memories to lose because of one bad accident. Not only is it surreal it's little overwhelming." Sam sighed "I think you for everything you've done for him so far. If you need me call." Sam and Devon walked out of the room and headed back up the hall to his mother and Francis. They needed to get home he had some phone calls he was going to have to make really early in the morning. This was going to be a long road and there was no way in hell he was getting let Xavier travelling alone.

"Yes, I'll hold." The call took longer than he'd expected it to and he just wanted off the phone. The insurance agency was giving him the run around for the car. `Acts of God bullshit.' It was a fucking car accident that almost cost his boyfriend his life and they wanted to dicker over the defining cause of the accident. The agent returned to the line only to repeat the last lines of the terms of the insurance contract.

Damages are not covered in the cases considered Acts of God.' Such as floods, lightening etc.' He read...

"See what you're not getting is the lightening didn't hit the car. The car was in an accident and was hit by a power pole that had been struck by lightning. If the lightening had of hit the car I can see where you'd count it as an act of God, but I'm not buying this. I want to speak to someone in management. This is getting nonsensical and I need someone who has more familiarity with the terms `Act of God' in regards to my claim." Sam was getting more and more livid with this agents insistence that the lightening hitting the pole and causing the accident was an act of God. He thought to himself.

`I wonder if my strangling him would be an act of God.' He sighed as someone else came to the line. It wasn't long after a manager came to the line that things were sorted and he got his claim. He hung up and then went down the list of people he needed to contact today. He sighed at the length.

"Oi!" he said out loud as his mom entered the kitchen. She looked at him, tenderness and concern in every crease on her face.

"Oh love, are you going to be OK?" She wandered over to the counter and plugged in the kettle. She looked back at him and waited for him to respond.

"Yeah, just feeling a tad defeated. I've got so much to do and I rather be at the hospital with him." He leaned his head forward and cradled it on his hand looking down at his list and drew random swirls on the paper. He looked up when his mom spoke again.

"I can help you; if you want." She pulled out two mugs and filled both with instant coffee and sugar. When the kettle clicked off she poured the water and added creamer. She walked to the table with both cups and set the second down in front of him. He reached for it and took a sip. Good old magic there to save the day.

"I'd appreciate it mom, but I really am not too sure what you could really do, except maybe go to the shop and tell the crew what happened, but you have your own shop to run." He took another sip and nodded to Francis who walked into the kitchen from out back. He took off his boots and sat with them both.

"So how is Xavier, have you heard anything yet?" Francis liked Michelle's boy and his partner and was really concerned for both of them.

"No, I haven't called yet. I have all this other stuff to do and the shop to run. I'm feeling like I've got a semi barrelling at me." Sam's mom took the paper from him.

"He's got to go see the crew at the shop and let them know what happened and do a new schedule up so cover for when he and Xavier are not there. I offered to help but he's more worried about my shop." Francis chuckled.

"I can watch your shop love; I don't have to work till this evening so it's not a big deal." He smiled as Sam looked shocked. "Now yer mom can go to your shop and assist there for a bit, at least till I have to scoot." Michelle piped in

"I will get him to close my shop at three and he can get Devon from school and bring him to your shop. I can help your crew for a bit and here's hoping we can get things sorted in due time. I want you to be with Xavier, it's where you should be. I'll worry about the house and Devon for now." She reached over and gave his cheek a pat.

"Don't worry son, I got yer back." She said winking and making Sam chuckle. He needed that considering how shitty he was feeling.

"Thanks Ma." He sighed that was one less thing to worry about.

Devon was in school; Francis was taking care of Michelle's shop True U, Sam was at the hospital with his partner and Michelle was at Roomoorz working with Sam and Xavier's crew. They were pretty upset to learn about Xavier's accident and the trauma he'd faced from it.

"Oh my! He's going to be okay right?" Allie asked as she wrapped her hands over and over on the towel she had wringing it for all it was worth.

"He's going to be fine. He has some extensive memory loss, so when he gets back; if it's still present give him time to either remember or to create a new memory. It's been quite the scare the last few days." Michelle looked at the instructions her son had written down for her to follow so she'd have a general idea of how they ran the shop.

"Since April and Jean are off today I need one of you guys to call them and tell them what happened. I will need you all here from here on out till Xavier is able to return to work. I'll assist where I can. You guys can always call me if necessary my shop isn't too far from here so I can come over if it's needed."

She wanted to make sure they knew she was there to assist and help, not take over because she was sure they could all run that shop on their own.

Darien volunteered to call the others. Allie took on front end responsibility. Brice stayed on chairs as well as Darien when he returned and Jonie kept up on clean up and her chair as well. Back end items would be Allie's chore while they waited for April and Jean to come in.

"I know Sam is very thankful for all of you." Michelle was glad these guys all worked together so well.

April and Jean showed up about 30 minutes later ready to work. They spoke to Michelle about their concerns for Xavier and asked that she passed on condolences and speedy recovery to both Xavier and Sam.

"I'll be sure to tell them when I see them." Michelle said as they all got to work.

`Fourth floor.' The elevator chimed for what seemed to be the 600th time since Xavier landed in the hospital. Sam looked as the doors opened. The same familiar sign; stuck to the wall; greeted him. He would be happy when Xavier was home think God today was his release date. Nineteen days was long enough to long as first Sam was concerned. Xavier however had mended although his memories were somewhat scattered he still was Xavier.

He walked down the long corridor straight to the room where Xavier was. He walked in to Xavier's therapist assisting him with recognizance testing. His fundamental understanding of basic things such as; his birthday, where he lived, the date; were firmly implanted in his head now.

He'd started remembering little bits and pieces and this helped some. He remembered his trip to England to get his brother but not why. He remembered meeting Sam but not moving in with him. It was the little things that caused Xavier's so much frustration. His short-term memory cost a lot of issues and he had to start writing things down just so he could remember what he put stuff. Sam didn't care; Xavier was still here. He was alive Sam was very happy to still have him in his life. Sam sat down while he waited for Xavier to finish his testing.

Xavier leaned forward and placed his hands on his forehead. The short hair on the side of his head brushed his thumb it was starting to grow in. He knew he would need a haircut, he also remembered he really loved his long hair. He listened to his therapist say some words and he responded accordingly. He stopped raised his hand and said "Wait a minute. Sam did we don't go to a big Christmas party? Someplace in... Kearney? I remember a girl playing the piano... Becky?" Sam looked at Xavier shocked, thrilled that he remembered but also saddened that he would have to tell him that Becky was no longer with them anymore either. He would wait before he did that. There could be a chance that he would remember on his own. "Yeah we did. Aikrii and Kevin threw a huge one between them both. That was a few years ago after you had moved in with us. The shop was already open too; so this is a good thing that you remembered. There was a girl playing the piano, and her name was Becky. This is amazing that you remembered so much." Xavier beamed at Sam's encouragement. "I remember the music. I remember Jeff's nephew Matt bouncing around and singing on top of his lungs. I remember mom blushing because of Francis. I remember Francis. Oh my God!" Xavier stood quickly, he had tears in his eyes "Oh Sam! It's coming back; slowly but it's coming back." He got up and walked over to Sam and gave him a hug. "Well I got some good news for you today. Doc said I can spring you. Would you like to go home?" Sam chuckled as he watched Xavier's face glow with excitement as he nodded his head. He would be finally free of this place.

Xavier looked at his therapist "Are we done?" He watched her nod yes. He chuckled, kissed Sam, and ambled over to the closet. The next thing Sam knew he had his kitbag out was shoving everything into it as quickly as he could. "I can't wait to be out of this place." He heard his therapist chuckle. "It can't be that bad." She said as she passed him a piece of paper that had his next appointment on it. "No, it's not that bad, but the food is horrible. Privacy is next to nothing, and there are a number of different noises to keep you awake at night. I'll be glad when there is some peace and quiet." Xavier zipped up his kit, looked around for his phone, picked that up and looked at his boyfriend. He was eager to go. "Come on, I want to get out of here." He said. "Don't forget your jacket." Sam said pointing to the back of the door. "Whoops! Can't be forgetting that." Xavier grabbed it and slid his arms into the sleeves. Smiling at Sam he took his hand and they started walking out. Dr. Achenbach stopped them at the nurse's station to confirm his next appointment. "I'll be here don't you worry about that." Said Xavier "I'll make sure he gets here." Said Sam knowing full well there was a good chance Xavier would forget. They both waved goodbye to Dr. Achenbach. They headed for the elevator. Once they got in Xavier gave Sam quite the crushing hug, and then muckled onto him kissing his breath away. "I've wanted to do that since I remembered when we got together." Xavier growled and Sam smiled under his lips. This was a reassuring moment. "You might not have all of me," Xavier said tapping his head. "But you got most of me and the best parts that work." He chuckled making a joke. Sam was thrilled to have him at his side again. It's been a long near three weeks. The elevator doors opened and they both stepped off. The headed out to the car and Xavier stopped dead in his tracks when he saw it. "I thought this car was totalled?" Xavier recalled Sam's car was in an accident. He remembered Sam telling him about the accident. He just didn't understand how come the car wasn't broken anymore. "It's okay Xavier. I just got the same make and model of car. It took a bit but we've and found one the exact same colour." Sam opened the passenger side door and let Xavier slide into the seat. He walked around to the driver side door got in and buckled up and looked over at Xavier. "Come on hun, we're going to go for a drive. I'm going to show you all of the spots you should recall and if you don't I'll explain why they are important." Sam watched him reach over to his hand and he gladly grasped it. "Thanks, I don't know what I would do if I didn't have you." Xavier said "these last few weeks a bit more bearable with you by my side. Even when my brain was lost you managed to show me a light so I could find my way back." Xavier smiled. Sam was more than happy to show Xavier everything that he had forgotten. It was surprising though to Sam to see that Xavier's memory was popping back pretty quickly. He'd have quick eureka moments of a memory from years gone by. He'd asked questions and get answers which only made him happier. There were a few times Sam had to repeat himself but it was all good. Both of them together they were unstoppable.

"I need to get my hair cut. Do you think we could stop by the shop?" He really didn't want to look like half mullet man forever. As much as he loved his long hair it was time to cut what was left of it off.

"Sure. We can do that." It didn't take long for them to get there and when Xavier walked into the shop everyone stopped what they were doing and then yelled in excitement.

"XAVIER!" He was tackled in a group bear hug. Smiling as they let him go he nodded to them all.

"I'm sorry. I don't remember you all but I know one of you is Darien. He looked directly at Darien and pointed. "If I'm right, that's you?" He asked. Darien nodded.

"Care to fix up this mess. The nurses are terrible hair dressers." He said as he ran his hand through the stubble along his surgical site that was now healed.

"My pleasure." Darien said as he directed him to a sear. "It's great to have you back. Xavier thought, `It's great to be back'

Chapter 20 -- Roomoor has it ****************************

"Oh goodness it's really not that bad!" He heard the words from the video and laughed. The outfit Nye was wearing was hideous and he laughed. Aikrii was visiting them and had brought enough videos from all of their friends and antics to choke a horse. Aikrii; like Sam; was trying to help him fill in the last two years of his life. Some day's were better than others.

"OMG this is hilarious!" Xavier drank his tea and had to be careful not to spit it everywhere when something funny happened.

The next scene flickered and he saw the Christmas concert he'd remembered the day he'd gotten out of the hospital. It didn't feel like it'd been almost six weeks since the accident but according to the calendar it was. He watched the young girl play. He agonized about her remembering she'd passed as well as the young man who was singing with her. It'd felt so new to him, yet he knew it was quite some time ago. The raw feeling doesn't leave as one would like.

Xavier felt Sam's hand on his shoulder as he came in from the back yard where he was helping his mom plant more items in the garden. Aikrii went to the sink and got a glass of water. Xavier hardly recognized him now. His hair was stylishly cut, when Xavier first met him his hair was long, he had a baby face too. Now days he was sporting a sparse mustache and a goatee, from what he'd shown him Mani was as well. Aikrii had even grown more since Xavier's first recollections of him. He stood at five foot ten now compared to the five foot five he remembered him at. When he'd said as much to Aikrii he chuckled and said he and Mani could see eye to eye now.

"Isn't your anniversary coming up soon?" Xavier asked Aikrii. Aikrii's eyebrows rose in surprise that he'd remember that.

"Yes it is, in July!" Aikrii beamed. "Hey have you and Sam set a date for your wedding?" Aikrii stopped when Sam stood behind him shaking his head no. He didn't seem too pleased that it had been brought up.

"Oh, sorry Sam." Aikrii didn't want to upset anyone.

"It's not your fault." Sam placed his hand on Xavier's shoulder he didn't want him to feel pressured when it came to that aspect of their lives. He was praying he'd remember on his own. "I'm more concerned on his recovery first." Aikrii saw the pain in Xavier's eyes he could see that even though Sam was focused on his well being the doubts lingered just above the surface.

"Hey did he see the video though? It might just be the ticket." Aikrii wanted Sam to show him but he hadn't yet and he had no idea why. Again he watched Sam shake his head no.

"I think focusing on the smaller things is best for now. A big thing like that might be over stimulating and his Dr said we should avoid that." Xavier looked up at Sam and grunted.

"You know, I am here." It was sweet he loved him so much, it was fucking annoying he wouldn't let him do shit on his own. Xavier ran his hands through his short locks. He hated feeling like this; it ate at him because he knew he should be grateful for what he had. The support, but it sucked when he felt like he was being treated like glass. Sam nodded in agreement.

"I know sorry hun." Sam watched as Xavier got up and left the room, Aikrii looked back at Sam as his partner disappeared up the stairs.

"Sam, you're one of my few great friends, and I adore you like the rest, but I'm going to tell you now, if you don't stop with holding him back he's going to get resentful." Aikrii wasn't going to sugar coat anything. He wasn't a candy store after all.

"I'm not trying to hold him back. I'm trying to protect him. I don't want to see him hurt. Call me selfish if you want but I can't live without him if something happens and he dies on me!" Sam suspired and growled angrily because he felt so weak. He couldn't help feel like his whole world was spinning out of control when he didn't know what the future held with him and Xavier.

Aikrii recalled a time he felt the same way so many years ago. He walked to Sam and rested his hand on Sam's arm. "It's not selfish to love someone that much; but it's selfish if you don't consider their feelings too." Aikrii needed him to understand that Xavier needed to have his own freedoms as well.

"Show him the video Sam. It might trigger his memories. If it doesn't are you going to love him any less?" Aikrii hit the sore spot, but it wasn't Sam's fear he'd love him less, but his fear that Xavier wouldn't love him anymore. He shook his head no. Aikrii was right; he was being selfish by not giving Xavier a chance to do for himself. He felt puerile over the whole situation.

"OK." Was all he said. He watched Aikrii nod and smile. Aikrii grabbed the laptop and wandered upstairs to see Xavier. "Are you going to come up with me?" He asked.

"I'll be up in a few minutes." He replied as he dumped what was left of Xavier's now cold tea.

Aikrii knocked on their door and entered when Xavier called out that it was opened.

"Hey. I brought your videos back up. I figured if you were going to rest you could do so watching something that might make you smile." He put the laptop on his lap and slid the DVD into the drive and started it. Xavier watched the screen half interested until he saw Sam on a stage looking moonstruck over the lady who was talking to him. She started to sing and he remembered that the woman was Cher. He realized then what this video was. He'd wanted to see it but every time it was brought up Sam pushed it off like it wasn't important. Almost like he didn't care he'd been asked. It bothered Xavier, if he had of said yes, why wasn't it important now? Xavier pondered this often which caused more headaches than he needed to admit to. He listened to the song and smiled. It was the same song title he'd used for the fake contest he and Bain set up... uh... wait; He actually remembered that part on his own! He hit pause.

"I remember the contest. I remember asking Bain to help me. I remember calling Dante, you helped." He looked at Aikrii who was thrilled he remembered that much, Aikrii was nodding in agreement and Xavier felt much better about everything. Sam wandered in and sat at the end of the bed and watched him continue viewing the video. He noticed Aikrii smiling like crazy and assumed there was something that amused Xavier.

Xavier's eyes got big as he saw the crowd. The camera panned across everyone who'd helped spell out `Will you marry me Sam?' and Sam's reaction. He genuinely looked like he was going to explode with excitement and love. Xavier pondered about this and assumed that the only reason things changed was because of the accident. He continued watching and cried at the end. He felt confused but not because he didn't remember but because he did and he now didn't understand why Sam didn't want him to.

Aikrii sat beside him. "You all right?"

"No" Xavier said not knowing where to start. He looked at Sam "Why would you not want me to see this? Don't you care anymore?" He asked to a bewildered Sam.

"Oh goodness no, that's not it Xavier! I'm just being a hard ass as always." Sam didn't realize preventing him from viewing the video would make things more complicated. Aikrii stepped in to help with reassurances.

"See what I think you might be forgetting about Sam is this. He's a softy who just doesn't know how to show it all the time. He likes to bulldoze people and doesn't mean to." Sam nodded.

"I'm sorry Xavier, I just didn't want to stress you or get you upset. I worried it would cause ill effect to your condition. I can't have you back in the hospital." He scooted forward on the bed and sat closer to him.

"I don't get it. If I was you wouldn't be spending all your time fussing over me." Xavier was being stubborn now mostly because he was upset.

"I'm selfish hun. I spent every moment I could with you while you were in the hospital and I will spend as much as I can now. What I'm trying to get at is that I can't... no I don't want to live without you. It'd kill me if anything else happened to you. Forgive me? Please." Xavier was trying his hardest to not be an ass and to get him to understand.

"I can deal with that." Xavier said. Aikrii chuckled and took the laptop from him as Sam leaned over and kissed him.

"I'll let you two be to talk. I'm going to go help Michelle in the garden. When does Devon get home?" he asked as he wandered out of their room.

"At four, he has soccer practice after supper." Sam said as he looked back over at Xavier. "Come on Cranky pants." He said to him and pulled him against himself as he stretched out. They snuggled together relaxing and Sam continued to talk to him about all that he was remembering.

"It's honestly a lot more than I expected considering y Dr said it could take months." He shifted and looked up at Sam and asked a serious question.

"Do you still want to get married?" He asked.

Sam chuckled, "Is this your second proposal?" He asked winking.

"No ya goof, I was asking if you still wanted to because maybe we should set a date." Xavier playfully flicked his nipple ring. Something he recalled always turned him on.

"Oh baby. I like it" Sam laughed with Xavier and sighed in contentment.

"Yes hun. I still want to get married. We can set a date if you want." Sam kissed his forehead again and hugged him tightly.

"How about September 18th?" Xavier asked.

"That's on a Saturday, so it's perfect for our friends. I think it's a good choice." Sam said happily agreeing with Xavier's choice.

"That's it? No dickering over the date?" Xavier said a bit perplexed that he was so easy to convince.

"Uhhh... I think we can dicker of other things hun. The date wasn't a big deal to me. I want it on when you want it, because if you pick it you'll remember it for the special day it will become." Sam smiled at him and Xavier nodded. He was happy to accept that assessment and laughed to himself.

"You know you've got awfully complacent since my accident." Xavier said teasing him. "Don't push yer luck there cute stuff. I can be a hardass if you want." Sam walked right into it... feet first.

"I rather something else be hard." Xavier said and proceeded to do just that.

The fall foliage danced along the breeze and burst colors of bright orange, red, yellow and browns. An earthly fire that happily consumed everyone's sight with the dazzling display. A fall wedding was always a delight. Not too cold and not too hot and the weather cooperated for everyone involved. Much to Sam's delight as well. He'd invited everyone and even hired his friends to assist. Mani was being the ever diligent perfectionist and he smiled from the side tent where he was getting ready where Xavier was inside the house. It was a blessing their backyard was big enough to hold the wedding. The reception would be at the local legion which made things easier for everyone. Kevin pulled him back and fussed over his suit.

"Come on the video cameras are all set up!" Selina yelled to Aikrii who was fiddling with things because of his perfectionist mentality. She was super excited to be at her uncle's wedding. It was about damn time they got hitched.

Sefron and Mardi chuckled as Mani hauled him away from the camera that was set up by the alter. "I'll get stills hun; they didn't hire me to be their photographer for nothing ya know." He poked his hubby and Aikrii growled and gave his best smoldering look.

Mani laughed heartily "Oh baby, promises, promises!" He shooed him to his seat.

Faith was admiring the flowers at the back door with Zack. Catherine was tickled at the kid's outfits and spotted Devon doing a goofy dance to make the two younger kids laugh. She was excited for her brother. She was looking forward to this wedding. She watched as her dad ruffed himself up in his tux. She walked to him and smoothed out his tie.

"Are you getting as excited as I am?" She asked him.

"Ay. I thought I'd be givin' ya away; not me son but this be workin' just as fine." Heathcliff was happy as a clam to have a new son in law. He really liked Sam and how he was with his boy. He got into position when Nye gave the cue and waved to them. Heathcliff yelled up to his son to get ready. Xavier came from upstairs and looked absolutely smashing in a grey tux He stood beside his father and smiled. Xavier could feel his heart racing and he couldn't wait to start his life with Sam. Life wouldn't be complete without him by his side forever.

The music started and Faith and Zack did their little strut out onto the carpeted aisle. Smiling and waving. The guests were on either side of the aisle and chuckled at the kids dancing. Their best men and ladies followed suit, Dante for Sam and Kolten for Xavier as their best men. Selina for Sam and Catherine for Xavier as their maids of Honor, and then the guys were next, each presented with a loved one at their side.

Xavier and his dad walked up the aisle on one end of the yard from the house where as Sam walked up his own aisle that would meet at the main aisle with his mom on his arm. They met at the front of the reception and listened to the minister.

"Who presents these two; to be wed?" He asked

"We do." Michelle and Heathcliff said together and let them go to join hands. Sam and Xavier watched as their parents walked to their seats at the front of the reception.

"Today, as in many days two lives have decided to meet as one in the grace of God under marriage." The minister looked upon the crowd as Sam smiled at Xavier. His cheeks hurt so much but he couldn't help smile. He just loved him so damn much.

"I know these two wonderful souls will grace each other with dignity, compassion and above all love. We shall start the ceremony with a simple prayer." He bowed before everyone and continued.

"Their journey will be long and we are asking blessing for strength, wisdom and the knowledge that we have given the best of ourselves and enough to sustain those around us. Blessed are those who have enough to endure life's tasks and most of all we pray there's enough love to sustain them in all they do. AMEN."

He reached over and lit a candle and passed it to Sam then one to Xavier.

"Sam and Xavier, together you hold a flame that can do many things. Destroy if used improperly, create if used wisely, warmth if used cautiously and light if used with care. How you choose to use your flame is up to you, but when you spread your love like this candle light then wonderful things happen. So with this I bless you both and ask you to unite your flames and create a beautiful warming light for all to share."

Sam and Xavier put their candles together and touched another candle on the alter and lit it. They placed their candles in their original holders.

"Sam, do you take this man to be your husband? For richer, poorer, sickness or health so long as you both shall live?" He nodded at Sam and waited for his response.

"Oh I DO!" He said smiling even harder and making his cheeks hurt more. He didn't care, because the joy he was feeling was worth it.

"Xavier, do you take this man to be your husband? For richer, poorer, sickness or health so long as you both shall live?" He nodded at Xavier and waited for his response.

"I most certainly do." Xavier responded, he gave Sam's hand a squeeze. He was deliriously happy.

"Then I shall say anyone who objects should speak up now or forever hold their tongue." He looked across the crowd and smiled.

"Since there aren't any objections, I shall now pronounce you married and you may kiss your spouse." The minister was pleased this ceremony didn't have anyone protesting it or any hateful relatives as he'd faced before. He watched the happy couple part after their friends screamed and whistled as they kissed each other senseless.

"I now present to you, Mr. Sam and Xavier Ericson-York." He walked with the grooms and showed them to their spots so they could fill out the paperwork and their witnesses as well.

The guys were delighted with everything and as they left the house with their certificate already at home they headed to the wedding reception at the local legion in a horse drawn carriage that Aikrii had gotten for them as a special treat. Everyone tossed rice and bird seed because the birds in the area would love it. Sam and Xavier ducked and ran laughing.

"Oh babe I love you!" Xavier said to Sam as he tucked in against his side. His hubby's height made it easy to do that.

"I love you too hun." Sam kissed him again and chuckled under his lips.

"You know... I have an amazing honeymoon planned." Sam pulled back and his eyes were wide.

"You do?" He watched Xavier nod.

"Yes, I remembered what I had planned before the accident and I think you're going to be pleasantly pleased." He winked and chuckled as Sam looked at him with questioning eyes.

"Don't you worry your handsome head about it, besides; I remember more now than I have in ages and the best part is I will always remember how you make me feel and how much I love you" He grabbed his hand and gave it a squeeze and hissed him till his head swam.

Roomoor has it... they will live an awesome life because Fate helped Destiny show them the path. Now if Time plays his part properly we will see this family grow like the rest of their friends did ... Steppin' Out into a world where things aren't always perfect, but they are perfect for them so long as the one they love is at their side.

TO BE CONTINUED.... Book 5 - Joane and Claire's Story: Song in My Heart

If you wish to read more check out my Fiction press at >>>>

PLEASE NOTE If you've read my earlier stuff the very frist book The Beginning Years (Aikrii and Mani's story) will be PUBLISHED in late June of 2017!!! Once I know the link for odering I will post it!

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