Steppin Out

By Lila Mosher

Published on Jun 16, 2008



This is a series of works of gay erotic fiction. If you are offended by such material or if you are not allowed access to it under the laws where you live, please exit now.

This work is copyrighted by the author and LBL Services Canada. 1990-2008

and may not be copied or distributed in any form without the written permission of the author, who may be contacted at:

Any and all celebrities mentioned in this story have no affiliation to this piece of writing and I make no claim to their person as my own. All Mentioned places and people are factious and any bearing resemblance to anyone person or place is purley coincidental


Steppin' Out (Book 1) Aikrii and Mani's Story Copyright 1993-2008 By Lila Mosher Full series already E-published on line, if you wish to read it all in it's entiriety please Mail Lila and ask for the link thanks.

One brilliant young man's struggle for acceptance within his own family and community brings him closer to another who makes him stronger through love and understanding.

Thanks to ALL who have mailed me already!! The responses are amazing, I can't believe some have already ready all THREE books! The books web site has hit an all time high of 50000 page hits this month and it's mainly due to the listing in Nifty, thanks and if you want to mail me DO SO I DO love getting mails from readers so PLEASE keep them comming!!!

Ps: Enjoy the last 5 chapters of book 1 ...16-21 books 2 and 3 are published on line mail me to ask for the site link or keep watching here for the next book to be posted, ALL will be listed here in due time, thanks again e everyone!!!

*********************************** Chapter 16 - New Beginnings **********************************

The building was huge to Aikrii's eyes, even after being here for the fifth time he still managed to get lost.

The move had gone without a hitch, things were being unpacked and rearranged by Cleo and a few helpers that had been hired to organize the place. Aikrii gave her the house credit card so she could get things they'd need along with food with the firm stipulation of no unneeded items.

Mani was with Sefron just a block away from where Aikrii was working and knew renovations were going along as planned for Mani's business.

Aikrii turned the unknown corner on whatever floor he was currently on and banged into Jacques, Ahh he though a familiar face. "Hey!" he said to Jacques in a cheery voice

"Mon du!" Jacques said in surprise "You, a site for my eyes, nice to see your smile again!" he said in broken English.

Aikrii though his broken English was kind of funny but his French was no better.

He grinned at Jacques, "I'm lost again, care to direct this poor sap to his office?" he asked Jacques in broken French.

"Ahh, Mai qui" he replied and threw his arm over Aikrii's shoulder. Walking with him. Aikrii remembered Mani's concerns about Jacques from before but he felt that even thou Mani was a bit on edge on this fella, he figured Jacques was only happy to have someone else to chat to, since it seemed he was nearly always alone when ever he seen him.

Jacques was a happy fella at that very moment, seeing the new kid was a great start to his day. He mustered a silent whoop and then managed to casually but quickly throw a reassuring arm over Aikrii's shoulder. He knew he wanted this kid, in more ways than one, how he was going to go about it was another ordeal all together but he had to make sure there wasn't any repercussions for trying either.

He managed to get Aikrii back to his office, and looked around whistling and being coy with Aikrii, gaining his trust was the very first thing he had to do.

"Wow, your a big one here no?" he said

"Yes a program developer." Aikrii said blushing at the admiration he saw in Jacques face.

"Much young, yes?" Jacques said looking at Aikrii and then making the motion for a child sized person.

"Umm, well I'm over seventeen." he said laughing, "I'll be eighteen come April," he said grinning.

"Ahh still one of young brilliance," He mustered as clearly as he could. "But you be a good one for Mr. MacKinnon to hire yes?"

"I hope so." Aikrii said sitting at his desk hauling out his paperwork he had to get started on. "Thanks for helping me get back here, I think this lost in a maze feeling will hopefully go away soon."

Jacques laughed, "Anytime you wander my spot, you only need asking of me for help." He said walking from Aikrii's office waving good-bye, trying his damndest to be nonchalant. He walked out gritting his teeth and grinning and breathing in deep. He could feel heat rushing to his groin; he marched quickly to the bathroom.

He relaxed in a stall after relieving his tension using a mental picture of Aikrii as his visual aid. He needed to find a way to get this kid to trust him more. Maybe a suggestion to the big boss man about teaching more of the French speaking employees more English with one of Aikrii's programs was a good way to get where Jacques wanted to be, mainly in Aikrii's pants.

"Hunny I'm home!" he yelled as he walked into the apparently organized home. Aikrii looked around it was so quiet.

It was Cleo who poked her head around the corner from the dining room and kitchen area that he realized anyone was home.

"Hey, how was work?" she asked.

"Great." He said "I got lost but the guy I met from the Valentine's party, Jacques helped me out, he's such a chipper nice fella, makes me wonder why he doesn't seem to have many friends at work."

Cleo pondered this, "Well maybe Mani's reaction to him was justified and may explain why he's always alone."

"Oh my god, Mani told you about that?" he asked slapping his forehead, and groaning.

"Yep," she said laughing, "He's always worried and I am his sounding board, you got to realize Aikrii he loves you so much and fear of loosing you is a big deal to him, having a guy hit on you as openly as that Jacques dude was doing during that party was quite obvious, maybe that's why he doesn't have friends at work, he's probably a pervert or a user."

Aikrii stopped to think about Cleo's words and then said "Well user or not I can't judge the man without getting to know him on my own, it's one thing I told Mani, I have to make my own mistakes, and well right now I think it would be a mistake to brush off someone who's been so helpful, I rather not burn bridges before I cross them if you know what I mean."

Cleo smiled and nodded "Your like me in a lot of ways, give everyone a chance, where it goes from there is up to the person your associating with, just be careful ok Aikrii, your too sweet and have been hurt enough."

Aikrii grinned "Don't worry about me I think I can handle this, besides I really think Mani has him pegged wrong."

The evening went slowly as he noticed Cleo continuing to unpack boxes, he helped out where he was needed but she mainly kept things organized which was good since he wasn't too great at doing the moving thing.

He walked into the den and noticed the leather sofa was centered nicely but it was huge and much too big for the den. He called Cleo, How about we move this out of here and turn this into a spare room instead say for when my mom visits?

"Ok then what do we do about the other spaces?" she asked

Aikrii looked around, ok the kitchen and dining room were attached but the kitchen was huge so they could put a table in there so he said "Ok this is what we will do, the dining room will be made into the main living room, you can get an area rug for the floor so it doesn't scratch the wood ok" He watched her absorbed what he was saying, then he continued "The kitchen, put in a glass table, a heavy one ok, and make sure the chairs have cushions on the seats, I hate hard kitchen seats. "

Cleo grinned, "So should I also buy a spare bed to?"

"Oh gosh, yes" he said, "but get a modest, reserved one so it can be for any guest, not just my mom ok, I really don't wish to offend anyone when they visit by putting them in a froofy room" he said giggling at the thought of Mani's dad in a flowered room.

Cleo laughed to when he told her what he was thinking about. "Yeah ok, you got a point there" she grabbed a pen and a piece of paper and jotted down stuff.

Both Cleo and Aikrii turned when they heard a commotion from the front foyer, they both headed out to the door to see Mani and Sefron with a pile of wallpaper patterns, carpet samples and tons of paint chip swatches, the books had fallen to the floor and Sefron had been nailed by many of them and was hopping around while holding a foot, Mani was laughing as hard as anything at Sefron's antics and had actually fallen over with another pile of books in his lap. Cleo and Aikrii watched this for a minute and both interjected through the giggles and foot hopping.

"Need help you two?"

They both stopped in their tracks and giggles and then shook their heads and started to laugh again.

Aikrii walked over to Mani reached out a hand and helped him to his feet, hugged him tightly and kissed him soundly, "I missed you today."

Mani was happy to hear this but in his giggle fit he asked "Don't you miss me everyday?" Aikrii smiled and nodded yes. He let Mani go so they could gather up their sample books. "What's all of this?" he asked Sefron was the one who threw in his own info on that part.

"I called around looking for an interior decorator found a few but they wanted well over twenty grand to redo the office, I though to hell with that we got to figure this out on our own, So I got all these books so we could decided on things for the two studios."

Aikrii looked at Mani, "Hun why didn't you ask me, I can get you the help you want and it will make him all the more than happy for a free trip, a place to flop and some fun teasing you, and a possible hook up if I do this right" then he giggled as he remembered Josh's admiration for Mani but also knew of his crush on Dante and this would be a perfect way to get them both together.

Mani looked at Aikrii confused not knowing whom he was referring to at that moment. "My mannequin ring a bell?" he asked Mani

Mani gasped "Oh! You mean Josh, god! How in the hell will you get Dante here then? Hmmm" he inquired as Aikrii grinned. "Ahh leave that to me, I have my ways," he said with a wink as he headed to the phone.

Sefron was confused and asked what the hell just happened, Cleo filled him in on Aikrii's friend Josh and his infatuation for one former school pal named Dante and how both of them liked the other but neither of them had the guts to ask as they were a bit scared of rejection. Aikrii had always planned to get them together since he thought they'd make a perfect couple.

"Hey! Dante," Aikrii yelled into the phone over Dante's music blaring in the background. Dante was surprised to hear his voice,

"How would you like to hang out with over six hundred million dollars for a week?"

"Does it play music?" Dante asked being sarcastic as usual

"HAHAHA" Aikrii laughed, "Nope but it can get ya all the tunes you can possibly need, I'm looking for someone to help with a few house warming party plans and some interior decorating, wanna help?"

"Yeah sure, why not...who's all gonna be there?" he asked kinda sounding a bit blue.

"Well for starters, Cleo, Mani, Sefron, Nye and myself, I'll probably invite a few from school to and Josh will be here to along with a few of his friends and probably about a dozen or so of my co workers, how's that?" he asked making sure Josh was mentioned near to last.

"Damn" Dante said sounding more perked than before," Ummm, sounds like a hopping possibility for a good party, how do I get there?" he asked

"I'll fly you out, equipment and all but your gonna have to help Josh with decorating if you don't mind working with him, since my own work will have me tied up a lot. Ok?"

"Sure Aikrii!" he said sounding more excited now.

"Great, I have a few other calls to make, I'll get my agent to call you to give you your flight info ok"

With that he hung up looked at Mani and said "There ya go one more call and you'll have a bomb decorating crew and a hopping studio with Dante's help. " Mani grinned like a goof gave Aikrii a crushing hug and whooped dancing around the foyer with him laughing.

Cleo watched his behavior, which was sort of unusual for Mani since he was so reserved nine times out of ten. She started to giggle.

"Ok guys you all have to come with me now, I have to show you your rooms, I got them all done in the last few hours, so no more hotel stays while the decorators do their work."

She had all the doors closed to each of the rooms but she walked with them to each room, Mani and Aikrii's room was first, she took them to the door

"Ok here you go, I hope you like what I did" she said with a grin.

She opened the door and watched the two guys gasp then Aikrii squealed with joy, In the middle of the room was their queen sized bed done up in the Green and burgundy sheet set they always had but the rest of the room was done with burgundy, green and black.

The bed had a black frame and was draped with green and burgundy sheer fabric, under the bed the floor had a black and burgundy varricated plush carpet, and at each corner of their bed was a black nightstand with green lamps on them. There was a very large dresser on one side done in black and burgundy stain making it look older then it actually was and beside it was their wardrobe from the old place. There were plants all around the room as well and the bedroom windows were draped in dark hunter green curtains, which were obviously very heavy. The room smelled of raspberries and peaches, Aikrii sucked in a deep breath and sighed loudly, "Ohh...I could end up loving this room the most," he giggled. He looked at Mani who winked and stifled a giggle.

"Ok guys, hormones in a check please" Cleo said shooting them a cocky grin, knowing where they were going. "This isn't the time to bring up your deviously delicious thoughts about ravishing each other, ok." They both roared with laughter since it was exactly where they were aiming.

Aikrii poked Mani, "Later then...say nineish?

He was being a wise ass and Mani fell into step, "Sure consider it a reservation then"

"Oh good god guys!" Cleo groaned rolling her eyes "Thanks for the mental picture, I really needed that! OI!" she walked out of the room with them following giggling their assess off,

"Ok now Sefron your room is next." The second room next to the main bathroom was Sefron's and it was done in reds and had some awesome art on the walls of band players and singers and the bed was done with a silver and gray bedspread. The dresser was a gray and black similar to how Mani and Aikrii's was done but shorter in stature, he also had a nice stereo system set up and Sefron also noticed his electric guitar was also set up in the corner of his room and there was a new amp as well which he went right to gleaming like a child on Christmas morning and turned it on.

"So..." Cleo asked.

"Oh my fucking god!" Sefron said whooping he twanged his guitar and it let out a neat "wahahaha" then he made it 'scream'

Cleo giggled "I take it you like what you see?" she said smiling.

"Like it? I love it!" he said looking around his new room "This is better than I ever expected." he went over to Aikrii and gave him a crushing hug, then the same to Cleo and then to Mani

"Guys you just made my freaking year with this." he said beaming.

Aikrii and Mani smiled as they seen Sefron who had a really tough last year smile as much as he was. It was nice to see.

"Ok Nye, this is our room." Cleo said she opened the door to the guest room and he was stunned. It was done in bright colors, greens, purples, oranges and blues, yellows and then some. The bed was kitty cornered between the large windows and was sitting on a multi colored area rug that screamed at ones senses, there was bean bag chairs in one corner along with Nye's computer and sound system he played with. Their bed itself was huge and done with bright orange comforter and it had funky purple and green and yellow swirls all over it something like a fireworks display. The pillows looked like hands and lips and pairs of shorts it was a fun room and in the area by the bathroom door was an arcade game, which Nye looked at and roared when he realized it was Q-Bert a game he hadn't played since he was ten but loved.

He walked up to Cleo and hugged her so hard she though he was gonna make her pop from her shirt, "Ok hun, your gonna make me fall out and give everyone a good show, lets save the crushing for later ok" she giggled.

Mani and Aikrii looked at each other and then both at the same time asked the exact same question.

"Cleo, where are you sleeping?"

"Here, where else." she said with a puzzled look on her face,

Aikrii walked up to her and whispered in her ear. She blushed and looked at him "Your serious aren't' you."

"Umm, yeah, better safe than sorry, if you know what I mean."

Sefron, watched and then chuckled he knew what was going on now and being as blunt as he was, "Girl are you on the pill? Cause we don't need no babies here just yet"

Cleo turned red again and slapped Sefron on the arm, "That's none of your business really, but yes!"

"Ow!" he said rubbing his sore spot. "Common! We're only looking out for you, don't take a hairy"

She muttered sorry and slunk off to the bathroom to hide. Nye looked at the door of the bathroom and then back at Mani and Aikrii,

"Bro, we haven't umm...ever done anything yet." he said so low Mani had to lean in to really hear him.

"I wasn't planning on it either, but it looks like she wanted to be safe, more than I can say for myself, I wasn't even thinking about that at all"

"Guess it's a good thing she was then." Mani said smiling and ribbing his baby bro.

"Umm, yeah I guess, but it will still be awhile yet, I think I can crash beside her without eating her up" he said chuckling.

All three guys laughed just as she walked out and she turned beat red again. She turned around and went back into the bathroom and they all giggled again as Nye went to the door to get her attention.

The rest headed down stairs. It was suppertime and Aikrii had someone catering tonight since he had so much to plan for with the housewarming party and other things.

Cleo joined them not long after they had gone down stairs and ate with them all. She didn't remain saying she had to get things ready for her first day at the new high school in the local area. Nye followed her.

Aikrii looked at Mani, and asked. "Do you think she's still pissed?"

Mani chuckled, "If Cleo is as cute as she can be, I highly doubt either will be ticked much longer, it's really hard to contain ones self around a pretty face and I don't think Nye is any better than I was."

Aikrii nearly choked on his drink at the last part of the comment, laughing at the same time.

"Ok so this is a warning of sorts? Look out world Nye's gonna get some?" Aikrii grinned then laughed remembering how flustered Mani was their first time together.

Mani chuckled and looked up to the ceiling. "Man I think Cleo will eat him up, poor boy has no chance in hell."

She came out of the bathroom in a cute baby doll nighty, it was peach and mint green, and she was deep in thought and didn't notice Nye was in the room with her right away.

"Penny for your thoughts" he said making her jump.

"Shit, Nye!" she playfully slapped him "You friggin scared me!" He chuckled and then wrapped his arms around her he took a deep breath. She smelled of peaches and honeydew. He kissed her neck tickling her in the process, she sighed and giggled low in her throat. He took another deep breath swallowing her scent like it was a dying mans only drink. "Oh god Cleo, you smell good enough to eat." He groaned, his heart racing. He didn't' think he could keep his resolve yet he was determined to behave; it was Cleo who kicked things into gear.

"Promises, promises." She said kissing his neck and then nipping his ear. "You say it, but do you mean it?"

He sucked in a deep breath shocked and yet his interest was aroused at her dare. "Ok, where is this comming from?" he asked.

She looked at him, her orange peako tea eyes still daring him, taunting, she kissed him ever so lightly and slipped from his grasp. Smiling she backed to the bed. "No where really, just it's something I've been thinking of, we've been together since forever, and well I kinda wonder how come you never...ummm...tried to Ummm." She blushed as she stammered trying to get out her answer and question without looking like an idiot. She slapped herself mentally she was failing miserably. He walked up to her, "Do you think your ready?"

She stopped, "I don't know, I've never been asked that before." she was confused, didn't he love her? How come she was feeling so funny inside?

"Cleo, you have to understand I respect who you are, as a person, not just as my girlfriend. It's something my brother, my mother and father all taught to me."

He paused "Respect is something I want you to have for me to, so if your wondering why I never tried anything it's because it's out of respect, so if you think your ready to move on in our relationship then I will respect that to."

He looked at her and waited. She had a tear in her eye when she looked back up to him, his heart melted at the sight.

"I do respect you Nye, I love you; have since I was eight, and everyone thought I was just a stupid little kid with a crush." She hiccupped, buried her head into his shoulder, and continued

"I just needed to know you loved me to, I am ready to move on but I don't want you to think I'm only trying to grip onto anyone who will say they love me, it's just well..." she paused looking at him

"I need to feel you like your part of me as a whole." she looked up at him so red and embarrassed she didn't know what he would think of her now. When he didn't say anything she sat back and put her hands to her face and sobbed, apologizing; "I'm sorry Nye, forget it, I don't want you mad at me for being stupid and childish." she said wiping her tears away and getting ready to crawl from him to go hid under the sheets of their bed.

He reached out for her grabbing her arm, pulling her close to him, looking at her, he was overwhelmed with joy, and relief and he so wanted to please her. He smiled and kissed her tears away little by little, till she started to smile. He ran his hands down her face pushing her hair from her cheeks; he kissed her forehead and hugged her tight.

"I'm so lucky to have you" he whispered "I don't want to see you hurt, so forgive me now for any hurt I may create, I'm not experienced." he said, it was now his turn to blush. She understood his meaning and nodded smiling shyly now, which was odd since she was far from shy but this was a whole new ball game now.

She kissed him, slowly at first and then they both gradually worked themselves into a heated mess, enjoying what they were creating for each other. He slowly moved his hand up under her nightys top and caressed her breasts making her moan and blush at the same time. He pushed the fabric farther exposing one tiny pink bud standing taunt and alert, puckering from the cold and excitement, He looked down and smiled touching the tip with his tongue, she tasted sweet, he took her tender bud into his mouth suckling gently, she squirmed and wriggled panting and gripping his shoulder. "Oh god Nye!" she panted gripping him tighter, as he sucked on her harder, she was getting hotter and warm, her midriff fluttered with a thousand butterflies making her feel like she was flying. Her core was warm and she could feel herself melting into a puddle at the touch of his lips. He tasted her eagerly savoring her sweet flavor. She arched as he flicked tiny feather like kisses down her side and to her belly and around her belly button, inexperienced or not he knew a bit, some he had heard and a bit he viewed from a porn one of his friends had which was kind of weird but least he had some knowledge, about things that would make a young lady thrilled and he tried to go slow, excitement building for him to, his groin felt like he was going to pop, he was so stiff it hurt. He was causing himself much agony but wanted to make sure she was pleasured as well. He continued to explore lower meeting her heated core, her sweetness was overwhelming he could feel her heat on his lips and touching her made her pant faster, he lightly licked, making her squirm and writhe under him, he used his fingers stroking her like a kitten; watching her face from his vantage point, he could see the ecstasy in her eyes she was on fire and he was causing it. She begged "Nye, god nye, please!" she gripped him as he tasted her, plunging deeper with his tongue he made her buck and moan loudly in desire, he maneuvered himself out of his pants and boxers, trying to keep her floating at the same time. He was over her looking down at her, she could feel his manhood touching her and she felt she could scream from sexual frustration, she wanted him in her. She reached up to his questioning face, touched him and said "Yes, now"

He gently slid home, stopping only at the slight tension he felt as he broke her virginity, She cried out he held on to her tight then picked up a rhythm that had them both panting and gripping each other. She cried out his name as she felt her first orgasm hit her a wave like that of an ocean, her thighs tightened as she quivered she road with him as he climaxed within minutes of her own. He kept up a pace to match her own eagerness to please him as well, she orgasmed a second time, pulling him closer to him as she arched against him, he could feel her tighten around him, he smiled down at her as she slowed her breathing to normal, he was sated to and spent, he curled up beside her breaking the connection. She lay there with a grin on her face staring at him, loving what they had shared. She reached over and ran her hand down his cheek; he leaned in and kissed her.

"Are you ok?" he asked her.

"I'm in heaven," she said. She snuggled in against him, he was pleased to hear this, he wrapped an arm around her pulled her in tight against him and they fell asleep together. They made love three times their first night together, she woke him at three and then again in the early hours, both slept late that next morning, neither really getting enough of the other.

******************* Chapter 17 - Again *******************

Mani woke around threeish to giggles and all around merriment coming from down the hall, it was quite but still auditable, He rolled over groaning, Aikrii stirred beside him his eyes fluttering groggily opened. "Something wrong?" he asked him.

"No" he said smiling "Nothing your groggy butt needs to worry about" he said reaching for him and snuggling in close. Aikrii breathed deep taking in Main's scent, the polo drowning his senses. He murmured his satisfaction. Closing his eyes against Mani's chest as he snaked an arm around his waist. Mani breathed deep to running his hand through Aikrii's hair.

"I think it's time for a cut," Aikrii murmured in his sleepy state.

Mani stopped stroking his head, "Your gonna cut your hair?" he asked.

"Ummmm, been thinking about it" he said shifting he was more awake now. He ran his hand across Mani's belly making his muscles tighten as the motion tickled him.

"Why?" he asked his curiosity peaked now. He shifted sideways as he looked at Aikrii who was staring at him now.

"To look more professional I guess, I don't want to be the baby face at work," he laughed nuzzling his face against Mani's chest breathing deep and pulling his against him. "Some may not take me seriously enough if I look like some punk ass kid."

Mani chuckled, "I like your thinking but well, if people can't appreciate your intellect regardless of your hair style then they are morons."

"It's ok hun" Aikrii said kissing his neck getting Mani distracted as well as excited, "I think it's time for a small change anyway, might as well be the hair."

Mani groaned looked at him and then kissed his forehead, "Ok," he smiled "Now on with your distraction, I was rather enjoying that."

Aikrii grinned his wicked little grin, happy to oblige in an indulging part of their three a.m. wake up call and for one who only recently awoke he was full of energy now. He slipped under the sheets giggling, he used his fingertips running them down Mani's belly making his stomach muscles tighten again, that really tickled but he tried to hold back the laughter. He felt Aikrii's hair, brush against him next; his long hair would be gone. He would miss that.

Aikrii found what he was looking for, Mani was ready to be played with, and Aikrii was eager to have some fun, it had been a bit of time since they got to spend any together as of recently. Work had kept him super busy.

He flicked his tongue out, touching the tip of Mani's excitement, making him jump and suck in a deep breath between clenched teeth, he wrapped his eager fingers around him, heat resonating into his hand, he stroked, ever so slowly Mani squirmed. Aikrii grinned, licking the tip again, teasing him; he continued his torment for about five minutes before he took him fully into his hot excited mouth, nearly swallowing him whole, Mani bucked, almost gagging Aikrii but Aikrii didn't care, he kept his own rhythm up while Mani thrusted his way to his own excited peak. Mani held onto his shoulders arching, moaning in sheer pleasure, he grasped his hair, panting and gasping. "Oh! Oooh, god! Aikriiii..." he gasped out, as he climaxed, Aikrii sucking eagerly wanting to get every last drop of him. Mani thought he was done but then he could feel feather kisses up his inner thigh, and being so sensitive afterwards, it caused him to quiver then to get aroused again. Aikrii chuckled as he realized what he was doing to his boyfriend.

He slipped out from under the blanket and looked at him, "You tired? Or would you like to continue the featured presentation?"

He grinned waiting for a response, Mani being silly himself grabbed him quickly flipping him over and sitting on him, he was energized now. He wanted to play, and a three a.m. session was a rarity so he wasn't that tired now.

Aikrii squealed as Mani flipped him over, he was sitting on his chest, his joyous member sitting erect on his chest only a tongue flick away, Aikrii got daring and stuck out his tongue just barley touching the tip on Mani, Mani jumped not expecting the contact he pulled back "Uh uh...nope it's my turn now, darlin'" he said holding his arms and nipping slowly down his neck causing Aikrii to whimper with want.

He squirmed; he was hungry to feel Mani around him. Mani obliged on his own time, slowly teasing Aikrii, pushing down on him then backing off. Aikrii squirmed and got his arms loose and grabbed Mani's hips, pulling him down on his hard pulsing member, Mani gasped in shock and in excitement, he tightened around Aikrii who in turn gasped in satisfaction at feeling him, Aikrii thrusted upwards making Mani groan and throw his head back, he gripped Aikrii's shoulders and rocked with the motion Aikrii was causing the rippling effects were amazing. They could still make fireworks happen each and every time they got together. Their tempo quickened, the rhythm got faster, and Aikrii tried to hold on but happily lost it.

"Oh...fuck!" Aikrii screamed hauling Mani down hard on to him gritting his teeth, he cam so hard he though he was going to pass out.

Mani's fingers dug into Aikrii's shoulders hard, he gritted his teeth as he felt the warmth seep into him, Aikrii was still moving in a rapid rhythm still with his own motion. Mani leaned forward, his head against Aikrii's sweaty chest. He panted out "Ooh, oh, my god!" Aikrii was still moving in him, in & out, in & out, Mani was quivering and shaking he couldn't hold up with Aikrii this time he was trying his damndest to hold on but even with the excited sensations he was feeling he couldn't, he clenched on one end and let loose his second time, leaving a wet trail across Aikrii's belly, much to Aikrii's delight. Aikrii grinned at him, hissed his forehead when he leaned forward again and slipped out of him as he snuggled against his chest.

"Now that was a nice change" Aikrii said chuckling, wiping himself off and then snuggling against Mani who was now obviously delirious with sated satisfaction from their three a.m. romp.

"I'd say, damn it's been a bit, maybe we need to do these three a.m. calls more often since work keeps us both so busy. Aikrii chuckled, and hugged him tight, "Don't worry sexy, things will settle soon." he kissed Mani's chest, sighed and slowly drifted off to sleep in Mani's arms. Both were now content.

Sefron pulled the pillow back off his head...all was quiet now. He groaned, rolled over and slowly went back to sleep, alone... what the hell was he going to do in a house with two couples in it. Good god he had to get laid and soon.

From a distance he watched, every day for the last month, he would leave things here and there to get his chance to spend time with Aikrii, who was getting freer with him, friendlier. Jacques watched him walk up the hall, he hesitated checking his watch, then he grabbed his phone to dial out, Jacques wondered whom he was calling. Aikrii looked more sophisticated since he got his hair cut and older, which turned Jacques on even more than he already was. He continued to nonchalantly watch Aikrii out of the corner of his eye.

Aikrii finished his call and stopped at Jacques door. "Hey," He waved to him and Jacques smiled, his persistence was slowly paying off, hopefully soon he wouldn't have to rely on imagination and a bathroom stall. "Good morning" he said to Aikrii "How be things? I've not seen you around much" he said in his usual broken English. "Been busy, I got a request this month to come up with a new program and I was told you suggested it... was wondering if I can ask you what your looking to get from a program like that since it's your idea"

Jacques had to contain himself, at first he was shocked and worried but he didn't let it register on his face. He didn't' want to give away anything, not till he knew what he needed to know first.

"I don't understand." he said, "get as in?"

"What would be the benefits you see as a person in general for a program such as the one you suggested," Aikrii asked him smiling again he did after all like the idea and it would work with many different languages and translations.

"I see umm, advances? Maybe for those who are in need of help in understanding another language when they can not understand others around them." He said hoping it was what Aikrii was looking for.

"How would you go about setting something like this up, so it's easy to use?" Aikrii asked as he sat in Jacques guest seat.

Jacques relaxed, ok this was good, Aikrii was looking for info based souly on a possible programming product so he was in the clear, so he decided to go with the flow, he could drag this out if he did it right.

Jacques chuckled, and responded in his usual broken English, "A program that could be carried as a 'auto' translator would be good, one speaks in one side and it comes out translated, through a speaker even if it's a rough translation it's still better than not understanding." he said "N'est pas?"

"Qui!" Aikrii said smiling, "Now since I think all should be equal opportunity and you suggested it I would like collaborations I need one more member who is bi-lingual so all of us can try this. This is if it will not interfere with your own work"

Jacques beamed, "I shall request time to be helpful as you need my presence." he said "I am much happy to help and it excites me to be part of a project by such a great programmer" he said, his comment honest and sincere.

Aikrii was happy to see someone else was glad to have him around even if it ment working on a simple project as this one. He looked at Jacques, "Welcome aboard, you'll be happy to know that Troy already knows I was going to ask you for help so I will just inform him when your working with me. Your work will still be there since the time needed for my side will be limited but one on one with designated vocals."

Jacques grinned again, stood and took Aikrii's hand shaking it and saying thank you. Aikrii headed off to his own office and took his messages from his secretary. He made a request for a second translator and left the search up to her to complete and informed her if she needed to she could call to ask about candidates but they had to be within the company.

Aikrii contacted Troy letting him know what was going on with the newest project and told him that Jacques took to the idea like duck to water. "I think he's eager to make a friend since he's been much of a loaner since he's been working here" Troy said "I'm glad your a friend he's chosen, at least now he won't feel left out of any of the projects that take place here."

Aikrii was thrilled to know others took to him it ment he was likeable and it was one thing he use to always thrive for, well actually crave but not so much now since he had Mani but at least he had more friends now.

He let Troy know about what would be needed the programming that would be involved and his ideas on a prototype would take about 3 months to complete and asked if a designer was available. He was told when he got that far to contact him and someone would be assigned to work again with him hopefully making the future program portable and easy to use.

Each week working on the new program progressed although slow, it was something Aikrii was enjoying. Aikrii programmed during the days while at work and in the evenings if he worked later he had either Jacques and the English translator Collin in with him recording voice overs or translations from one of them the previous night, most of the time it was Jacques doing the French side and then Collin translating roughly the fifty six thousand different main words to English and then trying to muster what others they should add since there is differences in how many words are really in existence, variables and other things, doing all words would make over seven hundred and fifty thousand words and that would take too long since most words aren't even used anymore.

Jacques was tired and he was getting board, he noticed the next sections of words and went through the list, Aikrii was rubbing his head while pondering over the coding and recording for the next set of words, he started the program letting it run. Jacques looked over his shoulder and asked, "You are confused n'est pas?"

Aikrii looked up, "Not really, just tired, it's taking longer that I expected that's all." Jacques looked down at his screen and since he was learning slowly the words in English he was getting better but he was also picking up on coding jargon as well. He reached over Aikrii's shoulder brushing him ever so slightly and pointed to the screen, "Is this not an...Ummm... An error is spelling?" He asked pointing to marline a word referring to rope.

Aikrii was a bit over tired so he ignored the brush and looked, "Not really it can be spelled with or without the E" he said, leaning back in his chair bumping Jacques who got jostled in the process, his hand gripping the first thing it could to prevent a fall, it landed on Aikrii's lap.

He had been hoping for an opportunity like this, and the perfect timing made his 'innocent' lap-landing look so good, he had to keep going. He pushed off of Aikrii's lap and turned red, mainly out of frustration not embarrassment he held his ground and played along, "Damn, I..I..I'm sorry" he stumbled intentionally.

Aikrii was embarrassed to over his stumble, and looked over at Jacques, who was redder than a beat. "No problem," Aikrii said trying to shrug it off. Jacques sat down next to him in the second seat and put his head down. Aikrii looked at him, "You ok?" he asked him putting his hand on his shoulder.

Jacques jerked, and looked up, he decided to go for it; he leaned in towards Aikrii and said "Je suis juste ainsi fusterated tous que je veux faire doit vous embrasser." He did Aikrii's shock at the comment of him saying he just had to kiss him was over thrown at the action of him actually following through. He squeaked and backed away. Jacques looked at him and waited. Aikrii stopped and though before he continued

"Jacques, I've learned to like you as a person and this just puts a kink into things, please I think it's time to go home" Aikrii was trying his damnedest to be nice about things, he was confused at what just happened but he was also thinking of Mani first most and how his heart would break if he ever found out this happened.

"I can't" Jacques said with a frown "Pas encore" His saying 'not yet' made Aikrii stiffen he was somewhat worried what he would do next. Jacques looked down at the young man who was the peak of all his desires and leaned in towards him and spoke. "Je vous ai voulu du jour un et à temps je gagnerai l'one-way ou des autres, je suis sûr que votre Mani précieux se demandera pourquoi vous travaillez tard."

Aikrii didn't understand all of the comment but he did get the idle threat about Mani wondering about his late working hours. He looked at Jacques fear in his eyes and he backed away. Jacques grinned he knew he had him right where he wanted him, he touched his face but Aikrii shrank back from him. Jacques grinned again and walked out of the office.

Aikrii's heart was beating a thousand miles a minute he was scared shitless. What the hell was he going to do he had a deadline to meet, and now this had to happen and Jacques was right; Mani would wonder why he was working so late. So even telling him was out of the question. He put his head into his hands worry eating at his heart, he loved Mani so much he couldn't hurt him, Aikrii looked at the screen of his computer and noticed the program was still running, he shut it off. Sighed and then resolved right there and then not to tell Mani what had happened tonight, he just didn't have it in him to break Mani's heart over something so trivial.

So for nearly two more weeks he endured Jacques advances, scared yet to damn stubborn to give in to Jacques threats. Aikrii did his job first and dealt with Jacques with kid gloves keeping him as far at bay as he could. It wasn't an easy battle, and the stress was making changes everyone was slowly noticing.

Collin got most of the recordings and was going through them slowly, re recording each section in English, his job was simple enough and it was paying extra on top of what he already did for Nessix. This week thou as he walked in he noticed things were off with Aikrii more than usual who seemed to be on edge. He looked over at the young fella whom he got to know better as the weeks went on, he liked him as a person, well rounded and easy going, and even learned about his boyfriend which Collin though was ok so long as no one hit on him.

"Hey boss" he said making Aikrii jump in his seat as he was going over the recordings. Aikrii took off the one-piece headphone set.

"Everything ok? You seem a bit off, something wrong with the program?"

"No nothing is wrong with the program," he said sighing and rubbing his hand through his now short hair. "Just frustrated over a translation." he said

Let me hear it I'll tell you what it means. Aikrii not knowing that his whole mishap with Jacque had been recorded and because he was so stressed over things he wasn't paying full attention to the recordings he was listening to, he passed the earphones over to Collin who listened to the recording. His eyes widened. He looked at Aikrii and frowned.

"Ummmm, I'm not so sure you'll be wanting to use that for your translations Aikrii." Collin was a bit concerned since he could hear Jacques voice clearly making what seemed to him to be a threatening statement. He looked at Aikrii and asked again out of genuine concern, "Are you sure your ok?"

Aikrii looked rubbed his head again, "Yeah" he said "nothing I can't handle." Tonight would be another long night and he really didn't want to be cooped up with Jacques again. "Will you be in tonight for translations?" he asked Collin.

"Not to sure as of yet, probably not since Jenny wants to go out." He smiled

"Umm ok" Aikrii said not sounding too enthuastic. "Maybe tomorrow then ok." he looked up at Collin who was now standing by his office door.

Collin looked back at his boss, a bit worried but eager to get going since he wanted to start his weekend. He grinned and walked out of the office.

Aikrii groaned. Ran his hand through his hair again making it a total mess. He just wanted to scream.

Mani looked around his Studio, It was now done and he was thrilled, Sefron was just finishing up with a customer and Mani hauled out the painting he had done of Aikrii and hung it neatly on the wall of his office. He had noticed Aikrii was stressed and he figured it had to do with the new program he was working on it had been nearly five weeks since it was brought about. He knew Aikrii had a few more months left to go before his project was done. Mani looked at his watch; it was going on ten in the evening, The Nessix building was only a block away but he did have a lot of work to finish. The business phone rang.

"Pic it Prints" He said into the phone. The voice on the other end made Mani smiled for a second then frown a bit. He murmured his uhuh's and hung up. "Hey Sefron, I'm gonna go over to see Aikrii ok, close up in a few, I'll see you at home ok." Mani grabbed his keys and headed out to his car.

Collin hung up his phone, he hoped he did the right thing; he figured Aikrii could use the help. He looked at Jenny and kissed her, said thanks and they walked into the Nessix building together.

Mani got off the elevator and slowly and quietly walked to his boyfriend's office his heart beating so loudly he was sure it could be heard. It was fairly quiet, till he heard low voices coming from Aikrii's office.

"I tell you now Aikrii, you will not win, your Mani friend will be mad, you have not told of your time here with me. I know of this I watch you."

Mani peeked in by Aikrii's door to notice that Jacques had Aikrii pinned against his bookshelf. His blood boiled as he watched Jacques push himself against Aikrii.

"We're here to do a damn job, Jacques, not for you to dry hump my fucking leg you son of a bi..." Jacques grabbed his face and pulled it towards him, kissing him Fiercely, Aikrii struggled and pushed him away.

"Fuck off" he spat out at him. Aikrii wiped his mouth off. "I only keep this to myself to protect Mani, his heart would died if he knew the abuse you put me through."

Mani walked into the room just behind Jacques; Aikrii was shocked to see him and it must have registered on his face as Jacques slowly turned around to be greeted by Mani. He was quite obviously pissed.

He growled at the tall blond "You son of a bitch, what are you doing to my boyfriend?"

"Playing with him." the nasty blond, said sneering at the red head in front of him. He lunged, just as Collin walked in the room. The distraction wasn't good since Mani was actually caught of guard and got nailed in the face. Mani staggered, gained his balance and stopped still glaring. Aikrii yelled, "Stop!"

Mani looked over at Aikrii; he was hurting he could see it. He looked at Jacques; he still hadn't hit the man yet. Collin spoke.

"I knew this was bad, Jacques, back off now before I call the cops!"

"Back off you fucking ass" Jacques sneered, "I have much to win here"

Aikrii stepped in and stopped them both. "What the fuck do you have to win?" he said yelling at Jacques "My friendship? You lost that with the first threat, I don't trust you anymore but you use to have it, hope it was worth it!" He glared at the French man, "I was just a conquest to you, a free ride to the top, and you're a despicable guy


Jacques made one of the biggest mistakes he could have ever made, he was able to push Aikrii around only because he used verbal threats but once he swung at him it was a different story, Aikrii went into training mode almost instantly and ducked and then nailed the older man, he fell to the floor in a heap. He walked over to Mani and he laid his head on his shoulder and sobbed.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, I was scared and worried. I was concerned for my job and for your own feelings being hurt." He looked at Mani who was hurt but relieved that Aikrii was ok.

"It's ok it's all over now."

Collin passed Aikrii a tape with a piece of paper wrapped around it,

"What's this?" he asked.

"Remember when I told you that one part you were confused over translation wise and I said it wasn't a good idea to use."

"Yes" he said a bit confused.

"Well apparently each time you were working on pieces you had the program running and it recorded everything you said or did. The piece there is a clear copy of Jacques voice making his fist comment to you and then the threat. It can be used in court since he knew he was working where info was being recorded."

Jacques cursed under his breath from the floor, slamming it with his fist. Aikrii looked down at him. He took Mani's hand and walked out of his office as the police walked in. Jacques was arrested for assault. Aikrii one more time endured police questioning, only this time he didn't end up in the hospital.

Main took him home; he was so very quiet on the drive there. He watched as Aikrii slunk off to their room. Sefron walked around the corner from the dining room to see

Aikrii disappear and Mani watched him go.

"What's wrong?" Sefron asked.

"Aikrii was assaulted again." Mani said looking at Sefron, "but this time it was sexually and at work!"

Sefron's Jaw dropped, he looked back up the stairs he looked back to Mani and asked "Now what?"

"I don't know." Mani said, "I know he's been assaulted in this manner before but he's nearing eighteen now, I have no idea what I need to do to help him heal."

Sefron looked at Mani and said, "Call my mom she may have some ideas on what to do."

Mani looked at Sefron and shook his head yes. It probably would be for the best. He thanked him then headed off to their room, hoping to help Aikrii to feel better and to maybe get him to talk more. His being as quiet as he was since he walked in on the mess that had unfolded at Aikrii's office kind of made him concerned for his well-being.

******************************* Chapter 18 - Remembering *******************************

He walked into the office with Mani holding onto his hand, the councilor that Susan had referred them to was sitting in his chair writing, he motioned for Aikrii and Mani to sit. He finished his idle scribble and then looked up closing the file he was working on. "So your Mr. Orati," he said looking at another file.

"Yes" Aikrii mumbled. "I don't' know why I'm here and frankly I don't want to be either."

"Your here Mr. Orati because you have been assaulted not once but on several occasions, your partner feels it's putting a strain on you and is worried, is this not so Mr. Tskii?" he inquired looking over at Mani.

"Indeed" Mani whispered "He's been too quiet, withdrawn and I'm worried beyond worried, I tried talking to him, he won't say anything."

Aikrii looked at Mani, he felt bad he really did, he wanted to let things go and talk but he felt the urge to keep it bottled, a defense mechanism he learned as a child. He knew Mani didn't blame him, he had told him so many times. Aikrii believe him, he just didn't believe that he himself deserved the understanding, there had to be something wrong with him, why else would he always end up being a target? Even with the training Mani gave him, he had no confidence in himself as a strong physical person. He only had the mental strength and even that was waning.

Mani squatted in front of Aikrii. He held his cheeks in his hands and kissed him on his head, "I am here if you need me but I shall leave so you can relax, ok" he said looking into his worried sad green eyes. "All you have to do is ask for me ok."

Mani got up and walked out of the room. It was the most difficult thing he had to do.

Dr. Sung looked at the young man before him, merely a child of seventeen in his old eyes, thou his records showed he was going to be eighteen in a few weeks.

"Mr. Orati." He said looking at the boy smiling. "Tell me about yourself"

Aikrii looked at the older guy, he could make this hard on himself or easy. He figured he's here now might as well get shit off his chest, there's no harm in it and it's what this guy gets paid for, not like any of it can be released without his consent and this guy was a stranger so he had no idea who Aikrii was as a social person, just what was on the papers in his file?

"Well you already know the basics from my file, so I guess this will be an easy meeting." he paused looking at the older man and continued. "I'm not an easy person to get to know, I usually keep to myself, I have a low self esteem, but I know I am smart, but always question my physical abilities, even with my boyfriends help."

"Why do you keep to yourself?" Mr. Sung asked him tapping his pen against his lips.

"Best way to stay invisible, less chance of getting hurt when no one notices you." Aikrii answered truthfully.

Dr. Sung wrote down on his pad, and then he looked at Aikrii again. "You said you're not easy to get to know, yet many know who you are, why did you say this?"

"I'm not an easy person to get to know, even Mani doesn't' t know fully about my past, it terrifies me to even remember half of it, I could just imagine the pain in Mani's eyes if he listened to my past history." Aikrii said, choking back tears that threatened to slip past his lids.

"Do you think he's weak?" he asked Aikrii waiting to see his response.

"Good gosh no!" Aikrii said with conviction "He's the strongest person other than my mom that I know"

"Does your mother know of all the past abuses in detail?" he asked Aikrii again waiting

"Yes unfortunately I had to tell her it all and I watched her get sick from it to," he said with a frown as he lowered his head.

"Your ashamed you were abused and had to tell your mother?" Dr Sung half stated more as a question then a statement.

"I am ashamed I wasn't strong enough to stop it, I was suppose to be the man of the house but I wasn't." he said running his hands through his now short hair.

"You were but a mere child, what would you have done any differently to stop what had happened, you would have still had to tell your mother would you not?"

Aikrii stopped and though, Dr. Sung was right, as a child he couldn't have done anything really much different to stop what his uncle had done to him, Mani did all he could to teach Aikrii to be stronger physically in their year together, he couldn't do anymore than what was physically possible in that short time and when it came to his job it was important to him as much as Mani's welfare emotionally was to him since he knew Mani worried so bad. Then he comes to a simple realization.

"Oh my god, I hurt him just by not telling him how I was feeling, which means he's been worrying all this time." Aikrii groaned leaning back against the leather sofa.

Dr. Sung continued on with Aikrii and within an hour had him pretty much opened up, Aikrii cried a few times but managed to hang in with the courage he knew came from someone who taught him he was strong. His boyfriend. He eventually called for Mani to come in on the session with them.

Dr. Sung informed Mani that the information he was hearing was based souly on the request of the patient and legally he wasn't allowed to release any information to outside sources without his consent and any conversation in the office was strictly confidential. Mani understood. He sat beside Aikrii who seemed to be in better spirits. He looked at him and smiled. Aikrii leaned to him and hugged him stuffing his face into his shoulder.

"Thanks for making me come here today, I think I really needed this." he said muffled by the fabric.

Mani pulled Aikrii from his shoulder and looked at him. "I did it because I was getting sick with worry I just want you back to me, happy, like before."

Aikrii swallowed hard and looked at him, "Well before I can be that happy person again I guess I should let you know that more will make you sad as well as me since I think you need to understand what happened to me as a child and why I am the way I am." He waited for Mani to say something.

"I'm here to listen." Mani said "And no matter what, sad or not I have two shoulders I am happy to provide them for leaning and crying on; I only hope you will do the same for me."

Aikrii took a deep breath, and started to tell Mani his story about his uncle Francis who had abused him.

He was only six when it started, gradually. First it was just his uncle who wasn't that much older then he was exposing himself to Aikrii. Francis being fifteen at the time knew he was in the wrong but continued to do so anyway. By the time Aikrii was nine Francis had been forcing him to perform oral sex on him on a regular basis by the time Aikrii was thirteen and knew he was gay he had been forced for his first time and roughly by his uncle to have sex. For a full year the forced sex was something Aikrii endured on a daily basis for fear of having his uncle hurt him in other ways, like tell his parents. When Aikrii's dad found out what had been happening and learned of Aikrii's orientation he blamed his brother and beat his brother for abusing his son then he beat Aikrii out of frustration and intolerance for the same thing his brother did to his own boy on a regular basis; Aikrii always was told he was made wrong; he was a waste of skin. His dad told him to die on many occasions. After a while Aikrii thought his dad was right and began to cold burn himself, using ice cubes, he'd get as many as he could and stand on them or hold them in his hands till his skin got burnt from the cold. His mom started to question his skin conditions and many times he was brought to the doctors who told her it was mild frostbite which; didn't make sense to her. She started to get concerned, so Aikrii found other ways to 'feel'. He delved into his programming so deeply he'd not sleep for days then crash for days. He was becoming obsessed. Thou it was a benefit for him to program it was ruining his studies in school and one of the reasons why his schooling suffered. So when Aikrii's mom realized what was going on she got him out of the home and left her husband so she could help her son. It was none too soon either.

Aikrii was only days away from killing himself; he even had a plan as well. It never was followed though. Aikrii told it all to Mani, in great detail, Dr Sung watched, asked questions and wrote. Mani sat, listened and cried with Aikrii and hugged him when he needed it.

The healing process was going to be long and hard and they both knew it. Mani and Aikrii's first session with Dr. Sung ended after five hours of talking. Aikrii felt ten times lighter. Mani felt like a load had been lifted from his worried shoulders. Aikrii shook Dr. Sung's hand and then made his second appointment.

Mani took his hand as they left the office. That day Mani and Aikrii became a closer couple; one who with help, communicated better than most married couples. It was a step in the right direction for both of them. Mani stopped outside the car on Aikrii's side; took Aikrii's face into his warm hands and soundly kissed him right there on the street for anyone to see, then pulled back and said "I love you, no matter what; don't you forget that."

Nearly a year later:

She cringed, he hit her again and she cried. She heard him say something but she didn't understand his words. She was scared, she clutched her purse, and he yanked on it trying to take it from her, she screamed...she saw him raise his hand to hit her again, she closed her eyes and cringed waiting for the blow. It never came. She heard a sickening thud and peeked to see a flash of purple and white and the guy who was hurting her go flying. He hit a bunch of garbage cans and laid slumped there dazed for a min before getting up and running off scared.

She opened her eyes all the way and looked around. Her eyes settled on a figure in a white parka with purple hair, she rubber her eyes thinking she was seeing things. The purpled haired person turned around, it was a girl! Mardi was stunned; there in front of her was a real life girl who had hair like a cartoon!

She gawked she had orange eyes to. She jumped when she spoke. "Are you ok?" Cleo asked the dark girl who was cowering in the alley. She walked over to her and held out a hand to the small girl.

Mardi shook her head yes, barley able to contain her composure and not wanting to speak for the fear of breaking down. She stood with help and took a deep breath, looked down at her knees and saw blood. She immediately fainted.

"Oh Jesus!" Cleo grabed for the girl before she hit the ground; and scooped the tiny body into her arms. She defiantly wasn't dressed for this kind of weather Cleo could actually feel the cold from the girl's body seeping through her parka. She looked down at the girl and patted her face trying to rouse her. It didn't work. She took Mardi opened her jacket and tucked her against her trying to warm her. She half stumbled with the girl to the road and hailed a cab. She got her to the house and brought her to the guest room and laid her down on the bed. Cleo scurried off to find blankets and other things to help the girl.

Sefron hear the door open, he had been playing his guitar when he heard it. He flicked off the amp and headed for the door, he looked over the railing and noticed

Cleo was racing back and forth the guest room. OK he wondered what the hell did she do now? He walked down the stairs slowly, he wanted to see what she was up to but not startle her. He got closer to the guest room when she popped out and noticed him she shut the door quickly.

"Ok, I though Aikrii said no pets." Sefron said grinning since he knew Cleo's habits.

"It's not a pet." Cleo said as she blocked the door.

Sefron wasn't impressed; he scooted her out of the way and opened the door. There lying on Aikrii's Guest room bed was a raven beauty. Sefron damn nearly died from shock, the poor girl was no bigger than a minute and she had cuts all over her knees and scrapes in other places to. He walked over to her.

"Cleo get a few towels ok."

He went into protection mode. She brought back a few towels and a face cloth in a bowl. He started to clean her wounds off, very gently. They must have stung a great deal as it brought her to slowly but moaning in pain. He placed a hand around her tiny one; his was so pale compared to hers. He picked up her hand and breathed on it trying to warm her, Cleo brought back two blankets warmed in the dryer and covered her slight frame.

"Wh..Where am I? "The young girl asked eyes fluttering as she woke. Sefron let off an internal gasped, be still his heart, my god! Intense Aquamarine eyes looked at him. She was a beauty. Sefron asked her

"Your ok now, your safe, Cleo brought you to our home. What's your name?"

She looked around the room was small but pretty, it was done in greens, one of her many favorite colors. She looked at the silver haired man in front of her he was tall and gangly but cute as a button. She loved his eyes they were the deepest blue she'd seen in a long time another favorite color of hers.

She looked around again and spotted the purple haired girl who saved her. "Come here," she said to Cleo.

Cleo walked up to her, the girl reached for her hair. "Fascinating" She smiled. "I'm Mardi Vikree" she looked at orange eyes staring back. "When I first saw you, I thought I was dreaming and a cartoon saved me."

Sefron chuckled a hearty chuckle, Cleo even giggled. "Why do you laugh?" Mardi asked puzzled. "It was your hair that was confusing, it's wild and outrageous and I like it."

Sefron smiled; "You think ours is outrageous, wait till you meet Nye" He winked at Cleo who giggled again.

Mardi looked more confused. "Who are you?" she asked.

"Oh my bad" Cleo said dropping the towel she was holding on the dresser and going to the girl extending a hand to her "I'm Cleo, that's Sefron" she said pointing to him. "Nye is my boyfriend and there's two others living here to, Aikrii and Mani they are also a couple." She stressed this so the girl wasn't confused later when she did meet everyone assuming she stuck around.

"Oh sweet!" Mardi said "A whole family of tons" she giggled.

Sefron raised an eyebrow looking at her confused. "How old are you?" he asked her.

"Twenty-one, why?" she said she fished out an id card and passed it to him.

"Oh my your only a year younger than I am," he said grinning. "I actually thought you were younger because you keep mentioning cartoons."

"Oh, ummm it's a joke." She turned red, and that's pretty hard for a mix Japhindi girl to do. "I guess my lack of American culture and familiarity are truly showing aren't they. I got used twice and nearly killed and I can't tell a joke to save myself" she sighed and ran her hand through her short pitch-black hair, wincing. "Damn another cut?" she looked at the dried blood that had come off onto her damp hand.

Cleo passed her a cloth. "If you can stand without trouble we have a shower you can use, so you can clean up."

Sefron waited to see what she was going to say. Mardi got up out of the bed she had be lying in, she was wobbly but Sefron was right there to catch her if she needed it.

She leaned her slight frame against the towering mass that was Sefron. He barley felt her weight. When she stumbled for the second time he scooped her up like a child and carried her. Cleo grabbed a chair and they took it to the guest bathroom. Cleo showed her what to do using the chair so she could sit without falling in the shower and still get cleaned up.

"Call if you need help ok. We'll help out ok." She placed a large over sized towel into the shower stall with her so that should she have issues at least she wouldn't be baring it all to strangers. Mardi thanked her. Sefron stayed right outside of the bathroom door. Cleo grinned at him like an idiot.

They both heard the water start. Cleo turned on her stereo down low but it must have been enough for Mardi to hear over the shower. They both could hear her humming.

"Well she remembers the tune to a song so she can't have amnesia now can she" Sefron said trying to be nonchalant.

Cleo laughed, "I seriously think you got the hots for her, you horn dog. Poor injured girl drops in and your eating her alive with your eyes."

"Sefron turned the same shade of red as his tips on his hair. He scratched the back of his head. Then shot out,

"Hell girl it's been forever since I've had fun, kind of sucks to when I got two couples going at it at three in the morning and I'm sandwiched between them both giggling their assess off and moaning"

It was Cleo's turn to turn bright red, she gasped for air and sputtered. "I can't believe you said that!" she huffed crossing her arms.

"No, I can't forget this evening or your face as you were leaving But I guess that's just the way this story goes, you always smile.... But in you eyes your sorrow shows, yes it shows."

They both stopped when they started to hear a beautiful voice clear and loud, "Damn Cleo I thought the radio was down, how am I to hear her if she falls?" he marched over and turned it off but the voice was still clear and loud.

"I cant live, if living is without you I can't live. I can't give anymore Can't live, if living is without you Can't give, I can't give anymore"

"Oh my god, it's her singing!" Cleo said gasping.

Well, I can't forget this evening or your face as you were leaving But I guess that's just the way this story goes, you always smile But in you eyes your sorrow shows, Yes it shows

They could hear her singing, Mardi had a voice on her like an angel, it sent shivers right up Sefron's spine and right into his chest and groin as well. Cleo got goose bumps. He looked at the closed door in awe. "Damn I think you found me my singer," he said as he grinned and looked at her.

"I cant live, if living is without you I can't live. I can't give anymore Can't live, if living is without you Can't give, I can't give anymore."

They continued to listen as she sang...

"Ohhhhhh (No can't live) No no no (No I can't live) I can't live (No can't live) If living is without (No I can't live) I can't live (No can't live) I can't give anymore (No I can't live) "

"WOW!" Cleo said.

"I'd say wow!" both Cleo and Sefron jumped there in the door of Cleo and Nye's room was Mani and Nye both were looking at the same door that Sefron and Cleo was looking at.

Nye grinned and kissed his girl. "Who's the goddess with the pipes?" he asked her.

"Sefron's newest pursuit" she said giggling as he shot her a nasty stare for the comment. If looks could kill she'd have been severely impaled.

"She's someone Cleo rescued today apparently...but I don't know the whole story yet, she never told me anything." he looked at her. Mani was interested now. He looked at her and said


"She was getting mugged, what else was I suppose to do? I kicked buddies ass he ran off, she fainted when she seen her own blood but I think the two knocks to her head he gave her gave her a concussion I couldn't wake her and she was so small I got worried I panicked and brought her here." Cleo had a half scared look in her eyes thinking she'd be in shit for helping in the manner she did.

"Bravo" Mani said grinning. "Glad you put your anger to GOOD use" he smiled.

Nye was surprised "Damn girl you're a hero."

They all noticed how quiet it had gotten. Sefron knocked on the door to the bathroom "You ok in there?"

There was no sound. "Oh shit," he said he opened the door and sure enough there she was sitting on the floor, wrapped in the humongous towel, crying softly.

He went to her and instinctively wrapped a protective arm around her fragile frame. He didn't know what it was he just had to help her. He picked her up in his arms. She stuffed her face into his shirt and sobbed. He walked her out of the guest bathroom and took her to his room, the others watched as he passed by. He sat on his bed and just held her. She fell asleep in his arms. He moved to get her into his bed and tucked in. He pulled back the sheets and laid her down the towel shifting exposing the soft round mounds of her breasts. He groaned but continued to cover her over. He walked although a bit stiffer back to the hall. The rest were there looking inquisitively at him.

"She's sleeping, I suggest we let Miss Mardi get some rest, it will most likely make her feel better tomorrow." he walked down the stairs really slowly.

Mani looked at Nye and Cleo ok this was awkward.

"What's with him?" he asked

"I don't know he got all papa bear like when he realized I had her here." Cleo said, "Right protective, it was odd and really weird to see."

"Instant attraction." Nye blurted, "It's not uncommon and found in those who suffer post traumatic syndrome, or a tragic loss to project or reflect on another. With Sefron he's trying to protect her because he's still in the 'brother' position. She's tiny like Chev was, but she's not his sister so there's an attraction to protect her like any animal may try to protect their young"

He was using his physiology course from school, how much of it was correct was beyond Mani but it sort of made sense to him.

"What a way to find an attraction thou." Cleo said kind of confused over it all.

"Hey there's nothing wrong with it, sometimes it's what makes an attraction one of the strongest there is." Nye smiled "Take Main and Aikrii for instances, he fell for Aikrii and it was when he was trying to protect him, try to break them up I bet it's impossible."

Main grinned he knew they were a strong couple. They had endured a lot and never gave up on each other either. He looked at his baby brother smiled again and ruffled his green hair.

"Come one lets go down stairs and check in on ol' lover boy, he's probably got a wounded pride since we keep teasing him."

"She sings like an angel Aikrii, I had goose bumps and I could feel my own heart jumping so hard I thought it was gonna fall right out!"

Sefron never got sappy. Aikrii was amazed at this he was listening to him tell him what was going on in the house. He could feel the excitement as soon as he walked in.

"Damn sounds like you had an exciting day." He smiled at his gangly friend.

Sefron was walking around the room in a trance like euphoric state. He could hear the music the song she had sung over and over in his head.

Mani walked into the living room. He looked at Sefron chuckled and walked over to Aikrii he hugged him. "Did he tell you what happened?"

"Yes actually he did and it sounds like someone is utterly smittened and he hardly knows her." Aikrii watched over Mani's shoulder as Sefron disappeared.

"He's gone." Aikrii said to Mani pulling back looking at him. "So how did she get here?"

Mani filled Aikrii in on the sparse details he knew and they left it at that, he semi scooted him to the couch and flicked on the TV to CSI and snuggled with him relaxing to their favorite show. Both of them had been drained from the day they had and the extra excitement was the emptier, both fell asleep in each other's arms watching TV. When Cleo found them this way she didn't have the heart to wake them but she did get a picture. She flicked off the TV and called it an evening, taking Nye's hand after locking up she went off to bed. He was happy to follow. They topped the stairs they could see Sefron had passed out to; his door was still wide opened. He was sleeping sitting up.

He had watched her, she had been breathing soundly, quietly, there had been a few times she cried out in her sleep but he just laid a hand on her arm and let her calm a bit, He fell asleep in the chair by his bed with his head on his bed but his butt stayed in the chair.

It was still dark outside when she woke to silver strands with deep red ends entwined in her hand. His hair was like silk, she looked over at him, he was half on the bed; head and upper torso, the rest sat in what looked like was an uncomfortable chair. She realized he'd been there for a bit. Worried about her, watching over her. She was moved by the gesture. She closed her eyes and stroked his head. He stirred, murmuring in his sleep, she smiled. He was cute, Sefron if she remember right. His name was of a spice, she mentally chuckled, as she looked at him she thought he looked spicy to her.

His eyes popped opened to see aquamarine ones look at him. She smiled still stroking his head. He slowly sat up grimacing at the pain in his back. He stretched, and then looked at her.

"You ok?" he asked

She shook her head yes. "Are you? You look uncomfortable," she asked barely audible.

"I'm fine I'm worried about you. You show here cut, cold and scared and out cold. Then you break down in the bath room and pass out again."

He placed his hand on her head to check her temperature. She was still cold to the touch. "How long were you outside anyway?"

She looked at him, she felt she could trust him, trust him to not hurt her. "Two days." she said not looking at him directly. "But it's my own fault."

He looked at her ok so she was beating herself up for something she either did or didn't do. He spoke again. "Why didn't you ask someone for help?" He sighed and continued "and what happened that you had no place to go?"

She stopped too a really deep breath and babbled her story as fast as she could, he could ask questions later, if she didn't do this quick she'd break down.

"I left my parents three months ago hoping to break from their traditions, I was young and scared but seemed to manage with a few friends for a few weeks, then one of them got mugged and killed it scared me, we had our money stolen so the two of us that were left we got a small room sharing the space, but she got a boyfriend who tried to assault me." She paused took another deep breath and then delved back into her story.

"I left there and I do not want to go back and I am still scared. My parents wanted me to stay home and marry some idiot they have me betroved to, my Japanese heritage and Hindu background seems to haunt me and I refuse to do what my parents ask of me, so I balked their traditions swore I'd make something of myself and left, I to got mugged and it was Cleo who saved me. I was terrified I thought I was also going to die."

She was shaking now and Sefron went to her, he held her very carefully so not to scare her or hurt her more than she obviously was.

"I look and think my American heritage should have been my calling first, but my parents never took that part up, I was secluded, I have no idea what this world is about and it terrifies me. Maybe they were right. I should have stayed home. They would taunt me now if I returned, I'm too proud to do this."

She looked up at him sad eyes with tears threatening to spill pass them.

Aquamarine eyes should never cry he thought. Ok where the hell did that come from? He wondered. He absently minded stroked her cheek brushing the tears that started to fall away.

"Its ok your safe here." He smiled, and for some reason her fears melted, she snuggled down into his arms and started to sing in a low quiet pitch, He just listened and smiled. When either of them fell asleep was a surprise to either of them, when she woke again she was still wrapped in his arms but they were both sprawled sideways on his bed. She carefully slid from his arms and went to the bathroom. He made her feel safe yet she knew nothing of him. She used the facilities and washed her face the angry bruise from the mugger was under her cheek bone, even dark as she was the bruise was darker than her skin, it flared with a nasty blueness. She flinched when she poked around it checking the damage.

"You really shouldn't do that it'll only hurt worse" she heard his husky voice, and it startled her she squealed and jumped. He went to her immediately and apologies. "Shit, I'm sorry!" he put an arm over her shoulder. "You ok?"

"You keep asking me that, I'm starting to feel like glass around you, I'm fine, I'll live thanks to you and Cleo."

Sefron reached above her to the medicine cabinet and grabbed some pain meds and passed her two tablets. She took them when he told her, "They're Tylenol for pain." She was glad for that but she was now starving and even thou it was still dark out she needed food.

"I'm famished," she said

"We have plenty." he took her hand and walked with her to the kitchen, when they turned on the light they had not realized Aikrii and Mani were on the couch and they were shocked awake by the light...

"Aggg!" Aikrii said groaning and stretching, in turn knocking poor Mani off the couch. "Jesus! Who turned on the light?" Mani said looking over the coach into the kitchen.

Sefron was standing there with a grin on his face at the two fellas who were a mess and still in their work cloths.

"Fell asleep watching CSI again guys?" he chuckled Mardi looked over at the two guys. Aikrii got up, reached out for Mani and pulled him to his feet.

Mani came up fast and stumbled, clocking poor Aikrii. "Ok sexy if ya wanted a hug you coulda asked." he giggled he was in a good mood for a five am wake up call. He grabbed Mani and hugged him.

Mani girl slapped him on the chest, and took his hand when he let him go and hauled ass to their room. Aikrii giggled and yelled out "Night, or morning either way. Later!" Mardi looked at Sefron

"They make one of the cutest gay couple I've gotten the pleasure to meet...ahh who the hell am I kidding, they are my ONLY gay couple I've ever met."

Sefron gave a hefty low chuckle grinning from ear to ear.

"Those two are a great pair, they've been through a lot but the still manage to smile through most of it or they hold each other up when the other is in a weaker state."

He looked down into her heart stopping eyes. He could fall for her easily enough he knew it to. He passed her things she asked for from the fridge, and then he started to help her make breakfast. There would be enough for everyone only thing was they'd have theirs hot, the rest would probably nuke theirs.

They ate in silence, Sefron looking over at her off and on. She kept doing the same as well. There was a connection and they both could feel it, but the draw was that neither actually took to seeking out the other they just seemed to meet by pure chance. Mardi thought about Karma, Sefron though god must have finally sided with him, he so did love her voice.

He got up to remove his dish, she moved at the same time he did and they collided, his instinct was to wrap his arm right around her waist before she fell, the dishes hit the floor with a clatter, the plate shattering, she didn't have anything on her feet, he did, he lifted her clear from the floor and deposited her on a chair.

He cleaned the mess without a word Double-checking, for shards that could hurt her feet. When he found none, he still insisted on protecting her. He picked her up again, and for a second time he felt the tingle go through him, like an electric charge but this one didn't hurt.

She looked at him as he carried her to the stairs. Her hand involuntary went to his face she framed by his left eyes, running her thumb past an old scar. He placed her on a stair up one so she was eye level. He waited, was he breathing fast? Or was that his heart beating fast? He didn't really know till he had to take a deep breath and realized he had been holding it in. She smiled leaned in and kissed his cheek so lightly it was barely a breeze.

He got a jolt of lightening; he would have been on his ass if it weren't for the banister he was holding. She turned to go up the stairs. It took him well over fifteen minutes to gain his composure to even move. By the time he had made it to the top of the stairs she was already in the shower.

Sefron thought to himself "Damn how I wish I was her wash cloth!" Then he mentally slapped himself. "God dammit I'm a friggin' pervert!"

******************************** Chapter 19 - Sefron's love ********************************

She stepped out of the shower, looked around and smiled; it felt good to be warm finally. This home to was odd but inviting and the man she just met turned her head and made her knees weak when he touched her. She wrapped in the large bath towel and peeked out the door into the hall. Cleo was just coming out of her room her hair was a mess and she was wearing only an over sized T. She stopped when she spotted Mardi's head poking out of the bathroom door.

Mardi spoke first. "I didn't want to yell for Sefron but, ummm...I only have the clothes you found me in I don't have nothing to wear."

Cleo slapped her forehead and groaned. "Dammit, I knew there was something I was forgetting, hold on ok." She walked over to Aikrii's room door and knocked she head a faint; "Yeah?" She opened the door a crack and asked.


"Uh-uh" was the muffled reply.

She poked her head into the room and then slipped in clicking the door shut behind her. Mardi watched and she could hear muffled voices. Her shoulders were getting cold from the air on her damp skin. Sefron walked out of his room by this time. He spotted her and asked; "Everything ok?"

"Yeah I think, just waiting for Cleo to come out of your friends room there, I think she went to ask one of them something, all I wanted to know was what I was going to wear."

Sefron grinned, "I can temporarily solve that problem." He walked back to his room and came out with a T-shirt and passed it to her, its going to be about 6 miles too big on you but it will do for now least till we get you some clothing that somewhat fits."

She slipped back into the bathroom and slid his shit over his head; she stopped half way smelling deeply the scent of him from his clothing. It was intoxicating. Smiling she slipped dressed in his T out the bathroom door and went right to his room. She twirled in his doorway giggling, "So how's it look?"

He stood there dumbfounded red in the face and totally floating at the same time. There spinning in his door was Mardi in his over sized green T-shirt. It came to her knees and was very loose at the neck; if she bent over he was sure she'd expose herself. Cleo came up behind her and giggled, "Quite fashionable If I do say so myself" she said twirling her own T-shit. Both girls giggled "Least he gave me something I didn't want to be in a towel all day."

"Oh you won't be short clothing, we're going shopping, Mani and Aikrii gave me permission to get you stuff you need plus we need other info from you, you'll be starting work on Monday if you want to stay here ok if not we'll help you get where you need to go but that's stuff Aikrii will talk to you about once he gets up ok." she babbled out the info like it was an everyday occurrence Mardi stood there dumbfounded as Sefron.

"I can stay?" she said finally.

"Sure, why not? I think Sefron would love to have you say and it'd be nice not to be the only female in this place." she giggled and walked into the hall heading to her and Nye's room. Mardi looked back at Sefron who was grinning, his eyes looked like they were sparkling with sheer delight. Mardi couldn't resist and since she really didn't know any better being secluded from most American culture she just blurted out what she was thinking.

"Your eyes give away your joy, not to mention your grin does to, but for what reasons do you wish for me to stay?" Sefron forgot she didn't know tact but it didn't seem to fizz him one bit. He laughed loudly and Cleo giggled to. Mardi looked between them both.

"Well your funny as hell for one." Cleo said, then she leaned in and whispered to her, "I think Sefron thinks your freaking beautiful to."

Mardi gasped then giggled. "Really?"

Cleo pokes up her head and looks at him, he's still grinning but has an eyebrow cocked up in a questioning manner, he tilts his head taking a good look at Mardi's fanny. Which was to his joy, rounding out the T-shirts fabric quite nicely.

"Cleo ducks her head back down to her; "I'm one hundred percent sure on that," she said as she giggled and pointed to Sefron gesturing for Mardi to look, she turned and peeked and noticed he had his head tilted and he was grinning like an idiot. When she realized what he was doing it registered on her face and she blushed so hard even Cleo giggled. Mardi stood up quick and hid her bottom from his view. He was a bit disappointed, but still grinned anyway. The view was good while it lasted.

"I think I shall need better coverage, blue eyes seems to enjoy my posterior a bit too much," she whispered to Cleo.

Well Cleo too to laughing so hard it roused Nye who stumbled out of their room with the messiest hair Mardi ever got the chance to see. "Oh my!" Mardi said seeing the green mass "Another toon!" Cleo giggled again,

"You never got the pleasure to meet my boyfriend, this is Nye." She said introducing the Mardi to Nye. He remembered her but she was planted firmly into Sefron's shirt front when he seen her for the first time, so he knew she wouldn't have had a clue who he was. He stuffed out a hand and said hi.

She was happy to meet the green haired fella and shook his hand and smiled at the three who were around her.

"Who so many friendly faces, it's weird, I think my parents were wrong, not everyone will be nasty." She smiled

Cleo jumped in, "Ok so that Sefron isn't undressing you from his T-shirt we're gonna get you some clothes"

"HEY!" Sefron interjected "I wasn't undressing her!"

Nye mumbled "Yeah your just trying to figure out how good you'd look on her instead" he giggled as he ducked from a pillow that went flying his way via the arm of Sefron who was also smiling, that started the boys taking a wrestling fit the girls got out of the way, Cleo took her to her room.

"Oh my gosh! Your room is huge!" she said as she walked into the large guest suite "and the colors are very bright, how do you sleep?"

Cleo laughed again. "I'm a colorful person, hence the bright colors. Don't mind them my clothing isn't as bad." She opened the closet and Mardi saw more clothing than she'd had ever owned in a lifetime.

"Ok I died didn't I" she said running her hands along all the clothing hanging from the rack. Most won't fit me thou...will they?" she said turning to Cleo.

"No probably not since I'm tall but that's ok I have an idea for a pair of jeans I have and a simple tank or sweater." Cleo walked over to her closet and hauled down a few shirts and a few sweaters and then grabbed the Jeans she had found earlier and took them to Mardi, ok try on the jeans. Mardi hesitated, looking around.

"Oh a bathroom" she pointed "You can use ours there." Cleo forgot that not everyone was as free as her, hell there were days she shucked off her stuff right in front of Mani or Aikrii.

Mardi scooted to the bathroom and tried on the jeans they fit her butt ok and they looked ok against her flat tummy the waist was a tiny bit wide but not too bad so the hung from her hips really low but she had seen that style before so it wasn't so bad, she's get use to them. The legs how ever were about five inches too long.

She threw on the shirt Cleo gave her and walked out like she had flippers, Cleo giggled but just grabbed her scissors and told her to sit down. She trimmed the excess fabric making them shorter and rolling up the bottoms to Mardi's ankles. The shirt was white and looked really nice against her dark skin, it also brought out her eyes more.

"Damn I think we did pretty good getting you cleaned up;" She said eyeing her good work. Sefron's jaw dropped when he seen her as she walked out of the room, "Ok down boy!" Cleo said pushing his jaw shut. "We're going shopping to get her some clothing and get some other details from her, if you wanna follow you have to stop drooling."

Mardi giggled at Cleo's comment, the attention was distracting but pleasant. She watched his eyes, he was devouring her and she could feel her skin tingle just from his look. It felt weird but good, she was still confused on why he seemed to like her so much she was a tiny framed girl no more than a hundred pounds, one-oh-five soaking wet. She had a slim frame, flat belly; a fair share of upper endowment more than most would have for such a tiny frame. She stopped and looked at him, maybe he was a boob man. She noticed thou he kept looking at her eyes. He always seemed to be seeking out her eyes.

"Ok you two stop ogling each other and lets get ready, Sefron Aikrii and Mani aren't going anywhere so we can take the Mustang ok."

"SWEET!" He whooped as he grabbed his jacket and took off for the door holding it opened for Cleo and Mardi.

Cleo jumped in the back letting Mardi to have the front seat beside Sefron while he drove. He got ample chances to brush his had against her leg as he shifted gears while driving through the traffic. She was blushing like mad to. They all arrived at the Kearney Plaza mall and bailed out of the car. Mardi stood there looking up at the large building. Sefron went to her took her hand and guided her to the door as she looked around; she wasn't really paying attention to the fact that he had her hand she was awed at the sheer size of the building. He was grinning like mad he still had her hand while she was looking around Cleo smiled to she was happy that this "meeting" was a positive things for Sefron, he seemed very taken to her and they made such a cute couple.

Mardi was still holding his hand but grabed his arm closely with her free hand when a truck sped too close by. He released her hand and threw his arm over her shoulder pulling her close by his side. He was, loving this. She was pointing to windows once they got into the mall, most stuff was way to big but nice. Cleo showed her Jump Street a clothing store that Mani and Aikrii went to all the time in Curre, Josh was working and Dante was there with him. They had hooked up at the house party Aikrii and Mani threw a while back and moved shop to Kearney. (But that's another story)

"Cleo! Darlin'!" Josh gushed rushing up to her. "What brings you here? And where is that delicious Mani pal of Aikrii's?"

Cleo giggled "Josh hun, they stayed home in bed to keep each other warm..." she teased him. "Awww, poo" he said snapping his fingers "So what brings you here?"

Cleo pushed Mardi forward after she pried her from Sefron's arm "This young lady needs help in finding the right style, Sefron will be the judge on whether you do her justice." she said winking at Josh.

"Oh come on Cleo!" Sefron said; "Mardi just needs new clothing ok Josh, think you can help her out?"

"Sure can stud muffin!" Josh said to Sefron winking he ushered Mardi to the racks of clothing for the petite.

"Ok darlin what's your name and congrats on landing Sefron, he's not an easy one to tie down."

"Ummm, I didn't' tie him down...thou I can't say the though hasn't crossed my mind" she said as she lowered to a whisper and giggled. "And I'm Mardi, I like your spirit." She grinned up at Josh.

"Ohh the shy bad good girl, I like it!" He looked her over as he sized her and then grabbed a size four from the rack, "I assume your about a four or a five, try these jeans on and I will get the shirt from there, if this works then I can go from there for clothing for you. Ok?"

She took the Jeans and he picked out a basic white T-Shirt. She put both on and when she came out of the dressing room Sefron damn nearly fell off the sofa he was sitting on, talk about floored!

Her tiny waist was accentuated by the snug but comfortable flared jeans the shirt as simple as it was made her stand out, sheer perfection at it's finest is what Sefron thought. He walked over to her, stood behind her and looked ahead into the mirror. She looked at him in the mirror behind her and leaned back against him, smiling.

"Soooo...?" she said looking up at him, he was still looking in the mirror. He was grinning like mad. He looked down, "You look delicious!"

She laughed and pushed off of his back "Your bad you know that?"

"Yep, can't help it, pretty girls like you do that to me." He was doing so serious flirting now.

"Ok you two get a room!" Josh said as he returned with a few shirts and a few jeans and skirts for Mardi to try on.

She was in and out of the dressing room often, trying on different styles. Each one as stunning as the last poor Sefron though he was going to be hospitalized from the constant mini breath taking moments he got to witness with each change she made. By the time they were done she had five outfits; which was more than enough.

Sefron took her bags and gave Josh the house Credit card. "So how's business here in Kearney Josh, any better than Curre?" he asked his friend.

"Oh darlin' you wouldn't believe it Dante and I are making a killing here, I'm so glad Aikrii convinced us to move here!"

Sefron smiled. He was glad his other pals had finally settled down, things had been rocky with their shops move so it was good to hear the news. It would be something he'd pass on to Aikrii when he got the chance.

"Great to hear, I'll let Aikrii and Mani know and don't forget if you need help ask we're all here to help each other out."

"Thanks for the offer Sef dear, you on the other hand have to get that beauty of yours squirrled away before the population catches a glimpse of them beautiful eyes of hers, where did you ever find her?"

Sefron chuckled and relayed the story of Mardi's wondrous appearance at their home. Josh and Dante were both enthralled.

"You mean to tell me little miss Cleo, rescued the damsel in distress and brought her home to you? Damn! Now that's impressive!"

Sefron chuckled; he looked over at Cleo and Mardi browsing the racks for future visits.

"She is quite impressive, I'm glad Cleo brought her home, and it's just so weird,"

He said getting that dreamy look in his eyes. "Her radiance draws me in like a moth to a flame, I can't breath; think or move when she's next to me, it feels so foreign." he said nearly whispering. Dante awwwed then Josh said; "Damn boy you got it bad!"

"Then I want more bad cause it feels so damn good." He pushed off the counter with her stuff and headed to her. Turning around he winked and waved good-bye to his pals. Cleo took one of the three bags and Sefron put the other two in one hand, He reached for Mardi's hand and they walked up the mall hand in hand. They did make an amazingly cute couple, thou an odd one being she was so tiny and he was so tall.

They made it out to the car and stuffed her purchases into the trunk. "So;" Sefron said "Now that we're done that what shall we do next?"

"Well;" Mardi said; "I want to know more about this job and me staying." She said looking at Cleo.

"Ahhh, I'm glad you asked, here's the thing, Aikrii needs a secretary his is leaving soon." she stopped pondered and then asked "Do you have office training?"

"Ummm not really" Mardi said 'But I can learn; I can learn real fast."

"Ok there's that part, and here's the rest, we heard you sing. You sing like a damn goddess where in the world did you learn how to do that?"

"My parents made me take opera lessons till I was nearly twelve, I hated them, once I moved out I started to sing more modern stuff, had a few friends teach me a few basics and what you heard is what I make...why?"

Cleo pondered then spoke yet again "Well...Sefron's last vocalist left his band. Aikrii sings with him off and on but its not always one or two guy's voices they always need, Sefron needs a female singer and you would be an asset to his band I think."

Mardi was stunned, a singer. She was offered a spot as a singer in an honest to goodness band. She looked at Sefron. "Well if he'll have me in his band I'll see if I can't wow his crowds"

Sefron smiled, he was more than positive that she could wow anyone with her voice.

They got back to the house and unloaded the packages, entering they found Aikrii on the phone and Mani pacing. Mardi took her items up to Sefron's room where he told her to put them. While she was up there, Cleo and Sefron got info from Mani that it was Aikrii's dad on the phone and that his dad wanted to see them. Hence why he was pacing and he was worried.

"He just started counseling, I think he may want to rethink this visit." Mani looked very concerned.

"Easy hun, I'm sure Aikrii will do what's right for him, you just need to support him like you always have ok." Cleo said as she gave him a hug. Sefron patted his back and said, "We're here for you both ok. Don't forget that."

Mani nodded. He looked over at Aikrii who looked pleased and very happy, a lot happier than he had in a long time. He hung up the phone and smiled. Mani went to him and waited to see what was coming next.

"He wants to see us, together, in a public or special place if you want, he said it was time he made his apologies, Mani he's in A.A. and back with mom." Aikrii was beaming at the news he was passing on to his partner. "Oh my god really!" Mani was happy to hear this Marie must be ecstatic he though. Aikrii nodded, till beaming. "I want to do this, I hope you understand, he is still my dad, regardless of the past. It's not the apology I expect from him, it's acceptance, that's all." Mani understood fully he hugged his boyfriend tightly pulled back still holding on to his shoulders. "I'll be happy to go along with what ever you plan," he said.

Cleo was thrilled to hear what Aikrii had said about his dad, things had been tough for them but it was looking brighter. She heard the front door click and knew Nye was home. When he popped around the corner she was in for a shock of a lifetime. His hair was back to its original color, the same color as Mani's deep red. She gasped as her hands went to her mouth. "Oh my god!" she said, everyone turned to see what she was reacting to.

"Holy shit Nye, what did you do?" Mani asked him still quite shocked at his baby brother's transformation. "I dyed it back, I think since there's so many changes here, everyone seems to be 'maturing' as mom calls it, I figured I'd do the same thing Aikrii did, make a small change, go with the hair."

Cleo giggled, walked over to him and ran her hands through his hair; it was quite soft even after being re-dyed. "Wow this is going to take some getting use to, Mani if I grope you by accident you'll know I mixed you two up!" They all started to laugh; no one noticed that Sefron had left the room.

She tried on the light blue jeans and had tried on the V cut deep aquamarine tank top on, it looked freaking amazing on her, she was turning around to check out her butt when Sefron walked in. He stopped dead in his tracks looking at her. She hadn't noticed him; yet he slowly let the door shut behind him, he locked it.

She jumped when she realized she had company and smiled when she realized it was him. He walked over to her, looking down he smiled into her beautiful eyes. She smiled up at him.

"So what's everyone up to? I heard laughing," she asked

"Nye dyed his hair back to its original color, so you may get him and his brother confused." Sefron said walking over to his bed and sitting on the edge, he continued to watch her as she adjusted her shirt and try on a hoodie over her tank top.

"Ok so we have one less toon here," she said giggling, "Who's next Cleo?"

"More than likely." Sefron said "She usually follows suit when it comes to Nye, they are each others world."

'Wow;" Mardi said stopping and looking off into space, she still continued to talk thou. "To have such a connection must be a blessing." she snapped out of her trance like state and continued on. "I'll never have that with the man my parents betroved me to, I can't stand him."

Sefron was shocked to hear about the betroved again. He had thought that the comment before was a joke. "You mean to tell me your really betroved to someone?"

"Yes," she said hanging her head. "I am suppose to belong to another, but I refuse to comply." she looked at Sefron, walked over to him. "Do you not believe that a relationship or a marriage should be based on attraction, love, trust, understanding and most of all acceptance?"

"Most defiantly" he said looking into her sad but hopeful eyes. He wanted to hold her, make her smile again. He loved it when she smiled.

"My parents don't" she hung her head again "All they want to do is get rid of me."

"Oh Mardi! I doubt that, very much, they are your parents and are going with tradition, it's how they were raised, I don't agree with it, but it's them not you." He reached for her and she went to him willingly.

"Then how come I feel so unwanted when I'm with them?" She said into his shirt. She breathed deep smelling his scent, she was drowning in want but trying so very hard to keep her composure, she was tingling all over just being in his arms like she was now but she couldn't help herself.

"You've seen the outside and know what's there, it scares you but you like what you see, so when traditions your family have try to encroach in on what you think is now right it scares you to." Sefron said stroking her hair he scooted her into his lap and sat back some crossing his legs with her in his lap. This felt good, and if she needed someone to talk to he'd be there for her.

"I wish they understood that I don't hate their choices, but they simply aren't for me." She sighed put her hand on his chest and pushed herself back so she could look him in the eyes. 'I don't want my parents to disown me because of a life choice I think is best for me."

"Believe me darlin' I've seen a lot of life choices made by people all around me, the ones involved usually come around in due time dear, don't worry so much."

He rocked with her in his arms he started humming a tune and she started right along with him. He scooted back more so his back was against all his pillows. He relaxed; she relaxed to and laid her head on his chest. They both drifted off to sleep again in each other's arms.

He awoke a few hours later, looking at his clock he seen it was nearing lunchtime. He still held her; he kissed her forehead and rubbed her shoulder to wake her.

She snuggled in and said "Awww, not yet, your comfy." He laughed, "Come on sweetie, time to rise and shine, Aikrii will want to talk to you about the job offer he has for you ok, we'll spend more time together later."

With that he sat up, she groaned and looked up at him, pouting. He grinned down at her sparkling eyes and phony frown. He couldn't' resist her; he was melting faster than a snow cone in a dryer. He leaned in and kissed her. Her lips were soft as rose petals, she urged him on when she flicked out her tongue across his upper lip. He groaned shifting her he cupped her face and kissed her more passionately. Her whimpers of need, her clutching at his back and pulling his head in to her kept him wanting more, he couldn't resist her any longer. He flipped her on her back he was over her now, looking down into the crystal eyes colored aquamarine, he saw longing, hope and joy. He ran his thumb down her cheek, across her lips. She smiled and flicked out her tongue on his thumb then kissed it. He was tingling from her touch.

"Good god girl, your making me loose control, I could take advantage of this situation but I think it's best we both cool it, I don't want any regrets ok." He smiled and kissed her forehead again; and pushed off his bed grabbing her hands and pulling her with him. She stood and looked at him, still weak in her knees but that was ok he was still holding her. She was more surprised then disappointed since most guys would have tried anything to get into her pants and she knew that all too well but was still able to keep her virginity for this long. She looked at him, grinned, tipped toed against him and kissed his chin since it was all she could reach. He scooped her up hugging her.

She giggled "Thanks for being the gentleman I had assumed you were." since he now had her up higher she could now reach his lips so she kissed him. He smiled under her lips enjoying her taste.

"Ok lets go before this gentleman goes wild" he put her down took her hand and left the room.

"Ahh, there you are." Aikrii said to Sefron when he spotted him. "I thought you two had gone for a walk."

"No actually we had a long talk and passed out." Sefron said, blushing the whole time.

Aikrii smiled he remembered talks with Mani that had lead to falling asleep in his arms on their sofa back in Curre. Their first night together from the hospital was how he spent his time with Mani. He also remembered how it happened to, he blushed remember the rush he had been in and how Mani put a stop to it. He looked at Sefron, and grinned he wouldn't pry but he did have other questions for Mardi and said.

"Well I'm more curious in if Miss Vikree is planning on staying here or if she needs help moving on elsewhere, if you wish to follow me we can discuss this matter over coffee in the kitchen" Aikrii grinned and motioned to the kitchen.

Sefron urged her on and followed. She sat at one of the stools not too sure what to expect but was happy Sefron was with her, she felt so tiny. He waited till she was situated and started.

"I don't know if you know who I am Miss Vikree, but I am a predominate person in this city." he waited and watched as she was sipping her coffee and shook her head no at the same time, when done she answered.

"Actually I have no clue that any of you really are, Cleo helped and I was ever so grateful for that." she smiled.

"Well other than what I know now and what Sefron obviously knows now as well, it would be nice for you to share a bit about your past with us, what you feel comfortable sharing is fine, and if you wish to stay your welcomed to and I can help you get a job as well providing your entitled to work here that is"

He had to state that since he knew she was foreign and didn't want trouble from any agencies or her parents later.

"I'm a legal immigrant, I was born here, unlike my parents who are from abroad." she smiled again "I would much love to stay, I've grown accustomed to Sefron, and he states my voice would be an asset to his band, I think I may take him up on that offer, and check out what your asking of me as well if this is ok with you."

She waited for his answer, He had to admit he was impressed she was young and a bit naive, this he knew. He also saw a spark in her eyes that reminded him of Mani when he first met him. He felt he could trust her to stick to things no matter how tough things got. He pulled out a few papers and passed them to Mardi.

"I planned on starting a special program for those who need a hand. I was going to base it on deserving persons landed status, what they were seeking and if they were trying to "citizenize" themselves, or adopt the ways that are here now."

He paused then went on after thinking through his comment. "I see all too often people of landed status screaming about how we neglect their cultures, religions etc, I'm a very opened minded person and accept that people are allowed to make their own choices, but I also as a citizen here wish to have my own culture and religion respect to."

He watched her she didn't flinch one bit so it was a good sign he didn't offend her yet, he didn't want to either.

"So for those who make the choice to adopt ways of the town they land in with respect to their own culture as well as ours I was going to offer a bursary and a job option or training program, especially to those less fortunate.

You are on your own, you have no home to speak of, you are of the minority in your cultures being your female."

He stopped again waiting for her to cringe or balk, nothing she smiled instead waiting for him to continue, so he did. "If you wish to stay, your education will be provided for free of charge, and you have a job with training as my personal secretary. This means computer training, which is in high demand. Do you think you're up for the challenge?" He waited. She was beaming now. Collage, she was stunned, free collage!

"I would be honored to be your first "citizenize" student recipient, for this ummm... she paused then said. "Scholarship?" she assumed that's what it would be considered. She filled him in on other aspects. Details of her life she felt he should know since he was offer her this opportunity. She informed him of her dad's own aspirations to work for Nessix the last few years. Aikrii wasn't surprised, a lot of people wanted the jobs offered with Nessix, and they paid well. He was pleased she chose to stay with them, and he could see the joy in Sefron's eyes as well.

Aikrii smiled. "I think your making a wise choice it will help your path, Sefron, you will need to show her where she will be taking courses at since she will be going with you. Oh and as for the singing part, keep it to my time table ok this way I can be involved in that as well." Aikrii watched as Sefron beamed.

"Thanks man this means a lot." He stood, gave Aikrii a hearty slap on the back and took Mardi's hand "I think we'll manage from here ok."

Aikrii said "Sure, just show her to the collage tomorrow get her enrolled and if you need anything Mardi don't hesitate to ask ok, Sefron has the means to take care of most anything, if he can't Mani or I will most defiantly deal with what crops up ok."

She was on cloud nine, all the willingness to help, no one trying to use her or hurt her. It was amazing. She let go of Sefron's hand walked over to Aikrii and whispered into his ear. He smiled shook his head yes and she hugged him "Thank you very much!" she pulled away and went back to Sefron took his hand and looked back. "I look forward to learning a lot from you Aikrii, I can't wait to start working."

Aikrii was happy that was done and over with, it was one less thing to worry about now. With his former secretary leaving he figured having his own personal one would be better, Mardi's arrival couldn't have been better. He went to his phone and dialed a number that Mardi had whispered to him and he let it ring.

A man with a heavy Americanized Japanese accent answered. "Mr. Vikree?" Aikrii asked

"Yes." he responded to Aikrii's voice.

"Oh, hi Mr. Vikree, My name is Aikrii Orati, perhaps you have heard of me?"

Being who Mardi's family was Aikrii was certain Mr. Vikree would know who he was and he wasn't disappointed.

The man on the other end gasped. "Yo..You called with a job for me?" the man asked eagerly. "No actually it's not for you sir, it's to let you know your daughter now works for me, she informed me that you should know since she feels she couldn't contact you directly and that if you need to contact her you can do so through me."

"Wh..What does she work as?" he asked shocked at the news.

"She's my personal assistant, sir her collage is fully paid for and so is her training." Aikrii waited he knew what would inevitably come about.

"So I can visit her? And does she have a home now?" He was frantic but Aikrii could hear the curiosity in his voice.

"Yes she is residing in my personal residence, if you so wish to visit you're welcomed to." Aikrii gave the man his address and informed him that Mardi would be home between four and six most week days and it was best to call in advance before visiting.

Mr. Vikree was happy to know his daughter was safe and had a job, he would visit on the weekend and informed Aikrii of this saying his wife was frantic to know their daughter was ok. Aikrii assured him she was ok and set a time for his visit. He would tell Mardi when he could.

"Thanks for your time, Mr. Vikree, good-bye." He hung up the phone and walked through his home to the upper floor, he knocked gently on Sefron's room door.

"Come in." He heard Mardi's voice. Aikrii opened the door. Sefron had his amp out and was plugging in his guitar. He smiled as Aikrii entered. "You here to jam?" he asked his friend Aikrii was tempted. He'd have to wait and see. "Actually I have a message for Mardi, your parents will be here on Saturday. Mardi was surprised they'd want to come so soon.

"Wait till they meet you Sefron they are so gonna hit the ceiling, I can see it now" Mardi rolled over on his bed to her back with her hand on her forehead. "I'll never hear the end of how I'm disappointing them." she sighed.

Sefron walked over to her bent over and kissed her forehead making her giggle. "Who cares what they think, so long as you're happy. Right?" he looked down into her beautiful eyes and waited.

"I hate hurting anyone thou," she said "but I suppose your right." she rolled over onto her belly.

"So you gonna sing for me handsome?" she smiled and waited.

He started to strum and looked at her. She dawned on the tune and waited a bit longer. He grinned. Aikrii knew what Sefron was playing, Kelly Clarkson was after all one of his favorite singers and he figured Sefron had it right, Mardi's vocals would do her songs justice.

Mardi got up. She was still smiling. She grabbed his mic. Aikrii sat on the end of Sefron's bed and watched the two do their little flirting while Sefron picked at the strings on his guitar, Cleo had heard him playing and had come up the stairs she waited outside of the door watching him and Mardi make eyes at each other.

Mardi took the mic and started to sing, her voice was loud, crisp and clear, Aikrii even got goose bumps.

"What if I told you it was all meant to be? Would you believe me? Would you agree? It's almost that feeling that we've met before. So tell me that you don't think I'm crazy when I tell you love has come here and now"

She smiled at Sefron the words had a lot of meaning to her, he kept his melody up to the songs tempo she was singing at which was a tad slower than normal but she made it sound sultry so it was all good.

"A moment like this some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this some people search forever for that one special kiss Oh I can't believe it's happening to me some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this"

She laid her hand on his arm watching him, turning from him she continued the Kelly Clarkson song, her voice was getting the work out it needed.

"Everything changes but beauty remains something so tender I can't explain I may be dreaming but until I awake can't we make this dream last forever? And I'll cherish all the love we share"

She started on the second chorus her voice louder. Nye had popped into the room watching her along with Mani. They stood transfixed, Mardi herself was also in a trance like state, she as singing for Sefron and Sefron alone.

"A moment like this some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this some people search forever for that one special kiss. Oh I can't believe its happening to me some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this, Could this be the greatest love of all? I wanna know that you will catch me when I fall so let me tell you this... "

She slowed down and lowered her voice, smiling at him, she even touched his cheek, and he kissed her hand as she sung.

"Some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this. A moment like this; some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this some people search forever for that one special kiss. Oh I can't believe it's happening to me some people wait a lifetime for a moment, a moment like this... Oh I can't believe it's happening to me, some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this."

She lowered her mic; she was warm all over, dazed and so happy. She never felt so good. She looked at him; happy to see him smiling back, he put down his guitar and scooped her up, kissing her. Everyone around them started to giggle, laugh and clap.

"WOW!" Nye said amazed. "Girl you HAVE to let me record you! Your voice is freaking amazing!" Cleo laughed at Nye's enthuastic. "I can't wait to see her perform at one of Sefron's gigs, the guys will love her!"

Sefron looked down at her and whispered, "Not as much as I do."

She gasped. He said he loved her. She was so thrilled, scared, happy and overjoyed. She kissed him again.

"Catch me I'm falling to." she said

********************************* Chapter 20 - Fate steps in *********************************

She hauled her self up from the chair, almost regretting the transformation she had done, she wanted to stick by Nye's side and true to form, she did it to, changed her hair. She slowly walked to the bathroom, Josh was behind her; she had gone to his apartment to get this done. She didn't want the other to know and certainly not Nye either. She opened the door Josh was behind her doing his girly glee dance like he typically did when he was excited.

She looked and was stunned to see a face she had forgotten. There standing before her was the old Cleo but more mature now. Nearly three years had transformed her to a beautiful young lady now. She was stunned.

"Oh my god!" she ran her fingers through her extremely long and newly re-dyed chocolate brown hair. "I love it, Oh my god its amazing!" she said still stunned, "No one will recognize me!" she turned giggling.

Josh jumped with glee, "You really mean it, you like it?"

"Indeed, you did a wonderful job, thanks so much, just wait till Nye sees it, he's gonna be stunned!" she smiled at Josh and passed him a few dollars.

Dante looked at her and ran his fingers through her hair to, "Hunny I think she needs a trim as well, just look at these split ends, should we refer her to Sam? He is still in town isn't he?

"Oh my indeed, I'll call him now if you want dear." Josh said to Cleo who was excited but also overwhelmed, a cut and dye, she really had to think that over.

"How about we wait and see" she said, "I want to see if Nye likes what I did first, then I'll consider a cut."

Josh grinned "I'll give you the number ok." He scribbled it down passed it to her and said, "Don't forget to tell him I sent you ok, he'll discount the fee, He's only in town for a few days"

"Fantastic." she said, "I have to scoot, Apparently Aikrii's dad is visiting today and I want to be there for it."

"Oh my!" Josh gasped, he remembered Aikrii's dad and really didn't like him much. "I wish him the best of luck." Josh said.

"I'll let him know but I don't think there's going to be many problems." She said "Laters fellas!" she said as she headed out the apartment door.

It was crisp cool and beautiful, Aikrii's birthday was only days away and Cleo knew she had to get him a gift. Spring was coming she could feel it in the air, a new beginning. She was nearly done her studies and she had a great job working part time with Mani at his do jang. The house was getting nicer and nicer as she prettied it up and an extension to the house was planned for next year.

She hailed a cab and headed home, it would be a nice surprise for Nye when she walked in the door.

He paced, he knew he was coming he was worried he wanted this to go good, he had Mardi's parents to deal with to. Mardi was also pacing, Sefron watched her.

"Will you two sit the hell down your driving me batty!" Sefron said tossing a sponge at Aikrii.

"I'm worried!" they said in unison. Sefron looked at them, "Oh wonderful! The sound of stress in surround sound! Just what we need here."

He heard the door slam. "Ok Cleo is home."

Mardi stopped and looked at Sefron; "How do you know its Cleo?"

"She almost always slams the door." he said matter of factly.

Fact was when they seen the chocolate haired girl walking towards them rifling through her purse they didn't know who she was; till she spoke that is.

"Oh bloody hell, I can't find that number now, has anyone seen Nye?" she asked looking up from the mess she had dug from her purse.

"Holy shit! Cleo!" Aikrii said his hands flying to his face; he was totally stunned shocked and bewildered.

"Umm yeah, who'd you expect, Nev Campbell?" she shot back laughter and sarcasm in her eyes.

"Oh my what a change, Nye will totally spaz!" Sefron said.

"I'll spaz at what?" Nye said walking towards them; he had just come down from upstairs to get a drink.

"Umm at what your girlfriend did." Mardi said.

"Speaking of Cleo has anyone seen her around today, it's getting late she should be back by now." He looked at the brunette beside him and smiled. He knew it was her, he was yanking her chain but he wanted to see what everyone else was going to say, when no one really reacted except for the odd grin he walked up to the brunette and stuck out his hand.

"Hi I'm Nye, you're hot. Do I know you?"

Cleo giggled. "Nye you goose!' She kissed him.

"Damn you kiss just like my girlfriend, but maybe you shouldn't do that again she'd kick your ass." He was grinning again and winked.

Everyone started to chuckle. They had finally dawned in on that Nye knew it was her. "How did you know it was her?" Mardi asked kind of curious on how he picked her up so quickly.

"I smelled her perfume. I sense her around me and no one has eyes like my baby." he said hugging her his arms around her waist. He rocked back and forth staring into her beautiful eyes.

"Ok you two enough with the gush factory, we have parents comming so please, if your going to be here, be presentable." They giggled and headed off to get


Sefron walked over to Mardi held out his hand. "My lady" he said smiling, bowing and taking her hand as she slid from the stool she was sitting on, she grinned like mad to. He was too damn charming some times.

"We will return shortly." He said as he walked past Aikrii and headed upstairs to get dressed. As they walked up Sefron looked at Mardi, "Maybe it's my turn to do something with my hair." She balked, "You'd cut or dye your beautiful silver hair?" she asked sort of shocked.

"Well I may trim the ends or maybe make it shorter, but I can't really permanently dye it. The stuff on the ends..." he looked at her, "It's only temporary dye. Even permanent won't stay in my hair, I have what they call premature graying, but my hair turned silver instead" He smiled as her eyes widened.

"Really? Wow!" she said enthralled at the info about his hair. "Do the others know?" she asked out of curiosity.

"Yes, I'm pretty sure all of them do, why?" he looked and waited

"Oh I was thinking if you want it trimmed I can help there, as for the dying part, I suck at that, but I much rather you leave things as they are right now, Your my shock factor for my parents." she giggled.

He stopped "Oh I am now am I? Your so bad!" He laughed picked her up and gave her a swing. He knew she was worried, but he was waiting to see how they'd react before doing anything. He had his intentions set to step in if needed, there was no way anyone would bully her; not if he could help it.

They made it upstairs, and Mardi grabbed her few items of clothing she had, picked through them and settled on her light blue jeans with the flared bottoms and faded legs with the fancy design across the bottom, and the white long sleeved V cut shirt with the Nessix logo on it that Aikrii had given her just yesterday.

She scurried off to the bathroom to change while Sefron go himself ready in his room. When both emerged She was surprised to see he had brushed his hair and noticed he had it in a ponytail pulled back from his face. He pulled his pony to the front to show her. He had also lopped off the red ends to.

"I didn't want to scare your parents into thinking I was some devil worshipper" he said chuckling; he pulled his ponytail to the back of his neck again and continued.

"Come on hun lets go." he took her hand again, "Oh did I mention you look absolutely ravishing?" He winked.

"No you hadn't but thanks for noticing." she was beaming with joy. He pulled her forward, wrapped his arms around her waist, tucked her fanny into his hands, gave her a little lift and kissed her. For her four foot eight frame he was going to have to get her a step stool. He chuckled under her lips at the notion.

"What is so amusing you have to laugh while kissing me?" she asked looking at him, wigging her butt in his hands and wrapping her legs around his waist.

"I was thinking I'm going to have to buy you a stool so you can kiss me more often." His eyes sparkled with mischievous fun.

She playfully smacked him. "Your so bad, my parents are going to think your a horn dog!"

"Corn dogs are good!" he joked messing up her words intentionally. He started to walk down the stairs carrying her with her legs wrapped around his waist like a personal belt. He was still holding her bottom and he gave her a squeeze and she yelped and giggled.

"Never mind I think I like doing it this way, it's more entertaining," he said lowering her to the floor. She looked at him again and laughed, he was such fun; she just hoped her parents weren't to hard on him, or well not as hard as she was actually expecting them to be.

It was ten minutes to twelve when her dad showed with her mom. Mardi was excited and scared to. Aikrii stood by her as her parents walked in the door.

"Mamma!" she smiled and hugged her mother and then "Pa!" she hugged him to but he didn't hug her back as eagerly as her mother had. "Welcome to our home. This is Aikrii, he works for Nessix and I got my scholarship through him."

Her dad shook his hand as he looked around. He spotted Sefron who was towering over everyone as he usually did; he was dressed in casual kakis and a plain white shirt from Mani's Ti-Kwon-do Dojang and it had the crest for it on the breast pocket. Sefron's intimidating presents; made Mardi's dad feel small.

"Is this fella your security?" he asked Aikrii joking.

"Actually no" Aikrii answered, "He's a friend here and works for my boyfriends business."

Mr. Vikree balked at the word "boyfriend." but Mrs. Vikree just smiled. "It is very nice to meet you." She said shaking Aikrii's and then Sefron's hand.

"Beg forgiveness of my husbands apparent lack of cultural formalities, he's not aware that men date other men, and it is a common occurrence." She glared at her husband. Aikrii mentally laughed, he just realized who actually wore the pants in that house. He smiled very happily towards the older lady and ushered her to their kitchen, he husband followed.

Mardi was right beside Sefron she took his hand as they walked into the kitchen. She took a deep breath and moved forward. "Mamma, papa; I have something to tell you." she sat down as they did. Sefron was beside her. She looked up at him and smiled.

"I know you are big on traditions, I know you pride yourself in making sure I had the best an I love you both dearly for all you have done, but I allowed this visit so I could let you know that the betroval you had planned, will be no more." She paused watching their reaction, there wasn't one and she was kind of surprised.

"I have found my soul mate on my own, he respects me and I am well cared for by him, I love him."

Sefron beamed. This was the first time he heard her say this so he was quite excited. He felt so light. He took her hand and smiled down at her.

Her dad was surprised at Sefron's open affections towards his daughter, he didn't know how to react, he was scared for his daughters well being but he was more scared what the tall brute could do to him. Her mother on the other hand was grinning like mad. "When is the wedding?" she asked her daughter.

"Mamma! How can you ask such a question, I'm only getting to know Sefron, slowly!" Sefron interjected; "Mrs. Vikree if it pleases you, I shall say within a reasonable amount of time there will be a wedding till then I would like your permission to date your beautiful daughter." Mardi's jaw nearly hit the floor. She was stunned! Then she nearly fainted when her mother was so easy about it and said YES!

She looked at Sefron hardly able to contain herself. She glomped on him right there in front of her parents, he spun her around as they laughed. He kissed her to. He gently placed her on the floor, "Thank you Mrs. Vikree, you have made me a very happy man." he took her hand and kissed her fingers and smiled.

Mardi's blushed. Mardi was impressed, she though "Damn mom likes him there's gotta be something good about him!" she mentally laughed again and then reached for his hand. The meeting with her parents went without a hitch, they even left happy, her dad was a bit off still but Mardi assumed it had to do with her mother setting her papa straight. She was so happy.

About one thirty Aikrii's dad showed, Sefron was the "heavy" then making sure his dad didn't get out of hand. But Phil showed; sober, with Marie and in good spirits. Mani was holding Aikrii's hand when his dad walked through the door. Phil didn't balk or seethe this time. Marie was so happy to see her baby boy again too.

"Mom!" Aikrii let go of Mani's hand and hugged his mom who gave him a bone crushing squeeze,

"I miss you my baby!" she said patting his face when she let him go.

"It's been much too long, I will have to think of moving here now." Aikrii smiled "You can mom I'd get you a place you know that right?"

"Yes baby but I think your dad and I want to stay in Curre for now, least till his counseling is over."

His dad looked over at him and shook his head yes. "It's for the best," his dad said.

Aikrii was so happy to hear the man he had admired for most of his life sound like the man he use to know. "It's good to see you again dad, and better on these terms." He walked over looked him square in the eye. 'I've grown a lot, looks like you have to."

His dad reached out his hand Aikrii took it; he dad hauled him in to his chest giving him a huge hug, a first in nearly five years.

"I'm so sorry Aikrii, I hope you can forgive me." He put his hands on Aikrii's shoulders and pulled him back a bit to look him in the face, "I was wrong to treat you the way I had and your mom's support, the counseling and everything, it has brought me to terms that everything happened for a reason, that your being gay is no different then being born black, white, male or female." He paused "I understand more now that my drinking also didn't help matters any and I have your partner to thank for saving my life, something he didn't have to do, You still loved me even when I was a bastard, and I couldn't even love myself." He watched Aikrii who had a tear in his eye.

Mani was also watching it all unfold as well, he was surprised, The Rainbow Action Coalition must have done wonders for him, and it was one of the centers that Mani had referred Marie to when her husband got out of the hospital.

Aikrii's dad had slung his arm over his son's shoulder and was now facing Mani; Mani came around to hear him speaking to him. "You, my young man saved this heartless bastards life to prove to Aikrii you'd do anything to keep him happy so I hear." Mani shook his head yes.

"Well in my eyes that makes you a hero." Philip reached out to Mani and hauled him against him to and gave him a near bone-crushing hug to. Mani started to laugh as he looked at Aikrii who was grinning from ear to ear.

"Hey how about some coffee?" Cleo asked everyone who seemed to be enjoying themselves right there in the foyer.

The family members all nodded and they headed for the kitchen. Sefron was happy to know he wouldn't have to be the bad guy by kicking anyone out today so he relaxed. Him and Mardi curled up on the coach after it was turned around to face the kitchen Mani hauled out two of the large chairs as well making the living room and kitchen/dining room one large meeting area. They all caught up on things that everyone has missed or needed to know.

Aikrii's dad had to be put on special meds after his transplant due to a minor infection but was put in the clear about three months after the surgery. Marie told Aikrii about the plan for her to take a culinary course at the local collage. He was thrilled to learn that she was going to do this. His dad was back working again and Aikrii told him if he needed help getting things going again he'd be more than happy to lend a hand.

Aikrii's dad thanked him for the offer and told him he appreciated the gesture but he had something to prove to himself before he asked anyone else for help. It was nice for Aikrii to see his dad making the effort he was to better himself. Mani gave Aikrii's hand a squeeze and looked at him smiling. Aikrii knew Mani was pleased with the outcome. It was about a three-hour visit. Mani's plans for supper were put on hold till the family could meet again in the summer. Marie informed them they had to make sure they were on the road for the airport by supper time no later or they'd miss their flight back home and she had too many things to do to be late.

Kisses were passed around, many hugs and happy tears. Things were finally getting better for everyone, one step at a time.

He had been grinning most of the evening so it was no surprise he was in a good mood when he crawled onto the bed where Mani was reading.

"I think this is the happiest I've seen you in weeks" Mani said to Aikrii smiling and kissing his cheek as he put down his book.

"I'm thrilled actually;" Aikrii paused then jumped on the bed making Mani giggle "WooHoo!" he shouted

"Blam!" Aikrii went plop onto the bed and Mani was there sitting on him.

"What the hell?" Aikrii was laughing so hard he was still trying to figure out what hit him.

"Pillow fight?" Mani said with the pillow over his head.

"Hey! No fair! You're sitting on me!" Aikrii squirmed giggling and gasping he was in such a good mood.

He took advantage of Mani's position and tickled him making Mani scream. "AHHHHahahahaha!" Mani fell over laughing, Aikrii grabbed for the pillow and swatted him one before taking off.

Mani was in hot pursuit Aikrii hadn't even made it to the bathroom door when Mani tackled him from behind. Both went tumbling onto the plush floor rug giggling like two little kids. Mani was once again straddled over Aikrii, while looking down at Aikrii giggling Mani smiled reached down to his cheeks and firmly kissed him taking his laughter into his mouth, Aikrii was happy and turned on now. He joined in on the hunger Mani was creating with his lips. He moaned grabbing Mani's bottom. He was aroused and made sure Mani knew to. Mani reached down and flicked opened each button on Aikrii's shirt, he exposed his lean dark complected chest and started to kiss his neck, working his way down to his abs stopping briefly at each nipple nipping in turn making Aikrii squirm and pant with excitement.

Mani was rock hard now and his arousal was killing him, He shifted putting his knees between Aikrii's legs, he grasped Aikrii's bottom and pulled up Aikrii grabbed Mani's neck and they were now standing. Mani carried Aikrii to their bed, as soft as the plush rug was he didn't wish to suffer rug burns.

He placed Aikrii on their bed and grabbed the edge of Aikrii's jeans and hauled them off, he lost his own in the process. Aikrii's member shot to attention faster then a missile. Mani groaned it wasn't long before Aikrii was whimpering with wanton desire as Mani stroked him, bringing him to just before his peak.

"Oh, oh god Mani..." he panted squirming under his hand. Mani licked making him grab his shoulders "Oh please!" he whimpered

Mani knew what he wanted he grabbed some lubrication and positioned himself and entered Aikrii gently and swiftly he knew neither of them would last too long, He gripped Aikrii's arousal and started to stroke him as he picked up his rhythm, Aikrii held onto Mani's hips encouraging him to keep tempo. Aikrii moaned feeling him move inside him, the sensations were that of a rippling wave, it felt so damn good, he arched his hips giving Mani a better chance to go deeper. Aikrii wailed in ecstasy as he peaked while Mani stroked his stiff member, he shot off all over his belly, Mani leaned forward, gripping Aikrii's hips speeding up his own tempo and exploded into Aikrii panting and moaning in elation, the release felt so damn good, he collapsed on Aikrii still in him. Aikrii kissed his forehead and hugged him. They both were panting and sweating. Aikrii grinned, he felt good.

"Hey sexy, how about a shower?" Mani's reply was "mmhummm" his eyes were still closed, Aikrii thought a minute then he did the next thing he could to get Mani's attention he clenched his butt muscles. Mani's eyes shot opened. "Hey no fair." he said giggling, and pushing on Aikrii's nose, Aikrii grinned.

"Come on hun, I am a sticky mess and I have to get cleaned up, wash my back for me?" he winked. Mani rolled off of him, his belly sticky from Aikrii's juices as well he reached out and pulled Aikrii to his feet. Hauling him close he kissed him deeply.

"Damn I am so happy to see you so energetic again." Mani stroked his cheeks with his thumbs.

Aikrii smiled and said "Think you can keep up?" then he sauntered off totally nude to the bathroom whistling the Rod Stewart song, 'If you think I'm sexy' Mani had to laugh it was just too damn funny. He followed his boyfriend happily to the bathroom.

The shower had been nice and warm and the play time was just as good, Aikrii was a tad rougher than normal thou and lasted longer then their first romp so Mani got a bit more loving then their usual play time. "Good god Aikrii, I'm gonna be walking funny for days" he said chuckling as he dried off.

"Don't complain babe, I could still be in a slump." he said running his finger down Mani's creamy chest in a wantonness manner.

Mani threw his head back laughing hard. Aikrii huffed. "I'm glad you think that's funny."

"Oh sweetie, I wasn't laughing at your slump, I'm laughing at your energy! I love this, your so free again, it's nice to see." He hugged his boyfriend who instantly got another hard on. Mani looked down. "Oh my god! What do you have a fucking reserve somewhere?"

"Yep" Aikrii said grinning smugly, "Saved it all up so I could ravish you all night and leave you crawling later."

Mani chuckled. "Ok stud muffin lets go, I'm sure you have a point to prove." Aikrii did more than that, and Mani was surprised at his stamina, it was well after midnight by the time either had passed out, both totally sated from their sexual workout.

Nye decided to not disturb them they needed their together time. So he went to Cleo. "Hey sexy," he said walking up behind her, as he wrapped his arms around her belly he kissed her neck. "Want to go out?" he asked her.

"Sure where to?" She was still too young for the bars but she could get into one of the local dance clubs for the teens they held on the weekends.

"Josh's" he said as he spun her around.

"Oh he's having a party?" She asked surprised to hear anything about it.

"Yep and we're invited, so is everyone else but I have a funny feeling my brother and Aikrii do not want to be disturbed, and I haven't seen Sefron and Mardi for hours." He grinned.

Cleo answered his non-question about Sefron and Mardi, "They went out about an hour ago, far as I know she was going to check in on some more clothing, but I could be wrong."

"Well ok, looks like that leaves us. Wanna go?" He smiled.

"Sure why not I haven't been to a good party in a long time. I just need to get ready." She kissed his cheek and headed up the stairs to change, he decided he wanted to watch and followed her. She wasn't long getting ready but had issues with Nye's butt tweaking and tantalizing nuzzles on her neck, if she didn't keep him in check he'd be a major nympho.

She slapped his hand when he snaked it up her shirt. "Behave will you, ya swear to god you ain't got none in months."

Nye pouted. "I can't help it, your my candy store, I wanna sample a few pieces." He grinned and reached for her again.

She stood there with her 'don't even think about it look' on her face. He backed off. "Awww, your not fun!" he said.

"We're never gonna get there if you keep groping me like a pervert. Come on I'll play with you later." She grabbed his hand tugged and they were off.

It took about thirty minutes to get to Josh's place his apartment was hopping good thing his place was the bottom floor of the building, his condo was huge but if it was higher she figured he'd have never held this shingding.

"You made it!" Josh gushed, that's four of you now, Where's Aikrii and Mani?" he asked looking around.

"They stayed home, and what do you mean four of us?" Cleo said.

Josh pointed there in the corner with the band Sefron and Mardi stood, Mardi had the mic and Sefron had his guitar, they had been there already for about an hour and had done four songs already. The crowd loved Mardi's voice and it was awesome when her and Sefron were singing together. They were getting ready to do that now. Cleo watched them prepare.

Sefron started with the lines "My love, there's only you in my life. The only thing that's right." Mardi followed suit each taking their turn singing "Endless Love,"

"Yeah" he crooned

She continued "You're every breath that I take You're every step I make, and I.."

He grinned "And I"

They started together " I want to share. All my love with you."

The song endless love never sounded so good, Cleo had tears in her eyes, when the song was done the whole crowd was screaming and clapping, Sefron reached over and planted a loving kiss on Mardi's head. He then spoke into his mic.

"She's mine guys, so that means I'm taken" he laughed as she ribbed him. Some of the guys groaned and a few girls followed suit.

Josh looked at Cleo, "Damn I never though he'd ever settle down with a girl"

Cleo looked at Josh and laughed, "It's amazing what fate will do to some huh!" she said, he knew she was referring to him and Dante.

The rest of the night at the party was a blast, Mardi and Sefron looked like a set of star struck lovers on the stage, and they made everyone hot just listening to them. It was well after 2A.M. when they all got home, Nye was beat, Cleo was happy and still singing with Mardi to one of the songs her and Sefron had done earlier. "Thanks for showing guys, I didn't know if he was going to invite you or not, it was after all a last minute request."

Cleo hugged Sefron "If we had of known we'd have been there earlier, it was a last minute invite. Next time call us yourself ok." She smiled and let him go.

"Mardi you were amazing tonight, I don't think Sefron will let you out of his site now, every non gay male at that party was sooo drooling over you girl."

Mardi giggled, "Doesn't matter, I got eyes for only one guy!" She reached for his hand he met her half way.

They all headed off to their respective rooms, Mardi was still full of energy Sefron was impressed on how much energy her tiny body contained.

He watched her skip off to the bathroom he heard the tub running. He mused, she must be getting ready for a soak, and He recalled her doing that before a way for her to unwind when she was in one of her overly energetic moods. She popped back into his room wearing only a towel. She walked over to him and grabbed his hand, pulling him along. When he walked into the bathroom it was totally dark except for the many candles she had lit and strewn over the room. The romantic atmosphere was impressive. He stopped looked at her and was surprised she had dropped her towel; she was there before him in all her beautiful glory. He sucked in a deep breath trying to hold back his excitement.

"Come get wet with me" she said pulling him towards the large tub. He watched her get into the water; the tub was large enough to hold four people with her in it looked like a swimming pool. Her luscious breasts floated in the bubbly water like beacons. He swallowed hard and stripped, his own body was reacting to her beautiful display and he couldn't help his bodily reactions he blushed as he gingerly got into the water. She went to him as soon as he settled into the water. She ran her hands right up his legs reaching for his manhood, knowing he was excited and scared. She wasn't being too bashful now, but she knew she had a goal and he was part of it.

"I want this Sefron, don't fight it, we both know we can't, I want this to be the best it can be so please, relax." she shifted herself in the tub to be centered on his lap facing him, her bottom was right over his stiff member and if he twitched he could smack her hiney with his boner. He smiled down at her and gingerly touched her face.

"Oh hun, anything to make your world sing as sweetly as you do." He leaned in and kissed her, all his passion he held was in that one simple kiss, it left her feeling breathless; she pushed against him, her breasts against his chest. He nibbled down her neck making her tingle, she moaned. Gripping his shoulders she arched, she felt like she was on fire, her whole body was hot, her tummy was a massive tingling mess and it felt so good, and she gasped as he ran his tongue against her chocolate peak. Her nipple puckered to the attention he was lavishing on it. Panting, whimpering for him to touch more she arched again and noticed he had his legs up, she leaned against his legs, he leaned towards her she had either leg on either of his side, he ran his hands down her legs and cupped her bottom, shifting her.

She felt his excitement against her core she burned more. "Oh please Sefron, make love to me!" She leaned towards him nipping his lips and getting him even more aroused. He groaned he didn't need any more encouragement he was more than happy to oblige.

He ran a finger against her, making her squirm and pant more, she dug her fingers into his shoulders more, pushing her self off she centered herself and lowered her hot body onto his large erect member. The quick gasp she let out as he broke her virginity wasn't a surprise; he tried his best to be gentle, rocking her slowly holding her close and kissing her frequently. The water had been cooling so he had turned on the heat and the jets, the room was now steamed he rocked with her and she whimpered as he his tempo quickened, she let out a cry as she climaxed gripping his shoulders so tightly he was sure she broke his skin but he really didn't care, gripping her waist, he moved arching upwards as he pulled her down she felt him touch her to the very ends of her soul, she gripped again painting whimpering and squirming she felt a flood of warmth as he climaxed. He cried out and she covered his cries with her lips. He shuddered and fell back spent and breathing hard.

She watched him smile. His beautiful blues eyes sought out her aquamarine ones. "I love you so much, you know that right?" he asked her reaching up and running his hands through her wet hair.

She squirmed on him, he was still in her and she giggled at him as he gasped and sucked in a deep breath, she felt him get aroused again.

"Indeed I do." she said smiling at him, then kissing him again. "I love you to, you make my heart sing and together we will make beautiful music."

Sefron felt so blessed, he found what he had been looking for a long time, it was amazing how fate looked upon him and blessed him with such a wonderful lady. He stood picking her up with him.

He stepped out of the tub reached over turned off the jets and hit the release for the drain. He picked up a heavy towel and started to dry her off still holding her. He wrapped them both into the towel and headed to their room. The crisp air in the hall hit them both gasped and giggled. Sefron moved his nude bottom pretty quickly so they could snuggle under the sheets. It was hours before they actually drifted off to sleep and Sefron thought it was defiantly worth it.

April 2008

His birthday was simple and he was happy for that, Mani and he went to dinner and they came home to spend quality time together. They were surprised thou to hear news that Sefron planned on springing onto Mardi when she got home from late classes that evening. Aikrii and Mani both looked at the ring.

"God damn! Sefron are you sure?" Aikrii asked.

"As sure as I breath." he said grinning

"You've known each other for a super short time, how do you know it's her you want to be with?" Mani asked, not judging as he was just wondering what Sefron held in his hearts heart.

Sefron looked at Mani, "Aikrii makes you nuts when he's around, you can't breath when he's gone, you worry when he's hurting, right..." Mani was impressed at the exact emotions he felt being described.

"I feel my world move when she's around, I can't breath when I am worried about her, I feel a pull I can't control, our hearts are so in tuned with each other I can hum a tune and she knows the words even if it's nothing she's heard before. I can't let this escape me, she gave to me freely and I need to keep her near me. I think this is the ultimate way to tell her I do really love her, forever." He was so sincere in his response it made Mani's own heart feels like it was being squeezed, he knew where Sefron was comming from.

"If it's how you feel then I think your right, go for it if it makes your heart feel good, I wish you much luck Sefron, I'm happy for you. Mani shook his friends hand.

Someone he knew would be getting married soon and it seemed so weird to know that.

When Mardi walked into the house; she noticed it was super quiet but she could feel energy in the whole place, and it was sparking, a good feeling. She looked around. She spotted Sefron he was just sitting in the kitchen on one of the stools, but it wasn't against the counter as it usually was it was sort of in the middle of the floor. He was smiling; when she started to walk to him he got off the stool and stood. She reached him and he kissed her ever so gently. He scooped her up in a hug and lifted her from her feet, chucking between their lips. He broke contact and looked down at his little princess.

"I have a surprise for you." He smiled again and set her delicately on the stool, he reached behind the counter for something and then kneeled in front of her stool, the rest of the homes residents showed behind him all were beaming. He opened a box in front of her and showed her a beautiful ring.

"I know I haven't known you long, but I can't live without you. Mardi you're my world, my air, the words to my hearts song." He paused getting up closer to her. "Please say you'll marry me." He waited she was still shocked and stunned and over-joyed; she started to cry happy tears.

She slid off the stool, walked to him sliding into his arms "Sefron your my world, the melody to the tune I carry in my heart, I love everything about you, of course I'll marry you." She kissed him so deeply they both had to break a few times to gasp for air. They didn't hear the clapping and cheers behind them they were too enthralled in each other, Life held many great gifts for them both in the future. Their friends were part of it as well. Fate had definitely shone on them both and fate wasn't quite done yet, it had a few others to finish working on.

************************************** Chapter 21 - The years continue **************************************

The summer months came, Aikrii's dad had grown spiritually as well as emotionally, he learned to accept what he couldn't change and change those he could with the support and guidance he had. Aikrii was happy to be back in Curre visiting, as he got to see those changes in his dad, it made his visit seem more meaningful when he could hug his dad and not remember hate. He learned that his mom wanted to move and they had found a place in Kearney so they could be closer, so in the next few weeks they were packing Aikrii's childhood home to make the trek to a new beginning. He looked around his childhood room and poked at all his old books, he picked up a teddy bear he had as a kid. He realized his parents were moving away and all the memories both good and bad were being left here. To him it hurt to see them go but as he matured to he realized he can make good memories of his own and a future was more important to him and Mani. He smiled as he started to pack things from his room. Mani came in behind him and wrapped his arms around his waist nuzzling his neck, breathing on him and sending shivers up his spine.

"Penny for your thought sexy." Mani said.

Aikrii showed him the teddy bear. "He was my best friend when I was little, I'm glad to have found him, maybe I can give him to someone who will love him as much as I did."

Mani grinned. "How about we talk about that notion after I give you what I have in my pocket."

"Awww.. Mani, don't go getting all horn dog on me, I was in a reminiscent mood." Aikrii said turning around only to be stopped dead in his tracks.

His mom and dad were standing in his bedroom door. His mother was holding back a laugh. Mani had a look of sheer smugness on his face.

"Oh really? You think all I think about is getting lucky, you hurt my pride darlin'" he pouted as he shove his hand into his pocket.

Aikrii's mom was roaring now laughing so hard.

"Ma! What's so funny!" Aikrii said.

"The look on your face when you turned around after he mentioned what he had in his pocket and you saw us, that's was so funny."

Aikrii put his hand on his hip and scowled. "Ok what's so important my parents are standing in my door laughing at me making an ass over a comment you made that I obviously took wrong."

"This." Mani said pulling the small box out and cupping it in his hand. He gingerly passed to Aikrii who opened it and squealed, his hand flying to his mouth in shock.

"Oh my god! It's gorgeous!" Aikrii started to tear up "Is this for me?"

Mani nodded yes, then added "But there's a question to go with that gift, and it requires an answer before you can keep it."

Aikrii was dumbfounded and sat down hard on his bed. His heart was going sixty miles a minute. Mani got down on the floor in front of him "You ok?"

"Umm yeah!" Aikrii said snapping out of his shock looking at Mani who had taken the box and the gift from him. Mani took the ring out of the box and slipped it onto Aikrii's finger.

"Then say yes and we can plan a family. You can get that teddy a new friend to be given to." Mani held his hand and waited, Aikrii's parents were still standing in the door. Aikrii's mom had tears in her eyes she was so over-joyed.

Aikrii looked at Mani tears brimming in his eyes, reached for his cheek. "You remember, how you said I am you Ki," he said smiling at Mani.

Mani nodded and smiled. Aikrii kissed him pulled back and said "Then lets open new doors together my heart. Yes."

Mani was so excited; he jumped up grabbing Aikrii at the same time he took him cleanly off his feet hugging him so tightly Aikrii thought he was going to squish him. Aikrii's dad Philip walked over to him and congratulated him, Marie had tears in her eyes and hugged her son.

"Oh baby I'm so happy for you!"

"Thanks mamma." He smiled at her "Wait till the others find out!" he said remembering everyone back home chuckling to himself, they'd defiantly would be surprised.

Mani walked up to him and wrapped his arms around his waist, and whispered into his ear, "Hey, want to talk about that family I mentioned?"

Aikrii turned around. "You mean that? Kids? Of our own?" His eyes widened.

"Yes I do." Mani said very seriously "I always wanted kids of my own, I hope that's not a problem. Just because we're not with a woman doesn't mean we have to forgo children, we can wait thou if your worried there's no rush but I want you to know I do want kids."

Aikrii was ecstatic; Mani didn't know the half of it. Hearing him say he wanted kids was a thrill. "I want three." Aikrii blurted out. Mani shook his head shocked himself at the quick response. "Wow that was easier than I expected." he laughed and looked at Marie who was still so happy. "Why three?"

"Use a Surrogate mom Mani. One biologically yours, one biologically mine and adopt one." he replied making it sound so easy. Mani was impressed but it still didn't answer his question.

"Why three Aikrii?"

"I want one of my own to, you know biologically mine and yours, something that's tied directly to me or you as a parent. As for one being adopted we could adopt first.

Our first would be ours, tying us together as a family." He smiled at Mani hoping that didn't sound selfish but it was how he honestly felt.

"I think that's a wonderful idea babe." Mani kissed his cheek and hugged him tightly.

"Now when shall we have this wedding?" Marie was the one to jump on that.

"July nineteenth!" she blurted out. Both the men turned and looked at Aikrii's mom.

"Why the nineteenth?" Mani asked before Aikrii could.

She blushed and answered, "It's the day last year your dad came back to me with a plan to change and asking for help, he made a leap and you two will be to, I think it's only fitting." she smiled hoping they understood that to her it would be a good time to celebrate a joining of two souls.

Mani looked at Aikrii and raised his eyebrow in question, waiting to see what he said. "Sure sounds good to me, but that leaves for a quick and short notice scramble you know that right?"

"Five weeks isn't that short of a notice and if we apply for the license today it will only take three to four weeks to get that anyway so no biggie. The rest will follow on it's own as we work along to get things ready, sides I like a challenge." Mani said smiling.

Marie was thrilled "I'll start making calls as soon as you tell me where are you going to have it, in Curre? Or in Kearney?"

"Curre!" they both said and started to laugh.

They had only been married for about three weeks when she realized she was pregnant. She danced around the bathroom with the test stick in her hand, Cleo was giggling with glee.

"Oh my god Sefron is going to be beside himself!" Cleo said smiling.

Mardi stopped and looked at Cleo, "Oh shit! How do you think he'll take this?"

"He's going to be ecstatic, I remember him always saying he wanted kids of his own, and he's great with kids to; you should see him at the do-jang when he's working."

Mardi sighed in relief then smiled. She looked at her belly and placed a hand tenderly on her still flat tummy.

"I'm going to be a mom!" she grinned, "I have to call my mom and tell her!" Mardi skipped off to use the phone. She didn't even get the chance to dial out as it rang under her hand. She jumped then giggled, Picking up the receiver she answered it.


"Mardi hey!" She recognized Aikrii's voice "How's things there?" he asked her.

She was still bubbling with excitement "I'm pregnant!" she blurted out.

"Oh my god congratulations! Oh my god! Mani!!" she could hear him yelling for his boyfriend, "Mardi's pregnant!" She giggled at the enthusiastic excitement on the other end of the line.

"We have some good news for you to." Aikrii said to her. "Mani asked me to marry him, I said yes."

Mardi gasped and screamed. Poor Aikrii had to pull the phone back from his ear, wincing from the shrill sound. He laughed when she started to talk so fast. Cleo could now be heard in the background as Mardi relayed the message to her.

Aikrii looked at his boyfriend, "I think they are excited."

"Ok what gave that away? The scream or the fact that I think I can actually hear them jumping up and down!" he laughed pulling his head away from Aikrii's and the phone receive he was holding.

Aikrii shouted over the bubbly nature of the two girls, "Where's Nye and Sefron?"

Mardi stopped "They are both still at work." She answered. "Tell Nye to call us ok, don't tell him yourself I want to hear his reaction, yours was pretty damn good, don't know If I'll hear his later but hey!" Aikrii laughed as Mardi was bouncing with excitement.

When Nye heard of the two sets of good news he damn nearly fell to the floor when Mardi told both him and Sefron that she was expecting and then Nye DID hit the floor when he heard from his big brother that he and Aikrii were getting married.

"Oh my god, will the excitement never end?" He asked delirious over the news.

He looked at Mardi, "So what names have you and my wonderful girlfriend picked out by now?" He knew Cleo too well.

"Actually none." She said, "Sefron will pick the name." She lovingly looked up at him touching his arm smiling.

Nye sighed, he sure hoped he and Cleo had what his pal Sefron and Mardi apparently had and what his brother and Aikrii had together. Cleo kissed him on his cheek snapping him out of his world and he turned and grinned at her.

"I think it's our turn next." he wrinkled his nose and pushed on hers, "Think another wedding will knock mom on her ass?"

Cleo laughed "Let her recoup from Mani's first before you get any notions of tying your cute ass to mine." She knew he wanted to make her his wife and just the notion was enough to keep Cleo very happy.

The wedding for Aikrii and Mani was done at the same church where Sefron's sister was laid to rest. July nineteenth was a warm breezy day. Everyone that Aikrii and Mani knew was there. Their parents, their friends, people they knew from work in Curre and in Kearney and many others from all over. The news was also covering the even considering Aikrii was now becoming a "Married man."

The minister officiating was very happy to have been chosen to be involved in the ceremony and he made sure everyone was comfortable.

"This is a binding ceremony, one that unites two loving souls in matrimony." He smiled at the two men standing before him, Aikrii was smartly dressed in a dark purple tux the same color as Mani's eyes, while Mani was dressed in a dark green tux, also reflecting the eyes of his loved one. It was their way of reflecting a bit of the one they were committing to.

"Should there be any objections to this binding let the one who holds an aversion for this joining speak now or forever hold their peace."

No one uttered a sound. Aikrii reached for Mani's hand and smiled, he gently pulled him forward, bringing him closer to him, both were so happy at that very moment knowing that their futures would be bright with each other to hold.

"Each partner has written a piece depicting their emotional attachment to the other, their vows of love to the other. They will now read them."

Mani looked at Aikrii and spoke. "The day I saw you I knew you would change my world, and ever since life has been a blessing having you in it, fate has taught me sorrow, patients, joy and above all love. There isn't a day that I don't thank the gods of fate for bringing us together. Aikrii I don't think life would be complete without you, you make me the happiest man in the world and I can't wait to continue our lives together.

Aikrii smiled and he took his turn speaking. "I don't have something as wondrous as what you said. I wrote a poem, my way of saying how I feel." He pulled out the paper he had in his breast pocket. He unfolded it and he started to read.

"I am thankful I found you, you were someone always by my side, beautiful eyes with a smile.

Special, neat, smart and sweet. Someone I knew I could enjoy.

I met you that day and knew right away,

our meeting was ment to be.

I wanted you for me. To touch, to hold, to cherish, to enjoy.

It's funny how things happen, how fate steps in, but as far as I'm concerned with someone as unique and special as you, with fate on my side.

I win!"

There was a round of Awww's from over half the attending audience. The Minister continued on with the ceremony and pronounced them united partners in life.

"You may now kiss your partner." The minister announced. Mani grinned and did so, picking Aikrii clean off his feet, Aikrii had his arms around Mani's neck hanging on for dear life laughing under his lips and having the time of his life, the congregation all applauded and laughed, the wedding was a success.

The reception to follow lead to much singing, (including a trio with Sefron, Mardi and Aikrii all singing) dancing and fun, Aikrii and Mani took off for Italy on their honeymoon about 7 hours after the wedding, Sefron, Mardi, Cleo and Nye made sure the rest of the reception went off without a hitch; it was a hell of a wedding.

"This is going to be talked about for weeks in the news you know." Cleo said looking at Nye, "Not only is your brother married to a very wealthy handsome guy, your now part of that family and will be a target for photos, think you can handle it?"

Nye looked at her and laughed, "So long as I can kiss you senseless each time as they take my photo then sure I can handle anything." He giggled swept her off her feet in a graceful bow and kissed her senseless just like he said he would. Cleo came up breathing heavy, "Ok babe do that again and I'll jump you right here, then we'll give them something to talk about!" she laughed harder at his expression; it was that of daring and surprise.

Aikrii and Mani were looking out the window of the plane, watching a beautiful sun set over the water they were flying over, Aikrii was nestled into Mani's lap their private flight made the rush off to their destination smoother. He was happy to be just lying here in Mani's arms listening to the music floating over the speakers in the cabin.

"I love you," he said to Mani who was stroking his hair. He looked up to the beautiful violet eyes smiling back at him.

"I love you to Ki" he said back to his husband.

Aikrii sat up turned around and tucked himself against Mani's chest. He listened to his heart beating. "Thud...thud...thud..."

He raised his head and ran his hand through Mani's hair pulling him towards him, kissing him firmly both getting lost in the sensations, be it the altitude or the euphoric emotions they were both experiencing neither one wanted to come to earth anytime soon.

"Lets join the mile high club, I hear it can be fun." Mani said daring Aikrii who snickered so hard he got the hiccups.

Cleo looked over at him, running a finger down his chest. Snuggling into his arms. "I wish this moment never would end." She said.

"All things end at sometime dear, doesn't mean we can't start it all over again thou" he laughed rolling over on to her, looking down into her beautiful eyes, he leaned down on her running both hands in her hair and kissed her neck; she arched at the touch that made her tingle all over.

He pulled back and smiled at her. He loved her so much. "I was serious when I said it was our turn next Cleo, I want you to marry me, next year." He looked at her serious like but with a cute grin on his face, he prayed she would say yes.

She looked at his cute goofy grin. "Anything to make you smile that wonderful silly smile baby," she said kissing his nose. He smiled again, flipped to the side and took her with him, he tucked her against his side, and told her of the plans he wanted for their big day and who he wanted there. She viewed his ideas in her minds eyes and told he it sounded so beautiful. She was a very happy. They both drifted off to sleep knowing fate had plans for them to and eager to meet it with open arms, Steppin' out to meet the world as a special couple that had loving family who understood and loved everyone as equally as they did.

The End.

MANY thanks to EVERYONE and all the e-mails I got each and everyone has been appreciated!! The encourgement to continue means a lot.

MANY MANY thanks to Amy for helping me edit my mistakes :D your a gem!

Thanks for reading. The series books 1 - 3 are now published on line If you wish to read it in it's entierity mail me and ask for the link to the series offical web page.

Book 4 is in progress along with the others Please bear with me if the pages are listed in my site it's just how I have things set up even thou sometimes they don't work. (if there's nothing showing it's not up yet) The full series will be set up in here in due time. Summer of 2008 is seeing me prepare for a return to college and a move along with a few life changes to boot :) All good I assure you. Please by all means keep the mails comming I love chatting to my readers.

Happy Daddy's day to all you dad's out there to!! :)

Comments, feed back and general fan mail is ALWAYS read and answered. Flames make for great heat to roast marshmellows :)

Thanks again - Lila Mosher

Next: Chapter 7: Steppin Out II 1 3

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