Steppin Out

By Lila Mosher

Published on Aug 5, 2008



This is a series of works of gay erotic fiction. If you are offended by such material or if you are not allowed access to it under the laws where you live, please exit now.

This work is copyrighted by the author and LBL Services Canada. 1990-2008

and may not be copied or distributed in any form without the written permission of the author, who may be contacted at:

Any and all celebrities mentioned in this story have no affiliation to this piece of writing and I make no claim to their person as my own. All Mentioned places and people are factious and any bearing resemblance to anyone person or place is purley coincidental


Steppin' Out (Book 2) Josh and Dante's Dream Copyright 1995-2008 By Lila Mosher Full series already E-published on line, if you wish to read it all in it's entiriety please Mail Lila and ask for the link thanks.

Two wonderful people are brought together through the ties of another who's struggled with acceptance of his own. These two fine hearts learn not only to share their feelings and love with each other but they extend themselves to include another lost and abused soul into their lives, this is book 2 & the continuing story to Steppin' Out. Please enjoy and feel free to e-mail me your comments I love getting feed back from fans :) thanks

Thanks to ALL who have mailed me already due to book 1's listing, the responses are amazing, I can't believe some have already ready all THREE books! (on line) The books main web site has hit an all time high of 45-50000 page hits respectivilly each month and it's mainly due to the listing here in Nifty, thanks and if you want to mail me DO SO I DO love getting mails from readers so PLEASE keep them comming!!!

PS YES I am a lady! LOL This is one question I get frequently. How I can write for the guys is beyond me. Why is because I love to write (and I have an uncle who loves my stuff, LOL) I really so love hearing from fans so if you read my stuff in the main web page please stop by my books fourm pages and post a note about what you read or your thoughts. :)

Please enjoy the 2nd installment of book 2 ... books 1, 2 and 3 are published in full on line mail me to ask for the site link or keep watching here for the next chaprters to be posted, ALL will be listed here in due time, thanks again everyone!!!

Chapter 4 ********

Dante noticed his brother was more scarce now days and he also noticed he seemed happier which was kind of odd considering there was still five weeks of classes left. Exams seemed to go smoothly as well, Dante scored well into the nineties and this pleased him. He also had gotten a call from Mani saying he had no issues with doing a portfolio of him for any possible sponsorship for his swim meets. Mani also said he'd be happy to sponsor him if it was needed and he'd be more than happy to provide the shoot for free. Dante jumped on the band wagon for that one. Getting sponsors was hard and yet he was having an easy go of it.

"Thanks Mani I appreciate it." He said to his new found friend. Aikrii had told him he was an amazing guy, now he knew why Aikrii adored him so much.

"No problem, when do the competitions start?" He asked out of curiosity.

"The finals aren't till the New Years but the qualifying rounds start in June. There's two competitions between June's qualifying round and the New Years finals. Josh's shop is sponsoring me as well so I am doing well on that aspect, I have about five weeks of intense training coming up in December." He rambled on about the impending competitions and it made him relax some but not a whole lot since he knew how much his courses would suffer in the long run so he also knew he'd have to study more which he hated.

"You inviting anyone to go along with you when you go for the qualifying rounds?" Mani asked him.

"Not really anyone in particular no but friends can come watch and cheer me on if they want. I know mom will be there and Aikrii said he'd be there I assume you'll be there as well along with Cleo and your brother."

"Well it sounds like you have your own cheering team then." Mani said with a chuckle. "Yep." Dante said with a grin.

Sam walked in at that moment and was in quite a smiley mood he ruffled his brother's spiky hair making a mess of the gel job he had done earlier.

"Hey!" he said to Sam.

"Mani I have to go, bro is home and being a pain in my side again." Mani laughed said good bye. Dante hung up the phone.

"What's got you all chipper?" He asked his brother.

"I got good grades, I have less than five weeks and I'm free to do as I please and your off to do qualifying for your swim team and I have a soccer game tournament coming up in a few weeks I will be kicking ass in. What more do I need to be happy about?" He asked asking all innocent like.

Dante stopped and pondered his brother's behavior. "Oh my god! Tell me you didn't!"

Sam stopped in mid drink form the milk carton he had hauled from the fridge. "Didn't what?" he asked confused.

"Sam don't ask coy with me, did you ... umm... did you approach Xavier?" He was curious.

"Nope, not at all." He said which was truthful since it was Xavier who approached Sam. He smiled at his brother ruffled his head again and left the room. Dante looked at his brother's retreating back and pondered his good mood, usually he was the brunt of his brother's temper, thou it's been quite mild as of late.

Classes were let out for the rest of the summer and the calm winds from Curre's harbor was peaceful. Dante slid into the water with the rest of his teammates his coach in the boat beside them. The training was getting more and more intense and he was enjoying it. He found out he had shaved off nearly five seconds from his fastest time. He figured he'd shaved his hair shorter so he could do better. They were getting ready for a three mile swim at this moment. The dock had quite a few spectators on it for the St. Stephen's University swim team. Dante waved to his mom and brother and the rest of his friends who were there to cheer them on. He also noticed a particular platinum blond in the crowd as well which made him even happier.

He tread water as his coach gave final instructions the first ten to make it to the end of the three mile swim were sent onto the next set of qualifying rounds. The starter pistol went off and the team members took off. He pulled a steady rhythm going at a smooth tempo nearly immediately. He didn't want to go too fast and wear down his energy levels. He knew he had the stamina to keep going that was never and issue since Dante was usually the hyper one. He was free styling right now and took note of who followed the swimming team, it wasn't hard to spot Josh in the crowd he thought as he pulled up again for another stroke. His head stuck out like a beacon. He took another deep breath and stroked again. He pushed on harder now as he spotted the quarter mark flag in the water.

Josh watched him, steady his body up and down like an otter. He started to follow his progress his camera recording the whole thing. He was sure that Dante could manage to make the full three miles. Josh was enjoying the event and watched as Dante passed the quarter mark flag. He was in the water nearly twenty minutes now and Josh noticed he was nearing the half mark. Team members once they reached the half way flag had to turn around and go back, it wouldn't take long for them to complete the circuit. Josh was watching so intently that he didn't notice Sam beside him quite as quickly as he should have. "Hey Josh!" Sam said as he kept pace with him walking along the pier's edge.

"Hey Sam!" Josh said over the cheers of the crowd.

"You recording this?" He asked him.

"Yep, Dante is being sponsored so I want footage of this qualifying round, I'm sure he'll make it to the finals so I don't want to be kicking myself in the ass later if I don't get what I need now." Josh said as he kept his eyes on Dante's progress.

Dante hit the half mark flag and turned around heading back the way he had been coming and swimming past those who were lagging, he was actually in the lead by a good four body lengths which made Josh cheer louder.

"He's averaging about fifteen minutes in the water per mile." Sam said to Josh who was still recording.

"He's looking tired now." Josh said pointing

"Don't worry about that Josh he's a determined bugger, did you know he saved off five seconds from his last meet?"

"God no I didn't, thanks for the info when did that happen so I can put it with the sponsor info." He passed the mic to Sam and told him. "Press the red button and speak telling what you just told me I can get it lifted from the footage when it's edited for the commercial we will be playing in the store."

"Damn your going all out for this aren't you?" Sam's voice held the air of impressiveness to it making Josh thrilled.

"Anything for him Sam, you should know that by now." Josh said looking at Sam hoping Sam understood.

Sam smiled at Josh, he fully understood. He patted his back and then pressed the button on the camera as he walked with Josh, he did a short commentary on Dante's accomplishments and expressed his well wishes to his brother for a successful round at the nationals.

"TWEET!" he touched the boat at the end of the swim exhausted, James reached down and grabbed him and put a buoy over his head to make sure he didn't cramp up and slip into the water. Dante floated there as the others came in he was breathing hard and only half aware of his surroundings but he could hear a loud speaker announcing scores. He seen Josh at the shore and waved to him and he noticed his brother as well he was tired but very happy, he heard his name and his time and everyone cheered and Josh and Sam screamed jumping up and down. Dante was still confused about his time.

"With a new St. Stephen's University record of forty two minutes and twenty three seconds Dante Ericson in first place!" Sam released the microphones red button. He was hooting in joy, and jumping, his mom was at his side pretty quick they were hugging each other and waving to Dante who was now on the boat drying off and looking a tad confused. James told him his time and his jaw dropped in shock and he grinned when he realized he came in first. When Dante reached the shore Josh and his brother were there with the camera and the recorded the unfolding events. Josh turned on the mic and started the camera again. Sam reached down for his brother and gave him a hearty hug,

"Oh my god Dante you won!" his brother said "How do you feel? You ok?"

"I'm still in a state of shock." He said honestly "I'd like a drink to please." Sam handed him the water bottle.

Josh piped up "So Dante now that you're a first place runner and obviously a shoe in for the semi finals to the nationals what are you plans from now till January when the finals happen?"

"Well for one I plan on training hard." He said into the camera that Josh was holding looking at it and winking playing it up for Josh. He then reached for the camera and then slung an arm over Josh's shoulder and turned the camera around to face them both. "I also plan on taking out my pals to have some fun classes are out and I want to party!" He then screamed on top of his lungs and kissed the side of Josh's head making him blush so hard he though he was going to faint, Dante passed him the camera back and made an observation of him turning it around and continue filming him as he was showing off. Dante played it up he was having fun and he wanted Josh to have shots of him looking lively.

Josh was thrilled to pieces for Dante and when he got to the dock and was showing his excitement over his win Josh was happy to be there recording his joyous moment. He was even more shocked thou when Dante took the camera from him and slung his arm over his shoulder. Made his statement and kissed his head. Josh damn nearly fainted himself over the blood rushing to his head. He continued to record Dante laughing shouting and cheering and having a grand time with his friends. He asked a few questions of people who knew Dante personally what they thought about Dante and his push and will to win. He was impressed with the things people said about him, he was a well liked fella in his community, that is till he met with a very drunk Jeremy later on that evening who bashed him on cam.

"That fucking fag ruined my chances at that position just because I made a fucking joke, I hope the asshole drowns. Can't even make jokes anymore without someone being so damn anal about it and go figure it's a fucking fag that screams about it! Josh wasn't impressed one bit and looked at Jeremy. He took his camera and ever so graciously walked Jeremy outside. He placed the camera on the sill of the pub where everyone had gone to celebrate and turned it on the spot he was going to stand he wanted to keep his ass covered. He spoke to Jeremy as soon as he was done.

"Look here Jeremy, I don't know what your issue is with Dante but I'm pretty sure you got your boot off the team for a damn good reason, James Nairs don't take shit from no one. So you had to have been doing something to get you booted, as for bashing Dante that's not tolerated by anyone much anymore so my advice is you learn to bite your tongue, that's the guy I like your putting down and I won't sit idly by and watch you belittle someone I care about."

Jeremy's mouth dropped. "Oh my god you're a fucking fag to! Great what the hell is this world coming to, you guys recruiting them now?" The drunken Jeremy wouldn't shut up with his derogatory remarks and hurtful words.

"Jeremy, go home no one wants you here when your behaving like this." Josh said walking away from Jeremy. He went to go get his camera when he felt Jeremy hit his side with a full on tackle.

Josh was pinned on his left side under the one hundred and seventy five pound man who insisted on wailing him on the arm that was tuned up to his fists. "Fucking asshole, I'll teach you to tell me what to do. I ain't no fucking pansy, you queer little bitch." His screams as he wailed on Josh got the attention of a few patrons of the pub and some came out to see what was going on. Dante was included in the fray of onlookers. He noticed Josh's camera and picked it up.

Josh was getting pissed but he just clenched his arms and took the blows which didn't really bother him much. "Get the hell off now." He said very calmly to the very stupefied Jeremy.

"Or what fag boy? You gonna do me here?"

Josh got pissed after that and flipped him off of his side. He stood up. And looked down at the intoxicated idiot who didn't know how to keep his mouth shut. He rolled up his sleeve of his shirt and saw the angry red welts that Jeremy left. He looked back down at Jeremy and spoke.

"Only my dad ever got away with wailing on me, so consider yourself a very lucky little boy tonight and it's only because your too damn drunk to even bother with. Go home Jeremy and leave my friends and I alone before you get hurt."

He watched Jeremy wobbly get to his feet. He also noticed Dante who had his camera. He grinned at Dante just as Jeremy took a very off the mark swing at him. Josh just moved to the side as Jeremy swung wildly and fell over face first onto the pavement. Josh walked over him and headed towards Dante.

"Thanks for picking up my camera. I don't need to loose that footage and I really didn't want it getting busted either." Dante smiled passed his camera back and said "Come on back in I think you deserve a drink for taking out the trash." Dante slung an arm over his shoulder and they walked back into the pub to finish off the festivities.

He finished off the editing and flicked through the footage he had. The voice tracks of the qualifying heats were on a separate file and he was just waiting for it to all be put together with the idea he had presented to Aikrii who was helping him edit his presentation. As a sponsor for Dante he needed something for his business to attract attention and what other way than with a damn cute guy and a good video editor. He was still impressed at the photos that Mani had taken and four of them were now very large posters and ready to be hung from the rafters at his shop. Christmas was coming quickly and this ment Dante would be getting ready for the finals. He had cleaned up during the preliminaries in and during the semi-finals he made second place. Dante's speed was getting better to. Josh tried to get in as much time as he could with Dante even if it was just promotional purposes. Josh wasn't rushing Dante into anything right now he had to wait and see what was going to happen on their own accord.

Aikrii passed him the finished CD. "I hope it turned out how you wanted it to."

"Can you work on the second one tonight?" He asked Aikrii blushing since it was kind of a personal piece for him.

Aikrii chuckled "It's done Josh it wasn't too hard to get finished I had most if it already done when you let me go through the video footage, I think you should show him."

Josh blushed. "Umm, I don't think I want to just yet, I don't want to rush him into anything I much rather he makes the first move it's better for us this way anyway. He's got more to think about that's more important than me."

"Nothing is more important than knowing someone cares about you. It's what makes me strive to be the best can be each day, just knowing Mani loves me so much." Aikrii smiled at his best friend.

"Thanks Aikrii for the help. I'll consider it." Josh took the second CD from his hand and got ready to leave. "I'll call you if I manage to get the footage on TV." He waved and headed out of the apartment.

Josh got home about an hour later and took his CD videos to his computer. He plopped the second one Aikrii made and hit start. The music started with Hero as the starting theme with images of Dante going from very young to older including the images of Dante that Mani took and the still shot of Dante kissing the side of Josh's head and him smiling and shouting during the party. The music continued to show the slow motion action of Dante's qualifying rounds in June and other stills from the video footage he had taken. At the end of the video he had found the footage of Jeremy being an ass, he had added this footage to the personal video he had. It showed Jeremy's slurs and nasty comments and it also showed Josh's honest and heartfelt claims on his emotional attachment to Dante. Josh sighed as the video finished. He felt so high, his heart ached yet it felt so free. He wished that Dante was available but his sports took from any possibility of a meaningful relationship he was hoping for, but Josh figured if he stuck by his side that maybe one of these days their friendship could blossom into something more.

Dante's jaw dropped when he seen his sponsorship commercial playing on TV the following week The commercial started with Dante dressed up in a few nice suits and then a clip of his swim with his brothers voice announcing his times and wins and other important info on him personally and then the end announced

"Dressing our finest with our finest, Shop Jump Street Clothing where our customers are always winners" and it showed a customer smiling into a mirror all happy with the look Josh had created for him.

Dante looked at his brother. "You knew he was doing this?" He asked stunned.

"Yes, what's wrong with it?" Sam asked "He sponsors you, your face gets used in commercials or other promotional ads to bring in sales to make up for what he spends on your training, clothing and then some, it's also a tax write off for him if you crap out on him or a bigger sales margin if you win." Sam spewed off his knowledge he had from his business course but it wasn't something that Dante didn't already know hell him and his brother took the same courses after all.

"There's nothing wrong with it, I'm stunned at how it was done!" he sat there and kept looking at the TV willing it to come on again. Sam laughed and pulled out the copy of the CD Josh had given him. He put it into the computer and hit start and showed Dante the mini clip again.

"How in the world did he get all them photos?" He asked astounded.

"Mom, myself, some from the year books and others he took as stills from the video footage he got from the qualifying rounds you did six months ago." Sam waited to see what his brother was going to say.

"I'm impressed he went through so much trouble." He smiled at Sam, "Makes me feel important."

"To Josh you are, and by no means do I mean your important to his business either."

Dante stopped and looked at his brother a bit puzzled but he kinda had a clue where he was going with his comment. Dante looked at the video again. He wished he could show Josh he cared as much as he saw that Josh obviously did with the making of that commercial. He decided to make an appearance at Jump Street, maybe some time there might not only bring in sales to the shop but hanging out there would give Josh some time to enjoy his company, thing was Dante would need help. He picked up his phone and called Mani.

"Yes for a few hours, you can get media attention right? Yes I will be there for a few hours and hopefully it will bring in more sales to his shop but I want video footage as well. Something that can be turned into another mini clip like the one Aikrii did for him." He waited for the response from the other end of the phone. "Yes, ok thanks I'll see you in an hour or so, and Mani thanks man I think this will make his day."

Dante called Jump Street and Jen answered the phone. "Hey Jen is Josh in?"

"No actually he just headed off to get us coffees is there anything I can do for you?"

"No Jen that's quite ok. I'll be arriving in about an hours time just keep him in the shop and don't let him know I'm coming ok."

The drive to the mall was a fun one as Mani flicked the radio station to 89.9 C.U.R.E. FM radio station. He listened to the familiar voice of the radio announcer, announce his special appearance at Jump Street Clothing shop and that fans should stop by and get an autograph and maybe check out the bargains that the shop was holding.

"Tell them Nye sent you and get your C.U.R.E. from Jump Street, the clothing store where everyone is treated like they are winners!"

Dante laughed he was so glad Mani's baby brother worked for the radio station. They pulled up to the mall but had to wait for a plough to move out of the way before they managed to park. Mani walked with Dante to the mall entrance and waited. His friends from the video and photography department from his old high school Joseph Walker showed.

"Got the camera ready?" Mani asked

"Yes, anything else Mani?" Sue asked him as she took the mic and started to walk towards Jump Street.

"Nope you can go ahead and start, hopefully there will be attention peaked by the presents of the camera."

Sue started her interview while Mani's friend Dante while Don video taped the whole thing, they'd edit things later with Aikrii's help.

"So Mr. Ericson you're a fan of Jump Street clothing is this correct?"

Dante got into his "promote mode" and started to walk and talk. "Please call me Dante and yes actually one of my best friends Josh runs the shop and even before I started out for the nationals I use to shop here."

"There's rumors that Josh is more than a friend is this true Dante?" She asked as she was instructed to.

"Oh indeed he is," He paused and then continued "He's my sponsor as well." He paused again and once again continued. "Without him I don't think I'd have gotten as far as I have to this date, I'm very grateful for all his support so far."

They made it to Jump Street and noticed there was quite a few people waiting for Dante's appearance. "Well as you can see fokes Dante Ericson isn't just another pretty face, his fans tend to show when they know he's going to be around so if you want to meet and greet him drop on down to Jump Street today. Sue stopped her interview feed for now and left it live for Nye to pick up at the radio station and the van would record anything else video wise. They all had fun and the look on Josh's face when he seen Dante show up with a ton of people in tow was another shocker. Dante showed everyone his favorite clothing line and informed the patrons that if they wanted to get a fitting that Josh was one of the best people to get a fitting and he would dress you in the best. Josh was overwhelmed with the media attention and the sales were racking up faster than he could count, Jen was in her glory as she rang in customers.

The crew had left long ago, Dante had hung around while Josh got things sorted and locked up his shop for the evening. They walked down the hall of the now silent mall.

"I can't believe you managed to help my shop make well over eighteen grand in one day. I think that's a record." Josh was still astounded

"Just doing my part since you managed to knock my socks off with that promotional sponsorship video, that was bloody amazing!" Dante grinned at Josh.

Josh blushed. "Just making sure people know who you are. I hope you win but it really doesn't matter if you do or not, your an investment I would still have gladly risked making." He smiled back "Aikrii helped me make it the best video I could good thing he's into computers"

Dante was touched. "I'm glad your rooting for me. I'll try my best to do this shop and the University the best I can and I'll thank Aikrii next time I see him for helping you make that commercial."

They had made it to Dante and Sam's new car that the insurance company had gotten to replace the one they had lost. The black Accura RL was a beautiful car and it was fully loaded to. "I see you got new wheels" Josh commented looking at the vehicle, he was stalling he didn't want the day to end. "Yeah maybe after nationals are over I can take you for a spin." Dante smiled at him and Josh shyly smiled back. "Well I'll let you go now" Josh headed off to his own car waving.

Dante watched him leave. "Good night sweet heart." He whispered wishing he could hold him in his arms. He slipped behind the wheel and headed home. To him January finals couldn't come soon enough.

Chapter 5 ********

"And they are off! Dante Ericson is the favorite for St. Stephen's University here, the crowd is eating him up!" The news casters gave a play by play and Josh watched intently as the action unfolded in the pool below him his camera never leaving the sleek body of the man he adored.

He had been watching the finals unfold before him most of the day with each semi finalist being picked off slowly one by one as each heat was completed knocking one more off the board. Josh was getting more and more excited at seeing Dante's name raise to the top of the ranks and now he was only four places away from the top ranks.

He listened to the announcers again as the announced the times for the free style run they just finished. The announcer blared out the times. "Matthew Fletmate forty eight point seven seconds. John Philips forty seven point nine seconds" He droned on, Josh only waiting for one name, it came up "Dante Ericson forty four point two seconds a new St. Stephen's record!" The crowd went nuts. He was now announced based on times in second place and only had two more heats to do. Josh was thrilled. The last two heats made for spectacular video footage, Josh got to get down on the floor level with permission of James Nairs. Being a sponsor helped him a great deal. The last heat Dante was in the end lane where Josh knew he preferred to be.

Dante saw him from the corner of his eye, he knew he had gotten permission to be on the floor for his last run. James spoke to him. "We're all rooting for you Dante, don't kill yourself but do your best ok. I know there's one young fella out there that's got his eye and camera on you and hoping to get a winning shot, give him the best you can give ok." James smiled Dante had come a long way in a year and he was hoping that allowing Josh on the floor would encourage Dante to try even harder. He knew there was something brewing between the two young men and he was hoping that attraction would be a strong enough pull to make Dante give one hundred and twenty percent instead of one hundred and ten. Dante got on the block smiled at Josh who had the camera on him he then went into swim mode and bent into position, He heard the pistol and took off in an instant, he hit the water smoothly and started his breast stroke with ease, keeping the steady rhythm he knew he had to push himself he wanted to make Josh's video the best it could be. He pushed harder and got ahead by a length he could hear the crowd screaming his name he pushed harder the wall was on him before he even knew it was time to move. He flipped and headed back to the other end, he gasped as his face broke the water he gulped and kept going, harder, faster, stroke, stroke. His arms felt like they weren't even attached to him. He just kept pushing himself. The wall loomed he touched it and the whole pools arena burst out in cheers so loud he felt his head was going to pop. He slipped below the water still holding onto the wall and then bobbed to the surface again. He felt a hand on his and looked up, Josh was there. He pulled himself from the water and Josh passed him a towel. The announcer started to announce the submitted times from the judges and video footage.

"With a unanimous round and undisputed footage Dante Ericson has met and beat one of the best school records of all time, Yale's very own swim trials record has been broken!"

The whole arena erupted with screams and whistles. Dante looked around at the frenzy he created just by swimming. Josh was by his side he walked over to him and put his arm around his waist. "Don't mind me" he leaned in speaking to him "I need to hold onto something that is as strong as I am just incase I collapse I'm so bloody exhausted."

"Dante Ericson with a new record of thirty seven point nine seconds!" Dante did loose his footing in sheer shock at the time given, he had shaved a full eight seconds off of his last major record. The theme song 'The Final Countdown' erupted from the arena's speakers while the crowd went wild. He was floored. Well nearly, if it wasn't for Josh being prepared to hold his weight he would have.

"Whoa! Come on get up, I can't carry you dear your heavy." Josh laughed at his shock. Dante straightened and stood beside Josh who still had his arms around his waist. He was still in utter shock. Josh hugged him bringing him back to earth. Dante looked at him. He was giddy and Josh could see it in his eyes. The announcer, the screaming fans everything round them seemed to blend. Dante hugged Josh back. "Thanks for being here." James walked up to him and patted Dante on the back. "Congratulations on making our school now hold the best over all time in a finals swim competition." Dante looked at his coach and said with a smile. "I had a great coach and good friends that stuck by me and took risks that lead to this moment. I am excited I accomplished such a feat." They all started to walk back to the block area where the rest of St. Stephen's team was standing. Each team member was overly excited at the new record and Dante was swallowed up but their enthusiasm. Josh backed off and started to record again. The finals were now over and Josh had stuff to do. He slipped out of the arena and headed home.

He got the news from Aikrii himself they were moving and Josh was heartbroken.

"You can always move the shop out to Kearney" Aikrii said chucking.

"I'll have to seriously think about that one there Aikrii, I think doing that would be a feat and a half." Josh sat down and continued to work on the images he had, Aikrii had taught him how to do the basics in the video editing software he had provided him so he could do his own videos. He was adding more clips from the meet and a few other things. He was enjoying the project since he didn't get to see Dante much now days.

"Huh?" Josh said.

Aikrii giggled he realized his friends mind was else where. "I'll call you when we have our house party ok, it should be in about three weeks time."

"Oh ok sure, be careful Aikrii and good luck on your move, I'll miss you." Josh sighed. Another friend was now going away. It really sucked.

"Don't worry it's not the end of the world you'll still see me around." Aikrii said "Besides I have to see to things off and on in Curre anyway including my mom."

Josh had forgotten about Aikrii's mom who was an amazing lady. "Hey yeah that's right, well good luck."

Josh hung up the phone and frowned. He ran his fingers through his nearly white hair. He moved a few images and then saved his draft. He got up taking a break. He wanted to get the video done but he was a bit upset over Aikrii's announcement on the move. He shut down his computer. He went to bed, his house was so much quieter now that Chet no longer lived with him, not to mention lonelier but he would never invite Chet back, Chet used him and he hated people like that. He crawled into his bed and snuggled under the sheets, drifting off to sleep.

He was floating in warm water. It was dark but he wasn't scared. He looked around and didn't see anything. He felt his presences like he always did. Dante swam past him like an otter. Josh treaded water and watched the sleek body flit past him. He was nude. Josh noticed he was nude as well. Dante surfaced and grinned looking at Josh. Josh gulped he was excited but hesitant at the same time. Dante floated closer to him. Close enough to breath on Josh's cheeks. He was a breath away and Josh was getting more excited. His arousal brushed Dante's leg and Dante looked down into the water with a huge grin. He dove and Josh was curious what he was going to do. He felt Dante's hands on his legs which then trailed to his bottom as he wrapped his arms around Josh. He felt warmth on his shaft, he gasped he knew what Dante was doing. To accommodate him he rose to the surface so that he was floating on his back. Dante floated with him still with Josh's pleasure in his mouth, only now he could breath while he played with him. Josh still floated moaning while Dante drove him mad with pleasure.

"Oh god Dante." He shouted out.

Dante licked him repeatedly and stroked him as well. It felt so good. He was getting closer to his peak he arched and got a mouthful of water. Sputtering he came back to the surface. Dante chuckled "I can fix that" he said as he went behind him. Josh felt him brush his ass with his own arousal. Josh quivered in anticipation he knew what was coming next. Dante licked his neck and nibbled as well. He stopped and whispered to him. "I can't finish..." Josh groaned as the dream dissipated to the shrill screams of his alarm. He rolled over slamming off the annoying contraption. It had happened again for the fiftieth time since the competition finals. His erotic dream. He wished he could make it stop he was going to be blue balled at the rate his conscious was torturing him. He crawled out of bed and hit the shower, it was freezing but it helped. He looked at the calendar and checked the date, damn nearly the middle of March now an he still hadn't heard much from any of his friends who had moved away nearly two weeks ago. His last term at the university was only three months away and things were moving fast, but the wanted relationship he was seeking wasn't going anywhere. Just as he was thinking of all of this the phone rang.

"Hey how would you like to come out?" Josh recognized Aikrii's voice immediately.

"Oh Sweet, Sure!" He responded joyfully, he seriously needed time away so he could breathe and think.

"You won't be alone thou I'm hauling another person we need your help here, well Mani does, you up for a bit of a decorating challenge, he could use your interior decorating expertise." Aikrii waited for his response.

"Sure who's going to be working with me?" He asked out of curiosity.

Aikrii answered knowing his pal would skin him alive if he ever found out he fibbed to him.

"I don't know yet I'm making calls around trying to find someone else who's willing to come for a free flop day all expenses paid."

Josh answered "Oh ok well what do you need me to bring and when do you want me there?"

"My agent will call you to make arrangements and you can invite someone if you want to. They will be covered as well, just bring your ass and some ideas for decorating Mani's shop and this house for the house warming party. Ok."

Josh sounded a bit happier but not by much. "I have no one to invite so the expenses won't be huge on my end. I'll see you when I get there." He hung up the phone and sighed. He should call Dante and see if he wants to come but Dante had been so busy with endorsements the last three weeks he'd be lucky to even catch him home.

Dante was board. His endorsements finished three days ago and now he had nothing to do. He cranked his music and started to play with a few tracks on his turn table. He started with 'The Phantom of the Opera' a techno remix he had been working on when the phone rang. Even thou he couldn't hear it the special blinker he had set up on his phone system still told him it was ringing. He picked it up.

"Hey! Dante," he heard Aikrii on the other end of the phone, he was yelling over Dante's music blaring in the background. Dante was surprised to hear his voice, most of the time they chatted through email.

"How would you like to hang out with over six hundred million dollars for a week?"

Dante being sarcastic as usual asked "Does it play music?"

"HAHAHA" Aikrii laughed, "Nope but it can get ya all the tunes you can possibly need, I'm looking for someone to help with a few house warming party plans and some interior decorating, wanna help?"

"Yeah sure, why not...who's all gonna be there?" he asked still feeling a bit blue.

"Well for starters, Cleo, Mani, Sefron, Nye and myself, I'll probably invite a few from school to and Josh will be here to along with a few of his friends and probably about a dozen or so of my co workers, how's that?" he asked making sure Josh was mentioned near to last.

"Damn" Dante said sounding more perked than before," Ummm, sounds like a hopping possibility for a good party, how do I get there?" he asked

"I'll fly you out, equipment and all but your gonna have to help Josh with decorating if you don't mind working with him, since my own work will have me tied up a lot. Ok?"

"Sure Aikrii!" he said sounding more excited now. "And thanks" He was sure Aikrii knew just how much it ment to him.

"Great, I have a few other calls to make, I'll get my agent to call you to give you your flight info ok"

Dante hung up the phone and whooped! He was going to have time to spend with his friends, and hopefully kill sometime with Josh it had been already too long now.

The plane landed and Dante rushed off to grab his bags. He was overly excited and hyper and as usual he wasn't focused on his surroundings only on the goal. He didn't notice that Josh was on the same plane. Josh on the other hand did notice Dante. He always knew he was around he sensed him. He walked slowly to the luggage retrieval area, he didn't see Dante there so he just picked up his bag and went to the airports main door. There was a driver there with a sign with his name on it. He went with the driver but didn't see Dante. Where could he be? Did Aikrii know Dante would be coming on the same plane? It was quite confusing. The driver headed out and made it to Aikrii and Mani's place in about twenty five minutes.

He got out of the car and walked to the door and didn't even get a chance to knock, Aikrii was already there grabbing him in a killer hug, "Josh! My glad am I ever happy to see you!" he pulled his pal back only to notice he still looked depressed "Oh my , Josh, what's wrong?"

They walked through the gorgeous home and Aikrii direct him to the guest room which had been made up for him. "I saw Dante on the flight but I have no idea where he was going. He didn't even notice I was there."

Aikrii chuckled. "Don't go worrying about him you're here to have fun and to help Mani fix that shop of his." Josh smiled. "I love your new place Aikrii it's beautiful!" Josh's bag was deposited on the bed in the room that was painted green Josh liked the color. He looked around and noticed it also had a mini bathroom with a shower stall instead of a tub. The room would do and give him a place to flop out at.

He looked at Aikrii. "I'm wiped if it's not too much I'd like to freshen up and try to unwind some."

"Sure, umm the doorknob tends to stick sometimes. So be careful it's the only thing in this place that's not working right at the moment. If it sticks shut just pick up the phone extension and someone will come let you out." With that Aikrii left him to mull over his arrangement, he'd be here for a few days Jen would take care of the shop and do interviews with the four people he had picked from the stack of resumes he had gotten. Maybe when he returned he'd have a new employee who would be easy to train. He walked into the bathroom and started the shower. He stripped and stepped under the spray. His mind wandered to Dante. He wondered where he had gone.

Meanwhile five minutes after Josh had left, Dante was wondering why it was taking so long he didn't see his name on the card like the agent had told him but when his driver did show up he was happier. The second drive took all of twenty five minutes and he was there. Aikrii and Mani both greeted him at the door passing around hugs as he walked in the house was quite impressive. Aikrii pointed to the guest room and walked with him chatting.

"Josh is kinda looking blue there Dante I don't know if your ready to do this but I will warn you now he seen you on the flight but he doesn't know you know he's here."

Dante grinned he was happy Aikrii was helping he had called from the plane to make a few set plans. Most of the times Mani and Aikrii spoke to him were through E-mail and such helping him make his new video. Dante missed Josh and well it was about time he did what needed to be done, Mani told him Josh was hurting because he was trying his best to do what was right for Dante by letting him do what he needed to do and give him space. Dante was always fearful of rejection so both of them had wasted way too much time already. He wanted to spend some quality time with Josh and this was a perfect time to do it. He winked at Aikrii and headed to the guest room. Shutting the sticky door behind him.

He looked around the green room, he could hear the shower running. He placed his suitcase on the floor and moved off to the bathroom taking off his shoes as to not make so much noise. He slipped into the bathroom. He wasn't there long when Josh turned around to look directly at him. "How did he do that?" Dante thought it was like he knew he was there. Josh walked right out of the shower, totally nude. He walked over to Dante and asked

"Notice me now?"

Dante gulped but grinned "Umm kinda hard not to." The bathroom was warm and thick with steam, he was being directed into the counter as Josh walked forward and he stepped back. Dante stopped when he felt it against the back of his legs.

"You have driven me mad the last year." Josh said in a low husky voice, it was so unlike his normal hyper girly demeanor. This one had raw sex appeal in it. He was within a breaths movement away from Dante's lips, which were curled into a smile. Dante reached and touched the side of his waist, and caressed him. His other hand joined on the other side. Josh was still intently staring into Dante's dark eyes.

Dante leaned forward and took his lips under his own, groaning at the eager response Josh sent back. Frustration, want, need and urgency were in that first kiss, Dante slid his hands down Josh's side cupping his smooth ass cheeks and pulled him against him, Dante could feel Josh's want against his own both of them were rock hard. One of his hands snaked to Josh's platinum locks pulling him ever closer. Dante urged his lips opened pushing his tongue into Josh's mouth kissing sucking and nibbling on lips and his ears. Josh moaned and arched exposing his neck Dante tasted him, running his tongue down his neck. Stopping by his collar bone he nipped and then sucked on the delicate skin. Josh gripped his shoulders and hissed out "Yesss." He was panting and extremely aroused. His whimpers spurred Dante on.

Josh loved the attention. He'd wanted this for so fucking long. He shoved at Dante's clothing trying to get them off of him but his foggy and highly aroused state didn't leave much for him in coordination. Dante seemed to know his urgency and the steamy bathroom only got steamier. It was only a matter of minutes before both of them were kissing each other's smooth skin. Josh was so much paler than Dante. Josh wasn't one to usually initiate anything he was usual to damn shy and Dante had a strong streak but was always fearful of rejection but now that they were together in each others company, hormones took over. Josh gasped are Dante picked him up, he wasn't that light nor that tiny. He snaked his legs around Dante's waist as Dante walked to the shower stall. "I think we need to get warmed some more," he mumbled through kisses he was planting on Josh's neck. He stepped into the spray with Josh still latched on to him, the warm water hit them both and caused a semi euphoric feeling in them both, Josh looked into Dante's dark eyes and smiled.

"Tell me I'm not dreaming again." Josh whispered half out of breath. Dante murmured,

"Ummm...if you are, then I am to, so please don't wake me up." He kissed his neck again water sliding down Josh's neck and across his lips. Josh was still wrapped around Dante but now pushed against the wall. He arched again pushing himself against Dante. Dante moaned he so wanted to get some release for both of them. He let Josh's legs slide to the floor of the shower and then slid down as well. He reached for his erect member and stroked him. Josh gasped and arched again Dante chuckled as he teased Josh licking ever so slowly making him whine, his nails duck into Dante's shoulders as he begged for release. "Fuck! Daantee, please! Oh god!" Dante took him into his mouth and savored him slowly and thoroughly making him pant and whimper Dante knew he was doing this to perfection when Josh's knees started to give Dante placed his arm between his legs and laid his palms flat against the shower wall holding Josh up as he sat against his arms. He continued to enjoy the stiff shaft of Josh taking him all the way into his mouth, bobbing up and down to Josh's own panting. The faster he panted the faster Dante went till Josh screamed, arched and damn nearly choked Dante who still smiled at the enthuastic yell of joyous release. He gripped onto Josh's backside as he felt Josh collapse. He was proud of himself and how well he pleased the man he was falling hard for.

Josh's release made him literally see stars he lost the feeling in his legs and he convulsed uncontrollably. He had been holding back for so long and Dante made him see stars. It had defiantly been worth the wait. He felt strong arms grip him and in his hazy state he just snuggled in. The cool air of the bed room hit him after Dante had dried him off but he was warm again pretty quickly as he felt warm flannel sheets cover his smooth skin along with a sleek warm body, who's deep as chocolate voice spoke to him.

"You ok hun?" Dante stroked his head and pushed wet locks of platinum hair behind his ears. Baby blue sexually satisfied eyes looked back up at him, Josh's arms snaked up and reached around Dante's neck, he was floating back to earth ever so gently.

"Oh more than you'll ever guess," he said smiling "I have been waiting for that moment for nearly a year, thanks for making it so special."

Dante chuckled, "We're not done yet dear, that was just an appetizer." He snuggled down with Josh at his side and ran his finer tips over Josh's muscled abs, he had a cute light four pack and his skin was creamy white, like silk, Dante could barely contain himself around him now and all he wanted to was ravish every inch of his body, but he mentally told himself to slow down and just follow Josh's cues. Dante still was too hyper for his own good and he knew it but with Josh's body responding to him in the manner it was it was no wonder. Dante smiled as Josh turned to his side and ran his own hand over Dante's six pack and well muscled pecks. He snaked a leg up Dante's legs and stopped when he felt the Dante's arousal.

In his mind his hands got braver and explored more, he had felt Dante's bulging sex when he moved his leg up now he wanted to feel him with his hands. He looked up at his face from his vantage point Dante looked like he was in heavenly bliss and agony at the same time. Josh groaned at the same time Dante did and reached for him gripping his shaft, he was a fair size and Josh was energized as he felt the heat resonate from Dante's manhood.

Dante sighed in sheer gratification as Josh gripped onto him and he started to rhythmically stroke him. He took short panting breaths holding back his ejaculation he wanted to pace himself. He gripped onto the beds surrounding sheets He could feel Josh moving around getting braver. He knew Josh was shy. Dante couldn't hold up at this pace so he had to take charge. He pulled back from Josh's grip and moved over Josh, looking into his baby blue eyes. He reached over to the night stand and grabbed a condom and some lube he knew would be there by request. He slid the rubber onto his throbbing sex and put a tiny bit of lube onto his thumb, he ran it around Josh's ring, making him whimper and arch again his eyes rolling back into his head. His breaths were near hyperventilating capacity Dante added more lube to his own need and placed himself near Josh's entrance, he waited for Josh to relax and slowly entered, a bit at a time. Dante noticed he was super tight and figured he didn't do this often. He waited again as Josh relaxed his eyes looking at him in total trust; Dante grabbed his hips and thrusted forward finally in him completely. Josh arched, gripped his arms and yelled.

"Oh Daantee! Ahhh! Yes!"

Dante wanted to make sure he was ok and told him "Tell me if it feels good, tell me if it hurts I'll slow down ok." He didn't want to hurt Josh he'd done that enough by neglecting him.

Josh looked at him and nodded and gave a satisfied smiled. Dante picked up his pace rocking with Josh, slowly at first, Josh was lost within a few minutes as Dante stroked hitting his magic spot over and over again causing Josh's body to jump and vibrate on it's own free will, reaching up he dug his fingers into Dante's arms and sought out the dark eyes above him as they joined together in their dance. The sensations were the most amazing thing he'd ever experienced mainly because he trusted Dante. Dante picked up the tempo causing Josh to loose his senses he cried out over and over again Dante's name and then the words Dante had been wanting to hear for so long. Josh didn't even realize he had said it.

"Oh god Dante! I love you, make me yours!"

Dante didn't even have to touch him while he was making love to him. Josh shot off all over his own belly as Dante felt his own release he gripped Josh's hips and pulled him against him hard, three more hard thrusts and he was spent, he collapsed on Josh panting and kissing his neck. He whispered to Josh. "I love you to. I always have." He felt Josh's arms snake around his waist. Both of them drifted in and out of sleep together in each other's arms, spent satisfied and lazily happy.

Their first evening together saw them exploring each others bodies learning what each liked, and also learning on why it took so long for each to try to make contact. It was then they realized that Mani and Aikrii were the two who finally brought them together. They got a chuckle over that to knowing how difficult things had been in the beginning for them both. Josh sighed, snuggled in against Dante and ran his hand up and down Dante's belly ever so slowly.

"Hun" Dante said to Josh.

"Ummm?" Josh hummed half asleep.

Dante reached for his hand and stopped the stroking by his bellybutton and chuckled.

"If you don't want me to leave you walking funny for the next week it's suggested you stop, your turning me on again something fierce and I don't think I could be gentle enough the second time around."

He kissed the top of Josh's head laughing more as he head him gasp. They finally slept and the dreams were no longer frustrating bits of torture but new means to experiment. They now had each other.

Chapter 6 *********

Aikrii walked over to the guest room door and knocked lightly, he heard Dante answer. "Come in" Aikrii turned the knob and opened the door to the guest room and peeked in.

"Hey you two thought I could let you know we're heading over to Mani's shop and I think you two should join us so you know what's going on. Sefron will drive you two if you want and Mani, Nye and I will go in one of the limos."

Dante looked at his friend and nodded his head, "Yeah sure thing when are we leaving?"

Aikrii looked at his watch, "How about around one?" He said looking back up at Dante.

Josh walked out of the bathroom towel drying his hair. "Sounds good to me." He said through the towel. He looked up at Aikrii once he was done and added. "Make sure Nye brings a video camera ok I want to record what we do to the shop, it can be used in a promotional manner and I've learned a lot from those lessons you gave me on the video editing software." He grinned at his best friend and then winked and laughed going to his suitcase and hauled out a CD and passed it to him. "Video footage I have from a bunch of different things and a few stills added to music, it's for you and Mani enjoy."

Aikrii was surprised at the gift from Josh he smiled, "I'll go watch it now" he said grinning "Should I have Mani with me?"

Josh laughed, "By all means you may want him present there will be a few groan moments and a few more `Oh my god I can't believe he got that' times as well some you'll get a good laugh at so yes, best bet have him with you."

Aikrii looked at the CD with the utmost sense of curiosity. "Thanks I'll see you soon." Aikrii headed out not shutting the door as he left.

Dante was hungry now and looked over at Josh, "Come on you wore me out last night I need food, and I'm starved."

Josh looked at Dante innocently, "Who me? I didn't wear you out I'm an innocent bystander of your wantonness desires." He squealed at the look of hunger Dante gave him at the moment and ran from the room with Dante in hot pursuit. Josh giggled his ass off once Dante caught him and spun him around in the kitchen area of Mani and Aikrii's home. Dante looked at him and kissed him. "Your enough to make a sane man starve himself to death just so they can ravish your body all day instead." Josh roared, he thought the smooth talk was so funny. "Oh ok baby, keep that up flattery will get you everywhere." Josh kissed him back and they were quite happy till Nye popped into the room and yelled "GET A ROOM!" He was so bad for that. Josh recalled the story Aikrii had told him about his first visit to Mani's parent home and Nye pulling the same stunt. Josh didn't move his lips from Dante's he just smoothly gave Nye the finger as he giggled. Nye being the hyper little shit he was grabbed the squirt bottle for the plants and started to squirt them both, they screamed at the cold steam that hit them and broke apart both staring at a now very scared Nye holding the bottle. Dante looked at Josh and Josh nodded his head and the both took off after him. Nye ran like the dickens but he was no match for two lithe sports guys. Dante tackled him and had him pinned in a flash. Mani walked in as this happened listening to Nye scream, "UNCLE!"

Josh looked at Mani and chuckled. "He nailed us with the squirt bottle so now were debating on his punishment for disturbing us."

Mani looked at his baby brother. "Not another `get a room' interruption was it Nye?"

Nye look at his brother and turned red but shook his head yes.

"Didn't I warn you that you would get into trouble for doing that all the time?" Mani grinned down at his brother squirming trying to wriggle free. Mani reached for the squirt bottle that Josh had picked up off the floor; Nye dropped it in his hasty retreat.

"Let him up Dante." Mani said Nye stood his head hung like a scolded puppy.

"I was only joking!" Nye whined terrified about what these guys could end up doing to get even for his constant interruptions not to mention the crass way he had in getting everyone to jump.

He looked at his brother, "Please...I'm sorry I won't bother anyone again!" Cleo walked in as that moment and looked around at the four guys.

"What's up?" she asked cheerfully

"I'm thinking of a way to get my brother to stop screaming `get a room' to everyone, today he went a step further and squirted Josh and Dante, funny as it may be to him it was still rude." Mani still had the serious look in his face like he ment business.

Cleo looked at Nye laughed walked up to him kissed him on his lips and said to him "Good luck dear, you got yourself into this one, I'm staying out of it."

She walked away as she heard him yell "But Cleo I need your help!"

She didn't look back but she heard him yell "NOOOOOOO!" and the guys giggling as they took him off to god knows where to find a fitting punishment.

When she seen him an hour later she roared in laughter. Nye would never scream `Get a room' to anyone ever again now. He stood with an utter look of perturbance on his face. He had his arms crossed and the guys Aikrii included and Cleo to all snickered. Josh had dressed Nye in drag and took two pictures of him and informed him if he ever got out of hand again he'd post them in a local socializing site. Little did Nye know the pictures he seen were the only two in existence but he never yelled, "get a room" to anyone again.

"I can't believe how many people you got here!" Josh was impressed at the house warming party Aikrii and Mani were having. Sixty people or more had shown and the place was hopping. Dante and Nye had the tunes cranked to. Cleo was dancing with Nye right at the DJ booth. Aikrii watched the crowd and listened to Josh chat will Mani walked up and stole him away. Dante wasn't too far behind and he happily whisked Josh off his feet and twirled him onto the dance floor. Josh smiled and threw his head back as he laughed. He felt so alive. Dante's own grin and laughter in his eyes also proved he was in his glory. Dante pulled him close and Josh leaned in and breathed deep, he drowned in his scent a wonderful mix of old spice the smell of the sea air from off of the beach outside and pine. Dante's arms wound tightly around Josh and his heart softened he felt so protected right there in his arms. He looked up at the dark eyes looking back into his own baby blue ones. Dante dazzled him with a slow kiss that kept pace with the slow song they were rocking to, like waves in an ocean. His kisses caused Josh to feel like he was swimming with him. They both got lost in each other and enjoyed every minute of it. A quicker paced song started and Josh grabbed Dante's hands and swung him back and pulled him forward again, they were chest to chest now. Dante put his left hand on Josh's butt and pulled his groin close to his leg. Josh started his little tango with Dante, they put on quite a show and a few others joined in on the dance routine that the all recognized from the movie `Take the lead' Aikrii and Mani clapped watching their friends heating up the dance floor.

The evening ended on a good note and Mani saw off the last guest. Dante Spoke to Mani. "Thanks for inviting us, I had a blast." Mani looked at his friend as they headed to the living room.

"No problem man. Figured it was time you two got out here, and I'm glad you both came. The shop is also looking really good so far to."

"Well with the help you provided for my videos and you and Aikrii hooking Josh and I up finally after all this time it's the least I can do." Dante sat down on the sofa and smiled. "I still have to show him the video you helped me do."

Mani sat down beside Dante and looked at him with confused bewilderment.

"How come you haven't shown him yet?"

"I really don't know" he said "I think I'm more concerned on his out look on our future together. I want him to feel secure and confident."

Mani looked at Dante "What makes you think he isn't now?"

"Chet." Was all Dante said with conviction.

Mani knew about Chet and Josh's background together, however he wasn't sure of their relationship past roommates, only Aikrii had the full knowledge of that aspect between Josh and Chet, and Mani wasn't going to pry but he asked Dante;

"What makes you think that Chet would cause Josh to be insecure or unconfident?"

Dante looked at his long legs before him and mulled over the question he had been asked.

"I heard bits and pieces about Chet and Josh's falling out. I know it was quite a mess and Josh was a rattled mess over it for a good month. I don't want to make the same kinds of mistakes that would cause such animosity between two people."

"I'm sure your safe there." Mani said; "besides Josh adores you and your nothing like Chet."

Dante smiled at the statement Mani made. It made him feel good knowing others saw him as him and "Nothing like Chet."

"Thanks for the vote of confidence there Mani, I needed that. Hopefully he views me in the same light."

Josh was relaxing when Dante walked into the room. He crawled across the bed up to Josh and laid his head in Josh's lap. Josh looked down at Dante. He usually wasn't this quiet, Dante was known for being loud, hyper and constantly on the move. Josh started to run his fingers through Dante's dark silky hair. Dante closed his eyes and moaned his pleasure at the simple gesture of affection.

"You ok?" Josh asked Dante while still playing with his hair.

"Yes darlin I'm perfectly fine." He said sighing "I do how ever have a small surprise for you I made a while back with Mani's and Aikrii's help."

"Really? What is it?" he asked looking down at the beautiful dark eyes that sparkled with mischievous excitement.

Josh laughed at what he saw in his eyes "Ok you're not one to be so quiet and I can see in your eyes you're about to explode. So come on show me what it is that you have that has you trying so hard to be calm."

Dante laughed rolled over and while holding onto Josh's hands slid off of the bed hauling Josh with him. Josh willing followed. Dante took him to Nye and Cleo's room. Nye was there with his computer running and setting things up. He told him what he had to do and then left the room. Dante lead Josh to the chair asked him to sit and hit play on the computers screen.

Josh watched in awe. A video started, the beginning was with a very low Richard Marx's `Right here waiting' song was playing but as a simple remix Josh was sure Nye would have done. Pictures of Josh playing lacrosse during finals, pictures of Josh in grade seven and some he never even realized anyone had. The end shot was of Josh's surprised but very ecstatic look of joy while Dante had kissed the side of his head during the Dante's nationals. Josh though it ended till he realized there was a video clip added as well. He watched intently, it consisted of a very nervous looking Dante. Josh was already pretty choked up at the complexity and care Dante had put into the video, what he heard next brought him to a puddling mess.

"I know you paid attention to what I did and you admired me from afar, you sacrificed your wants so my need to complete my goals were met. I got to admit I never missed a chance to watch you either, but I also knew you were hurting from your own past experiences so I felt it was best to give you the space you needed. Time and our life paths after that took a long time to cross again." Dante's face on camera was obviously confused, scared and full of emotion. "I hope you understand that I have always cared about you for a very long time but my timing was always off."

"I really suck at this stuff to. I thought things were best the way they were." Josh saw him run his hands over his short hair. The video had to have been done just after Dante's finals since his hair was much longer now days.

"I only recently realized that life just isn't the same nor complete without you in it."

"I only hope I'm not too late."

The video ended and Josh was a blubbering like a little girl.

He looked at Dante who now looked very worried. Josh stopped in mid sniff, reached over and took Dante's face into his hands and looked into his eyes and with tears still streaming down his cheeks he spoke.

"Your not too late."

Dante reached up and wiped away Josh's tears .

"I was hoping to make you smile not cry."

"Those are tears of joy Dante, I always wanted to reach out to you but my past haunted me, and it still does sometimes."

Dante looked into the sad smiling eyes and reached up to his hands to take them into his own.

"When your ready to talk about that I'll be here, no pressure ok."

Josh smiled leaned forward and kissed Dante who eagerly enjoyed the contact. The relief, need and passion all contained in that kiss. Nye walked back into the room and cleared his throat bringing the two guys to reality.

"Aikrii would like to know if you two would like to get ready to head back over to the studio, Sefron and Mani have to meet the supplier for the drop offs."

"Sure." Dante said; "We'll be right down."

"No, no, no!" "I wanted cappuccino not mochaccino, there's a difference!" Josh fumed on the phone pacing back and forth across the studio floor. He was talking to the paint supplier who had dropped off two seventy gallon buckets of paint for the studio and they were both the wrong color.

Dante was finishing off the sanding to the do jong's side of the studio. "Thirty minutes, we have a deadline here. Otherwise we'll go elsewhere."

He hung up and sighed running his hand through his already mussed up hair. He grabbed the phone book and started thumbing through the book looking for another paint dealer. He was stressed. They had a week total to get the shop done and two days had already gone by, granted the dry walling was done and the reception areas were both set up and things were getting cleaned up from adding the half wall for the photo studio. Dante watched him get more and more frazzled. He put down the sand paper and dusted off his hands. He looked at the wall he finished and using a shammy he cleaned off his hands completely and tucked the cloth into his jean pocket. He guessed it was good he helped with the home repairs with his mom so often as he and Sam had to. The knowledge he gained, his artistic and creative skills all got a work out and came through while he worked on the two studios.

He walked over to Josh who was still thumbing through the phone book. He wrapped his arms around Josh's waist and nibbled on his neck. Josh gasped and arched back his hand going back at the same time reaching for Dante's head. His hand making it's way through his hair.

"Mmm, I like it when you melt, you taste better that way." Josh giggled looking sideways at Dante.

"Thanks, I needed that."

"Anytime handsome, I'm done to so all we need is the paint and with the sprayer it won't take long for us to get the walls done."

Josh sighed and turned around slipping his fingers through the loops of Dante's jeans and wiggling him back and forth. Dante placed his arms over each of Josh's shoulders and looked at him. "Feeling better?"

"Yes thanks."

"Dante..." Josh had adverted his gaze but still wanted to ask something.

"Mmm..." Dante responded.

"I was kinda wondering something." Josh murmured.

Dante placed two fingers under Josh's chin and tilted his head up to bring his eyes level to his own. "And what was that?"

"When we get back home..." He left the question hanging as he searched Dante's eyes. "Are you going to tell your family about us?"

Dante chuckled "Sam knows already and I think my absents will be noticed by my mom and Sam will tell her where I am. She does after all know about my orientation so she's not in the dark. So what was it you really wanted to know?"

He looked at him intently as Josh turned red and scratched the back of his head. He then took a deep breath and rambled out his thoughts. "Tell me this isn't all a dream and when we get back home we'll actually spend time together." His face was so full of hope and worry. Dante smiled at him his heart feeling all of Josh's hope in those simple rushed words.

"This is no dream and when we get back home we will spend as much time as we can together, besides I want you to meet my mom, you'll love her."

Dante felt him relax and smiled again at Josh, he seemed so fragile sometimes and Dante wondered just what made Josh so emotionally delicate. He always seemed to second guess himself and worry.

Dante knew Josh was physically strong, he'd seen him play lacrosse and that was a rough game. He looked at him and ran his fingers through Josh's hair. Looking at his baby blue eyes, he repeated the motion and watched Josh's eyes closed as he leaned into Dante's hand. He could hear Josh's breathing as it picked up. He couldn't resist kissing him when he opened his eyes again he smiled. "Ok blue eyes we have to find paint."

They took the two pails of paint back to the first dealer and got back their money. Dante drove them to the local building supply shop and checked for base paints in seventy gallon buckets and found the color Josh had wanted. They had it mixed up right there and headed back to the studio. Josh's cell rang.

"Hello." He answered Dante concentrated on the road as Josh spoke. "Yeah we're heading back now...Oh ok thanks, sure will do." He hung up his cell and looked at Dante.

"We have to make a stop." He said smiling.

"Where?" Dante asked.

"Japanese Garden." Josh said.

"Huh?" He was surprised to hear the restaurant's name mentioned.

"Mani and Aikrii are there and invited us for lunch so we're to meet them there."

They pulled into the restaurant's parking lot and headed inside. Dante spotted Mani who waved to them from a booth, Dante walked up to Mani who had stood up and gave him a hug then moved onto Aikrii who had scooted out to see them. They all sat down to eat and chat. Info and updates on the studio were the main topic for most of the meal. Mani then asked them,

"So when do you two plan on moving out here?"

Dante looked at Mani and said "What do you mean? Out here to Kearney?"

"Yeah, here to Kearney." Aikrii laughed at Dante's obvious surprise at the question. "Josh can move Jump Street here or expand."

"I'd have to think about that" Josh said.

Aikrii put his hand on Mani's and looked at Josh and spoke to his best friend.

"Josh you're a good guy, you were around all these years and made my coming out probably the least painful experience out of all the people I told, so if you decide you want to move shop out here or expand Mani and I are more than willing to help you move and get started."

He and Mani smiled, both pleased to pass on the news to their friend. Josh was so stunned and thrilled he was left speechless.

MANY thanks to EVERYONE and all the e-mails Thanks for reading. The series; books 1 - 3 are now published on line If you wish to read it in it's entierity mail me and ask for the link to the series offical web page.

Book 4 is in progress along with the others Please bear with me if the pages are listed in my site it's just how I have things set up even thou sometimes they don't work. (if there's nothing showing it's not up yet) The full series will be set up in here (Nifty) in due time. Summer of 2008 is seeing me prepare for a return to college and a few life changes to boot :) All good I assure you. Please by all means keep the mails comming I love chatting to my readers.

Comments, feed back and general fan mail is ALWAYS read and answered. Flames make for great heat to roast marshmellows :)

Thanks again - Lila Mosher

Next: Chapter 9: Steppin Out II 7 9

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