Steve Shows His New Ponyboy

By richard taillon

Published on Feb 27, 2017


Thanks to the readers who helped me find a name for Dan. I'll keep those suggestions for other ponies. Feedback is always encouraging. Your contribution to nifty is also appreciated.

I just realized where I am,coming out of a dream about an hotel room on the beach with the sounds of the sea,having sex with a woman with big boobs. Fucking her slowly,my eyes closed,it was so wonderful,so hot ,so sexy. Then I open my eyes and everything comes crushing back to me. I'm suspended in an harness in my stall. I look across the aisle and Blacky is staring at me,his eyes so full of sadness,making a whining sound. Oh God what have they done to me? I look down,my ,a big ring a the end of my cock,that must be what they call a Prince Albert, I'm wearing a collar preventing me from looking down to my pecs, I notice there is two rings hanging but I can't really see them well. A big bit is filling my mouth,my tongue can hardly move,the corners of my mouth pushed back,I can feel something touching my upper lip,it must me the heavy nose ring. I can't say I'm in pain but its a general numbness. I must have been out for some time.

So they did it,they transformed me like they were planning. I feel so dejected,miserable and powerless. I don't know if I can recover and go back to my old self. I was so proud of my look,my blondish hair,my straight nose,my bright teeth. What do I look now? A fucking ugly freak. Even Blacky seems to pity me. The gate was left open and he can see me from head to toe. I'm so shocked that I can't even cry. I try to struggle,to get out of these restraints,making noise so somebody can hear me. After a while I stop exhausted and thinking how useless it was. And just hang there,waiting for an unknown future, defeated.

NO,I wont let them win. No they can't change me. Deep inside its still me, Dan. Its just the exterior they can control,it can be fixed,my hair will grow back,my nose remodeled,those rings removed. I need to concentrate on my old self. Keep on thinking of my former life,my family,my friends,my straight sexuality,my job. Fill my mind with all the memories,all the details,the names. What was my math teacher called who inspired me so much? Yes it was Mister Davidson.I have to hold on to all those precious moments. I will get out! There must be a way.

The rest of the day passed.Steve came by to inspect me,made me pee and shit in a pail,fed and watered me. I just stared straight ahead ignoring him without any reaction. I felt stronger ,regaining my strength and a more determined attitude. He came back in the evening removing the harness,leaving me standing in me high boots with the hook in my asshole. Another long night ahead.

  • Good morning boys! How are my ponyboys doing today? Blacky you'll start your handcart training today,with your new boots and harness. You have to get used to pull it,guided by the reigns. Let me see ,your brand is healing nicely,I'll check in the shower how your toes are doing after the little operation. Come on! I need to clean you up and take you to the exercise room. Wait for me Spit,I'll deal with you after,your real training starts today.

I'm waiting in the shower room,completely naked, except for the metal cuffs pulling my hands over a pipe. My cock free at last. I look down on my chest with those awful tattoos,the left one with the word SPLIT written and the right one with PONYBOY in clear black letter,it looks so permanent. Bare with no boots and belt,just my new bit and the rings. I already had the enemas and pissed. Steve comes in naked,its the first time I see him that way. I have to say he looks good for a man of his age, a forty something old. I try not to look at him directly. Its awkward to be with a naked man,being vulnerable.He doesn't seem to mind. In fact he must be enjoying it. He takes one of my feet and cut my toenails,very short until its almost painful, then the other one,next ,my finger nails on both hands.They have never been so short,he finishes the job with a file. He cleans my hears and nose with cotton swabs. I feel like a doll a little girl is playing with. He then brushes my still sore mouth going carefully behind that horrible bit. Once he's done, he lathers me from head to toe,back and front,he holds me in his arms and start rubbing his chest and legs. I try not to think that a man is embracing me in his arms,he seems to use my body to lather his own body. I can feel his hands on my pecs,my abs,he pushes his rod between my ass cheeks, his hard cock moving up and down. Oh no I hope he wont penetrate me! I'm relieved when he stops and rinses himself. Suddenly I feel one finger enter my tight hole,massaging it,slowly,in and out,going deeper,until he touches my prostate,rubbing it ,at first I was tensed but I relax and close my eyes. He takes hold of my cock with the other hand. With the warmth,the soft touching and the slow movement,my cock gets hard. I open me eyes,I can't let that happen. He can't control that also!.But what can I do? I remember on the table,the doctor made me cum. Its not my fault,its just a physical reaction,nothing to do with me. I'm still a straight man, But it feels so good.! When I'm hard as a rock,he stops and leaves me with my rod sticking up. Its so frustrating! He rinses me with cold water,making my cock shrivel. He gets hold of it,pulls it between my legs and locks it to the ring near my hole.He puts some cream all over me,specially on my nose,the corner of my mouth and around all the rings,trying not to hurt me.

I'm now in the exercise room,still naked,with no restraints. -As you know this is the exercise room. Here you exercise the muscles who are not solicited as a ponyboy. I want you to be well proportioned. So you will work mainly on your arms,hands,wrist,pecs and neck. You have a vast assortment of pulleys,weights,bars,a station bike ,everything you need,the room is closed with bars so that I can check on you. You see the monitor on the side,it will run a program adapted to your needs,you must follow the indications to the letter or face a harsh punishment. Your workout is taped. And I'll see if you give it all. Remember I'll feed you at the end if I'm satisfied that you pushed yourself.Your cock is locked in place so you don't get distracted and hurt it if it was swinging around..It will help you focus on your tasks.

It was the worst workout I ever had,I had to run,pull,push,turn.On the monitor,there was that guy shouting directions,he never seemed to be tired,always going from one exercise to another with short period to recover. I tried hard to follow him,missed a few repetitions,but did my best,at the end I was out of breath,my muscles aching. I hope Steve will be happy with my efforts, I need to eat something now,.my stomach is making noises.

-Good Split! Take a rest. You did well,you pushed yourself as much as you could,that's what I want from you. I wont punish you for the few mishaps you made. See how nice I can be!Come here near the bars,turn around so I can lock your hands behind. That's it. Now turn around I'll give you some water. Finally open your mouth, I will insert that tube, you see that machine up there will feed you.

A long tube comes from the machine to the back of the bit in my mouth,the food just flows,I don't have anything to do. I long for a real meal,a tasty big mac. He's taking the pleasure of food from me. The smell,the taste,the consistence. Its going straight to my stomach. I hope at least its nourishing,I need to get back my strength and energy.

Back in my stall,he puts on the boots,the belt and a posture collar,pulls me by my nose ring in the aisle. -Now Split I want you to go from one end of the aisle to the other,then back until I tell you to stop. Walk slowly,keep your balance,that's it. Concentrate on each step, left, right,your getting it, continue. Stop! Lift you right leg,higher,keep it up, down, left one, high, stay.down, repeat right, left,right,left, more, more, your doing well. Right,left. Now you do the same walking, Each leg at a time, raise it,move it forward,then put it down. Get going! Up! Down!Longer step.

I try to concentrate. Its hard to walk and not seeing what your stepping on,the high posture collar lifting my head backward,,so I don't actually see the boots. Then I have to keep my balance on the balls of my feet .Steve keeps on directing me, left, right,with a regular rhythm, left,right. He corrects my posture tapping my arse with the crop,lightly first,left,right,I'm beginning to be tired,my legs muscles not used,specially those at the upper back,to do such a repetitive action. When he sees I'm faltering,he gives me a hard slap that makes me jump.I really have to focus on my legs,lifting them painfully. When I think I can't move anymore,he tells me to stop and takes me back to my stall, my nose ring tied loosely.

  • You did well boy, you need practice,don't worry you will learn. I'll give you a good massage to help you relax,so you don't get any cramps. Good boy? Feel better now? He rubs my shoulders as he talks smoothly. I can of like the touch of his warm hand. I just think about my legs. If only I could lie down on the floor. I've been standing for so long. I try to think about other things, but I hear in my head Steve's words LEFT RIGHT. LEFT RIGHT, feeling the pain on my ass remembering his soft touch. No,I have to clear my head. Go back to my past,my mother's smile and voice,my father stern look,my sister's laughter,its funny I wasn't that close to them but now its reassuring to think about them...deep inside I'm still Dan.... Holding on....

Once outside,Steve ties my nose ring to the carousel in the corral.It starts moving slowly and I just need to follow at a leisurely pace,I just walk round and round on the soft sandy ground. From the corner of my eye ,I can see that Steve is hitching Blacky to a small trap,making him hold and lift the two arms of the cart with his hands,his torso in a harness attached to it,two reigns hocked to his bit. He wears a very high posture collar,his long black mane running down, a big black tail coming out of his backside. Then Steve sits behind on the narrow seat with a whip in his hand. - GEE UP! Lets go!

I see them leaving the yard and going behind the corral in the open field on a narrow trail towards the forest. I can hear the sound of the whip. On the air? Or on Blacky backside? As they get out of my sight,I continue walking led by my nose ring. I'm getting use to the boots,I found a way to balance myself. Its nice to feel the warmth of the sun. Steve must have put a screen lotion because I usually burn easily,my skin is just warm. I half close my eyes,going around and around.

The sound of the whip wakes me up from my half-asleep state,they pass close to the corral and stop near the small storage building .I notice that Blacky is covered in sweat:drops dripping from his forehead,snort from his nose,dribbles from his mouth.He is out of breath. Steve rubs the top of his head,speaking softly in his ears then pulls him by the nose to the barn.Blacky stills manages to lift his legs high up. How does he do it? How does Steve force him to keep on following his orders?

I've been turning around the corral for some time now. Its getting boring. I try to think about my former life,to forget my present situation.Steve finally appears,opens the gate and walks toward me.

  • I see boy that you are getting used to the boots. When you are ready,I'll give you high one like Blacky,maybe higher so that you will be the same height. Lets get on with your training. SHOW ...start walking Split leg up LEFT RIGHT LEFT RIGHT HIGHER LONGER STEPS.

He keeps on ordering me,encouraging me with a long whip,it makes a lot on noise,from time to time he hits me on the arse, legs, back.Making me go around again and again. I try hard to concentrate on my steps,trying to avoid the whip. I think I'm about to fall. So exhausted.

  • STOP SPLIT. Rest,breath,relax. Good boy! Time to get cleaned,fed and watered. Lets go to the shower room. Don't forget! From now on,you walk proudly,head back,showing your tail in your ass,legs with high and long steps. Good boy!

Back in my stall at last,I can relax,no more collar,my cock is hanging freely,my ass empty. No hook tonight. My nose ring tied loosely to a beam preventing from going down.. I still have to stand in my boots. I hope I can relax and have a good rest after a real arduous day. I nod to Blacky and close my eyes.

Next: Chapter 11

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