Steve Shows His New Ponyboy

By richard taillon

Published on Mar 13, 2017


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Its winter, a long winter..Blacky and I can't go out in the yard anymore which is cold and covered in snow. Being naked all the time and wearing boots not adapted to freezing temperature,it is impossible to go outside. Instead of running in the corral, we have to run in the exercise room twice a day on a treadmill. I enjoy moving side by side with Blacky,looking straight ahead but feeling his efforts,smelling our sweat,hearing our groans. I'm able to keep up with him now,I think I could even beat him in a race. I am living the moment,full of adrenaline,in a bliss.

In the shower room,its been very different since the new groom-boy came. He does his business without any feeling,as if he was grooming some animals. No more rubbing or playing with my balls and cock. When he gives my enemas,he just puts the tube in and doesn't touch my anus and my prostate. Its just a job for him. Its funny but I don't really care about being nude all the time,I don't think about it anymore. When I wear my harness,my belt,my collar,my tail and my cock is hidden between my legs,I don't feel exposed as I was before. Its like having a costume on.

So nowadays we don't see the Master as much, yes I call him master,I know he's Steve, but he always refer to himself as master. Whenever he whispers in my ears to encourage or reassure me. Or when he is shouting with the crop or whip. I got use to calling him that in my head. Anyway its a fact. Steve is just a memory for me. The groom is young,not much older than 18-19.he's shorter than Blacky and I,maybe 5,10.his brown hair is cut short like a marine. He's always dressed in an overall with working boots. I think he sleeps in the house. Because he works 7 days a week. I wonder whats his status is. At first he was skinny,but with his daily work,he has gained some muscles. I don't think he is gay,he just moves us around without touching us more than necessary. There was an incident one night. He came late in the evening and went into Blacky's stall. Fucked him hard. I could hear his moans mingled with Blacky's own. It was so demeaning. Poor Blacky being used like a sextoy. He stared at me and I tried to make him understand how I felt for him. It didn't last long and the groom left silently. The next day,he was in a foul mood,pushing us around and he walked in a funny way, as if there was something between his legs. One day I saw him coming out of the shower room, yes he shower here and not in the house,wearing a chastity belt that he tried to hide fast. I must say that the place is sparkling clean,its a lot of work,specially now that we are in all the time. Taking both of us from one room to the other, grooming, feeding,watering us. Once a while he wanks us,I heard the Master tell him that was for hygienic reasons, its not very erotic,he keeps on going until we come. For him it must be like milking a cow. So we are left most of the time with our blue balls,horny and frustrated.

The strangest event was when one night after shower time, I was in my stall exchanging signs with Blacky,the Master came and opened both of our gates, then proceeded to install a waist level bar in my stall, then pushed me against it,bend me over and tied my nose ring down. I thought he was going to fuck me,it had been a while,but no, he went to collect Blacky's and brought him behind me.What a surprise! He was going to have my pony companion penetrate me!

  • Now BOY. Stick you cock out. That's it! I"ll grab your balls and you follow my lead. You Spit,just relax,make Blacky happy. Yeah,push it in, now out, in again. Deeper,all the way in. Don't move by yourself. Let my hand guide you.

His tool was bigger and wider than Master's. The fact that we didn't get to cum often made us horny all the time. I thought that I owned it to him to give him some pleasure since I was responsible partially to his plight. So I clenched my hole, massaging his pole. I have to admit that the constant rubbing of my prostate made me hard,my cock was leaking. I could see,since my head was tilted,some strands of precum coming down. At long last he came in my chute and filled my ass. Steve pulled him out and walked him back. Then straighten me. He left us in the dark. When I adjusted to the light. I could see that Blacky was ashamed. He didn't dare look at me straight in the eyes. I tried to convey that it wasn't his fault. That we were just tools in Master's hands. With him blaming himself and me still sexually frustrated .We both had a restless night.

The wicked doctor came from time to time, he always seemed to be planning something devilish,suggesting wild modifications to our bodies. My Master resisted,he doesn't want to turn us into monsters. But he did agreed to remove my toenails . He whispered in my ears the that it was for my own good, to prevent infection or my nails to become ingrown also to be more comfortable in my boots. But I'm sure its probably because it's less work. One day he had me branded. It was terribly painful,my butt was in pain for days. That's why I always hate it when the doctor comes,its never good. On one visit Blacky freaked out,resisting as much as he could but to no avail. Master was very upset and he took him to the punishment room for three days. I don't know what happened ,its sound-proof,but I was worried for Blacky,I surely don't want to go there.On one visit,just a few weeks ago,I had a glimpse of myself while I was patiently waiting for Master and the doctor. I was surprised how I looked: not an ounce of fat,big sturdy legs,with wiry calf and thighs.A slim waist, six-pack abs, nice big pecs,muscular arms. In the days I worked out in the gym so hard, I never had such results. My hair was long now, shaven bare on the side and in the middle my brown mane flowing down on my neck. It was as if I was looking at somebody else. Even something else,a ponyboy. That's what I am now. Specially if you see my cock and balls locked ,my nose enlarged by a ring and my mouth filled with the bit.

Before winter,,we would go outside and run in the fields. Master continued to train me with the special rickshaw made of aluminum, its very light,it felt good to go on the trail. First we went only in circle on the short trail on flat land,after I could run and pull the rickshaw up the hill into the forest. Master whipped my back and ass to keep a regular speed. After some time, I could manage to move fast enough so he hit me less. I could see the trees with their branches,flowers smelling nicely,butterflies.When I came back, I passed by the corral where Blacky was, I was proud to show Blacky how I could perform like him,my mane in the win, trotting with my boots high. There was one trap designed for him and the other one for me. Master whispered in my ears how he will build one with both of us pulling side by side. With the long winter I hope he had time to work on it. Back in the yard,,when the Master was satisfied,he would pat us on the head,talking softly.When he was really pleased, he would put in my mouth a sugar cube. It just melted slowly in my throat. It felt so good to taste at last something, never thought I would feel so happy just eating a sugar cube.. I would have killed to get one little piece again.. But I had to wait for the Master. Wait for him to be in a good mood.

Finally we went out,the sun was warm enough to run outside. The ground was muddy in the yard and the corral. It was hard to follow the carousel,our boots sticking to the mud. So the master adjusted the time to help us keep the rhythm.. I could see Blacky from the corner of my eyes,since he was opposite me. We didn't stay long the first day. It was still cool. But it was nice to feel the sun on our body.To run in the open space.

Yesterday while we stood in our stalls,we heard a lot of noise coming from outside. The horn of a car,wheels turning on the gravel,doors slamming. Master doesn't have visitors apart from the doctor, Blacky and I,looked at each other surprised and intrigued. Maybe he is having a party.

So this morning,I am waiting with my usual hardon for the groom to have a leak. When I hear the barn's door open and some loud voices,somebody running in the aisle. Then I see a woman climbing on my gate looking at me.

  • Hey Jane come here. You have to see that! A real stallion! Wow! Never seen one live before. Its so big and tall when you see it close.

  • I know. Come, there is another one on the other side. What a body! He must work out everyday. He has a nice black mane. Oh, he's shy! He's turning around. Probably hiding his huge erection.

  • This one also. They must really enjoyed this fantasy ,he even had some permanent tattoos inked, over his pecs. SPLIT PONYBOY . Whats the name on yours?

  • BLACKY PONYBOY, and there in a brand on his left ass cheek.

  • mine also, I don't know if I could go all the way like that. I like pony play but I wouldn't have my face disfigured with that ugly nose ring.

  • As they say each his own tastes.

  • Come on girls. Time to get the fun going! You Janet go to that stall and you Angela to this one.

What a shock! I feel so naked and so exposed. I got used to have men ogling me.I don't care . But a woman! To see my hardon. And she thinks that I like it. To judge me! That it's a game. Who in the name of God would accept it? Its futile to try to make them understand my plight. Even me, I didn't realize the truth when I came to visit here.

The two couples go to their respective stall, one on each side of Blacky. The two men carry in a lot of stuff and they close the gates. I can hear them working on the two giggling girls. Then they put the head gear on and they silenced them with a bit. They tie their hairs like a ponytail.

One guy opens the gate and pulls out one girl all dressed up like a ponygirl. I stand with my mouth open,its my dream come true in front of me. High boots making her ass sticking out,nice round firm boobs pushed out by a constricting harness and wide collar lifting her head. I'm so aroused. My cock painfully hard,leaking some precum. And the smell,its been so long,the perfume of a wet pussy. I look at Blacky and I can see that he's also in a maze. Both of the ponygirls leave lead by their collar to play in the corral.

Its the first time in months that I feel like myself again,all my memories come back,how I like the look of a woman,the touch and mostly the pungent smell.. The two ponygirls must really be enjoying themselves.The two masters surely playing with their clit while they dressed them up. After they left, the odor continues to lingers in the barn,filling my nostrils. I have mixed feelings. I'm so happy to be myself again. To think about myself as a real man. Dan is back. That girl thought about me as an human being not an animal,as I was slowly accepting. But that makes my present condition even worse. I'm still stuck here looking more and more like a ponyboy and these stupid girls thinking that I enjoy it. With no end in sight. I have to find a way to escape. There must be a way. Master in always careful to tie and untie us very carefully, but the groom is not so zealous, he seems to want to finish as soon as possible. One of these days, I will run away with my friend Blacky.

Our daily routine is changed, we have to stay inside since the corral is probably used for the two ponygirls. We run in the exercise room side by side. Master comes to take Blacky for a ride outside. Then come back and its my turn. Master hitches me to my rickshaw. While I wait for him to finish, I have a glimpse of the girls in the corral. I'm somehow disappointed, it doesn't look very real, like in my fantasies, its like a game. They walk awkwardly in their boots, with no rhythm, lifting theirs knees from time to time. The masters hit them lightly with a riding crop, tapping them softly in their bums. They still look astonishing, sweating profusely. Its a long time I've seen real tits or touch any. I wish I was the master. I would give them the time of their life. Their bums and back would be red from my blows. They would learn to have the proper posture.Its just a game for them. They don't see that its for real for me. They don't care about my plight. I hear the whip. Up we go. Its so good to run and breath the clean air, my minds filled with ponygirls, breasts and pussies.

I got used to the new routine. During the weeks we worked out and ran outside like before, during the weekends there was always people coming, masters,ponygirls and ponyboys. Master must be renting the place. When they looked at us with envy or disdain,they always assumed we were volunteers,into an heavy trip. I was impossible to communicate, the groom was there to make sure nothing happened, we didn't mixed with them. We stayed mainly in the barn. Anyways they were having so much fun playing out their fantasies in the open.

But today is different, both Blacky and I are hitch to our respective trap in the yard. Master comes out with two women all dress up like two amazons.Master helps them to seat . And begins to teach them how to ride us. How to pull the reigns. How to make us go faster or slow down. How to turn. Without using words. Just the reigns. When to push us with the whip,using one hand for the reigns and the other for the whip. The one using me is not very good, but she gets the hang of it. And off we go on the trails. The two women are having fun, joking with each other. Making leery remarks about our body. But after a while they become more demanding, pushing us more, hitting us more. Laughing at us. On the was back they decide to have a race,wagering a large sum of money. They use the whip all the time.I just run as fast as I can, just want it to end, I overtake Blacky and arrive first in the yard. I am completely winded and exhausted. My ass and back in pain, I see Blacky's bottom bleeding. Mine must be also in the same condition. Master comes out and he isn't very happy.

  • I told you to be careful. Not to ruin their bodies. You'll have to pay if its permanent.

  • No problem Steve. I don't care about money. We had such a blast! Hey Louise didn't we? I'm sure they enjoyed it also. They must be submissive men, who get their kicks suffering.

And off they go leaving us without even a look, panting and in pain. How could they do that to us? Just for fun. Master uses the whip to train us, to correct us or to improve our skills. Those two bitches just wanted to play with us without thinking of the results. The master goes to the clinic and comes back with a tube of cream. He rubs delicately our back and arse.We had a bad night, suffering all night


This morning I still feel bad, we had a restless night.I hear the doctor coming with master.

  • Look Ralf. You think you can do something.? I don't want them to be scar permanently. To have to look at an injured ass when I drive them in the fields. You Split bend down so the doctor can examine you.

  • Its not so bad Steve.Don't worry. Its lucky you put that cream immediately. It will fade away with time. As for myself, I think they should show some marks so we can see they are real slaves but that's your choice, you want to have two perfect specimens. After all the time and work you have invested in those two,it would a pity to have to change for a new pair.

The doctor is really an asshole. How I would like to put my hands on him. I begin to worry: if ever the master exchanges us,where would we end up. It could be worse.

Today we are hitch to our respective traps. Master and the groom walk toward us joking and teasing each other.

  • Boy you take Split this time. I'll take Blacky. We will see who is the best jockey.

  • Yes Sir. I'm sure I can make Split win.

I like to race against Blacky. At first he always won. But now I know I can beat him. Especially today. I feel strong. I was always competitive before. In sports.or games. I hated to loose. But with Blacky its just a friendly competition. I run as fast as I can. When I see him gaining with the corner of my eyes, I pull even harder. They don't have to use the whip to encourage us, just the sound of the whip in the air is enough to give us the extra mile. When we arrive we look at each other, tired and out of breath, and we share like comrades our common satisfaction. I won today, Steve and the groom get down, pushing each other and laughing.

  • You were lucky. I missed one turn, I didn't pull on the reigns fast enough. Maybe I should use the whip more.

  • No I had a better tactic than you Sir, Spit is an intelligent ponyboy, it knows when its time to give it all.

  • Its true that it has improved a lot. Anyway they make a good pair. But don't worry I'll beat you next time!

What a pair! They think they are doing the work. They take the credit for it. Here we are sweating and panting, WE put all the efforts. They finally think about us and give each of us the wonderful cube of sugar.

I still dream about ponygirls when I wait in my stall, my mind wandering from boobs to cunts. The problem is that I don't get to cum much. Its always the groom jerking me so fast that I don't have time to get some pleasure from it. I must admit I don't mind when Blacky comes to enter me. After this afternoon race, the master brings in Blacky in my stall and bends me over the bar. I open up my chute and let his cock in. Usually master holds his cock and guides it in and out. But...

  • Well boys.I'm busy and I'll you two have a good time. Blacky I want you to fuck Split as you wish. I'll come back in a while. But don't move out of his hole,stay in. Also don't cum before I come back. Be careful! You know the consequences when you disobey.

So he leaves us. I'm bent over the bar with my ass open and Blacky behind me. He starts to hump me slowly and gently. As if he didn't want to hurt me. But I feel his cock is getting bigger and going deeper inside me. Then he stops moving, he must be afraid to cum, he remains inside, then he starts again. He rubs my prostate at the same time. It feels so good. I'm horny as hell. He continues sometime faster then slows down again. When I tighten my hole to massage his cock, he stops and again pushes back and forth. I just close my eyes and let myself enjoy the moment. When master comes back,I'm in a bliss. While master takes hold of my cock, he tells Blacky to cum in my ass. Master jerks me hard as Blacky pumps me violently. I can feel how his cock is huge now, going very deep inside my bowels, I can't stop myself. Both of us start grunting loudly and come at the same time.

Since the start of summer, things went back into a routine. After our bad experience with the two women, master didn't let anybody use us. The visitors could always take a look but all the visitors had to play between themselves. I really hate it when they peek to see me piss in the morning or watch me get my enemas. Lately,he races us against other ponies. Sometimes both of us in pair. There is a variety of carts now. Single, double, in line. There is a ponyboy who carries his mistress on his shoulders, its strange to see that big black male controlled by a small woman. I still think about my former life,but less and less. I know that one day the groom will make a mistake an I will escape.

A note to the readers. I would like the story to evolve , with more different characters in the farm. Any ideas?

Also some of you noticed some grammatical errors, English is not my mother tongue.I do my best. Any volunteers for editing my story?

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