Steve Shows His New Ponyboy

By richard taillon

Published on Feb 13, 2017


I really appreciate all the replies. This is a very extreme chapter, but Dan needs to learn, The ponyboy training will start in the next chapter.

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Here I am suspended in an harness, I can't see anything, I don't hear anything and can't talk. I have a wide hard gag in my mouth stretching it painfully. My arms tied behind my back and my legs spread wide. How did I get in that position? What a fool, I was.

After my last visit, I went back to my routine, it all seemed dull after the excitement, my mind was obsessed and filled with sexual fantasies. Then everything crashed. My wife saw on my computer the sites I was visiting, I forgot to erase my history. We had a big fight, she felt betrayed.She said,she didn't recognize the young man she married. Finally she told me to get out. What could I say? This marriage was not satisfying for both of us. I decided to move out to a small apartment, on a month to month lease, to give me time to think things over. In fact,it was a liberation, now I could spend the time surfing as I wished, the problem was that I was hooked spending more and more time, going from site to site, from stories to stories, I stopped going to the gym and ate a lot of junk food. It even affected my work performance,I was always tired, I didn't get the promotion I was hoping for. So life sort of continue without any improvement, I couldn't see the light at the end of the tunnel.

On the net I continued to communicate with Steve. Life was good for him, his internet business was doing good. He made a lot of money and he had an offer from a big site to buy his site. He made millions from that. Now he had more time to spend on his little hobby. His ponyboy,blacky,was making progress, he was training it to pull a cart, its body was adapting splendidly to all the training and it was responding accurately to all his orders.

I told him about my present situation, how I was relieved to leave my wife and be free to do as I wished. My problems at work and lack of motivation. I talked about my sexual involvement with ponygirl sites, I was obsessed with it, always on my mind, even at work.Then I told him that I settled with my wife for the house and that I had a large amount of money aside. That I could take some time off my work, use it to get a ponygirl, that I could use his installation. Give him the money to organize the whole thing since he already had experience. ( What a fool I was ).

He told me that it was fine with him, he had a free stall, I could also help him with the work load since he was planning to get another ponyboy. ( why didn't I get the hint? ) I went back to work and arranged everything, Asked for a leave of absence from work, sent the money to Steve, moved the few things I had to a storage place, I left with only my cell and computer, some clothes, eager to start a new life as a ponygirl master. It was a new start but not the one I was thinking of.

When I arrived, Steve was welcoming as usual, we talked a lot about our mutual plans, I felt so good for the first time in my life, I was at last free to realize my dreams. He offered me a drink and then everything went dark. I just remember the wicked smile at the corner of his mouth.

When I awoke, it was pitch dark and I panicked. Where am I? What happened? I'm I dead? I tried to concentrate and relax. Everything came back to me. I was tricked. Nobody knew where I was, I even paid him. I tried to struggle to get out of my restraints but to no avail. After a while I was exhausted and stopped, just hanging like a piece of meat. I thought I must me in the barn, I never noticed before it was so cold, apart from my restraints, I was naked and I could feel a small draft. The gag in my mouth was getting more painful.

I have been hanging for ages, I don't know how long. I'm cold and thirsty. And now I feel I need to pee, I try to resist, to hold it in. Its beginning to be painful, I just can't piss like an animal, I try to think about something else, the pressure is mounting. What the hell.! I let myself go, what a relieve! Feels so good! Its a if I never pissed before, When I realize what I had done, that the ground must be filled with my urine, I feel ashamed that I can't control myself.

Time passes, I still don't know how long, so slowly,. Now I can smell my piss, filling my nostrils, its so cold! I have goosebumps on my legs, arms, shoulders, I just wish I had something to warm me up. I am so thirsty now, my mouth is so dry and painful with the gag, I try to push it out, but its hard, like wood, so wide, I feel its going to break my jaw.

Seconds, minutes, hours pass, still nothing, the cold, that awful smell and I just wish I could have a drink.

I think about my stupidity. How could I fall in such an obvious trap, any intelligent person woulds have known? I'm so angry against myself. And Steve, that fucking bastard, right now I would kill him if I could. He was such a good friend, I confided in him, told him my intimate thoughts. When I think about him,I get into a frenzy, trying to free myself. I calm myself, I just have to wait for the right moment, not to spoil my energy, when he gets here,I will tell him what I think. He has no right to do that. I'm not like the other boy, submissive and obedient. Does he really think he is going to turn me into a fucking ponyboy? The hell not! First I'm a straight man, I'm a dominant person. I'll never accept to obey him, to allow him to touch me, Just thinking about that makes my skin crawl.

Suddenly I hear the sound of the door opening, some footsteps and the breathing of somebody close to one ear. I start struggling with all my force. Trying to shout. All in vain. Then the voice of Steve.

  • Well if it's not my friend Dan. I'm so happy to see you naked at my disposal, I've been waiting for this for such a time. At last you surrender to me, not voluntarily as I thought you would, A nice 23 years old straight ready to serve. Don't struggle too much, you will hurt yourself, you can't get out of these bindings. I decided to take you on when I saw you naked, I installed a cam in the bathroom and the bedroom, you gave me quite a show when you came for a weekend. I thought it would be a waste to have such a body used for pussies, and what a cock, its almost as big as blacky and you have seen its size. Too bad you wont get to cum so much, I hope you had plenty of time to enjoy it,.It belongs to me now, I will control it like the rest of your body. Sorry you can't reply, I'll have to do all the talking. I had to take you out of your misery, your life was going nowhere, you didn't have the nerve to have a ponygirl for real, its was just in your head. Sh....stay quiet I don't understand what you are saying anyway, you're wasting your energy, I know what you want to say. I was looking for a new pony as you already know and you came into the picture, young, straight, good looking, well not so good now and you smell terrible, you really let yourself go in the last weeks, don't worry I'll get you in shape in no time. Sh... Sh... again stop making noises every time you don't agree or is upset. You need to have a new direction in your life, I will help you find your way. Remember how blacky is doing now. It will be the same for you. I'll let the situation sink in for a couple hours and come back for your fist day of training.

He's crazy! I have to get out of here. Its a nightmare! Does he really think that he can do that to me? What can I do? I have to stay calm, wait till I have a chance to escape, just wait for the right occasion. He can't keep me against my will. Slavery doesn't exist anymore. Somebody has to stop him. I's still freezing and I'm so thirsty, waiting like a fool for Steve to come back, he won't be able to change me. I'm strong and resistant. What can he do? I'll resist. Show him that I'm a real man, not a sissy boy. I hear the door opened again and his footsteps.

  • Listen boy, this is your first training day, you will experience pain, real pain. Let it be a lesson for you. I can give you as much pain as I wish. But I'm a good master. Remember this, if you obey, you get rewards, if you disobey, you get punishments. Today you will experience a lot of pain, let it be a lesson, I can dish out much more. First the riding crop.

Oh my god! He's really mad. He takes my left arm and pulls it high. Then the same to my right arm, he removes the harness.,spreads my legs and attaches them, I am now spreadeagled. I feel my arms pulled upward so that I stand on tiptoe. I feel the first blow at the back of my left leg, its stings but not so bad, next on the other leg, then on the back. I try to move but I'm can't move much, I hold my breath and the blows continue on the back, the legs, the ass, getting harder and harder, its getting painful, but I wont be broken, I have to resist. All my back is feeling pain now, and it stops for a while and then its in front, my legs, my pecs, my stomach, its raining from all sides, back and front, harder and harder, I try not to cry, but I can't resist, I'm shouting trough my gag, its so painful. It continues and continues, never seems to be ending. I'm in pain from head to toe.

  • Good boy, I'll take a break, I need to rest. Since I'm a good master, I'll give you some water with a tube that goes directly in the gag. I don't want my boy to be dehydrated, you need to be strong for the next lesson: the paddle. But first I'll clean the place. All that piss and sweat. Loosen your restraints a bit, See you soon.

I can still feel the pain all over, But its subsiding, I can breath normally again, get a grip on myself, The water is dripping slowly in my throat, what a relief but its not enough, I need more. It diminishes slowly and comes to a halt. I wait and nothing comes anymore. I was sweating profusely but now my body is feeling the cold, I'm trembling, I'm back to my formal state, cold, thirsty plus the pain. The wait is worse, how much more can I take, as usual I can almost count the seconds, it helps me spend the time and forget my condition. 60 seconds, 1 minute, then 2, 3, 4 and then my mind start wandering, I shouldn't have accepted Steve offer, I should have stayed with my wife, I should have kept my job. Thinking about my sex sites, ponygirls, and so on....He's back, he tightens my arms higher and my legs further back, my ass is now fully exposed. I hear the smack on both my ass cheeks, and suddenly the pain registers. I howl loudly gasping for air. STOP STOP ( I say in my head, ) I prepare for the next one, it lands on my right cheek, I don't have time to react another blow on the left, one on both, I start to cry out loud, PLEASE STOP PLEASE STOP PLEASE STOP ( nothing comes out clearly ) hyperventilating, my ass in on fire. The blows continue on a regular base, ten on each cheek, ten on both, harder and harder, my ass must be black from all the abuse, permanently damaged. Its stops and I feel Steve's hand on my painful ass, it feels cold against my burning bums.

  • So boy you did well, I'll let you rest, loosen you up and give you more water. You can thank me to take care of you and teaching you.a good lesson. The next one is the whip .Wait for me, true that you have no choice I'll make myself a nice coffee,

What a bastard!!! My ass is killing me. And he has the nerve to ask me to thank him. Its true that I fell better, I am so thirty and I could at last relax in my bounds. After a while, the dripping stopped and I was freezing again, worst I had to piss, this time I didn't wait and I just let it flow. What did I have to loose? My dignity? How much lower can I go? Naked with my ass probably a bright red if not a angry black. I was now focused on my body, just my pain, just the cold, just the thirst, I couldn't think about anything else. Can I survive the rest of my ordeal. Just the thought of the whip scared me, I had images of people getting whipped in films. It must be terrible, where would it land, my ass is already a mess, my legs and back so sensitive. I have to wait, it seems like ages, I fear and long for Steve to come back... Suddenly the familiar sound of the door, he changes my position. I am stretched very tight almost hanging from my wrists, my toes hardly touching the ground with my weight pulling me down. I hear the sound of the whip a few times, the bastard must be practicing. I wait holding my breath, I feel the leather around my back and front, I hear the sound, then the pain surges from the lash, I'm out of breath, can't even shout. NO PLEASE NO .ITS SO PAINFUL ITS KILLING ME Then he lashed my back from the shoulders to my wait, each time in a line, on a different spot, I gasp for air each time, waiting for the other blow. ( I'm floating now, a beautiful girl sucking my dick, so wonderful, slowly taking it, her amazing blue eyes looking at me )

  • Wake up boy, its not the time to leave me, you must feel all the blows. I see that your cock is hard. You've learn a precious lesson, pain and pleasure can come together.

All the hurt comes back, its crazy, how can pain cause pleasure? I fell so miserable.He must have come in front, because this time he its me on my pecs. OH ITS SO BAD, OH GOD ,MAKE IT STOP, PLEASE He keeps going on lower until he reaches my abs. Its a sharp pain each time, cutting my skin. I'm now sobbing, pleading, wishing to faint again, PLEASE STEVE, PLEASE STOP, I'LL DO ANYTHING mummm mummm I.know he cant understand, I'm almost chocking myself on the gag. It just pure pain, nothing else exists

  • This was your third lesson boy, I hope you are learning from this, the next one is the cane. You'll never forget it,. Now I'll give you more water and put some cream to make you feel better, it will hurt first but after it will heal your wounds faster, you see I take good care of you. You need more time to recover and prepare for your last lesson, so just wait patiently, I'll have plenty of time to eat. I also need to take care of blacky, you're not the only needing attention here, don't be selfish, it should take a while, stay put.

All my weight is on my arms, I am in shock, I can almost feel each stripe on my back and front. I can't even move an inch, every movement causing some pain . I shake when he applies the cream, each line burning more than the other. I cringe whenever he touches a wound. He leaves me with my pain ,after loosening the restraints, standing in my pool of piss. Naked, suffering, cold. At least he left the water drip permanently, I can swallow and soothe my throat. Can I go through another round of torment? And the cane?

Sounds terrible, must be worse than the whip since he left it for last. I hope I will faint again, I cant believe I had a hard-on . He's playing with my mind.That fucking bastard is pushing me to the limit. I don't know how I will survive and now I have to wait...and wait in pain and fear and wait... in the cold..... And wait smelling my own piss.... And wait....

I'm waiting in the dark, shivering and in pain. Dreading the moment for the cane. My body screams all over from the crop, the paddle, the whip. I tried to block my brain, think about something else. Hide in a space inside my mind. Will I be able to stay sane in this house of pain? If I could only wake up from this nightmare. The doors cracks and my skin shivers with the draft.

  • I see you have waited for me patiently. I had a nice warm soup and the football game was interesting. I hope you didn't miss me. Well I'm back to give you your last and memorable lesson that you wont forget. Blacky has already experienced it, he came out an obedient boy, eager to please. I'm sure that will be your case. You won't even think about displeasing me, you know I can be harsh, it can be worse, you don't want to see that. I will give you 20 lashes of the cane. I will count them so that you can prepare yourself, breath in and brace yourself. I'll try not to break the skin because I don't like seeing permanent marks on my ponyboys. After that I'll apply some vinegar to disinfect the wounds. It will make the marks disappear and heal fast. First I have to adjust the bounds to make your ass, legs and back be a good target.You can make noises as much as you can and try to move around, it will help you take it better. I'll wait between each hit to give you time to recover. I don't want you to miss anything, you need to remember each blow..

Now brace yourself, breath in, its coming

1 a nice hit, that's it release your anger 2 shout at the end of your lungs 3 release your fears 4 stay with me, breath 5 you're doing well 6 yeah all those nice welts 7 I know its hard but you must learn 8 good boy, breath, let go your anger, your pain, feel it deep inside 9 I like that sounds before it hits you and then your reaction 10 you will never forget this 11 shout more, don't keep it in 12 I know you're pleading me to stop, begging, but you will make it 13 that's it, don't let go, stand up straight, show how proud you are, not a weakling 14 I know you can do it 15 only 5 left 16 three fast one at the back of your thighs 17 18 19 Breath, stay calm, here comes the last one, brace yourself 20 good boy, you came through without fainting, you must be in shock by now. So I will let go reflect on your experience. I'll put you back in your harness, your hands behind you. You wont get water anymore, I have to clean you up again.and I don't want you to mess up the place again. I'll see you tomorrow and start your ponyboy training.

Next: Chapter 6

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