Steve Shows His New Ponyboy

By richard taillon

Published on Feb 16, 2017


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I'm wide awake now. In complete dark, shivering and suffering. How long have I been hanging? I don't know. At first,I just fell into a kind of coma, drifting in and out, I've never experienced so much hurt in my life. Just wished,I could escape, wake up or run away. But everything came crashing back after a while, my terrible ordeal, my former life, my foolishness. The fact that I cant see anything makes it much more worse,it heightens my sensations. Every time I move,even just a bit,I hurt so much. So I just left myself hang . But my brain doesn't stop. All kind of thoughts going in my head,past and present. The pain is tolerable now, its kind of a general numbness. My ass and thighs still burning, it must be the caning, yet I can deal with it. How can I get out of this nightmare? Steve is a nutcase,a fucking sadist who enjoys torturing people. I don't want ever to relive that beating. I'll just have to play the game and make him think that I'm submitting to his will. When I have a chance,I'll escape from this hell. Does he really think that he can change me, have me accept such a crazy thing, becoming a ponyboy, and worse from a faggot. I am much stronger now, I know I can resist. Just don't want to have more pain. I'll play his game, we will see who is going to win in the long run. If only I could see, quench my thirst, have that awful gag remove from my mouth. I almost wish Steve would come back.He wont turn me into his willing ponyboy, he can be as manipulative as he can, he wont break my spirit.

My mind wanders from thoughts to thoughts, daydreaming when I am dozing, focusing on my body when I'm awake. Pain,cold,thirst, and just waiting, if only Steve would come back at least I could deal with what he has in stock for me. He said he would start my training. What a fool, I'm not letting him do it so easily. I'm waiting and waiting, preparing myself.

Then after some hours, feels like days, I hear the familiar door opening, the draft and his steps.

  • I see me boy is ready. Did you learn your lesson? I'm sure your ass wont forget. Well, it doesn't look so bad, the marks will go away and I will be able to enjoy the sight of your cute bum. Before I start your training,I'll give some water,so you can recuperate,I will inspect your body. I see that you have a little beer belly,that's not nice boy,we will have to work on that.

He is treating me like a little boy, I hate it when he calls me BOY. I'm not a boy and surely not HIS boy. He ties my arms and legs, spreadeagled, then removes the harness,I feel his hands on my back,they are so warm against my skin.

-Now BOY ,I'm going to remove your gag on one condition,you are not to utter a single word,you can make noises but not a single word. Is that clear BOY? Nod your head if you understand, if you utter even just a single human word,the gag goes back and you will be punished severely. Do you agree BOY?

What can I do? This awful gag is killing me, my throat is parched dry, my jaw must be broken after so much time. I would do anything to get rid of it. I nod my head. I feel a finger reaching inside my mouth, stretching it painfully, then pushing the gag out. What a relieve, I can breath trough my mouth again. I slowly try to close my mouth, it hurts so bad. But I succeed,I close it, move my tongue, lick my lips, my tooth. He puts something in my mouth, a bottle that I start to suck,I `m like a baby,its silly but so good. Suddenly he removes it, oh I need more...

  • Listen BOY. I'm going to inspect you from head to toe, I want you to stay still. If you do as I say I will give you some more water. Remember you obey,you get reward, you don't obey, you get punished.

I realized how thirsty I am. I don't want him to touch me, a fucking gay asshole feeling me. But what can I do? I need that water, cant continue like that. So I stand straight and rigid. I now feel his warm hands on my back, I hate to say that it feels good, then my shoulders, he goes slowly, rubbing my skin gently, I forget the pain, just a soothing feeling, He rubs my legs, my ass, my pecs, my stomach, my cock Ah... I grind my teeth, forcing myself to stay quiet. He touches my balls, I'm really trying not to move. Suddenly,I feel something poking my asshole and I shout FUCK

  • What did you say BOY, I told you not to utter a word. You have to be punished for that!

He pushed back the gag in my mouth before I can realize whats happening. My mouth is still sore. I try to say that I'm sorry,it was just a reflex. But what can I say now with that big gag in my mouth? I really tried not to move,I didn't want to feel more pain,but when I felt his finger in my hole,it just came out. I'm sure that wicked man knew that,he just wanted to punish me more.What kind of punishment hes is going to give me? My hands and legs are stretched tight again. I'm waiting fearful of the next step. What did he have in his crazy mind?

-BOY you did bad. You forgot your lesson, remember: reward if you obey, punishment if you disobey. Since your ass,back and front are already sore,I don't want to scar my new pony. There is a part,I didn't touch yet. I'm going to work on your balls. relax boy, I know this will be hard,but as a good master,I must teach you,next time you wont forget. Your nuts just waiting. I'll strike them 20 times, each blow separate, to give you time to register the pain, recover and wait for the other one. I hope this time you will learn..

1 BOY 2 BOY 3 BOY 4 BOY 5 BOY 6 BOY 7 BOY 8 BOY 9 BOY 10 BOY don't move,you'll harm your balls 11 BOY 12 BOY 13 BOY your nuts are all swollen and warm now 14 BOY 15 BOY your getting there 16 BOY 17 BOY don't worry,your nuts are not pertinently harmed 18 Boy looks so nice, angry red, so big now, I'm sure you brain will never forget 19 BOY the last big one breath deeply brace yourself here it comes 20 BOY I really hope I don't have to repeat this. That you will be a good boy. Reflect on that. I'll leave you in your harness,in the dark,no water,with your gag in .I'll see you tomorrow.

Its pitch blank,I've been in the complete dark for I don't know how long. I feel dizzy sometime,but if I stretch my legs,I can touch the ground with my toes,it helps my brain to understand where is up and down and not loose my balance. I don't how much time has passed, Steve said see you tomorrow, if I count the times he came,it must be three days I'm hanging like a piece of meat with no water in the cold. That terrible smell,piss and feces.Hours must have passed since my last ordeal. At first I was in shock,my brain just shuted down.Trying to forget what happened. But now the searing pain in my balls reminds me what I went through. It was worse than the first beating. I remember precisely the first blow: it went directly to my brain, I thought I would die,tied high,I couldn't protect myself,I felt like vomiting,I think I lost my mind,pissed and relieved myself.Each stoke was worse and I couldn't even faint. The bastard let me recover between each blow,going slowly,I could hear his voice teaching his little boy. Who does he think he is? I felt so hopeless. Living that hell. I'm sure I don't want to relive that terrible experience. I have to submit to his will for the time being. I know I will survive and the Ben inside me will come out of this. But now I have to concentrate on keeping my mind,first I thought I was loosing it. I keep repeating to myself: I'm Dan,a free man,a straight guy. This asshole wont break my spirit....I hear footsteps,,,at last ...water...Steve is coming...I hope he removes the gag.....I need to stay quiet....I can do that....

Next: Chapter 7

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