Steve Shows His New Ponyboy

By richard taillon

Published on Feb 25, 2017


Thanks to all the comments and encouragements. I always like to have some feedback,keeps me going on. Don't forget to contribute to nifty.

Its morning. Sunbeams flooding the barn through the skylight and warming slowly the place. I can clearly see the high roof with its strong beams,the wooden floor shining and the three stalls in front of me,closed with a high gate. Blacky is awake now,looking at me with its bright black eyes. I can only see his head and shoulders higher than the barrier. He's very tall with his high boots. He has a bit in his mouth preventing him from talking. He seems well rested. That's not my case. It's been a long night. I had to stand upright all the time,the hook in my ass stopping me from bending my knees. I saw those hooks in the sm videos,its a metal device with a ball at the end. Since its tied to a beam high up,I can't remove it. Its alright if I stand straight but whenever I let go,it pulls on my asshole,I have to straighten again. How can I sleep? Every time I doze,it awakens me. Blacky must be used to it because he looks refreshed after his night. He was even snoring at one point,contributing to my restless night. My legs are killing me. How can he stay standing all day long? I never thought about that when I saw him. The high boots are not comfortable,its like being on tiptoe,pushing you forward and your ass backward,always trying to keep your balance.I spent all night trying to get some sleep and keeping my balance.

Blacky is moving his head,up and down,his long black mane swinging. He seems to be greeting me,staring intensively at me. Its kind of reassuring to have somebody to share your plight,maybe it makes him feel better. On my part I'm ashamed to have been an accomplice to his downfall and also mine. So I nod back sheepishly to acknowledge his gesture.

I can hear Steve coming with his heavy boots,he opens both gates. I can see Blacky standing on the SHOW position. Immediately I straighten myself,I don't want to feel the crop. Steve puts on a harness on Blacky,with a large belt and straps pushing his pecs up,going around his torso. He really looks like a ponyboy. A tall one with:long legs,nice ass,big pecs,black mane,horse bit. He looks taller,his boots must be higher than before. . Hes towering over Steve who is not a small man who hooks a leash to his nose ring. Blacky follows him slowly,lifting his knees high. It's an amazing site,almost unreal. A human pony walking like an animal led by its master. I can't believe I will be forced into that position.

I can only wait. I realized how dependent I am. Waiting to be fed,to be watered,to be cleaned. Waiting to piss and shit. Can't use my hands,can't touch myself, can't do a simple thing like scratching my nose,there's a fly troubling me,I feel so hopeless. I have to focus again. Steve can do what he wants but I'm still Dan,a straight man,an intelligent person. I can resist. I'll find a way to escape,he can't hold me against my will. He will drop his guard maybe just a minute and I'll get out of this hell. I listen to his steps waiting for him to return.

Finally he is back. As soon as I hear him I take the SHOW position,he removes the arse hook, ties my cock and balls,leads me toward the shower room. I's hard to move with the boots on. We enter the room,warm and nice,what a change. He hooks me to a high bar and removes the belt and the boots.

-You know, the doctor is coming today. He's going to give you a complete checkup. So I need to get some samples of your urine and stool.

He makes me pee and collects it in a tube. I have to relieve myself in front of him,he takes a sample. He gives me the enemas like he did yesterday to clean me inside. Scrubs my skin vigorously with a rough glove. Brush my teeth. Rubs my body from head to toe with a cream and finally puts back my boots,belt and ties back my hands to it.

  • You look good boy. I want the doctor to have a good impression of my new ponyboy. Lets go now. Remember,no talking!

He leads me by my cock and balls all the way outside the barn. I haven't been outside for days. Its good to feel the sun warming my body. I have to adjust my eyes to the sudden brightness. Steve ties me to a pole and leaves me there while he goes into a door on the left of the main house. I hear the sound of a loudspeaker coming from the corral

  • start TROT at 5 :....1...2....3.....4......5....

At a distance through the barriers, Blacky is trotting,lifting his legs high,pulled by his nose,his head pushed back by a wide collar,his black mane floating,a black tail sticking out of his arse. While I enjoy a warm breeze in the sun,I hear again the speaker.

  • start GALLOP at 5 ......1....2......3......4.....5

Again Blacky follows the lead on his nose and starts running at a fast pace. His skin gleaming in the sun after a while. Going around in circle. It must be hard not to fall with his high boots,to keep a a rapid sustained rhythm.

  • Start WALK at 5....1...2...3....4.....5

Moving around with the carousel,Blacky walks slowly,lifting his knees,his stomach heaving heavily,his body covered by sweat. I pity him to be force to keep on doing this for hours,everyday,how can you keep your mind?

Steve comes out of the door and brings me in a room. It looks like a real infirmary,shelves filled with medical supplies,bright neon on the ceilings,a metal table in the center,plastic chairs. I see a man sitting behind a desk,it must be the doctor. Suddenly I realized that I'm standing naked in front of two dressed men. After a week long,I kind of forgot about my nakedness, I can't hide my private parts exposed to these two men.

  • Here it is Ralf,my new ponyboy. How do you find it?

  • What a beauty! You told me it was good-looking,it was an understatement,its amazing,nice long legs,tall,masculine and such a beautiful face. Its too bad you always shave their hair. I'm always surprised you can find such nice specimen, already Blacky turn up to be a beautiful pony but this one has a really cute face. The body in not yet perfect,I'm sure you can work on that.

-Well thanks Ralf. I was lucky Now that you have seen it,you can start the examination.

What a demeaning position.To be standing,naked like a newborn baby with these two men ogling me. I can't say a word. Their talking about me as if I was a piece of meat just a thing,an animal. I start to blush,turning red from head to toe.

  • How cute,says Ralf,we have a shy ponyboy here. .

Steve removes my boots and makes me stand on a scale,the doctor weighs and measures me.

  • Can you write down the results Steve. 190 pounds 6 foot 1 . Similar to Blacky's 6.2.

Lets strap him to the table so we can continue.

Both of them push me down on the cold examination table and tie my legs,thighs,waist,chest,neck.with large straps. Why are they tying me like that? What do they have in mind?

-Stop struggling BOY! Ralf do you think its solid enough?

  • Yes,you see I have this new special contraction so the head can't turn sideways. Remember how Blacky couldn't stop moving. I had a hard time working on his nose.

  • Yes,we were covered in blood.

  • Maybe you should give the boy something to calm him down,he looks nervous.

  • No problem. ..Here it is,the boy will be calm from now on,he will continue to hear us,but won't be moving much anymore..

  • You can continue while I keep on writing its stats,I like to know its progress. No need to measure all,I have to wait for the neck,torso and waist before I work on its tackle.

-True its body will change with the training before settling. Alright, lets go,the skin is fair,you must take care of it because he will burn easily,its feet are 12 inches, the hair or whats left of it,is dirty blond, the eyes: green.Now lets see the teeth,a complete set,32,they are in superb condition,very white,not even one missing, The gum is healthy. You still want a larger ring for the nose? You know it will make its nostrils wider,its nose bigger.

-Yes that's what I want,a more equine look.

-No problem,but its too bad,it has such a cute face,almost boyish. As you told me for the bit ,I think it will better if I remove four at the back,but keep the last ones. I made a new bit,bigger that will fit better,it will be more stable and permanent,locked in place with a plate that pushes down the tongue,from now on it will make only incomprehensible sounds.

-Good,I wont have to remove the bit at night,it will make its mouth look larger.

-You will have to clean its mouth thoroughly to prevent any bacteria growing. I'll install the usual tits rings and a prince albert with another ring near the asshole. Do you want me to work on his tongue or vocal cords?

-I' not sure yet,I'll get back to you this afternoon before you work on Blacky. You still have to remove Blacky's toenails and do a branding on one of its ass cheek. I've worked on a nice design with my crest.

I'm in a house of fools. This crazy doctor and this sadist Steve working together to turn me into a freak show. They can't do that! I have to wake up from this nightmare! The doctor takes hold of my cock. I can't run away,just have to listen to their crazy conversation. Talking about me as if I wasn't even there,just an object to play with.

  • The penis flaccid.... 4 inches, give my some gel I'll make it hard. Its soft but if I work it well,it will grow,its natural,even a straight man can't resist,you told me that he hasn't come for a long time. See! Nice! A good 8 inches long and wide,a big head ready for the Prince Albert,I'll make it ejaculate so I can get a sample.

_ Wow! That's a huge load.

  • By the way Steve. What name do I have to tattoo on his chest above each tit?

-I'm not sure yet. Maybe Blondie, Macho boy,Apollo,,Danny,Bronco...What do you think? Have any ideas?

Next: Chapter 10

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