Steven on the Mountain

By David Young

Published on Nov 12, 2021


Copyright: All rights to the story belong to the author and must not be republished for use without the author's permission.

This story involves sex among consenting adults, if it is not legal to read this type of material where you are located that proceed at your own risk.

My goal is to provide you some sort of sexual contact in every chapter, some will be masturbation but mostly it will involve two people who either love each other very much or are on their way to falling in love.

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Chapter 2

After leaving the campground where I had met Mark and Ryan I spent a few days just hiking through the area. Most people I accidentally encountered probably thought I was just another lone hiker. I thought about life and love and everything in between. I thought about how much people allow the media coverage of the war in Vietnam to cloud their judgment. We didn't have facebook or the internet in 1973 so I guess one could say life was sometimes simpler.

While we didn't have social media or the internet but when you sit down and think about it. The news is all the same. Noone wants to hear when a good thing happens, people like guts and blood. It gets old turning on the television to see the same ole shit.

While out wandering around I stumbled upon a couple of logs that were stacked together, it looked like someone was building a wall of some sort. Whoever it was had used dirt and water from a nearby well to make a sticky substance being used to hold the logs on top of each other.

I looked around the area for a few minutes and started to notice there was a bucket with a trowel that whoever was building the wall had used for spreading the mud mix. Over leaned up against a tree was an axe.

Now my head was really starting to spin at this point. I know I had set out walking deep in the forest but I thought for sure I was the only person on the planet who felt the need to get away from everyone and everything. I decided I had to see what was going on here, but I did not want to be seen doing it.

I left the site of the wall and found a clearing on a piece of high ground that would allow me to see the wall, but it would be much more difficult for anyone to see me.

In an effort to be more discreet I did not set up my tent rather I used a pancho and a tarp from my pack to build a hasty position that would help to camouflage me. It didn't take long for me to build my hiding place and I hunkered down to watch for my mysterious man who was building something in the middle of nowhere.

It was four days before my mystery person came back to the building site. It was a lone man in his mid thirties with long dark brown hair. The man set up a tent and had a quick bite to eat before he removed his shirt and started working.

I watched as the man would take some dirt, place it in his bucket. Next he would add some small sticks and grass he gathered from around him and then add some water he drew from the well.

John would mix these ingredients into a paste and then he started working on cutting down some nearby trees to use as his logs.

Oh wait, I am getting ahead of myself again. I don't know the man's name, but on the first day I saw him he was humming Take me Home, Country Roads by John Denver so I decided to give him the name John for now.

Music is the only thing I miss from the outside world. I could easily get lost in any record out there. Music is so calming. Of Course I had to give up music as well, since I had no continued source of electricity. It's a small price to pay for me to avoid the other miseries of everyday life.

I am sure in the 2 years I have been walking around in the forest I have missed lots of Music, the War probably is over and my family has given any hope of finding me. I hoped my family would understand my need to leave and hopefully they didn't worry about me.

After a couple of hours of working on the wall, the mystery man I called John had completed the wall and had already moved on to working on another wall. At this point it became apparent he was building some sort of cabin, but why? Was he planning on moving into the cabin? Was he going to hunt in the area? What would he be hunting for?

John cleaned up his tools and started pulling something out of his pack. The object was some sort of canvas bag with a shower spout coming out of the bottom. John soon walked over to a tree and started fumbling around with the object he took out of his bag and some rope. Soon it became apparent the object was some sort of showering contraption.

I thought to myself I need one of those things.

John pulled more water up from the well and was collecting it in a bucket. John took the water over by the tree where he had hung up his contraption.

As if there was no one spectating, because he had no idea I was watching, John sat down and removed his boots and his socks. John took a few minutes to rub his feet as I am sure they are sore from the walk in and then him working on them all day.

John stood up and in one swooop of a motion he removed his pants and his cock flopped out. John had a pleasant looking cock from what I could see at my nearly 200 feet away and with it getting darker. From where I stood it looked to be at least seven inches soft.

You see in the Mountains of Kentucky one can only operate without electricity between certain hours of the day. Usually between about 10:00 am and 4:00 pm was when one had the best light.

In the dimming light of day I watched John as he poured the water from the bucket into the canvas bag of his showering device then he stood underneath it and removed a cap of the shower. Water began to flow out and run down John's body.

I was getting pretty turned on by all of this and without even realizing it I was stroking my dick on the outside of my jeans. You know that way where you can run your hand up and down the zipper area and send a tickling sensation through your penis. As quiet as possible I positioned myself where I could pull down my pants but still had a good few of the man I was affectionately calling John.

I wrapped my hand around my dick and started pumping, it only took me mere moments to cum. One, I am still a virgin; two, I dont touch myself often; three, John was really sexy.

Like everytime after a good wanking I began to get really tired. I watched a few more minutes while John finished showering, then he put on a pair of shorts and crawled into his tent for the night.

I fell asleep almost as soon as my head hit the ground.

I must have been really tired because I slept well that night. Once I had gained enough composure to remember what was going on and where I was at, I peeked out to look at the campsite where the man I called John was to find the tent was still set up, but John was nowhere to be seen.

I finally spotted John after a few minutes of looking around. He was over by the well shaving a little stubble off of his face. It made me think of the last time I saw myself in the mirror.

It was a few weeks before spotting John that I had stumbled onto an abandoned campsite. The people were gone but they didn't bother picking up after themselves. The place was a wreck, trash everywhere and things they had left behind.

I picked up a woman's compact mirror and was both fascinated and disgusted by what I saw.

Even though being out here for years at this point I had a scruffy beard. I can not even grow a full beard, I guess it's not in my blood. I saw that I had patches of hair on my chin, sideburns and a couple of rogue hairs in between the two patches. That was the disgusting part.

The fascination was because I didn't see the 16 year old boy in the mirror. My facial features appeared more pronounced and mature. My eyes looked mysterious and I felt like I was looking into the eyes of a young man who had conquered his world and grown very wise at a very young age, if that makes any sense.

I was pulled out of my daydream by a bird singing nearby. I had become more intune with the forest and new to pay attention to the birds, because they can warn you of incoming prey. Bear, Mountain Lion or Bigfoot, I was no match for any of them.

After coming back around I watched John some more as he wandered back to his campsite and started rustling around in this tent getting things ready for his day.

John stood up and pushed his shorts and underwear down in one swift motion like he was the only person out there. As far as he knew he was. John stood there mostly naked except for a hygiene bag in his right hand and a towel draped over his left shoulder.

This time I was getting a much closer look at John's body. John had a really nice and toned body, not from lifting weights, more like he was a hard working man who worked in a very laborious field.

I slowly looked over his pecs, his abs, the V leading down to his pubic area. John's dick looked to be long and thick and I was not able to see, but I imagined it having that nice thick blue vein running along the top.

John stood there for about ten minutes before turning slightly to his right and dropping the hygiene bag and picking up a pear of jeans. When John bent over I swear I could see his tiny little pink pucker surrounded by a little ring of hair that was wet and clinging close to his body.

When John was completely dressed he sat down and started pulling his boots on. Soon he walked back over to where he sat his tools and went back to work.

John worked much of the say except a few short breaks for water and a bite to eat. The same as the previous evening he undressed, showered and crawled into his tent and went to sleep as the sun stopped providing enough light for him to see around him.

I continued to watch John the next day, imagining he was building a cabin for him and I to spend the rest of our lives together in.

As one would think at this point and time, my ideas of the world were a little twisted. In my opinion that is just part of the Journey.

I sat here today at sixty six years old, telling a bunch of strangers on a website about things that happened when I was 18 while I was swooning over a man I didn't even know.

I am fine now, but the years from sixteen to twenty I refer to as my nutty years.

Anyhow I have taken up enough time rambling. So this day when John started working on his evening plans he stopped, at the point where he usually grabs his pants and leaned into a nearby tree and began to masterbate with reckless abandon only taking him meere minutes to cum all over the forest floor beneath him.

Watching the scene unfold in front of me was wonderful. When John released his ejaculant his face scrunched up like it was the most intense feeling of his life.

Soon crawled back into his tent like a bear going into hibernation he began to snore lightly almost immediately.

I too was asleep in no time. I awoke the next morning to the feeling of something lightly touching my toe. When I opened my eyes I saw the toe of a boot resting just inches away from my right foot. I followed the route of the body all the way up the face to see a man staring at me. It was the man I had been watching for days, and now he was aware I was there.

Immediately my mind started questioning everything. Did he know I had been watchin? Does he know I saw him masterbate in his campsite last night?

After a few seconds the man asked if I would like to join him for breakfast. Unable to speak, I just nodded my head to indicate yes. In complete silence I followed him down near his tent, where he finally introduced himself as Randy.

I stuck out my hand and told him my name was Steven. Randy passed me a cup of balck coffee and then started preparing some eggs. He apologized for the lack of meat and laughed saying "it would have been too much to lug in here."

After the eggs had finished Randy passed me a place of eggs and we ate for a few moments in silence before Randy asked "how long have you been watching me?" I was taken aback because until now I hadn't realized he knew I had been watching.

I remained silent, mostly because I was embarrassed that I had been caught. Finally Randy smiled and asked "what did you think about last night?"

This gave me the indication Randy was not bothered to know I had seen him Jacking off the night before and part of him even seemed pleased with his voyeurism.

Randy and I briefly talked over breakfast and then I offered to help him with placing some of his logs. Randy seemed pleased with my offering of help and I stayed around that day. When the sun started to disappear around the peak of the mountains, like every day so far Randy began packing up his tools and moving back towards his tent.

Randy asked if I would like to take a shower. His exact words were, "you could really use a shower, if you want to borrow mine it's okay." I guess that was a sort of nice way to tell me I smelled bad.

Due to the limitations of water in such a remote area Randy and I agreed to use the same bag from his shower contraption. Of Course I did not realize he meant at the same time, until he waved his hand at me indicating I should get undressed.

Randy was already mostly undressed at this time and for the first time I was being allowed to see his body so close.

Randy and I showered in silence as I took in the much better view I had. It was clear Randy was enjoying the view of my body as well. He even offered to help me wash my back, which I allowed him to.

Randy's hands were calaused and worn indicating he was a hard worker and worked with his hands often. Still with the roughness of his hands I enjoyed the touch and he moved his hands so slowly and applied very little pressure which made his touch feel soft and comforting. Randy washed my back and continued down to my ass cheeks. Randy rubbed his soapy hands all over my ass, when he got to my crack he pushed his hand in and touched my whole. I had never been touched there by another person before so the feeling was alien, but not bad, it sent an electric shock to my cock and at the same time my brain.

Not that my dick needed any type of shock, it was already fully erect and pointing upward nicely towards my belly button. As Randy moved closer to my body I felt his dick slide just barely in my ass cheeks and he reached around and grabbed my hard cock. Randy placed his hand around my cock with a much firmer grip than when he was touching my back and began to stroke my dick. As Randy stroked me under the water his cock lay nestled in my ass crack. The feeling was amazing.

Soon the water in the bag above us ran out and we were still standing there with Randy behind me and reaching around to stroke me. Randy stroked my cock for what felt like days but in reality was only a few minutes before I came on his hand. It was one of the most intense orgasms I had ever had.

Once Randy released my cock, he raised his hand up to his mouth and licked my nut off of his hands like a bear eating honey. Randy's face was on my shoulder and so close I could smell the scent of my own man juices as we lapped at it and attempted to clean his hands.

After standing there for a few minutes Randy released my body and reached down and took my hand and we walked back over towards his tent.

Randy only had the one towel he had been using for days now so he suggested we just air dry. Randy and I sat on a nearby stump and visited about what brought us both into the forest.

I gave Randy the condensed version of my story because I didn't want him thinking I was some kind of antisocial weirdo, which I kind of was.

Randy stated he was building a cabin for him to use for hunting. Randy stated he comes up to the site every couple of weeks and spends a few days working on his future homestead. Randy told me he owned his own business as a roofing contractor so it was easy to slip away once his crew knew what was to be done.

Randy being a roofer explained the rough feel of his hands as I am sure he spent many a day swinging a hammer or carrying materials up a ladder.

Randy and I talked about lots of other things as well. Randy told me he was infact gay but had never came out to anyone.

Remember this is still 1973 and being gay was probably one of the least cool things to do. Especially in a male dominated world of construction.

I told Randy about my exploration with sex, which was few and far between. Randy seemed enamored by my innocence and then told me a few things about what had been going on in the world.

Randy told me of how the Vietnam war had ended and all the prisoners of war had been released. Randy also stated there was speculation of lies, but officially all POWs had been released.

Randy informed me about some of the political problems and anti-war protests. Most of it did not interest me much, but I continued to listen and seem interested.

Sitting there in the buff with Randy while we were supposedly air drying, I just watched him as he talked on and on about the world. My eyes started at his feet, which I assumed to be about a size ten. My eyes moved up his calves and to his thighs. I was just taking in the masculinity of his very presence. When my eyes got to his groin I could see his flaccid penis bouncing just a little every time he made any movement with his body.

Randy caught me staring and adjusted himself and laughed. I apologized and Randy must not have cared because he spread his legs so I could get a better view.

My eyes were glued to his cock and balls. I hoped he was ogling me, but due to my predicament of staring at him I never would have noticed.

Soon both us were dry and Randy stated he was going to turn in so he could get an early start. I walked away and moved back to my hasty position where I had been sleeping for days. I had just enough time to make it to my shelter before it got too dark to walk around.

I tried to go to sleep but I was not able to keep my mind off of Randy. I spent so much time staring at his naked body that I never bothered to ask him much about his personal life. Does that make me shallow or is it just me trying to be more social with him because I liked him?

This was one of those moments where I wished I had the power to read people's minds. That is one of the largest producers of my behavior.

I tried to blame my actions, like running away from my family, hiding out on a mountain in Kentucky, on my lack of enjoyment for socialization. One of the things I was beginning to see was that sometimes I had a very bad outlook on myself, poor self esteem I guess some would say.

It's really funny how a person can mature so much between sixteen and eighteen and when you top that off with me living on my own and being nomadic for these years. I wouldn't say I was then or am now the smartest man on the face of the earth. I am far from it, I am afraid.

I remember it was very hard that night to stop thinking about what life could be like if I left the mountain when Randy did and we started a life together. On one hand I wanted to go back to a quote, unquote normal life. On the other I wanted to walk deeper into the forest and disappear forever.

That may sound suicidal, but it was not like that. It was more of a desire to be alone. It was really my fear of being hurt or not being good enough for Randy.

I finally drifted off to sleep and woke the next morning to the smell of melted butter wafting from Randy's camp. I put some clothes on and walked down to his camp and greeted him and asked how he was, he replied "Good and you?"

I worked all day with Randy again and we talked briefly a few times, but mostly kept our eyes and thoughts on the work being performed.

Randy asked if I would want to move my tent down and sleep closer to him. I agreed and told him I would work on that when we finished for the day.

Over the next few days Randy and I worked on the cabin and managed to get all four walls put up and standing on their own.

After about the fourth day of working together. Randy spoke up during our lunch meal that he would be leaving and going back to his home the next day. Randy stated he had used all of the material he had brought with him and the next project would be the roof. Randy stated he wanted to bring in some quality plywood for the roof to make sure it lasted. After the conversation loomed for a few minutes, Randy told me it would be March before he came back to the site.

I giggled and asked "what month it was now?" Randy had a straight face when he said it was August. Wow, I would not see Randy for Seven months. We had grown to like each other and I was letting my guard down around him, even sharing about my childhood from time to time.

Randy told me I could come down and stay with him for the winter. I told him thanks, but I had to conquer the winter on my own, like I had done for the past 2 years.

After the conversation we finished our lunch and went back to work sealing up a few holes with fresh mud.

Much of the afternoon and into dinner time was pretty much quiet. Once again since I was not able to read minds I had no idea what Randy was thinking, but I knew I was sad about him having to leave.

As Randy slept in his tent and I slept in mine only a few feet away from each other I wondered why did we not sleep in the same tent. I mean we showered together every night, jacked each other off with every shower. Looking back I am sure it was the age-old situation where I thought I was not worthy, and he thought I didn't want to , but neither of us said a word.

Sleeping that night did not come easy but it did finally come and I slept hard. Dreaming more about what a life with Randy would be like.

Of Course the life we had in my dream world was not realistic at all. We called each other babe in front of other people, shared a kiss at the mall and held hands walking through town.

I awoke the next morning and helped Randy pack his things into his pack. We sat around for an hour or so talking before he finally said he needed to get going.

Randy was out of sight after a few minutes. The forest was thick in this area, so it was never long before things were out of view. To keep my mind off of things, instead of laying around and crying, I decided I needed to get moving as well.

I headed in the opposite direction as the one Randy headed in and just carried on and began preparations for the winter months. This included finding a good place to build myself that would keep me warm and trying to gather some non-perishable food.

Living mostly off of the land makes non-perishable food hard to obtain since berries, nuts and meat all seem to go bad after a while. Most times I would hang around a large camping area and watch for weekend campers to start throwing out the stuff they didn't want to take back home.

You would be amazed at how many cans of corn, pork-n-beans and canned meats people would throw out. Americans were then and still are the most wasteful group in the world.

After a few days I found the perfect spot to camp for the winter. I used some downed trees to help build something that would keep me warmer than my tent.

Then I gathered up firewood and started piling it up in my area. Then over the next few weeks I worked on scavenging from the tourist camping sites for the non-perishables I needed.

By late September I was ready for winter and had already started staying closer to my camp due the days getting a little shorter and the nights getting a little colder.

Thank you for reading my story, please provide feedback. I do not mind people being critical of my work. I would prefer someone to be honest with me about my work. I am working on a few other stories and would love some insight into my character development and the general flow of my stories.

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