Stevie Brock Experience

Published on Mar 21, 2004


This story contains erotic fiction about Stevie Brock an up and coming pop star. There may be encounters with other celebrities such as Aaron Carter, Justin Timberlake, and Jeremy Sumpter. The sexual preferences of the celebrities in the story are purely fantasy and may not reflect their true feelings. The story involves very intimate relationships between teen boys, teen boys and men, pre-teen boys and teen boys. If this type of material is illegal where you live or if you are offended by such subject matter than do not continue and leave. This story is a work of fiction which means it is not true. This story is my property and can not be reproduced without my expressed written consent. Only the Nifty Archives has my permission to publish it. Blah, blah, blah, blah.......

Use your best judgement. You know what you like and why you are here.

This is my first venture into the celebrity arena. I hope that people like it. I know that many people don't know who Stevie Brock is yet but he is a very cute up and coming pop star in the vein of an Aaron Carter. Check him out on his website and see for yourself. Once you get a glimpse of him you will be sure to love him. As far as I know this is the first celebrity story involving Stevie Brock on Nifty. If you like it drop me a line and let me know. I have about 3 chapters done and will post those as well as continue the story. I have named each chapter after one of Stevie's songs. Enjoy.

You may send your comments, feedback and pics to

And now on with the story...........

Stevie Brock Experience Chapter 1 - I Found You By: Brad Goodman

We were just lying there with the moonlight spilling into the room. His breath was study and calming to me. He seemed so at peace. The moonlight lit his skin and I trailed my fingers over it feeling his softness. He was naked and his cute tight bubble butt was irresistible. I ran my fingers over it and then I massaged his boy globes with my palm. He felt so soft and warm in the dark of the night. We were at such peace and that is something I couldn't have expected before tonight. Just a month ago my life was a complete mess and now it was almost perfect.

I guess before I tell you about how I ended up in this bed with this beautiful pop star I need to back track to one month ago. Don't worry I will bring us right back here in just a few minutes. I guess I need to start by telling you a bit about myself. My name is Brad Goodman. I am 30 years old and 6'2 and 240lbs. I work out quite regularly as I find it quite helpful in my line of work. What do I do, you ask? I am a professional personal security specialist. You can just call me a body guard if you like. I have brown hair and blue eyes and a strong chin and high cheek bones. I stay smooth shaven and that goes for most every part of me. I am told I am attractive and the women just seem to fall over themselves trying to get to me.

Unfortunately, for the ladies I am not interested in them. I have had a long term plutonic friendship with one woman and she died a month ago sending me into a deep depression. We had been friends since the 3rd grade and I missed her immensely. She had a 15 year old son named Scotty and he and I now lived together. She got pregnant in high school and Scotty's biological father never admitted he was his son. Lucky for me and him both.

I have been his surrogate father since he was a baby. Agatha, his mother, had left him to me in her will. She had contracted AIDS and died from a severe upper respiratory infection. She only had two sexual partners in her life and it is unfortunate that a man she trusted gave her the disease. She had lived with it since she was 20. I guess that is why she never married. We all lived together for most of our lives. I moved in right after she found out she was sick.

I lived my life as a gay man in the open at home but for my work I was thought to be married and very straight. No one wants to be protected by a gay man. It is so funny because people assume we are weak. For a group that has been persecuted, hunted and terrorized since the dawn of man we are considered weak. We have made it through so much and persevere through more even today and yet people think we can't handle tense situations and protect ourselves and others. The reality of it being we have spent our whole lives fighting prejudice and protecting our loved ones. Hence, I am the best at what I do. I have protected sports stars like Allen Iverson, Derek Jeter, and Drew Bledsoe. I have protected actors like Macaulay Culkin, Elijah Wood and even Robert DeNiro. Amazingly, music stars seem to be the ones that request me the most. I seem to have a reputation of a protective father figure and many of the young pop stars parents hire me. I have been a bodyguard for N'SYNC, the Backstreet Boys, Brittany Spears, and my favorite Aaron Carter.

The kids know I am fair but I am a voice of reason as well. I keep them out of the press and make their stupid mistakes go away unnoticed. In the case of Aaron Cater there was a bit of sexual experimentation between us. This led him to telling many of the other boys they needed their parents to get me. My time with him is another story all together and I digress from this one.

For a month after Agatha died I stayed at home with Scotty. We grieved and cried throughout that month comforting one another. I guess now is a good time to tell you that Scotty and I started sleeping together when he was 13.

Now before you go dialing the police and FBI please let me explain. Scotty has known I was gay since he was 8. At the age of 11 he became more interested in homosexuality. He always asked me questions and he began to flash me and show off his body to me. He especially liked to show me his hard-on. We always were close and we kissed and hugged regularly and he began to entice me with masturbating in front of me. On his 13th birthday, he came into my room later that night and told me his wish when he blew out the candles. Scotty wanted me to make love to him. I was shocked. He kissed me and I loved him so much that I wanted to with all my heart but knew it would not be right. We talked about it and he convinced me it was right.

"Brad, I love you. I have been fantasizing about you since I was 11. I tried everything to get you to do something but you never did. I know you want me too. I see your boners sticking out. So tonight I want you to make my wish come true." Scotty explained his feelings quite well.

"Scotty, I love you but I can't do that. No matter how attracted I am to you it is illegal. You are too young to understand this but it just wouldn't be right."

He looked at me and then his wishful look turned to an angry expression. "I hate it when adults think they know everything. You guys always tell us that we know better and that we need to make decisions for ourselves and then as soon as I tell you what I want you tell me I don't understand. That is bullshit. I know what I want. I know what love is too. I know the difference between the love I feel for my mom and the love I feel for you. I love my mom and want her to have the best. But with you it is different. I want to kiss you, hug and be with you all the time. My stomach ties in knots every time I see you and I feel like I can't breath."

I nodded and then I shook my head no. "Scotty, that is great but we all have crushes and that is just part of growing up."

"A CRUSH" he yelled. "You think I have a silly crush. A crush is something you get and it goes away in a couple weeks. I have felt like this for two years. That is not a fucking crush."

"I am sorry. It is not a crush. I feel the same about you but the law is the law."

"Screw the law. You speed all the time. You coast through lights and stops signs. You have gay sex with other men and there are laws against that in Texas. They tell you can't be married to a man and yet men are getting married. There are lots of stupid laws people don't obey. Don't be so naïve." He looked me over very thoroughly.

I nodded. "Scotty, you are right. It is so hard to argue with you these days. You are so smart and you make very good observations. It is an age thing. You can't drive till you are 16, you can't vote till you are 18 and you can't drink till you are 21. Laws prevent young people from doing things because of age."

"That is so stupid. First of all, most parents allow their kids to sip beer from their glass or try alcohol or even drink from time to time. Most people allow their kids to drive before they are 16 too. Maybe not all over town but they teach them and let them drive before they have a learners permit. And as far as voting goes most people don't bother to do that at all. Age doesn't mean anything. You already said it yourself that I am smarter than most 13 year olds."

"You re right again but^Å"

"But nothing. If you love me and you find me attractive then we should be able to express it. So what will it be! Are you going to follow your heart or are you going to break mine?" Scotty looked sternly at me.

I pulled back my covers and the boy jumped in with me. I kissed him on the lips and we began our tongue wrestling for about 10 minutes. We ended up just having oral sex but it wasn't long before we were making love. Scotty was a great bottom and he loved to be fucked. We were caught by Agatha once and she just said that if we truly loved each other then it was ok with her.

We miss her so much. She was a great woman and she was so open to everything. She supported us both so much and we yearned for her words of comfort and her words of wisdom. We were coping well and had come a long way when the phone interrupted dinner one night. I answered it and it was my agency.

"Brad, we have a great offer for you. Are you ready to get back to work?"

"Yeah, I guess so. As long as the client agrees to allow me to bring Scotty?" I replied.

"Well we can find out but I don't see a problem with it. And there will be a tutor provided anyway. Do you know who Stevie Brock is?" the office manager asked.

"No I don't. Is he an athlete or actor?"

"Neither" she replied. "He is a new up and coming pop star. He is the next big thing. A young Aaron Carter if you will. In fact he requested you based on Aaron's recommendation. His parents have heard of your reputation and due to their work schedules they are hoping you can act in a dual role as surrogate parent and bodyguard."

I thought it over. "I will do it."

"Great. You will be faxed the information. You need to meet Stevie and his family in Dayton, Ohio tomorrow." She informed me.

"No problem." I replied.

"I am faxing you the information and the flight is being arranged for tomorrow morning. Call if you need anything." She hung up the phone before I said goodbye.

I told Scotty and he was excited. He knew who Stevie Brock was and he kept going on and on about how cute he is. Evidently, Stevie has been played a lot on Radio Disney and is on the Disney Channel all the time. He directed me to and when his pictures came up I almost passed out.

He was very cute and I was instantly attracted. Stevie was born on Oct. 23, 1990 and he was blond haired and blue eyed. He looked a bit like Aaron Carter but cuter. He started singing at age 2 and he started writing songs at age 8. He is a very talented young man. Scotty is now 15 and he is hornier than ever. This was a dream come true for him. A chance to tour with cute little Stevie Brock, he almost jumped for joy. We packed up our clothes quickly that night and by morning we were on a plane to Dayton, Ohio. When I got off the plane we were greeted by his father. He was a nice looking man in his late thirties.

He took us to their home and we met Stevie in person for the first time. He was so cute. He wasn't tall maybe about 5'4 and weighed no more than 105 lbs. He was perfect for Scotty. He had crystal blue eyes and blond hair. His skin was so smooth and perfect that I was staring a bit. Scotty was staring too and I nudged him. I think Stevie noticed and blushed a bit and shot us the cutest grin. We all greeted one another and talked for about an hour and before we knew it we were headed back to the airport.

"You guys are heading to Philadelphia for the first stop in the Radio Disney Tour. We are trusting you alone with Stevie because everyone says you are the best. You guys have fun." Stevie's dad kissed him goodbye and we all piled on the plane.

We made the usual small talk and we learned a lot about Stevie. He talked a lot about his friendship with Aaron Carter and the fact that they were good friends. He told us his favorite food was Subway, that he loved Justin Timberlake's music, and that he loved dogs. Amazingly this was all of Scotty's favorites too. The two boys hit it off marvelously and I was very happy for them. They chatted a long while and then Stevie started asking me all the obligatory questions about how much I bench, if I ever shot anyone, have I had to beat anyone up, and then he asked me a question that made my jaw drop.

Stevie leaned over and whispered in my ear. "Do you think you can take care of me as well as you did Aaron? He said you served ALL his needs."

The boy squeezed his dick slightly and I noticed he had a little boner. My mouth went dry and I was shaken by his frankness. I just got a stupid shit eating grin and nodded.

He smiled and said "Good."

He and Scotty made small talk for the rest of the flight and I could tell he was a sweet and caring kid. He seemed very intelligent and aware of things.

Scotty was so cute chatting with the boy. Scotty is 15 and he has blond hair and green eyes. He is about 5'5 and looks like he is 13. He has some cute freckles on his face still and a small button nose. He was gorgeous. Many of the girls and boys on the flight stared at the two Adonis' during the whole time. I saw several guys staring too. I am sure they were thinking I was a lucky bastard. We arrived in Philadelphia and headed to our hotel. It was a fairly nice hotel and we had adjoining rooms. We checked in put our stuff away as we were going to be here for three nights and then we headed to the convention room for a sound check.

After the sound check we all had dinner. When it was over the boys wanted to go to the indoor pool and I agreed. We all changed and headed down and seeing Stevie in his cute red swim trunks made me very horny. His skin was white but had a slight tan. He had a flat chest and stomach and he had the cutest little nickel sized nipples. His hair wa golden blond and a bit long and ragged like skater boys wear theses days. Scotty by contrast had small dime sized nipples and some freckles on his cute shoulders. He had very short blond hair. Both boys looked amazing wet. Stevie seemed very taken by my physique.

"You are so big Brad. You look like a professional wrestler." He told me and smiled.

The boys wanted me to throw them about and wrestle with them and I did. They both got boners and I pretended not to notice their hard flesh rods poking me. After swimming we agreed to watch some TV together before bed. Scotty opened our adjoining door slightly so Stevie could come in when he was ready. He heard the shower going in Stevie's room and told me we had time for a quickie.

"I am so horny from wrestling with Stevie. He is so cute. He had a boner too. I felt it poke me." Scotty giggled.

"You did to sweetie. I felt it." I smiled at him.

"Well, I still do."

He pulled his swim trunks off revealing his five inch cock. He had a slender milky white circumcised cock. It was so cut. He walked over to me and quickly pulled my trunks down revealing my rock hard and very thick six and a half inch cock. I was completely hairless except a cute pubic patch I groomed and the hair on my legs. Scotty was completely hairless except his cute small pubic patch. We kissed and exchanged tongues probing each other's mouths. I sat down on the bed and Scotty laid on top of me. I saw the adjoining door move and noticed Stevie spying on us. He was wearing only a pair of cotton smiley face boxer shorts. I began to rub Scotty's smooth white back very slowly massaging him. He moaned a bit. Stevie began rubbing his cock through his boxers. I kept pretending not to notice.

Scott ran his hands over my body and he caressed my muscled frame. We kissed more passionately and Stevie slipped his small 5 inch cock through the opening in his boxers. I almost shot my load when I saw his cute circumcised cock being caressed by his slender fingers. Scotty began to grind his cock against mine making his ass flex. Stevie was staring at the teen's tight hairless ass. He humped harder and harder. Our cocks rubbing together over and over. We kept kissing more and more. Stevie rubbed his dick furiously. Suddenly Scotty bellowed and his hot teen spunk spewed onto my flat belly. He fired off 5 good shots. I caressed his smooth tight bubble butt for a few minutes as Scotty came down from his orgasm. I was still needing to release and I rolled Scotty to my right. I looked right at Stevie and our eyes met.

"Are you going to stand there all day or are you going to join us. I can give you a hand with that." I smiled at him.

Stevie quickly ran over to the bed shedding his boxers along the way. He climbed up on the bed straddling me and placed his body so his knees were on either side of me. His cute teen cock bouncing right in my eye line. I opened my mouth and sucked the sweet little dick into my warm wet opening. He moaned loudly. Scotty watched intently. Stevie began thrusting into my awaiting mouth and I sucked him harder and harder. Scotty grabbed my dick and began to jerk me off. Stevie was close and his body tensed. I was caressing his soft sweet skin and feeling his cute firm ass.

The tensed teen fired his first watery shot into my mouth and followed it with three more. His cum was light and sweet and it's taste made me so horny my cock exploded. Scotty jacked me until I had fired off 8 thick creamy globs all over my chest and stomach. Scotty began to lick my cum off my body. It had run together with his and he feasted on it all. As Stevie collapsed he laid on my right side and began to feast on my spunk as well. We watched some TV and fell asleep with me finally positioned on the right side of the bed. Stevie was in the middle with his cute ass pressed to my crotch and Scotty on the left with his tight ass pressed to Stevie's crotch.

I awoke at 4:00 am and just looked over the beautiful teen boys lying in my bed. My pop star and my cock star lying in the bed with me. Their young bodies beaming in the moon light. How lucky we all were to be together and sharing this very tender and loving moment.

To be continued..........(depending on the demand for more).......

Next: Chapter 2

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