Still Not Quite Enough

By KD Stories

Published on Mar 21, 2011


Still Not Quite Enough- CH. 1

This story is pure fiction! This story will contain sexual contact between to underage males if this is illegal to read where you live then please stop now!! Everything in this story is made up, the names and people are made up: they are not real! Please do not copy or paste this anywhere else please feel free to email me -------------------------------------------------------- This is my second story that I have written, the first one would be the ssos/isosg series. I hope you enjoy the story as much as you have my first one as always comments are appreciated. KD ------------------------------------------------------------------

I get off the bed, wiping my mouth off and reaching for my boxers. As I slowly pull them up, I hear him do the same. I turn around and look at him. "Use my patio you can climb down there and leave." I tell him searching for my jeans.

He comes over and kisses me on the cheek, "Dude that sixty nine was the best thing I have ever experienced, can I call you sometime?"

I give him a smile, "Listen Jake so we're clear, it was a onetime thing with you. We didn't have sex, we just exchanged blow jobs. Besides I'm fifteen and you're seventeen." I tell him.

He gets a hurt look on his face, "its Jamie." He looks at me with those sad eyes.

"Sorry, must have slipped my name. Be careful climbing down." I tell him watching him leave my room.

I watch from my window as he climbs down from the patio, he was cute but I won't see him again though. Don't get me wrong, we had fun and yes I still am a virgin, I'm not a slut! Like any teenager, I do fool around, but if he knew who I was then I would get the attention just because of who my parents were and I don't want that kind of attention. I've gotten enough of it to last a few lifetimes.

I guess it would be a good idea to introduce myself, I am Gavin Baxter. James and Katherine Baxter, who each are famous on their own right, are my parents. My Dad, James, runs the multi-million dollar chain Baxter hotels, and my mother Katherine is a fashion designer and quite a successful one.

Wait, wait you must think I am spoiled...just a little bit, in fact I think they pay more attention to their jobs, and their silly parties than me. But don't feel sorry for me I like it better that way. It lets me do what I want, plus they give me money so it's perfectly ok with me.

I look around the room for my discarded pants, I find them and pull them over my boxers. I readjust myself and fix my boxers, I hate when they scrunch up! It's so annoying. I go look at the mirror on the outside of my bathroom door.

My pale complexion I received from my Grandmother Baxter, it compliments me well and makes my black hair stand out more, it's clean cut and my bangs stop at my eyes, I don't really look good with long hair plus my lovely parents want me presentable. I focus on my bright green eyes, they either lighten or darken with my mood, but considering the mood I am in they are pretty bright right now.

I hear my door open and hear a squeal come from the door way. I am tackled to the floor by my best friend Tori Sampson.

"OH MY GOD GAVIN!!!!! I haven't seen you all summer, I have missed you so much!" she screams as she is on top of me.

I smile at her; she is gorgeous from her blonde hair and slim waist to her brown eyes. She is my best friend since well I was born, her mother is my Godmother and my mother's vice president of her fashion company.

"I missed you too but you forget you are taller and bigger than me, you're crushing my five foot four inch frame!" I tell her giving her one of my mischievous smiles.

She straddles herself across me and locks my arms down with hers, "Oh, look who has all the power now! Wow Gavin someone was busy working out this summer!" she says running a hand over my stomach that has a developing four pack. But it does look good on my five foot four frame.

I squirm underneath her. "Stop your tickling me on purpose you winch!" I tell her bucking underneath her.

She laughs and kisses me on the cheek, "My cute little best friend, it is a shame your gay. I would love to parade you around school with me since you are finally a freshman this year and going to a public school!!" she says getting off me.

I laugh, as she helps me up off the ground. "Well I don't know whether to be flattered or sickened at the thought of dating a girl!" I say sarcastically.

She punches me in the shoulder, "Don't be a smart ass Gavin, it doesn't make you look cute with me. So tell me is it true?" she asks.

I look at her as if she has spoken some foreign language, "is what true?" I ask as I go lay on my bed.

She follows me and sits beside me, "Gavin! Why do you act as if you don't know? I know you went to Paris a few weeks ago to do a model shoot!" she says scolding me.

I put my hands over my face, "Ugh! How do you know?"

She laughs, "Well there happens to be this woman that is your godmother, that happens to be my mother, that just so happens to be your mothers best friend and vice president of her else? so where are the pictures? Why are you so lame about doing the model shoot?"

I point to my dresser, "over there." I sit up and look at her, "because I don't want to be caught up in all of my parents shit. I just want to go to school and be normal, not have people gawking over me because I am rich and that I have been in magazines."

I watch her walk to my dresser and look at the pictures, "Gavin they are so good! You are so cute! Plus you look really sexy. So did you lose your v-card over the summer?

I almost fall over, "What the hell? No I didn't!"

She laughs, "I am joking jeez you have no sense of humor. You don't have to be so curt all the time Gavin or you will never make friends at school."

I fall back on my bed, "Don't remind me! Hey do you know a Jamie, he should be like a year ahead of you, I guess a junior?" I ask.

I watch her as she is in thought, "He doesn't go to west Lincoln high, but there is one at a prep school not so far from ours. I guess the north side of New York." She tells me.

"Good." I say now that I don't have to face seeing him on my first day of school which is today, but the good thing is our first day doesn't start till ten.

"Oh Gavin did you really do something with him?" she asks.

I just smirk, "Maybe. I do have my needs. Tori we need to talk." I tell her sitting up crossing my legs on the bed.

She gets a serious look on her face and comes and sits right next to me, "What's wrong?"

"I'm...well...Not wanting to go to some lame ass school." I tell her smiling.

She gives me that parental look that she does and I hate it, "Gavin stop being a smart ass all of your pubescent years of life."

I roll my eyes fine, "Look it's a new school for me and countless others at school. Please don't tell anyone who my parents are, I don't want to be hassled or have this following of girls after me, because I'm rich. I wanted to go to public school too, be normal, not a private school just because my parents are rich!"

She sits back against my headboard, "You shouldn't be ashamed of who you are...that and maybe if you are actually polite, people wouldn't think you are some rich kid snob."

I fake a shock look on my face, "That hurt!"

She crosses her arms and looks at me, "Gavin you are hopeless. Just try to be polite and well not yourself, because you're sarcastic and you will be fine. Besides we will be in school together."

"You just told me I shouldn't be ashamed of who I was." I tell her mocking her.

She shoots me a dirty look, "Get a shirt on I know your proud of your little four pack and want to show it off but it's not working for me."

"Yes your majesty." I tell her getting off my bed and walking to my closet. Now what to wear to the first day of school? I look at all the clothes and I can't decide...I don't want to be flashy so I just choose a pain white shirt, they will look good with my jeans and Nike shoes.

I move over to my dresser putting on some deodorant and picking up my silver necklace and put it on as well. I pull the shirt on over my head. I grab my Nixon purple watch that I received for my fifteenth birthday from my parents, but of course I know who really went and picked out the watch, that would be Lisa, our house keeper who is only twenty one, she lives in the back yard in her little cottage type house but she does go to college, our last house keeper was getting old and wanted to retire and live with her kids. That was a few years ago.

I walk back to my bed handing Tori the watch to help me put it on, "Please!"

"I swear I have never seen someone born with two left hands like you." She jokes and puts the watch on.

I smile, "thanks you're a doll." I tell her and wink at her.

She rolls her eyes in return, "Let's go down stairs get your backpack, I am ready to go already!" she says.

I just laugh at her. I grab my backpack its one of those one strap shoulder ones, I sling it over my head and follow her down the elegant stair case in my house. I head to the kitchen to get some orange juice. I walk into the kitchen and Lisa is there waiting for me.

"About time you came down, thought I was going to have to send a search party for you." She says smiling at me.

I take a seat on a stool that's placed at the island in the kitchen, "I know you just missed me so much."

"mhhm, yup you caught me. I was just dying in despair. Now drink your juice and take your vitamins!" she tells me sliding them over.

I do what she asks, as I drink the orange juice, I watch her as she reads a magazine and twirls her brown curly hair, "Do you have a boyfriend yet?" I ask out of curiosity.

I get slapped on the shoulder from Tori, "Don't be so rude Gavin!"

"I might have one, I might not. I don't really discuss my love life with you Gavin, now go! I have things to do and you need to go to school." She tells me ruffling my hair.

I get off the stool and head down the left hallway to my mother's office, I knock twice before I enter. The room has two big windows in it, making it bright. The walls are spaciously covered in pictures of various ladies wearing my mother's design. To the far right is her desk with her behind it on her cell phone of course.

"Mom I need money for lunch." I tell her.

She holds a finger for me to hold on while she is chatting vigorously on the phone and shuffling through papers and trying to find her purse. I walk over seeing her purse on the floor and she nods, I take out a twenty and slip it in my back pocket and leave the room.

Tori is waiting outside the room, "Why did you need money? I thought they already gave you money?"

"That's personal spending money, jeez I'm not spending my money on school food they can do that." I tell her smiling as we head for the front door.

"You are so spoiled!" she tells me rolling her eyes.

As we walk out the door I see her car in the drive way, a very pink volts wagon, "Wait tell me again who is spoiled?" I say shooting a look at her.

"You better shut your mouth and get in the car unless you want to walk to school." She tells me.

I know when to stop with Tori. I try and behave and get in the car with her, I didn't think I would get car sick. She drives like a maniac.

"Who the hell gave you a driver's license?" I ask as we are speeding down the road.

"I passed the test duh!" she says while concentrating on the road, and turning up the stereo.

I am glad school wasn't so far from my house, because I think I would have been puking if I was in the car with her for too much longer, as she parks in the parking lot, I open the door for fresh air.

Tori laughs at me, "Now if you want to be an asshole to me, it can get worse next time."

I just give her a dirty look and get out of the car. "Come on you need to show me where I can pick up my schedule for my classes." I tell her walking ahead of her.

She catches up with me and smiles, "I like when you pout it's too funny. Now come on we have to go to the quad, the teachers will have tables set up according to last names and you get into that line."

"What is a quad?" I ask, but before she could answer we heard a shout.

"Whoa dude watch out." A voice shouted.

The next thing I know is I am on the ground lying next to some random guy because he decided to run into me with his stupid skateboard. I look over and he is laughing and gets up and dusts himself off.

He turns around to face me, which I didn't mind looking at his ass it was pretty nice actually, but still didn't excuse the fact I was pissed off at him. I just stare at him as he dusts himself off.

'Ssssorry, dddude." He stutters out and reaches a hand out to me.

I just look at his hand, "What the hell are you doing! You need to watch what the fuck your doing dude. I could have broken a bone or something." I yell at him refusing to take his hand, I get up and finally get a good look at him.

He had brown curly hair that curled at the end, and honey brown eyes that seemed to show a sadness you wouldn't notice unless you peered directly into his eyes. He had nice lips and I could tell he had a nice build, he was skinny like me but wasn't fat.

"My bbabad, I didn't sssee you till the llaast second." He sputtered out.

I didn't want to deal with some stuttering imbecile on the first day, "Just watch where you're going next time." I tell him walking past him trying to get the grass out of my hair and off me.

I looked back at him, he seemed sad that he ran into me, but I wasn't in the mood to feel sorry for him. I walked over to Tori, "What?" I ask not in a good mood.

"You didn't have to go all crazy on him." She says looking at me.

"Did you see what the idiot did?" I asked in disbelief.

"Yes Gavin I did, but you didn't have to be a dick, he tried to apologize and you treated him like shit. I actually know him." She says walking off from me.

I follow her, "Come on Tori, you know half of the school, I was just upset ok. I didn't want to deal with some stuttering idiot."

She stops and turns around, I know I pissed her off now, "If you were any kind of human being you would realize that not everyone is as perfect as you Gavin. Unlike you, Darren has had a harder life than you will ever have." With that she walks off from me.

I stop and shake my head, girls! this is why I don't date them too damn moody for me, "it's ok I will find the quad by myself." I yell out at her, she doesn't even stop to comment back.

I look around me and I see other students head a certain way, and well I saw the kid, Darren, I guess that was his name, was so I followed him...I know right now how funny this was, the person I go off on now is actually leading me to where I need to be. I'll laugh about it later.

I followed him, we went through a little hall area outside and then gates that led into a court yard, well I guess it's what they called the quad. Just like Tori said there where teachers in the quad, each at a table with letters of the alphabets on them. I saw the table with the letters A-C on it so I went and got in line.

I was about in the middle of the line so I took this opportunity to look around. The courtyard was quite beautiful, it had healthy green trees in it with benches and a clock tower in the middle. I let my gaze lower back down to who was standing behind me and it was the kid I yelled at, Darren.

Our eyes met and he looked away first, I just studied him a second longer he was blushing. I put on a satisfied face and turned around. I guess he is still embarrassed about running into me, I know I should apologize for yelling at him but I did have the right to yell, I mean he could have injured me or anyone else!

As I move up in line I feel a tap on my shoulder, I turn around and it's Darren, I give him an can I help you look.

"I-I-I am sorry abbbout earlier, I'm Darren Cccchambers." He stutters out.

"We established that you're sorry. I'm Gavin." I tell him not trying to leave an opening for anymore talking."

"Sssso yyyour friends wiwwith Torrri?" he says.

"Yeah, pretty much best friends." I tell him turning around once again.

He didn't have time to say anything else, as he was trying to talk to me the line moved and I was next. I walk straight up to the teacher.

"Last and then first name please." The teacher said very monotone, you could tell she hated her job.

"Baxter, Gavin." I tell her. I wait and try to see if my last name even registers with her.

I watch as she slowly thumbs through the papers that she has, she stops on one and studies it for a second and looks up at me, "Baxter as in?" she asks with raised eyebrows holding my schedule out.

I let a satisfied grin appear on my face, so the name Baxter did register with her, I just smiled and took the paper and walked away looking at the schedule it says to report to home room on the first day. "Who the hell has a name Hoss?" I ask out loud.

"She is like about the coolest teacher in the school; she is also the English teacher." I hear someone say from behind me.

I smile at the brunette girl that has spoken to me, "Thanks, but I am new to the school and don't exactly know where her class is."

She smiles back and blushes she is pretty even her mud brown eyes aren't too bad, "Well I could show you if you want. She is my aunt. I'm Kara." She says smiling at me.

"Sounds great please lead the way." I tell her giving her another smile which seems to have an effect on her.

I follow her down this hall and up to the upper levels; if I could explain exactly how this all was its like the halls are outside there like sidewalks but with a cover on top. I don't know how to exactly word it right now. She leads me directly to the room. I guess this is where I say thank you and tell her I would have been so lost without her....Nah I will just say thanks and that's it.

"Well Kara, thank you so much for showing me to Mrs. Hoss's room." I tell her.

"You welcome, wait I never got your name?" she asks.

I force a smile, "Gavin."

"Ok Gavin, I hope to see you around." She says leaving me to be finally.

I drop the grin as soon as she disappears, that was annoying as hell! I open the door and go into the class room there are a lot of people already in the class there are a few empty chairs to the back so I make a beeline towards one of them when this jock stops me.

"Dude I know you aren't going for my chair man." He says in a tone that oozes with malice.

I roll my eyes and start to make for the other one, but again I am stopped "Look kid, I don't know about you but this is for people in ninth grade, fifth grade is across the street." This douche bag says and he laughs with all his buddies.

I just smile back at him, "You are right, I think I might be in the wrong class, I didn't know this was the remedial class."

The comment took a minute for the beef headed jock to realize I just insulted him, he was pissed he shoved the desk back and came at me grabbing me by the front of the shirt. He pulled me so close to him that I could smell his toothpaste.

"Please don't try and kiss me." I mock to him right to his face.

"You little freak, I am about to make your pale face finally have color!" He spits out which actually hits my face.

I grow rigid a little as I see him raise his fist, but before he started to swing Darren came up and grabbed his fist.

"Don't do it Doug." He says barely about a whisper.

I watch as Doug actually listens to Darren and he lets me go. I straighten out my shirt and grin back at him.

"You are lucky you little bitch, that Darren stopped me.or I would have beaten the shit out of your little face." He says to me.

I wasn't smiling anymore I guess he was right if Darren didn't stop him, I would probably be in the hospital by now. I open my mouth to say something, but Darren grabs me by the arm and leads me away from them and chuffers me to a seat and he sits right beside me.

I watch him as he sits there drumming on his notebook reading something on the board. I just stare at him and I can't help it I say something, "I could have taken care of that issue back there."

He doesn't even stop his little drummer thing and shakes his head, still doesn't make eye contact with me at all. I watch him as he does this for a few more minutes.

"What you can't talk all of a sudden?" I shoot at him.

He stops his little drumming and looks at me, "Why sssso yyyou can mmammake fun of me?"

I narrow my eyes at him, "No I mean you obviously wanted me to sit by you. I mean you did place me in this seat."

He shakes his head again. "Nope.......actually I thtthink you're an ass. That aaand the only reason I dddid what I did was because I don't like violence."

Wow I knew I was one but no one has ever called me one. My jaw actually dropped when he said this. I turn around and face the front I was pissed. I don't know who the fuck he thinks he is.

The door opens and a red haired tall thin lady walks in. She is pretty and she has green eyes, she walks over to the desk and starts to shuffle some papers around and finally sits in the chair, "go ahead and talk for a few minutes." She announces.

"By the way we are even now." Darren whispers to me.

I just look at him still pissed not wanting to even talk to him, wait I didn't even want to talk to him in the first place, he was the one who kept talking to me. Whatever I am not going to fret over some stupid stuttering idiot!

The teacher stands up from her chair and the class instantly dies down, "Ok. So as we all know we really aren't doing much in any class today, I am your homeroom teacher and some of you will have me for English. I am Ms. Hoss. So I am going to take role and then tell you a little more about today."

She started to take roll, when she got to me she didn't say my name, first she looked up from the sheet and I swear I have never seen her before but she locked eyes with me and I knew she knew who I was from my damn last name, "Gavin Baxter?" she asks looking at me.

I just nod my head, she continues with roll and I look as every kid is called I pay attention to when she gets to Doug Walkman, if I am not mistaken his dad is a manager at one of my father's hotels, no wonder he thinks he has money and that's why he is a dick. His father is pretty cool man he used to give me cookies when I went to the hotel when I was younger.

"Okay now that that is out of the way, I am going to pass out a questionnaire sheet no it is not for you to answer, you will have a partner to ask; yes I know how childish this is but you are freshman now. Okay well this is the high school part, you have to do it on your own time, not mine. You will have the weekend to do this and you have to write a paper about your partner using the sheet as a guide." She drops on the class.

We all groan, but she smiles "Welcome to high school people maybe you will make a new friend this way, maybe not. So the first pair is Doug and Jeremy..........she went on and on with names and I was waiting for mine and she finally told me Gavin and Darren. You will partner up."

I see Darren's head snap up, and he looks over at me in disbelief, I look at him the same way it's not like I want to get to know this jerk either, in fact I would rather not ever see him again.

I pretty much zoned out as she went over the lame ass rules of this school and the dress code. I didn't want to listen at all anymore I was too pissed about this lame assignment to be honest. I actually fell asleep listening to her. I was woken up with a thump on the head.

I looked at Darren who just smiles, that asshole thinks it's funny, that's ok I will get him back. Right as I am about to say something witty Ms. Hoss starts to talk again.

"Ok class I am sure your tired of hearing me talk, you know we do not have regular class today so you are free to go, enjoy your weekend." She says.

With that people fly out of the class room, I get up and start to head for the door but I see Darren approach Ms. Hoss so I stand on the other side or the wall right where the door is I want to know what he has to say.

"Ms. Hoss, I don't want to be partners with Gavin he is a maaamajor, prick." He tells her

"Darren! That's not nice either. I think once you get to know Gavin he isn't as rude as he likes to portray." She says.

"Bbut wwwwhat abbbout this assignment?!" Darren started to say but she cut him off.

"I read your file, Darren most of your teachers have. I am sorry honey but I think it actually might be a good thing if you do work with Gavin on this assignment, you both might actually make a friend. Now that's the end of this discussion, I am sorry Darren." She tells him.

I walked out the door before anyone of them could see it was me. I turn around and almost run smack into Tori.

"What are you doing here?" I ask.

"Well I was trying to find you so we can leave!" She says snappily.

"Yeah let's go, I am ready to get home. So what did you do in class?" I ask trying to change the subject so she didn't raise questions that something was up.

"It was great! I got to see so many of my friends that I missed over the summer, and I already have eye-candy!" she squeals as we walk down the hall.

I laughed this was typical Tori, she always had eye-candy no matter if she had a boyfriend or not, "Interesting, what number is this one?" I ask smiling at her.

She pops me in the head, "Not funny at all Gavin, you don't always have to be a dick."

I rub the back of my head, "It's not nice to hit people! I was being nice, I just asked an innocent question." I tell her.

She gave me a doubtful look, "Gavin one thing I have learned is there are no innocent questions with you."

"Hey I am not going home, I need you to drop me off at Darren's house, I know you said you knew him." I tell her looking at her.

"Oh what do we have here?' she asks teasing me.

"Trust me it's nothing like that it's some stupid assignment that we have to do. Besides he doesn't like me and I don't like him either." I tell her.

She giggles, "Yeah that's why you couldn't keep your eyes off of him when he knocked you over today." She says as she gets into the car.

I glare at her through the car door, "Look there is nothing wrong with looking at someone! Now just drive!' I tell her.

She rolls her eyes at me as usual, "Call Lisa so you don't worry her." She tells me.

"Already on it!" I tell her holding up my iPhone.

I put the phone too my ear, waiting for her to pick up and finally she does, "Already got kicked out of school for being a smartass?" she answers the phone like that.

I roll my eyes, "Not yet no! Thanks for the support. I have to go to a classmate's house to do this lame assignment. I will text you the address when I am ready to be picked up" I tell her.

"Yes master!" she says and starts laughing at me.

"Whatever!" I say and hang up the phone.

I don't even look over at Tori, because I know she has a grin on her face and I don't find it amusing at all right now. "How much farther!" I ask.

"We are almost there, hold on, why are you so agitated today?" she asks.

"I'm just not enthused about doing this stupid assignment with an asshole." I tell her.

'Well think how he must feel. Gavin I love you to death, but for such a little person you are a huge prick." She tells me.

We finally pull up to a one story brick home, it had nice trimmed grass and looked well ordinary to me which was fine, maybe he wouldn't be all that bad.

"Thanks." I mumble as I get out of the car.

"Gavin, don't be mad at me, you're my best friend I love you to death, but please go easy on Darren. He isn't used to being around such outspoken people." She says.

I just nod my head and shut the door. What the hell is with her she is always trying to protect him from me like I am some horrible monster.

I walk along the stone path to the front door and I ring the doorbell and I step back, I look around the yard, it's nicely kept, I can't see in the house because the blinds and shades are drawn. I hear someone come to the door and open it up.

I see a middle aged woman poke her head out, "Yes?" she asks in a pleasant tone.

"Is Darren here?" I ask putting on my sweet kid charm.

"No sweetie he hasn't come home from school yet." She tells me coming out from behind the door.

She is a thin blonde haired blue eyed lady; Darren looks nothing like her at all. "I'm sorry Mrs. Chambers but we are supposed to do an assignment, we were partnered together." I tell her.

"Please call me Mrs. Taylor. Well sweetie I am sure he will be here soon why don't you come in, you can wait in his room if you would like." She tells me ushering me inside.

"Thank you ma'am." I tell her walking into the house.

It was like any suburban home, nice and well kept it was clean, there were pictures all over the wall, of Mrs. Taylor and her husband and this girl. I didn't see many pictures of Darren.

"Hun his room is down the hall on the left, would you like anything to drink?" she asks.

"No thank you, I am good." I tell her smiling.

I walk down the hall to the room she told me, I open the door and to say the least it was a typical teenager's room. There was a twin size bed in the corner and boxers, shorts, and shirts all over the floor.

There was a computer desk with a laptop on it in the corner, and opposite from the bed was a dresser that had miscellaneous things on it. I couldn't help it, I let the snoopy side get to me, I made my way over to the computer and moved the touch mouse. The screen popped on and it was locked with a password. Damn I can't get on, but I did notice his trashcan underneath the desk and well let's say he liked to use a lot of tissues. I went over to his dresser and smelled his cologne, not bad actually smelled really good.

I sat on his bed and looked at the blue walls that where sparsely covered in posters of bands, and skaters. I didn't really know any of them. I laid my backpack on the bed beside me, well now I get to wait for him to get home.

Which was in about five minutes, I heard the door open and in he came, of course he didn't notice me because he had his iPod in his ears and wasn't looking up. He went straight over to his dresser and peeled his shirt off from his sweaty body.

I couldn't help but be entranced at his body as he was fumbling with his iPod, I watched as he moved his arms and how nice his biceps were and how his shoulder blades moved under his nice tanned skin. He was beautiful I can give him that.

He took out his ear buds and he went to take off his shorts, even though I would have loved to see him in all his glory, I think I might have reached creeper level if I let him do that. So I cleared my throat.

He turned around like the speed of light, and once he saw me he fell over, "Whhaht aarre yoouu dddodoing here!" he shouted at me try to zip his shorts back up.

I just smiled at him, "Well that's no way to treat a guest in your house. Besides we have an assignment we need to do, I would like to finish it." I tell him.

He just looks at me and reaches for a tank top that is lying on the dresser, I hear him sigh and kick off his shoes while still looking over at me. He goes and grabs his computer chair and rolls it over and sits in it, "Lets.........start." He says slowly.

"Your mother was very pleasant." I tell him trying to break the tension.

"She' mother" he says spacing the words out.

"Oh, ok well she is nice. So do you want me to read the questions and we can both answer them? That way you don't have to talk much?" I offered trying not to make him feel offended.

"I-I-I can tttalk just fffine!" he says getting pissed at me.

"Ok I'm sorry I just thought it would be easier, calm down." I tell him.

"Sorry." He says.

I take out the paper and put it in my lap, "So first question, how old are you?" I ask.

"Fifteen." He says.

"Me too." I tell him.

" do you're parents do" he asks.

I look up at him, fuck I don't want to tell him this. I don't want him to think worse than what he already does of me. "My parents, well my mother Katherine Baxter owns her own fashion designing company, and my father owns the Baxter's hotels." I tell him waiting to see what he does.

I see him smile, "I want to pass this class not fffail so what do thhhey reeealy do?"

I just look at him not smiling or anything. Then he stops laughing, "Oh you really telling the truth?" He says slowly.

"Yeah I am the son of some of the wealthiest people in New York." I tell him. "So what do yours do?"

" foster dad is an ffffield ccconsulttant of Starbucks.... Jessica my fffoster mother is a stay at home wife." He says trying his best not to stutter.

I put the paper aside, "Can I ask a question?"

He just looks at me, and then he finally nods his head. He puts his paper aside as well.

"Why are you a foster kid? How does Tori know you? What has caused you to stutter so much?" I ask trying to be polite but also getting to the point.

He fiddles with his fingers mulling over the questions I asked him, "I' orphan......Tori knows my ffffoster fffamily......I stutter, because...I'm tolddd I wwas in the wreck that kkkkilled my parents...." He says not breaking the eye contact.

I don't know what to say to that, I just look at him as he starts to spin in the computer chair. I am sure he feels uncomfortable with me... "Why do you act like a tough asshole wwhen your not?" he asks out of nowhere.

It honestly caught me by surprise, "I don't act like a tough asshole...I just say what's on my mind."

"Is it because you are so short?" he asks smiling at me.

"NO! that's not it. You wouldn't understand even if I broke it down to you!" I tell him getting upset.

He laughs, "I have a sttttuttering issue not mental problems. I think you pretend to be confident and hhigh and mighty, because that's what your paaarents do."

I just look at him, "You don't know anything about me. I am leaving, I will call you later to finish this stupid assignment." I tell him getting off the bed.

"Kay..." he says shrugging his shoulders.

I send a text to Lisa to come get me. I don't want to be around Darren any longer... "I don't think you know, but you are pissing me off! I don't understand you!" I tell him.

He spins in the chair again, "Gavin....I I I am just me...i...know who you foster mother has a lot of your mothers designs...I jjjust don't care whether you have money or not. So I am going to treat you like a normal teenager and not some rich kid snob that you are."

I pick up my backpack and head for the door. I don't know what pissed me off more his stupid grin or the fact he was right....he was treating me like a regular teenager and that's what I wanted, but I am used to getting what I want. I walk out of the house, I sit on the porch waiting for Lisa to arrive. I don't like feeling like this, this isn't who I am! So you know what, I think I will give someone else a call.

I take out my cell phone, and of course like I knew he would have, Jamie did put his cell in my phone. I look at the number and smile to myself. I hit the call button.

After a few rings he answers, "Hello?"

"Hey, it's me Gavin." I tell him.

"Oh, Hey! What are you up to?" he asks perking up.

"Nothing much going home soon rough day at you want to meet me in my room?" I ask knowing full well he will.

"Yeah! That sounds great I'm not doing much anyway." He says getting excited.

"Good I will be home in about fifteen minutes." I tell him and hang up the phone.

I know how wrong this is, but considering it's been a stressful damn day and Darren didn't make it any easier by saying all this shit, I need some kind of relief. It's not like I don't return the favor to him.

I sit back down and wait for Lisa to get here which she should be pulling up any minuet. I look back towards Darren's room and just shake my head. We still have to finish this stupid project but I'm not going to worry with it now.

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of the new story, again this isn't my first story and I hope that there is a huge difference in the characters. I hope to tread into new water with this story.


this is like walking into a whole new world. we have never seen a prick like gavin in chase's world so it will be interesting to see what happens. So far its really interesting, can't wait KD for chapter two


Next: Chapter 2

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