Still Not Quite Enough

By KD Stories

Published on Mar 22, 2011


Still Not Quite Enough- CH. 2

This story is pure fiction! This story will contain sexual contact between to underage males if this is illegal to read where you live then please stop now!! Everything in this story is made up, the names and people are made up: they are not real! Please do not copy or paste this anywhere else please feel free to email me -------------------------------------------------------- Here is ch.2 of SNQE. I hope you enjoy it comments are welcomed along with constructive criticism comments that are just rude will be trashed. KD ------------------------------------------------------------------ Characters

Gavin Baxter-Age 15-Main Character Tori Sampson- Age 16-The best friend Darren Chandler-Age 16-Friend James & Katherine Baxter- Parents Lisa-House keeper Jamie Willis-Age 17-aquaintence -----------------------------------------------

It's six in the morning and I am laying watching Jamie sleep on the other side of the bed, I have long since put my boxers back on. I sit there and watch him as his chest rises and falls. I get up and move to the patio window, and look out at the city.

I jump a little as Jamie walks up behind me and puts his arms around me, "Why are you dressed?" he asks sleepily.

"I didn't feel like being naked." I tell him with no emotion.

He bends his head down and kisses my neck, "but I like to see you naked." He says, kissing my neck.

"Yeah well that's a privilege not a right for you, now stop kissing me you know how I feel about you doing that." I tell him shaking him off.

I walk back over to the bed and sit on it, bringing the covers up to my chest, I watch as Jamie stands where I left him. I can make out the outline of his butt; it's cute and round, but firm. I watch him as he turns around, making his way back over to the bed.

I can see his long smooth legs walk forward and his nice dick that's resting on his ball sack and a little pubic hair above his dick that is about 7 inches. I follow the little happy trail up to his six pack, up to his nicely defined pecks. To his neck and up to his full lips and dark brown eyes and his short blonde hair.

He sits in front of me on the bed and looks at me expectantly, "Why are you so insecure about yourself?" he asks.

I furrow my brow at him, "I am not insecure about myself. I just have boundaries."

"Why won't you let me touch you affectionately? You won't even let me kiss you! I don't understand you at all, for someone that is fifteen you are just cut off from emotion." He tells me looking as if he is going to cry.

"Look we have fun don't we? We give each other pleasure and maybe we can hang out soon outside of my room, but not if you do this shit again. Why complicate things with kissing and touching affectionately? I don't think there is any need to, why can't we just let things be." I tell him.

I see him get a look of defeat on his face, it does make me sad but I can't have that kind of relationship with him. I wouldn't even know how to explain it to my parents, oh Dad and Mom, by the way I am gay ok! Yeah not a conversation I am looking for forward to having anytime soon.

"Yeah we have fun and all, but don't you ever want more? I mean it must get lonely being you I mean your parents are multi-millionaires, who by the way are never here. I could be here for you!" he says getting closer to me.

"Just because you know who my parents are doesn't mean anything. You don't know me, you know nothing of what you just said, I am not lonely I have friends." I tell him getting pissed at this conversation.

He sighs and moves, to sit right by me, and rubs my arm, "I don't want you to get pissed at me, just stating facts."

"Well your facts are wrong." I tell him not looking over at him.

"You get so offended when someone even says the littlest thing to you, why are you so rude all the time?" he asks.

I don't answer him, instead I turn over and lay down looking at my door, and I don't even want to acknowledge him. I feel him scoot over behind me and put an arm around my chest.

I move his arm off of me, "I would like to get some sleep now. I have a busy day tomorrow and you need to leave before anyone sees you in here naked!" I tell him.

"Ok Gavin, when you wake up, I won't be here that I can promise, but can I at least text you now?" Jamie asks.

"Yeah just don't give me the whole affection shit again it's really annoying." I tell him.

By the time I woke up I looked over and Jamie was gone like he said he would be, but in his place was a note.


Look I am sorry if I am pressuring you about being more affectionate, I really like you, no it's not because your rich....I could care less, I have a dad in politics I know how you feel sometimes. I think if you gave me a chance I can possibly make you happy, call me soon, I like being around you even if you are a little shit :p


I crumple the paper up and shoot it to the trashcan, and I miss, watching it fall to the floor I sigh...that's why I never joined basketball that and I am too damn short which is annoying!

I hear a knock at my door and Lisa comes waltzing in with a laundry basket. She sets in on the floor and looks over at me and laughs "Get up lazy ass. Get some shorts and a shirt we are going to the park."

"It's nine in the morning!" I tell her looking at her like she is crazy.

"Yeah I know, I can tell time. Come on Gavin it's a beautiful day out and have you seen your complexion you could use some sun, I have coffee down stairs." She tells me walking out of the room.

I groan and get out of bed; I walk over to the basket and pick out some basketball shorts, and a blue shirt. I don't really care how I look, it's too damn early for me and Lisa knows this. She must have to talk to me about something, I am sure my parents set her up for it.

I slip some socks on, and my Nikes and walk down the stairs to meet Lisa at the door. She is all peppy this morning and ready to go, I give her a forced smile and she ruffles my hair.

I push her hand off my head she knows I hate it when she does that but I don't think she cares, I walk with her to the car and get in on the passenger side. She hands me my coffee as she gets in. I take a sip, just how I like it.

"Gosh I love you!" I tell her as I take another sip of my coffee.

She just laughs at me as she turns out of the drive way, I look out the window and you can tell it's going to be a weird day, the fog is hanging down and it just looks muggy. Not the best idea to go to the park right now.

"So why are we going to the park? You said it was going to be beautiful out? It doesn't look beautiful." I tell her.

"Well does it really matter now, you're out of the house. Who says there has to be a reason we are going to the park, maybe I feel like being outside." She says as she focuses on the drive.

I don't try and pursue this conversation anymore, one because she won't tell me at all, and two I am not even awake to argue with her. So I just sit back and drink my coffee watching the buildings go by as she speeds down the road.

She comes to a stop, and pulls into a parking lot, I look at her like she has lost her mind, "You drive like crap." I tell her.

"You have to drive like a maniac in New York or you get run over down town." She tells me.

"Well we aren't down town!" I tell her.

She just laughs and walks ahead of me, I follow her, trying to keep up, "You do realize I am shorter than you!" I tell her.

She slows down, "Yes captain obvious I know that."

We walk a couple of yards without saying anything just taking in the fresh air, and the sites that you don't see in the house I guess is what she is doing. I try and break the silence, "So why are we really here."

She smiles over at me, "Well aren't we just the intuitive one today, and to think it's before noon."

I just give her a forced smile, "yup that's me, Mr. Intuitive, and now why are we here?"

"Well a few reasons, but one is well you already guessed your parents are gone for a few days." She says looking over at me.

"Yeah that doesn't surprise me, where to now?" I ask not really caring.

She gives me a small smile, "Paris, they said if it wasn't for school, you could have gone."

I don't even reply to that, "Well I guess that means I have the house to myself."

"I am still here!" she says lightly slapping me on the shoulder.

"What is the next reason we are here?" I ask not wanting to waste time.

She takes me and guides me over to the nearest bench, and has me sit down with her; I don't like the look on her face. It's a mixture of concern and trying to be sympathetic.

"Gav...I know your parents aren't around a lot, and even when they are, it consists of meetings and extreme parties. So I know you have to feel something and be lonely. You know I am here for you? I want to be, not because I am being employed by your family or your last name it does nothing for me. I have been around you since you were ten or eleven. I care about you Gavin." She tells me hugging me.

"What is this about? Are you pregnant, or something?" I ask.

"Who's boxers where in your room?" she asks bluntly.

"Mine." I tell her.

She looks at me with a oh really look, "Gavin you wear a size smaller, those boxers were medium."

"I don't know what you are talking about." I tell her and get off the bench to walk away.

She grabs hold of my arm, "Gavin would you rather me find them or your mother, its ok if you are gay. Just tell me so I know."

"I am not a fag, obviously you need glasses to read because there are no one's boxers in my room but mine and they are ALL small!" I tell her getting pissed.

She holds firmly onto my wrist, "Then please explain the boy that was leaving your room, early this morning."

"I don't know what you want!" I tell her.

She pulls me closer to her, "I don't want anything from you, Gavin I just want you to know I am here for you, you are like my little brother, I worry about you a lot."

"Well you don't get paid to worry about me." I spit at her.

"Gavin, you know what I mean!" Lisa says hurt.

The hurt in her voice makes me stop, all she has ever done is actually been there for me, when I received a cut from falling off my bike or when I tripped and scraped my knee, she was always there to help me, but this was different she can't know about Jamie.

"Just tell me if you're being safe or not." She says looking at me.

"We don't do THAT!" I tell her.

She looks at me like she doesn't believe me, "Then why are his boxers on your floor?"

"We mess around but not like that! Relax! Jeez I have no intention to do that with him." I tell her being truthful.

"How old is he?" she asks in a motherly voice.

I look at her strangely, "Seventeen."

She gets a concerned look on her face, "Please Gavin don't be na‹ve about what you are doing, he is two years older than you, don't do anything you don't want to."

"It's not like that, he wants to be affectionate and I don't! I am not gay." I tell her not even believing the words out of my mouth.

"I think you are Gavin, but you don't want to be because of who your parents are." She tells me looking at me in the eyes.

I hate when she does that because it's like she can see the truth! Tears start to form in my eyes, I try and fight them off but they won't leave. I just look away and she turns me back around and hugs me. "It's ok." She coos to me.

"Can we just go home?" I ask trying hard not to let my voice crack.

"Don't you think we need to talk about this?" Lisa asks concerned.

"I can't tell my Mother or Father and you can't either ok!" I practically beg her.

I didn't like this at all I felt weak and I should not feel weak I was a Baxter. We had power, we were supposed to be strong, but yet here I am crying my eyes out to my house keeper because I am probably gay.

"He wants a relationship with me, but I don't want one with him. He is way too clingy for me." I tell her still hugging her.

She laughs at me and sits back on the bench, "So you are gay? But the one boy who is interested in you, you're not interested in him? So tell him that you both can be friends, but the fooling around needs to stop."

I look at her like she has lost her mind, "But I like that part!"

Lisa shakes her head at me, "You are such a teenage boy, ok so when he wants to push the relationship farther you don't need to be a douche bag about it."

"UGH! I know you are right...what should I do?" I ask.

She gets back up and guides me with her, "Well call him and meet him somewhere break it easy to him, he seems very sensitive."

"HEY! You act like I am a monster!" I complain.

"Well you aren't the most sensitive boy on earth, just don't hurt him." She tells me.

We walk back to the car and I think about what all has transpired, I don't want a relationship with Jamie, but I like what we do. I guess I might possibly be gay. My parents can't find out at all it would be way too much to deal with...maybe if Jamie wasn't.... well so Jamie I might like him like that. I shake the thoughts out.

"I guess I can call him, would you mind taking me to meet him like at a coffee shop?" I ask Lisa.

She fakes a gasp, "Are you actually asking me, and not telling me?"

I give her a sneer, and pull out my phone, I scroll through to the J's, I hit his name and hit the call button.

It rings twice and he picks up, "Hello?"

"Jamie? It's Gavin." I tell him not knowing what else to say.

"Hey! Gavin! What's up? What are you doing? Is everything ok?" he asks talking way too much.

"Jamie, chill! I am fine, and can we meet?" I ask.

"Yeah where?" he asks.

I think and I do want some more coffee, "How about Natura?" I ask.

"Yeah, is everything ok? Oh wait can a friend come? It would be rude if I just left him at my house?" Jamie asks.

"Well it's about us..." I trail off.

He laughs, I like his laugh it is cute, "He knows about me."

"Yeah fine, just get there." I tell him hanging up the phone.

Lisa gives me a light shove, I shoot her an ugly look, I get into the car and shut the door she does the same, "Was it so hard to be nice?" she asks.

"Just I don't know what to do ok? Plus he has a friend coming too! I don't want the whole damn world knowing I like boys!" I say raising my voice.

She slams on the brakes and my seatbelt catches causing me to jerk in the seat, "Look Gavin Ryder Baxter, I don't give a damn how rich your parents are, or who you are. You will not cuss at me or raise your voice to me. Do you understand?" She says shaking a finger at me.

I don't even look at her, I just nod my head, I may be a smart ass but I know how to pick and choose my battles and this one with Lisa is not one I would choose. She can be so I don't know but she is always right and I hate that!

We sit in silence on the car ride; I can tell she is pissed, because she drives fast when she is. I think about turning on the radio but I decide against it, I don't want to piss her off anymore than she is.

It doesn't take too long to get to Natura, considering she is pissed and driving like a bat out of hell, she pulls to the curb, I mutter thanks.

"Call me if you can't find a ride." She tells me.

I just nod as I am getting out of the car, I close the door to the car and she speeds off. I feel bad that I upset her so much. She is the only one who actually shows me support at home.

As I am walking up to the door, I see a blue Yamaha motorcycle, it's a clean bike, I like it, I almost go to touch it but I don't want to piss anyone else off at me, so I decide not to.

I walk into Natura's front door and I hear my name, "Gavin! Over here." I hear Jamie shout and I look to where he was.

I start towards him, and as I am approaching the table I notice the boy sitting next to him, he has a short hair cut that was a dirty blonde look and his blue eyes were entrancing, when our eyes locked it's like I felt so vulnerable like he saw right through me. I try to scope out his body but it's hard to with him sitting down, he has on a white shirt and blue jeans, I can see his broad shoulders and I want to touch his chest. I stop thinking of him as I approach.

I reach the table, I am nervous as hell now. I can feel the palms of my hands start to get sweaty I don't know why I am so nervous all of a sudden. Seeing that boy at the table with Jamie I guess did it, I mean I am about to tell him we can't be nothing more than friends.

"Hey!" Jamie says reaching over and hugging me.

I kind of stiffen up and pat him on the back, I don't usually hug anyone, not even Tori who I really need to call and make amends with. "Hi." I mumble out.

"This is Zachary Sinclair. He goes to school with me" Jamie tells me pointing to the boy sitting next to him.

"Hi. I'm Gavin." I tell him extending my hand, I try hard not to shake as I wait for his hand.

He smiles and grabs my hand and gives it a firm shake. "Good to meet you, I have heard a lot about you from Jamie." He says.

I give him a forced smile, I sit across from him leaving Jamie on the left of me, "I hope nothing bad."

He gives a little smile that makes me uneasy then he breaks out into a toothy grin and all of a sudden he has me smiling, "Nah only good things."

"I got you an iced mocha latte! I hope you like it." Jamie says.

"Thanks." I tell him taking a drink of it; I try hard not to make a face as the bitter mocha hits my tongue. I don't have it in me to tell him, I absolutely loath mocha.

"Jamie, I need to get this out in the open ok. We can't be anything more than friends ok. I like you and all but not that intensely as you like me." I tell him trying to be gentle.

I see his face drop as soon as I spoke, I feel bad for him but this is something I needed to do, I can't have him like me so much when I just want fun. Plus I don't like him at all like that as I have stated before.

You could feel the awkwardness of the situation at the table, and I am glad that Zack stepped up to ease the tension, "So what grade are you in?" he asks me.

"Freshman, you?" I ask back trying to think of a way out of this situation.

"I am a senior, fixing to be eighteen, so how was the first day of school?" He asks leaning back in his chair.

"It was ok I guess, not used to public school, but it was interesting." I say nonchalantly.

"So you're a stuck up private school kid?" Zack says grinning at me.

I don't return his grin, instead I give him an ice cold look, "No, my parents made me go to a private school, I bargained with them that when it was time for high school I would go to public school.

He nods his head as if he is considering what I said, I look over at Jamie who isn't focused on the conversation and I frown at him. "Are you going to be upset the whole time we are here?" I ask.

He ignores me and looks to Zack, "My sister is outside waiting for me, I will just see you later."

"Ok, bud I will give you a call later." Zack tells him.

I watch as Jamie gets up from the table he gives me one last look and walks away from me, I want to tell him something, but I hold my tongue. Only because he is acting wounded over something so dumb.

"I guess I should text my house keeper to come get me." I tell Zack looking at his intense blue eyes.

He does that grin that excites me it starts out as a small smile then opens up to a big one, "Or you could relax here while I finish my drink and I will take you home, maybe chill with you."

I smile at him, "Sounds good to me."

I watch him take a drink of his soda, "So how old are you."

"Fifteen, why do you ask?" I say pushing my mocha drink away.

He smiles at me, "Just getting to know you Gavin."

I watch him sit back and stretch, I see his shirt come up a little bit to reveal his tan skin and a little bit of his happy trail, my breath catches in my throat I try and pry my eyes away from the sight, just to focus on anything and stop the stirring in my jeans.

He pushes his chair back and stands up, "so are you ready to go?"

I stand up after him, and I look at how tall he is, he is like six feet. I feel so short compared to him, "Yeah I am."

I hear him laugh, and I look at him like he has lost his mind. "What's so damn funny?"

He smiles and walks right in front of me, "You are so short." He says trying not to laugh.

I glare at him, "Yeah well I wasn't lucky to be a giant. I think I look fine for my height!"

"Easy Gavin, you are so temperamental. You need to relax or you're going to bug out before you reach five foot five." He tells me smiling bigger.

I just give him a mock smile and walk past him to get out of the door, I hear him walk after me. "Where is your car?"

"I don't have a car." He tells me from behind.

"Then how are you taking me home?" I ask getting impatient.

He pushes me to go out the door, "On my bike, now let's go."

I look for bicycle thinking to myself there is no damn way I will ride on pegs of a bike, I will just call Lisa, or Tori to come get me. After looking I don't see a bike, "Where is your bike, because I don't see one."

He puts his hands on me and turns me to the blue motorcycle that I saw on the way in and all I can manage is to gawk at it like some lame kid, "Oh, that kind of bike." I say like an idiot.

"Are you just going to stand there or are you actually going to walk over to it?" He asks getting impatient.

I walk over to the bike and watch as Zack gets on and pushes the kickstand up, and looks at me as he starts the bike. I move over towards him, I have to put my hand on his firm shoulder to help myself get a leg over the bike. Times like these it sucks being so damn short.

"Where do I hold on at?" I ask not really knowing.

I hear him laugh at the question, "you hold onto me."

I put my hands on his ribs, barely touching him, I didn't want him to think I was trying to feel him up, considering he knew I was, well messed, around with Jamie. He turns around and hands me his helmet, "Put this on."

I do as he says and I put the helmet on, I have actually never wore one before so it was different actually wearing one, it is blue like his bike, and the visor blocked out the glare of the sun I feel him take my hands and put them around his waist, "Hold on tight or your skinny ass will fly off, and we can't have that can we?" he says smiling.

I feel the bike start to move and I tighten my grip, I can feel his abs under my hands, and I start to let my mind wonder about what he actually looks like without a shirt. I feel my stomach flips as we start off down the road. It's not so bad at all like you can feel the air rushing around you everywhere it's a great free feeling.

We stop at a red light and I see him uncurl his legs and put them on the road to balance us on the bike, I still don't loosen my grip around him, "You still ok back there?" he asks.

I nod my head and the light turns green and we are off down the road again. I feel him gun the bike and we start to go faster causing me to hold on tighter, I close my eyes, ok I admit riding on the bike scares me a little, I'm not used to it at all, I point to the road he needs to turn on, he just nods.

We take the turn and my stomach does more flips, I didn't even realize now that we are so close to home, I have a hard on from the vibration of the bike, I start to freak out, because we are almost to my house and he is going to know I have a boner and I don't want him to freak out. I start to try and think of anything to make it go down but nothing is helping.

I point to my house and he heads up the drive way. He has to stop at the gate so I can reach over and put the code in, once the gate opens he zooms through it and up the drive way.

He gently stops the bike and puts down the kickstand and gets off turning around to help me down off the bike, I try and reposition myself and he notices and laughs at me. "Dude it's ok, I used to have a boner every time I got off the bike, you can't help it, the vibration just have that effect."

I feel the heat rise to my cheeks, I just nod my head. I need to regain my composure. I am a Baxter, we don't get embarrassed by anything, we just accept it and try and change it to our benefit and that's what I need to do with this situation, I look at him as he is looking up at our house and around the yard.

"Fuck man, your one rich little kid aren't you?" He asks still looking at the house.

I shrug my shoulders, "I guess so. See that door up there with a balcony?" I ask him pointing to it.

"Yeah." He says following my finger.

"That is my room, I am guessing you want to come inside right?" I look over at him.

"Hell yeah man, not every day you pretty much walk into a mansion. What do your parents do anyways?" he asks following me up the steps to the house.

I open the house door with my key, and walk into the house. I see Zack look around in amazement, he looks at this huge photo in the den. "Who is that lady?"

I smile, "That would be Katherine Baxter as in the fashion designer and sometimes model, she is my mother."

"Holy shit you have to be lying, that means your father owns the Baxter hotels?" He asks looking at me.

"Yea that would be my father, why are you acting so surprised?" I ask.

"Dude your freaking parents are some of the richest people in New York, not to mention I didn't even know they had a son." He says looking at me.

"Yeah they like to keep me out of their limelight, to protect me I guess." I tell him putting my fingers up as quotation marks. "So do you want a bottle of water? Then we can go to my room."

"Do you have any sprite?" He asks still looking around.

"No, we don't have any soda. We have Tea, lemonade or coffee." I tell him.

"No wonder you are so damn skinny. Water is good little dude." He tells me.

I just shake my head at him and talk to the kitchen, as I was reaching to open the fridge I saw a note on there from Lisa,


Went out for the night there is some food in the fridge, I will check on you when I get in later tonight, don't destroy the house.

Xo Lisa.

That was typical Lisa with her notes everywhere, and that's how she would sign her name. I take it she isn't mad at me anymore which is good. I open the fridge and get two bottles of water out and head back into the hall area where Zack was waiting.

"Dude do you like live here by yourself?" he asks as I approach him.

I look at him like he is stupid, "No my parents live here to, why do you ask."

"This place is like spotless; it's like a museum like not a soul lives here." He says still looking around.

"That would be because of the house keeper Lisa, she is a good cleaner, and the longest one we have had, I guess it's because she isn't an old woman. That and my parents are rarely here." I tell him handing him the bottle of water, "Come on I will show you my room."

I lead him upstairs, he is still awe struck by the huge size of the house, we follow the hall to my room and I let him in, of course he walked around and was looking out the door to my balcony. While he was doing that I went to sit on my bed and watched him.

I watch as he moves towards my TV and entertainment center, then to my dresser looking at my watch and random things that I have thrown up there, like necklaces, he makes his way to my computer and picks up a folder and slides out the pictures in it. 'Fuck' I think to myself those are my modeling pictures taken this summer."

I jump off my bed and hurry to where he is and try to take the pictures back, "Dude don't look at those." I plead with him.

He holds them above his head still looking at them, "Dude is this you?"

"Yes, now give them back please." I tell him still reaching for them.

He moves my hand out of the way, "Why don't you want me to see them?" he asks still looking through them.

"Because." I say lamely.

He sits in the computer chair studying the pictures especially the one where I don't have my shirt on and I am sitting in the grass. He is also paying close attention where I am leaning against the wall with a button up shirt that is unbuttoned and my hands are in my jeans that are riding low on my hips showing the newly developed cuts where my hips are from working out so much.

I lean on the arm of the chair and look at the pictures with him, I really don't know why I was embarrassed I actually looked good, I smiled as I saw him look at every one of them multiple times.

"Where did you get these done at?" he asks looking at me.

"In France, I was over there this summer for a bit. My mother knew someone who needed a model for a French magazine so I agreed to do it, it was fun, the photographer kept me laughing nonstop." I explain to him.

He puts the pictures back on the desk, "There good man, you need to keep in shape you will be a heart breaker. So do you plan on going over the pond anytime soon?" he asks getting up again looking at random things again."

"I do keep up my workout routine, I'm not sure with school and all I can't really travel, it sucks cause I love to travel, it's so much fun." I tell him getting excited to talk about something.

He sits on me bed, "I bet Jamie freaked when he saw those pictures of you."

"No, he never saw them, only you and my best friend." I tell him grabbing the pictures and putting them on my dresser.

"You are a strange kid you know that?" he says lying back on my bed.

"What the hell do you mean?" I ask not knowing to be offended or not.

He just chuckles, "You just are here, you are rich and you have no one here must be lonely a lot for you."

I sigh, "Why do people assume I am lonely? I am not ok, I like my life a lot." I tell him getting frustrated at this conversation.

He sits up and walks over to me, "Chill the hell out dude, here give me your number, I will call you and we will hang out again." he says handing me his cell phone.

I put in my number and look at him, "Why are you leaving?"

"I have to go start my workouts with my dad, I need to keep in shape to get a scholarship for college." He tells me showing me his biceps.

I laugh at him, "You are so crazy so you will call me to hang out right?"

"Yeah little dude I will." He says and ruffles my hair and walks to the door.

I would usually walk people to the door, because my parents well my dad thinks they will steal something but I don't need to cause I don't know something about Zack, he has this thing about him, you can tell he is honest and this energy that draws you to him.

I throw off my shirt and look at my four pack on my small body. I need to work out but I am tired, honestly I didn't sleep well with Jamie in my bed, plus this stupid assignment I have to do with Darren, which is why I need to text him.

I get my phone out of my pocket, and type in his name into the contacts, and I hit the call button instead! "FUCK!" I say as it starts to ring.

"H-h-hello?" Darren says on the other end of the line.

"It's Gavin, can we meet up tomorrow to finish this stupid assignment?" I ask trying to be polite.

"Aaare yyou going to get upset and pout lllike yyyesterday?" he asks,

I start to get impatient with him already, "Darren just call me in the morning and I will come pick you up, I want to get this done so I can actually enjoy my day tomorrow."

"K." he says and hangs up.

I throw my phone on to my bed. I don't understand how he can just blow me off! That's ok cause once he finds out how rich I am he will be a whole different person to me. Everyone is when they find that out.

I sit up off my bed, I might go for a swim, I think I will see if Tori wants to come over, it's not even three in the aftenoon, I am sure she will be down, so I can make amends with her and catch her up. That and tell her about Zack, who is so hot!

I pull out my phone and dial her number by heart, I hear it ring and her voice is on the other line, "Come over!" I shout

"Well are you through being a ass?" she ask.

"You like my ass." I retort back.

I hear her giggle, "You are such a nerd, why do you want me to come over?"

"BECAUSE! You are my best friend, and I want to go swim. That and I am all alone!" I say trying to get her to bite the bait.

"You are the only boy I know who hates to be alone!" she groans.

"No I am content with being alone, I just don't want you to be alone." I say trying to sound convincing.

"Gavin you are such a bad liar. You hate being alone an you know it, that's why you call me in the middle of the night to come sleep in your bed cause you are scared!" she says on the other end with satisfaction in her voice.

I wince, "Ok you let anyone know that, I will never talk to you again just get here I will be waiting by the pool!" I tell her hanging up.

I slip off my shorts and walk to my dresser and pull out my board shorts, I go ahead and slip off my boxers, and look at my completely naked body in the mirror, I smile. I don't care if Zack thinks I am little, I look good for a little teenager! I pull the board shorts on. I walk out of my room and head for the pool.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well that is CH.2 I hope you are enjoying it. I have no clue what direction I am heading with this story, comments and suggestions are welcome!


Hey guys :)

Interesting chapter, it's like we see a whole different side of Gavin with Zack. Gavin is still a little shit head to me though lol. Can't wait to read ch 3 Keep up the good work Mr. Sexy Voice ;p

A very dead tY (VERY)

Next: Chapter 3

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