Still Not Quite Enough

By KD Stories

Published on Jun 27, 2011


Still not quite enough- CH. 3

This story is pure fiction! This story will contain sexual contact between to underage males if this is illegal to read where you live then please stop now!! Everything in this story is made up, the names and people are made up: they are not real! Please do not copy or paste this anywhere else please feel free to email me -------------------------------------------------------- Here is ch.3 I hope you continue to enjoy it, I enjoy the emails and comments and taking the time to talk to each of you. Constructive criticism I welcomed, but please don't be rude. KD ------------------------------------------------------------------ Lately it seems like Everybody's sick, everybody's tired Build myself a wall of unhappy hearts And only my heart knows my head is lying, lying ~Oh Glory~ P!ATD -------------------------------------------------------------- Characters

Gavin Baxter-Age 15-Main Character Tori Sampson- Age 16-The best friend Darren Chandler-Age 16-Friend James & Katherine Baxter- Parents Lisa-House keeper Jamie Willis-Age 17-aquaintence Zack Sinclair-17-Friend -----------------------------------------------

"Gavin, wake up!" I hear a voice on the side of my bed.

I mumble something unintelligent, I don't want to wake up, and I want to sleep in. Plus I don't know who the hell is waking me up right now.

"Gavin Ryder, if you don't wake up now I am going to poor cold water all over you!" I hear the voice again.

"Oh my god what the hell do you want!" I lift my head from the pillow trying to get my vision to stop blurring, and I see Lisa with her arms crossed.

"You have company, I figured I would wake the little monster so they didn't have to." She says still looking at me.

I just shoot her a dirty look, "Who the hell is here at the ungodly hour of the morning?" I ask.

"Tori, she's the only person who will put up with you and your smart mouth." Lisa says smiling at me.

I groan, "What time is it?"

She lets out a laugh, "Seven thirty, time to rise and shine darling."

I flop my head back down on my pillow, "Well are you going to stand there or will you leave and let me put some clothes on!" I say.

She just shakes her head throwing a pair of boxers at my head, "Why do you think I woke you up? I didn't want her scared for life!" she says and laughs at me as she walks out.

Lisa knew I slept nude, NO she has never seen me nude at all. She just knows I sleep nude, because I make it known that way no guest can just burst up in my room while I am naked and surprise the hell out of me, unless they know I am awake.

I throw the sheet off of me and I slip my feet into the waist band of the boxers and scoot to the edge of the bed and slip them the rest of the way on. I stand up to pull the leg parts down and to readjust myself when Tori walks in and she isn't alone.

I look up and Darren is with her, this causes me to dive back onto my bed completely missing my intended target - the sheets, and fall off the other side of the bed.

I hear them both laughing at me, "Why the hell are you here with Tori?" I shout popping my head up from the other side of the bed.

He began to talk but Tori cut him off, "I was over at his house yesterday and he mentioned that you both needed to finish some assignment so I told him I was coming over early, because Lisa and I are going to get our nails done and go shopping." She says.

"Well he could have waited outside!" I say getting up off the floor moving around the bed to find some shorts.

"What a sexy ass!" Tori yells at me.

I just look at her without a hint of any humor, "You both could give me some kind of privacy here."

Tori just rolls her eyes at me and goes and sits on me bed, "Come on Darren I know Gavin is a monster in the morning but I promise his bark is the worst thing."

"Ttthhats ok." Darren says.

I let out a sigh, "Please just sit down your making me nervous just standing there." I say still looking for my basketball shorts.

I hear Darren sigh, as he goes and takes a seat near Tori. I can feel both of their eyes on me as I walk around frantically trying to find what I did with the damn shorts. I am glad that these boxers are loose and I am not sporting a hard on because I would die of embarrassment I believe.

I finally find them at the entrance of my bathroom I slip them on; I don't really want to wear a shirt right now. I am a little burned from hanging out at the pool. I head back to my bed, and Tori is speaking to Darren.

"It will only be for a few hours ok, he isn't that bad once you get past his smart mouth." I hear her tell him.

"I am right here!" I say looking at her.

"Well Darren is convinced that you hate him." Tori says looking at me.

I scrunch my brows together, and look over at Darren who is avoiding eye contact, "I don't hate him, I'm not fond of him, but I don't hate him." I say.

"See it is settled then, you both won't kill each other while Lisa and I go get our nails done." She says smiling.

"Wait your leaving?" I ask.

She cocks her head at me, "I just said that Gavin. You're so smart, yet you act so dumb."

I just roll my eyes, "Well there's the door don't let it hit you in the ass on you're way out. Oh wait you don't have one." I say giving my smirk to her.

She gets off the bed, "Darren text me later, ok?" She says and hugs him. She shoves me as she leaves I just smile and look at Darren.

"So shall we get this ridiculous assignment done that seems to be cramping our lives?" I ask trying to make a little conversation of some sort.

He just nods his head. I doubt I will get too much out of him for this assignment, which is fine with me, and then I won't have to deal with him after.

I grab the paper off my desk, while I am doing that he pulls the paper out of his pocket and unfolds it. I don't know how he can do that I can't stand wrinkled papers, they get on my last nerve.

I roll my computer chair over to the bed and put my feet on the bed, "How can you stand having a wrinkled paper?" I ask.

He looks up at me like a asked a dumb question, "Doesn't bother me." He whispered.

I throw my hands up in surrender, "My bad. So what is your favorite hobby?" I ask reading the paper.

"Skating." He replies with yet another whisper.

I nod, and write that down, "Ok mine is running well recently is running which I need to do soon." I say patting my little four pack.

He laughs at me for patting my stomach. He regains his composure, "Fffavvvorite colllor?" he says getting frustrated at the fact of stuttering.

"Dude that is easy, I love the color purple always have." I tell him smiling, "So what about you?"

I see him take a deep breath, "Green." He says as he exhales the long breath.

I start to get really bored from these lame questions, I scan the questions, "I don't like reading, and I don't know what I want to be when I grow up. I don't know where I want to go to college, and I don't know where I want to live. In fact I don't like to think of the future, I like my present." I say to him.

This gets him laughing to the point he is rolling on my bed, I laugh at the fact that he is actually not so defensive about every little thing that I say, "Well that finish up my answers for you what about you?"

"I thhhinkk I feel the sssameee wayyy." He says and sighs after getting the sentence out.

"Why do you get so frustrated when you start to stutter?" I ask

He ignores the question as I figured he would, he gets off my bed and heads over to the glass door that leads out to my balcony, I just watch him interested in what he is thinking.

"Mmmust get lonely here..." he says looking out the window.

I snap my head up, "I don't get lonely at all."

He just shrugs his shoulders, and turns around and looks at me, "Dddon'tt you own a sshshhirt?"

I smirk, "I own a lot of shirts I just don't feel like wearing one. Does that make you nervous?" I ask.

He shakes his head, and sits back on my bed, "So?' he says.

"When did you become an orphan?" I blurt out not knowing what else to say.

"Thirteen, I was in the car when we crrrrrashed." Tells me not looking me in the eye.

"That sucks, is that why you stutter?" I asked more intrigued now.

He just shakes his head, "Yeah, I haaave a spsppeech ththhherapist I meet with, but I don't like him."

I put my feet off my bed and look at him, "Well I think if you would just relax a little you wouldn't stutter so much."

"I don't around pppeople I am comfortable with." He says.

I laugh, "Well what you aren't comfortable with me?"

He just shakes his head, "You are kind of a dick."

This actually shocks me, I know I am an ass, but no one has out right told me this to my face. I just get up out of the computer chair and walk to the dresser and fiddle with whatever I can find. I mean what the hell am I supposed to say to someone who calls me a dick?

"Sorrry..." I hear him whisper out.

"You must have meant it, or you wouldn't have said it." I tell him.

He just smiles, "You are one. I dddon't know why though, yyyou haaavee evvverything."

This starts to grate on my nerves, "Look you don't know anything about me! Or what I have! I have parents, friends, and money and anything I could want!"

"You, haave Tori as a friend, and that's only because your mootherrs work togggether." He says looking at me.

This pisses me off, "What the hell is your deal? You come to my house and are rude to me! Who the fuck do you think you are?" I spit out as I raise my voice.

"I am Darren. Bbbelieve it or not Gggagavin you are an equal, you're not better than me." He says moving over to me.

I relax, "I guess this is what I wanted to be treated an equal, but I do like to think I am better than everyone." I say.

"I don't think you can have it both ways." He says putting a hand on my bare shoulder. "Ssssoo, can we cccall a truce and be friends?"

I look into his honey brown eyes and I could get lost in them, there is so much emotion in them that just captivates you, which I know I don't have in my eyes. This boy gets me so pissed off, but at the same time he challenges me to be a better person.

"Yeah fine, but stop getting so philosophical on me, its annoying talk like a normal teenager!" I tell him taking his hand off my shoulder.

He smiles, "I-I-I-I can't talk normal I stttutterrr a lot."

I roll my eyes and sit back on my bed, "Yeah well obviously you can be a smart ass as well as a stuttering fool." I tell him.

He starts to open his mouth, but my phone rings. I grab it from the bedside table and notice the caller I.D. It's my mother. "I need to take this." I tell him.

"Yeah?" I say answering the phone.

I fold my legs underneath me, as I listen to my mother go about the normal greetings, I am not really focused on what she is saying as I am watching Darren fidget with his phone. I guess he is texting. "Gavin are you listening to me?" My mother says.

"Yeah, no I wasn't. I was occupied. What did you need?" I ask getting aggravated by her talking so much.

"Did you not hear me say that, Francine wants you to model again for her?" she says now getting impatient with me.

"I have school! I can't just up and jump across the pond! You should know this!" I tell her getting upset even more now, only because I know she will make me do this.

She laughs, "Gavin I am not an idiot, and that's why I brought it up to you, She is going to be in New York, for a photo shoot. She has models lined up that can't drop everything and as you say jump across the pond."

I let out a sigh, I see Darren looking over at me in between his texts. "Well what would I be modeling?" I ask.

"I need a yes or a no Gavin not a would be." She says with a stern voice.

"Fine, now what the hell am I going to be modeling." I say raising my voice, and getting off my bed to look out of the glass patio door.

"Don't you raise your voice to me, and you will be modeling her new line of underwear and boxers. So I hope you are still keeping in shape, if not I can have a trainer over at the house by this afternoon." My mother says with the sound of triumph in her voice.

"I don't want to model her underwear!" I say throwing my free hand in the air.

"You already committed, you have a little over two months too keep your body in shape. I don't want you looking horrible; you have a reputation to uphold to our name. Now I have to go, I will call Lisa to check that you are keeping up your work outs." She says and hangs up the phone.

I throw my phone on my bed, and lean my forehead against the glass window, and let out a sigh of defeat.

I hear Darren move closer to me, "You ok?"

"Just my fucking mother being herself and making me do things I don't want to." I say.

"Gaaavin, donnn't say that about her." He says putting a hand on my bare back.

I turn around trying to fight the tears that are threatening to spill from my eyes. "You don't know what it's like to have a mother like mine! Your mother's dead! Consider yourself lucky!" I shout at him.

I see the error of what I did as soon as the words left my mouth, Darren starts to walk towards the door and I move and grab his arm, "Darren, I'm sorry I didn't mean that at all." I plead with him.

He shoves me back causing me to trip and fall, I he bends down to help me up I just look at him. I see he has tears in his eyes now, "No, you don't know whwhwhat it's like to nnnnot have pa-pa-parents."

"You are right I don't. Please don't be mad, ok I know I said a fucked up thing, I am just angry at my mother ok. I have to work out harder now, just to keep her pleased so I can do this stupid photo shoot thing." I tell him.

He helps me back up, "I'm nnnot mad...if you wwwant you ca-can work oout with me..."

"You wouldn't mind?" I ask.

He just shakes his head, I hear a car horn blast outside, I turn to look out the patio door and I see a vehicle outside, "I gotta go." He says.

"I thought Tori was taking you home?" I ask.

"Something caccame up.... I guess I will see yyyou att sccchool." He says picking up his assignment and giving me a small smile.

"Yeah I will see you tomorrow." I tell him.

I opened my patio door and watched him as he left the steps of my door, and walk to the vehicle. It felt good outside I liked the cool crisp morning air hit my bare arms and chest. I walked back in to my room leaving the door open.

I guess I will shower. It will make me more alert than what I am. I find a pair of boxers I want to wear; I figure I would wear my favorite purple ones. I set them on the bed, I know that is super gay but I love the color purple, like I told Darren always have.

I slide off my shorts and boxers as I walk into my bathroom and throw them into the hamper. I sit on the side of the shower to start the water and let it warm up. While the water runs I get up and look at the mirror.

I don't know what the hell my mother was thinking I looked good, well for five foot four. I weigh around 90 pounds which is good considering I am so freaking short! I pat my stomach and trace the four pack that is showing more. I can't wait to get them to fully show. I guess one thing that is good is I don't have much hair on my legs or arms; I have a little pubic hair I keep trimmed.

I stop looking at myself in the mirror and test the water and its just right, I turn it on to activate the amazing shower head I have its huge, and has multiple setting, I choose the massage one.

Stepping under the warm jet streams of the water, I let out a sigh as the water cascades down my body. I love the shower, it's the one place I can just relax and get away from my last name, and the damn guard I have to put up when I am around everyone.

I grab the soap and start to rub it over my smooth body, no I don't get horny in the shower, I never have like masturbating in the shower its just to weird for me. I go ahead and wash the soap off me feeling clean now. I grab my shampoo and squirt a little in my hands and lather it up in my hair.

I rinse out the shampoo and stay under the falling water just a little longer, I usually take long showers, but I wanted to be out and ready when Tori, and Lisa came back. I still was wondering if Darren was pissed even though we talked about everything.

I shut off the water and reached for my towel that hangs on the outside of the shower. I step out and start to dry my self good, I mean I know I shouldn't have said the shit I did to Darren, I was pissed and he doesn't know what its like to have my mother. She is great as long as I agree with her and agree to the things she wants me to do....

I just shake the thoughts off I don't want to think of this anymore, I wrap the towel around my waist. I walk out of the bathroom, and walk straight to my stereo and put on 3oh!3's streets of gold. I love this CD, it's my feel good, have fun and not care about anything CD. I listen to everything even the screaming mess, just so I can piss my mother off when I want.

As D‚j... Vu came on I started to dance, only because no one was here and I can't dance to this stuff to save my life, but let me go out to a party and I can have all the girls over me dancing. It is funny because they love to dance with me especially since I don't cop a feel....Only cause it's not them I am even interested in.

I dance my way over to my bed and throw the remote on the bed as well, and I hear laughing. I quickly look up to the sound of it, and sitting in my chair is Zack.... "What the fuck are you doing in my room?" I yell, as I fall to the ground yet again, only because my foot was by the bed post.

He just smiles as he gets up from my computer chair; he walks over and picks the remote off the bed and turns it down, "Well I told you I would come see you." He says and gives me that smile that shows all his white teeth.

"Well how the hell did you get in my room?" I said demanding to know.

He point to the open patio door, "Right there. Jamie told me you let people use that a lot apparently."

"Not a lot! Just when someone stays over that shouldn't stay over for certain reasons!" I say trying to defend myself.

"Come on get up off the floor, shorty." Zack teases as he extends a hand.

I take his hand and he yanks me up fast, I grab the towel to make sure it stays on, good thing to as it almost fell off, I barely held onto it to cover my dick. "So what do you want?" I ask sitting on my bed.

"To see you, and get to know you more. Is that ok?" he asks again.

"Well you have seen me now. You could have called and we could have met somewhere." I say looking at him.

"I don't have your number." He says rolling the computer chair over to the bed.

'Could have gotten it from Jamie." I say.

He laughs, "He didn't want to give it to me, so I just came over. I don't understand the problem with that."

For the first time I took in his appearance today, he was wearing washed jeans and a white and blue button up shirt, and brown dress boots, and glasses. "I didn't know you wore glasses." I say staring at him.

"I usually wear contacts, but my dad made me go to church today so I wore my glasses didn't feel like putting in my contacts, is that ok with you." He asks looking at me.

I scoff, "You go to church?"

"Yeah I do." He says leaning back.

I just roll my eyes, "Well why wouldn't Jamie give you my number?"

"He is jealous, of me I love the kid to death, but he always is jealous of me." He says grinning.

"I don't see what's to be jealous about." I remark.

"Well for one I am taller, more muscular than you or him, I drive a bike, I am confident, and you secretly find me irresistible." He says and puts on a smug smile.

I laugh at his remarks, "I am confident as well, and I do not find you attractive at all." I say getting up off the bed wrapping the towel around me and grabbing my boxers. I start to head to the bathroom to change, "and by the way next time use the front door." I tell him closing the door.

I drop the towel and slip into my boxers, I let out a sigh, I don't know whom I am more frustrated with. Him, for being so arrogant, and being so damn sexy when he is arrogant, or me for feeling this attraction to him.

I emerge out from the bathroom; I still feel exposed since I just have on my purple boxers no one has ever seen me in them. I see Zack has made himself at home laying back on my bed looking over my assignment I had to do with Darren; he looks up and gives a light laugh at me.

"What is so funny?" I ask irritated.

"You really are gay aren't you?" he says looking me up and down.

The comment he made stings me hard, "So what if I am? You can get the fuck out of my room if you don't like it!" I tell him with venom in my voice.

Zack gives me a toothy grin. "So who is this Darren kid?" he asks reading the paper.

I walk over and snatch the paper from his hand, "He is a boy I met at school, and we had to do an assignment together. Not that is any of your business." I snap at him.

He laughs, "Dude why are you so angry all the time?"

"Why are you so arrogant?" I shoot back at him.

He gets up off the bed and cross the room over to me in a few short paces, "Dude why are you so angry today?"

I back up from him, I don't like him being this close, because I don't know if I could control myself I might reach out and touch him like I want to.... "You wouldn't understand..." I tell him walking around him.

"How do you know if you won't give me the chance?" he asks.

"You don't even know me that well to even understand." I shoot at him.

"Well, you could talk to my youth pastor if you want." Zack says trying not to smile.

I roll my eyes, "No thanks I don't need some hypocrite shoving his beliefs down my throat, I'm gay."

"Shit yeah forgot about that....What is it about?" he asks.

I walk back over to my table to grab my phone, "My mom ok."

"Oh, Mommy troubles? It's ok I have had a lot of those before." He states.

"How is that possible you probably have the perfect life." I say.

He shuffles his feet, "I don't really talk about it, but if I do you have to tell me why you're so angry, and don't say its just teen angst."

I mull this idea over, and shoot him a look, "No deal."

He throws his hands up as in a mock of my frustration, "Hey your choice man, and at least I did the way nice boxers, purple really suites you."

I turn away from him, so he doesn't see that I am actually blushing. "Did you need anything else?" I ask harshly.

He walks back to the computer chair, "I just wanted to see if you wanted to hang out today, but I see that you are not in the mood for company."

I roll my eyes at him, with my back still to him. "It's not you I just have a lot I am thinking about with pressure from my mom, and school just starting I thought things would calm down."

"Sounds like your actually talking now, and venting your troubles to me." He says from behind me.

"Not at all. Your not that lucky to know what I have to do in my life." I say.

I can feel him behind, me and feel him looking at my naked back. "Well maybe one day you will let me in. Come on get dressed lets go grab something to eat."

My heart skips I beat, I really want to go with him anywhere but I can't. I just let out a sigh, and turn around to face him "I have things to do today ok, and plus I have to be on a new diet. Plus this stupid trainer is probably coming over."

He moves closer to me and places a firm hand on my four pack, "Dude for someone your height and weight you are in the best condition you could be in!"

I back up, where his hand isn't on me anymore, even though I immediately miss the touch of his hand. "Yeah, I thought so too....but my mom thinks I'm not keeping up good enough.

"Well instead of this trainer, why don't you work out with me?" He offers.

I already like that idea I might actually see him shirtless. "I would have to get it approved from my mother..." I say hesitantly.

He laughs, "Call her right now dude!"

I grudgingly pick up my phone, and dial my mother. It rings a few times and I hear her voice, "What do you need Gavin? Do I need to call the trainer?"

I sigh, "No mother, I was just going to let you know a friend has offered me to work out with him."

"Who is this friend? Are you sure that's all he wants no money?" she squawks.

I start to get frustrated, "A guy from school ok, I actually made friends, plus he is right here!"

"Well put him on the phone!" she orders.

I hold the phone out to Zack, "Careful she is like a lion." I tell him.

He laughs, and takes the phone, "Mrs. Baxter. Hi this is Zack."

I have him put it on speaker so I can hear what she tells him. "Zack dear, so I hear you offered Gavin to work out with you is that correct? It won't be too much trouble? Do I need to pay you or send you boys work out clothes or shoes?"

Zack just looks up at me with a crazy look, "No ma'am. I don't need anything and I already work out. I just think it would be a good thing if he joined me it would save you money instead of hiring a trainer, plus I am looking into going into the personal trainer field myself."

"Ok then, I have a few stipulations Zack is that ok?" she asks.

Wow I can't believe she actually asked him. She just normally demands things, and never asked. I look over at Zack to see how he is taking talking to my mother.

"Yes Ma'am what would they be?" he ask politely.

"Well I don't, know if Gavin has told you why I need him to keep his shape, but as you probably know I have a major fashion designs and I have a very, very dear friend in the fashion business and she needs Gavin to model for her, her new line of teens boxer, and underwear, we are talking top notch fashion modeling. I do not want him to put on any muscle, I need him to remain thin and work more on his abs. Is that accomplishable? If you can do this for my sweetie, I can pull a lot of strings for you and make sure you get your shot in as a personal trainer." She tells him.

"Thank you ma'am, and yes that shouldn't be a problem." He says smiling at me.

I give him a sneer; this is great I wished she didn't have to tell him what I am modeling now he isn't going to let it go at all!

I see him hang up the phone and I look up at him, "Go ahead an say what you want to."

He looks at me hard, looking me up and down, "You skinny already dude, and I just think developing your four pack a little more would be good.

I feel the heat rushing to my cheeks, "Thanks, I guess. So when do you want to start this whole workout thing?"

He laughs, "Tomorrow sounds good?"

"Yeah I guess where do you want to meet after school?" I ask.

This get him laughing more, "I am talking about in the morning at 5:30."

I just look at him like he lost his mind, "Have you lost your fucking mind dude?"

He gets closer to me, "No I'm sure its all here, but if you want to get your mom off your back trust me."

"Easier said then done." I retort.

"Then after school we will work out again." he says heading for the door.

"Oh now you are leaving?" I ask trailing behind him.

He stops, "Yeah, I got to go get a schedule worked out for us. Besides I think you have other things to worry about." He says looking down.

I blush, I couldn't help it I was tenting up a little bit, from the close proximity he was to me, "Its natural, don't act like you don't bone up!" I say defensively.

"Its ok dude just go relax, you've got a long morning, plus school tomorrow." He says leaving.

I flop down on my bed more frustrated than I was earlier, I look over the paper that Darren and I did. "I hope he will calm the fuck down when he is around me." I say aloud to an empty house.

Hey everyone sorry for the long, long wait on this chapter. I hope to start this up again, but it will not be my main priority since I am finishing up my other series but I hope to release one or two chapter a month if I have the time. I have a new editor on this one; I think he will be great. Comments, suggestions always welcomed.

Hey KD! Excellent story so far, I'm looking forward to reading/editing more. You have definitely caught my interest in Gavin and his life. Cannot wait until chapter four is sent! M. Patricks.

Next: Chapter 4

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