Still Not Quite Enough

By KD Stories

Published on Jul 19, 2011


Still not quite enough- CH. 4

This story is pure fiction! This story will contain sexual contact between to underage males if this is illegal to read where you live then please stop now!! Everything in this story is made up, the names and people are made up: they are not real! Please do not copy or paste this anywhere else please feel free to email me

Here is ch.4 I hope you continue to enjoy it, I enjoy the emails and comments and taking the time to talk to each of you. Constructive criticism I welcomed, but please don't be rude. KD ------------------------------------------------------------------ I am a man of a million things that you can't stand You're just a girl that's everything not in my world Cause I stop, and you go And I run, too slow but let me go, go, go ~Glow~ I see Stars -------------------------------------------------------------- Characters

Gavin Baxter-Age 15-Main Character Tori Sampson- Age 16-The best friend Darren Chandler-Age 16-Friend James & Katherine Baxter- Parents Lisa-House keeper Jamie Willis-Age 17-aquaintence Zack Sinclair-18-Friend -----------------------------------------------

I get out of bed and head to the restroom, to relieve my full bladder. After I finish up and wash my hands, I walk back into my room and lay back on my bed. Fuck this, it is to early to be up, maybe if I just go back to sleep Zack will forget this whole early morning working out.

Knock Knock I hear on my sliding door.

UGH! I let out and walk over to the sliding door, and unlock it; of course Zack has on the priceless grin that he always wears.

"Morning sunshine." He says way too cheery for me.

"The sun isn't even out yet." I state.

"Well someone isn't a morning person at all! Here put these on!" He says tossing a duffel bag at me.

I look in the bag, and lay the contents out, there is a white, uh, I don't know what the hell it is, and some workout shorts and an under armor shirt that looks like it goes on a six year old. "What the fuck is this?" I ask holding up the white thing.

Zack lets out a hearty laugh, "It's a jockstrap. You need to wear one while we run, it's better than boxers, and nothing bunches up and causes you to be uncomfortable. The shirt will fit you, trust me, it will keep you cool.

I look at him with discontent, "Well are you running it that?" I ask pointing to his jeans and shirt.

"No dude, I'm about to change." He says.

I roll my eyes, "Go change in my bathroom."

He walks to the bath room shutting the door, and I slide the little as shirt on, he was right it did fit, but it was like a second skin to me I felt more naked with it on. I slide off my boxers, trying to figure out how the hell this jockstrap goes on, I put a leg through each hole and slide it up, I didn't like the fact my ass was bare, and the netting was clinging to me like glue.

I was in the process of sliding up the shorts when Zack walked out of the bathroom, and I tried quickly to pull the shorts all the way up. "This feels stupid!" I complain to him.

He shakes his head. "You will thank me for it later, now come on slow poke get your shoes on, we need to get going. How much do you run?" He asks.

"I... Maybe once a week or so." I say.

"Ok well we are going to do two miles this morning." He says jumping up and down waiting for me.

I pull both of my shoes on, and go stand next to him I feel so damn short next to him, "So lets go!" I tell him.

We started off slow, it felt good to get my body in motion, of course I still wasn't too happy or pepped up like Zack was. He is like the damn energizer bunny, he was telling me to start going faster.

As we started to run faster, him keeping to my pace since I was shorter than him. I noticed he was right wearing the stupid jockstrap was like running free, but I still didn't like it at all. I liked to run by myself, because I let my mind wonder which is what I started to do.

I did feel bad about, being so rude to Jamie, I kind of missed hanging out with him, but I didn't miss the whole lets be affectionate part at all, then there was Darren.... Would he still be all talkative with me again or will he be just as quite as normal?

I felt the wind running over my body, and I let all the pressure fly away with the wind, the pressure to be the best son that multi-millionaires could have, or to do this whole modeling thing that my mother wanted to do. The pressure of trying to be straight around them...

"Gavin!" I heard a shout.

I snap out of my trance, and look over at Zack. "What?"

He points in front of me, and I didn't even realize that we were back at my house, and then it hits me as I slow down, I am sweaty and tired.

"Dude, what the heck man we were going to take it easy, not go full force." He says looking at me.

"I thought that's what we did?" I ask.

He has his arms over his head looking at me. "Well at first then you started to run like a monster was after you, and half the time you were so zoned out."

I mimic him and put my arms over my head, the sun was barely starting to rise. "I need a shower, I am sweaty and I am sure I stink."

"Yeah same here man." He says.

We walk back to my house, and I enter the front door and Lisa is already up drinking coffee at the bar.

She mock grabs her chest, "Quick someone call the ambulance, Gavin is up before seven!" She smiles at me.

This gets Zack laughing hard, I shoot Lisa a look, "Har, Har." I mumble out, "I'm going to go shower."

"Please do I can smell you from across the room. Who is your friend?" Lisa asks, getting up pouring her another glass of coffee.

Zack steps up, "I'm Zack, nice to meet you Mrs. Bax.."

"Whoa buddy I am not Gavin's mother!" Lisa cuts him off.

I see him turn a shade of red, "I'm sorry I just figured..."

She smiles, "It's ok, I have known Gavin since he was a little shit though, well he still is one. I am assuming you are going to shower and stay for breakfast?"

He just nods his head still blushing from the stupid comment he made. "Sure."

I just laugh at him, "There is a guest room with a shower right across from my room."

I walk off towards my room already peeling the tight shirt off of me. As I step into my room, I can tell Zack is behind me, "Do you need some.." I try to say but I feel a terrible pain shoot up my leg.

I hit the floor whimpering holding my leg, Zack rushes over and tell me to straighten out me leg, I do and it takes a little pain away from it, "What the fuck is happening!?" I shout.

"Charlie horse, or a cramp." He tells me taking my leg making me lay on my back. He starts to push my leg up to stretch it.

I start to feel relief flood through my body as the assault of the cramp is subsiding, I look and see Zack positioned between my legs with my right leg on his shoulder, and I started to feel a stirring in my groin....I start to blush, "That's enough, get off me."

"You need to eat more bananas, it will stop cramps and give you more vitamins." He says reaching for my hand.

I grabbed his hand, and it swallowed my hand as he yanked me up, "I am going to shower now."

I grab my boxers from the floor where I put them and headed to the bathroom and shut the door. It has been three freaking days since I got to jack off, and it was getting to me. I never have privacy people just burst in my room, I am a fifteen year old teenager I have needs! I sigh out of frustration and turn the water on cold, hoping it will calm me down.

The cold water takes my breath away, it is record breaking time I shampoo my hair and soap up my body, whatever hard on I was getting was not the issue anymore I was freezing I could hear my teeth chatter.

I shut off the water shivering I reach for a towel, and dry my body off. I reach for my boxers and put them on. I grab my discarded running clothes and threw them in the hamper. I move out of the bathroom and over to my closet... The worst part of getting dressed is picking my clothes out.

To hell with it, I pick out a destroyed pair of jeans that hang on my hips instead of my waist; they fit perfect and look good on me. Now to pick a shirt, I pick the sky blue collard shirt Tori got me for my fifteenth birthday, she said it would make my eyes stand out more.

I throw some socks on, and pick up my black Nike's. I head back to my dresser and spray my cologne it's like a ritual for me I do everything is this order everyday I go somewhere its some kind of OCD I guess. Tori has made fun of me but I just brush her off as always.

I walk back into the kitchen and sit at the bar next to Lisa, who slides me a mug of coffee. "A woman after my heart." I say smirking.

She rolls her eyes, "Sorry Gav, I like my men a lot taller and well straight."

"You forgot to mention boring, and no sense of humor, and old. Where I am young energetic, and can last all night long!" I shoot back at her.

She pops me on the back of the head, "Watch your mouth Gavin I am still a lady. I know you're not much for manners but still!"

I just smile, and I see Zack enter the room, he is wearing blue jeans that fit, and a flannel button up shirt that fit tight across the chest, I couldn't pry my eyes off of his bulge, until Lisa kicked me in the leg, and I shoot her a dirty look.

"Would you like coffee or orange juice?" Lisa asks.

"Orange Juice please. If it's not to much trouble." He says with that grin.

This causes Lisa to laugh, "You are no trouble, this one on the other hand, is. Gavin go sit at the table and I will bring the pancakes to the table."

I went and sat at my normal spot which is in the middle and Zack sat across from me, and Lisa came in with a plate full of pancakes, and set it in the middle of both of us. I grabbed two from the plate and placed it on mine.

I put a little butter on it, and started to smear it all over the pancakes, and cut into one. "Dude you don't eat syrup on your pancakes?" Zack asks looking over at me.

"No, is that okay with you?" I pop off.

This causes Lisa to kick me under the table again, "No Zack, Gav is a picky eater hence the reason he is so skinny. So how old are you?"

Zack looks from me to Lisa "Eighteen, and I figured is Gavin always this difficult?"

"I thought you were seventeen?" I interrupt.

"Yeah, I is my birthday." He says shyly.

I just give him a weird look, "Well happy birthday I guess."

"AWWW Happy birthday Zack! Any plans tonight?" Lisa says all giddy.

He shyly shakes his head, "No didn't really plan on anything since it is on a Monday."

Lisa squints her eyes, and I interject, "What are you thinking?"

"Well your parents don't come home till next Sunday, so how about Friday we have a little party, and I will get some drinks, but if there is no DD you are staying here! It wont be big, cause I don't want to clean a lot but a few friends are good." She says with a smile.

"Really?" He asks surprised.

"Totally, I mean come on, you only turn eighteen once!" She says.

He smiles, "Well, I don't want people knowing I am friends with a Baxter, I mean not that it's a bad thing I just don't want them leeching on me cause I am. So Gavin if you want some friends to come go ahead I will prolly just invite Jamie, if you don't mind."

"Yeah that's fine." I say not really wanting Jamie to be here.

"Oh shit, excuse me I need to be going I have to get to school." Zack says getting worked up.

"Go, go, don't be late and remember Friday!" Lisa shouts after him.

I just look at her like she is crazy, "What are you thinking?"

She rolls her eyes at me, "Gavin, just go with it ok. Besides you might actually have fun on a Friday night."

"I need to get to school!" I tell her getting up from the table.


"Gavvvvvvv!" Tori screams at me and hugs me.

"Hi." I say looking at her.

She looks me up and down, "You look cute today."

I roll my eyes, "I always look good!"

"You look sleepy as well." She says brushing my hair back from my eyes.

I swat her hand away, "Look I am going to get to class, meet me at lunch I want too talk to you about something."

I walk off, towards homeroom, but before I could make it down a hall I hear my name called out. "Gavin wait up."

I turn and see this girl, oh shit what's her name again I think. "Hey!" I say back trying to play it off.

"It's Kara." She says.

I look around, "Yeah sorry I am really bad with names."

She smiles, "It's ok, so how was your weekend?"

I shift nervously, I was never good at talking to people I didn't really know, "It was uninteresting, how about you?" I ask.

She giggles, "Mine was great, I spent time with my aunt, oh did you do that assignment she gave you?"

"Yeah I got it done." I say.

"Who was your partner?" she asks.

As I was about to answer I was cut off, "I waaasss." Darren says from behind her.

I hear her shriek, "Oh my gosh Darren!" wrapping her arms around him. "I have missed you so much!"

"Miiissed you too." He says smiling.

He is dressed like he always is blue jeans and a green shirt today, topped off with a gray beanie covering his hair. With his skateboard in hand, he looked over at me and smiled.

I just gave him a nod, "So I guess I am heading to class good to see you again Kara."

Kara turns and gives me a smile, and turns back to Darren and starts to talk his head off more. I see him shift uncomfortably; I just smile as he is looking past her at me. "I...Goooottta go..." He says and slips past her as well.

He walks beside me as we are heading to class, "So you two seemed to be friendly."

"Wwweee daaated...." He says slowly.

"Oh..." I say. I didn't know he had ever even had a girlfriend; not going to lie it kind of dampened my mood. Just a little hope in me thought he might be gay...not that I would have been like be my boyfriend, but we could have had fun.

I didn't say anything for the rest of the walk, and neither did Darren. Not like he was a huge talker, since he has that stutter. We walk into the class room and head to our seats, I see Ms. Hoss at her desk looking at papers.

"Boys, please give me the papers." She says without looking up.

Darren holds out his hand and I give him my paper, I watch him as he walks too the desk and hands her the papers. She looks up at him and smiles.

"So was it so bad?" I hear her ask.

Darren just shakes his head no, "You do realize that you will have to talk more in my class Darren." She tells him.

I watch him just shrug his shoulders, and walk back towards me with a small smile on his lips, and he sits down still smiling. "So you are mischievous?" I ask.

He looks over at me, "Never said I wasn't." He says lowly.

Ms. Hoss gets, up and walks out of the room; my guess is she is making sure no one is messing around in the halls.

I see Doug walk into the class room, and of course he is being all cocky, he walks past my desk and shoves my back pack off of it. "Excuse you." I say.

He stops walking and turns to me, "Did I say something to you little princess?" He says sarcastically.

I smile, "No you dumb ass meat head but you can pick up my bag you just knocked off my desk."

I see his menacing look as he walks closer to me, he grabs me by my shirt and gets closer to me, "Listen you little fairy, I am not picking up shit."

"Dude, first I told you last week I didn't want to kiss you, and second ever heard of mouth wash... Does the breath good, in the morning." I say giving him a big grin.

I hear people start to laugh at my joke and I can tell it wasn't a too smart move on my part, because I didn't see his fist coming right at my face. All I felt is a sharp sting with my jaw and I fall over the desk.

I don't remember much after that I heard some yelling, but when I opened my eyes I saw the tiles of the roof and dim lights, and a sharp pain from my jaw, and a headache was assaulting my brain.

I was on some bed, I looked around, and I saw Darren in a chair. "Where the hell am I?"

"Nurses." He says holding an ice pack to his cheek as well.

"What happened to you?" I ask trying to get up.

"Well seems like he tried to be a martyr today Mr. Baxter. How is your head feeling? Is your neck stiff?" I hear a voice from the door way and it was getting closer.

"I have a splitting headache, and my neck is fine why would it hurt?" I ask trying to find this woman that the voice belonged too.

I see and elderly lady come into the door way she was short, and had longish gray hair, and blue eyes, "Well for one you took a nasty hit to the jaw, and when the boy hit you he let go of you and you flipped out of your desk backwards. Here take this." She said shoving two pills into my hand.

I take the pills, and grab the cup of water she was handing me. "Well am I ok?"

She looks me over, "Well I called your house and a young Lady Lisa answered she should be here soon, to take you home. I need to make sure you do not have a concussion, can you state your name and where you are?"

I cut my eyes at her, 'Gavin Baxter, and I'm at school I am fine! Now where is my shirt?"

"Darren here took it off it had blood on it, and didn't want it to get on you." She says looking over at Darren.

"Wait was I busted open?" I ask getting concerned.

Darren laughs a little bit, "No, Darren busted his knuckles on his teeth." The nurse says.

I look back to Darren "Are you suspended?"

"Just for the day." He whispers.

I was just about to say something when the door opened and Lisa came through, "Hey you okay?"

I just nod the nurse smiles at her handing her some papers. "Just sign those please."

I watch Lisa as she signs the papers, I see Darren doing the same. "Okay buddy, I have already talked to your mother and she insists in me taking you to the family doctor." Lisa says coming over to me.

I roll my eyes, "I am fine. Just knocked around with a headache, but I'm good. Besides Darren is the one that was bleeding."

"Itssss no...not that babbad." He stutters as Lisa focuses on him.

"Well you need to come over to the house soon, ok I will make you some dinner, just to say thanks for having Mr. Loud mouth back here." Lisa says smiling at him.

He just nods his head, I give Lisa a look as to say what the fuck are you thinking, I get up and say thanks to Darren again.

"Let's go call your mother." Lisa says.

I take one last look at Darren before I leave the nurses office.

Hey guys sorry for the short chapter, but I hope you enjoy it. I am probably going to wait a few weeks before I put another one to write on my other story. Thanks for reading and comments and suggestions are always welcome, because I still don't really know where I am headed with this story.


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