Stockard 719

By Kevin Cozart

Published on Jul 19, 2007


Hey guys. This is my first attempt at writing. Tell me what you think and if you would like to read more:

Stockard 719

?So this is college?? Gabriel said to himself. When he was born, his Mamaw thought that he looked like an angel, and therefore she made his mom name him after her favorite angel. It was his first day at the state?s flagship public university. So far the line to get the key to his dorm had taken forever and his RA had basically ignored him stopping only long enough to tell him that his roommate had decided to go to a different school and that he would be by himself for a few weeks. As he started to unpack, he heard the newly minted frat rats boasting about their Greek House of choice. He felt glad that he had missed Bid night the previous evening.

Having attended a boarding school for gifted students for two years, Gabe as he called himself thought he was ready for college life in a dorm. But here he, being from a lower middle class family, was alone with few friends in a 10,000+ student university often referred to as America?s least expensive private school because of its reputation as being the college of choice for the Old South?s elite families, The Harvard of the South. Gabe had worked for years to get into the school. Not that there were tough admissions standards but few students from his original high school went to universities and there was no way his family could afford to send him to The University. Now, he was here and living in Stockard 719.

Stockard, or Stock-yard as it was often called, was the largest male residence hall on campus. Gabe started to regret his decision in requesting Stockard over the next few days because he didn?t have the money that most of the other guys did and certainly didn?t have the type of body that was often on display in the bathroom shared by the entire floor. Gabe had always been an introverted and overweight brain and never an athlete. Gabe normally wouldn?t have been too worried about the displays in the common restroom, but the wall of conservative religious teachings and political ideology that had been built around him as a kid had severely cracked while in boarding school. He had gotten to meet other students of diverse religious and ethnic backgrounds, but none had a more profound effect than the 5 openly gay guys in this class of a little over 100 students. He had never done anything remotely sexual with them or even been able to admit he was gay, but they had set him on a new and mostly untraveled path.

Two weeks into the school year, Gabe had started to get himself into a routine: get up, go to class, go to his part-time job, shower and go to sleep often thinking about some hot guy he saw running on campus without a shirt or one of his dorm mates shaving wearing only a towel. Mostly likely, he was also crying at the same time; sometimes from loneliness but frequently because he hated the fact that he was thinking about guys. Being from a extremely conservative and deeply religious family, being gay was not only considered to be extremely offensive to God but entirely not an option of a good Christian boy like himself.

On the third Friday of class, Gabe?s routine got changed forever. The Introduction to Chemistry professor announced that the first test of the semester would be given the next Friday. As Gabe exited the classroom, he felt a hand land on his shoulder. When he turned around, he felt his head spin and all the oxygen in this lugs suddenly exit his body. Standing there was the sexiest guy he had ever seen. 6? 4? of nothing but muscle made up the body that was connected to the most expressive and captivating green eyes he had ever beheld.

?Hi, my name is James Wicker,? said the guy, ?but my friends call me Jamie. You are Gabriel, right?? Still lost in the guy?s eyes, Gabe thought about his deceased brother whose name had been James as well and nodded an affirmative. Continued Jamie, ?I?ve tried for two weeks to understand this Chemistry stuff, but I just don?t understand it. I talked to Professor Ahmed and he told me you were the best student in the class. I was wondering if you could possibly tutor me. I don?t mind paying and I want to get a good grade on next week?s exam.?

While trying to regain his composure, Gabe replied, ?I ? uh ? don?t really think ? I can. Between my classes and work, I ? uh ? don?t have a lot of free time.? At the same time, Gabe was thinking that there was no way that he could tutor Jamie. He couldn?t put a series of basic coherent thoughts together let alone teach him intro to chemistry while in his presence.

Looking a little disappointed, Jamie said, ?Ok.? As he started to walk away, Gabe couldn?t help but look at the perfect bubble butt straining a pair of nylon soccer shorts to their limits. Actually, he was so distracted, he didn?t comprehend fast enough that Jamie had stopped, turned around and was walking back towards him. ?Let me give you my mobile number and the number in my dorm room incase you change your mind, ?said Jamie with a slight grin being formed by his perfect and very kissable lips.

?Oh yeah, Jamie! Fuck me harder!?

Gabriel snapped out of his dream as he awoke with a start on Saturday morning. First he realized that he had had a wet dream by the streams of cum covering his torso. Secondly, he realized that someone was knocking on his door. Not sure what to do, he turned and saw that his clock read 8:05. Quickly wiping off his chest before slipping on shorts and a t-shirt, Gabe headed to the door. Usually not one to cuss, Gabe said, ?What the fuck do you w??? before realizing it was Jamie that had been knocking on the door.

?I was just coming in from the gym and thought I would check to see if you could maybe give me a chem. lesson over breakfast. You gotta eat and there is a diner a few blocks from campus that has a great breakfast buffet, ?said Jamie still in sweaty and reveling gym attire before Gabe could apologize, ?I still need to take a shower before we go.?

?I told you that I think you should get someone else,? was the best excuse that Gabe could come up with while he was breathing in the wonderful manly smell that was emanating from Jamie. He was trying very hard not to start thinking about the dream he had been lost in a few minutes before.

?I know, but I?ve decided that I want the best tutor there is and I think that person is you. I usually get what I want and I am determined to get what I want in this case,? replied Jamie, ?Here?s the deal. I?ll be back in 30 mins to take you to breakfast. If you aren?t ready, I?m going to get breakfast for the two of us and bring it back. If you don?t answer the door when I get back with the breakfast, then I?m going to bribe the RA to unlock the door. You are going to share breakfast with me which I?m paying for one way or another. You can choose the easy way or the hard way. I?ll be back for your decision in half an hour. ?

With that, Jamie turned and walked away. Gabe couldn?t help but look at Jamie?s ass again.

Thirty mins later, Gabriel had showered and dressed. There was a knock on the door. When he opened it, Jamie was standing there in a navy and green striped polo shirt that really made his eyes sparkle and kaki cargo shorts. Following Jamie, Gabe was led to a new navy blue Lexus convertible sports car.

?A graduation gift from granddad,? was all Jamie said as they slipped into the cream colored leather seats. Jamie put the top down before speeding off in the direction of the dinner. Gabe was feeling emotions he didn?t know how to describe.

By the time Jamie left his room at 2 am the next Friday morning, Gabriel felt he had taught him all he could about Chemistry in his spare time. ?Thanks man,? said Jamie on his way out, ?see you in class in a few hours.?

Gabe felt proud of himself in a way. After the first dream the last Saturday morning, he didn?t remember having anymore. He had been able to concentrate on the material by Monday or Tuesday. And most importantly, he realized that he had misjudged Jamie. He was not the spoiled little rich kid that Gabe had originally thought he was. He found out that most of Jamie?s muscles had come from working summers, vacations and most Saturdays in the construction business owned by his dad. He also discovered that Jamie was a very good student getting A?s in most classes and was determined to get an A in Chemistry even thought it was very difficult for him to grasp.

Falling into bed, Gabe fell into a peaceful sleep inhaling the ?Jamie smell? that still permeated the room.

In class on the Monday after the exam, the professor returned the exams. Looking over at Jamie?s paper (since he had starting to sit beside him), Gabe was happy to see that Jamie got a B+. He also noticed that Jamie was writing something on his paper. When Jamie moved his hand, Gabe read the addition to the paper: ?Thank you dinner tonight. Pick you up at 6 pm. You choose restaurant.?

Gabe didn?t know what to think. Most of their meals together had been eaten while studying. He had heard about a great seafood place, but he had also heard it was a little pricey. When 6 o?clock rolled around, Gabe told Jamie that any fast food place would be ok.

?You completely rearrange your schedule to help be understand material that I have no clue about and all you want in the way of a thank you meal is a Big Mac and fries?? replied Jamie.

?Yeah, that sounds ok.?

?You?re lying. Don?t ever play cards because you have a horrible poker face,? stated Jamie, ?So where do you really want to go??

?Well? I have heard about a seafood place that is supposed to be good? but that?s too much.?

Knowing the place Gabe was referring to, Jamie said, ?The Dock it is then.?

?So, I hear you have switched to the dark side,? Sara Beth said out of the blue. Sara Beth Williams was a beauty queen, sorority sister and a spoiled little rich girl. She was also Gabriel?s best friend at The University, former schoolmate and extremely intelligent.

?What are you talking about?? exclaimed Gabe. He had yet to build up the courage to tell her he was gay, but he knew that she had an older sister than she loved who was a lesbian.

?From what I hear, you have been hanging out with James Wicker.?

?I?ve been tutoring Jamie, but what?s the big deal?? asked Gabe.

?You don?t know who he is, do you??

?He?s a Sigma, fairly well to do background and a smart guy. What?s the big deal??

Smiling, Sara Beth started,? James Reginald Wicker VII is the only child of James Reginald Wicker VI who is the CEO and President of Wicker Construction which is the largest private construction firm in the World. Jamie, as you call him, is not ?A? Sigma, he is Sigma. He is descended from four of the original students of this school, two of the chancellors and as far as Sigma goes, about 50 of his male family members have been Sigma?s here including the Sigma founder. Oh, and his mom?s father is our very conservative governor.?

Gabe immediately thought about Jamie?s car being ?a gift from Granddad.?

?I never really took you to be someone who wanted to be part of the school?s power elite. A member of the dark side,? finished Sara Beth.

Ever since his conversation with Sara Beth, Gabe had been thinking about what she had told him. Still distracted, he missed what Jamie was saying to him at while studying later that day.

?Where did you go?? asked Jamie.

?Sorry, just thinking about something. What were you saying??

?I asked if Housing was ever going to find you a roommate.?

?If I don?t choose someone by next week, then Housing will assign someone or I have to pay extra to have a private room.?

?What about me? I?m here a lot anyway. My roommate usually returns from his frat house drunk and I?ve got the feeling he and his friends have been spending a lot of time with Miss Mary Jane.?

Too distracted by Jamie?s suggestion to move in, he didn?t process the euphemism that he had used, ?Miss Mary Jane???

?Marijuana aka Mary Jane, you?ve heard of it right??

?Sorry, just caught me off guard. If you really want to move in, I won?t stop you.?

?Cool, I?ll talk to housing tomorrow and move in over the weekend.?

A few weeks after Jamie had become his roommate, Gabe was sleeping in on a Friday because him early class had been cancelled. Suddenly, the phone cut through the peaceful silence that had fallen over the room. Answering the phone, he immediately recognized the voice as his mom and that she had been and probably was still crying.

With the following words any remaining peacefulness was obliterated: ?Honey, Mamaw died last night.?

After pushing back the tears while packing, Gabe left a simple note for Jamie before heading to his decade old car to begin the 4 hr drive home to the farm. ?I had to go home for the weekend. Should be back Sunday night late or Monday morning. G?

Mamaw had been special to many people and she had been a traditionalist of sorts. She once said, ?The moon better set at least three times from the time I die to you put me in the ground or by God I?m gonna come back and haunt whoever plans my funeral. ?

Gabe thought that even though she had passed away during the night, they were pushing it to bury her on Sunday afternoon as he was walking through the funeral home on Saturday morning. He had awoken that morning crying over the lost of his grandmother and longing for a whiff of the ?Jamie Smell.? Scanning the hallway quickly looking for his older sister, he caught a glimpse of something that looked familiar. Looking back, it was unmistakable: Jamie?s green eyes. Moving towards the eyes, he realized that not only was Jamie there, but so was Sarah Beth. Before he could say anything to either, Jamie spread out his arms and pulled Gabe into a hug.

?Why didn?t you tell me your grandmother had died?? whispered Jamie into his ear.

With that, all of the emotions he had been holding back for the last 24 hrs came flooding out. He was safe in Jamie?s arms smelling his scent. Over the next day and a half, Jamie never really left Gabe?s side even convincing him to stay at the motel with him and sitting with the family during the funeral service. That night in the motel room, Gabe told Jamie that his grandmother was the one that named him Gabriel because he was her angel.

As it was getting close to time for the friends to leave for school, Gabe remembered that he had driven home in his car and would have to drive it back and be separated from Jamie. Almost telepathically knowing what he was thinking, Jamie said, ?I?ve made arrangements to have your car transported back to school in the morning. You are flying back with Sara Beth and me on the jet.?

That night as he fell into his bed in the dorm room, he knew that he was truly, madly and deeply in love with Jamie. He also knew that Jamie thought of him as a friend and maybe even like the brother he never had. No matter what happened, he knew that his life had made a turn for the better when he met him.

The following Saturday morning, Gabe realized that he had made a serious mistake earlier in the week. He had let it slip that he wished that he was more athletic and fitter. At 5:30 am, Jamie was shaking him awake and telling him to get up and get ready to hit the gym when it open at 6 am.

After stumbling into the University?s fitness center, Gabe spent the next 3 ? hrs being the one tutored. Jamie slowly and methodically took Gabe through every piece of cardio and weight lifting equipment. After the tour, Jamie put Gabe on the treadmill for 30 mins ?to get the heart pumping? he said with a sly smile. After the walk, Gabe was sweating profusely and could barely move his legs. Then the real torture began. Jamie took out a brand new notebook that had 750 sheets of paper in it.

?On the first sheet of paper we are going to record your max-out tests that we are about to do on every piece of machinery here. After that, you will record each day?s routine including weights, sets and reps and cardio on a new sheet of paper. We will work out three times a week with Saturday?s being a double day with twice the work? said Jamie,? When the notebook is full, if you want too, I?ll let you quit, but not before.?

Quickly doing the numbers in his head, Gabe realized that Jamie was talking about almost 5 yrs worth of trips to the gym. 5 years of getting up early on Saturdays. And them a pleasant thought, 5 yrs of spending time with Jamie.

After the max-out tests, Gabe was almost too sore to move. He made it back to the dorm, took a long hot shower and ate the food (if that is what you call it) that Jamie gave him. Then he crashed and woke up on Sunday morning.

A week or so before Thanksgiving, Gabe began to dread going home for the holiday. Mamaw had always hosted the lunch and cooked most of the food. It just wouldn?t be the same. Plus, he was thinking that Jamie was going to be out of the state at his parents? home. Mentioning it one night while out with Sara Beth and Jamie, he was surprised by Jamie saying,? Why don?t you come with me? My parents are going to meet me in the Capital this year and spend Thanksgiving with my mom?s parents. ?

At first Gabe was happy about it and then he remembered that the mom?s parents were also the state?s Governor and First Lady; but like the tutoring and the working out, Jamie refused to take no for an answer. When all was said and done, Gabe was glad he went and realized that he had never worn suits more in his life than he did in the five days they were in the Capital City.

After the return to school from the Thanksgiving Holiday, the semester was winding down and the winter break was approaching. Gabe made up his mind that he had to go home for Christmas and be with his family. It was going to be hard going home because during the semester he had accepted the fact that he was gay, lost his Mamaw, came out to Sara Beth and fallen completely in love with Jamie, his straight roommate, who he wouldn?t see for a month. When Gabe told Jamie of his decision, Jamie didn?t say anything except that he had found a gym in Gabe?s hometown and paid a month membership for him.

They communicated by emails and instant messages (Jamie had given Gabe a new laptop as a Christmas gift), so Gabe was surprised when his mom woke him up early on Christmas morning telling him he had a phone call. When he said, ?Hello?? it was Jamie?s voice that responded. They talked for the next hour or so about different things, but mostly just bs?ed each other. Finally, after Gabe heard what sounded like two car doors shutting in sequence and a car driving away, Jamie told Gabe to look out the window. When he did, setting in the driveway was a brand new silver BMW roadster (his dream car) with a huge red ribbon on it. As he began to cry tears of joy, Gabe heard ?Merry Christmas,? the phone click dead and his mother scream in excitement.

After getting dressed, Gabe walked down the stairs and out the door to look at his new car with his parents and siblings. As he walked around it, he realized it was the model that cost more than his parents? house and all their cars combined. When he walked around the back and saw the license plate, emotion overtook him and his legs gave out on him. The plate read: ANGEL.

Over the next week, Gabe had attempted to call Jamie, sent emails that went un-replied to and instant messages that were ignored. Gabe began to wonder if the car was a goodbye gift from Jamie; an ending to their friendship.

New Year?s Eve rolled around and one of his old friends invited him to a party. He didn?t much feel like going, but he decided that it would keep his mind off of Jamie. The night crept along. Gabe was physically at the party, but his mind was a million miles away. Slipping into a daydream, he dreamt that Jamie came up behind him and wrapped his muscular arms around him before turning him around and kissing him deeply just as the clock announced the New Year. Gabe was shaken out of his dream by the vibration of his cell phone in his hand. Not even looking at the caller ID, he answered the phone and said,? Hello?? as he heard the final seconds of the new year announced on both ends of the phone line. As the first strains of ?Auld Lang Syne? started, Jamie said,? Happy New Year, Gabriel? and hung up. While it wasn?t a kiss, Gabe had gotten to spend the first moments of the New Year with Jamie even if it was only over the phone.

Two weeks later, they were both back at school and the mundaneness of another semester set-in. Gabe had gotten onto Jamie for spending too much money on him and Jamie had congratulated Gabe for sticking to his workout routine during the vacation. At this point the weight had started to pour off of Gabe and he was feeling better about himself. Classes were going well and he was even starting to go out on dates. He loved Jamie but he felt that it was a one way street.

Spring break for most college kids is supposed to be some major event. Cancun, Daytona Beach, etc had developed a reputation for drinking, sex and other forms of debauchery that was know around the world. Gabe?s plans for Spring Break were much different: stay at school in the dorms and get the majority of the biology research paper written that wasn?t due until two weeks before the end of the semester.

?You?ve never seen blue water, right Gabe?? asked Sarah Beth one night a few weeks before spring break while she, her boyfriend Max, Jamie and Gabe were splitting a pizza at Florence?s Pizzeria.

?Nope,? replied Gabe.

?You?re joking?? questioned Jamie.

?I?ve been the Gulf Coast a few times, but no blue water there.?

?Sarah Beth and Max, what are ya?ll?s plans for spring break?? asked Jamie.

?We really hadn?t thought much about it. Probably the usual college spring break route, why?? responded Sarah Beth.

?Well my family has a private beach house in the U. S. Virgin Islands. I?ll arrange for the jet and we can all fly down as soon as we finish our last class next Friday.?

?Really?? replied Max and Sarah Beth in unison.

Only Gabe was quiet. Less than six months earlier, he had been overweight and afraid to take his shirt off in front of other people. Now, he stomach was pretty much flat, but he was still nervous out being in a tropical beach setting with Jamie and Max, who was an amateur bodybuilder. Max, short for Maximus, was a junior and also known around the university as the Italian Stallion.

His apprehension only got worse when he discovered that Max had only packed Speedo?s and Jamie thongs that they were both filling out very well. The real icebreaker for the week came on Sunday when Sarah Beth announced that she wasn?t going to be the only one walking around with her chest covered on a private beach and immediately removed her bikini top.

On the Friday of their trip, Jamie remembered a great open air dance club on the beach a few miles away. Gabe almost fainted when Jamie walked out of his room wearing only a pair of bleached-white button-fly denim jeans and a silver metal choker around his neck. They both contrasted dramatically with his olive complexion that had only gotten darker after a week in the Caribbean sun. The waistband of the jeans had either been removed or never existed leaving only the frayed edge of the jeans. Because of this, the jeans sat about an inch and a half lower on his hips than normal and defiantly reveled that Jamie had nothing on under the jeans. When Jamie turned around, Gabe got a clear view of the top of his muscular and tanned derri?re. Gabe didn?t rest well that night thinking about the way Jamie looked in the jeans and finally waking to find himself once again covered in his own semen.

When April rolled around, two major events happened. One was Gabe?s upcoming birthday. In the weeks leading up to the birthday, Gabe told Jamie that he would refuse any gift that cost Jamie money except maybe a meal: no cash, clothes, electronics or automobiles. Jamie said ok. Gabe again told him that he felt that he had spent too much on him already and didn?t want him to spend more. His continued friendship was the best gift he could get.

The other event happened one week before the birthday. It was their first fight and it was a huge fight. Gabe came in one day and noticed that Jamie seemed to be thinking about something and started to ask him something and quit. After numerous false starts, Jamie finally blurted out, ?Are you gay??

Gabe?s heart sank through the floor. His stomach was turning flips. However, he mustered up the courage and said,? Yes.?

?You don?t think this is something that I should know? Something I have to find out by accident?? continued Jamie, ?I borrowed your computer today and found the websites you had been visiting. Does Sara Beth know?


?So Sara Beth is a better friend than I am? She is someone more worthy of your trust? Did she tell you that I?m the one that talked her into coming to your grandmother?s funeral? Has she ever invited you to her families? home?? exclaimed Jamie.

Before Gabe could answer, Jamie stormed out of their room and didn?t return until Gabe was already in bed. Gabe was heartbroken and the next week was absolute hell. Jamie rarely spoke to him and never looked at him. Gabe was dreading his birthday.

Finally, Sara Beth told him that she had decided that he needed a break for his birthday. She had rented a honeymoon suite at the fanciest hotel in the city starting on Friday night. They were going to have dinner in the suite and then it would be his for the rest of the weekend. He didn?t say much, but packed his bag for the weekend. Jamie was in the room when he left but didn?t say anything to him.

The dinner was very good and Sara Beth stayed for a little while after the meal. After she left, Gabe was feeling tired as he hadn?t slept well the last week. Before getting into the huge king-sized bed, he decided to take a long hot shower. While the hot water cascaded over a body he had worked hard for over six months to develop and hardly recognized, he felt the presence of someone else. Slipping into the often similar daydream, Gabe felt Jamie?s arms wrap around him from behind. He felt Jamie?s lips on his neck and his cock moving up and down the crack of his ass. Slowly, one of Jamie?s hands moved up to one of his nipples and another down to his cock and slowly and lovingly stroked him until he came in the most explosive orgasm he had ever know. He felt his legs go weak. Why wasn?t he falling?

?Happy Birthday Gabriel, My Angel!? Gabe heard whispered into his ear before the mouth it came out of returned to kissing his neck. In that moment, he realized that none of it had been a daydream. Turning around, he looked up into Jamie?s green eyes for just a second before Jamie leaned in and started the long anticipated first kiss. In that second, he saw something. He saw LOVE!

After the kiss that seemed to go on for ages, Jamie dried Gabe and himself off and led him to the bedroom where the covers had been thrown back and the room was lit by dozens of white candles. Lowering Gabe onto his back, Jamie moved over him and started to kiss him again. Breaking the kisses momentarily, Jamie apologized for the past week telling him it had all been a plan to set-up this evening. He didn?t want their first night together to be in their dorm room and didn?t know how to get him to the hotel without disclosing his plans. He also knew that Gabe would never willingly go if he knew the suite was costing Jamie 3 grand a day. Returning to his lips momentarily, Jamie started slow a journey down Gabe?s torso that took him past both nipples and through the trench recently formed by Gabe?s newly discovered abs and ending up at his cock. Before he knew it, Jamie had deep throated his 7 ?? cock and was quickly bringing him to another orgasm. Gabe?s senses overloaded as his body was rocked by the intenseness of the orgasm that followed the insertion of Jamie?s middle finger in this ass finding his prostate gland. It was infinitely more powerful than the one he had experienced less than a half hour before.

As he came down from his high, he rose up to meet the advancing lips of Jamie. Soon after the kiss began, he realized that he tasted his own cum. When the kiss was broken he looked up into Jamie?s eyes. Jamie spoke, ?My angel, I want to be your first and I want you to be my first, but there is something you should know before we begin.? Taking Gabe?s hand, Jamie placed it on his throbbing cock. Immediately, Gabe looked down at what his hand could not even begin to surround. It had to be a foot long and as thick as a can. When Jamie began to speak, Gabe returned to his eyes.

?I don?t want to hurt you, but there is no way that there won?t be some pain.?

?I?m ready as long as I can stay lost in your eyes.?

With that Jamie moved down and rimmed Gabe until he thought he was relaxed enough to proceed. Moving back up, Jamie re-established eye contact and carefully entered Gabe. Jamie slowly and gently made love to Gabe for what seemed like hours of pleasure before they both went over the edge at the same time. As soon as Jamie regained his composure and while still in Gabe, he looked him in the eye and said, ?I love you and have since the day I caught you checking out my ass outside chemistry class.? Jamie reached over to the night stand. From the drawer, he pulled out a little box. When he opened it, it had two matching white gold rings with their names and today?s date, Gabe?s birthday, on the inside. They slipped the rings on each other?s left ring finger.

This only added to Gabe?s high. The last orgasm seemed to be more intense than all the previous orgasms he had ever had combined. They rested awhile in each others arms even falling asleep for a period.

Gabe awoke lying on his back feeling an entirely unfamiliar sensation. Jamie had his back to Gabe and was fucking himself with Gabe?s cock. The last words spoken by either of them that night came shortly after Gabe pushed Jamie unto his stomach without them ever stopping and wrapped his hand around Jamie?s left hand that was currently stroking Jamie?s cock in such a way that their rings were touching. Those words were:

?Oh yeah, Gabe! Fuck me harder!?

Gabe?s dream had come true and so had Jamie?s, Gabe would later find out.

Next: Chapter 2

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