Stockard 719

By Kevin Cozart

Published on Sep 5, 2008


Hey guys. This is my first attempt at writing. Make sure to join my yahoo group:  Members get early previews and I have added pictures of what I envision major characters to look like. Tell me what you think and if you would like to read more:

Monday morning meant a return to Gabe's family's home. One the way there, Gabe, Jamie and Sarah Beth talked about her and Max having a commitment ceremony. That way her mom could still plan something and they could formalize their relationship, but not get officially married. Sara Beth agreed to talk it over with Max.

They also talked about the Governor's plans to leave the Republican Party and Gabe working for him over the next year. Gabe was a little nervous about the plan, but he knew that it would be good for him over the long run.

That afternoon, Gabe and Kayla first went to the bank and then to the hospital to present their Christmas gift. The chief of cardiology accepted the donation warmly and told them he would announce the donation after Christmas. When Gabe got home and told Jamie about what they did, Jamie got a little upset.

"Why didn't you tell me about your plans?"

"I'm sorry. I didn't think you would mind. Get mad at me, not Kayla. She was on cloud nine."

"Hun, I'm not mad that you gave the money. If you had told me about it before, I could have talked to dad about matching the donation. I'm still going to talk to him and see if he will send one of the crews to do the work as a donation. That way y'all's donation can do more."

"You never cease to amaze me," said Gabe as he drew Jamie in for a kiss.

The next three days where a whirlwind affair. The community Christmas on Wednesday night was better than he remembered. Banks and his grandmother were welcomed into the extended family with open arms. Towards the end of the party, Mrs. Bankston pulled Gabe to the side.

"Are you enjoying the party, Mrs. Bankston."

"Yes, Gabriel. I am. I was worried about how Allen and I would handle our first Christmas without Pops, but it's been wonderful. Your family has been so generous to include us. I hate to do this, but I need your help."

"Of course. What can I do to help?"

"Until my husband had his stroke, Allen was planning to go to school and get a degree in nursing. He had already been accepted and everything. Now I think he feels like if he goes to college, he will be leaving me alone. Quite frankly, if you can't convince him to go back to school with you, I'm thinking about throwing him out to make him go. The Air Force will pay for the schooling under the GI Bill. I've looked into getting a two bedroom apartment in a place for us old folks."

Gabe's mom had come-up behind them without them knowing. "You're not going to the senior citizens' apartments. You are coming here to live with us. You and my mom were close friends for many years. Both of my children will be at college in just a few months. There is plenty of room here for you. Also, I expect you and Banks to be here for Christmas lunch tomorrow."

"Shirley, I can't let you do that. My husband and I planned wisely for one of us to be taken care of if the other passed away. Also, tomorrow is about family..."

"Which you and your grandson are now officially part of. I won't take no for an answer and I'm sure my son can get your grandson into school."

Gabe was impressed by his mom's offer, "I'm sure the four of us can get Banks in school somehow. He's become a good friend, you know I will look after him."

After Banks and his grandmother left, Gabe filled the other guys in on their mission. The all jumped at the chance to help as they had gotten to know and like Banks as well.

The Bishop's house was a little fuller for Christmas that year because the O'Daniel's had also been invited so that the boys weren't separated and it looked like the relationship between the youngest O'Daniel and the youngest Bishop was starting to take off. Also, the Bankstons were there as well.

As soon as Banks and his grandmother arrived, the guys started talking about how much they were going to miss him and that he was going to have to find a new training buddy, etc. Banks' often sunny disposition was starting to take a turn south.

While it is customary for people to give thanks for the blessings in their lives at Thanksgiving, Mrs. Bishop decided that they should do it after their meal because Thanksgiving really didn't happen in their home that year. Jamie was thankful to have Gabe, Gabe was thankful to have his family back and his extended family.

When it became Gabe's mom's turn, she began, "I am most thankful to have my husband healthy and my son back. I'm thankful for the wonderful woman by daughter is becoming. I'm thankful for my "new" sons and their love ones. Lastly, I'm thankful that that Mrs. Bankston has been brought back into my live and her grandson his now part of it as well. However, I wish it had been under better circumstances. Lastly, I'm happy that Mrs. Bankston has agreed to come and live with Hunter and I. This house is just going to be too big for us after Makayla graduates."

The announcement by Gabe's mom started some murmurs around the table. Banks kinda looked at his grandmother with a "what about me?" stare.

"So, Banks. Are you ready to get in school in January? Jamie and I have plenty of room at our house. If you can't start school, you can at least get a job at University Hospital for the spring. Either way, you are coming with us. Four against one is pretty good odds."

Banks' face slowly changed as he understood the magnitude of what just happened. He was going to get to go to school like he wanted and he knew that his grandmother would be safe and not be alone.

"Grandma, are you sure? You know that I am more than happy to stay and help you."

"Allen, I'm accepting the Bishop's offer and I'm selling the old place. It has too many memories. Your grandfather and I had already talked about selling the place when one of us passed away. You can't either go back with this fine young men, or find your own place to live."

Everyone at the table knew that Banks' grandmother was being a little dramatic, but she had made her point. Christmas dinner proceeded without interruptions and was followed by gifts for everyone. Even though Banks and his grandmother were not planning to be there, they still received gifts from the Bishops, Jamie and Gabe and Patty and Nic.

As the party was ending, Gabe pulled Banks to the side. He noticed that Banks had tears in his eyes.

"Hey man, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing. I'll be fine."

"No you won't. Spill!"

"Okay, okay. Until tonight, I never had siblings. Now it kinda fills like I have a brother."

"Well, you are wrong about that."


"It's six brothers including Max and Sean and two sisters with Sara Beth. By next year, you will have one room, Patty and Nic another, Max and Sara Beth will have the other suite. That will leave a room for Sean and Kayla when they want to come over."

With that, Banks really started to cry.

Jamie's idea to get his family's construction firm to build the new family waiting area didn't exactly work out like he planned. Wicker Construction had had an above average year and the company was looking for some last minute charitable donations to use for tax purposes.

"Son, I'm coming up tomorrow. See if you can get the Bishops to meet me at the hospital. My assistant has already set-up an appointment with the chief of cardiology and the hospital administrator."

"Dad, what's this about?"

"Wicker Construction will be making a donation to the hospital as well, but I want to talk to the people from the hospital about how best to do it. I don't want Gabe and his sister to think that we are trying to overshadow their donation.

"Are you sure that's all?"

"Yes son, I will see you and your in-laws tomorrow at 2."

Jamie's dad arrived with his chief financial officer and another guy he knew was an architect that worked for the company. Mr. and Mrs. Bishop were there as well as Gabe, Kayla and himself. The hospital administrator, the chief of cardiology, Mr. Bishop's cardiologist and the head of the hospital's fundraising foundation, represented the hospital.

Jamie's dad began, "Ladies and gentlemen, we are here today to look at the wants and needs of the hospital and how Wicker Construction can help. I think that it has been kept a secret so far that my son-in-law and his sister donated 10 grand to allow for the expansion and renovation of the family waiting area in the cardiology area."

With this announcement, the Bishops looked at each other and then their children with tears in their eyes.

Mr. Wicker continued, "Now, I would like to hear from the hospital about other projects that they feel would be helpful."

With that, the hospital representatives started into a 30 presentation. There most expensive request was for half a million dollars. It, however, was a long-term project that could get a good start with only 50k.

Mr. Wicker sat back and let them talk. After they finished, he continued.

"Thank you gentlemen for your presentation. I have another idea. Wicker Construction is pledging $2 million a year for the next 10 years to the Bishop-Wicker Medical Foundation. Their first work will be to build the Bishop-Wicker Center for Cardiology Research and Treatment in conjunction with your hospital. My in-house architect here tells me that we should be able to build it for about ten million with Wicker Construction handling the engineering and construction. Which will leave about 10 million for other projects as well."

Mr. Wicker paused so that the others had a little time to let it sink in before he continued, "There are however, two conditions to the donation. First, your hospital has to agree to accept any patient for treatment, including preventive medicine, regardless of their ability to pay. I'm sure the foundation can help cover the costs of treatment. Secondly, you will immediately add sexual orientation to your equal employment statement and extend domestic partner benefits to your staff. Have I made myself clear? Is this something you are willing to do?"

Even Jamie was blown away by the officer his dad had just made. It took awhile for the hospital administer, Mr. Earl, to speak.

"While I don't exactly like someone telling me how to run my hospital, there is no way we can turn down that kind of money. Mr. Wicker we will accept your conditions, however, I would also request that the foundation help provide diversity training for our staff."

"I don't see how that will be a problem. I will be sending a team here after the holidays to beginning planning. I think that we should hold off on an announcement until the planning is taken care of. Also, for the record, the foundation's board is the people you see here plus Mr. Patrick O'Daniel and Mr. Nicolas Romeori."

The rest of Christmas break seemed to fly by according to plan. The one exception was that Max decided to come back to town two days after Christmas. Max and Banks hit it off and suddenly all six of the guys were working out together.

One day at the gym, Max commented to Banks that he was glad he was around to help balance out the group. Gabe noticed that Banks' reply wasn't every enthusiastic.

Before long, it was time to head back to school. Banks had been able to get approval to start taking some required classes in the spring and would start nursing school in the fall. Because of his training in the Air Force, he was getting credit for about a year's worth of classes so he would basically be a sophomore like Jamie, Gabe, Nic and Sarah Beth.

About two weeks before spring break, Banks got a call that seemed to make him very happy, but then he kinda got nervous and quiet. Gabe knew he was thinking about something.

"Time to spill."

"What do you mean?"

"Ever since you got that call yesterday, you have been distracted. What gives?"

"Well, one of the guys from my old unit is out processing this summer. He did eight to my six years and is planning to go to college next fall. He called and wanted to know if he come visit while we are on spring break. I told him I wasn't sure what the plans were. I would have to check."

"Well, Jamie and I are staying here. I've got too much work to do with 21 hrs and working with the Governor. Patrick and Nic will be playing out of town the first weekend, but are home the second. Max and Sara Beth are going on a spring break trip to St. Croix. Tell him to come. If you are uncomfortable with him staying here, we can get him a room. He's your friend and this is your home. You don't have to ask to have a friend come over."

"I know. I'm really cool with you guys and all, but I don't know how he will feel. I don't want to do anything or my friend to do something that will make y'all think less of me."

"Banks, I'm sure your friend will be fine. Just tell him the whole story and ask if he had rather stay here or at a hotel. Jamie and I will pay for it and we won't take no for an answer. Want to tell me more about him?"

"His name is Tyson Learing. Some people call him Ty, but he went by Jet in the unit. He was the fastest guy in the unit and his name sounds like the Lear jets. He was the a.s.s. man in the Unit."

"Ass man?" asked Gabe laughing.

"Not ass. He was the Amphibious Situation Specialist. Whenever we had a mission that involved water, he would figure out the best way to cross or go around it. We were bunk mates in training and even shared an apartment on base for awhile."

As Banks continued to talk, Gabe noted a certain tone of voice coming from him. He didn't know exactly what it meant, but it was different.

Ty was scheduled to arrive on Wednesday was going to stay in Max's suite. He was flying out after the home series on Sunday because he hadn't been able to see a real baseball game live in years.

When he arrived, all of the guys noted just how stunningly good looking Ty was. Light gray eyes and a military haircut accentuated his sharp jaw line. He was at least 6' 4" and looked hot as hell in his military uniform. When Banks asked why he had traveled in his uniform, he said that he had needed to meet with the ROTC and VA people on campus and it was easier to get stuff done while wearing the uniform. Banks hit him on the shoulder and said thanks for forgetting to tell him that.

Banks took the next two days showing Ty around the town. All of the guys meet up for dinner and workouts each night. Everyone seemed extremely impressed with just how muscular Ty was and Gabe noticed that Banks barely stopped looking at them the entire time.

On Saturday morning, Jamie, Banks and Ty were supposed to go work out. Gabe had some work to finish up and needed to edit a speech for the Governor that he was going to be delivering on Monday. Ty begged out of the trip saying that he needed to work on his laundry as he would be leaving the next day and wouldn't have time to do it once he got home.

After about an hour, Ty came into the library and waited for Gabe to acknowledge his presence before continuing.

"Hey man, what's up?"

"Do you mind if we talk for a moment?"

"No, I need a break anyway. Have a seat and tell me what's on your mind?"

"Banks and I have been friends since the day he joined our unit almost 5 years ago. I think he told you that we were bunkmates and even lived together for awhile. Did he say anything about why I moved out?"


"Well, he came home from a date one night and I was plastered. I grew-up in a family of pretty heavy drinkers and alcohol was the only way I knew to cope. We had a big fight. He told me his parents had been killed by a drunk driver and that he wasn't going to watch me ruin my life. I couldn't kick the habit, so I moved out. I also started therapy and realized what was at the root of my drinking, but couldn't do anything about it."

"Ty, I'm happy to listen to you, but you don't have to tell me anything you don't feel comfortable telling me."

"Gabe, for the first time in my life, I think I can tell someone what's wrong with me. I'm gay. No, that's not exactly right. I'm gay and I'm in love with Banks. You are the first person I've ever admitted that too. I can't tell my therapist in the AF or they will kick my ass out and strip me of my GI benefits. I think I can tell Banks the first part because I've seen how he interacts with y'all, but I'm not sure I can talk about the second part. Also, I love the school, the area and all of my new friends, but I don't think I can come here and be around Banks all the time. I don't know what to do."

"Ty. I can't tell you what to do. My suggestion would be to tell Banks what you told me. Almost word for word. I've got the feeling that he will handle it better than you think he will. Also, do it tonight so you guys can work through whatever before you leave tomorrow.

At this point, Gabe got up and gave Ty a big hug. Shortly after this, the guys got back from the gym and everyone got ready for an afternoon at the ballpark. The home team beat their archrivals handily to take the first conference series of the season.

Later after Patty and Nic had left to go to a party at a fellow teammate's house, Gabe noticed that Ty was starting to get nervous.

"Jamie, come help me finish in the Kitchen."

Jamie gave Gabe a look before Ty spoke up, "Please stay for a few more minutes."

Ty started to talk to Banks about their friendship and how he was sorry for his drinking and all. He told him about going to therapy and how he had stopped drinking. He finally said that he had figured out what was wrong with him."

Before he could go any further, Banks told him that his was his friend and that it didn't matter. Their friendship wouldn't change.

"But it will because I love you."

Banks and Jamie seemed to be a little shocked. Gabe was shocked that Ty had skipped over the "I'm gay part."

"See I told you. You don't like me any..."

Ty's words were cut short when Banks started to kiss him. Gabe knew it was their queue to leave the room, which they did.

When they came back to check on them, they had left the living room.

The next morning while Patty, Nic, Jamie and Gabe were eating breakfast, Patrick started to talk.

"Hey guys, I'm all for hot and heavy sex, but Nic and I have to play ball today. Couldn't y'all have kept things a little quieter last night?"

"It wasn't us," said Gabe as two very happy and sleepy looking guys walked into the room.

"Sorry," said the new lovers in unison.

As the four original occupants of the room busted out laughing, Banks got red in the face. He got redder when Ty gave him a big kiss. There was also a noticeable reaction in his briefs as well.

Next: Chapter 10

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