Stoned Sharon

By Solon Plorry

Published on Sep 3, 2001



My name is Solon Plorry. I have been published a few times. As a kid i lived as as tv for awhile; today i wish i never stopped! I like stories with gritty realism, believable in detail, and flowing from the minds eye


Stoned Sharon

The man shouted at the attacker! He had beaten me so bloody and laid one last hard kick at my head before he went away to join his girlfriend, his soft shoes making a welcome squishy noise as he faded out. I lay in the fetal position, almost afraid to breathe. I had been beaten to within an inch of my life, I think, and all I could do was moan. My chest felt caved in, and pain flooded my senses. I wanted to die!

A calloused hand was on my shoulder, but I just lay there, ignoring everything. Waves of pure pain went through me, causing weak groans that elicited a pat from the unseen hand. It was late at night, and even if my eyes hadn't been squeezed shut, to block out further evidence of the horror, I probably would not have been able to see anything. I had been kicked dozens of times, and my mouth was full of blood and smashed teeth. I felt so stiff in places I doubted that I would ever stand up again, much less walk, much less have sex, my basic instinct. I have been told by numerous observers that I resemble Sharon Stone, though smaller and a little darker haired. Sharon is my favorite actress, whose academy award winning performance in 'Basic Instinct' is my all time favorite show. Like Sharon, I work out, and am proud of my biceps. I can bench press a hundred easily, without breaking wind. Now I was beaten to within an inch of my life! I couldn't believe it!

I wanted nothing but to be left alone to die in peace, my body decomposing until only a grinning skeleton was left in the alley! But someone would not leave me alone. I felt hands lifting my legs, and someone was saying "Broken?" or "token" I wasn't sure. I opened my eyes, and reentered the world of the living. My body was a awful mess! I almost certainly needed hospital attention, and the person who was near me was mumbling something. I could barely hear, my head felt broken open and the sound of wind rushing through my brains was too loud. I felt myself being lifted. The stranger was rolling me on my back, and was trying to make sure I was breathing okay. My nose was so smashed, I could only breathe through my mouth, and that caused me to make a wheezy noise....wheee...wheee....wheee in a gasping tone. When the stranger turned me on my back, I found that I could breath through my nose! I got a look at the man helping me, but all I saw was a blur.

Dimly I recall activity that seemed both focused on me and totally oblivious to me at the same time. I heard murmurs, talking, and felt myself being moved. I was in an ambulance, and I remember looking at a determined looking man in a paramedics jacket who squatted beside me and looked at something with his jaw clenched. The sight made me feel safe, and I passed in and out of awareness. I remember being on a gurney, rolling down a long hall, and fluorescent lights sliding by above me like boxcars at a railroad crossing. I slept and awoke to a dead silence that terrified me, then slept again. I had no idea of space or time; only that the pain had gone away, and I was tired beyond tired! I remember a gurgling sound that went on and on, at one point annoying me cause I had no idea what it was. Gurgle gurgle gurgle! I slept some more.

The first real series of memories that were connected together began with an awareness of being in a clean white crisp bed, one of those adjustable kind that hospitals use. My head was heavily bandaged, and I still felt stiff, but lots of my stiffness I believe was due to laying in the bed. An orderly came along, and was going to wash my face, I think, when he noticed I was awake. "Morning Sunshine" he said, pushing my head so my face was looking up. His name was Gaston, which he leaned over and mentioned to me. He was fussing around for awhile before he just seemed to disappear, and an older woman, one of those angels of mercy type, was there checking me. I felt tired of laying in bed, and suddenly I was wide awake, as awake as I have ever been! There was a bustle of activity; again strangely oblivious to me, but that every few seconds it clearly involved me. My doctor was reviewing my case.

A couple nurses also were present. There was an involved conversation between doc and the older nurse, and at one point Gaston was also there. I now felt wide awake, but things were occurring so fast that I was getting confused. Clipboards were being checked, a loud laugh shared by everybody there, then suddenly doc was standing right over me, looking at my face. He told me I was a very lucky young...person, with just a hint of hesitation letting me know the doctor had seen what I was wearing under my clothes. In the antiseptic helpful no nonsense atmosphere of the hospital, I felt oddly shamed by having these clean, above the law people knowing my....peculiarity. The doctor told me I was lucky that I was not hurt much worse; the interference of the stranger may very well have saved me from being crippled or even deceased! The doctor told me I had suffered a slight concussion, and was battered as badly as a footballer, but there were no broken bones. Some broken teeth had been removed, so I would need dental work if I wanted my 'looks' restored. For all his easy familiarity with the straight side, he seemed genuinely considerate of someone who lived on the other! I hadn't been in hospital since childhood, so I was truly impressed by how well I was taken care of.

I was dying for a cigarette. It was the seemingly endless hours spent lying in the ward, waiting for my flesh to heal. Without any warning, a man suddenly was beside me. He was about my age, maybe a bit taller, dressed in a sportscoat with elbow patches that gave me the idea he was a history professor. He seemed shy when he saw I was awake. He was carrying something, in a plastic bag. He approached, and intro's himself. It turns out he was the guy that stopped me from getting beat to death that night! Naturally, I was thankful, and profusely I thanked him, wishing I had some cash or something to reward him. He told me while he went to call an ambulance at a nearby twenty four seven, someone stole my wallet! He acted angry at himself for not taking my wallet, which contained all my identification, to protect me! I have no credit cards. In fact, I am very poor! My family is white trash, with little concern for one another! And certainly none for me! I wished I could have a smoke!

The strangers name was Isaacs. He told me his name in a mumble, as if it wasn't important. For a guy who had saved me from certain death, he came on in a hesitant manner! I still felt bruised and hard done by from the beating, so being deferred to was very encouraging. I realized that with my money gone, and lacking even basic identification, I was in for some rough nights once I was out of hospital. Isaacs stayed with me for the entire visiting time. Since I couldn't get out to have a cigarette, he gave me a lozenge that would dull the craving, he said. He was right! I still wanted a smoke, but it was a desirous want, not a desperate want! Before he left, he asked if he could visit again! I was totally alone in the city, and even though it was hard at times to make conversation with someone I didn't know, and who was overly considerate of me, he did help me pass the time and he certainly encouraged me! I needed that! I told him I'd be pleased....

Sure enough, next day, Isaacs was there, with a small gift. Cigarettes, and a small bottle of brandy, to 'freshen my gullet' he said. He went and got a wheelchair, and wheeled me outside on the patio for the cigarette. That butt was delicious, as only a pack a day girl like Sharon Stone could appreciate! Isaacs pulled out a small plastic water cup, the type that are all over in hospitals, and extremely handy when sipping brandy. The brandy was tart and very refreshing, with the cigarette. I couldn't have been happier!

Isaacs was very strange. I wandered what on earth he saw in me, as part of my face was still bandaged, and the rest was sore and swollen. I wasn't nothing to look at, and I had nothing in the way of material things to entice someone's interest in me. But he acted genuinely concerned about my well being! Why? I couldn't understand why he put himself out so much. I could understand it if he felt I was his because of his good deed, but Isaacs constantly went further than necessary, trying to help me and giving me ideas as to what I should do to help myself. Eventually, half way through the second vist, I asked him why he concerned himself with me. I realized later I should have put a lot more thought into the question, as he resorted to stock replies- I was hurt and need help, I was alone and needed a visitor, I was robbed and could use assistance etcetera. It sounded very nice, and it was impossible to refute it, but the fact was, it never answered my question!

A couple more days and the hospital told me I would be discharged. I had no place to go, as I was between apartments when the incident happened, so Isaac again was a godsend. He told me he would get a place for me, so I could finish recouping my health, and apply for assistance. The government no longer wanted to help people, but people who were assaulted and put in hospital, then discharged, would get government help without trouble, because it would look horrible for someone like me to end up homeless, or living in a hostel! All this eased my mind, because I have never been good at roughing it!

So a couple days later, the doctor told me I was discharged. Isaacs was there to help me do the physical move. Gaston even referred to Isaacs as my 'friend.' a couple times. I really knew nothing about him, and figured that now that I was out and in a private place that he had access to, the other shoe would drop. But that's not what happened. The place he helped me move to was a bachelor apartment, as nice as anything I had ever lived in on my own. Very clean, quiet and private. Not only that, the rent was easily within range of my government assistance cheque. Indeed, this upscale kind of place actually cost less then dumpy places over by the docks I often got stuck in! Isaacs explained he knew the owner of the building, and the rent was negotiable. It struck me that Isaacs was a good person to have as a friend. I expected his helpfulness to change into social visits, just chumming, but that never happened. Once I was settled in, I very rarely saw him and then only when I called!

The injuries I suffered healed up nicely. There was one area Isaacs insisted he be allowed to organize the fixing up of. That was the dental work I needed, because of my shattered mouth. My government insurance never covered dental work, false teeth and so on. Isaacs arranged for me to see a dentist, who was part of a small group that did work for people who lacked funds, especially crime victims. I also got several pieces of identification restored to me, though Isaacs never told me he was initiating action in that department. Better then that, I also received a victim's indemnity cheque, for more money then I'd seen in years! Someone had filled in the forms and sent them in, but it wasn't me, and Isaacs seemed anxious to avoid talking about it! He was a real 'good Samaritan,' in the classic sense! The better things got for me, the less I saw him, and I realized he was trying to avoid seeing me! I was in emotional turmoil.

Several weeks went by. My life got back on track. Indeed, things were near perfect, and I finally had plenty of money! My good looks were restored, and I wore my hair to my shoulders, in Sharon's latest style. With my Chiappelle loafers, and wearing a fitted Grenville dress, under a lovely capelet for my shoulders, I dropped into a small restaurant near my apartment one evening. Isaacs was there, with a young friend! If he hadn't seen me, I would have slipped away, but he saw me before I had a chance! He smiled and waved me over, asking if he could buy the pretty lady (me) a brandy! I was happy my cd'ing never threw him, in fact I was very happy! He seemed slimmer then earlier, darker, like he'd been away. I found out he was a merchant seaman, which accounted for his tan. He said he just finished a contract in the south china sea, and was pleased to see me. The young man he was with was just a friend, it was said, and shortly after my arrival, the youth claimed an appointment and was suddenly gone. I was very happy, as I thought a lot about Isaacs, and how much I missed being around him!

For the first time since we'd met, our relationship was unencumbered by externals, debts real or imagined. Isaacs was a dashing man, slender and very tough, with fluid motions and the aura of someone whose way people got out of! I was genuinely interested in him, and he seemed taken by me. He even mentioned my looking alot like Sharon, which popped a couple stitches (in my hosiery!) and told me indeed Stone could take a few pointers from me! It was a nice thing to say, and I felt wonderful!

After drinks, Isaacs asked me to walk with him. We left the restaurant and ambled towards the marina, enjoying each others company. While smiling at one of Isaacs jokes, I saw two people whom I thought I recognized. The guy who assaulted me, and that woman! I was dumbstruck, staring at the duo, who were across the street and unaware of being watched. I told Isaacs, and he went very quiet. The two moved off, towards the park, and Isaacs grabbed my hand, pulling me as he followed them. Before they got to the park, they turned off, into a sidestreet , and Isaacs let go, sprinting across the road and after them. I raced to catch up, not sure what was happening, but not wanting Isaacs to get involved in any violence; there were two of them after all! Somewhere ahead of me, I heard shouts.

I turned the corner and saw the thugs. They were standing by a car, and the smaller one had something in her hand. I remembered that me and some guy I met had been doing exactly the same thing, breaking into cars the night I was beaten and almost died! Before I could do anything, Isaacs was all over them. The bigger guy, who beat me to pulp, fled shrieking "Okay! Okay! Okay' down the street, but the other one, only got about twenty feet before Isaacs got her, kicking her feet clean into the air! Isaacs was like a cheeta, disappearing and suddenly appearing right behind the guy I'm certain was the one responsible for my injuries! The guy had stopped and tried to hide when Isaacs suddenly was on him. He jumped up and tried to run, but Isaacs dropped him, kicking him so hard I could hear the thudding flesh! I ran towards the fight, but Isaacs had already left, chasing the frantic girl! I couldn't believe Isaacs, taking revenge on my enemies. How pammy! I suddenly came upon the man I believed tried to kill me! He looked a lot like the one, I was ready to hit him myself, but I looked closer. No, no; he wasn't the guy, yes, no, yea I didn't think he was, being far too old, and obviously dirt poor! I was shocked, and backed away as the poor guy hobbled off, something inside him appeared badly broken! I turned and ran to get Isaacs! My god I was thinking; it's not the right people!

I heard the beating before I saw it. Isaacs was standing over the girl, who was curled up begging him to stop while he kicked her, shutting her up! I gasped, uncertain what to do, then yelled 'Isaacs stop' when someone bellowed 'hey!' very loudly. Isaacs kicked her one last time before coming towards me. The sound of a man running towards us caused Isaacs to sprint to me the last few feet, grabbing my hand and laughing "C'mon hon!" I had no choice but to run away with him!


The girl lying on the ground behind them was a bloody mess. Finstead approached her, compassion filling his heart. He knelt beside the hurt creature, who was trembling violently in pain and fear. A screwdriver lay by her hand, and as she pleaded 'please don't!' he pocketed the burglar tool...the poor dear didn't need any unnecessary complications at present! As Finstead checked her, to see how gravely hurt she was, he realized she was a transgender: but that was okay. He pocketed her billfold, which had fallen out of her clothes. As she moaned pathetically, his heart went out to her, smashed up and all. He was so alone. He would care for her, until she was okay...and god help the bastards who did this if he ever gets his hands on them!

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