Stop In Nevada

By Jeff Exilimar

Published on Dec 21, 2006



"Why couldn't we have just taken highway 15 straight into Vegas?", Mike said.

Practically ignoring his friend of six years, William gunned the gas, propelling the four door Mercury down the two lane road.

Marcus looked up from his Game Boy. "You know how Will is, Mike. Never met a new road he didn't like. We came into Vegas by 15 last year, and by god, he's not gonna roll over the same pavement twice if he can avoid it."

Mike shifted his five foot nine frame around in the front seat and tried to get comfortable, much like Paul had in the back. The four friends were a story in contrasts, with them all being so different. Mike was a short guy of Midwestern farm Irish stock. Paul, crashed out in back, was a stocky Puerto Rican kid. Marcus was a tall, thin, brown haired guy who just screamed continental European. And Will, the mixed mutt of Central Europe: broad, stocky, dark haired, and of considerable size. And they'd been friends for a while. But this was their second trip into Sin City, and Will had the decent car, so Will got to drive. But he didn't like going the same way twice. The only problem being, there's not a whole lot of different ways into LV. So here they were, snaking along a two lane highway with Nellis AFB somewhere off in the distance as they moved south towards their appointment at the various casinos in that most alluring of cities.

Will, however, was enjoying the drive. He'd gotten the Merc two years ago, and it was the car he'd always wanted. Vintage four-door early sixties, with a V-8 and not a lot of care how he put it to use. Slowly along this trip, the speedometer had climbed upward and upward as he gained more confidence in his driving, despite the unfamiliar roads. It was as close to flying as he'd get, he figured, driving this fast next to an Air Force base. He wondered what went on there.

The road climbed and turned, taking it through a narrow cleft which probably would open out into another one of the valleys that stretched across central Nevada. But this one would be filled with oncoming lights, and a bright flash, and the smell of cordite.

Will came to, in a hospital bed of some sort. His motion was noticed by the nurse, who immediately left. She came back with a full bird Colonel, and then left. The Colonel sat down next to him.

"Son, we've some problems. You see, it's partially our fault you're here. We'd bust the pilot that was using that supposedly closed off two lane road for practice bombing, but when he'd realized he'd hit someone, he drove his F-111 into the side of a mountain. Another problem was, that to save you, we had to take you here, to a rather special research installation instead of a civilian hospital. But that's a mixed blessing. While you're not going to be able to move around here much, we may be the only ones who can help you. You see, son, you're paralyzed. Your buddies, they're going to pull through, the worst one being Paul who lost a spleen to the window handle."

Will couldn't believe what he was hearing. Hit by an Air Force bomb? Paralyzed while his buddies would eventually walk away? How dare this Colonel say these things. "How... How can you help? Goddamnit, I don't want to be an invalid!"

"Well, there's more than just fast airplanes and new weapons being developed here. Away from prying eyes, and all that. We've got a treatment that will essentially rebuild your body, kinda like them Star Wars books. You get an idea like that into some of these kids heads, and they'll not let it go! But it's experimental. They say it's worked on bunny rabbits and frogs and such, but they haven't tried it on a human being. So this is the deal. If you volunteer, the Air Force gives you a congressman's retirement salary for good or for ill. If you should pass on, we'll make sure your family gets some money, I think the standard is about five mill or so. If not, you'll get the base settlement, ruled on time and time again in federal courts, and you'll get by, but in section eight apartments and VA hospitals once the settlement money runs out. Trust me kid, even five to ten million doesn't last when you're a medical wreck like you are now. I'm not saying that we don't have a burden to bear on this, the state of Nevada was supposed to block that road off, and the real culprit is a small pile of ash on some butte out there. You need our help, and we need yours. Think about it, son."

The Colonel walked out, leaving Will with his shattered body. If this experiment went wrong... well, his family would be taken care of. If he came back like this, he'd be nothing but a drain on their time, and eventually, their resources. He was sure that he'd not leave until the Air Force had sanitized the crash scene. And a life like this wasn't worth thinking about. When he woke up, he'd tell the Colonel yes...

"You said that there shouldn't be any problems! This is... this is an unmitigated disaster! Are you sure? I mean you can't see inside the tube. Light, well, practically any radiation would destroy the rebuilding cells. Are you sure?"

"We just didn't see this as a problem. We really didn't track it with the lower species, they're just given to us as a group. We didn't notice this one commonality with the... wow, just five test subjects before you brought us this. Five test subjects, just five, and you're surprised there's a problem. This project should have been another six years before human testing before a Mark 84 dummy bomb put that kid in there."

"Can you do anything? Is there some way to stop it?"

"Do you want the kid dead?"

"Only if that's the only way. But then... it'll be four."

William woke up, and the first thing he felt was a severe sence of vertigo. Nothing seemed to be quite right. The procedure had started by immersing him in some sort of soup, which he couldn't feel. After that, nothing. But as he looked into the ceiling, there was just a feeling that there was something fundamentally different. Trying to shift, he found he couldn't. Both because he was physically drained from the procedure, but more curiously because he could feel he was in some sort of total restraint system. His body was strapped down tight and he couldn't look down the length of his bed, but the best thing was that he could feel these sensations.

The cameras must have alerted someone to his conciousness, because soon after he started moving his head around to look about, the Colonel and some new doctor came in and sat on opposite sides of his bed.

"Hey, Colonel. It must have worked. I can feel again. I don't know if I can move about, but I can wiggle fingers and toes, so that looks good..." He noticed the look on the Colonels face. "What's wrong? Is it phantom feelings? What?"

"Um, no. But there's been a problem. A big one. I can't really describe it too well, and hell, I'm a military man. I'm just here to let you know we stand by our pledge. If you can... adjust... you'll not want for anything. It was our bomb. Crap."

William pivoted his head to look at the doctor. "Ok, what's wrong? Am I hideous? Deformed? Crippled?"

The doctor, Dr. Ayrens, looked down at William. "No. What we encountered was due to inadequate testing. The chemical bath worked to perfection, you're not 'deformed' or 'crippled' in any way. But due to the fact that you were only the sixth subject tested with this technique, we encountered a new phenomenon, one that perhaps can be fixed for later test subjects, but has already manifested in you. You see, the chemicals rebuild you on a cellular level, slowly replacing damaged cells with new ones so you don't 'die', but eventually every cell in your body is replaced. Genetic defects are quietly eliminated if they stray out of norm, we just didn't count on one factor. You see, the procedure sees the 'Y' chromosome as defective, with it's atrophied form. The bath sees this, and using your 'X' chromosome, it's rebuilt your 'Y'. The cells form from there."

Silence hung there for a long time before the doctor spoke again. "The bath... it rebuilt you in perfect health. As a woman."

"You... you're kidding me."

"No. I wish I was. Because of the system, you're physiologically about sixteen to eighteen years of age, although we'll document you at twenty two. But..." The doctor had the Colonel wheel over a full-length mirror, turned sideways.

William looked into the mirror, and staring back at him was a girl's face. Dark hair slewed haphazardly over the pillow, a little short, but the face was undeniably feminine. Tracing his eyes down the length of the mirror, he now saw that the girl in it was far shorter than his own 6' 5" frame... probably about 5'5"... and the unmistakable bulge of her breasts broke the silhouette of the blanket covering her body on the medical bed. The bed he currently occupied. Tears started to well in his... his? Her? What? As panic and confusion began to overwhelm, the injection of a sedative went unnoticed.

Three months later, after a good deal of counseling and physical rehabilitation and retraining, the Colonel walked into Williams... no, Emily's room. "How's it going, Emily? Are you getting to the point of reentering the real world out there?"

"I suppose. My memories of even simple things like walking were getting in the way. It was a lot harder to get over my past stride and get used to having these." She gestured to her bosom. "It's been... strange. I don't know how 'girly' I'm going to be. I'm not exactly a real girl. I'll probably end up dyking out."

"Whatever. Your personal life, as long as it doesn't compromise this facility, isn't really our concern. Lord knows that there are some places in the U.S. where you can be whatever you want to be. But I'm talking about the personal adjustments. You know that 'William' was declared dead and was buried almost two months ago. You can't go 'home'." After watching Emily nod, he continued. "That being the case, we've set up your friends in decent jobs back in your town, they were told about the procedure before the problem. So they know about your change, and several of our people here think it would help you adjust if you had at least a small 'support structure' as you 'reintegrate'."

"They know? Jeez, I don't know how much 'support' they'll be."

"Be that as it may, we've managed to slowly place them all here in this apartment complex. It's a four- place bungalow type, so you'll each have your own private apartment. In addition, your apartment, A, will have

several 'panic' buttons you can press for help if you're overwhelmed, crash, assaulted, or such."

"You're not going to have me on camera, are you?"

"No. God forbid you found one and blew this place. Scandals we don't need, missy."


"You better get used to it, you'll probably hear it from time to time."

Emily pulled her car into the back garage of her new home. Climbing out with a small purse and a bookbag containing her new identity, she walked down the main walkway past the back three apartments. Looking over, she couldn't see into the darkened windows, and idly wondered if the guys were home. Unlocking the door, she walked in to a nicely, if sparsely furnished apartment. Being the front one, it'd been designed for a family, with a largish master bedroom and two fairly small rooms aside. If the other apartments were typical, B and C would be two bedrooms, and D would be a one bedroom, with a nice largish patio. These places had been stamped out in the hundreds in the late 70's, and anyone who'd delivered pizza could have drawn the layout from memory.

Tossing the purse, why'd she have to have a purse. All the training and counseling had tried to prepare her for this, but she was still bothered by it all. Damnit, she was a guy. She then quickly placed the bookbag on the desk in the first room off the hallway, where there'd been placed a desk, and then plopped in front of the TV to finish off the day. Motivation was not exactly a strong point with her right now.

With a good deal of relief, she found that Oprah still sickened her, and Dr. Phil was intolerable. Soap Operas were a total wash, and most of the late afternoon was spent hunting for the almost guaranteed showings of Law And Order and CSI. In the three months she'd been out, she'd noticed that there was a lot more of the Miami on than before. After several hours of TV, she went to take a shower before bed.

Starting the water running, she began what in many ways was the hardest part of the transformation. Bathrooms, by their very design, are meant for one to look at one's self and Emily had a lot of difficulty with that. Not because she was ugly, rather the opposite. The female body in the mirror wasn't her, and all the William in her found her really nice to look at. Emily didn't really want to consider sex at this point, being as confused as she was, and the incredibly attractive girl in the mirror was both an enticement and a sign of everything lost. It wouldn't be stroking a hard-on while looking at a pretty girl's breasts, it would be rubbing a clitoris while ogling his... her... whatever... own breasts, and that was a disquieting enough thought to see her through the shower.

Going into the bedroom, she opened up the dresser drawers looking for sleepwear. While the Air Force had included a lot of teddies and other lingerie, someone had been decent enough to include a set of conservative cut, if silk, pajamas. Slipping them on, she crashed into bed and cried herself to sleep.

Emily woke up the next morning, and got herself back together. This all was so trying, especially now that she was away from the Air Force base and on her own. All alone, it was harder to deal with even day-to-day problems, not to mention the mess her mind had become. Narcissism taken to a whole different level as it were. Some time in the mid afternoon, there was a knock on her door. Thinking that here was her first solicitor, she was more than mildly surprised to find her three friends at the door, apparently bearing housewarming gifts.

"Um, hi. It's Emily now, right?", Mike said. After Emily nodded yes, Mike continued. "Well, that Colonel told us all about what happened. It's just so hard to believe, right guys?" Both Paul and Marcus nodded. "Yeah, so he told us that we were supposed to help you out now, or we'd like lose our good jobs and stuff. We don't want that and all, so here we are, all ready to help. We've got a game system, a surround sound system, and a stack of discs full of your mp3's before your computer was wiped."

"That's great. I wasn't looking forward to trying to rebuild that collection, guys." William's... now Emily's mp3 collection had been large and esoteric. "Come on in, I guess. There's not a lot of stuff in here. I haven't even thought what I want to do to the place."

Paul laid down the game system. "It's ok to do whatever you want. Unlike a lot of places, you can paint over the walls. It's not 'official', but it's obvious that the gov'ment owns this place and wants us happy rather than talking."

Marcus sat carefully down on the couch. It didn't take much for Emily to notice that Marcus' eyes hadn't left her since she opened the door. It was a little creepy, but having known Marcus before, she began to understand some of the problems he'd had dating. William had tried to disabuse him of some of his notions before, but maybe Emily'd have more luck.

After a bit of small talk, it was revealed that Marcus was now working at a shipping firm, handling the automated sorter. His years of watching a game screen was really paying off as he could readily identify wrong scan codes and destination errors. Paul was placed with his father's steel firm, but inside the administration office as an IT tech. Wires and IP's and such filled his day, and when it didn't, there was always the four or five hundred chat rooms he'd frequent. Mark was placed in a high end security establishment, a far cry from guard duty he'd pulled out of high school. Zoom-cams, security checkpoints, and tasers were now the order of the day.

All of this left Emily confused. While not their "ideal" careers, with the possible exception of Paul (who'd be the most trouble anyway), they seemed content in what they were given. She was given this, and certainly wasn't content. She didn't know what she wanted, let alone what she wanted to do. But her ne'er-do-well friends seemed to be tracking right in the aftermath.

After one of those awkward pauses that invariably crops up after a deep conversation such as that, probably not helped by Emily's retrospective, the decision was made to go shopping for stuff in Emily's apartment. The resolution was passed 3 to zero, with one assention by apathy...

Three months had passed by, and Emily had to admit the guys had been fairly supportive. While they'd gotten new careers and had more freedom, their social lives were at a practical zero still. It sorta bothered Emily, but she was reaping the benefits due to the amount of time they were spending with her. And with poor Marcus' upbringing, she didn't... or rather the Air Force didn't... have to pay for her meals when they went out. Marcus couldn't wrap his mind around that the change was all external, and for the most part, they'd all given up on trying to change him.

It was at this time, on a Friday night, when they were all in her living room and they'd just finished watching a movie. Not wanting to start another one so late, they just flipped around until they hit the middle of a movie on Cinemax. This being a weekend night after 11pm, they weren't showing last year's Oscar winning movies. The guys got really quiet when the girls on screen got naked. This bothered Emily, because even if she allowed herself to watch, she wasn't willing to do what was nessasary to bring her some relief. She got up and went into the kitchen to slyly protest the choice of programming. Maybe it wouldn't be a long scene and they'd lose interest in it.

After a minute or two in the kitchen, she felt kinda silly, and walked to the doorway. While the action on the screen was still going on, with a pair of very attractive girls being rubbed on and rubbed together by some guy, she couldn't help but look at her friends. It was obvious that they were very aroused by what was on TV, their bodies very still except for an odd shift in an effort to find some comfort in their clothes. The only one she could see the whole length of body of was Marcus, and she was surprised at the size of the bulge in his pants...

Shaking her head, she retreated for a moment back into the kitchen. What the hell was happening. She'd just checked out some guys... another guys... package. Yeah, she... he... whatever, didn't have a 'package' any more, but damnit, that wasn't right anyway, or either. It was just the late hour, and the fact that sex was out for her. It just wouldn't happen. She pulled herself back together and went and sat down in her chair to watch the movie. The action had stopped for a bit, allowing the three guys to catch a breather. Soon enough, though, another scene started up with two different girls all alone. They were going at it rather hot and heavy, and the room got really quiet. When that scene ended and some pointless non-plot scene came on, Mark leaned back and turned to Emily.

"Did that do... y'know, anything for you? I mean, we used to watch this stuff all the time. If it makes you uncomfortable, you can throw us out."

"Um, well, yeah it does. I mean, I do remember all that and what I liked. It's just that I don't have the means anymore to do anything."

Marcus looked up. "What? You mean it doesn't work down there?"

"NO! I mean, no. I mean, I don't know. I don't do anything like that since... it just wouldn't be right."

"Oh. I guess. But it's what you've got." Marcus shrugged.

With that, the last scene came on, this time featuring the heroine of this little story breaking free of her Sapphic tendencies and finding her one true male love. During this, while keeping an eye on the action, Emily found herself thinking about that flippant statement Marcus had made. It was, after all, the only form of release she had, why shouldn't she try it out. The more the thought rolled in her mind, the more she began to fidget, trying to find comfort, when she really wanted release. Finally, it got to the point where the guys noticed.

"Are you alright?", Paul asked. "You seem to be all twitchy."

"No... I... I think we should at least watch something different. I'm... um..."

"Horny?", piped up Marcus.

"Oh... yeah. I guess that's the word I'll have to go with. Just turn the channel."

Paul harrumphed, and switched to one of the late night talk shows. Emily, however, wasn't able to keep all those thoughts in her head under control. She'd been fighting hormonal inputs, erotic thoughts, and confusion for six months now, and frankly, she was about to burst. She stopped thinking, and let the images and feelings in her head cascade, older images from William's fantasies colliding with the new realities of Emily's endocrine system.

Mike looked over at the glassy eyed Emily. "Em, you ok?"

"Huh? Oh. Yeah. Guys, I think you all need to leave."

"Why?", Marcus piped up.

"I think," Mike said, "She needs some alone time."

Paul giggled.

Emily blushed a deep red. "Well, yeah. I need to do something about this. It's... I can't describe it. Sorry, guys, but this is a little overwhelming."

"Can we help?" Marcus asked.

At this moment, time froze. It was easily the most naïve question ever asked, as Marcus clearly didn't have a concept of what Emily was feeling right now. None. Silence overwhelmed the group. And somewhere inside of Emily, a little image William had come across popped into her head and she couldn't get it out.


There was a stretch of silence. "W... what?" Mike stammered.

"Listen, if you guys want to help, I'll take it. But... but... you've all got to do it, here, now, or it's off. I don't know forever or not, but if it doesn't happen here, now, I'll probably forget the whole thing."

"But you were..."

"I WAS. I can't... it's not... it's now or never... and I'll need to do something anyway. So either you all go, or you all stay and agree to do what I need."

With that, she pulled off her top, and undid the bra. Her milky white 36C breasts stood out, as they'd not fought gravity but for a handful of months. There was an audible gasp, from which guy, she didn't see. Finally Mike asked "What about... y'know, pregnancy?"

As Emily unsnapped her jeans and began to pull them and her panties off, she said "I'm loaded on that five-year Norplant. They didn't want me to get into that kind of trouble..." Slowly her long legs were revealed, and the guys looked and it was obvious to them that this wasn't another guy, that this really was a girl. A gorgeous naked girl right in front of them.

"What... what do we need to do?" Paul asked.

"You in? You ALL in?"

They shook their heads.

"Ok, strip."

In her excited state, Emily pushed past William's predjudices, and really took notice of her friends' penises. Mike was about average, a little on the slim side. Paul's was a little stubby, but quite fat. And Marcus, what god had failed to give him in tact and brains, and overcompensated with a huge organ.

"Oooooook." Emily gasped. "I need for you, Mike to get a little white tube out of the top drawer in my room. Bring it back in here. Marcus, get a pillow, and lay face up on the floor."

Marcus streached out on the ground before Emily, his now hardened penis straining for the sky. Emily watched as Paul nervously stared at it. "Don't worry, Paul, you're not going to have to touch it." Mike re-entered the room holding the small container. "Ok, Mike, I need you to take that tube and squirt it on your penis. No questions."

Emily then took a deep breath. Once she did this, there wasn't any going back. In her mind, William would be in the back...

She lifted up and straddled the prone Marcus, who suddenly had a panicked expression on his face. Before he could do anything, Emily felt the length of that enormous penis... that cock... slide up into her... HER... vagina. It was exquisite. She slumped forward, draping her lithe body over the trembling Marcus. She pulled Mike's hand and maneuvered him until he was standing over Marcus' legs... and her posterior. She then gently grabbed his penis, slick with the lubricant, to her anal opening and put the tip in there. Finally caught up in the moment, Mike pushed into her, and a second penis began to fill her insides with it's manly warmth. Finally, she waved Paul over. Flexing her hips, she began to move on the two hot rods that filled her bottom, and then took the third into her mouth. Oh, what a sensation it was. A little part of William protested this last violation of his body, but the newer Emily persona had done without under very trying circumstances, and was enjoying the feel of the fat tube of flesh in her mouth while two others filled her most private parts. Marcus, bless him, had begun to suck on her breasts, and that sent her over the edge. Shuddering her way to orgasm, it started a chain reaction. Suddenly warm liquid... semen... come... started filling her vagina, her ass, her mouth.

When Mark and Paul pulled away, Emily collapsed to the side of Marcus, who disentangled himself from her. As Emily began to make small noises of pleasure while drifting off to sleep, the three guys who'd known her as a man looked at each other in bewilderment. Embarrassment at the moment... the three of them naked, standing over their former friend... led them to dress awkwardly and leave in silence after throwing a blanket over Emily.

The four of them would get together like that about once a month, and it was a regular occasion for one of them to spend a night alone with Emily. Eventually, Paul and Mike found girlfriends of their own, and some of them, Emily had even shared. But eventually, they found 'the one', and she served as maid-of-honor at their weddings. Marcus, sweet, slow, Marcus, however, was socially inept. It was here William's old memories of his little quirks and intents and problems allowed Emily to be the only girl on the planet who could put up with him. And besides, it was all the other girls' fault for not putting any effort into finding out about him past the problems. So eventually Emily, in an act of pity, kindness, and selfishness (he really did have a big penis), married her best friend. They celebrated by making another stop in Nevada...

*************************** The stuff my TS Friends ask me to write. I don't mind, they're actually good people.

Feel free to write back if you enjoyed the story. I don't know if this is a "comeback" for me or an isolated incident... ***************************

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