Storm Chaser

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Jan 15, 2021


Author Lake Sinclair

Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author.

This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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This story is inspired by, written for and dedicated to a dear friend. Enjoy lonely husker. Hugs

"Storm Chaser" Chapter 1

Mike sat behind the counter at Watkins's Sporting Goods in a small town in Nebraska. There were a couple of boxes of stock he had pulled out to put on the shelves but the weather channel had his attention. Mike was the owner of the small store that was more of a general store than a sporting goods. At thirty six years old he had big dreams of leaving small town Nebraska and moving somewhere that he could feel free. His parents had died when he was young and he had been raised by a crazy Aunt.

Mike's freedom would have been able to live his life as a gay man and possible meet his soulmate. From the age of fifteen he had worked in the store for the prior owner. The week after his twenty first birthday the owner came to him and offered to sell him the store. The price was great and the former owner wanting to retire agreed to owner finance it for fifteen years. Mike worked hard and paid the loan off in less than ten. His new prison was the store that he was afraid to try and sell and leave.

Mike stood just over five foot eight and weighed one hundred and eighty pounds. He did not have a gym body but moving all the boxes around the store kept him fairly fit. His butt was a nice bubble butt from climbing ladders and lifting boxes. His chest and belly was lightly hairy but he had always either wanted more or less. His biggest issue was his slight love handles. Natural man is what I would call it because there was really no gut just the small love handles. Flaccid, his cock was about three inches and fully excited was almost seven inches with a decent girth and his balls sac kept fairly close to home. He hated looking at himself in the mirror. He had a full head of short cut dark hair and neatly trimmed dark, full beard. "I wouldn't want this so who else would ?" was what he would tell the mirror.

Mike was gay but have never done anymore than kissing another man and that was only once. He was sure that there were other gay or bisexual men in his area but they were like him and hid deeper than him in the closet. They hid under ground in their storm shelters. Mike never heard comments from the community about the LGBTQ community. There had been a few gay couples come through his store as they passed through town. The only ones that got even a second glance from the residents were the flamboyant ones. Mike did laugh at one of the customers one day. The elderly lady spoke of how beautiful a lady was that had come through the store. Mike did not have the heart to tell her that it was a man in drag.

Mike's mind was swirling in all types of thoughts. The store was empty due to the weather. His life, the weather channel and those damn boxes he pulled out seemed to be all combined together in every sentence going through his mind. Mike was lost in thought when he heard the chime on the door. "Welcome to Wat..kk..ii..n..'s" he said as his eyes cast on the most gorgeous specimen of manhood he had ever seen.

"It's getting rough out there. Where is the closest place to get a cup of coffee around here." The Greek God asked. "I have a fresh pot right over there and plenty of cups. You are welcome to some if you want." Mike said. "Ah I am in love." the man said. "You haven't tasted the coffee yet." Mike laughed. Mike turned on his stool and watched as the man walked over to the coffee pot. His white shirt was drenched and had turned almost see thru. Mike could see the muscles back of the man as the wet shirt clung to his body and could even make out the light dusting of hair on the man's back.

Mike almost fell off his stool as the man walked towards the counter with his coffee. The wet shirt had the first three buttons open and he could see the hairy chest and broad shoulders. The man had an ipad in one hand and coffee in the other. He placed the coffee on the counter and reached into his back pocket to get his wallet. Mike's eyes were glued to the exposed chest and did slip off the stool and the man reached around and one of his hairy nipples appeared through the open shirt. "How much ?" the man asked.

"Fuck me senseless and you can have the damn store." Mike thought. Clearing his throat. "On the house. Drink as much as you want. "You are a lifesaver. I am in love." the man said and smiled showing a perfect row of pearly whites. Mike could feel the inside of his shorts getting wet as his cock began to leak. "Names Stuart. Stuart Phillips." the man said. I'm Mike Watkins. It's a pleasure to meet you." Mike said reaching his hand out. The two men shook hands but the shake lingered a little longer. Mike's heart raced as Stuart's semi rough hands gripped his soft palms. "I see you are watching the weather. I can't get a good signal on my ipad." Stuart said. "Wifi password is store." Mike said. "Store ? You are kidding right ? That is too easy to hack." Stuart said. "I guess the one at home is just as easy then because it is home. If you look outside I don't think any of us have to worry about hackers. Welcome to small town hell Nebraska." Mike said.

"Just passing through ?" Mike asked as the man lay his ipad on the counter after adding the store's password. "Not really sure." Stuart said. "Not sure ?" Mike asked. "I am a storm chaser. My partners and I have decided to split up this year and set our home bases all around Tornado alley. I was coming to check out this area for myself when the waterfall hit." Stuart said. "Fuck me. Home base. If this man God moves here I will have to start wearing underwear because I will leak everywhere. At least I will have someone to drool over." Mike thought. "Moving your family up here if you do ?" Mike asked, looking at the ringless "long" finger. Stuart held up his ring hand. "Nope no family and no prospects. At the moment." Stuart said and winked. Mike could not help but lick his lips as Stuart folded his arms on the counter and leaned forward causing the three button gap of his shirt to open even wider.

Less than thirty minutes earlier Stuart Phillips was driving into the edge of the fall Nebraska town. "According to the map this is it." he said. About that time the bottom fell out and he could not even see the road. He crept along until he saw the faint sight of a blue and red "Open" sign. He slowly pulled his truck into the parking lot As he pulled up to the front which had a long porch like a Cracker Barrell he could see the open sign and also the name Watkin's Sporting Goods painted in the window. By the time he could get out of his truck and retrieve his ipad from the back seat he was soaked to the bone. Stepping in the store he stopped in his tracks. He could hear a voice speaking but the bright blue eyes looking his direction took his breath away. "Holy fuck. He is gorgeous. Simple and not a gym bunny but gorgeous and those eyes. Oh my God." Stuart thought.

Stuart was originally from Peachtree City Georgia where the National Weather Service is located. He had been in a six year relationship that ended ungly just over a year ago. He had been dating a meteorologist from the National Weather Service. He surprised his partner at a convention and found him in bed with one of his friends and one of his partner's coworkers. With one dick up his ass and the other down his throat Stuart did not see any redeeming quality left in the man so he jumped at the chance to relocate. He had figured that in Nebraska he might find him a good corn fed husker. If not in the town that he moved to he would only be about fifty miles away from one of the large cities.

Stuart stood just over six foot two inches. His chest and stomach were covered in a coat of hair that was not thick and the hairs not long so he had no need to manscape. His shoulders were broad from both the gym and loading and unloading the heavy weather reporting equipment he tried to place in the path of Tornadoes. His stomach was flat and in certain positions you could see a six pack but standing straight he just had a tight stomach. His ass was one of the military style. Hard and round and you could bounce a bullet off of it. His cock flaccid was just over five inches. Fully aroused it was nine. Get it really excited and it was nine and a quarter. He considered himself a two finger fuck. His girth was not huge and if he could get two fingers in an ass and stretch and loosed it then his bottom could enjoy also. The mushroom head was pronounced and was the main cause of discomfort at the start but he had gotten no complaints during sex. He figured the length and slight curve to his cock made up for the lack of girth that some men have. He was not small by any means but he always wanted a thicker cock. Most men do. His balls were fairly large and hung low needing their own space unlike Mike's which stayed close to home.

"Wow this is a huge pop up." Stuart said turning his ipad for Mike to see. Mike leaned against the other side of the counter so his face was level with Stuart's. He breathed deep taking in the smell of the soap that Stuart had used that morning. The rain had brought the scents back. Stuart moved his arm and brushed Mike's as he showed him the storm on the radar. Mike closed his eyes and swallowed deep as he felt a drop of pre cum run down his leg. Mike looked more at Stuart than he did the ipad. Stuart had his hair clipped short. Thinning on top but not bald and the sides still thick but trimmed the same. They were close enough he could smell the coffee on Stuart's breath. Stuart's gray eyes seemed to burn right through Mike. His chisseled face with a thin cropped goatee almost making it look like scruff. "Be hard to spot one in this rain if there was a Tornado." Stuart said. "Season is just starting. Shouldn't be one today but after this type energy tomorrow may get busy." Mike said.

"May need to hang around a few more days then. I came to scope out the area to set up shop." Stuart said. "We are at the outer edge of most of the action. We do get our share though." Mike said. "Don't want to be in the middle. We are stationing around the edge so we can get to an area quicker. Any good long term motels around ?" Stuart asked. "One. decorated in the sixties. Don't think they have changed the curtains since it opened." Mike said. "Oh." Stuart said. "I have a spare room if you are interested." Mike said. "Fuck..fuck.. Why did I just say that ?" he thought. "I have to leave during the middle of the night sometimes. I might wake you." Stuart said. "Well I have an extra room that's true but what I meant is I have a detached in-laws apartment on my house. It is connected by a breezeway. Has it's own driveway and own entrances." Mike said. "How much you want ?" Stuart asked. "Get fucked silly anytime I want." Mike thought. "It just sits there. The power is connected to the house so you are welcome to just stay there." Mike said. "If you don't mind and your family doesn't I can pay you ... six hundred a month ?" Stuart said. "You are welcome to it at no charge and there is no family. Just me. Always has been and probably always will be." Mike said. "Maybe so, maybe not." Stuart said and smiled. "Wait was that a flirt ?" MIke thought.

The two men lingered at the counter looking at the ipad. Mike held his position when Stuart walked back to the coffee maker. On his return Mike swallowed hard again as he saw the more than descent size package move in Stuart's shorts as he walked. "So you live alone ?" Stuart asked. "Yep. Welcome to hell whole Nebraska. Not much for me in these parts or at least they are hidden if they are." Mike said. "Hidden huh ?" Stuart thought. "Figured the door would fly open any minute and five kids and a pregnant wife come running through the door shouting DADDY." Stuart laughed. "No chance in any kids running around that could call me daddy." Mike laughed. "Ya never know." Stuart said. "Oh yes. I know." Mike said and smiled.

"Are you sure about the apartment ?" Stuart asked. "You haven't even seen it." Mike said. "Has it been decorated since the sixties ?" Stuart said and smiled. "Fuck. There went another drop running down my leg." Mike thought. "As a matter of fact it was completely remodeled two years ago. New furniture, appliances and linens and no one has slept in it since." Mike said. "Sold. That is if I won't cramp your style." Stuart said. "Got to have a style to cramp. I will warn you though I piddle around my house naked so you may want to close your eyes when you walk by a window." Mike said and laughed. "Thank goodness. I hate clothes too." Stuart said and winked causing Mike to swallow hard.

"It is really it's own house. I bought the two farm houses that were almost side by side. They shared the same yard. I remodeled the larger of the two for me and went ahead and attached the two by a breezeway. They have seperate drives once you are off the main road and they share one back yard that has a privacy fence around it. I have a fire pit in the back that I like to lay around on clear nights." Mike said. "Naked ?" Stuart asked. "Well I use to." Mike said and blushed. "Good. Sounds perfect. You will have to teach me how to stoke the fire naked and not burn the important parts." Stuart said. "Yeah right." Mike laughed.

"That storm is breaking up about as fast as it developed." Stuart said. "Welcome to Nebraska." Mike said. "When can I look at my new digs ?" Stuart asked. "I close in about two hours and it's not far from here." Mike said. "Sounds like a plan. Why don't I take you out to eat to celebrate my new friend and living arrangements ?" Stuart said. "Too far to go out to eat especially since this was probably round one of this storm. Round two will show up in about four hours. I have plenty layed out for dinner. You are welcome to join me if you trust my cooking." Mike said. "Layed out huh ? What if I find a place that sells wine and grab a bottle ?" Stuart said. "Sure. Only place around here is the grocery store. Left at the stop sign and you can't miss it." Mike said. "Should be easy enough. I need to make a few calls and then I can run and get the wine. How about I meet you back here around closing and follow you home. ?" Stuart said. "Sure." Mike said.

Stuart sat in his truck and rubbed his hands over his face. "DAMN he is gorgeous. Slow and steady wins the race. No wife, no kids. Guess I will soon find out if there is a girlfriend or hopefully a boyfriend. Correct that hopefully not a boyfriend. That fine man with a fine ass is all mine." Stuart said as he started the truck up.

"HOLY FUCK." Mike shouted and quickly looked around to make sure the store was empty. Mike sat and told himself to get over it. The man was a walking wet dream but so far out of his league it began to hurt. "At least I will get some good eye candy if he decides to stay." Mike whispered to himself. "Now put that stock up before you stand here and leak so much you slip and fall from what has already hit the floor." Mike told himself.

Stuart informed his business partners that he had found the perfect place and was going to rent it. The strategic area was perfect for their work. The wine selection was slim but he realized there must be some fairly wealthy farmers around since some of the selection was upper shelf. Happy with his two purchases he returned to the store at just about closing time. Mike was ringing up a customer and had to stop and take a deep breath as Stuart walked back in the door. The shirt was dry but the three buttons still undone. "Thanks Earl and if you need more I have plenty in stock." Mike said as he handed the elderly man his change. "Thank you Mike. I may be back for more." the elderly man said. "Earl, this is Stuart Phillips. He is a tornado chaser and he is thinking about renting the smaller house at my place. Stuart, this is Earl." Mike said. "Nice to meet you young man. You take good care of our fella here, Mike." Earl said. "I will. I promise. Nice to meet you sir. Hope to see you around." Stuart said. "Long as you aren't in my yard looking for a tornado it will be good to see you too." Earl said and chuckled. "Nice people around here." Stuart said. "Most are but rest assured we have a couple that aren't. Just overlook them." Mike said as he hit the switch turning the open sign off. "Follow me out the back so I can set the alarm." Mike said.

As they exited the back door Stuart stood between Mike and a cooler wall. Mike stepped back after locking the steel cage door. He had forgotten Stuart was standing behind him and as he remembered and thought that he had stepped on Stuart's foot he lost his balance. Stuart grabbed Mike and pulled the falling man's back to his chest. "I am so sorry. I am not use to anyone being behind me, Did I hurt you ?" Mike said with the back of his body pressed to Stuart. Stuart's cock had gotten almost semi hard and Mike could feel it pushing between his ass cheeks. Stuart had one arm around Mike's chest and the other was open palmed across his crotch.

The two men stood this way long after Mike had regained his balance. "This is so embarrassing." Mike said. "Oh I am sorry. I just wanted to make sure you had your balance." Stuart said as he quickly removed his hands. "Not that. It's embarrassing that I lost my balance." Mike said with his ass still pressed against Stuart's semi hard cock. "If you pull out of the parking lot and take a right on the road going beside the store you can follow me home. It's not far at all. "I will follow you anywhere." Stuart thought. "Sure. Is that your truck ?" Stuart asked, pointing to the Toyota Tacoma truck at the corner. "That's me." Mike said. "See you at home then." Stuart said. Mike's heart began to sing. The Greek God just said he would see him at home.

Next: Chapter 2

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