Storm Chaser

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Mar 8, 2021


"Storm Chaser" Chapter 16

" I hope you know that when you leave you are leaving all of this here." Lizzie said. "You already trying to run me off ?" Stuart asked. "No I just have no idea what all this construction is." Lizzie said. "Well this is a storm shelter. You will have a key to the outside door too. It has two rooms. One with computer equipment and the other should house at least twelve people." Stuart said. "i don't need a key." Lizzie said. "You will have one in case you or anyone else needs shelter. The next thing is similar to a drive thru window so you can send me one of those apple fritters anytime I want one." Stuart said. "As long as it has a payment cup in it." Lizzie laughed.

Hazel was working extra hours this week helping get everything back to normal. Mike walked across the street to see what was going on in the new office. " What are you two up to ?" Mike asked. "I was just telling your husband that he was leaving all of this when he left." Lizzie said. "She is trying to run me off baby." Stuart said. "Oh honey when I get ready to run you off it will be at the end of my shotgun barrel." Lizzie said. "Are you two going to survive being next door to each other ?" Mike said and laughed. "He told me next was a window between the two so he could get an apple fritter anytime he wanted one." Lizzie said. "You going to let him do that ?" Mike laughed. "I told him it better have a place for him to put his money. I ain't running no tab and adding it to the rent. He could not afford the interest." Lizzie said.

Kurt had returned the trailer and could barely pay attention in the study group. He had to remember to get horse feed and he was feeling an emptiness with Carl out of town. He had stripped the bed before he and Carl went to bed that last night. He did not want Marcus's scent in the bed. He knew that he could sleep in the bed with just Carl's scent and it would help. He was trying to convince himself that it was just temporary and that Carl would be back the day after tomorrow.

The horse feed bags were loaded and Kurt headed towards home. He had talked to his friend at school about his situation and he had made a suggestion. Kurt stopped and turned the truck around nad headed to the far side of town to the sex shop. He spent a good hour just looking at the options for what his friend had told him. There was a lady cashier and she walked over to ask if he needed help. "I kind of know what I need but not sure which will be best." Kurt said. "Tell me why you need it." she said. "Are you sure ?" Kurt said. "Honey I work in a sex shop. I doubt you can say anything I have never heard before." she said and laughed.

The lady listened and quickly reached up on the shelf and handed the box to Kurt. "I don't need one of the more expensive ones ?" Kurt said. "The lady quickly showed him the advantages of the item she had picked. "We also have a sale on flavored lube. If he is that attentive you may want to look at those." she said. "Plus since you are a first time customer I can give you another discount on both." she leaned over and whispered in Kurt's ear. About ten minutes later Kurt sat in the truck reading the instructions on the box. He also pulled out the bottle of strawberry lube to taste and then the peach bottle. "Damn those taste good. I will have to see if Carl likes strawberry or peach better." he thought.

Kurt stopped at the store on his way home. He walked over to see what all the construction people were doing at Stuart's new office. "Boy you don't play around." Kurt said. "All the people with damage around here are waiting on insurance adjusters. I want to get as much done as I can before they have to start on storm damage." Stuart said. "Well you have half the construction folks from four counties in here working." Kurt laughed. "This will be your office." Stuart said showing Kurt the walls being built to section it off. "I thought I would have to be up front." Kurt said. "No, there will be a secretary. I will need someone to answer phones and do some paperwork even if neither of us are here." Stuart said. "I thought this was just going to be a small office with maybe two people." Kurt said. "Most of the time it will be three but there will be office space for some of my colleagues when they are in town. I got the funding approved from the National Weather Service and Texas A & M University." Stuart said. "Damn this is serious shit." Kurt said. "Yes it is but don't let that scare you." Stuart said. "It won't. Talked to my counselor today and next semester I will start the program." Kurt said. "Good deal. Now grab a broom." Stuart said.

Mike and Stuart had invited Kurt to come and have dinner with them but he declined stating he had things to do. He wanted to get to Carl's and test out his new purchase. Carl called in the middle of his first test. "What's wrong ? You sound a little frustrated." Carl said. "Oh it's nothing. Just ready to get these finals over tomorrow." Kurt said and he was trying to get adjusted. "I am sure you will ace them all. Not only is my little fella sexy but he is smart as hell." Carl said. "You have any of those cowboys hitting on you ?" Kurt asked. "Nah just the son of the guy that owns the auction yard." Carl said. "And ?" Kurt said. "And what ?" Carl said. "Did he succeed ?" Kurt said in a stern voice. "No baby he is nowhere near as sexy as what I have at home. Besides he has been trying for three years." Carl laughed. "As long as he only tries. I don't want to have to hit town with tornado Kurt and tornado Lizzie." Kurt said. "Lizzie ?" Carl said. "Hell yeah. I will get the owner's son and you will have to deal with Lizzie." Kurt said. "Well that just softened anything that was hard just from talking to you." Carl laughed. "Don't worry I know I can revive it for you." Kurt laughed.

The next day a couple of the contractors had to pull out around lunch time. The insurance companies had approved work and the first priority was getting the properties fixed for the residents. The electrician and the plumber stayed to finish since they were close to done anyway. That way when framers and sheetrock installers came they would be done and out of the way. Stuart was pleased with the progress and everyone else was amazed at how fast it was all coming together.

Kurt stood looking at his phone with the broom tucked under his arm. "What's up with you. You are moving slow and seem to be a world away." Lizzie said. "Oh nothing Lizzie. Just life." Kurt said. "Mighty deep subject then. How is Carl ?" Lizzie said. "He is ...... What ? .. How would I know ?" Kurt said. "Do not fix your lips to try and lie to Lizzie. You two have danced around each other for years now." Lizzie said. "So you know ?" Kurt said. "Hell boy the whole county knows." Lizzie said. "I miss him. That was a text from him. It just has me a little worried." Kurt said. "How so ?" Lizzie asked.

"Tonight is his last night at the cattle sale. He is coming home tomorrow but I was picking on him about all the cowboys. He said he only had one that was making plays at him and it was the sale lot owner's son and he had tried for the last three years. He just texted that he was invited to dinner at the owner's home tonight." Kurt said. "And your worry ?" Lizzie said. "The son. We are just getting started." Kurt said. "Honey that boy worships the ground you walk on. Hell I almost threw you two in a closet one day and was going to tell you to do the nasty and get it over with. He ain't going nowhere or with anyone else." Lizzie said. " You are right I just don't want this to get messed up." Kurt said.

"The only way you are going to mess this up is if you try too hard or you don't trust him." Lizzie said. "Well I do trust him." Kurt said. "Well if you have not noticed it takes two to get busy so if you trust him then don't stress." Lizzie said. "Makes sense." Kurt said. "Honey, my husband still looks. I am glad. He looks but knows he can't touch. All men are going to look. They are built that way but Carl is like my husband. He is a man in a dollar store but only has a nickle in his pocket. He can window shop all he wants but he can't buy." Lizzie said. "Thanks Lizzie." Kurt said. "Now get to sweeping before Stuart comes back and wonders what you are up to. Oh how did your finals go ?" Lizzie asked. "I am sure I aced then all. Didn't really have to think about the answers. As long as I get all A's I can get in the meteorology program." Kurt said. "So it's true. You are going to work with Stuart ?" Lizzie said. "That's the plan." Kurt said and smiled.

"Don't you need to be over at your office working ?" Mike laughed. Stuart stood behind the counter with his hand down the back of Mike's shorts rubbing his ass cheeks. "I am in no hurry." Stuart whispered.

"You know that you are going to make it a long and uncomfortable day don't you ?" Mike said. "Uncomfortable ?" Stuart said. "You know what that damn smile of yours does to me and when you touch me." Mike said. "Oh that ?" Stuart said. He moved his hand around and collected some leakage from Mike's cock. He then brought his fingers to his lips. "Mmm... mmm." Stuart moaned. "Stop that I have customers." Mike whispered.

"You two don't mind me." Earl said from one of the isles. "You heard that Earl ?" Stuart said. "May be old but my hearing is perfect." Earl said. "I thought you were hard of hearing Earl." Mike said. "Nope the wife thinks I am though. Learned that trick many years ago. She keeps telling me I need hearing aids. Doctor says I have the hearing of a teenager. She just don't know that." Earl said. " We get Earl all worked up and he may go home and get him some." Stuart laughed. "Nope Anniversary isn't for another two weeks." Earl said. "Anniversary ?" Stuart asked. "I get lucky on Birthdays, Anniversary and check day." Earl said. "Check day ?" Mike said. "Sure enough. The wife knows when the Social Security and retirement checks hit the account. She is so happy to see money going in and not all going out. I end up getting lucky. So I never forget an Anniversary, Birthday or check day." Earl said and laughed. "Well I need to go check on Kurt. I will be back to get some fresh juice flowing shortly." Stuart said and whispered in Mike's ear.

"Was very good of you to invite me to dinner." Carl said. "We are glad that you were able to join us. I understand that you will be buying the farm very soon." Mr. Tift said. "Not sure when they will be ready to sell but I got my down payment saved and I hope I can." Carl said. "Oh I am fairly sure you will end up with it soon." Mr. Tift said. "I am ready for it. I know the place inside and out." Carl said. "Well you definitely raise some prime beef. One of our best customers." He said. "Looks like it is all prime beef on that farm." the son said and winked. "Calm down son. Carl here probably already has a special someone at home waiting." Mr. Tift said. " Yes sir I do. He told me he would have dinner waiting on me when I get back tomorrow night." Carl said. "He ?" the son said and sat up in his chair and smiled.

"Yeah Kurt is going to school to be a meteorologist. He is going to be working with a storm chaser that has an office in town and plans to help run the farm with me." Carl said. "So I have been chasing you for three years and you kept turning me down." the son said. "Nothing personal. I been chasing Kurt for four years, seven months and about twenty days." Carl said. "Damn son, leave the man alone. If he has it down to almost the hour then you best stay in your corner." Mr. Tift said. "That's right son. It sounds like Carl has a good man that he is in love with. I better not hear of you bothering him. You understand me ?" Mrs. Tift said as she walked into the room. "Yes Mom." the son said. "You need to bring this Kurt with you sometime. We would love to meet him." Mrs. Tift said. Carl had to chuckle because the son grumbled and Mrs. Tift reached up and slapped him on the back of his head. "Dinner is ready guys." she said and turned and walked out of the room.

True to his word Stuart went back to the store at least four times after lunch to make sure that Mike produced more leakage. "Hell I might as well give up on having dry shorts anytime today." Mike said. "Don't worry baby I plan to clean the mess up personally when we get home." Stuart said and tapped his finger on Mike's ass ring.

Carl had a lot to think about when he left the dinner. The owner of the stock yard had offered to help buy more land and more stock if Carl could raise enough to make six sales a year instead of four. Mr. TIft assured him that he would recoup his investment through the sales. Carl would only pay a small percentage over what was paid now until the investment was paid back. He would still have the grain, produce and hay sales for additional income. The pay back of the investment would only be at sale time. "Smart man." Mrs. Tift said when Carl told them that he needed to talk to Kurt about that first.

Kurt helped Mike close the store. They both walked across the street to see how much progress had been made at Stuart's office. "Wow you have accomplished a lot in two short days." Mike said. "Wiring done, plumbing done, walls built. Sheetrock will start next week and then flooring. I ordered the window sign." Stuart said, handing a piece of paper to Mike. "That is so cool." Kurt said. The picture was of a tornado with a cowboy on a horse with a lasso around it and the horse rearing up. "Tornado Wranglers." was in bold letters above the picture. At the bottom was Dr. Stuart Phillips PHD Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences. "Damn Bro. Oceanic too ?" Kurt said. "Well the ocean determines most of our weather so it's only natural to do that too." Stuart said. "The sign looks a little uneven. Shouldn't your name be lower ?" Mike asked. "No. When this one over here gets his degree his name and meteorologist will go there." Stuart said, placing his hand on Kurt's shoulder. "Really ?" Kurt said turning to hug Stuart tightly.

One of the contractors came back to the office as they were getting ready to leave. "I will see you at home. Dinner will be light tonight but will be interesting." Mike whispered. " I like interesting." Stuart said. Mike hurried home and did his preparation for later. A quick shower and he headed to the kitchen. Their lunch from Lizzie's had been a heavy lunch so Mike prepared a platter of cold cuts, crackers, cheeses and fruits. "Damn it. I can smell it. You took a shower without me again." Stuart said as he came through the door. " I know baby but some of us have extra steps in getting clean." Mike said and smiled. "That's alright I will make some more of that love juice I wanted to clean off." Stuart said. "Stop smiling. You already are." Mike said. "Fresh stock. That's my dinner." Stuart said. "You go shower while I finish up." Mike said and smiled.

Stuart came down the hall from his shower talking to Mike. When he entered the kitchen it was empty. He looked in the living room and no Mike. He called out Mike's name but got no answer. He looked out the kitchen window to see Mike naked on his hands nad knees trying to spread out a blanket. Stuart rushed to the back door. "Don't you dare move an inch." Stuart called out. Mike went to turn. "Don't you dare move and inch." Stuart called out. Mike turned his head and smiled as he watched the sexy hairy chested man walk towards him with his growing cock and low hanging balls swaying as he walked. "Now this my love is dinner." Stuart said.

Stuart got on his knees behind Mike and reached out and spread his ass cheeks. "My kind of buffet." Stuart said as he leaned over and kissed one of Mike's ass cheeks. "I have fruit, meat and cheese." Mike said. "Later baby. The main course comes first." Stuart said and leaned over and licked the puckering ring. Mike moaned and dropped his head. Moments later he moaned louder as Stuart's tongue slipped through the tight ring and he began to massage both soft ass cheeks. Stuart pushed his face deep between Mike's ass cheeks forcing his tongue deeper and began to shake both ass cheeks and growl. The vibration from the growling on Stuart's tongue caused a full stream of pre cum to start at Mike's now hard cock and make it all the way to the blanket without the stream breaking.

"Damn baby . Where is it ?" Stuart said. "Where is what ?" Mike asked. "i know you didn't go to this much effort and leave the lube inside." Stuart said. Mike reached behind the wine bottle and pulled out a travel tube. "This may be enough. If I have to go back in later to get the large bottle you have to promise not to move." Stuart said. "That bottle holds a lot." Mike said and laughed. "Not enough for my plans for tonight. May even have to run to town for a refill of the big bottle by the end of the weekend." Stuart said. "So you have weekend plans ?" Mike said. "You are off work. I am off work so I plan on getting us both off as many times as humanly possible. You are going to have to stand all day at work Monday." Stuart growled. "I can do that." Mike said and smiled.

Stuart lubed both his cock and Mike's ass. Mike gasp and then moaned as Sturat pushed the mushroom head of his cock through the tight ring. "That's it baby. Papa is ready for the full buffet." Stuart said as he continued to push his hips forward until he spread MIike's cheeks as wide as he could and the base of his cock stretched Mike even wider taking his breath.

Stuart had flirted with Mike all day and was having to will his orgasm to hold off. Mike began to move his hips and Stuart began to meet each stroke with his hips causing MIke's ass cheeks to shake every time he bottomed out inside MIke. Stuart began to speed his assault on Mike's ass. Both men moaned and grunted loud enough to have made any close neighbors wonder if there had been any. Stuart moved them down onto the blanket without pulling his cock out. They lay in a spooning position with Mike fully impaled.

Stuart could feel Mike's ass ring begin to spasm on his cock. He twisted Mike around a ltitle and took one of Mike's silver dollar sized nipples between his lips. He sucked hard and pulled his head back so he could watch Mike's cock explode hands free and spray all over the blanket. "GGGGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR." Stuart growled loud enough to cover Mike's moans as his orgasm snuck up on him and he began to breed Mike as deep as he could.

Both men tried to catch their breath but Stuart was still so turned on his cock did not soften at all. He pulled out until only the mushroom head was still trapped. He pulled Mike's leg up and moved him to his back. The twist on his sensitive cock head caused him to close his eyes. Mike's legs wrapped around Stuart's back. Stuart leaned over placing his weight on his elbows for a deep sensual kiss. Pulling back he smiles at Mike's glassy eyes and puffy lips. He leaned his weight onto one elbow and reached over to the platter and picked up a square of cheese. He brought the cheese to Mike's lips as he began a very slow movement of his cock in and out of Mike's ass. "Dinner time baby." Stuart whispered. He smiled as Mike bit the cheese square and moaned every time he flexed his hard cock as he moved it in and out of the well lubed and fresh filled ass.

Next: Chapter 17

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