Storm Chaser

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Mar 15, 2021


Author Lake Sinclair Copyright to this story remains strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

I welcome all responses to my stories. Please make sure that you list the name of the story in the email line. If your email is to alert me of misspelled words or improper punctuation or grammar save your time because it will be deleted. I hope you enjoy my vivid imagination. Please let me know what you think at lakesinclairsstories @ and don't forget to donate to Nifty as they do an amazing job

This story is inspired by, written for and dedicated to a dear friend. Enjoy lonely husker. Hugs

"Storm Chaser" Chapter 18

Carl lay on his back catching his breath. The two men had slept on and off all night. There were a couple of mid sleep sex sessions. They had gotten up to shower together. Carl had told Kurt that he was sure his ass ring needed a break. Carl learned before the end of the shower that he was not going to get far the rest of his life trying to argue with Kurt. By the end of the shower Kurt had won and was carrying an even fresher load of cowboy cum.

"What was that ?" Kurt asked. "Sounds like a vehicle coming down the driveway." Carl said getting up and going to look out the guest bedroom window. "It's Mr. Sanders, the farm owner. Get dressed." Carl said. "Are you sure. I can stay back here if you need me too." Kurt said. "Baby I am not ashamed of you so no you are not going to hide. Besides, your car is right outside." Carl said.

"Morning Mr. Sanders. What brings you out this morning ?" Carl said as he opened the door and offered Mr. Sanders entrance. "Just come by to talk for a minute if you have a couple of minutes." Mr. Sanders said. "Sure come on in. I believe you know Kurt." Carl said. " Yeah I know Kurt. Sure is good to see you my boy." Mr. Sanders said. "Would you like a cup of coffee ?" Kurt said with a little bit of blushing. "Sure a cup of black would be just great." he said.

Carl and Mr. Sanders sat at the table. Kurt brought a fresh cup of coffee for each man. "If I can get you anything else just let me know. I will go to the back so you two can talk." Kurt said. "No son get you a cup too. This concerns you as much as it does Carl." Mr. Sanders said. Kurt's ear began to burn. His hands were shaking as he prepared himself a cup. "Oh fuck I just caused Carl to loose his job." Kurt said to himself. He took a deep breath and pushed his fears back. He painted on a fake smile and walked back to the table and took a seat.

"You can breath son. I am not here with bad news." Mr. Sanders said. Kurt looked from the elderly man to Carl. " Baby sometimes you are easy to read." Carl said and smiled. "Baby ? Fuck. The man is here to fire you and kick you off the farm and you sit there and call me baby. Fuck me." Kurt thought. His mind snapped back as Carl turned to his boss. "Let me get you the sale tickets from the stock yard." Carl said. "No hurry. The wife got copies by eamil before you left." Mr. Sanders said. "I know she does but Mrs. Sanders likes to have the tickets in hand." Carl said. "You know my wife too well. She is one of the reasons I am here." Mr. Sanders said.

"Is she sick ?" Carl asked. "Oh no she is on cloud nine. Word is that you finally found the right one to settle down with." Mr. Sanders said and looked at Kurt causing him to blush. "Yes sir. Didn't think it would ever happen but I found him. I guess you have realized then that I am gay." Carl said. "Son we knew that the day you showed up to start work." Mr. Sanders said. "He doesn't act gay." Kurt said. "Son there is really no such thing as acting gay but the wife considers all the workers are her kids and somehow a mother always knows." he said.

"So you aren't here to fire me ?" Carl said. "Hell no boy. I might be getting old but I am smart enough to know not to cut my own throat. The wife would shoot me and my farm would go to hell. No I am here to talk to you about retiring. Hell we would have done it two years ago but we wanted to make sure you were settled and happy. If you haven't noticed we have had quiet a few not so good hands roll through here the last couple of years. Two years ago Mrs. Sanders took over the hiring. Her main objective was not to hire good hands but to hire someone she thought you might fall in love with." Mr. Sanders said.

"She was doing that for me ?" Carl said. " When we decided two years ago to sell the farm to you she made it her mission to get you someone to make you happy. Farming is a hard life and if you are happy at home then you can be happy at work. If not it can be a stressful lonely life." Mr. Sanders said. Carl just turned and smiled at Kurt. "Word came down that you were settled now so she is probably home packing." he said. "Vacation ?" Carl asked. "Nope Florida. She has decided we can handle hurricanes but she is tired of tornadoes and snow. Word is you are going to be a Meteorologist." Mr. Sanders said. "Yes sir. I start the courses next semester." Kurt said. "Good for you. You make us proud and be the top fo your class." Mr. Sandres said. "I think he is a shoe in. He stays on the dean's list and never studies." Carl said.

"Well first off Carl we need to get him a better ride than that death trap. Sorry to talk about your car son." Mr. Sanders said. " I know it's not much but I can't buy anything else until I graduate." Kurt said. " We can include one in the farm." Mr. Sanders said. "It's not that. I have a little money and make enough to make payments but the way my grants and student loans are set up if I buy anything and add assets then my tuition shoots up. I will buy a truck one day. You need a truck on a farm." Kurt laughed. " Well that is handled then if you are interested. I will include my truck in the farm sale." he said. "But you love that truck. It's the Cadillac of trucks and you just bought it." Carl said. "That's true but the wife informed me I would not need a truck in Florida. We are keeping her SUV but I was informed I have to buy a convertible. Not sure how I am going to keep my cap on though. I guess super glue." Mr. Sanders said and laughed.

"Oh that is way too much. I would be scared to even park near your truck." Kurt said. "It's just a truck. The dealership has a lot full of them. It is already owned by the farm and it will be easier money and tax wise to just include it. " Mr. Sanders said. "I am ashamed. I should have been honest with you two when I first came to work." Carl said. "You did and honest job and have been above honest since the minute you stepped out of that truck. You have nothing to be ashamed of." he said.

"About the farm. Now that you are settled. I know you said you have been saving money for a down payment but we can work around that." Mr. Sanders said. "No I have the money. I want to be able to pay the balance off quicker." Carl said. "We have agreed on the price and terms but I have an offer to change that a little." Mr. Sanders said. "No sir what you quoted was a more than fair price." Carl said. "What I want to talk to you about is buying the three hundred acres attached to the farm and adding that to it. Me and Tift talked a long while last night. He told me he offered you some more breed stock to pay back at sale time." Mr. Sanders said. "Yes he did but that is just too much money. When I give you my down payment we will be eating crackers and drinking water for a while" Carl said.

"That is why I said we may change the terms. I figure you saved thirty, maybe forty thousand for the down payment." Mr. Sanders said. "No sir. Last I looked I have Two hundred and twenty six thousand." Carl said. "Damn son I pay you too much." Mr. Sanders said. " Had a chunk of that when I got here. Then got fifty of it when my Grandma died. Besides there aint much to do around here. Only money I spent was on useless crap at the store so I would have a reason to go there to see this one." Carl said, looking at Kurt and smiled.

"That makes it even better. Tell you what. That money will pay for the three hundred acres and also pay for the convertible. I ordered a few new pieces of equipment that I will just add the cost in. I will have a full price by mid week. You give me two hundred of it as down payment and save the other for rainy day fund. Plus we have to make sure this one makes it through school and graduates." Mr. Sanders said. " I have to think about that. Don't want to put myself so far out I can't get you paid." Carl said. " Son with that down payment sounds like you may put yourself in about the same spot you planned to be in. The payment will be a little higher but you will have more fields and more breed stock. That will more than compensate." Mr. Sanders said. "Makes sense." Carl said.

" You two need to talk about this." Mr. Sanders said and turned his cup up to finish his coffee. "This is all you and Carl." Kurt said. "Son go talk to my wife. She will tell you real quick it is more you than Carl. Carl is just part of the furniture." Mr. Sanders said and laughed. " I don't want to influence Carl in any way." Carl said. "Son you already do every minute of every day it's just time to do it in the farming too." Mr. Sanders said. "He's right." Carl said and smiled at Kurt. " The wife wanted you two to come to dinner one night. She said something about Tuesday." Mr. Sanders said. "MIght be a little late. Fertilizer is going on all the fields this week so it will be late days." Carl said. "I am out of school for ten days so I can help. I only work Friday evening and Saturday at the store." Kurt said. "You both got the week off. You both earned it. Done called Mike and talked to him. He said Lizzie's niece wanted some hours." Mr. Sanders said. "I don't need a week boss." Carl said. "Son if your honeymoon is anything like mine was you won't have your mind on the job anyway. Your pecker will be too sore. Besides these are some major decisions. I will call the neighbor and work out a deal and then I will have you some figures buy dinner Tuesday night." Mr. Sanders said.

"Well let me let you two get back to what you were doing. I will have figures for you on Tuesday and Mrs. Sanders can give Kurt a tour of the house so he can plan what he wants to change." Mr. Sanders said. "The main house ? I thought you were keeping that." Carl said. "No need in keeping it since I am moving to Florida. We may buy a small house around here so we can come back for a few weeks during the summer but that pool will be your responsibility. Still aint figured out why she wanted that thing in the first place but it cost too much to fill it in with dirt and make a flower bed." Mr. Sanders said as he stood and reached out to shake both men's hands. "Welcome to the family Kurt." Mr. Sanders said.

Carl and Kurt both stood at the door with Mr. Sanders as he headed out. "Another thing. It will take a couple of months before you get your truck. You two get dressed tomorrow long enough to take that car up to Skunk. Tell him to go over it with a fine tooth comb and bill it to the farm." he said. "I can pay for that." Kurt said. " No need. I can either give the money to skunk and write it off on my taxes or give it to that idiot in the White House. Much rather give it to skunk. I got to pay it out either way." he said. "Well thank you very much." Kurt said. "Oh and tell skunk to do it right because if it has to come back Mrs. Sanders is bringing it. Hell I don't know who is more scared of that women. Me or skunk." Mr. Sanders said and laughed.

Carl turned as the door shut and stood in front of Kurt. He reached out and slowly lifted the t-shirt over Kurt's head and tossed it over his shoulder. " Wow Carl. Just wow. That was a lot all at once." Kurt said. "Think we can figure a way to have sex in the pool ?" Carl said. "Sure baby but this is a lot to think about." Kurt said. "Are you with me ?" Carl asked as he reached down and lowered Kurt's shorts. "Baby I would walk through coals, a raging fire and into an erupting volcano for you." Kurt said. "Speaking of erupting." Carl said as he removed his t shirt and tossed it to. He then dropped his shorts and stepped closer to Kurt and lifted him up. Kurt wrapped his arms around Carl's neck and his legs around his waist. "Speaking of erupting." Carl said. "What are you UP to." Kurt's voice raised and dropped as Carl slid a finger inside Kurt's ass. "Going to have more breeding stock and I can't have the bull doing more breeding on my farm than the boss." Carl said as they walked down the hall. Kurt giggled as Carl would pull his finger in and out of his ass quickly causing a wet popping sound. "I think I am going to love farm life." Kurt said before leaning over to kiss Carl.

Bradley and Marcus had rented a room in an extended stay Motel in Alabama. The convenience store next door had a cute male cashier that seemed to be in his mid to late twenties. He was shorter than Bradley but about the same height as Bradley. The two had been getting their drinks and snacks since they could walk across the parking lot. They had started back west when a front started forming out of Texas. They stayed in Alabama waiting on it to arrive. Marcus had noticed the guy watching him and lightly flirting with him every time he went in. When they carried the SUV over to fill it with fuel Marcus made sure that he kissed Bradley in the store where the guy could see them.

At the register when Marcus went to pay he placed a business card with his credit card and it just had their room number on the back. "How can you get that program to pull up pressure zones while the radar is running." Bradley said. Stuart gave him step by step instructions and was also telling him about a few other useful tools in the program. "What is that noise ?" Stuart asked. "That is just Marcus getting our afternoon snack warmed up." Bradley said. "Afternoon snack ?" Bradley asked. "Yeah a cute guy from the convenience store. He was here last night and we both fucked him and he fucked Marcus. I even fucked him while he fucked Marcus. Marcus is getting him well loosened. He gets a surprise today because we are going to double fuck him. I think he can take both at once." Bradley whispered. "Too much information my friend." Stuart asked. "You asked, old man." Bradley laughed.

Bradley closed his laptop and got up from the small table. He walked over to the side of the bed and pushed his hard cock towards the young man's mouth. Marcus had him laying on his stomach and was rimming him. Taking fingers from both hands he would put finger inside the young man and slowly stretch the ring wider than needed for either of their cocks. "Alright baby it's party time." Bradley said as the young man lifted his head and took Bradley's cock into his mouth. Bradley pushed after a minute or so and held the back of the man's head with his nose buried in his pubes. The young man began to gag and choke. "That's it baby. Take daddy's dick down your throat." Bradley whispered. The young man could only moan and try to take the hard cock back down as deep as he could.

Marcus had put a condom on and moved up and slowly moved his cock inside the young man. The young man moaned on Bradley's cock. "Oh yes that's it baby. Take that cock. Daddy will take that sweet pussy in a minute." Bradley growled. Marcus fucked slow for a minute and then pounded into the young man's ass before slowing back down. He arched his hips and pushed himself as deep into the young man as possible and began to move his hips to widen the man's ass ring. "He is about ready baby." Marcus said.

Marcus began to pound into the man's ass causing him to just become a erotic mush. Pulling out quickly he stepped off the bed. The young man was totally limp as Bradley rolled a condom onto his cock. He lay down and pull the young man over onto his chest. Marcus got on his knees behind the man and guided Bradley's cock inside his ass. The young man let out a deep chest moan. Bradley pulled his head down and began a deep passionate kiss. He would force his hips up quickly punching his hard cock deep inside the moaning man. "You ready to party baby ?" Bradley whispered. "Um hm." the young man moaned. He was in such bliss he did not realize what was happening until he felt more pressure on his ass ring. "UUUHHHHHH." he shouted as Marcus's mushroom head popped through the ring beside Bradley's large cock. "That's it baby. The hard part is over. Our baby has both our hard dicks in his pussy." Bradley said pulling his head back down for another passionate kiss.

Aa the young man began to zone out in lust and the kiss got really sloppy Marcus could feel the ring relax some. Pushing over half of his cock inside the man caused another loud moan. "It's alright baby. Daddy has you. You are becoming a pro. My other baby has almost all his cock inside you." Bradley said. He reached up and began to play with the man's nipples and nibble on his neck. The young man soon forgot all about the second intrusion and relaxed even more. "That's a good little pussy boy. You have both our hard cocks fucking you now." Bradley whispered in his ear.

Marcus positioned himself so that at first he was moving the young man's hips up and down on their two cocks. Once the rhythm was set he and Bradley both began to fuck the man. Marcus would pull out while Bradley pushed in. In turn Bradley would force his cock up into the young man as deep as possible as Marcus pulled his back. Marcus stood a little and turned his hips to push his cock in at a different angle. The extra pressure on the man's ass ring and insides caused him to grip Bradley tight. Bradley had to will his orgasm to stop due to the different angle Marcus's cock was hitting his.

Marcus turned quickly with his cock buried deep causing the young man to shiver and Bradley to moan. Bardley pushed in deep and Marcus began to pound into the young man's ass. As his orgasm started his full weight was on the young man's back and his feet off the bed. His body was balanced on the younger man as he bucked his hips. "FFFFUUUUUCCCCKKKKKK." Marcus shouted as his condom began to fill. Marcus was not known to be the passionate type with his conquest. He was a fuck them and go or get fucked and go. He quickly pulled his cock from the young man's ass not easing as the mushroom head came clear. The young man had his face buried in Bradley's shoulder and lightly bit in to the flesh.

"Holy fuck that was hot." Marcus said as he pulled the condom off and tossed it to the side. Marcus got on his knees and moved around the bed and pulled the young man up by his hair. "Clean it off bitch." Marcus said. "Marcus. Take a break." Bradley said. "What ?" Marcus said. "Take a fucknig break. NOW." Bradley said. Marcus just sniffed deep. "Alright by the time you get off I will be ready to go again." Marcus said and got up and sat in the chair laying his head back still catching his breath.

"Now baby daddy has you. It's your turn to ride daddy's fat dick anyway you want." Bradley said and shot a glaring look at Marcus. Marcus just raised his hand like he was waving Bradley away and lay his head back. "The young man tried to move but groaned a little. "You alright baby ?" Bradley said. "My legs are jelly. I can't move them." the young man chuckled. "Hold on baby. Daddy has you." Bradley said, pulling the man's head down to his shoulder. He rolled the two over without taking his cock out. He began to slwoly fuck his cock in and out of the man's well used ass and kissed him passionalty. The young man had been able to calm down and catch his breath.

Bradley moved one of the young man's legs and moved himself so that he was behind the young man with one leg in the air. He reached over and began to jack the man's dick that was now hard again. Reaching back he collected some of the lube from around his ass ring and then began to fist the cock again. "AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH." The young man shouted as he shot his load across the bed. Bradley quickly buried his face in the man's neck and reached up and grabbed a nipple with the young man's cum still on his finger. "GGGrrrrr.. hhhmmmmmmmmm......" Bradley growled as he pushed deep into the man and began to fill the condom on his cock. Both men relaxed and lay back with Bradley's cock softening in the young man's ass. He lightly ran his free hand up and down the young man's lightly hairy chest. "You alright baby ?" Bradley whispered. "Anytime you want baby. What is your name ?" Bradley said. "Daryl." he said. "Well Daryl baby you have one of the finest man pussies I have ever had." Bradley said just as his softened cock slid from the ass ring leaving the condom hanging out still trapped.

Next: Chapter 19

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