Storm Chaser

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Jan 19, 2021


Author Lake Sinclair Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

I welcome all responses to my stories. Please make sure that you list the name of the story in the email line. If your email is to alert me of misspelled words or improper punctuation or grammar save your time because it will be deleted. I hope you enjoy my vivid imagination. Please let me know what you think at lakesinclairsstories @ and don't forget to donate to Nifty as they do an amazing job

This story is inspired by, written for and dedicated to a dear friend. Enjoy lonely husker. Hugs

"Storm Chaser" Chapter 2

Stuart did not know what to expect. To be truthful he was expecting two run down houses beside each other. A long row of trees lined the roadway with an opening in the middle. He followed Mike's truck as they turned in the drive. "Damn" Stuart thought. About two hundred yards further down the drive were the two houses. A beautifully maintained yard and two houses with a medium gray vinyl siding and white trim. The privacy fence between the two had been painted white with wrought iron accents across the top. With the roof line of the breeze way from that side of the fence it looked as though it was all one house.

"Damn buddy. I was not sure what to expect but it was not this. This is a beautiful place." Stuart said as he walked up and put his arm around Mike's shoulder. Mike could feel his body heat and closed his eyes for s second. "Well I try." Mike said and laughed. "Well this try was a home run." Stuart said. "Follow me and I will show you your new home if you are interested." Mike said. "Oh believe me. I AM interested." Stuart said and pulled Mike in for a side hug.

"WOW" Stuart said as he walked in the in law section that he would be renting. Stuart had expected beige walls and old appliances. The living area was a semi dark khaki color trimmed in white. The fireplace had been encased in marble. The rustic looking wood floors made it all beautiful. In the kitchen it was a dark blue with gray cabinets, marble countertops and new stainless steel appliances. As the tour continued they went through the utility room and the master bedroom. In the master bath Stuart was amazed at the size of the walk in shower. The shower was stone but was deep and had no curtain or glass. "Damn. You could have a party in this shower." Stuart said. "Mine in the house is similar but bigger." Mike said. "Damn Mike. How many do you expect in your shower to party. Myself, me and one other is the limit and there is more than enough room here." Stuart said and winked.

"It was not decorated in the sixties but it may not be what you are looking for." Mike said. "Believe me I have found what I have been looking for." Stuart said and smiled. "Damn, damn, there went another drop running down my leg." Mike thought. "Let me write you a check." Stuart said. "No hurry. I am not going anywhere. You really don't have to pay rent." Mike said. "I will pay the rent and half the utilities." Stuart said. "Just the rent is fine. It will more than cover the utilities and the houses are paid for." Mike said. "You need to give yourself credit in more than one way Mike. Financially for starters." Stuart said. "I didn't do this wanting to be a landlord so I am fine with it. Stuart had noticed that every time Mike would face towards the mirror he would turn his eyes away.

"I will let you unload your luggage and I will go start dinner." Mike said. "All I have at the moment is clothes and computer gear. If you don't mind I may make one of the bedrooms an office and bring my desk." Stuart said. "I have a building just behind the fence. If you want to bring your own furniture I can put anything you don't want out there." Mike said. "Oh no, the only thing I would probably bring is my office furniture. This furniture is nicer than mine." Stuart laughed. "This house only has two bedrooms so if you have guests we can work out something. I have two empty bedrooms in the other house." Mike said. " If things work out there will be four empty bedrooms around here." Stuart thought and smiled.

Stuart headed to his truck as Mike went and unlocked his house. Mike had the chicken breast flattened, stuffed and in the oven. He was working on the salad and vegetables when he heard a tap on the back door. "IT'S OPEN." he shouted. "How do I get hot water ?" Stuart asked. Mike turned and dropped the glass bowl on the marble counter causing the glass to ring out. Stuart stood with a towel wrapped low on his hips. His well defined tan line made Mike feel like he was going to drool. "Ummmm.. It has a tankless gas heater. Shit I guess it never got turned on. I am so sorry. Go down the hall and at the end turn to the left. Go into my bedroom and use my shower. I will run out and turn yours on." Mike said. "You don't mind ?" Stuart asked. "My door is always unlocked. No need in knocking so anything you need you are more than welcome to." Mike said. "Anything ? That can be a loaded statement." Stuart said and winked. "Yeah I will gladly take a few of those loads." Mike thought and blushed.

Mike was back in the kitchen when Stuart returned from the shower. "I love your shower." Stuart said. "Your's should be the same. I turned your hot water heater on. Sorry about that." Mike said. "No problem. I just knew after getting wet a few times I was probably smelling like a wet mut." Stuart said. "No just soap." Mike said and froze regretting saying anything. "Glad to know. I didn't want to scare you off smelling like some old wet dog." Stuart said. Mike turned and took a deep breath as he saw the beautiful hairy chest. The towel was swung a little lower and he could see Stuart's pubes. As he looked up he could see Stuart looking at him with a big smile on his face. " Damn it another drop." Mike thought. "Dinner will be ready in about fifteen minutes. I hope you like chicken." Mike said. "I am sure if you cook it I will love it." Stuart said and headed for the door. Mike dropped the fork in sink as he looked out the kitchen window to see Stuart walking down the breeze way holding the towel in his hand at that point. The lightly hairy, steel hard ass cheeks made Mike's cock twitch.

Mike took a quick shower himself while the chicken cooked. He ran his hands along the shower wall knowing that water had splashed from Stuart's body onto the wall. It took extra soap to remove all the slick liquid he had leaked all day. His groin was covered as was his left leg. Mike felt relieved when he slid on a clean pair of loose fitting shorts. "Finally. Dry. At least for a minute anyway." Mike laughed. Fresh shorts and t shirt he entered the kitchen just as Stuart came out the door of his apartment. Stuart had on a tank top and a pair of shorts that looked like they were cut off jogging pants. Mike watched as the man's package moved back and forth as he walked in the shorts. The crotch area seemed tight but the legs very loose.

"This alright ?" Stuart said as he walked in the back door. " I usually eat in much less." Mike laughed. "That can be arranged." Stuart said and laughed. "Have a seat, dinner is ready." Mike said. " I brought wine. Where is a corkscrew ?" Stuart asked. "Over in that drawer and the wine glasses are just above it." Mike said pointing to the cabinet. Mike's kitchen is large but Stuart walked close to him as he headed for the cabinet. His free hand brushed across Mike's ass cheeks. "Ugh. So much for the dry shorts." Mike thought.

The two men chatted as they ate and drank their wine. Stuart learned that Mike's parents had died when he was very young. He was raised by his mother's sister that Mike referred to as Aunt M. He also learned that she was quite a pill. She was hooked on prescription medications and would use the Social Security check each month to pay for pills or clothes for her own two kids. She had told Mike his whole life that she had been putting that money into a savings account for when he graduated. Over sixteen years of savings of Social Security payments only amounted to Three hundred dollars and some change. He had learned at an early age that she was using that money for herself so he was surprised there was anything. The only reason the account had a balance was that the final month's payment had been put in and Mike got to it before his Aunt could drain it. Stuart learned that Mike did not seem to be bitter stating that regardless of what she did she was his only family.

Mike in turn learned that Stuart had helped start the group that he works with straight out of college. They traveled all over the midwest and south chasing storms and tornadoes. He was a scientist so he studied the data he was able to retrieve and they sold video footage to news groups. They have grants from four colleges and the National Weather Service that funds their business. There are six in the group and Stuart and one other also got paid to give seminars at colleges. His parents had died in an accident when he was in his early twenties. He has a sister and a brother. He and his sister were close but his brother swindled all of his parents estate and ran. He admitted that they both knew where their brother was but it was not enough money to try and chase him so they just figured they were better off without him. His sister and her family lived in Texas. Mike questioned why he did not want to move to Texas. "There is a such thing as being too close." Stuart said and laughed.

Stuart pushed his chair back from the table a little and rubbed his stomach. "My God that was delicious. Marry me." Stuart said. "This was just simple but I am glad you enjoyed it." Mike said. "Liked it ? It was wonderful. You still haven't answered my question." Stuart said and smiled. "Tempting offer but some of us are not marrying material." Mike said and looked down at the table. " I am surprised you don't have them lined around the yard waiting to ask." Stuart said as he sipped his wine. "Nope. Never been close and never even a prospect. Like I said some of us are not marriage material." Mike said standing and taking his plate from the table. " Oh I see. A playa." Stuart said and laughed. "Not even close. Got to play to be a playa." Mike said as he put his dish in the sink.

Stuart was not sure if he had said the wrong thing or not. He stood and carried his plate to the sink also. "Hey buddy. I didn't mean to...." Stuart started. "You are fine Stuart. I just had to realize many years ago that some of us put on this earth are not desirable. I am fine with that." Mike said. Stuart put his plate in the sink and turned and pulled Mike to his chest. He leaned forward and lightly kissed Mike on the lips. "You are so wrong my friend. On all accounts." Stuart said before releasing Mike and heading back to the table for the rest of the dishes. "FUCK ME... He just kissed me. He did hint that his last relationship was a man. FUCK. He kissed me. FUCK ME... yeah FUCK ME." Mike's mind was screaming. Mike was snapped back by a voice. His mind was screaming so loud that he missed what Stuart said. "Sorry I missed that. What did you say ?" Mike asked. " I asked what do you do for entertainment around here ?" Stuart asked. "Satellite television." Mike laughed.

"Oh shit I forgot to get the card for your satellite out of the safe at the store. I will get that tomorrow. If you are in no hurry I am going to make some coffee. You can watch whatever you want here if you would like some coffee." Mike said. "Coffee. Yes please. Like I said at the store. I am in love." Stuart said and laughed.

Mike brought the coffee into the living room. Stuart had found a show called "Life below zero." Stuart sat in the middle of the sectional sofa. Mike went to put the coffee cups on the coffee table but was struggling to find space. "Here." Stuart said, moving the laptop and the piece of paper. "Reading list ? I don't think I have heard these titles." Stuart said. " Yeah I read from a website called Nifty and those are the stories I am following." Mike said. "So it's all online ?" Stuart said. "Yes but it's only for certain tastes I guess you would say." Mike said and blushed. "May have to check that out one day. I am not much of a reader." Stuart said.

The two men sat and talked as the show played. Stuart turned to face Mike placing one knee on the cushion. Placing his elbow up on the back of the sectional he rested his head against his fist. Stuart learned that Mike had bought the store when he was very young. He had two employees. An elderly lady that worked on Wednesday afternoon, Friday afternoon and Saturday. A college kid that worked after school on Monday, Friday and all day Saturday. When the lady was there is when Mike took time off if he wanted. They had to watch her hours to make sure she did not go over what she was allowed to earn.

Mike enjoyed the conversation in more than one way. He listened to the words for two reasons. Stuart's voice was so sexy and the other he did not want to get caught not paying attention. The other reason was that as Stuart leaned on his fist and the back of the sectional his shirt would shift exposing one of his beautiful hairy nipples. Then when he would lean to the side to get his coffee cup one of the pant legs of his shorts would spread and the mushroom head of his cock and one testicle was visible. Mike wanted this night to never end.

Mike barely slept all night. He tossed and turned thinking about everything that Stuart had said. Well what he could remember. A lot of his time was focused on the beautiful nipple on display and the occasional view of the amazing cock and one ball that made its appearance. All the little tiny and subtle touches went through his mind. Finally rising at six he showered and dressed for work. Today was going to be his last for the week and it was only hopefully a half day. Mike decided on a looser pair of cotton shorts from the day before and a matching store t shirt. As he pulled his door to he looked down the breezeway to see if he saw any movement from the apartment. He finally opened the gate and headed for his truck still lost in every movement from the night before.

The show began a repeat of an earlier show and Sturat told Mike that he needed to go so both could get some sleep. "Is there anywhere to get lunch in town ?" Stuart asked. "Lizzie over at the bakery serves great sandwiches and salads for lunch. If not then you can pick something from the steam table at the grocery store." Mike said. "You get off around twelve tomorrow since it's Friday right ?" Stuart asked. "Usually around one unless the store is busy for some reason. " Mike said. "Good I will pick you up at one and we will get one of Lizzie's sandwiches." Stuart said. "That's not necessary." Mike said and smiled. "I know it's not but it's happening." Stuart said and winked. As Mike started to the back door to see him out he almost ran into Stuart who stopped. Stuart turned around. "Thank you for everything. I have really enjoyed myself. Great food, great company and exceptional eye candy." Stuart said and leaned over and lightly kissed Mike on the lips again. This time he lingered and lightly bit Mike's bottom lip. "Fuck that was not a drop. That was a flood." Mike thought. "I enjoyed it to. Thank you." Mike said. "No thank you and sweet dreams." Stuart said as he reached around and lightly squeezed one fo Mike's ass cheeks.

Stuart lay in bed on his back naked with the sheet pushed down. "You know you are going to have to go down at some point." Stuart said flipping his hard cock up just to hear it slap his stomach once released. He closed his eyes and moaned at the thought of Mike. He had not seen him naked in any form but the clothes that Mike had worn revealed enough for Stuart to know that he wanted to see more. He wanted to touch it all. Finally getting up at eight he showered and dressed in flimsy wide leg shorts and t shirt and left to head to the store.

"Know where I can get a delicious cup of coffee sunshine ?" Stuart said as he opened the door to the store. Mike turned around and smiled as he said "FUCK" inside his brain because the first thing he saw was the sexy smile. "You know where it is ?" Mike laughed. "Did you sleep well sunshine ?" Stuart asked. "I slept well. How about you ?" Mike I said. "Like a baby. That mattress is amazing. You need to try it out." Stuart said and winked.

Just as he finished pouring his coffee the bell rang on the door. "Mikey. I am so sorry to bother you. I must be losing my mind. I had an appointment to get my nails done and I walked out and forgot my wallet. I know you can help your poor Aunt out." she said. "Morning Aunt M." Mike said. "It sure is Mikey. I know you are going to help me save face. I was just in a rush." she said walking up and down the aisles as she talked. "We just opened. I got about eight dollars." Mike said. "I guess that will have to do. I will tell them I want to try out some of their cheap polish." she said.

Stuart walked up to the counter. "Good morning Ma'am." Stuart said. "Good morning. Are you buying something ?" she asked. "Just getting coffee." Stuart said. "That's what ? Another dollar Mikey ?" she said. "No Aunt M coffee here is free." Mike said. "Too bad. Oh well it's Friday. Things to do, Bye Mikey." she said as she stuffed the cash in her purse and walked out.

"Now that's a work of art." Stuart said. "That is my Aunt M. She is the one that raised me." Mike said. "Oh the Social Security lady ?" Stuart said. "That's her." Mike said and shook his head. "Only eight dollars ?" Stuart said. "Nope give it about five minutes and the phone will ring." Mike said. "The phone ?" Stuart asked. "Yeah she grabbed something off the shelf and is headed to the Pawn shop. They will call and I will send twenty bucks down and get my merchandise back." Mke said. "Can't be that crazy." Stuart said.

Stuart just stood and shook his head as he walked back up to the counter. The phone had rang and he could hear Mike talking. "I will be down around lunch unless someone comes in early and bring you the twenty. Thanks once again." Mike said. "Want me to go ?" Stuart asked. "I can't ask you to do that." Mike said "Sure you can. Plus its been a while since I did some Pawn shopping. Might have something for my new digs." Stuart said. Mike gave him directions to the pawn shop. "Wait I need to give you the money." Mike called out as Stuart opened the door. "Don't worry I will get my money back in other ways." Stuart said and winked.

Next: Chapter 3

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